Bighis (Midterm)

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E – 103

Part III.

I've realized that each person on this planet has unique abilities that we shared with one
another, knowing people is a way to broaden one's horizon, creating new ideas and
spread to others. My life is meaningful full of relationships and memories. I am an
individual, I am my own person; a person who make mistakes, cries, laughs, hurts,
loves and smiles. I am who I am through my sorrows, joys, heartbreaks, happiness and
loses. Each step in my life and each moment that goes by make us who we are as an
individual. Every experience in my life no matter good or bad, happy or sad still it makes
me stronger. Each passing moment is a new life experience for me and makes me grow
into the person i wanted to be. Day by day, time by time I take a new step in my life, I
step forward, I step backward but learning to the world full of knowledge. At the end of
the day, you will understand yourself if you truly believe in you and know yourself well
you will never bother to what people think and say to you.

Life of our descendants depends on what we do today. Life itself send its own stories
across billions of years just like universe on how universe been created a billion years
ago. It's a message that every one of us carries inside, inscribed in all the cells of our
bodies, in a language that all life on Earth can read. The genetic code is written in an
alphabet consisting of only four letters. Each letter is a molecule made of atoms, each
word is three letters long. Every living thing is a masterpiece, written by nature and
edited by the evolution, the connection that I felt with the universe is that without
universe we will never be here where we are in this situation of our life.

All throughout, it change my point of view as student, son, person and angelite because
now it gave me the information that I can use in my everyday lives and have the fully
knowledge about my surroundings and I can say that all of the things that I’ve learned to
this exploration is I realize it help me to appreciate and value everything that I have it
can be material or non-material. Life is unpredictable and unexpected we don’t know
what the possible things could be might happen, all the experiences that I’ve earn and
lessons that I learn it makes me grow as a individual and understand how universe
connected into our lives and it has meaningful message to each person in a community
to preserve and protect the world the universe rather that we live in.

In my life, I can say that I always wanted to have a beautiful house and expensive
things but as I grow up I realized that material things will never fulfil the happiness that I
want but only my family can fill the happiness in my heart and be contended on what I
have in my life. This makes me realize how much I have to be grateful for like a roof
above my head, a bed to sleep in, food on the table and some say that it's easy to take
all of that for granted.

As you are consciously satisfied with the life you have, you're more confident, centered
position to enhance your future. You see clearly what you want, what is most important
and how to create that in your life. From a position of fulfillment, you can build a life that
is not only peaceful and satisfying but also one that draws you toward choices and
circumstances that afford a deeper level of pleasure and enjoyment based on living
authentically and mindfully.

Predicting our future is one of the hardest thing that a person can't do because we
cannot visualize what will going to happen into our life and my parents ways reminding
me that if you have a dream that is far away and hard to reach just always start with a
single step because you might not know you are already in the destination that you
wanted to be. I think God send us here because we have our mission and purpose that
we need to accomplish and it’s carrying a huge obligation and responsibility by that we
need to be accountable and discipline in our every action because I always believe that
“action have consequences” which reminds me to be careful and be aware on the stuffs
that you are doing.

4FYE 1 – Big History

FIRST SEMESTER 2019 – 2020

NAME: ___Vallespin, James Vincent M._____DATE: August 1, 2019___

SECTION: ______ E – 103___________

Part I:
(Explain why you have chosen such a representation for this activity. How doesit
reflect your current state of mind, emotional disposition; your social, political and
spiritual convictions?)

"The elevator to success is out of order. You'll have to use the stairs... one step at a
time" - Joe Girard

Success is already a state of mind. If you want to be success, start thinking of yourself
as a successful person. Having a positive outlook can help you to overcome any
adversities or challenges in life, but first we must discipline our mind to be positive and
discipline can have a lot difference between hitting the wall or pushing through. For me,
I have face so many circumstances in my life but neither one of those drag me down in
achieving my goals and dreams to myself and for my family. I chose stairways because
each of these stairs represents my family, friends, career and situations in my life. Each
stair also represents the beautiful places that I visited. Every single stair is about being
grateful on what you have today, it's about rainbows in life; the smiles, the laughter and
the tears. Every stair that you climb is yourself and your precious soul learning about
yourself and the universe the you live in. Each stair is about your life's journey and what
and who you are today. Stairs are like when we are at the bottom of the stairs and we
look up it seems like a long way to the top, in reality it is in our grasp. We have to have
the ambition to do the work to make it to the top. Sometimes we might need the
encouragement of others to help us carry on. We also rejoice in our accomplishments
along the way.

In terms of my emotional disposition, when you are reaching goals and dreams you
should always have positive outlook and be optimistic in any situation high or low
because that will give us the contentment and happiness that you can’t get from other
things. In my social convictions, I think that every stair on my photo represents not only
myself but also the people who are in my surroundings and the people who help me
along my journey, it's about never left behind those people who encourage and inspire
you in making your dreams be possible. In my political convictions, I am thinking to join
an organization to represent my platform focusing on children’s who are reaching their
dreams in life. I believe that all of us have a certain dreams that we wish to be ours and
I want to be inspiration / activist for those people who feel that they can't reach their
dreams despite of their situation in life, I want to be a voice for them that your situation
will never be the basis on obtaining your goals and think to start now conquering all of
the barriers in your way because nobody will help you for that but only yourself. In my
spiritual convictions, as human beings, we have inside of ourselves that we called it our
“soul” who is supporting and keep fighting for our dreams no matter how many
problems that you have encountered in your entire life. Just like my grandmother always
telling me that in life if you want to reach something even though dreams are hard to
reach, you have to try, keep elevated and not to take the easy way because it is more
fulfilling to your heart if your hard works and hardships are all paid off through your
sweat, tears and blood on achieving them.
Part II:
(Mention Big History concepts and articulate how they are relevant and connected to
your understanding of your place/role in the family, the university, the community and
the world as a whole Cite instances where you see an interconnection between
threshold moments in Big ‘History and your “own threshold moments in life.’)

As a whole, the concept that I chose is the goldilocks condition and this concept is
when conditions are "just right" for something new and more complex to emerge, like
somehow you can relate this concept to your role in the family, in university, community
and world. I think that all of this aspect is just connected to each other knowing that as
an individual you should know your limitations and it’s all in your hands what are the
possible outcomes so you should know how to balance them just like in the goldilocks
condition “Not too hot and Not too cold” this concept can explain that we as humans
should have a deeper understanding within ourselves especially in doing something and
knowing what is right balance because when anything is too much it might harm anyone
and that can we relate this concept to the roles in our society and understand the
complexity and fragility of our world.

I’ve been amazed while we are studying and learning "threshold 1: origins of big bang"
because of different origin stories where did everything come from, every culture has its
own origin story. They may be very short anecdotes or they might be elaborate
narratives that help us to explain the mysteries of our existence in this universe. Big
history aims to account for everything we know and which we have not yet discover.
There are some philosophers, scientists, scholars, adventures, and curious learners of
all stripes who weave a story of enormous scale.The origin of universe is something that
I can relate in every moment in our life just like as human there are several theories and
hypothesis that they are trying to prove where humans really came from and some said
that we came from different types of human species which is interconnected on our
universe which there also various of origin stories where our universe origins. Like
humans, we have several stories that makes us unique and beautiful in our own way
that makes us special and to highlight as diverse culture.

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