Paper Serviceability Cracking Check of Circular
Paper Serviceability Cracking Check of Circular
Paper Serviceability Cracking Check of Circular
IOS Press
Abstract. The obvious, if not “scandalous”, preference of Codes in rectangular sections (regarding the mathematical expressions
of their resistances, etc.) compared to other types of sections rules out circular sections; although circular sections possess a
significant share in constructions, especially concerning columns and piers. A common deficit is the serviceability cracking
check of circular section columns and piers. This check proves to be critical at bridges of large span, mainly due to constrained
expansion/contraction of the bridge superstructure. In the present study, an analytical investigation of the problem regarding
circular sections takes place. Afterwards, the current work suggests two groups of diagrams, as far as the serviceability cracking
check is concerned. One group has to do with the environmentally favourable cases and the other with the unfavourable cases.
On one hand, the consultation of those diagrams takes place through the service eccentricities and on the other hand through the
longitudinal reinforcement ratio. Both the maximum compression stress of concrete and the tensile stress of reinforcement are
defined in this way. The latter is defined either in the centre of gravity of the tensile zone or in the extreme fiber of the tensile
zone. The work herein concerns mainly designers and it covers a subject that neither Design Codes nor international bibliography
provides sufficient data.
1573-2487/11/$27.50 © 2011 – IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved
44 I.A. Tegos et al. / Serviceability cracking check of circular section piers
Based on the equilibrium equations of the section and the conservative solution of the problem, the service-
expressing the normalised forces d and d as functions ability limit state relates to the stress of the extreme
of the reinforcement ratio and the angle , which tensile fiber of the section of the structural element.
corresponds to the angle that the vertical axis z forms According to the rational solution, the serviceability
with the radius r at the point of neutral axis, Fig. 2: limit state relates to the stress at the point of the resultant
Circular compact sections:
Nd 1 1 3 n · cos
d = = · (π − ) · cos + sin − sin + · (4)
π · r2 · c π · (1 + cos ) 3 1 + cos
Md 1 1 1 2 n · 1 − 2 · dh1
d = = · π − + sin 2 · + sin + · (5)
2π · r3 · σc 8π · (1 + cos ) 2 3 4 · (1 + cos )
2.2. Proposed diagrams for design against abscissa corresponds to the normalised service moment
cracking and axis of ordinates corresponds to the normalised
service axial load , as they are defined in Equs. (1)
The construction of diagrams in Figs 4 and 5 was and (2).
realized by applying the aforementioned equations in Values of stress ratios s /c and ¯ s /c have been
appropriate computer software (MATLAB 7.0.1) [6]. designed like “rays” using a discontinuous line in the
Calculations took place for values of reinforcement resulted diagrams. These values are given in Figs 4
ratio from 1.0% till 4.0%. This range of values results and 5 for various values of the ratio d1 /h and angle
from the minimum and maximum requirements for , both for the conservative and the rational solution of
longitudinal reinforcement of columns which are spec- the problem. Furthermore, the diagrams include radial
ified at the 18th Chapter of Greek Concrete Code [5]. lines, which correspond to relative eccentricity .
As far as angle is concerned, calculations took place The application procedure of diagrams for the ser-
for angles ranging from = /2 till = 2/3, with an viceability cracking check is realized as follows:
increment of /36. These values of angles are the ones
which mark the limits for the cases of applications. • Initially, the relative eccentricity is found based
Various pairs of values have resulted from the calcula- on Equ. (3) using the service loads Md and Nd ,
tions for the normalised forces and . These values which result from the analysis of the static system
are depicted in diagrams for ratios d1 /h = 0.05, 0.10 for the load combination of the serviceability limit
and 0.15 for circular compact sections and for ratios state.
t/r = 1/3, t/r = 1/4.5 and t/r = 1/6 for circular hollow sec- • The requested point on the diagram results by
tions. In the diagrams in question, Figs 4 and 5, axis of applying the diagram for the line depicting the rel-
48 I.A. Tegos et al. / Serviceability cracking check of circular section piers
Table 2
Loading characteristics and qualities of materials
Test Section ␣ fck Longitudinal fyw Transverse fy Spacing of bars Concrete cover
specimen [cm] [MPa] reinforcement [MPa] reinforcement [MPa] [mm] [mm]
D1 Compact 65 23 48Ø8 520 Ø4.2/15 760 27 7.5
D2 Compact 65 32 16Ø10 520 Ø4.2/20 760 53 7.5
D3 Compact 65 23 32Ø10 520 Ø4.2/20 760 45 7.5
D4 Hollow 75 25 16Ø10 520 Ø4.2/20 760 53 7.5
D5 Hollow 75 20 8Ø10 520 Ø4.2/20 760 103 7.5
D6 Hollow 75 35 16Ø10 520 Ø4.2/20 760 53 7.5
50 I.A. Tegos et al. / Serviceability cracking check of circular section piers
pared with the service load that resulted analytically that their service limit was defined by the first visible
from the two methodologies. Two more experiments of appearance of cracks during the experiment, since they
circular compact sections were utilised in order to verify were not detailed recordings of crack widths.
the comparison results of the first specimen D1. For the Particularly, maximum force of specimen D1, that
latter two test specimens (D2 and D3), it was assumed corresponds to service cracking of width equal to
I.A. Tegos et al. / Serviceability cracking check of circular section piers 51
Table 3
Geometrical characteristics and analytical and experimental values
of service moments of test specimens D2 and D3
Test specimen D2 D3
Characteristics of test Ac [cm2 ] 314 707
specimens As [cm2 ] 12.57 25.13
(16Ø10) (32Ø10)
0.040 0.035
s [MPa] [5] 400 400
Conservative solution s /c 19.925 21.670
0.189 0.187
c [MPa] 20.075 18.460
MS [kNm] 23.840 73.200
Rational solution s /c 16.705 18.200
0.189 0.187
c [MPa] 23.940 21.980
MS [kNm] 28.440 87.153
Wiese/Curbach et al. [8, 9] MS [kNm] 18.800 58.600
Fig. 8. Test specimen D1. (Cracks are clarified electronically.) Experiment MS,exp. [kNm] 80 123
tally the same width of cracking (equal to 0.3 mm) as service stresses, to the definition of the permissible
in theory. diameter of longitudinal bars of bending reinforce-
ment, with the intervention of Table 15.1 of Greek
4. Conclusions Concrete Code [5]. Therefore, the suggested dia-
grams can be characterized as easy to use and they
In the framework of the current work, an analytical are linked to the existing “familiar way”.
investigation of the problem of serviceability cracking
of circular section columns (compact and hollow) was
attempted, since this matter is “terra incognita”, not
only for Codes [2, 3, 5] but for bibliography. There References
is only one work of the same kind to display that is
relatively recent. The discovered small difference of [1] J. Bergfelder and J. Dittfach, Crack limitation in reinforced con-
crete piles, Beton- and stahlbetonbau 87(1) (1992), 4–8 and
results (through only one example) between the two 46–49.
analytical proposals led to the conduction of an exper- [2] DIN 1045: 1988-07. Reinforced concrete – Design and execu-
imental program that aimed to the unravelling of this tion.
small difference. [3] DIN 1045-1: 2001-07. Concrete structures, Reinforced and pre-
stressed concrete – Part 1: Design and construction.
The following main conclusions can be noted: [4] DIN-Fachbericht 102: 2001. Concrete bridges. German Institute
for Standardisation e. V., Beuth Verlag GmbH.
• Based on results of a limited number of appropri- [5] Earthquake Planning and Protection Organisation, 2000. Greek
ate test specimens of the conducted experimental Concrete Code 2000.
investigation, it is possible to outline the conclu- [6] N. Giannakas and I. Tegos, Design of circular compact and
sion that the current analytical research ends up to hollow sections against shear, 15th Greek concrete conference,
TEE, 2006.
results which are closer to the experiment while [7] N. Giannakas and I. Tegos, The reinforcement of circular
the previous research of the bibliography ends up columns under axial load and biaxial bending of earthquake
to more conservative results. One probable expla- resistant structures. 3rd Greek Conference on Earthquake Engi-
nation of this difference might be the fact that the neering and Engineering Seismology, 5–7 November, 2008,
latter research (of the bibliography) emphasizes [8] H. Wiese, M. Curbach, K. Speck, S. Weiland, L. Eckfeld
on the case of piles, while the first research (of the and T. Hampel, Verification of crack limitation for reinforced
current work) emphasizes on columns of centre concrete elements. Monographic series for civil engineering,
Dresden, 2002.
[9] H. Wiese, M. Curbach, K. Speck, S. Weiland, L. Eckfeld and
• The proposed diagrams lead eventually, through T. Hampel, Verification of crack limitation for circular cross
concrete service stresses and mainly through steel section, Beton- and stahlbetonbau 99(4) (2004), 253–261.