ZnO Biosinteza

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Materials Letters 161 (2015) 124–127

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Materials Letters
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Green synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles via Agathosma betulina natural

F.T. Thema a,b, E. Manikandan a,b, M.S. Dhlamini a, M. Maaza a,b,n
UNESCO-UNISA Africa Chair in Nanosciences-Nanotechnology, College of Graduate Studies, University of South Africa, Muckleneuk ridge, PO Box 392,
Pretoria, South Africa
Nanosciences African Network (NANOAFNET), iThemba LABS-National Research Foundation, 1 Old Faure road, Somerset West 7129, PO Box 722, Somerset
West, Western Cape, South Africa

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This contribution reports on the synthesis and the main physical properties of ZnO nanoparticles syn-
Received 20 July 2015 thesized for the first time by a completely green process using Agathosma betulina plant extract as an
Received in revised form effective chelating agent. The surface/interface and volume room temperature properties of these quasi-
9 August 2015
spherical 15.8 nm in size ZnO nanoparticle by transmission electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-Ray
Accepted 10 August 2015
Available online 10 August 2015
Spectroscopy, X-rays diffraction, attenuated total reflection IR and Raman spectroscopy are reported.
Likewise, a spark sintered pellet made of such nanoparticles exhibited a significant nonlinear current–
Keywords: voltage exponential response characteristic of a varistor.
Green synthesis & 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Zinc oxide
Agathosma betulina’s extract

1. Introduction unbalance and generated hazardous waste by the two major

processes, greener approaches are being researched. One such a
Zinc oxide (ZnO) is one of the most exploited n-type semi- promising method is the biosynthesis of nanoparticles using
conducting metal oxide materials due of its tunable & multi- plant-based extracts. Indeed, this biosynthesis approach has been
functional morphological, photonic and spintronic properties [1– demonstrated to be effective in the synthesis of metal and oxide
4]. It is characterized by a wide direct band gap of 3.37 eV and a nanoparticles [18–20]. While significant work has been reported
high excitation energy of 60 meV. Owing to these characteristics, on the use of several plant-based extracts to prepare various metal
ZnO is used widely in many devices, including surface acoustic nanoparticles not much is reported on the use of these extracts for
wave devices, gas sensing and optoelectronics [5–6]. This multi- bio-synthesis of oxides in general and ZnO nanoparticles
functionality of ZnO has been demonstrated successfully via sev- specifically.
eral pioneering devices among which one could mention minia- Complementing the limited literature on biosynthesized ZnO
turized semiconductor lasers, optically transparent electrodes, ul- using natural extracts [20–23], this contribution reports for the
traviolet photodetectors, transparent thin-film transistors and first time the green synthesis of highly crystalline single phase
metal–insulator–semiconductor diodes [3–7]. zincite ZnO nanoparticles by using Agathosma betulina natural
The synthesis of nanoscaled ZnO is dominated by physical and extract as an effective chelating agent. The physical characteristics
chemical processes. The physical methodologies include thermal of such ZnO nanoparticles are investigated by a diverse techniques
evaporation, chemical vapor deposition, pulsed laser deposition, to confirm their single zincite phase.
metal–organic chemical vapor deposition and molecular beam
epitaxy among others [8–12]. Generally, such processes require
high vacuum and are energy consuming. While the chemical 2. Synthesis: green process via Agathosma betulina natural
methods such as solvothermal, sol–gel, sonochemical, spray pyr- extract
olysis, hydrothermal, and electrodeposition processes [13–17] are
cost effective and mass-production oriented, they are en- A. betulina is a plant commonly known as Buchu [24]. The
vironmentally unfriendly. To mitigate the problem of energy chemical composition of its extract is reported in reference [18].
15 g of A. betulina dry leaves were weighed and washed with
Corresponding author. distilled water (dH2O) at room temperature. The leaves were then
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Maaza). immersed in dH2O to extract the green dye at  100 °C for 1 h. The

0167-577X/& 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
F.T. Thema et al. / Materials Letters 161 (2015) 124–127 125

dye extract solution (pH 5) was filtered twice to eliminate residual nanoparticles. Fig. 2b reports a typical X-Rays Diffraction (XRD)
solids. Analytical grade hydrated zinc nitrate Zn(NO3)2  6H2O was profile of the optimized nanoparticles (λCukα1 ¼1.5406 Å). The
considered as a zinc precursor. 6.0 g of zinc nitrate was homo- 8 observed Bragg peaks match entirely with the single phase ZnO
geneously mixed with 100 ml of A. betulina solution and heated at wurtzite pattern (JCP 00-036-1451). The deduced lattice constants
100 °C for 2 h. Following such a phase, a precipitate was observed. are 〈aexp.〉 ¼3.24 and 〈cexp.〉 ¼5.93 Å. Relatively to bulk ZnO, there is
This precipitate was washed with dH2O repeatedly and centrifuged a significant difference in the clattice value indicating that the [001]
at 1000 rps for 10 min and subsequently dried in an oven at direction is under elongation conditions. Likewise, the ratio Δd/
100 °C. The dried precipitate was annealed in an open furnace at dbulk (Δd ¼[dexp  dbulk]) is negative except for the [002] reticular
various temperatures within the range 100–500 °C for 2 h. The direction sustaining the fact that the c-direction is under stretch-
annealing at 500 °C was the optimized condition to obtain highly ing conditions. The Debye-Scherrer approximation 〈Ø〉∼0.9λ/ ΔΘ1/
crystalline ZnO nanoparticles. 2 cos(ΘB) gives an average size of the optimized ZnO nanoparticles
of ∼19.4 nm in line with the TEM results.

3. Results & discussion 3.3. Vibrational properties

3.1. Morphology & microscopy observations To validate again the zincite nature of the synthesized nano-
particles and their purity, Attenuated Total Reflection-Fourier
Fig. 1 reports a typical a High Resolution Transmission Electron Transform Infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) studies were per-
Microscopy (HRTEM) image of the optimized sample (Annealed at formed. Fig. 3a reports the typical ATR-FTIR spectrum of the
500 °C). It consists of quasi-spherical agglomerated nano-scaled pressed powder in the spectral range of 400–4000 cm  1). The IR
particles. The digitization phase of various images indicates that transmission is plotted so to single out the major absorptions
the nanoparticles' diameter Ø ranges from 12 to 26 nm. By fitting observed at lower wavenumbers. One can distinguish a broad
the histogram data with a Gaussian distribution, 〈Ø〉 was found to band observed at 3437.5 cm  1 attributed to the O–H stretching
be 15.8 70.2 nm (Fig. 1b). The Selected Area Electron Diffraction mode of hydroxyl group. The characteristic bands corresponding
(SAED) profile of Fig. 1c indicates via its combined spotty ring to the Zn–O stretching mode are observed at 493.8 and
patterns the highly crystallized structure of the synthesized na- 846.2 cm  1[25]. In view of the relative intensity of the Zn–O
noparticles. Fig. 1d reports an HRTEM image of single nano- modes to the adsorbed OH compounds, one can pre-conclude on
particles revealing a series of distinguishable reticular plans with the high crystallinity and purity of the synthesized ZnO nano-
reticular distances dhkl of 0.25 nm and 0.28 nm. These values fit particles. Like most wurtzite crystal structure materials, ZnO be-
with the (101) and (100) reticular distances of the ZnO hexagonal longs to the hexagonal system with C6v4(P63mc) with two formula
wurtzite structure (JCP 00-036-1451). units per primitive cell where all atoms occupy C3v sites. Ac-
cording to the group theory, ZnO has active photon modes of A1, E1
3.2. Elemental & structural analysis and 2 E2 type and inactive photon B1[26]. Fig. 3b displays the
Raman spectrum using the 473 nm excitation laser line with an
Fig. 2a reports a typical Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy average excitation power of 2.48 mW in the spectral range of 200–
(EDS) spectrum. The spectrum of the optimized sample confirmed 1000 cm  1. It consists of a dominant peak centered at 439.6 cm  1
the presence of zinc and oxygen in the powder. The appearance of attributed to E2(high) mode of wurtzite ZnO [27]. The band at
C (0.26 keV) and Cu (8.09 keV) are attributed to the C coated Cu 505 cm  1 maybe associated with oxygen deficiency or oxygen
grid support. Consequentially, there are no other elements except vacancies in ZnO [28]. The mode at 332.8 cm  1 is generally asso-
Zn and O sustaining the pure chemical form of the formed ZnOy ciated to the second order structure of 2E2(M). The disorder–

Fig. 1. TEM image of the optimized ZnO particles (a) with their size distribution (b), their SAED pattern (c) and HRTEM image (d).
126 F.T. Thema et al. / Materials Letters 161 (2015) 124–127

Fig. 3. (a) ATR-FTIR spectrum of the optimized ZnO nanoparticles and (b) their
Raman spectrum.

Fig. 2. (a) EDS spectrum of the optimized ZnO nanoparticles and (b) their XRD

related small peaks were also observed at around 575 cm  1 which

are usually assigned to the A1 longitudinal optical, A1(LO) mode
[26]. This mode is normally assigned to lattice disorders origi-
nating from foreign atoms or intrinsic defects [29–31].

3.4. Varistor response

In view of the nanoscale aspect of the synthesized ZnO nano-

particles and the corresponding large grain boundaries, they
should exhibit a significant nonlinear current–voltage (I–V) char-
acteristics and hence could be used in the varistor technology for
the protection of electric equipment from degradations caused by
overvoltage peaks and electrostatic discharges such as those re-
lated to lightning events in aeronautical applications. In view of
testing the varistor properties of the synthesized ZnO nano-
particles, a spark sintered pellet was fabricated to avoid a growth Fig. 4. Varistor response of a spark sintered pellet made of the optimized ZnO
of the ZnO nanoparticles’ size during the sintering. Fig. 4 displays nanoparticles.
the variation of the current density “J” versus the electric field “E”.
The nonlinearity variation profile J ¼f(E) is equivalent to a non- electrical resistance which decreases as the voltage is raised and
ohmic current–voltage characteristic that is similar to that of a low resistance at high voltages. The corresponding fitting curve is
diode. In contrast to a diode however, it has the same character- J¼ 1.19  10  19 exp(0.1065 E)þ0.089 with χ2 of 0.9998. The elec-
istic for both current's directions. At low voltage it has a high tric field at 0.1 and 1 mA/mm2 is 344.9 and 408.1 V/mm
F.T. Thema et al. / Materials Letters 161 (2015) 124–127 127

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