Basics of Neurofeedback

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What is Neurofeedback

Brainwaves: The Key to Change

At the root of all our thoughts, emotions and behaviors lay.
the intricate networks of communication among the billions of
neurons within our brains. A measurement of this
communication activity, like the rhythm or pulse of a flowing
river, is the brainwaves. Brainwaves are tiny pulses of the
electrical activity that are produced as the neurons
communicate with each other. By influencing these electrical
patterns, we can change the brain's communication. This
means that when there are patterns set up within the brain
that are not working correctly there will be corresponding
problems. As an example: when you experience stress and
you feel the reaction occur in your body such as a stomach ache, headache or some
other symptom, your brain has triggered within itself a pattern that results in these
symptoms. These patterns are sometimes referred to as pathologically stable
patterns. These pathological patterns can arise from a variety of possible stressors,
i.e. abuse, physical trauma, emotional trauma, chronic continuous stress, worry,
anxiety, etc. As a response to the perceived threat, the brain has adopted a
protective pattern in an effort to deal with the past (it can be just a memory) or
present trauma. The brain is simply doing the best it can to protect us and enable us
to deal with the real or unreal dangers and threats it perceives. A wide variety of
problems and disorders can be traced back to this underlying problem.

Neurofeedback is a technique to train the brain to regulate functions of body and
mind. When the brain is not functioning optimally, this is often reflected in mental or
physical problems. Likewise, many cognitive, emotional, or bodily issues can be
traced back to a poorly functioning brain. Training your brain to improve its function
can help it take better care of you, just like physical exercise can train your body.
When the brain is not functioning well, this is usually visible in an EEG
(electroencephalogram). Restoring function to the brain by means of Neurofeedback
can alleviate a large variety of physical and emotional problems. Sleep patterns may
improve, allowing increased alertness during the day. Neurofeedback can reduce
anxiety and depression as well as syndromes such as migraine or chronic pain.
Hyperactivity, attention deficit, post-traumatic stress, and emotional instability are
also frequently visible as abnormalities in the EEG and as such can be treated.

Neurofeedback treatment can also help with certain specific syndromes and issues,
including traumatic brain injury, seizures, autism, and stroke cases. In these
instances, the training may not eliminate the cause of the problem, but rather assists
the brain to function normally despite the injury.

One of the technique’s great strengths is that it draws upon the brain’s own ability to
learn and adapt. Neurofeedback therapy is absolutely non-invasive, and rather than
trying to affect the body from outside, it helps the brain to deal with any problems at
the foundation. Neurofeedback treatment simply makes certain characteristics of the
brain’s operation visible to the conscious mind.

I floor, 61-B, A. V. Church Road, Vannandurai, Besant Nagar, Chennai - 600090

Due in part to the nature of the treatment, Neurofeedback training can help both
children and adults. In fact, thanks to the innate flexibility of the growing child’s
mind, it is especially effective for children. Hyperactivity, attention deficit, temper
tantrums, and conduct problems are more often exhibited by children than by adults,
and can be effectively treated. Furthermore, once the brain has learned to function
normally, the effect is usually lasting, and relapse rarely occurs.

Because Neurofeedback therapy trains the brain to operate effectively, its

applications are not limited to recovering from injury or coping with problems.
Neurofeedback training is also valuable to bring the brain back on track after day-to-
day stress, or to facilitate peak performance, for example, for professional athletes
or corporate executives. People practicing meditation also report an enhanced ability
to quiet racing thoughts and deeper, more profound, meditation experiences.

About the Brain - Brain Waves

Different brain wave frequencies, called bandwidths, relate to
different mental states. They are named after letters of the Greek
alphabet. Neurofeedback therapy is used to reduce or increase
specific brainwave frequencies depending on the problem.

Delta is the slowest frequency of brain wave activity. Frequency is

a measurement of the oscillations, or the cycles per second, of the
brain waves. This electrical activity is hypothesized to emerge from
vast aggregates of neurons as they communicate and process
information. The source of this activity is considered to be the
postsynaptic changes in electrical potential along the membrane of
the dendrites. Delta is the slowest brain wave and is measured from .5 to about 4
cycles per second. Delta is only seen in the adult EEG in the deep sleep state that
occurs within the first two hours of the sleep cycle. If it is seen in the waking state in
an adult, it could indicate some type of abnormality.

The next brainwave bandwidth is Theta. Theta occurs between 4 and 8 cycles per
second. Theta in the adult EEG can indicate drowsiness, it-can also indicate some
abnormalities. Sometimes people with head injuries will show excessive Theta
activity either at the sight of the injury or other areas of the brain. Theta has also
been found to be outside the norm in some children with ADD and ADHD and
sometimes in children with learning disabilities.

The next bandwidth is Alpha. The mental state of Alpha is similar to putting the
clutch in before shifting the gears; it is just sort of a holding pattern. Approximately
Ninety-five percent of the population has a peak Alpha frequency with eyes closed
and that is considered very normal. Alpha predominance essentially represents a
brain that is quiet and at rest. An important point is that Alpha ranges from 8 to 12
cycles per second. There is some research that shows a difference in the mental
activity of; let's say, 8 cycles per second Alpha and 12 cycles per second Alpha. In
other words, you can do some focused thinking at 12 cycles per second Alpha, that
you can't do at 8 cycles per second Alpha. We are finding that the bandwidths are
actually very broad and are used to identify the morphology, that is, the shape of the
waves. Specific frequencies within those bandwidths may correlate with slightly
different mental activity.

Beta is anywhere from 13 cycles per second all the way on up to over 32 cycles per
I floor, 61-B, A. V. Church Road, Vannandurai, Besant Nagar, Chennai - 600090
second. This is where things get very interesting. Low frequency Beta, between 13
and 15 cycles per second, has also been referred to as "sensory motor rhythm" and
it seems to be a very important rhythm. It has the ability to organize the brain in
terms of biofeedback. It is being used for ADD and learning disabilities, as well as a
variety of emotional problems, and for peak performance models. It has to do with
the coordination of many areas of the brain. By teaching an area of the brain to
make more low frequency Beta activity, it actually effects many pathways within the
brain in many different ways. We use it often for sleep disorders. From 15 hertz on
up, we speed up in frequency so the brain becomes more focused, more
concentrated ... up to about 20 hertz. From 20 hertz on, too much Beta activity can
backfire. What starts to happen is that there is too much activity, too much electrical
noise occurring in the brain. You actually see functioning, organizational and
concentration abilities start to deteriorate from there on. However, some researchers
are now looking at extremely high frequencies of Beta... going from the 100 cycle
per second range, all the way up to the 120-hertz range in specific areas of the
brain... primarily the temporal areas, which are on the sides of the head. They are
looking at those frequencies because they suspect there is a correlation between
those very high frequencies and psychic abilities, as well as advanced levels of
meditation where the meditator experiences a dramatic shift in consciousness known
as transcendence.

RainMakers are passionate about

The Human Technology – Neurofeedback & Biofeedback and will lead you
through an adventure of powerful transformation through their innovative courses in
business, health, education and community development.

Your dynamic, friendly RainMakers will guide you to

• “Experience” rather than explain productive mental states
• Open up new attitudes and possibilities
• Simplify Peak Performance for you to excel in career & life.

Introducing for the very First time in India – Neurofeedback & Biofeedback
working in tandem with the discoverer.

Welcome to the world of Excellence and surf the Wave of the Future!!!

Simplifying Peak Performance (SPP)

Peak Performance & Excellence demands Mental Toughness.

Mental Toughness is defined as

“The Ability to remain Adaptable, Flexible in the present, while staying anchored to
the main goal”

Measurements of these apparently subjective qualities are possible at RainMakers.

These measurements provide a sustainable way of being mentally tough.

With Neurofeedback & Biofeedback we scientifically Train the Brain for Peak
Performance & Excellence.

I floor, 61-B, A. V. Church Road, Vannandurai, Besant Nagar, Chennai - 600090

SPP has three aspects:

• Improve systems involved with generating energy – CBB(Competence

Begins with Balance)
• Improve systems involved in distribution of energy in brain – BSA(Building
Sustainable Awareness)
• Improve Actual usage of energy in Brain for Performance enhancement –
EDIP(Enhancing Dexterity in Processing)

We provide services in three segments:

Academic Institutions: For Peak Performance, Learning Difficulties, and Learning


Organization: For Recruitment, Peak Performance

Clinical: For Migraine, Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Addiction, Hypertension, Memory

difficulties, Epilepsy, Asthma/wheezing and Chronic Pain.

For more information kindly call us…

I Floor, A. V. Church Road,
Vannandurai, Besant Nagar,
Chennai – 600 090
Ph: 91 44 6457 8167/ 91 94440 57017/ 91 99401 07757.
Email: [email protected]

I floor, 61-B, A. V. Church Road, Vannandurai, Besant Nagar, Chennai - 600090

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