Cases of Testing Part 2

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Personality assessment for adolescents

MACI M Ad e ce C ca I e

(13 to 19 years)

Clinical status assessment for adolescents

MMPI-A Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory

Adolescent version

Tests to assess emotional difficulties and social adjustment

BYI Beck youth Inventory (II)

CDI Child Depression Inventory

Tests for early childhood development

Ba e ca e f fa de e e

Neuropsychological assessment

1. Bender Gestalt Test (II) To assess organicity

Organicity suspected brain dysfunction

2. Nimhans Neuropsychological Battery

3. Wec e Me Sca e

4. Quick assessments for short-term memory functioning Digit Span test

Tests for specific conditions such as depression, anxiety

Test for assessing OCD YBOCS

Yale Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale


DAT Differential Aptitude Test

GATB General Aptitude Test Battery

IDEAS Indian Disability Evaluation & assessment Scale

VAK Learning styles Verbal Auditory Kinesthetic

WISC Wec e Intelligence Scale for Children

MISIC Ma I e e ce Sca e f I da C de

BKT Binet-Kamat test of intelligence

NVTI Non-Verbal Test of Intelligence

SFB Seguin Form Board

VSMS Vineland Social maturity Scale

DALI Dyslexia Assessment in Languages of India (Hindi, Marathi and


WRAT Wide Range Achievement Test (for LD testing)

WJ Woodcock Johnson Test (for LD testing)

DST (J) Dyslexia Screening Test-Junior (for LD testing)

DTLD Diagnostic test for learning disability

CAT C de A e ce e

DAP Draw a Person

HTP House Tree Person

Ra e Ma ce SPM and CPM

MMPI Minessotta Multiphasic Personality Inventory

MCMI M C ca M a a I e

Rorschach inkblot Test

WMS Wec e Me Sca e

WAIS Wec e Ad I e e ce Sca e

16-PF 16 Personality factors

TAT Thematic Apperception test


Report and its explanation

Making necessary referrals psychiatric consult, counselling, referral to other

professionals such as for Occupational therapy/ Remedial Education/ Speech
therapy/ Physician etc.

Using test profile for therapeutic purpose

Refrain from labelling using diagnostic terms

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