Reviewer Transportation

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Accident Analysis and Reduction

INTRODUCTION TO TRANSPORTATION -This discipline of transportation looks at the causes of accidents,
PLANNING AND ENGINEERING from the perspective of human, road, and vehicle and formulate
The Field of Transportation Engineering according to Institute of plans for the reduction.
Transportation Engineering (1987) 5. Intelligent Transport System.
 Transportation engineering is the application of technology Intelligent transportation system offers better mobility,
and scientific principles to the planning, functional design, efficiency, and safety with the help of the state-of-the-art-
operation, and management of facilities for any mode of technology.
transportation in order to provide for the safe, rapid,
comfortable, convenient, economical, and environmentally Objectives of Transportation and Traffic Engineering
compatible movement of people and goods. 1. Speed
2. Comfort – involves the physical characteristics of
The Nature of Transportation Engineering vehicles and roadways and is influenced by our
It is a multidisciplinary area which requires the fields of: perception of safety.
 Economics 3. Environmental Capability
 Sociology  Harmony
 Geography is achieved when transportation systems are designed
 Psychology to minimize negative environmental impacts, and
 Operational Research where system architecture provides for aesthetically
 Probability pleasing facilities that “fit in” with their surroundings.
 Regional Planning
 Statistics Phases of Transportation System
1. Transportation Planning
Major Discipline of Transportation Engineering -involves the process of developing plans and programs that
1. Transportation Planning improve present travel conditions.
 should be continuous -planning should be methodical rather than political.
 dynamic
 rational and not political Elements of Transportation Planning
2. Geometric Design 1. Statement of Goals and Objectives (reduce the travel
3. Pavement Design time between Lucena and Manila).
4. Traffic Engineering 2. Identification of Needs
Other important Disciplines  Identify the components of transportation system needed to
1. Public Transportation satisfy the goals based on the present conditions and forecasts of
- deals with study of the transportation system that meets the future conditions of travel demand, fuel, costs, etc.
travel need of several people by sharing a vehicle. 1. Travel time consumes more than 10 hrs.
2. Financial and Economic Analysis 2. Although there is a train which can reach Manila from
-Transportation facilities require large capital investments. Lucena in slightly less than 5 hours, none of them
Therefore, it is imperative that whoever invests money should leave in the morning.
get the returns. 3. Lucena is not connected to Manila by air.
3. Environmental Impact Assessment 4. Forecast the travel demand in the future.
-attempts in quantifying the environmental impacts and tries to 3. Generation of Alternatives- Alternative plans are developed
evolve strategies for the mitigation and reduction of the impact which address the needs identified in the previous stage.
due to both construction and operation. 1. Provide a train service leaving Lucena early in the
Primary Impacts morning (5:00AM) and reaching Manila at 9:00AM.
a. Air Pollution b. Fuel consumption c. Noise pollution
2. Provide small airport in Lucena handle short-haul
commercial flights.
3. Improve the existing road connecting Lucena and
Manila to provide average speed of 125kph.

4. Evaluation of Alternatives - Each alternative is developed in the

previous stage, will have technical, land-use and demographic,
environmental, financial, and economic implications.

Alternatives should be based on:

1. Financial Feasibility Analysis (capital investment,

operating cost).
2. Economic Impact Analysis (travel time of road users, out-
of-the pocket cost to users, improved business
3. Technical Implication Analysis
4. Land-use and demographic impact analysis (Conversion of
unused land to commercial areas, cost of living may be
5. Environmental Impact Analysis
 construction of facility (say road) may change the natural
features of the land which can lead to problems like loss of
 the use of facility (vehicle) may increase air and noise
 better facility may attract frequent travel which lead to the
use of more nonrenewable fossil fuels.
6. Implementation of Alternatives- Once an alternative is
found to be suitable, a plan is drawn up as to how it will
be implemented.

Phases of Transportation System

1. Transportation Design- involves the specification of features

that comprise the transportation facility such that it will
function effectively and in accord with appropriate criteria and
mathematical relationships. (geometric design, road cross
2. Transportation Design- vertical curve, horizontal curve).
3. Transportation Construction -involves all aspects of building
4. Transportation Operation and Management- involves the
control vehicles in real time to ensure that they are travelling
in paths that are secured from interference with other
vehicles or pedestrians.
5. Transportation Infrastructure Maintenance

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