G Ethics

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Name: Natasha Nicole Reyes

Course and Year: Bachelor of Science in Psychology -1

Code: GEthics

1. What makes life worth living?

Life is a journey filled with ups and downs, triumphs, and hardships. Some people
might get lost sometimes but will eventually find their way. The question of what
makes life worth living often arises. While answers may vary from person to person,
several opinions emerge, shedding light on the essence of living.

Meaningful relationships stand as pillars that enrich our life’s journey. Whether it
be bonds with family, friends, or romantic partners, connections with others provide
support, joy, and a sense of belonging. Shared experiences, laughter, and even
moments of vulnerability contribute to the depth and richness of life. These
relationships offer comfort in times when we are experiencing hardship and has
already hit rock bottom, and this bonds can also accompany us through our journey to

Also personal growth and self-discovery play important roles in making life
fulfilling. Each day presents opportunities for learning, exploration, and development.
From overcoming challenges to pursuing passions, individuals continue to evolve,
honing their skills, and expanding their horizons. The journey of self-discovery
develops resilience, confidence, and a deeper understanding of our purpose, leading to
a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.

Furthermore, the pursuit of passion and purpose ignites life with meaning and
significance. Whether it be through creative expression, professional aspirations , or
engaging in activities that align with our interests brings a sense of fulfillment and
satisfaction. Passion ignites the spark within individuals, driving them to pursue their
dreams and make a positive impact on the world around them. Each step taken
towards a meaningful goal reinforces the belief that life is worth living to its fullest
Moreover, resilience in the face of difficulty and the ability to find meaning in
suffering contribute to our purpose in life. While challenges may test our resolve, they
also present opportunities for growth and resilience. Enduring hardships and
overcoming obstacles fosters strength, wisdom, and empathy, shaping us to be more
compassionate and resilient people.

In conclusion, what makes life worth living is us as individuals have meaningful

relationships, personal growth, passion, purpose, moments of joy, and resilience in the
face of hardship. Each reason adds depth, color, and texture to the fabric of existence,
creating a life rich in meaning, fulfillment, and significance. Ultimately, it is the
combination of these experiences and connections that enrich life with value, making
it a journey worth embracing wholeheartedly.

2. Select the most beautiful line in the movie that touched your life the most and relate it on youw own
personal experience.

After watching the movie, realizations hit me. While watching PK, the line “what was
my religion? who was my God?” made me think of reality. In our world with different
religion’s can make an individual bemuse by choosing of what religion a person would
belong. According to oxford academic, “the purposes of the practice of a religion are to
achieve the goals of salvation for oneself and others, and to render due worship and
obedience to God.” Each religions have different understanding and beliefs of salvation.
That’s where the cultural relativism comes in. What is right for us may be wrong for others.
But what matter is, our faith. Being in a religion is our choice, we can still believe in God
and have faith without being in a religion. Another line from the movie, “what is right,
what is wrong? I am clueless” humans do have an intellect to know what is right and
wrong but sometimes we are confused and not knowledgeable enough depends on the

3. Like the character what is the most confuse, rejected and alone. how are you going to make life
worth living?

Have you ever felt like PK, the wide-eyed alien dropped into a world he doesn't
understand? We all experience moments of confusion, overwhelmed by unfamiliar
surroundings and a lack of information. Stepping into a new job, moving to a different
city, or even facing a personal crossroads can leave us feeling lost and alone. PK's
story, however, offers a glimmer of hope. We may feel rejected because of the fact we
lack information on our surroundings, not knowing what to do. At first, we are alone
but because of hope, there will always someone out there who’s willing to stay by our
side and guide us in any situation.

These experiences have taught me that while self-reliance is important, true growth
comes from embracing connection. Stepping outside of my comfort zone and engaging
with others, despite the initial awkwardness, has enriched my life in countless ways.
It's opened doors to new experiences, broadened my perspective, and allowed me to
forge meaningful connections with people from all walks of life. The world might seem
like a confusing symphony at times, but by fostering empathy and building bridges
through genuine interaction, we can learn to appreciate the diverse instruments that
create its beautiful melody.

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