LIST OF Psychological Test (Updated)

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S.No Abbreviation Full-Form Quantity Required

Tests Types

. Neuro Psychological Screening Test

1 S-VMPT Solosson Visual - Motor Performance Test 4

2 BG II Bender Gestalt II 4

3 QNST Quick-Neurological Screening Test 2

Adaptive Behavior &

Intellectual Functioning Tests

4 VABS II Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale 4

5 WPPSC Wechsler Preschool and Primary 2

Scale of Intelligence

6 WISC 5 Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children 4

7 WAIS 5 Weschler Adult Intelligence Test 4

8 SIT 4 Slosson Intelligence Tests 2

9 KAAIT Kaufman Adolescent & Adult Intelligence Test 2

10 MHV Mill Hill Vocabulary Scale 1

Non-Verbal Intellectual Potential Test

Raven’s Progressive Matrices:

10 CPM Colored Progressives Matrices 4

11 SPM Standard Progressive Matrices 4

12 APM Advanced Progressive Matrices 4

13 DAP Goodenough-Harris Draw A Person Test 4

14 LEITER-3 Leiter International Performance Scale-3 1

15 TONY-5 Test of Non-Verbal Intelligence 2

Achievement / Aptitude Test

16 WRAT -V Wide Range Achievement Test-V 4

17 DAT- R Differential Aptitude Test Revised 2

18 LDDI Learning Disabilities Diagnostic Inventory 1

19 AI Aston Index 1

20 BDT Bangor Dyslexia Test 1

Projective Tests

21 TAT Thematic Apperception Test 4

22 CAT Children Apperception Test 4

23 HFD Human Figure Drawing 4

24 HTP House Tree Person 4

25 RIT Rorschach Inkblot Test 4

26 RISB Rotter Incomplete Sentence Blank (All three 1


Personality Test (Paper Pencil)

27 MBTI Myers Briggs Type Indicator Personality test 1

28 16PF 16 Personality Factor 1

29 HPI Hogan Personality Inventory 1

30 PAI (Adult & Personality Assessment Inventory 2

31 MMPI (Short- Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory 3
Psychodiagnos Short Version
tics Test

32 PPI-SV Psychopathic Personality Inventory –Revised

Short Version

33 BYI Beck-Youth Inventory 2

34 BDI Beck-Depression Inventory 2

35 SPS Suicide Probability Scale 2

36 LISRES Life Stressors and Social Resources Inventory 2

37 CRI Coping Response Inventory 2

38 CARS 2 Childhood Autism Rating Scale 1

39 ASRS-V 1.1 Adult ADHDV Self-Report Scale (Symptom 1

Checklist Instruction)

40 CN Conners New (Teachers & Parents) 1

Work Environment related Tests

41 DISC Disc Personality Test: Pre-employment 2

Screening assessment to hire the best candidate

42 TVIS Thurstone’s Vocational Interest Schedule 1

43 SVTB Strong Vocational Interest Blank 1

44 AMS-K The Achievement Motivation scale 1

45 JSS Job Satisfaction Scale 1

46 JAK Job Analysis Kit

47 SIMS Situational Motivational Scale 1

48 ILS Implementation Leadership Scale 1

49 MLQ Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire. Manual and 1

sampler set.
Avolio, B. J. & Bass, B. M. (2004). (3rd ed.)
Redwood City, CA: Mind Garden.

50 EPP Employee Personality Profile 1

51 OPQ Occupational Personality Questionnaire 1

52 JAK Job Analysis Kit 1

53 BFI Big Five Inventory 1

54 WHS Workplace Harassment Scale 1

55 BAI Burnout Assessment Tool 1

56 MBI Maslach Burnout Inventory 1

57 KPR Kuder Preference Record 1

58 EPQ Eysenck’s Personality Questionnaire (Mini 1


59 EPQ Ethics Position Questionnaire 1

60 CPQ -R Cambridge Personality Questionnaire 1

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