2015 Cinti

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DOI: 10.1002/elan.201500168

Screen-Printed Electrodes Modified with Carbon

Nanomaterials: A Comparison among Carbon Black,
Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene
Stefano Cinti,[a, b] Fabiana Arduini,*[a, b] Marilena Carbone,[a, b] Lucia Sansone,[c] Ilaria Cacciotti,[d, e]
Danila Moscone,[a, b] and Giuseppe Palleschi[a, b]

Abstract: In this work a comparative study using Screen- electrochemically characterized. Nanoengineered SPEs
Printed Electrodes (SPEs) modified by drop casting with have been tested with ferricyanide, NADH, ascorbic acid
Carbon Black, Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes¢COOH, and cysteine. We observed valuable electroanalytical per-
Graphene Oxide, and reduced Graphene Oxide is report- formances of Carbon Black with the advantage to be i)
ed. The carbon nanomaterials employed were character- cost-effective ii) suitable to obtain stable and homoge-
ized by X-ray photoelectron and Raman spectroscopy, nous dispersion and iii) mass-producible following a well
while the modified SPEs have been morphologically and established route.
Keywords: Screen-printed electrode · Carbon black · Graphene · Carbon nanotubes · Drop casting

1 Introduction In recent years another interesting carbonaceous, though

“less noble” nanomaterial, is becoming utterly interesting
Carbon is present in several allotropic forms ranging due to its excellent conductive and electrocatalytic prop-
from graphite to diamond, through the most recently dis- erties: Carbon Black (CB). CB finds applications as sensi-
covered fullerene, nanotubes and graphene. Carbon, in all tive and filler material, and it is cost-effective (about
its forms, finds application in many fields: catalysis [1], 1 euro/kg). The advantages to use CB for analyte detec-
batteries [2], solar cells [3], water purification [4], energy tion were demonstrated by our research group [24]. Af-
storage [5], automotive [6], metallurgy [7]. In particular, terwards, several investigations carried out both by us
carbon allotropes are most used in matters of chemical and by other groups confirmed the excellent electrocata-
sensors, especially in the electrochemical field. Sensors lytic properties of CB [25–31].
based on these carbonaceous materials have been report- The necessity in the analytical field is always to develop
ed in literature with applications in many fields such as methods and platforms capable to be very sensitive, af-
food [8], clinical [9], environmental [10], in combination fordable, and easy to use. A valuable alternative is repre-
with biomolecules such as enzymes [11], aptamers [12], sented by the cost-effective printed electrodes which can
as well as with metallic nanoparticles [13], macrocyclic be easily miniaturized and obtained with hand-made in-
compounds [14], polymers [15]. The first carbon-based
electrodes are those made of graphite. They are charac- [a] S. Cinti, F. Arduini, M. Carbone, D. Moscone, G. Palleschi
terized by a wide operating potential range due to their Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Chimiche, Universit—
chemical inertness. A plethora of works followed on the di Roma Tor Vergata
use of many types of electrodes based on carbon (e.g. Via della Ricerca Scientifica, 00133 Rome, Italy
glassy carbon, carbon paste) [16]. The discovery of fuller- *e-mail: [email protected]
ene, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and graphene has impact- [b] S. Cinti, F. Arduini, M. Carbone, D. Moscone, G. Palleschi
ed very positively in the electrochemical field. The Consorzio Interuniversitario Biostrutture e Biosistemi
former did not and still does not represent a big deal “INBB”
Viale Medaglie dÏOro 305, 00136 Rome, Italy
toward the development of chemical sensors. The latter
[c] L. Sansone
ones hold a leading role in the current sensor scenario
Istituto per Polimeri, Compositi e Biomateriali
[17, 18], thanks to their unique properties, e.g. electron CNR p.zzale E. Fermi I, 80055 Portici (NA) Napoli, Italia
mobility, low resistivity. The presence of CNTs or gra-
[d] I. Cacciotti
phene on the surface of the working electrodes can im- Universit— degli Studi di Roma “Niccol! Cusano”, Via Don
prove the analytical performances by enhancing the elec- Carlo Gnocchi 3, 00166 Rome, Italy
tron transfer between the surface of modified electrodes. [e] I. Cacciotti
Because of the advantages of these nanomaterials, various Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per la Scienza
procedures have been developed to produce them [19– e Tecnologia dei Materiali (INSTM)
23], although sometimes not in large quantities, or, as far Supporting Information for this article is available on the
as graphene is concerned, not in a single sheet (pristine). WWW under http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/elan.201500168.

www.electroanalysis.wiley-vch.de Ó 2015 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Electroanalysis 2015, 27, 2230 – 2238 2230
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strumentation upon necessity. Carbon ink is a suitable 2.3 SPE Preparation
platform to be modified with various kinds of material
e.g. nanomaterials, organic macromolecules or polymers, SPEs were produced with a 245 DEK (Weymouth, UK)
due to its the resistance to a wide range of solvents, low screen-printing machine. Graphite based ink (Electrodag
background current and broad potential windows of ap- 423 SS) from Acheson (Milan, Italy) was used to print
plication. However, the (nano)modified surface leads to the working and counter electrode. Silver ink (Electrodag
a specific electrocatalytic behaviour depending solely on 477 SS) was used to print the reference electrode. The
the nature of the modifier. This paper reports a morpho- substrate was a flexible polyester film (Autostat HT5) ob-
logical and electrochemical characterization of screen- tained from Autotype Italia (Milan, Italy). The diameter
printed electrodes (SPEs) nanoengineered by means of of the working electrode was 0.3 cm resulting in a geomet-
SWCNTs, graphene and CB. The different modified elec- ric area of 0.07 cm2.
trodes will be characterized by scanning electron micros-
copy (SEM), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
2.4 Carbon Nanomaterial Dispersion
(EIS) and cyclic voltammetry (CV). Furthermore, all the
modified SPEs have been tested in the presence of sever- 2.4.1 Carbon Black Dispersion
al relevant molecules such as nicotinamide adenine dinu-
cleotide reduced (NADH), ascorbic acid (AA) and cys- The dispersion of CB was prepared by adding 10 mg of
teine, obtaining important information related to their an- CB powder to 10 mL of solvent (a mixture dimethylfor-
alytical performance. mamide (DMF) : water (1 : 1)) sonicated for 60 min at
59 kHz.

2 Experimental 2.4.2 Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes Dispersion

The dispersion of Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes –
2.1 Apparatus
COOH (SWCNTs-O) was prepared by adding 10 mg of
Voltammetric and amperometric measurements were car- SWCNTs powder to 10 mL of solvent (a mixture dime-
ried out using a portable potentiostat PalmSens (Palm In- thylformamide (DMF):water (1 : 1)) sonicated for 60 min
struments, The Netherlands). The morphology of the pre- at 59 kHz.
pared SPEs was analyzed by observation at field emission
scanning electron microscopy (FEG-SEM, Leo Supra 35,
UK). Raman spectra were acquired by a Renishaw in Via 2.4.3 Graphene Oxide and Reduced Graphene Oxide
Reflex Raman spectrometer (United Kingdom) using Dispersions
514.5 nm excitation source. XPS measurements were per-
The graphene oxide, purchased from Cheap Tubes, was
formed by using an ESCALAB MkII (UK) (VG Scientif-
synthesized from purified natural graphite by the modi-
ic) spectrometer (Thermo Scientific, West Sussex, UK),
fied Hummers method. Ten milligrams of GO powder
equipped with a hemispherical analyzer. Mg Ka photons
was suspended in 5 mL of distilled water and sonicated
(hn = 1253.6 eV) were used to induce electron emission.
by means of an ultrasonic processor (Misonix Incorporat-
The base pressure was lower than 2 × 10¢10 mbar.
ed Ultrasonic liquid Processors, USA) for 4 hours at
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) meas-
room temperature so as to produce a stable yellow-brown
urements were carried out in the same cell with a PC-
colloidal suspension of GO sheets. Afterwards, 10 mg of
controlled Autolab. A sinusoidal voltage perturbation of
GO powder were added to 10 mL of solvent (a mixture
10 mV amplitude was applied over the frequency range
dimethylformamide (DMF):water (1 : 1)) sonicated for
10 kHz to 0.01 Hz with 10 measurement points per fre-
30 min at 59 kHz.
quency decade. For the fitting of the data obtained by
The reduced graphene oxide (rGO) was synthesized as
EIS, Z-views software (Scribner Associates, Inc.) was
follows: GO (100 mg) was loaded in a 250-mL roundbot-
tom flask and water (100 mL) was then added, yielding
an inhomogeneous yellow-brown dispersion. This disper-
sion was sonicated using a ultrasonic bath until it became
2.2 Reagents clear with no visible particulate matter. Hydrazine hy-
drate (1.00 mL, 32.1 mmol) was then added and the solu-
Commercial CBN220 of industrial standard grade was ob- tion heated in an oil bath at 100 8C under a water-cooled
tained from Cabot Corporation (Ravenna, Italy), condenser for 24 h over which the reduced GO gradually
SWCNTs were purchased from Nanoshel (average diame- precipitated out as a black solid. This product was isolat-
ter 1–2 nm, average length 1.5 mm). Graphene oxide ed by filtration, copiously washed with water and metha-
powder was purchased from Cheap Tubes, Inc. (USA). nol, and dried. Afterwards, 10 mg of rGO powder were
All reagents used were obtained from Sigma (St. Louis, added to 10 mL of solvent (a mixture dimethylformamide
MO). (DMF) : water (1 : 1)) and sonicated for 60 min at 59 kHz.

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2.5 Modification of Screen-Printed Electrodes

The SPEs are modified with the different dispersions

(CB, SWCNTs-O, GO, rGO) via drop casting approach:
a small volume (6 mL) of the dispersion was casted onto
the working electrode surface of the SPE in three steps of
2 mL. Modified SPEs are reported in the text as CB-SPE,

2.6 Amperometric Measurements

Measurements of the different analytes (ascorbic acid,
cysteine and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide reduced)
were performed with each different modified-SPEs using
amperometric batch analysis in 10 mL of stirred 0.05 M
phosphate buffer solution + 0.1 M KCl, pH 7.0 with a se-
lected applied potential. When a stable baseline current
was reached, the analyte was added and the response was

3 Results and Discussions

Fig. 1. XPS spectra of CB, GO, rGO, SWCNTs-O, (black lines)
and corresponding line shape analysis (the green lines are the
3.1 Physical Characterization
different components, the blue line is the total envelop).
The first study was devoted to perform the structural
characterization of the carbon nanomaterials. CB, Gra-
phene Oxide (GO), reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO), and
Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes ¢COOH (SWCNTs-O), C1s spectrum of the SWCNTs-O is characterized by
were characterized by means of XPS. the presence of sp2-related component and associated
The XPS spectra were taken in several binding energy shake-up peak (284.3 eV, 290.3 eV). Furthermore, three
ranges to identify the elemental species present on the peaks are associated to the intermediate and highly oxi-
different compounds and their oxidation states. The most dized states (at 285.3 eV, 286.4 eV, 288.6 eV). The sp2 -re-
significant spectra, i.e. the ones in the range including the lated and the oxidized components are in a ratio
C1s threshold, are reported in Figure 1. The CB spectrum 5 : 3 : 2 : 2. The total amount of oxygen is 22 atomic %.
in the C1s range displays a single peak at 284.3 eV, with Next, the Raman spectra in the 1000–2000 cm¢1 range
a shake-up peak at 290.3 eV typical of graphite and of the GO, rGO, SWCNT-O and CB are reported in
graphite-like structures [32]. Traces of oxygen are present Figure 2. The Raman spectrum of GO (Figure 2 black
in the order of 2 % atomic weight. solid line) displays a D-band at 1340 cm¢1 and a broad G-
GO is strongly oxidized. At least three components can band at 1580 cm¢1. The D peak can be related to the
be identified by C1s line-shape analysis, at 284.8 eV, biding to oxygen species. The G peak duly corresponds to
286.8 eV and 288.6 eV. These values are attributed to the the first order scattering of the E2G phonon mode of sp2
extended sp2 domains (lower binding energy peak), C=O C atoms [34].
and O¢C=O, (higher energy peaks at + 2.0 and + 3.8 eV, The Raman spectrum of the rGO (Figure 2 red solid
respectively) [33]. The ratio between the three compo- line, superposed to the GO line) also displays G and D
nents is 7 : 7 : 1. The total oxygen amount is 34 in atomic bands at 1580 cm¢1 and 1340 cm¢1, respectively. Com-
%, and the corresponding O1s spectrum is characterized pared to GO, the D peak intensity of the rGO increases.
by two components in ratio compatible with the C1s oxi- In particular, the ID/IG ratio (between the peak areas) in-
dized ones. creases from 1.19 to 1.26. This may indicate the formation
The reduction of the GO, drastically reduced the of more sp2 domains of smaller dimension, which is
oxygen content, from 34 % to 12 %, though leaving traces common in graphene oxide reduction procedures [35, 36].
of nitrogen. Compared to the oxidized form, the overall In the SWCNT-O, the D band is peaked at 1363 cm¢1 and
number of C1s components increases, due to the presence the G band at 1593 cm¢1. The ID/IG ratio = 1.23. Further-
of sp2-hybridized related peak at 284.3 eV and associated more, the D band is broad and asymmetric. Shape and in-
shake-up peak at 290.3 eV. The intensity of the C1s peaks tensity of D-mode correspond to the sp3-hybridized
related to C=O and O¢C=O moieties is significantly re- carbon atoms [37], which is correlated to the extent of
duced and a new peak appears at 285.9 eV, which can be nanotube sidewall defects and chemical sidewall function-
attributed to partially reduced ¢C¢NOH species [33]. alization [38]. The overall appearance of the SWCNTs-O

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that revealed in the case of reduced GO-SPE which is
constituted by few rGO aggregates (Figure 3j and 3k).

3.2 Electrochemical Characterization

3.2.1 Cyclic Voltammetry Study Using Ferro/ferricyanide
as Probe
For the electrochemical characterization of the nanoengi-
neered electrodes, the cyclic voltammetry method was
used, employing [Fe(CN)6]4¢/3¢ as redox probe. Therefore,
experiments are performed from 0.005 to 1 V/s. The
method of Nicholson [40] is routinely used to deduce the
standard electron transfer rate using the following Equa-
tion 1:

k0 ¼ y ½D0 pv ðnF=RTÞ0:5 ¤ ðDR =DO Þa=2 ð1Þ

where k0 is the standard electron rate constant, y is the

kinetic parameter, Do and DR are the diffusion coeffi-
cients of oxidized and reduced species, v is the scan rate,
F is the Faraday constant, a is the transfer coefficient
(0.5) and n is the number of electrons transferred in the
Fig. 2. Raman spectra of the GO, rGO, SWCNTs-O and CB. electrochemical process. y depends on the peak-to-peak
The GO and rGO curves are superposed and plotted in different separation (DE). k0, calculated as above, only represents
colors (GO = black, rGO = red). the apparent rate constant, because no correction related
to the double-layer evolution or iR effects is taken into
spectrum is compatible with short (1.5 micron average The electrochemical response [Fe(CN)6]4¢/3¢ is reported
length) and highly functionalized nanotubes. in Figure 4: the voltammograms acquired at 0.05 V/s are
The Raman spectrum of CB displays the D and G characterized by a variable estimation of DE. CB-SPE,
bands at 1365 cm¢1 and 1582 cm¢1 respectively. The ID/IG SWCNTs-O-SPE, rGO-SPE and GO-SPE, respectively
ratio is 0.97. In a poorly oxidized sample, this is an indica- showed DEs equal to 80, 100, 130 and 120 mV, which is of
tion of the presence of rather ordered graphitic-like a greater significance if compared with the 430 mV ob-
planes [39]. tained using the unmodified SPE.
Next, we turned to explore the morphology of SPEs In a recent work [31], Vicentini et al. evaluated the
modified with the carbon nanomaterials via SEM. electrocatalytic properties of three different carbon black
In Figure 3 low and high magnification micrographs of materials (VXC72R, BP4750, E2000) placed on a glassy
bare SPE, CB-SPE, SWCNTs-O, GO, and rGO SPEs are carbon electrode, obtaining DEs (215.3, 237.2 and
compared. 452.3 mV) definitely larger than what is obtained by our
The SEM observation of bare SPE revealed irregularly CB-SPE using CBN220. DEs obtained for CNTs and gra-
shaped micrometric flakes of graphite (Figure 3a and 3b), phene modified SPEs are comparable with those reported
randomly orientated within the original ink together with in literature [41, 42]. The peak-to-peak separations ob-
small particles ascribed to the cross-linking agents. The tained testing SPEs in presence of this electrochemical
SEM micrographs of the SPE modified with CB evi- probe, are consistent with k0 reported in Table 1: all the
denced that the drop coated CB nanoparticles completely nanostructured electrodes surface led to a large improve-
and uniformly cover the working electrode surface, also ment of the electron transfer for this particular redox
originating numerous cauliflower-like agglomerates (Fig- system if compared to bare SPE. CB-SPE is characterized
ure 3c and 3d). by a calculated k0 of 4.5 × 10¢3 cm/s, a value similar to the
The SPE modified with SWCNTs-O is characterized by ones reported in our previous papers [25, 27] and 10–100
the presence of randomly distributed single short fold higher than the ones reported by Mart‡n and Escarpa
SWCNTs and, particularly, of sponge-like clusters of [43] in their review on the heterogeneous electron trans-
SWCNTs whose formation is strongly promoted by the fer rates for carbon materials based-electrodes.
very high specific surface area of the nanotubes and their Furthermore, the voltammetric peak heights (Ip) relat-
consequent tendency to agglomerate (Figures 3e–g). ed to each modified-SPE were monitored as a function of
In the case of GO-SPE it is possible to observe a con- the scan rate and, afterwards, plotted versus the square
tinuous smooth film on SPE that is so dense and compact root of the scan rate (v0.5). The following slopes (mA/
to completely cover the underneath active electrode (Fig- (mV s¢1)0.5) were obtained: 1.56 (R2 = 0.998), 1.45 (R2 =
ure 3h and 3i). This morphology is very different from 0.987), 0.645 (R2 = 0.993), 0.0826 (R2 = 0.997) and 0.388

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Fig. 3. SEM micrographs of bare SPE (a-b), CBNPs-SPE (c-d), SWCNTs-O-SPE (e-g), GO-SPE (h-i) and rGO-SPE (j-k).

(R2 = 0.992), corresponding respectively to, CB-SPE, where Ip is the peak current, F is the Faraday constant, A
SWCNTs-O-SPE, rGO-SPE, GO-SPE and bare SPE. is the electrode area, D is diffusion coefficient of the ana-
Each SPE showed a linear response, indicating a diffusion- lyte, v is the scan rate, C is the concentration of the spe-
al process. Furthermore, associated with Nicholson Equa- cies and n is the number of electrons transferred in the
tion 1 is the Randles¢Ševcik Equation 2 [44] electrochemical process. In the case of semi-infinite diffu-
sion of the probe at the electrode surface, the analysis of
the cyclic voltammetry peaks in terms of the log Ip vs. log
v should consist in a slope equal to 0.5 in order to vali-
I p ¼ 0:4463 ðF 3 =RTÞ0:5 n1:5 AD0:5 Cv0:5 ð2Þ date both Equations1 and 2. The slopes of 0.55, 0.52, 0.37,

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Table 1. Electron transfer rate constants, cyclic voltammetric data, amperometric sensitivities and LOD for several compounds at
k0 (cm/s) Fe(CN)64¢/3¢ – 0.00452 0.00251 0.00167 0.00247
DE (mV) Fe(CN)64¢/3¢ 430 80 100 130 120
Eox’ (mV) NADH 550 400 440 > 600 530
Sensitivity (mA/M cm2) NADH 4.32 224 281 – 88.5
LOD (mM) NADH 6 1 5 – 5
Eox’ (mV) AA 420 150 90 380 320
Sensitivity (A/M cm2) AA 3.98 278 496 19 203
LOD (mM) AA 7 1 5 3 2
Eox’ (mV) Cysteine 930 580 580 950 700
Sensitivity (A/M cm2) Cysteine 4.82 362 565 10.3 211
LOD (mM) Cysteine 30 1 5 24 6

Fig. 5. Complex plane impedance plots at open circuit potential

Fig. 4. Cyclic voltammograms obtained for 1 mM of ferro/ferri- using a 5 mM ferro/ferricyanide in 0.1 M KCl for bare SPE
cyanide in KCl 0.1 M. All recorded at scan rate of 50 mV/s using (black line) or SPE modified with CB (violet line), SWCNTs-O
bare SPE (black line) or SPE modified with CB (violet line), (red line), GO (blue line), rGO (green line). Inset (i) Randles
SWCNTs-O (red line), GO (blue line), rGO (green line). Equa- circuit, (ii) highlight of the complex plane impedance plot at the
tions related to the oxidation/reduction reactions of the couple high frequency region.
ferro/ferricyanide are reported in the graph.

the electrode surface modified with the nanomaterials, by

0.46 and 0.40, related to CB-SPE, SWCNTs-O-SPE,
measuring the value of electron transfer resistance (Rct).
rGO-SPE, GO-SPE and bare SPE, reveal a satisfying cor-
The Rct is estimated according to the diameter of the sem-
relation to the approximated transfer coefficient (0,5);
icircle present at the high frequency region. It represents
thus the redox probe is not trapped within the nanomate-
the difficulty of electron transfer of Fe(CN)64¢/3¢ redox
rial film (no thin-layer effect) and the response follows
probe between the solution and the electrode, thus giving
a semi-infinite diffusion in each analyzed case [45]. The
information on the electrode surface. The electrochemical
values obtained here are in good agreement with the
impedance spectroscopy was performed with the bare
slopes found in other works involving the use of CB,
SPE and with SPE modified with CB, GO, rGO, and
CNTs and graphene as electrode modifiers [31, 45, 46].
SWCNTs-O at open circuit potential (OPC). The fitting
All the reported electrochemical parameters, definitively
of the spectra is done using the equivalent electrical cir-
confirm how these well-defined nano-carbonaceous films
cuit as shown in Figure 5 Inset. It comprises the electro-
possess the required surface structure and electronic
lyte resistance, Re, in series with a parallel combination of
properties to support rapid electron transfer for particular
Rct (interfacial charge transfer resistance), Zw (diffusion
redox systems.
of the analytes in solution and corresponding to Warburg
impedance straight line of the curves) and CPE (Constant
3.2.1. Impedance Spectroscopy Study
Phase Element).
Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy provides ex- Figure 5 shows the Nyquist plots for bare SPE, CB-
tremely useful information on the impedance changes of SPE, rGO-SPE, GO-SPE and SWCNTs-O-SPE. The Rct

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Fig. 6. Cyclic voltammograms obtained in phosphate buffer 0.05 M + KCl 0.1 M, pH 7.4 in absence (a) and in presence of NADH (b,
2 mM), ascorbic acid (c, 2 mM) and cysteine (d, 2 mM). All recorded at a scan rate of 50 mV/s using bare SPE (black line) or SPE
modified with CB (violet line), SWCNTs-O (red line), GO (blue line), rGO (green line). Equations related to NADH, ascorbic acid
and cysteine oxidation reactions are reported in the graph, respectively b, c and d.

value for bare SPE is much higher (Rct = 293.9 œ 1.5 kW) capacitive current (Figure 6a) and by the longest time to
than those for the nanomodified SPE; in the latter case, reach the stabilization (Figure 7). Here, we studied the
the highest Rct is found for GO-SPE (Rct = 68.6 œ 1.2 kW). detection of three important electroactive molecules in
The other sensors showed a Rct lower than 100 W, con- clinical and biochemical field: NADH, ascorbic acid and
firming the advantage to use the nanomodified SPE. cysteine.
The electrochemical oxidation of NADH is of great in-
3.3 Electroanalytical Sensing Towards NADH, Ascorbic terest because of its requirement in many biosensors
Acid and Cysteine based on dehydrogenase enzymes (about 300 dehydro-
genases are strictly dependent on the coenzyme and its
One of the great advantages to use carbon nanomaterial oxidized form NAD + ). Two critical issues are related to
to modify electrodes is easily attributable to their wide the high overpotential required to detect target mole-
potential window and high electrochemically accessible cules, and to monitor fouling problem.
area: the film physically or chemically deposited onto the Here, we studied the oxidation of NADH at the differ-
electrode surface, allows the measurement of molecules ent developed SPEs. As illustrated in Figure 6b SPEs
with relatively high oxidation potentials. As reported in modified with CB and SWCNTs-O show the lowest po-
Figure 6a, all the modified SPEs have wide operative po- tentials, respectively 400 and 440 mV. In comparison
tential windows when performing a background analysis rGO-SPE and GO-SPE show peak potentials of at
in phosphate buffer, ranging approximately from ¢0.3 to 530 mV and higher than 600 mV, respectively. The over-
1.0 V (vs. Ag/AgCl), a useful range in voltammetric anal- potentials achieved here are satisfactory and well-com-
ysis. However, it should be noted how SWCNTs-O-SPE, pare with other results found in literature where the same
if compared with other SPEs, is characterized by a larger nanomaterials are used as electrode modifier, highlighting

www.electroanalysis.wiley-vch.de Ó 2015 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Electroanalysis 2015, 27, 2230 – 2238 2236
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proved. Many systems based on carbon nanomaterials
have been developed to detect these important biomole-
cules and the values shown in this work by CB-SPEs ac-
quire great analytical relevance. CB-SPE shows lower
overpotential than rGO-SPE and GO-SPE. As for
SWCNTs-O-SPE, the analytical performances are similar
to those of CB, also if the comparison is made with works
reported in literature [52, 53], but CB offers a very valua-
ble compromise considering performance and cost.
Based on the above cyclic voltammetric results, the typ-
ical amperometric responses of the different modified
SPEs were examined as a function of different concentra-
tions of NADH, ascorbic acid and cysteine. Ad hoc po-
tentials were applied to achieve the electrooxidation at
the different SPEs: 600, 150 and 400 mV were exploited,
respectively, to detect NADH, ascorbic acid and cysteine.
Figure 7 illustrates the amperograms obtained at the con-
centration range from 0 to 100 mM in phosphate buffer.
As expected, the SWCNTs-O and CB modified-SPEs dis-
play higher current response to the addition of the ana-
lytes compared to the other SPEs.
In Table 1 overpotentials, sensitivities and LOD ob-
tained by using the different carbon nanomaterial as
SPEs modifying tools were reported: although SWCNTs-
O-SPE was capable to yield the best sensitivities, CB-SPE
reached the lowest LOD (calculated as S/N = 3) confirm-
ing its excellent electrocatalytic properties.

Fig. 7. Amperograms obtained in phosphate buffer 0.05 M + 4 Conclusions

KCl 0.1 M, pH 7.4 to successive additions (25 mM) of NADH (a),
ascorbic acid (b) and cysteine (c) using bare SPE (black line) or This work was focused on the comparison among SPEs
SPE modified with CB (violet line), SWCNTs-O (red line), GO modified with CB and with the most used modifiers such
(blue line), rGO (green line). Applied potential (vs. Ag/AgCl)
as carbon nanotubes and graphene.
was + 600, + 150 and + 400 mV respectively, to detect NADH,
ascorbic acid and cysteine. The CB-SPE has shown a better heterogeneous elec-
tron transfer constant in presence of ferricyanide redox
mediator compared to the others modified SPEs. Further-
the electrocatalytic properties of CB-SPE with respect to more, an improvement in terms of reduced overpotential
SWCNTs-O, GO, and rGO modified electrodes and/or low background current was found in the case of
[42, 47, 48]. ascorbic acid, NADH and cysteine. These behaviors
The ascorbic acid plays a very relevant role as antioxi- could be ascribed to the better uniformly CB-coverage of
dant in the human metabolism and it is important to de- the working electrode than SWCNTs-O/GO/rGO-SPEs
velop a sensitive platform to detect it. Figure 6c shows as which displayed cluster structures, as observed from SEM
SWCNTs-O and CB are characterized by the highest cur- analysis: a direct consequence is also visible by the calcu-
rent peaks related to electrochemical oxidation of ascor- lated 1 mM LOD in the case of CB-SPE.
bic acid at electrode surface and by the lowest potential Taking into account the CB electrochemical properties,
peaks, 90 and 150 mV respectively [49–51]. the cost-effectiveness, the capability to easily obtain
The last electrocatalytic evaluation of modified-SPEs, a stable and homogenous dispersion, the CB deserves to
using cyclic voltammetry experiments, was performed be widely employed in the development of nanomodified
with the detection of cysteine, a thiol-containing amino electrochemical sensors. CB dispersion is also character-
acid, often involved in enzymatic reactions as a nucleo- ized by a higher stability, compared to other carbona-
phile. As reported in Figure 6d, CB-SPE and SWCNTs- ceous dispersions: CB dispersion is stable at least two
O-SPE showed a reduction in the overpotential of cys- weeks while SWCNTs-O and GO dispersions were no
teine oxidation to 580 mV. The oxidation peak potential longer homogeneous the day after production (Support-
of cysteine reached using the bare, GO-SPE and rGO- ing Information, Figure S1). Furthermore, the CB-SPE is
SPE, is much higher than that of the CB and SWCNTs-O characterized by high storage stability: for at least three
SPEs: this implies that the oxidation of cysteine, especial- months at room temperature and dry condition, as al-
ly at SWCNTs-O and CB electrodes, is significantly im- ready reported [24].

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Full Paper
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