Semester Two Progress Report Grade 12 Gasali Samantha Faith 33202211043

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Sekolah Pelita Harapan - Kemang

Semester Two Progress
Prepared: March 8, 2024

Student Name: Samantha Faith Gasali Student ID: 33202211043

Grade: Grade 12

Homeroom Teacher: Gerardo Fajardo

Yearly Attendance
Absent Present Late Health Other
0 128 0 1 0

Carol Souisa James A. Howard Accredited by

Head of Academics Middle and High School WASC and ACSI
Class Reports
IB Diploma - Semester Two(August 2023 – June 2024)

English A Language and Literature HL Andrew Kuiper

During Semester 2 of Year 12, students will complete the IB’s third and final AOE, "Intertextuality." Students will
study Jane Austen's novel Pride and Prejudice, then conclude their non-literary study with a unit on the history and
development of the English language. Focus will continue developing conceptual awareness of how texts use and
communicate with each other. Major assessments will include quizzes, unit assessments, and a final draft of the HL

AO1: Know, Understand, and Interpret 5

AO2: Analyze and Evaluate 5

AO3: Communicate 4

Self-Management Skills G

Social Skills G

Thinking Skills G

Communication Skills G

Research Skills C

Attendance: 0 Absent 112 Present 0 Late 11 Health 5 Other

Bahasa Indonesia B HL Heryulina Purbo

During the second semester, we focus on comprehension skills through reading various texts and answering the
reading and listening comprehensions as preparation for paper 2. Students also develop their communication skills
through speaking clearly and effectively during class discussions and also have Individual Oral. Students also
demonstrate linguistic competence and intercultural understanding by revising the central theme studied, including
sharing the planet. This semester's assessments include writing text types, listening, and completing reading
comprehension as a simulation of paper one and paper two. We are responsible for managing and stewarding
God's creation with care and creativity that molds the physical and cultural landscape. As Christians, we shall seek
to shake and shape our culture for the kingdom of God.

AO1: Communicate clearly and effectively in a range of contexts and for a variety of purposes. 6

AO2: Understand and use language appropriate to a range of inter-personal and/or intercultural contexts and audiences. 6

AO3: Understand and use language to express and responds to a range of ideas with fluency and accuracy. 6

AO4: Identify, organize and present ideas on a range of topics 6

AO5: Understand, analyse and reflect upon a range of written, audio, visual and audio-visual texts. 6

Self-Management Skills G

Social Skills G

Thinking Skills G

Communication Skills G

Research Skills G

Attendance: 10 Absent 102 Present 0 Late 8 Health 10 Other

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Economics HL Denny Sitorus
This semester 2 of DP Economics for Grade 12 is designed to deepen students' understanding of critical economic
concepts and global issues. The course delves into advanced topics such as the Balance of Payments, Sustainable
Development, Measuring Development, Barriers to Economic Growth, and Economic Development Strategies.
Through a comprehensive exploration of these themes, students will develop analytical skills, critical thinking, and
a nuanced understanding of the complexities within the realm of economics.
Course Outline:
1. Balance of Payments: Understanding its significance and analyzing real-world examples.
2. Sustainable Development: Examining its multidimensional aspects and global perspectives.
3. Measuring Development: Evaluating various indicators like GDP and HDI through case studies.
4. Barriers to Economic Growth and/or Economic Development: Analyzing factors hindering growth and comparing
how different nations address them.
5. Economic Growth and/or Economic Development Strategies: Studying government policies and successful
examples from around the globe.

AO1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of specified content 5

AO2. Demonstrate application and analysis of knowledge and understanding 5

AO3. Demonstrate synthesis and evaluation 5

AO4. Select, use and apply a variety of appropriate skills and techniques 5

Self-Management Skills S

Social Skills G

Thinking Skills G

Communication Skills G

Research Skills G

Attendance: 4 Absent 105 Present 1 Late 9 Health 10 Other

Biology SL Catherine Bless P. Osia

In the IBDP Biology SL course this semester, students delve into human and animal physiology, covering gas
exchange, neurons and synapses, hormones, and neurobiology. Utilizing lectures, presentations, individual
projects, and lab activities, they comprehensively study respiratory system functionality and associated health
issues. Discussions center on the coordination of electrical impulses by the nervous system and the impact of
various hormones on organ systems. Furthermore, students explore neurobiology, including brain components,
sensory mechanisms, and influencing factors. The evaluation comprises formative and summative assessments
like quizzes, worksheets, and chapter tests to gauge knowledge and comprehension. As part of the IBDP program,
students engage in collaborative learning through an educational excursion to Pramuka Island.

AO1: Demonstrate and apply: knowledge and understanding of: facts, concepts and terminology; methodologies and
techniques; communicating scientific information.

AO2: Formulate, analyse and evaluate: hypotheses, research questions and predictions; methodologies and techniques,
primary and secondary data, scientific explanations.

AO3: Demonstrate the appropriate research, experimental, and personal skills necessary to carry out insightful and
ethical investigations.

Self-Management Skills G

Social Skills G

Thinking Skills G

Communication Skills G

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Research Skills G

Attendance: 12 Absent 107 Present 0 Late 3 Health 7 Other

Mathematics: Application and Interpretation SL Diano (Diano) Pesidas

IB DP Math AI SL is a two year course that will be finished in grade 12. Learning activities involve discussions,
discoveries and investigations, problem solving and group tasks. At the end of every unit there is a summative
assessment. Students are being evaluated though their exit tickets, quizzes, and tests. All concepts will be taught
from the Biblical worldview, assuming their is truth and that truth represents who God is.

AO1: Demonstrate concrete knowledge and understanding of mathematical facts, concepts, techniques and skills. 7

AO2: Apply mathematical skills and techniques to interpret and solve various problems. 6

AO3: Communicate mathematical knowledge and understanding via the correct use of notations, terminologies,
diagrams and graphs, and logical arguments as well as the utilisation of technology.

AO4: Investigate various situations using mathematical concepts and approaches. 6

Self-Management Skills C

Social Skills G

Thinking Skills C

Communication Skills G

Research Skills G

Attendance: 3 Absent 113 Present 0 Late 8 Health 6 Other

Visual Art SL Julius Setiawan

Welcome to Semester 2 of the academic year 2023- 2024. The Grade 12 IB Diploma Program visual arts - standard
level (SL) course encourages students to challenge their own creative and cultural expectations and boundaries.
Ephesians 2:10 – For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in
advance for us to do. This verse is our foundation to share our gift and our art with everyone and for the world.
It is a thought-provoking course in which students develop analytical skills in problem-solving and divergent
thinking, while working towards technical proficiency and confidence as art-makers. In addition to exploring and
comparing visual arts from different perspectives and in different contexts, students are expected to engage in,
experiment with and critically reflect upon a wide range of contemporary practices and media. The course is
designed for students who want to go on to further study of visual arts in higher education as well as for those who
are seeking lifelong enrichment through visual arts. As image bearers of Christ it is believed that each student has
the inherent ability to create and be creative. This course is designed to explore that truth.

AO1: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of specified content. 5

AO2: Demonstrate application and analysis of knowledge and understanding. 6

AO3: Demonstrate synthesis and evaluation. 5

AO4: Select, use and apply a variety of appropriate skills and techniques. 6

Self-Management Skills G

Social Skills G

Thinking Skills G

Communication Skills G

Research Skills G

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Attendance: 0 Absent 122 Present 0 Late 3 Health 2 Other

Theory of Knowledge Daniel Lee

In the second semester of TOK 12, students continue to explore and reflect on the nature of knowledge and the
process of knowing. Students reflect on the knowledge, beliefs, and opinions that they have built up from their
years of academic studies and their lives outside the classroom. Students examine the evidence for claims and
evaluate the credibility of claims that they are exposed to. Students also explore different methods and tools of
inquiry and try to establish what it is about them that makes them effective, as well as considering their limitations.
The major assessment for TOK 12 is an essay in which students will have the opportunity to demonstrate the
application of their skills and knowledge from their learning in several areas of knowledge.

AO1: Demonstrate an understanding of knowledge questions that are linked to specific areas of knowledge and ways of

AO2: Analyse knowledge questions discerning the inherent claims, counterclaims and implications connected to these
knowledge questions

AO3: Develop knowledge questions implicit within relevant real-life situations 6

Self-Management Skills G

Social Skills G

Thinking Skills G

Communication Skills G

Research Skills G

Attendance: 0 Absent 43 Present 0 Late 4 Health 3 Other

Senior School - Semester Two (August 2023 – June 2024)

Biblical Studies Dallas Tucker

In Semester 2, students learn about some of the challenging topics that arise on college campuses in regards to
Christianity. Creation, humanity, free will and more are covered. Students also look at the topics of discipleship,
evangelism, and apologetics.

Social Skills G

Thinking Skills G

Self-Management Skills G

Communication Skills G

Research Skills G

AO1: Biblical and Theological Knowledge 6

AO2: Biblical and Theological Skills 7

AO3: Biblical and Theological Significance 7

Attendance: 4 Absent 41 Present 1 Late 3 Health 4 Other

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Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan (PPKn) Heryulina Purbo
In semester 2, Grade 12 students will apply their knowledge and understanding of Pancasila implementation in
Indonesia's problematic areas. They will also focus on analyzing the causes of injustice issues that are happening
in those areas. Students will learn by working in groups to analyze articles and watching specific videos as they
offer solutions that will bring God's Shalom to all citizens in Indonesia, especially in Papua equally.

AO1: Identify, associate, and reflect Godly characters and values as Indonesian citizen who believe in one and only God. 5

Social Skills G

AO2: Identify,associate and analize the factual,conceptual and procedural knowledge. 6

Thinking Skills G

AO3: Process, reason, and present the result of learning in various ways 6

Self-Management Skills G

Communication Skills G

Research Skills G

Attendance: 1 Absent 19 Present 2 Late 2 Health 1 Other

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IB Diploma Core

Assessment Explanation
SPH Vision, Mission and Theme


True Knowledge ~ Faith in Christ ~ Godly Character


Proclaiming the preeminence of Christ and engaging in the redemptive restoration of all things in Him through
holistic education


Arise, Shine! (Isaiah 60:1-3)

"Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For behold, darkness shall
cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples; but the Lord will arise upon you, and his glory will be seen upon
you. And nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising."

Learning Skill Descriptors

C Consistently

G Generally

S Sometimes

N Needs Improvement

Grade Descriptors
Grade Descriptor

The student demonstrates excellent content knowledge and understanding, conceptual and contextual awareness and
critical, reflective thinking. Highly effective research, investigation and technical skills are evident, as is the ability to
analyse, evaluate and synthesize qualitative and quantitative evidence, knowledge and concepts to reach valid
conclusions or solve problems. In collaborative exercises, the student works very well with others, ethically and
responsibly, and with perseverance. Responses are highly insightful, accurate, clear, concise, convincing, logically
structured, with sufficient detail, precise use of appropriate terminology and with appropriate attention to purpose and
audience. Responses are creative, make very effective use of well-selected examples, demonstrate awareness of
alternative points of view and provide clear evidence of intercultural understanding.

The student demonstrates very good content knowledge and understanding, conceptual and contextual awareness and
6 critical, reflective thinking. Competent research, investigation and technical skills are evident, as is the ability to analyse,
evaluate and synthesize evidence, knowledge and concepts. In collaborative exercises, the student works well with

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Grade Descriptor

others, ethically and responsibly, and with perseverance. Responses are mainly accurate, clear, concise, convincing,
logically structured, with sufficient detail, using consistent terminology and with appropriate attention to purpose and
audience. Responses show creativity, make effective use of examples, demonstrate awareness of alternative points of
view and provide evidence of intercultural understanding.

The student demonstrates sound content knowledge and understanding, good conceptual and contextual awareness
and evidence of critical, reflective thinking. Research, investigation and technical skills are evident and sometimes well
developed. Analytical ability is evident, although responses may at times be more descriptive than evaluative. In
5 collaborative investigations, the student generally works well with others, ethically and responsibly, and with
perseverance. Responses are generally accurate, clear, logically structured and coherent, with mainly relevant material,
using suitable terminology, and are sometimes well developed. Responses show reasonable creativity, use of examples,
awareness of audience and evidence of intercultural understanding.

The student demonstrates, with some gaps, secure content knowledge and understanding, some conceptual and
contextual awareness and some evidence of critical thinking. Research, investigation and technical skills are evident,
but not thoroughly developed. Analysis is generally valid, but more descriptive than evaluative. The student solves basic
or routine problems, but with limited ability to deal with new or difficult situations. In collaborative exercises, the student
works within a team and generally approaches investigations ethically and responsibly, but requires supervision.
Responses are mostly accurate and clear with little irrelevant material. There is some ability to logically structure
responses with adequate coherence and use of appropriate terminology. Responses sometimes show creativity, and
include some awareness of audience and evidence of intercultural understanding.

The student demonstrates basic knowledge and understanding of the content, with limited evidence of conceptual and
contextual awareness. Research and/or investigation is evident, but remains undeveloped. There is some ability to
comprehend and solve problems. Collaborative investigations are approached ethically and responsibly, but require
3 close supervision. Responses are only sometimes valid and appropriately detailed. There is some expression of ideas
and organization of work and basic use of appropriate terminology, but arguments are rarely convincing. Responses
lack clarity and some material is repeated or irrelevant. There is limited creativity, awareness of context or audience and
limited evidence of intercultural understanding.

The student demonstrates little knowledge or understanding of the content, with weak comprehension of concepts and
context and little evidence of application. Evidence of research and/or investigation is only superficial. There is little
2 ability to comprehend and solve problems. Responses are rarely accurate or valid. There is some attempt to express
ideas, use terminology appropriate to the subject and organize work, but the response is rarely convincing. There is very
little creativity, awareness of context or audience and little evidence of intercultural understanding.

The student demonstrates very rudimentary knowledge or understanding of the content, with very weak comprehension
of concepts and context. Ability to comprehend and solve problems or to express ideas is not evident. Responses are
1 rarely accurate or valid. Organization is lacking to the point that responses are confusing. Responses demonstrate very
little to no appreciation of context or audience, inappropriate or inadequate use of terminology, and little to no
intercultural understanding.

N/A Not Yet Assessed.

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