Tutorial Manifold Fluent 14
Tutorial Manifold Fluent 14
Tutorial Manifold Fluent 14
The purpose of this tutorial is to model turbulent flow in a simple intake manifold
geometry. An intake manifold is a system of passages which carry the fuel mixture from
the carburetor to the intake valves of the engine. It is used to distribute the fuel into the
cylinder ports. This tutorial studies the flow distribution in such type of manifold.
In this tutorial you will learn how to:
• Set the turbulent boundary conditions for the inlet and outlet.
This tutorial assumes that you have little experience with FLUENT but are familiar with
the interface.
Problem Description
Figure 2.1 shows the schematic of geometry to be considered in this tutorial. The air is
flowing at a velocity of 15 m/sec. The dimensions of the inlet and outlet boundaries are
as follows:
1. Copy the mesh file, intake.msh to your working directory.
Step 2: Models
1. Retain the default solver settings.
Define −→ Models −→Solver...
The problem is to be solved in steady state with 2D laminar conditions.
The Reynolds number can be calculated at the inlet using a built-in calculator in FLUENT.
U × Di × ρ
Re = (2.1)
Di = The inlet diameter (0.07814m).
U = The velocity at inlet (15 m/s).
This expression can be evaluated in the FLUENT console window by entering the above
equation using the corresponding values in the console as shown below:
(/ (* 15 0.07814 1.225) 1.7894e-5)
Press Enter key. The value of Re will be reported as 80240.444 showing that the flow is
Step 3: Materials
1. Keep default material properties.
Define −→Materials...
3. Specify similar boundary conditions for the remaining outlets. The only change is
to specify the Hydraulic Diameter for each outlet corresponding to the dimensions
mentioned in problem description.
Step 5: Solution
1. Set the solution controls.
Solve −→ Controls −→Solution...
(a) Keep default parameters in the Solution Controls panel.
2. Initialize the flow.
Solve −→ Initialize −→Initialize...
(a) Under Coordinates, specify a value of -0.0595476 for x0 and a value of 0.02164832
for y0.
(b) Set the New Surface Name as point-1.
(c) Click Create.
(d) Similarly, create two more monitor points using following values:
Point x0 y0
point-2 0.001064202 0.02015189
point-3 0.03839816 0.01478293
10. Iterate the solution till all the monitors reach a constant value, as shown in Fig-
ures 2.4 and 2.5.
Step 6: Postprocessing
1. Display velocity vectors (Figure 2.6).
Display −→Vectors...
(a) Under Contours of, retain the default options, Pressure... and Static Pressure.
(b) Under Options, enable Filled.
(c) Click Display.
3. Define injections.
Define −→Injections...
In Figure 2.8, observe that the particle tracks end before reaching the outlet.
In each step, particles travel a distance and there is a limit on the total number
of steps. By default it is set to 500. As this value is not sufficient to get the
complete particle track, you need to set the maximum number of steps such
that the particles escape through the outlet. It can be achieved by changing the
Max. Number of Steps in the Discrete Phase Model panel.
In this tutorial you learned how to judge a convergence by employing couple of monitors
for scalar variables or integrated quantities of interest. You also learned that the itera-
tions should not be stopped when residuals drop below the default convergence criteria.
Particle tracks can be used to visualize the flow path by adjusting the maximum number
of steps.
1. J.B. Hywood, Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals, McGraw Hill Int. Ed.,
Ch. 9: pp. 309.
1. How will you change the set up if same flow is expected from all the outlets?
2. What effect will the turbulence models have on the flow distribution?
3. If the particle diameter is increased, how will they move in the domain? Will they
start affecting the main flow in that case?
• http://www.autoswalk.com/fuelinsys.html
• http://www.edelbrock.com/automotive/man sbchev.html