Exhibitor Manual Agrishow 2024 - Updated On March 25, 2024

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Information Classification: General

1 PLACE AND DATES ............................................................................................... 7

1.1 PROMOTER’S RIGHTS.................................................................................................................................. 7

1.2 EXHIBITOR’S RESPONSIBILITES ......................................................................................................... 7
1.3 VENUE .................................................................................................................................................................. 7
1.4 PARKING ............................................................................................................................................................ 8
1.5 DAYS ANS TIMES OF THE FAIR, ASSEMBLY, AND DISASSEMBLY .................................... 10
1.6 CAEX – OPENING HOURS ........................................................................................................................ 11

2 CUSTOMER PORTAL ........................................................................................... 12

MANDATORY SERVICES ........................................................................................................................... 12

MINIMUM ENERGY CONSUMPTION ................................................................................................... 12
CLEANING DURING ASSEMBLY ........................................................................................................... 12
MUNICIPAL TAX ........................................................................................................................................... 13
ADDITIONAL SERVICES ........................................................................................................................... 13
ADDITIONAL ENERGY CONSUMPTION ............................................................................................ 13
LEADSTER ........................................................................................................................................................ 13
TRADE FAIR ACCREDITATION ............................................................................................................. 14
EXHIBITOR CREDENTIALS ..................................................................................................................... 14
ASSEMBLY AND SERVICE PROVIDER CREDENTIALS .............................................................. 15
PHOTOGRAPHER AND FILMING .......................................................................................................... 15
SECURITY CREDENTIALS ........................................................................................................................ 15
PAYMENTS ....................................................................................................................................................... 16
INVOICES ......................................................................................................................................................... 16

3 EVENT SECURITY ............................................................................................... 17

4 AGRISHOW EXPERIENCE PLATFORM ................................................................. 19

INTRODUCTION TO THE DIGITAL PLATFORM............................................................................. 19

WHY SEIZE THE MOST IN THE DIGITAL PLATFORM................................................................ 19
SUCCESS CHECKLIST ................................................................................................................................. 19
UNCOMPLICATED ACCESS ...................................................................................................................... 19
SUPPORT ALWAYS AVAILABLE ............................................................................................................ 19

5 ASSEMBLY AND DISASSEMBLY RULES ............................................................... 20

UNCOVERED AREAS.................................................................................................................................... 20
TEST DRIVE ..................................................................................................................................................... 20
AGRO SOLUTIONS ARENA (COVERED PAVILION) .................................................................... 20
PROJECT PRESENTATION – FREE AREA ......................................................................................... 21
EXCAVATIONS ............................................................................................................................................... 22
VISIBILITY...................................................................................................................................................... 24
VISIBILITY WHEN SETTING UP THE AGRO SOLUTIONS AREA ......................................... 24
VISIBILITY WHEN SETTING UP THE OUTDOOR AREA ........................................................... 24
PARTITION WALLS AND FINISHES ................................................................................................... 24
GLASS WALSS ................................................................................................................................................ 25
FLOORS ............................................................................................................................................................. 25
GUARDRAIL .................................................................................................................................................... 26
STAND ASSEMBLY WITH MEZZANINE ............................................................................................. 26
HORIZONTAL PROJECTION OF THE STAND .................................................................................. 27
PROJECTION OF STAND FAÇADE ........................................................................................................ 27
USE OF THATCH, LYCRA, AND DECORATIVE FABRICS ........................................................... 27

Information Classification: General
AUDITORIUMS OR PROJECTION ROOMS ....................................................................................... 27
MASONRY CONSTRUCTIONS ................................................................................................................. 28
CABLES .............................................................................................................................................................. 28
ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS .............................................................................................................. 28
ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES ...................................................................................................................... 31
EQUIPMENT AND ENERGY TESTING ................................................................................................. 31
EQUIPMENT (EPI AND EPC) .................................................................................................................................. 31
VEHICLE ACCESS ......................................................................................................................................... 33
TRUCK ACCESS DURING ASSEMBLY ................................................................................................. 33
SAFETY PROCEDURE FOR THE SAFE LANDING OF AIRCRAFT............................................ 33
6 33
TRAFFIC ROUTES ......................................................................................................................................... 35
AIR CONDITIONING .................................................................................................................................. 35
FINAL DECORATIONS AND STAND CLEANING ........................................................................... 35
GOODS/SUPPLY ENTRANCES ............................................................................................................... 35
DISPLAY OF MACHINERY AND VEHICLES ON THE STAND ................................................... 36
INTERNAL LOGISTICS SERVICE .......................................................................................................... 36
USE OF ELECTRIC TROLLEYS ................................................................................................................ 36
MERCHANDISING ........................................................................................................................................ 37
DISMANTLING ............................................................................................................................................... 37
TRUCK ACCESS DURING DISMANTLING......................................................................................... 37
END OF DISMANTLING PERIOD .......................................................................................................... 37
SUSTAINABILITY ......................................................................................................................................... 38

7 REGULATORY STANDARDS ................................................................................ 41

MATERIALS OPERATION ......................................................................................................................... 42

PROMOTIONAL BLIMPS ........................................................................................................................... 42
BALLOONS AND DRONES ........................................................................................................................ 42
EXPLOSIVES AND FUELS ......................................................................................................................... 43
FIRE EXTINGUISHERS .............................................................................................................................. 43
COMBUSTION ENGINES ........................................................................................................................... 44

8 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ............................................................................. 45

HYDRAULICS .................................................................................................................................................. 45
EMERGENCY SERVICES ............................................................................................................................ 45
TELEPHONY AND INTERNET .................................................................................................................. 45
INSURANCE..................................................................................................................................................... 45
CUSTOMS CLEARANCE AND FORWARDING .................................................................................. 46
PARTICIPATION OF CO-EXHIBITORS .............................................................................................. 46
DIVERSITY AND HARASSMENT ........................................................................................................... 46

9 EVENT REALIZATION ......................................................................................... 47

PROMOTIONAL DISTRIBUTION AND BRAND PROMOTION ................................................. 47

MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT EXHIBITION ................................................................................ 47
TICKETS AND BOX OFFICE ..................................................................................................................... 47
STAND MAINTENANCE.............................................................................................................................. 47
SOUND AND BACKGROUND MUSIC ................................................................................................... 48
FREE PRIZE DISTRIBUTION AND RAFFLES .................................................................................. 48
PROHIBITED SUBSTANCES .................................................................................................................... 48
PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES ....................................................................................................................... 49
PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES ....................................................................................................................... 49

10 LEGAL REQUIRIMENTS ...................................................................................... 50

Information Classification: General
TAX PROCEDURES ....................................................................................................................................... 50
INVOICE FOR SHIPMENT AND RETURN OF GOODS ................................................................. 50
IMPORT ............................................................................................................................................................. 50
10.3.1 ICMS .................................................................................................................................................................... 50
OTHER EVENTS (FEDERAL REVENUE) ............................................................................................................. 50
IPI (TAX ON INDUSTRIALIZED PRODUCTS) ............................................................................... 51
COVISA, ANVISA AND SIF ...................................................................................................................... 51
INSPECTION THE MINISTRY OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT .............................................. 51
SOCIAL SECURITY ....................................................................................................................................... 51


12 LIST A – MANDATORY DOCUMENTS ................................................................... 56

13 NR-12 – SAFETY AT WORK MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT ................................. 57

Information Classification: General
Updated on March 25th, 2024.


Information Classification: General
Dear Exhibitor,

The purpose of this manual is to guide you through your participation in AGRISHOW 2024 –International
Trade Fair for Agricultural Technology in Action.

It is important that exhibitors and fitters respect the rules and deadlines set out in these documents to
ensure that your exhibition runs smoothly and safely.

It is the exhibiting company's sole responsibility to observe and comply with the rules set out in this manual.

The Promoter reserves the right to establish, at any time, new rules that are necessary for the smooth
running of the event, as well as altering and/or adding relevant information to exhibitors, assemblers and
service providers.

We ask for your attention regarding the rules and deadlines established in the Manual and required by
legislation and authorities in order to avoid unnecessary inconvenience.

For more information, the Informa Markets team will be happy to assist you:

Phone and WhatsApp: +55 (11) 5043-9680
E-mail: [email protected]
Customer Success: Lidiane Silva


Ricardo Ozores E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +55 (11) 94504-1006
E-mail: [email protected] COMMERCIAL
Marilda Meleti
Gabrielle Siqueira Phone: +55 (11) 94504-5075
Phone: +55 (11) 94504-4778 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]
Crislei Zatta
Danilo Marlieri Phone: +55 (11) 99155-0634
Phone: +55 (11) 96855-4350 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]
Cristina Santos
PROJECT APPROVAL Phone: +55 (11) 98866-3484
Rodrigo Rossin E-mail: [email protected]
CAU 150717-6
Phone: +55 (19) 99449-3310 Denis Santos
E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +55 (11) 98803-0113
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: https://portal.informamarkets.com.br/ Thaisa Santos - International Service
Phone: +55 (47) 99776-1312
FINANCIAL DEPARTMENT E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +55 (11) 98806-0987

Information Classification: General

The Event Organizer, Informa Markets Ltda., reserves the right to change the rules set out in the manual,
or establish new rules, in good time for the smooth running of the event or for safety reasons.

It may relocate or replace the exhibition areas up until the event delivery date, in accordance with the rules
established in the contract, in order to accommodate any unoccupied spaces and promote a better general
ambience of the fair. The Organizer must respect the useful size of the rented area and notify the exhibitor
in advance.

In order to begin setting up the stand, the Organizer requires the exhibitor to immediately pay any
installments of the contract and mandatory and/or contracted services.

The Organizer may penalize or terminate the activities of stands that do not comply with the
established in this manual and in the general conditions applicable to participation and service contracts.


Comply with all the rules and dates set out in this manual and instruct their employees, contractors and
subcontractors, including the mandatory observance of the Occupational Health and Safety Manual

- Access and Work Release at Agrishow 2024 (Manual for access and release of workers at the Agrishow
2024 Fair Park during the assembly, staging and dismantling periods).

It is the exhibitor's, assembler's, and/or service provider's obligation to comply with all safety rules
at all times when they are in the exhibition area of the event, if it is noticed that there is a security
breach, the safety team will indicate the safest way to carry out the task, on the second, failure the
employee will be removed from the park and will be retrained in the rules of assembly. If the fault
persists, the employee will be banned from accessing the park, making it impossible for them to work
during the entire assembly, staging and dismantling period. If the employee is found to be disrespectful
towards any member of the Agrishow service team, they will be removed from the park and their
credentials will be confiscated, which will make it impossible for them to carry out their work during the
entire period of assembly, staging and dismantling.

We recommend that you hire fitters and other services from companies associated with the following bodies

ABRACE: Brazilian Association of Scenography and Stands www.abracce.com.br

UBRAFE: Brazilian Union of Fairs and Events www.ubrafe.org.br
SINDIPROM: Union of Companies for the Promotion, Organization and Assembly of Fairs, Congresses and
Events of the State of São Paulo www.sindiprom.org.br

As the fair is considered by the Public Ministry of Labor and Social Security to be a construction site, it is
necessary to make and install a construction site sign with the following information:

1. Names of those responsible for the technical work, identifying the corresponding RRT numbers for
the activities carried out;
2. Professional title and registration number(s) with the Council of Architecture and Urbanism (CAU);
3. Technical activities carried out;
4. Building plaques must also include the address, e-mail or telephone number of the architects and
architects and urban planners or legal entities.
5. The start of assembly will only be authorized once the sign has been fixed in the respective area.
Respect all the rules and dates set out in this manual, and guide their employees and contractors.


Canal’s Advanced Center for Agribusiness Technological Research.

Information Classification: General
Rodovia Antônio Duarte Nogueira, Km 321 CEP: 14032-800 –Ribeirão Preto – SP


The parking lot is managed exclusively by VVR, which is responsible for access control and charging during
the assembly, staging and disassembly periods.

Exhibitors will have a free quota of promotional "ACCESS VIA QR CODE" according to the size of their
stand, as shown in the table below.

This "ACCESS VIA QR CODE" can be used by the exhibitor during assembly, staging and dismantling,
regardless of the type of stand.
0 a 224 2
225 a 299 3
300 a 449 4
450 a 599 6
UNCOVERED 600 a 899 8
AREA 900 a 1199 10
1200 a 1799 12
1800 a 3599 25
3600 a 4200 35
4201 a 8500 50
PLOT 1000 4
9 a 11 1
24 a 35 3
Above 36 each 12m² 3 plus 1

Access Via QR CODE will be sent by post by VVR Estacionamentos from February 15, 2024 to all exhibitors
with a current contract with Informa.

The number of QR Code accesses may vary according to contractual negotiation. On the Exhibitor's Portal
each company can consult the quantity.

Car manufacturers will have exit and return tickets for vehicles intended for test drives.

For Agrishow 2024 we will be providing for exhibitors with parking lots in the North - GREEN, South -
PURPLE and NORTHWEST - BLUE so that the exit is quicker.

If extra QR CODE stickers are required, they must be purchased directly from VVR.

+55 (16) 3610-9281
[email protected]


During the assembly period, small vehicles must remain in the south parking lot - PURPLE. For this to
happen, the person in charge of the vehicle must purchase the assembly stamp in order to be entitled to
the right to use the parking lot during all assembly and disassembly days. Passenger vehicles will not be
allowed to enter or remain in the fair area at any time. Only for loading and unloading with a 30-minute

Information Classification: General


Stamp allowed for the special parking
From R$ 350,00 Service and/or food stamp space during assembly, staging and
April 01st dismantling.
R$ 65,00 Daily rate for cars Multiple exits per day
May 28th R$ 380,00 Stamps for trucks/assembler Stamp allowed for the special truck
parking space


 Small vehicles up to F 4000 = unloading time maximum 2:00 hours

 Vehicles larger than F 4000 up to Truck = time to unload maximum 3:00 hours
 Trucks in general: = time to unload maximum 3:00 hours

If there is a need to exceed the specified time, the person responsible for the vehicle should contact the
administration of VVR Estacionamentos, at Praça de Serviços, South Gate.

Below is a table of fees for exceeding the time allowed for loading and unloading:

Type of vehicle Value/hour

Small vehicles up to F4000 R$ 30,00
From F4000 to truck R$ 50,00
Above truck R$ 80,00


Trucks that are not unloading inside the park must remain in the ROTATING PARKING FOR TRUCKS. For
this to happen, the person in charge of the vehicle must purchase the stamp for the truck.


 The assembler or exhibitor who parks their truck outside the ROTATING PARKING STATION for
access to the fairground will be blocked;
 Vehicles or trucks must travel at a maximum speed of 20 km/h, otherwise their access to the
fairgrounds will be blocked;
 Any damage caused by vehicles or trucks within the Agrishow exhibition area will be the sole
responsibility of the exhibitor. For example: broken railings, broken water pipes, broken signposts,
broken of lighting boxes, poles, etc.

***From April 1st to April 22nd, all automakers (CNPJ) will have 2 paid stickers for access to the park, all
other vehicles must park in the purple parking lot, after this date exclusively authorized vehicles will have
access to the exhibition area.


 Agrishow will have vehicle access control for the exhibition area from the first day of assembly,
only vehicles that will effectively assist in the execution of tasks will be allowed, we ask for
everyone's understanding regarding the optimization of vehicles, passenger cars will park in the
Purple parking lot, this way we can keep the park safe and more mobile, as of April 22, control will
be even stricter.
 On April 26 and 27, it will be FORBIDDEN for passenger vehicles to enter the exhibition area;
 DISASSEMBLY: The use of a parking stamp is compulsory. For any vehicle without a stamp,
the cost of parking will be the same as that charged during assembly.

Information Classification: General


R$ 350,00 Service and/or food stamp Stamp allowed for the special parking space
during assembly, staging and dismantling.
R$ 540,00 Vip valet per daily unit Purchase a 5-day package with a single daily
(pacote) access/advance purchase only entrance fee.
29th R$ 65,00 Daily rate - Conventional car Value per entry
to May 3rd
R$ 100,00 Daily Rate - Parking for Vans and Value per entry

1. The EXTRAS QR CODE ACCESS for exhibitors that we will be making available for sale will
have a limited quantity and be specific to the place where you can park, so it is important to
2. Access to VALET VIP Parking (passenger cars only) will be sold 100% in advance. There will
be no on-site sales on the days of the event.
3. Exhibitors will receive their number of "QR CODE PARKING ACCESS" divided between
the BLUE, GREEN and PURPLE parking lots.
4. Exhibitors who do not have a QR CODE will have to pay for conventional parking during the
fair and park on blue.
5. Only vehicles with a QR CODE will have access to the GREEN parking lot.
6. There will be no charge/ payment in any form for single vehicles (without QR CODE). We ask
that this be passed on to all employees involved in the event.

Trucks will not be allowed on the fairgrounds during the fair.


Outdoor area assembly and test

drive/ Truck: 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Assembling agro solutions arena:
7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Controlled acces: 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Decoration: 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Implementation: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Disassembly: 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Information Classification: General

The CAEX (EXHIBITOR SERVICE CENTER) will be open from April 01 to May 10 from
7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

*On April 1st, attendance will start at 12 (noon).

Information Classification: General

All mandatory services are usually included in the trade fair participation contract. The quantity and type
of service may change depending on the negotiation. The services in each contract are available for
consultation among the mandatory services described in the exhibitor portal.


Power consumption is measured in KVA and will be supplied in 220V two-phase or three-phase
/ 110V single-phase. The quantity supplied will be proportional to the size of the stand, as shown
in the table below.

The contracted quantity of KVA will always be available for consultation among the mandatory
services described in the exhibitor portal.


0 a 224 2
225 a 299 2
300 a 449 3
450 a 599 5
OUTDOOR AREA 600 a 899 5
900 a 1199 7
1200 a 1799 8
1800 a 3599 10
3600 a 5399 12
5400 a 8000 12
PLOT 1000 4

9 a 11 0,5
AGRO SOLUTIONS 12 a 15 0,5
ARENA 16 a 23 1
(COVERED PAVILION) 24 a 35 1,5
Above 36 1,5 plus
each 12m² 0,5


The cleaning fee is part of the mandatory services (included in the contract) and is charged per square
meter. This service refers to the general cleaning of the fairgrounds (cleaning the streets, circulation areas,
toilets and common areas) during the assembly and accomplishment periods.

It is the responsibility of the assembly company or specific company contracted to deliver the stand clean
before the fair opens, and the exhibitor is responsible for cleaning up during the event. All waste generated
during the assembly and accomplishment period must be properly stored for collection.

This fee does not cover the removal of debris and garbage produced during dismantling. It is the
responsibility of the exhibitor/assembly company to ensure that the rented area is cleared and cleaned
before being returned. The area must be returned in exactly the same way as it was received before
assembly began.

Information Classification: General

The town hall tax is collected directly by the Ribeirão Preto Treasury Office, and is a mandatory tax.

License and Operation Fee: per square meter of area occupied at the event: the fee for 2024 will be
announced soon.

-Legislation: articles 190, 192, 193, 197, 209, 210, 223, 226 of Law 2.415/70 (CTM) and Table no. 2 of
Decree 333/12. The laws are available at www.ribeiraopreto.sp.gov.br, under Legislation.

Exhibitors and Service Providers must keep a copy of the Licensing and Operation Fee payment slip and
"ART-CREA" at each stand.

If you have any questions, please contact the Ribeirão Preto Tax Inspectorate at + 55 (16) 3977-5700 or
by e-mail [email protected] and [email protected].

Service tax on services provided by legal entities or individuals who do not issue a tax document authorized
by the Municipality of Ribeirão Preto must be withheld and collected through


Additional services must be contracted as required through the exhibitor portal. Purchases made at CAEX
during the assembly and implementation are subject to a minimum service time of 30 minutes. Any
purchase in advance by the deadline mentioned above (April 12) you can guarantee convenience in the
form of payment, faster service and prior availability of services. Anticipate your activities to skip the
queues at CAEX.


To calculate the amount of KVA required for the stand, the exhibitor must add up the power in W or KVA
according to the original factory nameplate of each piece of electrical equipment. Check your equipment.

If you identify the need for an additional KVA, you can purchase it through the exhibitor portal at a cost of
R$377.30 /KVA surplus.

The KVA's used on the stand during the event will be checked and controlled by the company responsible
for the venue's electricity. If consumption exceeds the contracted amount, the exhibitor will receive a
notification which must be signed, and the charge will be made at the time of the inspection.

ATTENTION: The deadline for purchasing KVA is April 12th, 2024.


With a view to speeding things up, facilitating access to data, and improving the measurement of your
results during the fair, data collection from the professionals who visit your stand is now 100% digital,
using Leadster.

Leadster is a tool where your team can, by simply scanning the visitor's credential code, collect, rate and
make notes on each professional who passes by your stand during the event.

You can purchase Leadster when you book your stand, directly with your sales executive or through the e-
commerce additional services.

With just one Leadster license, you'll be able to register your entire team, increasing even more your ability
to collect contacts during the event.

If you would like more details about Leadster, please contact our exhibitor support team at
[email protected].

Information Classification: General

Only accredited people will be allowed into the event areas, and it is compulsory to carry credentials in a
visible place throughout their stay in the internal areas of the fairgrounds.

A photo ID will be required when entering the fairgrounds. If a member of staff does not possess
the documentation, they will not be allowed to enter or remain on site.

The badge is personal and non-transferable.

ATTENTION: Issuing a duplicate credential or exchanging a credential will be charged according to the price
list in force.


The exhibitor will have a free quota of credentials proportional to the square meter, according to the table
below*. These credentials are only valid for employees of the exhibiting company.


0 a 224 14
225 a 299 20
300 a 449 28
450 a 599 43
600 a 899 58
UNCOVERED 900 a 1199 75

AREA 1200 a 1799 90

1800 a 3599 180
3600 a 4200 250
4201 a 8500 350
PLOT 1000 15
1 a 11 5

16 a 23 10
24 a 35 12
Above 36 each 12m² 12 plus 2
0 a 1100 12
1101 a 5000 20

We would like to remind you that the entry time for exhibitors is 7:00 a.m., and with a visitor's pass, entry
is only permitted at 8:00 a.m.

To make it easier for you to get to the event and avoid queues, you can arrange to pick up your credentials
through the customer portal.

* The number of credentials may change depending on the type of negotiation. The correct
quantity will always be available for consultation on the exhibitor portal.

* For the credential to be made out, it is compulsory to fill in your full name, position and identity
number (CPF or Passport). It is not permitted to insert the company name in the NAME and
POSITION fields or in the ID field (CPF or Passport).

Please note that after using up the free quota, each additional credential will cost R$72.60, according to
information on the Exhibitor Portal.

Information Classification: General
The use of exhibitor credentials by third parties will result in their seizure, in addition to the sanctions of
the Ribeirão Preto Labor Prosecutor's Office.


In order to request credentials, the fitter/provider must be registered on the Exhibitor Portal and registered
by the exhibitor.

All the credentials issued by the portal will be picked up at CAEX from the first day of assembly, subject to
confirmation of payment, delivery of the project, and complete labor documentation.

SINDIPROM MEMBERS: Employees who are members of Sindiprom will not pay for the credential, as long
as they present a simple copy of their membership card at CAEX.

It is extremely important to check the labor documentation required by the Ribeirão Preto Public
Prosecutor's Office, and send it in advance to the company responsible for this analysis. If any
documentation is incorrect or incomplete and the credential has already been paid for, there will be no
refund. Make sure that all employee documentation (CLT or temporary) is in accordance with the
requirements so as not to incur unnecessary costs. The hired professional must only photograph/film the
authorized stand. The Promoter may seize any unauthorized material or prevent access to the stand if the
limitations imposed by the Promoter are not complied with.


Permission to carry out photographic and filming work must be requested in advance from the event

To purchase and pick up the credential, the hired professional must present the approval received by email
from the Organization.

If the stand builder wants to take photographs of the stand they have assembled, they must have the
exhibitor's authorization, present the document and purchase a credential at CAEX.

IMPORTANT: The hired professional must only photograph/film the authorized stand. The Promoter may
seize any unauthorized material or prevent access to the stand if the limitations imposed by the Promoter
are not complied with.


According to the NOTICE OF NOTIFICATION issued by the FEDERAL POLICE on 8/4/99, the promoter
companies and organizers of events are strictly forbidden from accrediting people who are not licensed and
regulated to provide stand security and/or security guard services.

For both "exhibitor employee" security and "contracted company" security, the credential will have a cost,
according to the price available on the website.

The exhibitor must hire staff from legally specialized companies and demand the necessary documents, as
directed by the Federal Police, for the release of the credential in the pavilion, such as authorization to
operate, a security certificate, and a review of authorization to operate.

The credential of the security guard hired by a non-official company will only be issued upon
presentation of the following documents at CAMPS (Service Center for the Assembler and Provider of
Service Provider):

 Presentation of the security guard's documents followed by a simple copy: training course,
refresher course (training more than two years ago), ID, CPF and background check;

 Service contract between the exhibitor and the security company or letter on the exhibitor's
letterhead letter from the exhibitor, stating the name of the company and the security guard who
will be providing the service;

Information Classification: General
 Company cover letter (letterhead of the contracted company), containing the details of the security
guard who will be providing the service and the name of the exhibitor;

 Safety certificate and company operating permit valid for 1 year (simple copy).

We ask for your special attention in complying with this order, as the Federal Police will be
inspecting you during the event and, if violations of the law are found, the companies will be
subject to warnings, fines and even interdiction.

The Organizer is not responsible for any theft or robbery that may occur in the exhibition hall.

Under no circumstances may security guards carry any type of weapon.

Exhibitors, fitters or service providers will not be allowed to stay inside the pavilion at
night. Only security guards, upon presentation of documents and duly accredited.



A) E-commerce (via the Customer Portal website):

 Bank slip
Payment within 07 calendar days of purchase (respecting the deadline). Please note: Payments via
bank slip may take up to 03 days to clear.

 Credit card (Amex, Visa, Mastercard and Elo).

Possibility of purchase and payment through the website until April 12th, during business hours,
being closed punctually at 7pm.

B) CAEX (Exhibitor Service Center, located on the south side of the farm)
- Credit card (Amex, Visa, Mastercard and Elo) charged in local currency (Reais) and Pix.

ATTENTION: As of April 13, no online purchases will be allowed through the Portal.

Orders placed and not paid by April 12, 2024, will be automatically canceled. The new purchase
must be made directly from CAEX at the price of the updated table.

At CAEX, payments can be made by debit card, credit card (Amex, Visa, MasterCard and Elo) and

Credentials will only be issued once all outstanding amounts have been paid. If you have any
questions, please contact the Finance Department via e-mail at [email protected].


Please note that for the 2024 edition the invoice for the total value of the contract and services will be
issued in the month in which the event takes place. For each invoice, a Simple Receipt is issued describing
of the value of each document, as well as a description of the tax withheld. As stipulated in the contract,
the receipt available (Billing Portal) has a treatment according to advance payments inherent to the

For more information on invoices and receipts, please contact the Tax Department at +55 (11) 3164-
1160 or e-mail: [email protected].

Information Classification: General
The event has a security team in the common areas and at the access controls available during the entire
assembly, accomplishment and disassembly period.

The exhibitors are responsible for the security of all goods exhibited in the internal area of their stand.

It is the responsibility of each exhibitor to provide security for their stand, objects and equipment during
assembly, implementation and disassembly.

ATTENTION: we recommend that you pay extra attention to all your personal belongings while in the
pavilion, especially laptops, tablets, digital cameras and cell phones. Keep them under your constant
observation or in a safe place. The organizer is not responsible for theft of this type of equipment at events.
Be vigilant and avoid inconvenience.

You should also avoid hiring clandestine companies or people who are unqualified to work as security guards
for the security profession, and even authorized companies, but which are not in good standing with the
Private Security Control Department.

The exhibitor is responsible for the isolation and security of their stand during assembly, decoration,
implementation and dismantling of the event. The event organizer will not be held responsible for losses,
damages, thefts, breakdowns or misplacements of any kind during assembly, implementation and
disassembly of the event, each exhibitor must provide for the safekeeping of products and equipment. After
the close of business (check the period in items "1.5 DAYS AND HOURS OF THE FAIR" and "1.6 CAEX -
SERVICE HOURS"), all participants, exhibitors and other service providers must leave the pavilion, only the
security guards who work for the exhibiting company and the staff of the organizing company will remain.

The exhibiting company may hire security from a supplier it trusts, as long as the service provider
provides the necessary documentation requested in item "2.3 SECURITY CREDENTIAL" of this manual.


 To ask for information or help, always look for someone with the event organizer's badge or or
official supplier badge;
 Don't neglect your belongings. Beware of people who approach you suspiciously just to distract
 Do not leave your wallet, cell phone or other belongings on the table if you need to be away
 Charge video cameras, notebooks, cell phones or other electronic devices in a safe place;
 Keep your personal belongings in a safe place;
 As a suggestion, have a mini storage room at your stand, with a key, for your team's belongings
and leave only one person in charge of the key.


- Always keep it safe and back it up;

- Keep the screen out of reach of prying eyes;
- Wow, free Wi-Fi! Be careful with open networks;
- Use secure passwords to lock them;
- Install a VPN, especially if the laptop is used for professional purposes.

If something happens, and you need support, please contact CAEX (CENTRAL DE ATENDANCE TO
EXHIBITORS), you will be attended to by the organization, together with the event's supervisor. The team
will help you file a police report, reporting all lost or stolen lost or stolen items, via the link below, or at the
police station closest to the event:

Foreigners, in the case of a passport's loss, must go to their country's consular service to obtain a new
passport. If you lose credit cards, immediately notify your bank administrator.

Information Classification: General
Always keep these numbers within easy reach:

- Traffic - CET - 156

- Fire Department - 193
- Civil Defense - 199
- Specialized Women's Police Stations - 180
- Hotline - 181 or 0800-156315
- DDI Information 0800 777 1515
- Ombudsman of the Municipality of São Paulo - 0800 17 5717
- Civil Police - 197
- Military Police - 190
- Federal Highway Police - 191
- SAMU - Mobile Emergency Service - 192
- Sustainable Tourism and Childhood - Dial and report sexual exploitation of children and adolescents –

Information Classification: General

The exclusive Agrishow Experience Digital Platform is a revolutionary space to boost your presence during
the event and expand your connections throughout the year. This Digital Platform will be your ally in both
the virtual and face-to-face environments, taking your participation to a new level. Get ready to dive into
app.informamarkets.com.br (coming soon).

You will soon receive a special welcome e-mail from the sender [email protected].
If you can't find the email in your inbox, take a look in your SPAM folder - we don't want you miss any
important details.


This is your chance to boost your sales and strengthen your brand. Explore the most of all the possibilities
offered by the Digital Platform, using it as a partner to achieve recognition and success. During your
journey, we'll be here to send you detailed guidance on how to use the platform.

Networking and Connecting: Prospect for new business opportunities by adding and chatting with your
target audience.

 Keep an eye on your inbox on the Digital Platform, a new opportunity could arrive at any moment!
 Find out the latest news in real time via the Event Feed!
 Search for companies and products on display and find out about the latest launches in the sector!
 Watch the best content we have available for you!


Your experience with the Digital Platform will be even more beneficial by following these step-by-step

 Bring your Company profile to life. Add logos, videos, attractive catalogs and even links to your
social media. Tip: Be careful, this is your businCess card, and the first impression is the last
 Add all of your team that will be present at the event to your Company Profile, so that everyone is
connected and able to do good business!
 Use the "Connect" function to find visitors who share an interest in your segment, expanding your
 Don't miss what matters: bookmark the lectures and panels that most caught your attention in the
"Schedule yourself" menu.


In addition to the access you receive via e-mail, you can also access the platform directly via the link [link
coming soon]. Click on the "Login" option in the top right-hand corner of the screen, enter your e-mail
address and create a password to start enjoying all the features.


Questions? We're at your side, ready to help you during every step of the way on your Digital Platform
journey. Don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected] to receive
personalized and efficient support.

Information Classification: General
The areas contractually rented will be free for occupation and assembly (it is mandatory the use of the
rented space with assembly and a person responsible for attendance) in accordance with the dates, times
and requirements contained in this manual. Areas not occupied up to 48 hours before the start of the period
may be reallocated at the sole and exclusive discretion of the Fair Management, the exhibitor is not
entitled to any compensation or claims, and a fine may also be imposed.

Minimum value 500 reais UFESPs.

Lawn maintenance ceases to be the responsibility of the organizer as soon as the exhibitor starts setting
up their stand or tent. We will keep a photographic record if necessary.

The areas will be released with the grass cut on April 1st.

Stands must be set up by 6 p.m. on April 25th.

April 26th and 27th will be used only for decorating the stands.


All stands located in the outdoor areas are characterized as uncovered.

The assembly of the outdoor area will begin on April 1st at 7:00 am and end on April 25th at 6:00 pm.

Any type of excavation or need to connect parts to support the stand must be informed in advance of the
project for approval.

It is compulsory to remove any material fixed to the ground and immediately repair the floor in order to
return the rented area at the time of dismantling, except in cases authorized in writing by the Organizer.


All assemblers that have a test drive lane in their area are characterized as test drives.

The assembly of the test drive area will begin on April 1st at 7:00 a.m. and end on April 25th at
6:00 p.m.

Any type of excavation or need to connect parts to support the stand must be informed in advance of the
project for approval.

The presence of a qualified and properly equipped Civilian Firefighter is mandatory, as is the presence of a
tank truck for dust control during the entire test drive and/or machinery demonstration period, consult a
qualified company on our list of registered suppliers.

It is compulsory to remove any material fixed to the ground and immediately repair the floor in order to
return the rented area at the time of dismantling.

The runway area must be set back at least 2m from each street and avenue.


All the stands inside the pavilion located at the beginning of street A are characterized as "Agro Solutions

Information Classification: General
The assembly of the Agro Solutions Arena (covered pavilion) begins on April 10th at 7:00 a.m.
and ends on April 25th at 6:00 p.m. Exhibitors are prohibited from using the structures, damaging,
painting or perforate any part of the roof or walls of the venue.

Any damage caused by the construction of stands will be the sole responsibility of the exhibiting/assembling
company. In the event of any type of damage, a financial fine will be imposed in accordance with the cost
of the damage caused. The minimum fine is 2000 UFESPs for the year in which the event took place, and
can vary depending on the damage caused.


The following documents must be sent:

 Ground plan
 Implementation floor plan
 Front and side eleva on
 Perspectives
 Structural calculation of foundation/grounding (where necessary)
 Presentation of the technical responsibility document (A.R.T / R.R.T)

With A.R.T.:
 Certificate of registration with CREA - SP (required by the competent institution)
 A.R.T. for the project, execution, electrics, tents and masts
 Proof of payment of ART
 Copy of CREA card

With R.R.T.:
 R.R.T. Project
 R.R.T. for the execution, electrics, tents and masts
 Proof of payment of RRT
 Copy of CAU

-Anti-flame report (fireproof) when using: Lycra, Sapê and Decorative Fabrics.
-Term of Responsibility duly completed and signed by Exhibitors, Assembly companies and/or Tentmakers.
-Term of Commitment Regulatory Standard NR-35 duly completed and signed by the assemblers and/or

All stands, including TENTS, must have an ART or RRT signed by a professional registered by CAU -
NATIONAL / CREA in the State of São Paulo, and with due payment for the Project for this event, valid for
the en re dura on of the event, including assembly, exhibi on and dismantling of the event.

A.R.T. (Annotation of Technical Responsibility) or R.R.T. (Registration of Technical Responsibility), signed by

by the registered professional with CAU/CREA in the State of São Paulo, with proof of payment;



Information Classification: General

SEND PROJECT TO [email protected] UP TO MARCH 29th, 2024. AFTER



1. All projects submitted must have elevation/height dimensions and area measurements;
2. The exhibiting companies are obliged to identify the project with the name of the responsible
exhibitor, phone number and e-mail address;
3. Failure to comply with the above stipulations within the stipulated period shall exempt the
Promoter from any liability and/or obligation.

ATTENTION: The stand will be set up once the project has been approved, discharge of all debts of the
exhibitor and assembler. It is extremely important, for inspection reasons, to keep a copy of the project
and A.R.T./R.R.T. at the stand during the entire period of assembly and execution of the event.


Any type of excavation/drilling or need to connect parts to support the stand must be informed with the
project for approval. In the case of the areas that require excavation/drilling or the fixing of parts on the
ground must be removed all the fixed materials and immediately be repaired the floor in order to return
the rented area.

Failure to comply with this action will result in a fine as stipulated in the term of

ATTENTION: the presentation of the A.R.T. / R.R.T. is mandatory for excavations.


For all rented spaces, except those with basic assembly contracts (which already have a standard height),
it is mandatory to respect the following rules for the construction of the stand:


MAXIMUM HEIGHT SETBACK (Mandatory for the perimeter)

From 2,20 m to 4,00 m Without setback


MAXIMUM HEIGHT SETBACK (Mandatory for the perimeter)

Up to 5,5 m Without setback

Information Classification: General
MAXIMUM HEIGHT SETBACK (Mandatory for the perimeter)

Up to 6,0 m 1,5 m setback

Above 6,0 m Minimum setback of 3,0 m

MAXIMUM HEIGHT “2 águas” tent (shed) – Right leg maximum height + top of the structure

Up to 5,0 m Without setback

From 5,01 to 6 m 3,0 m setback

MAXIMUM HEIGHT “4 águas” tent (pyramid) - Right leg maximum height

Up to Without setback

From 5.01 m to 6,00m 3,00 m setback

From 6.01 or higher 5,00 m setback

For all masts over 5.00m in height, located close to the power grid, it is mandatory to
comply with the 3.00 m setback from the power grid.

Street marking with mandatory setbacks for tents and masts

Information Classification: General

Visibility must follow the rules according to the assembly area. Glass/showcases will be accepted at the

opening location as long as they are translucent, only with safety signs.

IMPORTANT: For all stands in front-only, corner and island-top configurations (surrounded by three
streets), it is compulsory to build walls to divide their area. Also remember that at the back of the wall, if
your neighbor has the standard height (agro-solutions arena/covered pavilion 2.20m), you must have the
neutral finish (white color) at the same level of quality up to the height limit built.


Stands with an area equal to or greater than 30m² may not, under any circumstances, obstruct the visibility
of any side in its entirety that faces the traffic routes. It is compulsory to open up 30% of the linear footage
of each side. Glass/window display will be accepted in the opening area. Walls made of glass or similar
material that are completely transparent must be marked with safety signs.

IMPORTANT: For all stands in front-only, corner and island-top configurations (surrounded by three
streets), it is compulsory to build walls to divide their area. Also remember that at the back of the wall, if
your neighbor has the standard height (2.20m), you must have the finish in white color at the same level
of quality up to the height limit built.


Stands with an area equal to or greater than 1,800m² may not, under any circumstances, obstruct total
visibility on any side of the road. It is mandatory to open or glass/ window display of 30% of the linear
footage of each side, required or a setback of 3 meters from the entire assembly area. The opening must
allow free movement and/or visibility through the assembly/structure. Walls made of glass or similar
material that are completely transparent must be marked with safety signs.

IMPORTANT: For all stands in the front, corner and island configurations (surrounded by three streets),
it is mandatory to do the finishing (white color) up to the height limit and/or on the opposite sides of the
assembly on the borders with neighboring stands and streets.


It is compulsory to build dividing walls at the boundaries of your area (but inside it) with neighboring areas.
The minimum height must be 2.20 m (covered pavilion), from the pavilion floor, up to a maximum height
of 4.00m (check item - "Maximum Heights and Setbacks for Stand Assembly").

The exhibitor must provide a quality finish on the side facing their neighbors or circulation areas, from a
height of 2.20m. For the areas facing the neighbors, the finish must only be white.



Information Classification: General

All glass walls must be made of tempered or laminated glass, respecting the setback table imposed by the

The panels must be marked with safety tape (stickers, graphics, logos, etc.) during the assembly and
disassembly periods, in order to prevent accidents.

Legal requirements, Fire Department regulations and NBR 7.199, 14.697 and 14.698 of the ABNT. The use
of glass panels requires the presentation of an A.R.T. (Annotation of Technical Responsibility) or R.R.T.
(Registration of Technical Responsibility) and presentation of a certificate of manufacture (certification of
the material).


The floor of the AGRO SOLUTIONS ARENA (COVERED PAVILION) may not be marked, drilled or painted by
the exhibitor/third-party companies. The floor of the pavilion needs to be covered with a suitable material
to protect it.

The soils of the DISCOVERED AREAS AND TEST DRIVE/TRACK are uneven, requiring a technical
visit to check the unevenness.

Grass in uncovered areas may not be marked out, dug up or painted by the exhibitor/third-party companies.
If this action is essential, the event management must be consulted in advance for analysis.

Raising the stand floor in any area is optional. When the floor is raised, it is compulsory the
construction of an access ramp for the disabled, regardless of its size.

Stands with gaps of up to 20cm must have an access ramp with a slope of between 8.33% and 10%.

The ramps must be chamfered on their sides with a minimum width of 1.20m, with a free space for
wheelchair users of 80 cm wide.

Stands with gaps of up to 20 cm must have an access ramp with a slope of between 8.33% and
10%. Ramps must be chamfered on their sides with a minimum width of 1.20m, with an 80 cm
wide clearance for wheelchair users.

The area of each stand will be demarcated and identified on the pavilion floor. It is the responsibility of the
exhibitor/assembler to ask the Operational Team for help with any questions regarding the rented area.

Information Classification: General
The event's Operations team will not be held responsible for any unevenness in the floor or any problems
related to the non-use of raised flooring.

IMPORTANT: For any stand with a raised floor above 0.50 m in height from the pavilion floor, it is
compulsory to present the A.R.T. (Annotation of Technical Responsibility) / R.R.T. (Registration of Technical
Responsibility) signed by a professional registered with the CAU/CREA bodies of the State of São Paulo,
duly paid, and a structural calculation of said project in two copies.


According to CBPMESP Technical Instruction No. 11, any ramp, staircase or floor with a drop of more than
19 cm must be protected by a guardrail to prevent falls. The height of the guardrail must be at least 1.10m
and the gaps between the guardrails must not be greater than 20 cm.


In line with the new guidelines on worker safety, from 2024 onwards the company will adopt restrictive
measures regarding the construction of mezzanines. Please note the instructions below:

1. The construction of mezzanines for exhibitors with an area of 1,800m² or more will be permitted;
2. Exception for modular structures (containers and trailers/mobile units), which can be used in areas
of any size (IMPORTANT – It's forbidden to assemble structures/walls/modules in the mezzanine
area; The mezzanine should arrive at the park ready only for finishing and detailing).
3. The cost of the m² of mezzanine is 40% of the value of the m² of the contracted area destined for
the area to be built.
4. Exhibitors must contact the Sales Department, which will check the location of the stand, and if
construction is permitted, will inform you of the cost of contracting the
complementary area.

Important: The following requirements are mandatory for the analysis and construction of the mezzanine

 The responsible assembler for the project must follow all the regulations, and the documentation
of its workers must be delivered in advance in accordance with safety standards that meet the
inspection of MPTE and GRTE.
 Present valid A.R.T. / R.R.T. for project and valid execution or proof of payment / Copy of CREA or
 Floor plan, front and side elevation with measurement unit;
 Provide a structural calculation report with the maximum load capacity in kg/m² and a sign to be
installed at the stairway access with this information;
 Respect the rules of base setback and setback in areas with power grid detailed by the Organizer;
 Only metal structures are allowed for the mezzanine;

Information Classification: General
 It is compulsory to hire and monitor an occupational safety technician dedicated to construction
during the entire assembly and disassembly period, during the event, it is mandatory to hire a
firefighter to monitor security and control access to the mezzanine based on capacity;
 The access staircase must follow the guidelines of the Technical Instructions of the Military Fire
Brigade of the State of São Paulo.
 The maximum number of people allowed on the mezzanine must be identified on the first floor.
 The mezzanine must have a guardrail in accordance with the guidelines of the technical instructions
of the Fire Department of the State of São Paulo
 Work at height (NR35) in the external area for assembling the mezzanine must be carried out using
exclusively PTA (Aerial Work Platform), the use of stairs will not be permitted;



Only for stands located within the agro solutions arena (covered pavilion), the horizontal projection of any
assembly element or products on display must be within the limits of the rented area.

Projections onto neighboring stands or circulation areas will not be allowed.


It is forbidden for any exhibitor to use the airspace of the agro solutions arena (covered pavilion). This
area may only be used by Informa Markets for signage and merchandising.

It is forbidden to support, tie or hang any component of the stand or products on display on the pavilion

It is not permitted the installation of raised banners in the open area or in the Agro Solutions Arena (covered
pavilion) and projecting them outside the boundaries of the area, except for spotlights, as long as they
have a minimum height of more than 2.80 m.

Stands may only be identified from the side facing the street. No banners facing the neighbors will be


For the use of thatch, lycra and decorative fabrics, it is compulsory to present a report on the application
of a flame retardant product (fireproofing). These materials must be accompanied by fire extinguishers in
adequate quantity, at the discretion of the Fair Management and/or the Official Fire Brigade. The material
may undergo a flame test and will have an entry time to the fairground.

The submission of the invoice for the product applied, the report and the A.R.T./R.R.T. for the application
of the flame retardant product must be sent together with the rest of the documents to
[email protected].


In environments such as auditoriums or projection rooms, or even closed, dark environments, emergency
lights must be installed, acoustics appropriate to the activity, signage for emergency exits, signs indicating
the maximum capacity, and other safety equipment that may be necessary.

The Fair Management may require the installation of additional safety equipment and may also
interdict the environment that is not in compliance with any of these mandatory safety items.



Information Classification: General
Only for stands located inside the Agro Solutions Arena (covered pavilion), any and all lighting on the
outside of the stand must be shielded, preventing access by people. Sconces and external spotlights must
be above 2.80 m or isolated and protected from visitor access.

All stand lighting must be self-sufficient, and the exhibitor/assembler must not "rely" on the general lighting
of the fairgrounds. The exhibitor/assembler must ensure that this lighting does not harm neighboring
stands (floodlights, etc.) or visitors.

The Fair Management reserves the right to close the stand until the requests for protection or removal of
equipment (floodlights, etc.) are complied.


If masonry construction is essential, prior approval from the Organizer is required. If approved, the
construction must take into account the need to cover the floor of the fairground with material suitable for
its protection. After the event, the building must be demolished and the area cleared of any material or
waste. If necessary, the grass should be replanted.


It is not permitted to run cables or any connecting elements that cut through streets, common areas or
neighboring stands. These needs, if they occur, must be foreseen in advance, and resolved with the

It is compulsory to use non-flame propagating cable with double mechanical insulation (PP type). In case
of doubt, consult NBR 5.410. All stands must be grounded.

All the electrical cables in the stands must be grounded by April 24th at the latest, otherwise the stand's
power will be disconnected.


The ORGANIZER will provide Neobox distribution boards with four connection points and will have
protection through its three-phase DIN 50A circuit breaker. A 125A three-phase circuit breaker provides
the general protection of the switchboard.

EXHIBITOR - will supply the PP type cable and gauge according to its contracted load, and described by
the assembler. This cable will be PLUGGED into the Din 50A curve C three-phase circuit breaker. It is very
important that the exhibitor test their installations before completing the installation of the cable in the
Neobox frame. Check the sizing, protection and grounding of your stand, the entire installation will be
checked by the electrical team and if it does not comply with safety requirement, the cable will be
disconnected, remembering that the frame will be fixed to the pole at 2m from the ground.


THAN 25mm²

Under no circumstance, no more than TWO PHASE CABLES and TWO NEUTRAL CABLES will be accepted
for the connection of the stands' feeders to the park's overhead electricity network.

The technical manager of the stand will have to size the cables correctly so as not to be requested
a connection with THREE or MORE cables PER PHASE and NEUTRAL.

If the cables supplied by the exhibitor are of a gauge equal to or greater than 25mm², the exhibitor must
supply the conduit to be installed on the pole, the switchboard, and the circuit breaker (as shown in figure
1 attached) to protect its feeder, in accordance with the Technical Standards for Electrical Installations (NBR
5410). Remember that if the stand's feeder cables are 16mm² or smaller, the stand's feeder will be installed
in the NEOBOX boxes previously installed by INFORMA on the power grid poles.

Information Classification: General
Information Classification: General

For Agrishow 2024, PP cables with a gauge equal to or less than 4mm² will not be accepted, and the
exhibitor must provide, at least, PP cable 3x6mm² (three phases) or 4x6mm² (three phases and neutral)
or higher according to the load to be installed on the stand. This sizing is the responsibility of the exhibitor
and their technical manager and must be in accordance with the load informed when contracting the
exhibition space.

The assembler's electrician or technical manager should test the stand's load before the event, in order to
avoid, disturbances such as an UNBALANCED LOAD that ends up overloading one of the phases and
interrupting the power supply. We are warning because, in 2023, it was very frequent the call of the
electrical team, and the FAILURE found was the responsibility of the state technician who performed the
installation, either due to load imbalance or incorrect sizing. The undersized cabling heats up and interrupts
the power supply to the stand, also disturbing the neighboring stands connected to the same pole and
adjacent to it.


Information Classification: General
Due to the voltage variation observed in the power supply by CPFL, the use of a NO-BREAK
stabilizer is mandatory.

The power to the stand will not be released as long as phase unbalances persist, when the demand for
electricity is greater than the quantity requested by the exhibitor, or for non-payment of the additional
electricity consumption contracted.

After the close of business each day, all circuit breakers in the stand must be switched off, except for
equipment that needs to be plugged beyond the permitted time, with prior authorization from the Organizer.

This equipment must be installed with independent circuits and have its own identification.


If there is a need for a generator on the stand, the exhibitor must inform the Organization and pay a fee
of 50% of the total KVA of the generator used. It is mandatory to follow basic safety rules such as:

 Practical, easy-to-access shut-off buttons;

 Water/oil separator;
 Air filter;
 Operating indicator light;
 ART with proof of payment;
 Isolated fuel tank;
 Closed control panel;
 Isolated from the engine;


Electrical appliances are widely used in the assembly and disassembly of stands. Direct contact with
electrical materials can cause serious or fatal injuries. To avoid these accidents, due attention must be paid
to the safe use of electricity.

Here are some basic safety precautions for using electricity:

 Check all electrical appliances before use. Repair or replace damaged or defective parts;
 If the protection device of the electrical equipment (fuse or circuit breaker) is failure, the problem
must be checked immediately and rectified before using the equipment again.
 All sockets and plugs must be suitable and electrical cable connections must be adequately
 Avoid overloading electrical sockets;
 All electrical work must be carried out by an electrician.


The dates released for equipment and energy testing will be announced during the assembly period by
the official technical team. After the tests have been completed, the supply will be made available on a
regular basis during the period of the event, according to the opening and closing times.



According to Regulatory Standard No. 6 of the Ministry of Labor and Employment (MTE) the promoter
determines that: the use of PPE - Personal Protective Equipment - is mandatory and EPC - Collective
Protection Equipment, specific to the development of each function.

According to Article 157 of the CLT, companies are responsible for:

I. Comply with and enforce occupational health and safety regulations;

II. Instructing employees, by means of work orders, on the precautions to be taken in order to
prevent accidents at work or occupational diseases.

Information Classification: General
The use of sandals, flip-flops, clogs or any type of open shoe will not be allowed inside the fairgrounds or
people wearing shorts, skirts, capri pants, tank tops or no shirts during set-up and dismantling.

Minors under the age of 18 are prohibited from entering the pavilion during the assembly and disassembly
of stands, even if they are accompanied by a legal guardian.

When carrying out services in and around electrical installations, collective protection equipment must be
provided and adopted.

Collective Protective Equipment (EPC) is any device, system, fixed or mobile, which has the purpose of
the physical integrity and health of workers, users and third parties.

Occupational Health and Safety Manual - Access to and work release at Agrishow 2024

It is of the utmost importance that the assembler, service provider and exhibitor observe the requirements
set out in the Occupational Health and Safety Manual - Access and Work Release at Agrishow
2024 (Manual for access and release of workers at the Agrishow Fair Park 2024 during the
assembly, realization and disassembly periods), a document created to guide exhibitors and their
contractors and subcontractors in complying with the labor legislation and regulatory standards of the
Ministry of Labor and Social Security applicable to Agrishow in terms of occupational health and safety.

The Occupational Health and Safety Manual is an integral part of this Exhibitor Manual, available on the
Exhibitor Portal and at CAEX for consultation at any time. We request that the Occupational Health and
Safety Manual be sent to all the Exhibitor's contractors, subcontractors and service providers.

The responsible company for collecting, analyzing and validating the documentation required for
AGRISHOW 2024 will be Up Service Serviços Integrados ("Up Service"), which informs and details in its
Manual on Safety and Occupational Medicine Manual the process necessary for your company to comply
with all the mandatory requirements under current labor legislation, according to your service segment.

We would like to remind you that the assembly and disassembly of Agrishow is classified as a "building
site", making it necessary to comply with all the specifications contained in Regulatory Standard No. 18 of
MTE Ordinance 3,214/78 and other related Regulatory Standards.

Information Classification: General
In view of the constant inspection by the Public Prosecutor's Office and the Ministry of Labor and Social
Security during the assembly and disassembly of the AGRISHOW 2024 event, the release of all workers
will be approved by the Up Service team, upon correct and timely presentation of the documents required
in the Occupational Health and Safety Manual by the Exhibitor's contractors, service providers and
subcontractors, including integration, courses and training.

The Up Service company has absolute power to analyze and accept or reject the documents
required for access to Agrishow 2024, may prevent the entry of companies and workers who
do not comply with the requirements and/or do not submit the required documents within the
time limit and in the manner set out in the Occupational Safety and Medicine Manual.

Throughout the duration of the AGRISHOW 2024 event's assembly, realization and disassembly, the
company SEESMT Brasil (GSI Group Serviços Integrados Ltda.) will supervise compliance with all the safety
standards relevant to each function/activity, in compliance with Ordinance 3.214/78 of Ministry of Labor
and Social Security.

The company SEESMT Brasil has absolute power to supervise the execution of the activities of
the workers allocated to the Agrishow Fair during the assembly period, realization and
dismantling, and may unilaterally suspend/stop work/activities/workers who are not complying
with the safety regulations applicable to the Event.

If you have any questions or queries regarding occupational health and safety requirements, please visit
the website of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security and search for the Regulatory Norms (NR) on the
link: http://trabalho.gov.br/seguranca-e-saude-notrabalho/normatizacao/normas-regulamentadoras.


During the assembly and disassembly periods, the parking lot manager will control the maximum number
of vehicles that can pass through the site at the same time. This action aims to ensure the continuous flow
of incoming and outgoing trucks, commercial vehicles and others.

IMPORTANT: During assembly, the time for vehicles to enter the park may be changed at any time by
the Organization, if there are any unfavorable conditions for access due to internal logistics and/or bad


Trucks will be allowed in, under the control of the event organizers, until 18:00 on April 25th April. After
this date, any exception for unloading products/equipment will be permitted upon payment of a fee,
calculated according to the volume and length of time spent on site, to be used subsequently for street
maintenance throughout the park.

The amount charged per type of vehicle, length of stay and access gate will be made public via e-mail to
the exhibitor.


A. Helicopter: used for exhibitions, panoramic flights and visits.

B. Airplane: small turboprop used for display.

1.1 - HELIPAD:
Used for landing and taking off helicopter-type aircraft, the helipad has space for eight aircraft. There are
constant panoramic flights at the helipad during the fair/event.

All beaconing, control and communication are carried out by the company HELICOPETTOSS

Contact with: Celso – 55 (34) 99945-7757:

The helipad site is fenced and has access control for boarding and disembarking.

Information Classification: General
The site has six fire extinguishers with LGE (foam-generating liquid), each with 40 liters of agent.

Every emergency is attended to by SEESMT BRAZIL's standby team.

1.2 - Aircraft take-off and landing runway:

The runway reserved for aircraft landing and taking off is outside the fenced-off exhibition area, meaning
there is no risk to people during the event's assembly, execution and disassembly.

The runway is used exclusively to receive aircraft that will be used for the exhibition. There are no
commercial or private landings during the fair.

The runway will be closed for the entire assembly, implementation and disassembly periods, being
exceptionally open only on the days agreed for landings and take-offs.

All landings and take-offs will have direct communication with the ground team via aeronautical portable
radio on free frequency 12345.

All take-off and landings are controlled/scheduled between the organization and the exhibitor.

Safety procedure for the safe landing of aircraft:

Aircraft types:

Information Classification: General

Traffic routes and neighboring stands may not be used for placing materials, tools, garbage bags and
products to be installed on the stand. The entire operation must be carried out exclusively within the
confines of the exhibitor's stand.

No exhibitor may block any road for more than one day.

It is forbidden to throw garbage in communal areas.

The Operational Team may disqualify anyone who infringes the rules established by the Organizer.


The use of air conditioning is ONLY permitted in the UNCOVERED, PLOT and TEST DRIVE areas.

It is FORBIDDEN to use air-conditioning units in the Agro Solutions Arena, as the Arena is air-conditioned.

It is the exhibitor's responsibility to arrange the rental and installation of the equipment, respecting the
limits of the rented area.

Make sure that the air-conditioning drain is inside the exhibitor's rented area and at a safe height to avoid
accidents. If this does not happen, the Organizer may request the removal of the equipment.


Work on assembling the stands is due to finish on April 25th at 6 p.m., with restrictions on some procedures
due to the decoration of the stands.

The final decoration of the stands will take place on April 26th and 27 th. Sanding, painting, welding, sawing,
and/or any other dirt-producing assembly is prohibited.

Exhibitors may hire a registered cleaning company or a specialized company of their choice to carry out
periodic maintenance and cleaning of their stand during the event.

It is the responsibility of the exhibiting/assembling company to deliver the stand clean for the opening.

The street cleaning service will work in the circulation areas (streets), administration, toilets, common
areas and removing garbage to the appropriate place.

During the event, garbage collection with trucks will be from 07 a.m. to 11 a.m., 1
p.m. to 5 p.m. and 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.

We ask you to store organic waste in black bags and other recyclable waste in bags of any other
color, so that everyone collaborates in recycling and donating the materials to the cooperative.


All merchandise will be free to enter the fairgrounds from April 1st to April 26th. It is the exhibitor's sole
responsibility to comply with any and all legal requirements relating to the procedure of shipments of goods,
products, equipment and/or utensils.

The Organizer does not check or inspect invoices for equipment or goods. The invoices' content is the sole
responsibility of the exhibitor. See "Legal Requirements" - "Tax Procedures".

Supply/Maintenance Hours - From April 29th to May 3rd, during the event, the entry of goods using
motorized vehicles and wheelbarrows will be allowed only from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. by accredited persons.

Information Classification: General
IMPORTANT: The Organizer is not responsible for the receipt of goods and does not provide any kind of
storage facility on the fairgrounds for exhibitors' products and equipment. It is the exhibitor's responsibility
to provide a place to store their materials and belongings, as well as to have an employee responsible for
receiving equipment and/or products.

The Organizer is exempt from any liability for damage, malfunction, prejudices, robbery or theft
of any kind.


The entry of machinery and vehicles for exhibition will be allowed until 6pm on April 25th.

The machine demonstration project must be sent to [email protected] taking into account
safety issues and soundproofing where necessary. The information is necessary to control access to the
park/loading and unloading area and the equipment and/or vehicles exhibited at the event.

Machinery and equipment that does not have an exhaust system or that produces sound (noise) that
disturbs order and the smooth running of the fair will not be allowed to be exhibited and/or operated. The
noise limit allowed during the event is 80 DECIBELS.

It's forbidden advertising and promotion, directly or indirectly, of products and/or services of third parties
who are not participating in the Event and/or which are not from the market segment for which the Event
is intended. It is forbidden the subletting or partial or total transfer of the contracted area.


The exhibition/demonstration of any used machines and/or equipment is prohibited, there

cannot be mention, material or the same expressions.

All must be new, factory-fresh and unused. The organization will notify the exhibiting company at any time
and demand the removal or covering of the equipment in question, and will take the appropriate procedures
at the exhibitor's expense.

Such an exhibition will only be allowed for historical demonstration purposes and without any commercial


In view of AGRISHOW's focus, the exhibition of vehicles will be limited to those that comply with one of the
following characteristics:

 With a bucket, body or cargo box with a capacity of 1.5 tons or more;
 Special vehicles for predominantly agricultural use that comply with the criteria required by the

The Organizer may suspend the demonstration of any equipment which, at its discretion, may present a
risk to people, goods, structures and stand elements, or which produces a high level of noise or vibration
in such a way as to disturb the operations of adjoining stands.


It is the exhibitor's responsibility to arrange or hire a logistics company for the internal handling of materials
and/or equipment on the fairgrounds.


During the assembly period, electric trolleys are released to be used, and it's mandatory to respect the
same rules for cars traffic.

Information Classification: General
During the event, the electric trolleys may only be used by exhibitors with stands over 1,800 m², by
contracting the merchandising service offered by the Organizer.

IMPORTANT: Trolleys fined for infractions such as traveling or parking in prohibited places, high speed or
without identification from the Organizer will be prohibited from circulating on the fairgrounds and seized
immediately and will only be released after the event has ended.

The exhibitor is responsible for hiring the trolleys.


Merchandising will be considered to be any advertising carried out outside the land boundaries
of the stand. Merchandising products are designed to increase the exhibitor's visibility and publicity within

To find out about the merchandising tools available for the event, consult the sales executive who serves

No material may be installed unless the Merchandising Contract has been signed and paid for by the


On May 3rd, starting at 8pm, exhibitors must remove all their decorative material, products and rental
equipment, such as TVs, DVDs, computers, furniture and belongings. We ask exhibitors to keep a
responsible member of staff at their stand during the dismantling period until all their equipment and/or
products have been removal, as the fair management cannot be held responsible for disappearance,
damage and/or theft.

The Organizer is exempt from any liability for damage, breakdown, loss, robbery or theft of any kind. The
Organizer does not store any material after dismantling is complete.

The exhibitor and their contractors are responsible for dismantling the stand and removing all the
products and equipment on display within the deadlines and conditions stipulated in this manual.

During the Assembly and Disassembly periods, it's expressly forbidden for minors under 18 to
enter the fair, even if accompanied by their guardians. Exhibitors and service providers,
except for the security team, are not allowed to stay overnight.


Access for trucks during the dismantling period will be allowed from May 4th onwards, and the entry will
be allowed by type of vehicle. Please note that the use of the stamp is also mandatory during the
 Entry of small vehicles and pick-up trucks: from 8 p.m. on May 3rd.
 Entry of “toco” trucks (1 axle) and “trucados” trucks (2 axles): from 8:00 a.m. on May 4th
 Entry of trucks: from 8:00 a.m. on May 5th.

IMPORTANT: During dismantling, the time for vehicles to enter the park may be altered at any time by
the organizers, if there are any unfavorable conditions for access, such as the circulation of people on site
and/or for reasons of internal logistics and/or bad weather.


At the end of dismantling, the rented area must be handed over to the fair management, clean and
unobstructed as it was received, without any materials, either from the exhibiting company or from the
assembling company.

Information Classification: General
Any materials, wood, equipment and products remaining on the fairgrounds after the end of the dismantling
period will be removed by the fair management, who will charge the exhibitor for the costs arising from
this operation and will also execute the Statement of Responsibility for the assembly company.

Damage to the lawn will be charged to the exhibitor according to the cost of recovery per m².

The exhibitors/assemblers will be responsible for any damage identified during the period of
assembling, installing and dismantling. The charges will be made after the event has been dismantled, in
accordance with the prices defined and published by the Organizer.

In the event of a delay in dismantling, a daily fine of R$5,000.00 (five thousand reals) will be imposed for
the exhibitor, the assembler, and tentmaker. One week after dismantling has been completed, the
abandoned materials will be destroyed.


Our goal is to be an increasingly sustainable business with a positive impact on our clients and the
communities around the venues where the events are held. Through the FasterForward program, we are
incorporating sustainability into everything we do and seizing opportunities to help our customers and
markets to do the same.

The program is structured around 3 pillars - Faster to Zero, Sustainability Inside and Impact
Multiplier - with ambitious commitments and a wide range of activities, embracing Informa's business
operations, our brands and products, and our impact on the wider community.

In the Faster to Zero pillar, one of our global goals is:

Halve the waste generated through our products and events by 2025.

And to achieve this goal, we launched the Better Stands program, which in turn has 2 goals: eliminating
the use of disposable structures, replacing them with reusable structures, and bringing waste
generation to zero.

We want to show that reusable stands can be better and create an even more relevant experience at our
events, and we invite you, exhibitors and assemblers, to join us towards a future of events in Brazil and
around the world that is more sustainable for everyone and for the environment.


Why are we asking exhibitors to stop building disposable stands?

Information Classification: General
Disposable stands create considerable environmental and safety problems on site due to the amount of
waste generated, the high risks due to less safe construction practices, and the toxic impact of the raw
materials used in the stands. The quality of the finish is also often compromised due to the pressure of
working time (assembly and disassembly).

What is a disposable stand?

Generally, its structure is built with materials that cannot be reused or recycled after the event, so it is only
used once and then demolished and disposed of, generating a very large amount of waste.

What is a reusable (non-disposable) stand?

A reusable (non-disposable) stand is built with materials designed to be used several times. There are
almost infinite variations of multi-use brackets to suit every size and desired appearance, and as the cost
of these supports is generally lower than for disposable supports, this helps to reduce expenses and provide
a better investment.

What is a prefabricated stand?

A prefabricated stand is one that arrives at the event in pieces ready to be assembled, reducing the need
for on-site work. At the end of the event, the stand is dismantled into pieces and kept for reuse at other

Benefits of reusable and prefabricated stands:

 Reduces material waste and environmental impact;

 Reduces construction, assembly and disassembly time;
 Reduces design and construction costs;
 Increases the safety of assemblers, exhibitors and visitors;
 Allows investment in stands of higher quality and durability.

My stand is made of wood - isn't that recyclable?

Most of the disposable stands built at events are made from MDF, which cannot be recycled, and when
cut, releases clouds of carcinogenic dust particles.

Once used, MDF can only be disposed of in landfills or incinerated and therefore does not comply with the
Better Stands requirements.

However, some prefabricated stands can be made from wooden stock panels, which are reusable and
would therefore comply with the new regulations. It is important that the contracted assembler send
details of the materials being used to clarify this.



Here are some recommendations for you, the exhibitors, so that your stand complies with the criteria of
the Better Stands program.


 All the main elements, i.e., walls, arches, counters, etc., should be built with reusable materials,
e.g., system construction or stock panels;
 The stand structure must be prefabricated and ready for assembly on site;
 Final adjustments to prefabricated parts are permitted for fitting purposes;
 Final coating of TVOC (Volatile Organic Solvent Content) paints is acceptable only for
 repair purposes only;
 Flat floors and system floors must be cut to size before entering the site and be recyclable and/or
 The use of LED lighting;
 The use of recycled carpet, vinyl flooring and other floor coverings.

Information Classification: General
Not recommended:

 The use of single MDF panels or similar raw materials planned to be cut on site;
 The use of 'other' raw materials to build main structural elements, i.e., walls, arches, floor
systems, counters, etc., which are not intended to be reused or recycled after use;
 Construction of any stand component from single-use materials;
 Build from scratch on the site of any central element of the stand;
 The use of incandescent lamps;
 The use of non-recycled carpet; vinyl flooring and other floor coverings.

By following these tips, you can be sure that your stand and brand will be allies in ensuring good
practices in sustainability, increasing public engagement, and at the same time, making your product
and/or service is much more valued in the market.

Information Classification: General
The Regulatory Norms - NR have the principle of regulating and providing guidance on the procedures
related to occupational safety and medicine in Brazil. The Regulatory Standards of Chapter V, Title II, of
the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT), relating to Safety and Occupational Medicine, were approved by
Ordinance No. 3.214, June 08, 1978 and are mandatory observance by all Brazilian companies governed
by the CLT.

1) All exhibitors, workers, assemblers, tentmakers and service providers in general must necessarily
read and comply with the requirements and determinations of the Occupational Health and Safety
Manual - Access and Release of Workers at Agrishow 2024 (Manual for access and release of
workers at the Agrishow 2024 Trade Fair Park during assembly, accomplishment, and dismantling),
under penalty of being denied access to the Park and/or suspension of activities. EXHIBITORS ARE
2) All activities carried out at the fairgrounds during assembly, accomplishment and dismantling will
be monitored and supervised by the occupational safety company (SEESMT Brasil) hired by the
3) Everyone must be accredited to access the fairgrounds. Once accredited, you still need a release
stamp. This stamp is obtained from the company (Up Service), after presenting all the
documentation. The badge can be requested from the holder at any time by work security, property
security and the Organizer;
4) It is compulsory for everyone to wear PPE, regardless of the length of stay or activity, during the
assembly and disassembly period.
5) If non-compliance with occupational safety regulations or any risky action is identified as a risk,
the worker or the person responsible for the company will be warned with a red stamp on their
credential. After the second stamp, they will not be allowed to enter or remain on the exhibition
grounds until they have been cleared by occupational safety.
6) The occupational safety company SEESMT Brasil is authorized to photograph the actions in order
to register, apply notices, and impose fines.
7) SEESMT Brasil has absolute power to supervise the execution of the activities of the workers
assigned to the Agrishow Fair, and may unilaterally suspend/stop work/activities/workers who are
not complying with the safety standards applicable to the Event.
8) Entry to the fairground will be prohibited when physical or verbal aggression is identified, threats,
speeding, use of alcohol and/or drugs;
9) It will be compulsory for all workers to take part in the integration (40 minutes) applied by SEESMT
Brasil's occupational safety team to all people entering the the exhibition grounds during the
dismantling period. Integration is only necessary once;
10) During the assembly and disassembly periods, entry will only be authorized for the vehicle
and its conductor. Other passengers will have to enter through the pedestrian entrance to check
credentials, use of PPE and general attire. During the assembly and dismantling of the stand, the
requirements set out in the NR, among others, must be complied with:

NR 06 - Personal Protective Equipment

NR 10 - Safety in Electrical Installations and Services
NR 11 - Transportation, Movement, Storage and Handling of Materials
NR 12 - Safety at Work with Machinery and Equipment
NR 18 - Working Conditions and Environment in the Construction Industry
NR 35 - Working at Height

Details of the specific requirements for each activity can be found in the Safety and Occupational
Medicine Manual, an integral part of this exhibitor manual.

We would like to remind you that during the entire period of assembly, implementation and dismantling,
there will be intense inspection in the fair:

MPTE RP - Public Ministry of Labor and Employment of Ribeirão Preto

GRTE RP - Regional Labor and Employment Management of Ribeirão Preto
ANVISA - Sanitary Surveillance

Information Classification: General
CREA (Regional Council of Engineering and Agronomy) and CAU (Brazilian Architecture and Urban
Planning Council)
Ribeirão Preto Public Prosecutor's Office
Ribeirão Preto Military Police Highway Police
Juvenile Court Judge
ANATEL (National Telecommunications Agency)
Ribeirão Preto City Hall Tax Department


All work with grease, paint, corrosive material, dust, liquid or chemical products must be carried out using
a suitable container to prevent damage and accidents.


The use of blimps at the trade fair will only be permitted when merchandising is contracted. To find out
about the merchandising actions available for the event, consult your sales executive.

The blimps must be fixed within the area rented by the exhibitor. They cannot be projected onto neighboring
stands or circulation areas.

It is mandatory to use a stationary tower with a minimum fixation of 3 (three) points and use only
industrialized helium gas.

For security reasons, the blimps can only remain on the air from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. If they remain
on the air outside the established hours, they will be removed immediately by the Organization.


Manned balloons are prohibited from flying over the fairgrounds due to the risk of falling, fire and
collision with helicopters on the days of the fair.

If an infringement is found, the companies identified will be notified immediately by the fair organizers,
and a fine will be imposed. Minimum amount: 500 reals UFESPs.

It is compulsory to build a cage (containment area) for the use of drones that will be demonstrated in
operation in the exhibition area.

If you want to use a drone, you must send a request for authorization to the Organizer, who will assess
the possibility. Below are the national laws for drone users from ANAC, ANATEL and DECEA.


- Special Brazilian Civil Aviation Regulation No. 94/2017
- Supplementary Instruction E94.503-001A
- Supplementary Instruction E94-001A
- Supplementary Instruction E94-002A
- Supplementary Instruction E94-003

1) Be at least 18 years old to fly or to assist in the operation as an observer.

2) Have insurance to cover damage to third parties.
3) Carry out an operational risk assessment (IS-ANAC No. E94-003)
4) Only operate in areas away from third parties (at least 30 meters horizontally). This restriction is
waived if the people close to the operation agree to it or if there is a mechanical barrier capable of
isolate and protect people who are not involved in or consenting to the operation.
5) Only operate a single RPA/Drone system. Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) at a time.
6) Have the Operator and Drone registered with ANAC

** The registration must be in the name of the Operator who is controlling the Drone.
** The Operator's Identification document must be presented when requested for verification.
** The registration must be FOR NON-RECREATIONAL USE and the field of activity described in the
registration must be related to the reason for the operation.

Information Classification: General
7) Fix the identification (number obtained in the registration process) of the equipment in a visible
place on the aircraft and with non-flammable material.
8) Carry proof of registration with ANAC, insurance and risk assessment and the flight manual for
the equipment.
9) It is not permitted to operate drones under the influence of psychoactive substances, and all
operators are subject to the rules on the use of alcohol and drugs set out in item 91.17 of the
Brazilian Aeronautical Homologation Regulation (RBHA 91/2003).

ANATEL (National Telecommunications Agency)

Exhibitors must follow ANATEL regulations for the use of the spectrum, approval and use of any equipment
where any type of information transmission is carried out, whether they are telecommunication or not.
Inspections and fines may result in the removal of equipment during the event, as well as other types of
penalties applied by the regulatory body.

The regularization and approval of equipment before starting the use or marketing of telecommunications
and equipment can be consulted at:

To inform yourself about the need to obtain a UTE (Temporary Use of Spectrum) authorization before using
radio frequency emitting equipment or demonstrating new technologies that occupy the spectrum, read
the guidelines at: www.anatel.gov.br/setorregulado/uso-temporario-do-espectro

The minimum request period is 15 days before the start of the operation.
- ICA 100-40, November 9th, 2015 - Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems and Access to Brazilian Airspace.
- ICA 100-12, on July 31st, 2014 - Rules of the Air
- ICA 100-37, on April 28, 2014 - Air Traffic Services

10) It is forbidden to fly the drone less than 30 meters horizontally from buildings, it is possible to fly
if the owner agrees.
**It is valid for Shows and Events, to fly at a distance of less than 30 horizontal meters, you must have
the consent of the person in charge of the event.

11) It is forbidden to fly drones over security areas, such as prisons and military installations, or over
critical infrastructures, such as thermoelectric plants or energy distribution stations.
12) Drone maintenance must be up to date.
13) Flights of up to 100 feet (30m) are allowed without the need for a NOTAM (Notice of Airmen, which
is a notification to the aviation community). Flights up to 100 feet must be operated within 3
nautical miles (≈ 5.4km) away from the aerodrome. For flights between 100 feet and 400 feet
(30m to 120 m) the operation must take place 5 nautical miles (≈ 9 km) away from aerodromes.
Operations near aerodromes can be requested by SARPAS (Request for Access by Remotely Piloted
Aircraft), but depend on the issuance of a NOTAM*.
14) Do not fly over people without permission.
15) The pilot must carry the NOTAM (Flight Request) issued by DECEA.


It’s forbidden the use of any explosive, non-liquefied, toxic and combustible gases, including balloons
and/or air balloons.


In compliance with the State Fire Brigade legislation, your stand will require every 40m² - 1 (one) fire
extinguisher, using the equipment: "Fire Extinguisher".

Each stand must have at least 2 (two) fire extinguisher units per floor, in accordance with the following

 A 10-liter water tank for Class A - Solid materials (paper, wood, plastics, etc.) e;

Information Classification: General
 One unit of Dry Chemical Powder (6kg or 12kg) "or" Carbon Dioxide (Co²) of 6kg for Class B and
C - flammable liquids and gases and energized material.

Fire extinguishers must be marked in an easily accessible place. Exhibitors/assemblers may bring their own
extinguishers or rent them directly from a local company.

The fair management will deploy a fire brigade team, trained according to the characteristics of the event,
to inspect the stands, provide guidance and determine for exhibitors the need for a greater number of fire
extinguishers, in accordance with the Fire Department's technical instructions available in the security

The assembly company must keep one (1) fire extinguisher on the stand for the period of assembly at the

IMPORTANT: Any activity with fire is strictly forbidden for the duration of the event.


The operation of internal/external combustion engines will not be permitted inside the fairgrounds.

Information Classification: General

Individual water points will not be available at the stands. A water point will be available for all exhibitors
in the uncovered areas, at a location convenient for the Organizer. This place must not be used for the
pantry or kitchen (sinks) on the stands. This point must not be used for the pantry or kitchen (sinks) on
the stands. Stands opting for Buffet services must use "bombona system" (dry sink”).

It will be up to the exhibitor, when necessary, to connect this point via a hose to their stand, and after
use, disconnect it, releasing the point as soon as possible.

It is expressly forbidden to discharge sewage of any kind onto the stand grounds or side streets,
as well as to open cesspools.

It is everyone's responsibility to consciously use and save water.


The emergency service will be in operation at times compatible with the periods of assembly, realization
and disassembly periods set out in this manual.

If you need to work after the period specified in this manual, you will be charged. The person
responsible must go to CAEX to pay immediately.


All internet and wifi services are the sole responsibility of Mapp TV/ Expo Telecom.

Sales center:
+55 11 4210-0810
+55 11 99201-7321 (WhatsApp)
[email protected]

Special conditions must be observed and discounts are applied according to the date of contracting


Exhibitors must be duly insured in relation to the activities carried out for their participation in Agrishow
2024. The Exhibitor must take out and maintain civil liability insurance with a reputable and recognized
insurance company, civil liability insurance as well employee liability insurance against fire, theft, electrical
damage, personal injury, death, damage to or loss of property. The Organizer shall have the right to verify
the insurance policies and proof of payment of insurance premiums held by the exhibitor upon request.

It is exclusively up to the exhibitor to arrange their own insurance (civil liability, miscellaneous risks, and
personal accidents) during the assembly, realization and disassembly period. The Organizer will not assume
any responsibility for damages or costs generated by occurrences at the stands with products, materials,
contractors, assemblers, transporters, people or any other nature.

It is important to check on the policy the insurance cover and the period of validity, which should run
from the first day of assembly until the last day of disassembly.

IMPORTANT: The Organizer is not responsible for any thefts or robberies that may occur on the

The Exhibitor must also ensure that any third parties hired by it to participate in (assembly, realization
and/or disassembly) at Agrishow must be duly insured, ensuring that its contractors, subcontractors or

Information Classification: General
service providers have and keep in force, with a reputable and recognized insurance company, civil liability
insurance and employee liability insurance against personal injury, death, damage to or loss of property.
The Organizer shall have the right to verify the insurance policies and proof of payment of the insurance
premiums of the mentioned third parties contracted by the Exhibitor, upon request.


Arrange in advance for the shipment and release of goods to ensure the arrival of goods and equipment to
the exhibition. Contact the appointed freight forwarders to receive the boarding instructions.

Equipment, machinery and other exhibition materials can be shipped temporarily, with suspension of
payment of taxes, and may be re-exported or nationalized in the event of sale.

To contract services for the temporary/definitive import of goods or samples, the exhibitor may contract
the Official Company. The contact will be published on the portal 60 days before the start of the fair.

IMPORTANT: It is at the exhibitor's discretion whether to hire a customs clearance, shipment company,
and/or transit company and/or transit of goods.


Only when the exhibitor is an exclusive commercial representation company, trading company, holding
company, member of a business group or has associated companies, the presentation of products from
other brands will be allowed, as long as the exhibitor provides the Organizer in advance the list of companies
and with proof of the exclusive relationship. After verification, the respective charge will be sent.

Any material made available to the co-exhibitor will always be sent to the main exhibitor,
according to the participation contract, which will deal directly with each co-exhibitor.


Informa Markets, as promoter and organizer of the Agrishow event, repudiates any type of discrimination,
in relation to sex, origin, race, color, marital status, family situation, disability, age, sexual orientation,
physical appearance, among others (in the form of law). We strongly encourage our exhibitors to celebrate
diversity in every sense. We also advise that exhibitors pass on this principle to their direct contractors for
carrying out any and all activities at the event. Sexual and moral harassment is a crime – Reports can be
made through the specialized sexual harassment service, guidance and reporting channel. The service is
confidential and individualized. You can contact us by telephone: 180 - Women's Service Center.

Information Classification: General
The promoter may anticipate the entry of visitors in order to guarantee the safety of all.

Exhibitors must have at least one member of their staff present at the stand who is able to provide
information about the products on display. A responsible person must be at the stand at least 30 minutes
before the event opens.

Stands may not be closed before the end of the event's opening hours, even on the last day of the event.

The lighting will remain on for the duration of the event, and it is the exhibitor's responsibility to turn off
the main power switch to their stand at the end of the day.


Exhibitors are forbidden to keep their staff outside the confines of the stand when selling or distributing
leaflets, gifts, etc.

The distribution of gifts, samples, leaflets and catalogs will be allowed exclusively inside the stand, except
from non-participating companies with no connection to the exhibitor.

If it is essential for the exhibitor to present products, equipment and services on its stand that it does not
manufacture itself or represent exclusively, but which complement its product line, it is compulsory to send
a written request to the Promoter who, at their discretion, may or may not authorize the display of the

It will not be allowed:

 Advertising, promotion or marketing by any other event promoter in the pavilion;
 Products and/or brand displays from companies competing with the official Sponsors of the event;
 Display of beverage and soft drink brands in visible places;
 It is forbidden to disclose profit and turnover on the stand or in promotional material.

Exhibitors who do not comply with this requirement will have their materials collected by the security
department, and may only remove them after the end of the event period. The Promoter may also prohibit
the stand from operating at any time.


Certain events are strictly forbidden throughout the event:

 Pyrotechnic shows using smoke or dirigibles;
 Presentation of live models of any gender half-naked or wearing g-strings;
 Animals of any species or size, including birds for decoration of the stand or to complement the
demonstration of the products on display;
 Concerts.

Any activity not listed above that may cause disruption to the event, will be immediately terminated by the


The ticket to the fair is paid and will be available for purchase on the Agrishow website from January 2024.


The assembly company must request a maximum of 2 credentials for any maintenance services during
the event. The employees who will be providing the maintenance service must report to CAEX on the last
day of assembly and exchange their credentials free of charge.

Information Classification: General

All sound produced on the stand by audiovisuals, recorders, radios or any other equipment must not exceed
normal voice volume or 80 decibels.

The use of any amplification device to broadcast sales or promotional messages is also prohibited.

If the exhibitor does not comply with this rule, the following procedures will be followed by the Fair

 On the first infringement: a verbal request will be made to establish the permitted volume of sound;
 For the second infringement: the exhibitor will be notified by letter from the fair management.

Failure to comply with requests to reduce sound levels will result in the power supply being cut off and to
the removal of the equipment in question, without prior notice, for an indefinite period of time, and a fine.

In the case of lectures, presentations, etc., it will be compulsory to use closed environments, such as halls,
auditoriums, etc.

According to Law No. 9.610/98, which regulates copyright, the exhibiting company that uses ambient music
on its stand, even through AM/FM, must pay a specific fee through a specific form supplied by ECAD.

Av. Paulista, 171 - 3º floor - Building Dom Pedro I de Alcântara – Zip Code: 01311-000 -São Paulo - SP
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +55 (11) 3287-6722 / WhatsApp: +55 (11) 3795-8031
Shows and Events: +55 (11) 3795-8042 / +55 (11) 3795-8037
Website: https://www4.ecad.org.br/


The operation, issuing of authorizations and supervision of activities related to the distribution of prizes by
means of raffles, gift vouchers, contests, etc. or similar assessments are within the competence of Caixa
Econômica Federal, except when Caixa Econômica itself or any other financial institution is an interested
party. In these cases, the competence to analyze and authorize the requests belongs to Seae - Secretariat
for Economic Monitoring of the Ministry of Finance.

For more information, visit:

and https://www.caixa.gov.br/empresa/promocoes-sorteios/Paginas/default.aspx

Permits and necessary documents are the sole responsibility of the exhibitor.

IMPORTANT: The Promoter/Organizer of the event does not have any links with the competent bodies
that determine the rules for the distribution of prizes and raffles.


The use of alcohol, drugs and other substances is not permitted. Anyone under the influence of these
substances will be removed immediately by the Organizer and will be permanently removed from the
activities for the duration of the assembly, realization and disassembly of the event.

Exhibitors offering alcoholic beverages must comply with Law 14.592/2011, which prohibits the sale, offer,
supply and consumption of alcoholic beverages, even free of charge, to people under 18 years of age.

We would like to remind you that the Highway Police and the Military Police are carrying out operations to
check for drivers driving under the influence of alcohol in the vicinity of Agrishow.

Information Classification: General

The following activities are prohibited:

 Balloon/Metallized Bladder (regular air or helium gas, for decoration or promotion/distribution)

 Use of flames;
 Radioactive materials;
 Storage of gasoline, kerosene, diesel oil or other flammable liquids, even temporarily;
 Use of explosives and pyrophoric;
 Speeding or reckless use of vehicles or equipment, including forklifts;
 The presence of workers under the age of 18 during assembly and disassembly;
 Welding service;
 Spray or compressed air painting service;
 Products classified as hazardous, include toxic, irritating, corrosive, harmful or oxidizing materials.
(with the exception of household cleaning materials);
 Equipment that may cause a nuisance due to odor, emission of unpleasant noises or strobe lights;
 Pets on the grounds (except guide dogs);
 Delivering or selling drinks in glass containers.


If you plan to hold an event after 7 p.m. (happy hour, barbecue, cocktail party, pocket show, etc.) it is
mandatory to request authorization from the promoter and pay the overtime fee for the presence of
firefighters, ambulances and security guards on the ground. See the item "Emergency Services". It is
the responsibility of the exhibitor to transport guests to the parking lots, since the bus/ transfer
service closes at 7pm.

To avoid fire or any kind of accident, only electric barbecues are allowed.

Information Classification: General
The exhibitor is solely responsible for complying with the legal requirements of the law with regard to

1. Tax authorities inherent to the Federal Revenue Service, Finance Department, City Hall, Social Security;
2. Ministry of Labor and Employment;
3. Central Collection and Distribution Office (ECAD);
4. COVISA (Health Surveillance Coordination);
5. National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA);
6. SIF (Federal Inspection Service).


Do not issue invoices with the event promoter/organizer as the recipient (Informa
Markets), as ICMS legislation does not provide for this type of operation.


It is the Exhibitor's responsibility to comply with the legal requirements regarding the procedures for
shipping and return of goods, equipment, products, utensils, etc.


10.3.1 ICMS

Imports of goods from abroad under the Temporary Admission Regime are exempt from ICMS, with total
suspension of payment of federal taxes levied on imports, subject to the deadlines and conditions
established in federal legislation and when destined for:

 Fairs, exhibitions, congresses and other scientific or technical events;

 Commercial or industrial fairs and exhibitions;
 Shows, exhibitions and other artistic or cultural events (RICMS-SP/2000, Annex I, art. 37, VI).



Temporary admission is a customs procedure that allows foreign exhibitors, or Brazilian exhibitors who
want to exhibit at fairs and events certain goods from other countries, to enjoy total or partial suspension
of the payment of customs duties levied on their importation.

This benefit is only valid when the import of these goods is intended for the realization of/participation in
cultural, artistic, scientific, commercial and sporting events, the packaging and transportation of other
goods for trials and tests, with a commitment to be re-exported and provided that are regulated by the
following legislation: IN SRF nº 35/99, IN SRF nº 285/03 and IN SRF nº 611/06.

The procedures to be applied in customs clearance, as well as the customs declaration to be used, depend
exclusively on the purpose of the goods and can be found on the Federal Revenue website:

h ps://www.gov.br/receitafederal/pt-br/assuntos/aduana-e-comercio-exterior/manuais/carneata/

(DECREE NO. 6.759, OF FEBRUARY 5, 2009. Customs Regulations - Article 136 - O).

Federal Revenue - Service Unit - RECEITAFONE: 146

Information Classification: General

Products sent directly to exhibitions at sample fairs and similar promotions, carried out by the industrial
establishment or industrial equivalent, may be released with tax suspension in accordance with Art. 43, II
of the RIPI/2010 - Normative Opinion CST No. 242/1972.

For more information on RFB Normative Instruction No. 1,361/2013, arts. 3, caput, § 1, II, 4º, 5º, caput
I, access: https://www.gov.br/receitafederal/pt-br/assuntos/orientacaotributaria/ taxes/ipi.


COVISA (Health Surveillance Coordination)

Street Santa Isabel, 181, Vila Buarque - ZIP Code: 01221-010 - São Paulo - SP
Opening hours: From 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday to Friday.
Phones: +55 (11) 3397-8278/ 3397-8279/ 3397-8280

ANVISA (National Health Surveillance Agency)

Section 5, Special Area 57
ZIP code: 71205-050 - Brasília/DF
Service Hours: From 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.
Telephone numbers: 0800 642-9782

All products of animal origin under the responsibility of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and
Supply are registered and approved by the S.I.F. in order to guarantee products with sanitary
and technological certification, in compliance with current national and international legislation.

SIF (Federal Inspection Service)

Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply

Esplanada dos Ministérios - Block D - Brasília/DF - Zip code: 70.043-900
Telephone: +55 (61) 3218-2828
Customer Service: 0800 704 1995



Address: Esplanada dos Ministérios - block F Zip code: 70056-900 - Brasília/DF
Alô Trabalho Call Center: 158 (national service)


General Social Security Ombudsman - OUGPS

Call Center 135 - Via Telephone
PREVCartas - Correspondence: P.O. Box 09714 - Zip code 70001-970 - Brasília-DF
In-Person Service: Esplanada dos Ministérios, Block F, Annex Building, Wing "A", 1st floor,
Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Website: https://www.gov.br/previdencia/pt-br

Information Classification: General
Exhibitor: ___________________________________________________________________________

Trade name: Taxpayer identification number/

National tax identification number:

______________________________________ ___________________________

Legal representative: __________________________________________________________________

Assembler: ________________________________________ Stand Number: _____ M²:

Taxpayer identification number/
Trade name: National tax identification number:

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __________________________________

Legal representative: ___________________________________________________________________

Services provided: _____________________________________________________________________

In concluding this agreement, the parties took into account that:

(i) The Exhibitor entered into a Participation and Services contract with the Promoter - INFORMA MARKETS
LTDA, the purpose of which is to rent an area for AGRISHOW 2024 to be held from April 29th to May 3rd,

(ii) The Exhibitor has undertaken to comply effectively with the specific conditions, general conditions and
participation manual that make up the Contract entered into with INFORMA;

(iii) The Exhibitor expressly declares that it is fully and unrestrictedly aware of the rules and
safety measures to be adopted by itself, its legal representatives or agents, as well as assembly companies,
suppliers, contractors, third parties and their employees;

(iv) The Exhibitor is the sole and exclusive contractor for the services of the assembly company, qualified
above, and must guarantee the conservation of the area and effective compliance with all standards and
safety measures by the assembly company, taking full responsibility for the contracted services, whether
to BTS Informa or any third party;

(v) The Assembler declares itself responsible for the assembly of the stand, material, team and any other
service providers contracted during the entire period from assembly to disassembly of the stand.

Having made the above preliminary considerations, the parties, Exhibitor and Assembler, hereby declare,
to be responsible, jointly and severally, with INFORMA MARKETS LTDA., located at Avenue Dra Ruth
Cardoso, 7221, 22º floor, São Paulo, SP, and registered with the CNPJ/MF under no. 01.914.765/0001-08:

Information Classification: General
(i) For the upkeep of the area where the services will be carried out, undertaking to return it in the same
condition in which it was delivered, free and clear of persons, things and any materials;

(ii) For setting up the stand in accordance with the contractual rules, standards and requirements
stipulated in the Exhibitor's Manual and all those expressed in current legislation;

(iii) Effective compliance with occupational health and safety rules and measures in order to protect and
prevent risks and damage to workers' lives and health, also adopting all measures necessary to monitor

(iv) Compliance with all the Regulatory Norms (NRs) applicable to events, which are legal norms
incorporated into Brazilian legislation, ensuring that all its employees and/or contractors are legally
qualified in accordance with these standards;

(v) For any damage that they may cause, directly or indirectly, to the Pavilion, service providers, employees
or any third parties.

Paragraph One: in the event of non-compliance with item (i) above, the Assembler shall pay the Promoter
company a non-compensatory fine of R$ 2,000.00 (two thousand reals), without prejudice to the
determination and compensation for damage to buildings, installations, equipment and fittings.

Paragraph Two: the parties, Exhibitor and Assembler, shall be jointly and severally liable, by themselves,
their legal representatives or their agents, for any damage they may cause during the provision of services,
whether material or moral, in the civil or criminal sphere.

, in in .
" In agreement":

Exhibitor's name Assembler's name

Exhibitor's signature Assembler's signature


We cer fy that the area was returned on / / 2024, under the following condi ons:

(_) In perfect condi on

(_) Missing parts or accessories

(_) Defec ve as follows:

(_) Other:

Information Classification: General
Company/Assembly/Tenderer: __________________________________ M²___________

Exhibitor: __________________________________________________________________

Trade name: _______________________________________________________________

Taxpayer identification number: ________________________________________________
Legal representative: ________________________________________________________
Services provided: __________________________________________________________
Number of employees (and number in words) WORK AT HEIGHT: _____________________
The company________________________________________________ duly registered at
Taxpayer identification number _____________________________, with head office
located in the city of________________________________ /State represented by its legal
representative Mr./Mrs.______________________, nationality________________, bearer of
passport nº________________________,

DECLARES for all legal purposes, and under the penalties of the law, that it is fully aware of Regulatory
Norm No. 35, of Ordinance No. 3.214/78 of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, for carrying out
activities of assembling and disassembling any type of structure on the Agrishow 2024 premises.

DECLARES also that it has received all the information and has been previously advised of the risks inherent
in the Area of Assembly Area and Global Structure of the Event - Agrishow 2024, all with the aim of
preserving and safeguarding the health and physical integrity of the workers, through the Orientation of
Safety (Integration) and Occupational Medicine under the terms of Art. 157, items I and II of the CLT; who
received the Safety and Occupational Medicine Manual - Access to and Work Authorization at Agrishow
2024 (Manual for access and authorization of workers in the Agrishow 2024 Trade Fair Park during the
assembly, implementation and dismantling) is in agreement, oriented and has prepared the risk analysis
and Work Permit accordingly.

To this end, in compliance with NR 35, HE/SHE IS AWARE AND UNDERTAKES:

a) That the entry of employees to the Fair is subject to the presentation of the documents listed in
List A below, with Up Service having the power to prevent workers from accessing the fair site, if all the
documents are not submitted within the time limit and in the form indicated, as required by NR
35 for working at heights.

b) That they will only receive a badge and identification vest for working at heights, workers who are
approved by the Up Service company after verification of the documents in the attached list A and
authorization by Up Service.

c) That it has previously instructed and trained all its workers in accordance with the activities performed
at the location and the risks inherent in each function, in accordance with the required safety standards;

d) That it will only authorize the activities of its workers to begin after all the necessary protective
procedures have been adopted in the Risk Analysis/PGR (Risk Management Program) in compliance with
NR 35.

Information Classification: General
e) That it will permanently monitor the adoption of protective measures during the execution of the work,
including PPE, CPE, anchor points, lifelines, etc. ordering an immediate stoppage/suspension of activity
in the event that an employee is found to be working without complying with the following rules.

f) That it will IMMEDIATELY replace the worker(s) who fail(s) to comply with the safety rules.

g) That supervision will be carried out by Mr./Mrs. _________________________________________,

passport number ___________________________if there are more than 10 (ten) workers at the Fair.

h) That the company SEESMT Brasil has the autonomy to paralyze and suspend any activity in
non-compliance with NR35.

i) That the period during which the NR 35 training course took place was counted as the employee's working

j) That it has provided all its workers with personal protective equipment and collective protective
equipment according to the specific risk of each job.

k) That the company maintains an adequate fall protection system.

l) That any and all damage resulting from the stoppage/suspension of activities due to non-compliance with
NR 35 is their full and exclusive responsibility, being responsible for compensation for damages caused to
the exhibitor and organizer of the Agrishow 2024 Fair.

Finally, DECLARES that it assumes any and all civil, criminal, labor, fiscal and tax liability in relation to the
Event's organizational structure, with regard to the hiring and performance of work activities or not, of its
workers and acts carried out by them in the area covered by the Agrishow 2024, and even after the end of
the event, which reinforces the rigorous compliance with all safety and medical regulations.

I am aware, guided and take responsibility:

Ribeirão Preto ______/

_____/ 2024.



Information Classification: General
1. Nominal list of employees (work at height) - ( )

2. Work registration/contract - ( )

3. PCMSO - ( )

4. PGR Risk Analysis - NR1 - ( )

5. Work permits - ( )

6. Work Orders - ( )

7. NR 1 job integration course - ( )

8. NR 35 Training Course (valid for 2 years) - ( )

9. NR 35 training course attendance list (valid for 2 years) - ( )

10. Proof of NR35 course instructor qualification - ( )

11. CPTS, Register of employment contract and proof of training of supervisory foreman (companies
with more than 10 workers) - ( )

12. ASO (able for work at height) - ( )

13. PPE and EPC registration form (with CA) - ( )

Information Classification: General
As explained in the Legal Requirements Chapter of this Manual under the item "MINISTRY OF LABOR AND
and SOCIAL SECURITY" and in Chapter 4 "REGULATORY STANDARDS", Exhibitor, Promoter, contractors,
subcontractors and service providers must comply with all Regulatory Standards, Conventions, Decrees,
Normative Instructions, Laws and Ordinances applied to Occupational Health and Safety, as well as the
Safety and Occupational Medicine Manual - Access to and Release from Work at Agrishow 2024, an integral
part of this Exhibitor Manual and must be observed by Exhibitors and their contractors, subcontractors and
service providers.

The full content of all legislation related to the Ministry of Labor and Social Security can be accessed at the
following link: http://portal.mte.gov.br/legislacao/.

Specifically with regard to Safety at Work in Machinery and Equipment related to this event, we remind
you that if you need to use machinery and equipment, these are the sole responsibility of the EXHIBITOR,
its contractors, subcontractors and service providers, who must observe the specifics of NR-12 - SAFETY

In addition to the Regulatory Standards of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, the Exhibitor must
observe the following fundamental concepts and general design principles relating to machine safety,
established by "ABNT" in accordance with the Brazilian Committee for Machinery and Mechanical Equipment
and the MERCOSUR Sectorial Committee for Machinery and Mechanical Equipment.

We also recommend that the machines comply with the following standards, among others Brazilian
Technical Standards:

Nº Title Date

ABNT NBR Safety of machinery - Emergency stop equipment - 30/12/19

Functional aspects - Project principles
13759: 1996 96

Machine safety - Temperature of accessible surfaces

ABNT NBR. 1.3970:1997 - Ergonomic data to establish 30/09/19

temperature limits for heated surfaces 97

ABNT NBR Safety of machinery - Principles for risk assessment 30/11/19

14009: 1997 97

ABNT NBR. 14152:1998 Safety machine - Two-hand control devices 30/07/19

- Functional aspects and project principles 98

Safety of machinery - Safety-related parts of control systems

- General principles for the project / ISSO 13849-1:
ABNT NBR 2OO6, Safety of machinery 30/07/19
- Safety - related
14153:1998 parts of control systems - Part 1: General principles for 98

Information Classification: General
ABNT NBR 30/07/19
Machine safety - Preventing unexpected starts
14154:1998 98

ABNT NBR 14191- Machinery safety - Reducing health risks

1:1998 resulting from hazardous substances emitted by machinery 30/10/19


ABNTNBRNM 213- Safety of machinery - Fundamental concepts, general project

principles - Part 1: Basic terminology and methodology
1:2000 30/01/2000

ABNT NBR NM 213- Safety of machinery - Fundamental concepts, general project

principles - Part 2: Technical principles and specialization and
2:2000 specifications 30/01/2000

Safety of machinery - Protections - General requirements for

the project and construction of fixed and mobile protections
ABNT NBR NM 272:2002 30/07/2002

ABNT NBR NM 273:2002 Safety of machinery - Interlocking devices associated with 30/07/2002
protection - Principles for project and selection

ABNT NBR NM Safety of machinery - Safety distances 30/05/2003

ISO to prevent access to danger zones by upper limbs


ABNT NBR NM Safety of machinery - Safety distances to prevent access to 30/11/2003

danger zones by lower limbs
ISO 13853:2003

ABNT NBR NM Machine safety - Minimum gaps to avoid crushing parts of the 30/05/2003
human body
ISO 13854:2003

ABNT NBR 13930:2008 Mechanical presses - Safety requirements 18/08/2008

Since June 11th, 2010, it has been forbidden to manufacture, import and market machines and equipment
with squirrel-cage rotor induction electric motors between 1 hp and 250 hp, which that do not meet the
high efficiency requirements.

The labeling of engines with the above characteristics is mandatory, and they must comply with INMETRO's
conformity assessment requirements.

Information Classification: General
It is important to note that the use of machinery and equipment that does not comply with the INMETRO
requirements will be subject to inspection, as well as a fine (minimum value 500 reais UFESPs) or seizure.
The ordinances that regulate electric motors are:

- INMETRO Order No. 243 of September 4th, 2009


- Ordinance No. 488 of December 8th, 2010


Please note that labor inspectors will be inspecting the machinery and equipment on display during the fair.

If security devices need to be removed to better display the products, we suggest that the device should
also be on display and that visitors should be made aware of the fact that the machine is without them,
even if it is not put into operation under these conditions.

Information Classification: General

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