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1. Recently, in the case of M/s Radha Krishan Industries, which High Court has ruled that, a writ petition can’t be
entertained by ignoring the statutory dispensation?
A. Patna High Court B. Himachal Pradesh High Court
C. Karnataka High Court D. Delhi High Court
2. Recently, the Bar Council of India (BCI) moved to the Supreme Court for Mandatory Practical Experience for
Judicial Service claiming that 'Judicial officers not having experience at Bar mostly found to be incapable'. The Bar
Council of India is a statutory body established under which of the following?
A. Section 4 of Advocates Act, 1961 B. Section 6 of Advocates Act, 1961
C. Article 227 of the Constitution of India D. Section 5 of Advocates Act, 1961
3. Who is the current Chairman of the Bar Council of India (BCI)?
A. Satish Abarao Deshmukh B. Suresh Chandra Shrimali
C. Manan Kumar Mishra D. K.K. Venugopal
4. In its landmark judgment, which High Court has recently held that, 'even if the complainant woman's marriage with a
man is void, still the man and his relatives could be prosecuted for offence under Section 498A of the Penal Code'?
A. Delhi High Court B. Jammu and Kashmir High Court
C. Chhattisgarh High Court D. Punjab and Haryana High Court
5. The Bombay High Court has recently taken a suo-moto Public Interest Litigation cognizance on the illegal sale of
which of the following items on the festive seasons causing severe debilitating injuries to innumerable birds?
A. Plastic-made food packaging items B. Nylon fabric
C. Nylon manjas D. Adulterated Colours
6. How the fundamental duties are being enforced?
A. The high courts have been granted the power to B. The Supreme court has been granted powers to enforce
enforce the fundamental duties the fundamental duties
C. There are no provisions in the constitution for direct D. Any of the courts may issue directions for enforcement
enforcement nor any sanction to prevent their violation of fundamental duties
7. What is the correct order of the words in the Preamble?
A. Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic, Republic B. Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Republic, Democratic
C. Democratic, Republic, Secular, Socialist, Sovereign D. Republic, Democratic, Secular, Socialist, Sovereign
8. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
A. The date of implementation of the Fundamental duties B. Social, Economic and political word in the preamble
was November 26, 1949. has been taken from the Russian Revolution.

C. Liberty, Equality and Fraternity word in the preamble D. The “Secular” word was added by the 42nd
has been taken from French Revolution. Constitution Amendment
9. Who said that Preamble is The Keynote of the Constitution?
A. Jawahar Lal Nehru B. Ernest Barker
C. B R Ambedkar D. Nelson Mandela
10. What are the three types of justices referred in the Preamble?
A. Social, religious, political B. Religious, economic, political
C. Social, economic, political D. Social, economic, religious
11. Which of the following Article deals with the extraordinary jurisdiction of Supreme Court & High Court?
A. Article 141 & 242 B. Article 32 & 226
C. Article 352 & 356 D. Article 14 & 21
12. What is the literal meaning of the writ “Quo Warranto”?
A. By what authority B. We command
C. Perform legal duty D. All of the above
13. In which of the following case writ of Habeas corpus cannot be issued?
A. When the person against whom the writ is issued is not B. To interfere with a proceeding for contempt by a court
within jurisdiction of the court. of record or by Parliament.
C. To secure the release of a person who has been
D. All of the Above
imprisoned by a court of law on a criminal charge
14. The writ of Mandamus cannot be issued against ________________.
A. President B. Governor
C. Private Individual D. All of the above
15. Match the following:

I. Habeas Corpus (i) to be informed

II. Mandamus (ii) produce the body

III. Certiorari (iii) we command

A. I-(i) II-(iii) III-(ii) B. I.-(ii) II-(iii) III-(i)
C. I-(iii) II-(ii) III-(i) D. I-(iii) II-(i) III-(ii)
16. Certiorari could be issued against _________________.

A. Judicial B. Quasi-judicial
C. Administrative authorities D. All of the above
17. Article 32 is also known as _____________.
A. Right to Freedom B. Heart and soul of the constitution
C. Right to constitutional remedies D. Both B & C
18. Who describes Article 32 as “spirit of the constitution and exceptionally heart of it”?
A. Jawaharlal Nehru B. KM Munshi
C. B.R. Ambedkar D. Rajendra Prasad
19. The object of this writ is to prevent a person to hold public office which he is not legally entitled to hold. Which of
the following writ is being discussed here?
A. Habeas Corpus B. Quo Warranto
C. Certiorari D. Prohibition
20. Writ of habeas corpus is a _________________.
A. Constitutional remedy B. Executive remedy.
C. Legislative remedy. D. All of the above
21. Petitions to the Supreme Court under Article 32 are subject to the rule of ‘res judicata’, except for the petitions
relating to the writ of ___________.
A. Habeas Corpus B. Mandamus
C. Prohibition D. Certiorari
22. Which of the following statement is incorrect with respect to Mandamus?
A. To compel any person to perform his public duty B. To compel a court or judicial tribunal to exercise its
where duty is given to him by the constitution or a statute. jurisdiction when it has refused to exercise it.
C. To direct a public official or the government not to
D. None of the above
expose a law this is unconstitutional.
23. Which of the following is correctly matched?
A. Writ of quo warranto: Available against subordinate B. Writ of habeas corpus: Available against private
court only individual as well.
C. Writ of certiorari: Available against autonomous bodies D. Writ of prohibition: Available against public servant
only only
24. _________________ writ is said to be a guarantor of personal freedom.
A. Writ of Habeas corpus B. Writ of Mandamus

C. Writ of Quo warranto D. Writ of certiorari

25. Which of the following famous case is also known as Habeas corpus case?
A. Keshavananda Bharati case B. ADM Jabalpur case
C. AK GOPALAN Case D. Vishakha vs state of Rajasthan

1. B
Sol. ● The Himachal Pradesh High Court has recently observed that a writ petition should not be
entertained ignoring the statutory dispensation.
● In this case, M/s Radha Krishan Industries had approached the High Court by filing a writ
petition challenging an order passed by GST Authorities provisionally attaching the payment
receivable by it from a consumer.

2. A
Sol. ● The Bar Council of India is a statutory body established under the section 4 of Advocates
Act 1961 that regulates the legal practice and legal edition in India. Its members are elected
from amongst the lawyers in India and as such represents the Indian bar. It prescribes
standards of professional conduct, etiquettes and exercises disciplinary jurisdiction over the

3. C
Sol. ● In March 1953, the 'All India Bar Committee', headed by S. R. Das, submitted a report which
proposed the creation of a bar council for each state and an all-India bar council as an apex
● Manan Kumar Mishra is a Senior Advocate & Chairman of the Bar Council of India. To call
All India Lawyers Abstaintion from Court work against the Law Commission recommended Bill
( Advocates (Amendment) Bill, 2017 Act) on 31st March 2017.

4. B
Sol. ● The Jammu & Kashmir High Court has recently held that even if the complainant woman's
marriage with a man is void, still the man and his relatives could be prosecuted for offence
under Section 498A of Ranbir Penal Code (RPC) [offence of cruelty].

5. C

Sol. ● A division bench of the Bombay High Court, Auranagabad Bench consisting of Justice
Ravindra V. Ghuge and Justice Vibha Kankanwadi (vacation bench) on January 04, 2021, took
suo moto Public interest litigation cognizance on the illegal sale of nylon manjas on the festive
seasons causing severe debilitating injuries to innumerable birds.

6. C
Sol. * Fundamental duties are non-justiciable i.e. they cannot be enforced in the court of law.

* Fundamental duties are not made enforceable by a writ of court like the fundamental rights,
but they are fundamental to the well being of society and individuals

* Fundamental Duties of the citizens of India mentioned in Article 51A of the Indian
Constitution. It has been enumerated by the 42nd Amendment of the Constitution in 1976..

7. A
Sol. * The correct order of the words in the Preamble are Sovereign, Socialist, Secular,
Democratic, Republic

* The Preamble has only been amended once in the history in the year 1976 by the 42nd
amendment which added the words secular, socialist and integrity.

8. A
Sol. * The idea of Justice, Social, Economic and political in Preamble have been taken from
Russian Revolution (1917)

* The idea of Liberty, equality and Fraternity have been taken from France Revolution(1784-

* Fundamental duties were introduced in 1976 by the recommendation of Swarn Singh


9. B
Sol. * Sir Ernest Barker FBA was an English political scientist who served as Principal of King's
College London from 1920 to 1927.

* Errnest Barker said that the preamble of the Indian Constitution is "The Keynote of the

10. C
Sol. * The Preamble of the Indian Constitution is:

WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a
JUSTICE, social, economic and political;
LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;
EQUALITY of status and of opportunity; and to promote among them all
FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation
IN OUR CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY this twentysixth day of November, 1949, do HEREBY

11. B
Sol. * An Individual has the right to move to the SC (under Article 32) and High Court (under Article
226) directly in case of any violation of a Fundamental Rights.

* There 5 types of writs:

i. Habeas Corpus

ii. Mandamus

iii. Prohibition

iv. Certiorari

v. Quo Warranto

12. A
Sol. * Aperson can directly approach Supreme Court or High Court under Article 32 & 226.

* The literal meaning of Quo Warranto is “by what authority”

* It is a writ or order to any authority who occupies public office or liberty who is asked to show
by what authority he claims to be a public office.

13. D
Sol. * The writ of Habeas corpus means “Produce the body”.

* By issuing this writ the court can require a person who is a prisoner to be brought before it, to
obtain knowledge of the reason why he has been detained and to set him free if there is no
lawful justification for his detention.

14. D
Sol. * The literal meaning of Mandamus is “We command”.

* Mandamus is a command which can be issued to any inferior court or to any public or quasi-
public authority which has refused to perform its legal duty.

* This writ will not be granted to President, government and Private individual or body.

* Mandamus is a high prerogative writ of a most extensive remedial measure.

15. B
Sol. * The writ of Habeas corpus means “Produce the body”.By issuing this writ the court can
require a person who is a prisoner to be brought before it, to obtain knowledge of the reason
why he has been detained and to set him free if there is no lawful justification for his detention.

* The literal meaning of Mandamus is “We command”.Mandamus is a command which can be

issued to any inferior court or to any public or quasi-public authority which has refused to
perform its legal duty.

16. D
Sol. * Before 1991, the writ of certiorari could be issued only against judicial and quasi-judicial
authority and not against Administrative authority.

* However in 1991, The Supreme Court ruled that the certiorari can be issued even against
administrative authorities affecting rights of individuals.

17. D
Sol. * Dr. BR Ambedkar describes Article 32 as the “heart and soul of the Indian constitution”.

* Article 32 is also known as Right to constitutional remedies.

18. C
Sol. * Article 32 is known as the “spirit of the constitution and exceptionally heart of it” by Dr. BR

* Babasaheb Dr Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar was a scholar, a social reformer and a leader who
dedicated his life to eradicating social inequality in India.

* On 29 August 1947, he was appointed Chairman of the Constitution Drafting Committee, and
was appointed by the Assembly to write India's new Constitution.

19. B
Sol. * The literal meaning of Quo Warranto is “by what authority”

* It is a writ or order to any authority who occupies public office or liberty who is asked to show
by what authority he claims to be a public office.

* The object of Quo warranto writ is to prevent a person to hold public office which he is not
legally entitled to hold.

20. A
Sol. * The writ of Habeas corpus means “Produce the body”.

* By issuing this writ the court can require a person who is a prisoner to be brought before it, to
obtain knowledge of the reason why he has been detained and to set him free if there is no
lawful justification for his detention.

21. A
Sol. * The principle of application of res judicata is not applicable in Writ of Habeas Corpus.

* Under Article 32 and Article 226, there are 5 writs, namely Habeas Corpus, Mandamus,
Certiorari, Prohibition, and Quo warranto.

22. D
Sol. * The literal meaning of Mandamus is “We command”.

* Mandamus is a command which can be issued to any inferior court or to any public or quasi-
public authority which has refused to perform its legal duty.

* This writ will not be granted to President, government and Private individual or body.

* The court may issue mandamus:

i. To compel any person to perform his public duty where duty is given to him by the
constitution or a statute.

ii. To compel a court or judicial tribunal to exercise its jurisdiction when it has refused to
exercise it.

iii. To direct a public official or the government not to expose a law this is unconstitutional.

23. B
Sol. * The writ of Habeas corpus means “Produce the body”.

* By issuing this writ the court can require a person who is a prisoner to be brought before it, to
obtain knowledge of the reason why he has been detained and to set him free if there is no
lawful justification for his detention.

* Habeas corpus writ is available against any person who is suspected of detaining another
unlawfully and the habeas corpus Court must issue it, if it is shown that the person on whose
behalf it is asked for is unlawfully deprived of his liberty.He is also known as a cultural
ambassador of India who disseminated Indian art in the Far East, and brought Oriental Art to

24. A
Sol. * The writ of Habeas corpus means “Produce the body”.

* It is an order issued by the court to a person who has illegally detained the other person
directing him to produce such person in the court for examination of detention. The person is

then freed if the detention is found to be illegal. Hence, this writ is the bulwark of Individual's
liberty against illegal detention.

25. B
Sol. * This issue was at the heart of the case of the Additional District Magistrate of Jabalpur v.
Shiv Kant Shukla, popularly known as the Habeas Corpus case, which came up for hearing in
front of the Supreme Court in December 1975.

* The judgement in ADM Jabalpur case, was laid down by a 5-judge bench consisting of
Justices Ray, Beg, Chandrachud, Bhagwati, and Khanna.

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