Eastwood International School: Elementary Report On Learning 2019-2020

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Elementary Report on Learning 2019-2020

Semester I (Sept. 12, 2019 - Jan. 31, 2020)

Student Name : OUEIDAT Jad Joey Grade : G5 / A

Absent 2
Tardy 0

PYP Themes
Theme: How We Organize Ourselves Ύϧγϔϧ΃ϡ˷υϧϧϑϳϛ Theme: How We Express Ourselves Ύϧγϔϧ΃ϥϋέΑόϧϑϳϛ
Title: Title:
Central Idea: Leadership systems impact opportunities Central Idea: Biographies help us discover our
for decision making and problem-solving. Ε΍ΩΎϳϘϟ΍ϡΎυϧ personal histories to make more sense of the world.
Εϼϛηϣϟ΍˷ϝΣϭΕ΍έ΍έϘϟ΍ΫΎΧΗ΍ιέϓϰϠϋέ˷Λ΅ϳ ϝοϓ΃ΔϘϳέρΑϡϟΎόϟ΍ϡϬϓϑΩϬΑ˷ϲλΧ˷ηϟ΍ΎϧϳοΎϣϑΎηϛΗγ΍ϲϓΎϧΩϋΎγΗέϳ˷γϟ΍
Lines of Inquiry Lines of Inquiry
1 - The interdependence of subsystems in decision- 1 - The exploration of memoirs can impact our
making έ΍έϘϟ΍ϊϧλϲϓΔ˷ϳϋέϔϟ΍ϡυ˷ϧϟ΍ϥϳΑρΑ΍έ˷Ηϟ΍ behavior Ύϧ˶ϛϭϠγϲϓέ˷Λ΅ϳΩϗΕ΍έ˷ϛΫϣϟ΍ϑΎηϛΗγ˶΍
2 - The roles of subsystems in decision making έ΍ϭΩ΃ 2 - Biographies’ profound impact on the world έϳ˷γϟ΍
έ΍έϘϟ΍ϊϧλϲϓΔ˷ϳϋέϓ ϡϟΎόϟ΍ϲϓΎϫέϳΛ΄ΗϭΔ˷ϳΗ΍˷Ϋϟ΍
3 - Different leadership systems and regimes Δϣυϧ΃ 3 - Biographies are means of self-expression έϳ˷γϟ΍
ΔϔϠΗΧϣϟ΍ΓΩΎϳϘϟ΍ Ε΍˷Ϋϟ΍ϥϋέϳΑό˷ΗϠϟΔϠϳγϭΔ˷ϳΗ΍˷Ϋϟ΍
Theme: Where We Are in Place and Time ϲϓϥΣϧϥϳ΍
Central Idea: Past civilizations shape present day
systems. Δ˷ϳϣϭϳϟ΍ΎϧΗΎϳΣΔϣυϧ΃ΔϣϳΩϘϟ΍Ε΍έΎοΣϟ΍ϝ˷ϛηΗ
Lines of Inquiry
1 - Similarities and differences between the old and
the new ΩϳΩΟϟ΍ϭϡϳΩϘϟ΍ϥϳΑϑϼΗΧϻ΍ϭϪΑΎη˷Ηϟ΍ϪΟϭ΃
2 - Significance and relevance of past systems on
modern societies ΔΛϳΩΣϟ΍ΕΎόϣΗΟϣϟ΍ϲϓΔϘΑΎ˷γϟ΍ϡυ˷ϧϟ΍Δ˷ϳϣϫ΃
3 - Systems from ancient civilizations that have
survived time ΓΩ΋Ύγϝ΍ίΗϻϲΗ˷ϟ΍ΔϣϳΩϘϟ΍Ε΍έΎοΣϟ΍Δϣυϧ΃

Jad has shown great understanding of the different forms of government and the different roles of sub-systems in
decision-making. Jad has also shown some improvement in his research skills; however, he would benefit from
synthesizing the information he collects from different resources in order to write an essay with a strong voice. His
essays have a beginning, a middle, and an end. Nonetheless, they lack the important components of an essay, such as
a topic sentence, three relevant reasons, and solid evidence to support his reasons. Jad is a real thinker. He always
takes his time to think of the ideas he wants to share or write. However, Jad is encouraged to share and write his ideas
in a timely manner since he takes a lot of time to do so.

Jad was knowledgeable and was also a thinker. He analyzed the information he collected while researching about the
impact of biographies on the world. In his summative assessment, Jad recorded important facts about Al Pacino’s life.
However, Jad did not complete his research because he did not manage his time effectively. When writing his memoir,
there was a clear elaboration in Jad’s sentences and ideas. Jad is encouraged to improve his writing by adding more
details to the events and by sequencing the events in his story.

Jad has shown great understanding of how ancient civilization display similarities and differences. He wrote a compare
and contrast essay about Ancient Greece and Ancient Egypt. There was noticeable improvement in Jad’s elaboration;
however, Jad is still required to use his time efficiently in order to complete his tasks. Jad showed the significance and
relevance of past systems on modern societies by researching about ancient hammers and tracing their evolution
through time. To improve his research skills, Jad is encouraged to analyze and synthesize the information he collects.
Approaches to Learning
M = Most of the time U = Usually S = Sometimes R = Rarely

Thinking Skills Research Skills

Acquisition of knowledge U Formulating Questions U
Comprehension U Observing U
Application U Planning U
Analysis U Collecting Data S
Synthesis U Recording Data S
Evaluation U Organizing Data U
Dialectical Thought S Interpreting Data U
Metacognition S Presenting Research Findings S
Communication Skills Social Skills
Listening U Accepting Responsibility U
Speaking S Respecting Others S
Reading U Cooperating U
Writing S Resolving Conflict S
Viewing U Group Decision-Making S
Presenting S Adopting a variety of group roles S
Non-verbal Communication U IB Learner Profile
Self-Management Skills Inquirer U
Gross Motor Skills U Knowledgeable U
Fine Motor Skills U Thinker S
Spatial Awareness U Communicator U
Organization U Principled S
Time Management R Open-minded S
Safety U Caring U
Healthy Lifestyle U Risk-taker S
Codes of Behavior S Balanced U
Informed Choices S Reflective S


Teacher: Hind Muzien

A The student consistently and independently demonstrates proficiency in the grade level standard.
B The student is progressing toward consistent and independent proficiency in the grade level standard.
C The student is beginning to progress toward the grade level standard with additional time and support.
D The student is not yet demonstrating progress toward the grade level standard.

Standards B A M E
Model addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers with manipulative and
on a number line
Use various methods to find quotients for multi-digit division problems and justify why the
procedures work on the basis of place value and number properties
Develop and use strategies for mental computations with nonnegative and decimals ¥
Model addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of decimals using decimal squares and the
number line
Read, write, and compare decimals to thousandths ¥
Read and write decimals to thousandths using base-ten numerals, number names, and expanded
Compare two decimals to thousandths based on meanings of the digits in each place, using <, >,
and = symbols to record the results of the comparison
Understand exponents as repeated multiplication ¥
Compute equivalent representations of fractions and decimals (i.e., halves, thirds, fourths, fifths,
eighths, tenths, hundredths)
Simplify fractions in computation answers ¥
Represent ratios and proportions and solve problems using models and pictures ¥
Identify and represent ratios as comparisons of part-to-part and part-to whole relationships, and
solve problems involving ratios
Add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions with unlike denominators (including mixed numbers)
by replacing the given fractions with equivalent fractions in such a way as to produce an ¥
equivalent sum or difference of fractions with like denominators
Apply the inverse relationship between multiplication and division to make sense of procedures for
multiplying and dividing fractions and justify why they work
Understand and apply divisibility rules ¥
Model and distinguish between factor and multiple and prime and composite numbers ¥
Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions referring to the same whole,
including cases of unlike denominators by using visual fraction models or equations to represent ¥
the problems
Use benchmark fractions and number sense of fractions to estimate mentally and assess the
reasonableness of answers
Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication to multiply a fraction or whole number
by a fraction
Interpret a fraction as division of the numerator by the denominator ¥
Solve word problems involving division of whole numbers in the form of fractions or mixed
Solve real world problems involving multiplication of fractions and mixed numbers by using visual
fraction models or equations to represent the problem
Interpret division of a whole number by a unit fraction and compute such quotients ¥
Solve reald world problems involving division of unit fractions by non-zero whole numbers and
division of whole number by unit fractions by using visual fraction models

B = Below Standard A = Approaching Standard M = Meets Standard E = Exceeds Standard


Math - Inclusive Arrangements
Teacher: Anaiis Lahoud

A The student consistently and independently demonstrates proficiency in the grade level standard.
B The student is progressing toward consistent and independent proficiency in the grade level standard.
C The student is beginning to progress toward the grade level standard with additional time and support.
D The student is not yet demonstrating progress toward the grade level standard.


Visual Arts
Teacher: Laurice Jabbour

A The student consistently and independently demonstrates proficiency in the grade level standard.
B The student is progressing toward consistent and independent proficiency in the grade level standard.
C The student is beginning to progress toward the grade level standard with additional time and support.
D The student is not yet demonstrating progress toward the grade level standard.

Standards B A M E
Identify the different forms of the arts ¥
Understand what the arts have in common ¥
Identify and discuss artworks from different cultures/ locations ¥
Compare and contrast two artworks on: place, subject matter, media, use of value and space,
theme, purpose of art in culture
Create a texture or surface quality using any drawing media ¥
Create an original outdoor scene that shows the illusion of space ¥
Create an original artwork that communicates ideas about nature, people, and group identity ¥
Identify and use converging lines to create the illusion of space ¥
Identify and use different descriptive lines: contour, gesture ¥
Identify and use symbolic shapes ¥

B = Below Standard A = Approaching Standard M = Meets Standard E = Exceeds Standard


Language Arts
Teacher: Hind Muzien

A The student consistently and independently demonstrates proficiency in the grade level standard.
B The student is progressing toward consistent and independent proficiency in the grade level standard.
C The student is beginning to progress toward the grade level standard with additional time and support.
D The student is not yet demonstrating progress toward the grade level standard.

Standards B A M E
Use a variety of transitional words, phrases, and clauses to manage the sequence of events ¥
Identify genre (including fantasy, biography, science fiction, mystery, historical novel) and explain
elements and literary forms that are associated with different genres
Read a wide range of texts confidently, independently, and with understanding ¥
Make inferences and be able to justify them ¥
Use the internet responsibly and knowledgeably ¥
Locate, organize, and synthesize information from a variety of sources including the library, the
internet, and people in the school, the immediate community, or the global community
Improve writing through the process of planning, drafting, editing, and revising ¥
Write persuasive essays to communicate effectively ¥
Use appropriate paragraphing to organize ideas ¥
Use standard spelling for most words and use appropriate resources to check spelling Identify the
different components of sentence
Identify the different components of sentence ¥
Gain experience writing, choosing appropriate language, and understanding parts of speech;
understand that words have multiple functions when used in different contexts
Use a comma to separate an introductory element from the rest of the sentence ¥
Use a comma to set off the words yes and no (e.g., Yes, thank you), to set off a tag question from
the rest of the sentence (e.g., It’s true, isn’t it?), and to indicate direct address (e.g., Is that you, ¥
Develop the topic with facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and
examples related to the topic
Listen and respond appropriately to instructions, questions, and explanations ¥
Show open-minded attitudes when listening to other points of view ¥
Generate, develop and modify ideas and opinions through discussion ¥
Argue persuasively and justify a point of view ¥
Distinguish between fact and opinion, and reach their own conclusions about what represents
valid information
Use a range of strategies to solve comprehension problems and deepen their understanding of a
Consistently and confidently use a range of resources to find information and support their
Explain how an author uses reasons and evidence to support particular points in a text, identifying
which reasons and evidence support which point(s)
Use planning, drafting, editing and reviewing processes independently and with increasing
Use a variety of sources confidently and effectively to check accuracy, broaden vocabulary, and
enrich their writing, such as a dictionary, spellchecker
Use written language as a means of reflecting on their own learning ¥
Use a variety of transitional words, phrases, and clauses to manage the sequence of events ¥
Use oral language to formulate and communicate possibilities and theories ¥
Realize that individuals interpret visual information according to their personal experiences and
different perspectives
Participate in group author studies, gaining an in-depth understanding of the work and style of a
particular author and appreciating what it means to be an author
Use the relationship between particular words (e.g., synonyms, antonyms, homographs) to better
understand each of the words
Use register, tone, voice level, and intonation to enhance meaning ¥
Write a range of text types (e.g., narrative, instructional, persuasive) in order to communicate
Adapt writing according to the audience and demonstrate the ability to engage and sustain the
interest of the reader
Choose to publish written work in handwritten form or digital format independently ¥
Participate appropriately as listener and speaker, in discussions, conversations, debates, and
group presentations
Appreciate structural and stylistic differences between fiction and non-fiction; show understanding
of this distinction when structuring their own writing
Describe how a narrator’s or speaker’s point of view influences how events are described ¥
Identify and describe elements of a story—plot, setting, characters, theme—and explain how they
contribute to its effectiveness
Compare and contrast the plots of two different but similar novels, commenting on effectiveness
and impact
Explain how a series of chapters or scenes fit together to provide the overall structure of a
particular memoir
Write a memoir that is focused on a purpose; communicates with an audience; has evidence of
choice and/or suitable tone
Use a range of vocabulary and relevant supporting details to convey meaning and create
atmosphere and mood
Use concrete words and phrases and sensory details to convey experiences and events precisely ¥
Read and comprehend informational texts, including history/social studies, science, and technical
Use punctuation (commas, parentheses, dashes) to set off nonrestrictive/ parenthetical elements ¥
Use standard grammatical structures competently in appropriate situations ¥
Identify key ideas in spoken language and synthesize them to create their own understanding ¥
Pose and respond to specific questions by making comments that contribute to the discussion and
elaborate on the remarks of others
Review the key ideas expressed and draw conclusions in light of information and knowledge
gained from the discussions
Work in cooperative groups to locate and select texts appropriate to purpose and audience ¥

B = Below Standard A = Approaching Standard M = Meets Standard E = Exceeds Standard


Teacher: Sophia Barakat Diab

A The student consistently and independently demonstrates proficiency in the grade level standard.
B The student is progressing toward consistent and independent proficiency in the grade level standard.
C The student is beginning to progress toward the grade level standard with additional time and support.
D The student is not yet demonstrating progress toward the grade level standard.

Standards B A M E
ΩϧΗγϣϟϪϣϬϓϥϋϭϪΗΎΟΎΣϥϋΔρϳγΑΔϠϣΟΑϭ΃ΔϣϠϛΑέ˷Αό˵ϳϟΔ˷ϳϛΣϣϟ΍Δϐ˷Ϡϟ΍έλΎϧϋ˵ϡΩΧΗγ˴ϳ ¥
˷ϑ˷λϟ΍ϰϟ·ϭ΃Ϫϳϟ·ΔϬ˷Οϭϣϟ΍ΔϠ΋γϷ΍ϥϋ˵ΏϳΟ˵ϳϭΕΎϣϭϠόϣϟ΍ϰϠϋϝϭλΣϠϟΔϠ΋γϷ΍˵Ρέρ˴ϳ ¥
ΔΑγΗ˸ϛ˵ϣϟ΍ΕΎϣϭϠόϣϟΎΑΎ˱ϧϳόΗ˸γϣΔ˷ϳϘϳϧϳϔϟ΍ΓέΎοΣϟ΍ϝϭΣΎ˱ΛΣΑ˵νέό˴ϳ ¥
ΔϣϳϠγΓ˯΍έϗΔρϳγΑϝ˴ϣ˵ΟϥϣΎ˱ϔ˷ϟ΅ϣΎ˱˷ϳϠλ΍ϭΗΎ˱˷λϧ˵΃έϘ˴ϳ ¥
Ύ˱˷ϣΎΗϭΎ˱Σο΍ϭΎ˱υϔϟϑϭέΣϟ΍ΝέΎΧϣυϔϠϳ ¥
ΓέϳλϘϟ΍Ε΍ϭλϷ΍ϭΔϠϳϭ˷ρϟ΍Ε΍ϭλϷ΍ϲϋ΍έ˵ϳ ¥
ΩϧΗγϣϟ΍ϡϬϓϲϓΓέηΎΑ˵ϣέϳϏϭ΃ΓέηΎΑ˵ϣΔρϳγΑΔϠ΋γ΃ϥϋΎ˱˷ϳϬϔη˵ΏϳΟ˵ϳ ¥
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ϩέΧ΁ϭΎϬργϭϭˬΔϣϠϛϟ΍ϝ˷ϭ΃ϲϓϑέΣϟ΍ϝϛηί˷ϳϣϳ ¥
ΓΩϳϔϣΔϣϠϛϲϓϑέΣϷ΍ϊϣΟϳ ¥
ϑέΣϷ΍ϭ΃ΕΎϣϠϛϟ΍ϭ΃ϝϣΟϟ΍ΩΩϋΩ˷ΩΣϳ ¥
Ύ˱ϓϭέΣΔϣϠϛϟ΍ϝ˷ϠΣ˵ϳ ¥
ΕϻΎϣΗΣ΍ΔϋϭϣΟϣϥϳΑΔΣϳΣ˷λϟ΍ΔΑΎΟϹ΍˵ί˷ϳϣ˵ϳ ¥
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Ι˷ϧ΅ϣϟ΍ϥϣέ͉ϛΫϣϟ΍˵ί˷ϳϣ˵ϳ ¥
αϛόϟΎΑϭΎ˱Λ˷ϧ΅ϣέ͉ϛΫϣϟ΍˵ϝ͋ϭΣ˵ϳ ¥
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ΔΑγΎϧϣϟ΍Γέϭ˷λϟΎΑ˴ϡ˸γϻ΍˵ρΑέ˴ϳ ¥
ϰϧόϣϟ΍Δ˷ϣΎΗΔϠϣΟϰϠϋϝλΣϳϟΕΎϣϠϛϟ΍˵Ώ˷Ηέ˵ϳ ¥

B = Below Standard A = Approaching Standard M = Meets Standard E = Exceeds Standard


Performing Arts
Teacher: Jeffrey Mhanna

A The student consistently and independently demonstrates proficiency in the grade level standard.
B The student is progressing toward consistent and independent proficiency in the grade level standard.
C The student is beginning to progress toward the grade level standard with additional time and support.
D The student is not yet demonstrating progress toward the grade level standard.

Standards B A M E
Identify the message, theme, and purpose in a drama ¥
Compare ways in which ideas and emotions are expressed in theater or dramatic media ¥
Evaluate their understanding developed through the exploration of drama elements ¥
Compare Bibliography of different famous artists ¥
Combining physical qualities with vocal qualities, including projection and vocal variety ¥
Combining physical shapes, levels, and facial expressions to depict emotion and mood of
Work cooperatively towards a common goal, taking an active part in a creative experience ¥
Learners collaboratively distinguish introduced musical elements in a symphony and concerto
recording and label: Beat, timbre, pitch and meter

B = Below Standard A = Approaching Standard M = Meets Standard E = Exceeds Standard


Physical Education
Teacher: Marwan Chebaby el-

A The student consistently and independently demonstrates proficiency in the grade level standard.
B The student is progressing toward consistent and independent proficiency in the grade level standard.
C The student is beginning to progress toward the grade level standard with additional time and support.
D The student is not yet demonstrating progress toward the grade level standard.

Standards B A M E
Develop cooperation skills through helping others ¥
Develop the knowledge about leadership such as their roles, duties, responsibilities, and
Develop sportsmanship skills ¥
Develop dribbling skills in Basketball ¥
Develop passing skills in basketball ¥
Develop shooting skills in basketball ¥
Cooperate with other peers in a basketball match ¥
Develop the knowledge about biographies of sports athletes ¥
Develop dribbling skills in football ¥
Develop passing skills in football ¥
Develop shooting skills in football ¥
Cooperate with other peers in a football match ¥
Shows sportsmanship ¥
Develop the knowledge about the history of the Olympics ¥
Develop the knowledge about the different types of Olympics ¥
Develop the knowledge about the development of different types of sports ¥
Develop sprinting technique ¥
Develop jumping technique ¥

B = Below Standard A = Approaching Standard M = Meets Standard E = Exceeds Standard


Science - Inclusive Arrangements
Teacher: Anaiis Lahoud

A The student consistently and independently demonstrates proficiency in the grade level standard.
B The student is progressing toward consistent and independent proficiency in the grade level standard.
C The student is beginning to progress toward the grade level standard with additional time and support.
D The student is not yet demonstrating progress toward the grade level standard.


Teacher: Hind Muzien

A The student consistently and independently demonstrates proficiency in the grade level standard.
B The student is progressing toward consistent and independent proficiency in the grade level standard.
C The student is beginning to progress toward the grade level standard with additional time and support.
D The student is not yet demonstrating progress toward the grade level standard.

Standards B A M E
Differentiate between animal and plant cells ¥
Explore the differences between multicellular and unicellular organisms ¥
Investigate, compare, and contrast the different structures of organisms that serve different
functions for growth, reproduction, and survival
Explore health and safety issues facing children (e.g., spread of diseases, accidents) ¥
Examine interactions between living things and nonliving parts of the environment ¥
Investigate the conservation of energy in ecosystems ¥
Describe that energy in animals’ food (used for body repair, growth, motion, and to maintain body
warmth) was once energy from the sun
Analyze the effects of changing a link in a food web ¥
Categorize organisms as predator or prey in a given ecosystem ¥
Investigate and describe the roles of plants as producers and animals as consumers and how
living things may depend on each other
Explain how dominant and recessive genes affect the inheritance of traits ¥
Explain that every organism requires a set of instructions that specifies its traits ¥
Give examples of how inherited characteristics may change over time as adaptations to changes
in the environment that enable organisms to survive, e.g., shape of beak or feet, placement of ¥
eyes on head, length of neck, shape of teeth, color

B = Below Standard A = Approaching Standard M = Meets Standard E = Exceeds Standard


Teacher: Christina Kyriakos

A The student consistently and independently demonstrates proficiency in the grade level standard.
B The student is progressing toward consistent and independent proficiency in the grade level standard.
C The student is beginning to progress toward the grade level standard with additional time and support.
D The student is not yet demonstrating progress toward the grade level standard.

Standards B A M E
Utiliser le lexique des aliments et des boissons ¥
Lire avec aisance un texte ¥
Répondre par une phrase complète aux questions posées ¥
Apprendre à se présenter et à présenter quelqu’un ¥
Parler de ses déplacements en ville ¥
Identifier le sujet ¥
Conjuguer les verbes du 1er groupe au présent ¥
Différencier les noms et les pronoms ¥
Reconnaitre les préposition de lieu ¥
Conjuguer au présent les verbes être,avoir ¥
Conjuguer les verbes en "ger" ¥
Conjuguer les verbes prendre et vouloir ¥

B = Below Standard A = Approaching Standard M = Meets Standard E = Exceeds Standard


Social Studies
Teacher: Hind Muzien

A The student consistently and independently demonstrates proficiency in the grade level standard.
B The student is progressing toward consistent and independent proficiency in the grade level standard.
C The student is beginning to progress toward the grade level standard with additional time and support.
D The student is not yet demonstrating progress toward the grade level standard.

Standards B A M E
Explain and analyze strengths and weaknesses of various kinds of governance systems in terms
of the purpose they are designed to serve
Explain how different types of government acquire, use, and justify power ¥
Describe major issues involving rights, responsibilities, roles, and status of the individual in
relation to the general welfare
Know functions and responsibilities of government leaders ¥
Identify and describe means by which citizens can monitor and influence actions of their
governments and vice versa
Recognize the elements of major political systems (e.g., monarchy, democracy, dictatorship) ¥
Examine how the rights of a person in a particular society directly affect their responsibilities ¥
Compare and contrast major political systems ¥
Recognize how rituals and traditions contribute to cultural identity ¥
Analyze information about past technological advances and societal systems ¥
Predict societal and technological changes in the future ¥
Identify and describe examples of how technology has changed the lives of people ¥
Reflect on the role of technology in his or her own life ¥
Assess which aspects of past civilizations have had the most impact on the present day, using
evidence from a variety of resources
Identify roles, rights, and responsibilities in society ¥
Identify the reasons why people feel compelled to explore the unknown ¥
Investigate the impact of exploration on people in the past, present, and future ¥

B = Below Standard A = Approaching Standard M = Meets Standard E = Exceeds Standard


SST - Inclusive Arrangements
Teacher: Anaiis Lahoud

A The student consistently and independently demonstrates proficiency in the grade level standard.
B The student is progressing toward consistent and independent proficiency in the grade level standard.
C The student is beginning to progress toward the grade level standard with additional time and support.
D The student is not yet demonstrating progress toward the grade level standard.


Information & Communications Technology
Teacher: Lama Masri

A The student consistently and independently demonstrates proficiency in the grade level standard.
B The student is progressing toward consistent and independent proficiency in the grade level standard.
C The student is beginning to progress toward the grade level standard with additional time and support.
D The student is not yet demonstrating progress toward the grade level standard.

Standards B A M E
Distinguish between the x, y, z coordinates ¥
Use the Gumball view for all angles ¥
Use appropriate measurements for the desired product ¥
Create a cloth while understanding the different materials ¥
Create a circle and explode it into a solid structure ¥
Create an artboard ¥
Add a background (solid fill or pattern) ¥
Use the type tool ¥
Use the shape tool ¥
Insert, expand and trace images ¥
Transform an image into a drawing or high quality photo, etc… ¥
Insert and edit symbols to fit the design ¥
Join shapes to make one more complex shape and fill it with color ¥
Differentiate between cells, rows and columns on Google Forms ¥
Add data to a spreadsheet ¥
Create different types of formulas to calculate and manipulate the data ¥
Create charts using the data entered ¥
Format a pie chart ¥
Insert and delete columns, rows and cells ¥

B = Below Standard A = Approaching Standard M = Meets Standard E = Exceeds Standard


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