Reflections For Class Activiites

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“One person caring about another, represents life’s greatest value.

” This short yet

impactful quote by Jim Rohn, basically depicts what I have experienced my whole upper
secondary life, under the guidance of Ms Chia. Not only is she a great teacher, she also
showcases her care and love for others via her various initiatives, which I will be sharing
the experiences that I have gained here in this earnest reflection.

In 2022, she organized a ground-up initiative to collect Chinese New Year goodies and
give it out to our estate staff. Amidst the challenges of the COVID-19 era, Ms Chia’s
thoughtful initiative became a beacon of appreciation for the unsung heroes in our
midst - the estate staff, who have been working tirelessly to ensure our safety and
wellbeing. Their contributions, often unnoticed and sometimes taken for granted, were
acknowledged and celebrated through this heartfelt gesture. I find that through this
initiative, Ms Chia shined light onto the work that they were doing, and brought about
some well-deserved recognition and appreciation for these silent heroes. In a way, does
that not make her a hero as well? Through this initiative, I have definitely grown a lot as
a person, realizing that I am blessed and should be grateful to study in such a nice
environment. This is a testament to the fact that Ms Chia not only cares for her
students, and even the people silently working in the background, and to her, no one
goes unnoticed, and everyone deserves some love and sunshine.
ft. 3A3’22 CMC members presenting cny goodies to estate staff

Fast forward to 2023, and the resonance of gratitude continued to echo through the
corridors of our school with the introduction of the canteen gratitude board. Ms Chia’s
vision transformed a simple board into a canvas of appreciation, where students could
paint their expressions of thanks. This interactive tribute not only enriched the school’s
atmosphere but also sowed seeds of positivity that blossomed in the hearts of those
acknowledged. Speaking of unsung heroes, our canteen vendors definitely deserve some
love as well, which Ms Chia made sure to showcase. Standing there and preparing such
amazing and delicious food for students for many hours a day, many days a week, is
definitely not an easy job, and Ms Chia made sure that we knew it. She gave us the
opportunity to write some kind words of appreciation for our canteen vendors, and
displayed a beautiful appreciation board for all eyes to admire right smack in the middle
of the canteen.

One initiative that hit closer to home was the pay-it-forward corner, another jewel in Ms
Chia’s crown of initiatives. This became a living embodiment of kindness in our class,
where there would be a basket of free snacks for people to take, and if you took a snack,
you would bring another one to replace it next time. In this sacred space, taking a snack
transcended mere sustenance; instead, it became an act of reciprocity. People understood
that if you took, you gave in return. This exchange of snacks mirrored the dance of
empathy, where the act of receiving seamlessly transformed into the art of giving. This
also really helped in building class spirit, as we each grew to trust each other more and
more, forging stronger and deeper bonds. This simple initiative, under Ms Chia’s gentle
guidance, became a narrative of interconnectedness, where small acts of generosity
reverberated with profound significance. It wasn’t just about the snacks; it was about
fostering a culture of care and reciprocity that lingered in the air. I am proud to say that
this initiative lasted the whole duration, and not once was the basket ever empty.

Ms Chia’s care and kindness transcends school boundaries, shown by her class CIP
initiative at NTUC health. We organized a small minigame session and dance party for
the elderly there, including games like bowling, bingo, and some card games. Personally
for me, this was one of my favorite events (I was in charge of the bowling station), as it
was really heartwarming to see the elderly laugh along and play along with us. My
grandparents once told me that the elderly love interacting with children and teenagers,
and it really fills up their hearts and makes their day. The fact that Ms Chia went out of
her way to organize such an event really makes me proud to say that she was my form
teacher, and that I contributed to such an event. As the elderly participants immersed
themselves in the festivities, it was evident that we weren’t merely providing
entertainment; we were crafting moments of respite and companionship; moments that
both us and the elderly would look back on fondly. Ms Chia, with her boundless care,
not only organized an event but orchestrated an experience that transcended the
ordinary. Through her guidance, we discovered the profound impact of collective
compassion, leaving an indelible mark not only on the lives of the elderly but on our
own understanding of the transformative power of kindness.

Not only is Ms Chia a great and amazing teacher, she is an inspiring individual who
spreads her caring and kind ideals to all her students. Her impact is not measured solely
in grades, but in the profound transformations she sparks in the hearts and minds of her
students. To many of her students, Ms Chia is not just a teacher; she is a catalyst for
positive change, a source of inspiration, and truly deserving of this honor bestowed
upon her.

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