Experimental Investigation On Web Crippling Proper

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Advances in Civil Engineering

Volume 2020, Article ID 8895808, 17 pages

Research Article
Experimental Investigation on Web Crippling Property of
High-Strength Cold-Formed (HSCF) Rectangular Steel Tube

Xianglong Liu,1 Jicheng Zhang ,1 Yuanqi Li,2 Lei Zeng,1 and Guofeng Du1
School of Urban Construction, Yangtze University, Jingzhou 434023, China
College of Civil Engineering, Tong Ji University, Shanghai 200092, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Jicheng Zhang; [email protected]

Received 1 July 2020; Revised 13 September 2020; Accepted 16 October 2020; Published 29 October 2020

Academic Editor: Jiang Jin

Copyright © 2020 Xianglong Liu et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
To research the web crippling performance (i.e., the ultimate web crippling bearing capacity and ductility) of high-strength cold-
formed (HSCF) rectangular steel tubes under concentrated load, thirty-six specimens with different bearing plate width, width-to-
height ratio, boundaries, and loading conditions are fabricated and tested in this paper. Particularly, four kinds of boundaries and
loading conditions are utilized, including end-two-flange (ETF), end-one-flange (EOF), interior-two-flange (ITF), and interior-
one-flange (IOF). Research revealed the failure modes of HSCF rectangular steel tubes under concentrated loads applied at the end
or interior. Moreover, the load-displacement curves and load-strain curves are obtained. The results show that the ultimate
crippling capacity of webs increases significantly with larger bearing plate width and width-to-height ratio. Specimens subjected to
interior bearing load have higher ultimate strength and deformation capacity than counterparts that are subjected to bearing load
at the end. Additionally, in the middle of the compression web, all strain measuring points enter the plasticity stage and finally
appear in the plastic hinge area. Subsequently, the failure modes and ultimate bearing capacity are simulated by the finite element
method (FEM), which is implemented via ABAQUS. By comparing the test results with the numerical values, demonstrate the
effectiveness of the proposed numerical simulation on investigating the failure modes and the ultimate bearing capacity of HSCF
rectangular steel tubes. Finally, regarding the conservative and dangerous calculation of web crippling ultimate bearing capacity in
current codes, we can provide a good guidance for future work, particularly the proposed calculation equations for ultimate
bearing capacity of HSCF rectangular steel tubes.

1. Introduction loading conditions, researchers have conducted many in-

vestigations on the web crippling properties of cold-formed
The past decades have seen the rapid advances in structural thin-walled steel sections. According to the existing design
engineering, and many new structural materials and con- rules [19–21], there are four stipulated loading conditions,
figurations, such as cold-formed steel [1], high-strength steel including end-one-flange (EOF), interior-one-flange (IOF),
(HHS) [2–4], concrete-filled steel tubes (CFSTs) [5–7], and end-two-flange (ETF), and interior-two-flange (ITF), which
fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) structures [8–10], have been are classified via the position of the centralized loading on
developed and applied to engineer practice. Among them, one or both flanges. The influence of cold-formed steel
the cold-formed steel attracts much attention in civil en- sections with web openings on the web crippling perfor-
gineering due to its efficient section form. During their mance was studied by Uzzaman et al. [22, 23], and the results
service, cold-formed structures are subject to a variety of showed that the first three factors affecting the web crippling
adverse effects that may result in damages, including strength were hole depth, bearing plate length, and web flat
overloading [11], corrosion [12–14], fatigue [15–17], and depth. Macdonald and Heiyantuduwa [24] carried out a
seismic excitation [18]. To find the common damage pat- comparative test on the web crippling performance of cold-
terns of the cold-formed steel structures under different formed channel steel with and without constrained flange
2 Advances in Civil Engineering

plate, and they provided formulas with better adaptability to showed that, t, the current codes of practice are mostly
calculate the web crippling strength. Zhou and Young conservative for the design of HSCF tubes subjected to
[25, 26] demonstrated that the web crippling strength under uniform bending moment, but no suitable formula for
the ETF loading increased faster than the counterpart with calculating ultimate bearing capacity was proposed. Some
ITF loading when bearing length increased. Through ex- web crippling tests of HSCF channels were implemented by
periments and finite element analyses, Zhou and Young [27] Young and Hancock [37], and the results indicated that the
proposed reduction factor equations to characterize the web web crippling strength was more than half of the predicted
crippling strength of square hollow sections with a circular value under IOF or ETF loading conditions. Zhou and
hole in the web. Based on tests of web crippling, Chen et al. Young [38] studied the web crippling of HSCF stainless steel
[28] found that the ultimate bearing capacity of web crip- at high temperatures via FEM, and the numerical results
pling was inversely proportional to the slenderness ratio showed that the numerical analyses could predict the be-
under loading conditions of EOF and ETF. The University of havior of web crippling. Compared to existing experimental
Hong Kong conducted a comprehensive laboratory test studies, the web damage characteristics of HSCF steel under
program involving 65 web failure tests of square and rect- four loading conditions (EOF, IOF, ETF, and ITF) are
angular hollow sections of high-strength steel. The web systematically studied in this paper.
failure tests were carried out under the loading conditions of In this paper, the web crippling performance of HSCF
EOF, IOF, ETF, and ITF, which are specified in the North rectangular steel tubes under concentrated load was studied.
American specification (NAS) [29] and the Australian/New The stress and strain distribution at the web area and the
Zealand standard (AS/NZS) [30]. The slenderness of the total displacement of the loading end were measured. The
sample webs ranged from 8.3 to 35.8 webs. The test strength deformation and failure of HSCF rectangular steel tubes
was compared with the current nominal strength predicted under concentrated load were observed and analyzed, and
by NAS [29], AS/NZS [30], European specification (EC3) their ultimate bearing capacity was recorded. Numerical
[31], and Australian standard AS4100 [32] to study the simulations were performed, and their effectiveness was
suitability of the existing code design provisions for web verified via experiments. Finally, the calculation equations
failure in cold bending high-strength steel tube sections. The for the ultimate bearing capacity of HSCF rectangular steel
reliability analysis was carried out to evaluate the reliability tubes were proposed, which could provide a good guidance
of the prepared web crippling design clauses. for future work.
So far, many researchers have conducted numerous
experiments on the compressive strength or ultimate bearing 2. Experimental Investigation
capacity of the webs of cold-formed steel and high-strength
steel. At the same time, the HSCF thin-walled steel is fab- 2.1. Test Specimens. In order to research the web crippling
ricated by bending ultrathin high-strength steel plates properties of HSCF steel tubes, thirty-six such tubes with
during a higher molding process; therefore, the high different boundary and loading conditions were tested in
strength cold-formed (HSCF) thin-walled steel can save this paper. The wall thickness of all specimens is 5 mm. The
about 30% of the material, compared to the traditional cold- schematic of rectangular steel tubular sections is depicted in
formed thin-walled steel (such as Q235 and Q345). Now, Figure 1, where h denotes the nominal height (from 100 to
high-strength cold-formed steel was widely used in practical 200 mm) and r denotes the pipe corner radii. Different
projects, and it has different mechanical properties and specimens have different pipe corner radii, and L represents
failure modes due to high strength, thin thickness, poor the length (from 500 to 800 mm). The bearing plates are
ductility, and other properties. Generally, HSCF thin-walled fabricated by Q235 steel with thickness of 30 mm and length
steel suffers local crippling before global buckling; thus, it is of 300 mm. The width of bearing plate ranges from 50 to
necessary to study its local crippling behavior. For instance, 150 mm. The main function of the bearing plate is to ensure
Li and Young [33] conducted the web crippling tests of that concentrated load is applied locally to the specimen.
HSCF steel rectangular hollow sections under load condi- As mentioned above, specimens are tested under four
tions at the end and interior, and they also verified the loading conditions, i.e., EOF, IOF, ETF, and ITF. To
effectiveness of the proposed finite element model (FEM) by eliminate the influence of boundary conditions, the distance
comparing the experimental results with the numerical from the edge of the bearing plate to the end of the specimen
values. Meanwhile, the web crippling of HSCF steel tubes was set to the value that is more than 1.5 times the total
under other loading conditions has been studied [34, 35], height of the web. Figure 2 is a schematic of web crippling
and it is found that the existing codes are not very practical tests under four boundary and loading conditions, and
since there is an obvious difference between measured photos of webs under four boundary and loading conditions
strength and the nominal strength stipulated via codes. Thus, are shown in Figure 3.
based on the experimental and numerical results, they
evaluated and improved the existing codes about web
crippling. In addition, four-point bending tests on HSCF 2.2. Specimen Labeling. In Table 1, the specimens were la-
steel tubular beams were conducted by Ma et al. [36], and beled to easily identify the boundary and loading condition,
they demonstrated that the effective rotation capacities of the nominal dimension of the specimen, the width of the
the sections were reduced due to the low ductility of the bearing plate, and web crippling ultimate capacity of HSCF
material. And through the method of the comparison, it rectangular steel tubes (Pcr). For example, the label
Advances in Civil Engineering 3

We | d

Figure 1: Definition of section symbol of rectangular steel tube.

Steel tube Steel tube

Bearing plate Bearing plate


a ≥1.5 h ≥1.5 h a ≥1.5 h

(a) (b)

Steel tube Steel tube

Bearing plate Bearing plate


a ≥1.5h ≥1.5h a ≥1.5h

(c) (d)
Figure 2: Schematic of web crippling tests in four boundary and loading conditions.

“RE100 × 500 − EOF − B50” defines the following high- according to Chinese Metallic Materials-Tensile testing at
strength cold-formed rectangular steel tubes: (1) the first ambient temperature (GB/T228-2002) [39]. After process-
letter “RE” denotes high-strength cold-formed steel section ing, we use the grinding wheel to Polish the nonsmooth parts
shape; (2) the 100 × 500 is the nominal dimension of the of the standard sample. The results of previous studies have
specimens in mm, where 100 is the web height (h), and 500 is shown that the surface state of the measured standard
the rectangular steel tubular length (L); and (3) the label specimen has undergone some changes, and the effect on
“B50” denotes the width of the bearing plate in mm. tensile strength is less than 5%. The values of the tensile yield
stress, ultimate tensile stress, elongation after fracture, and
elastic modulus measured via the tests are presented in
2.3. Material Properties. The material properties of steel used Table 2.
in this paper were determined by standard tensile tests.
Three standard specimens used for tensile testing were
sampled from the surface of each HSCF rectangular steel 2.4. Loading and Test Program. In this test, the ultimate
tube. The nominal coupons were prepared and tested bearing capacities of the specimens were calculated
4 Advances in Civil Engineering

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 3: Photos of web crippling tests under four boundary and loading conditions. (a) EOF. (b) IOF. (c) ETF. (d) ITF.

according to the European steel structures’ design code as variation parameters of Figures 6 and 7 are the widths of the
the predicted load. Then, based on the predicted load, the bearing plate and width-to-height ratio, respectively.
load procedure was designed as follows: the preload It can be seen from Figures 6 and 7 that the load-dis-
accounted for 10% of the predicted load and was loaded placement curves of all specimens have basically the same
slowly; in the formal loading stage, 20% of the predicted load trend. During the whole loading process, the deformation of
was employed for continuous loading as the first stage. the specimen can be divided into three stages: elasticity,
When the strain entered plasticity or displacement gauges buckling, and failure. The yield of steel is a gradual process,
increased rapidly (i.e., the strains and displacement were and there is no obvious yield point in the load-displacement
monitored), the load was applied continuously and slowly curve. At the failure stage, the bearing capacity does not drop
until failure appeared. In practice, the upper limit of hier- vertically, indicating that the ductility of the component is
archical loading is adjusted according to displacement good. According to Figure 6, we can find that the ultimate
feedback. bearing capacity increases with the increase of the width of
Three strain gauge rosettes (S1–S3) were distributed with the bearing plate under the condition of the same length-
the same interval on the web of high-strength cold-formed width ratio of section and loading conditions. In addition, it
rectangular steel tube, as shown in Figure 4. A right angle can be seen that the specimens subjected to interior bearing
strain flower is arranged in the upper, middle, and lower part load have higher ultimate strength and deformation ca-
of the web corresponding to the center line of the supporting pacity. Based on Figure 7, we can find that the ultimate
plate. bearing capacity increases with the increase of length-width
ratio of section under the condition of the same bearing plate
3. Test Results width and loading conditions. Meanwhile, it can be seen that
specimens subjected to interior bearing load have higher
3.1. Failure Modes. The failure modes of the HSCF rect- ultimate strength and deformation capacity.
angular steel specimen (tubular section) damaged by the web
were out-of-plane buckling of the webs. Obvious plastic
hinge area appeared in the middle of the webs. Under IOF 3.3. Load-Strain Curves. The strain gauge used in this paper
boundary and loading conditions, one loading flange was is resistance strain gauge. Data were collected through the
concaved. Under ITF, EOF, and ETF boundary and loading collection box of DH3816 static strain test system, and the
conditions, two flanges were concaved, as shown in Figure 5. actual collected strain data of the collection box requires
calibration. It is found that the actual strain value should be
divided by 200. The load (F) and strain (ε) curves of the
3.2. Load-Displacement Curves. The load (F) and vertical specimens under different loading conditions are shown in
displacement (Δ) curves of the specimens under different Figure 8 under the different bearing plates with width of
loading conditions are depicted in Figures 6 and 7. The 50 mm, 100 mm, and 150 mm, respectively. The load (F) and
Advances in Civil Engineering 5

Table 1: Parameter sand ultimate capacity of rectangular steel tubular sections under web crippling.
Boundary and loading condition Specimen b (mm) h (mm) L (mm) a (mm) t (mm) b/h Pcr (kN)
RE100 × 500 − EOF − B50 200 100 500 50 5 2 165.1
RE100 × 500 − EOF − B100 200 100 500 100 5 2 249.4
RE100 × 500 − EOF − B150 200 100 500 150 5 2 330.0
RE150 × 500 − EOF − B50 200 150 500 50 5 1.3 102.2
EOF RE150 × 500 − EOF − B100 200 150 500 100 5 1.3 137.5
RE150 × 500 − EOF − B150 200 150 500 150 5 1.3 173.8
RE200 × 500 − EOF − B50 200 200 500 50 5 1 127.8
RE200 × 500 − EOF − B100 200 200 500 100 5 1 152.8
RE200 × 500 − EOF − B150 200 200 500 150 5 1 209.8
RE100 × 800 − IOF − B50 200 100 800 50 5 2 254.9
RE100 × 800 − IOF − B100 200 100 800 100 5 2 324.7
RE100 × 800 − IOF − B150 200 100 800 150 5 2 399.0
RE150 × 800 − IOF − B50 200 150 800 50 5 1.3 281.6
IOF RE150 × 800 − IOF − B100 200 150 800 100 5 1.3 379.0
RE150 × 800 − IOF − B150 200 150 800 150 5 1.3 472.4
RE200 × 800 − IOF − B50 200 200 800 50 5 1 243.7
RE200 × 800 − IOF − B100 200 200 800 100 5 1 261.8
RE200 × 800 − IOF − B150 200 200 800 150 5 1 291.0
RE100 × 500 − ETF − B50 200 100 500 50 5 2 157.8
RE100 × 500 − ETF − B100 200 100 500 100 5 2 248.8
RE100 × 500 − ETF − B150 200 100 500 150 5 2 342.0
RE150 × 500 − ETF − B50 200 150 500 50 5 1.3 99.0
ETF RE150 × 500 − ETF − B100 200 150 500 100 5 1.3 131.2
RE150 × 500 − ETF − B150 200 150 500 150 5 1.3 167.0
RE200 × 500 − ETF − B50 200 200 500 50 5 1 129.3
RE200 × 500 − ETF − B100 200 200 500 100 5 1 165.3
RE200 × 500 − ETF − B150 200 200 500 150 5 1 213.2
RE100 × 800 − ITF − B50 200 100 800 50 5 2 267.9
RE100 × 800 − ITF − B100 200 100 800 100 5 2 329.0
RE100 × 800 − ITF − B150 200 100 800 150 5 2 417.0
RE150 × 800 − ITF − B50 200 150 800 50 5 1.3 230.6
ITF RE150 × 800 − ITF − B100 200 150 800 100 5 1.3 231.1
RE150 × 800 − ITF − B150 200 150 800 150 5 1.3 270.9
RE200 × 800 − ITF − B50 200 200 800 50 5 1 278.0
RE200 × 800 − ITF − B100 200 200 800 100 5 1 232.5
RE200 × 800 − ITF − B150 200 200 800 150 5 1 359.0

Table 2: Result of material characteristic test. Based on results in Figures 8 and 9, when the steel tubes
are in the elastic stage, the strain of the specimens increases
Member σ y (MPa) σ u (MPa) E (105 MPa) εf (%) linearly with the increase of load. When the steel tubes enter
□200 × 100 432 583 1.94 30 the elastic-plastic stage and the plastic stage, the strain value
□200 × 150 468 629 2.01 31 suddenly increases, and the specimens begin to buckle. The
□200 × 200 481 627 1.89 33 change of strain reflects that the change of specimens is
consistent with the test phenomena.
The ultimate bearing capacity and the deformation ca-
strain (ε) curves of the specimens with different length-width pacity of the specimen increase with larger width of the
ratios of section are shown in Figure 9. The section length- bearing plate, as depicted in Figure 8. Moreover, we can see
width ratios of specimen are 2, 1.3, and 1, respectively. The from Figure 9 that the ultimate bearing capacity of speci-
distribution of strain measuring points is shown in Figure 4. mens with the length-width ratio of 2 is the highest, followed
The results show that the strain measuring point S2 in the by specimens with the length-width ratio of 1.33, and the
middle of the compression web under four boundary and ultimate bearing capacity of specimens with the length-
loading conditions all enter into plasticity. Except for the test width ratio of 1 is the lowest. This indicates that the ratio of
point S1 on the upper side of the web under the loading width to height is proportional to the ultimate bearing
condition of the inner flange, the other test points on the capacity. After entering the plastic stage, the specimens with
upper and lower parts did not enter the plasticity. smaller width-to-height ratio have lower ductility. Since the
6 Advances in Civil Engineering

: strain gauge rosette

Hydraulic jack Hydraulic jack

S1 S1

S2 S2



Figure 4: Arrangement of strain gauge rosettes.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 5: Photos of failure modes under four boundary and loading conditions. (a) EOF. (b) IOF. (c) ETF. (d) ITF.

bearing capacity of the specimen with a small bearing plate not only solve a large number of structural stress-dis-
width is low, the strain of the specimen with a small bearing placement problems but also address other engineering
plate width is large under the same load. fields. Many studies have used ABAQUS to simulate HSCF
components, for instance, based on the program developed
4. Finite Element Models by the finite strip method, Pham et al. [40] studied the shear
buckling of three kinds of cold-formed thin-wall section
Currently, many kinds of finite element software have been steel with different shapes of web stiffening rib groove. By
developed and put into use, and ABAQUS is a powerful and comparing the stress curves and buckling modes of the
widely used engineering simulation software, ranging from rectangular with triangular stiffeners, it is found that the
solving linear analysis problems to analyzing complex shear capacity of the cold-curved thin-walled section steel
nonlinear problems. As a widely used simulation tool, it can with the rectangular stiffeners is the most obvious. Ren et al.
Advances in Civil Engineering 7

350 350 500

300 300
250 250
F (kN) 200 200 300

F (kN)

F (kN)
150 150 200
100 100
50 100
0 0 0
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 0 10 20
∆ (mm) ∆ (mm) ∆ (mm)

RE100 × 500 – EOF – B50 RE100 × 500 – ETF – B50 RE100 × 500 – IOF – B50
RE100 × 500 – EOF – B100 RE100 × 500 – ETF – B100 RE100 × 500 – IOF – B100
RE100 × 500 – EOF – B150 RE100 × 500 – ETF – B150 RE100 × 500 – IOF – B150

(a) (b) (c)

200 200

300 150 150

F (kN)

F (kN)
F (kN)

200 100 100

100 50 50

0 0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
∆ (mm) ∆ (mm) ∆ (mm)
RE100 × 800 – ITF – B50 RE150 × 500 – EOF – B50 RE150 × 500 – ETF – B50
RE100 × 800 – ITF – B100 RE150 × 500 – EOF – B100 RE150 × 500 – ETF – B100
RE100 × 800 – ITF – B150 RE150 × 500 – EOF – B150 RE150 × 500 – ETF – B150

(d) (e) (f )
250 300
150 200
F (kN)
F (kN)

F (kN)

0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0
0 5 10 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
∆ (mm)
∆ (mm) ∆ (mm)
RE200 × 500 – ETF – B50
RE200 × 500 – EOF – B50 RE150 × 800 – IOF – B50
RE200 × 500 – ETF – B100
RE200 × 500 – EOF – B100 RE150 × 800 – IOF – B100
RE200 × 500 – ETF – B150
RE200 × 500 – EOF – B150 RE150 × 800 – IOF – B150

(g) (h) (i)

Figure 6: Continued.
8 Advances in Civil Engineering

300 400 400

300 300

F (kN)
F (kN)

F (kN)
200 200

100 100

0 0
0 0 5 10 15 20 25
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
∆ (mm)
∆ (mm) ∆ (mm)
RE200 × 800 – IOF – B50 RE200 × 800 – ITF – B50
RE150 × 800 – ITF – B50
RE200 × 800 – IOF – B100 RE200 × 800 – ITF – B100
RE150 × 800 – ITF – B100
RE200 × 800 – IOF – B150 RE200 × 800 – ITF – B150
RE150 × 800 – ITF – B150
(j) (k) (l)

Figure 6: Load-displacement curves of specimens with different bearing plate width. (a) RE100 × 500 − EOF. (b) RE100 × 500 − ETF. (c)
RE100 × 800 − IOF. (d) RE100 × 800 − ITF. (e) RE150 × 500 − EOF. (f ) RE150 × 500 − ETF. (g) RE200 × 500 − EOF. (h) RE200 × 500 − ETF.
(i) RE150 × 800 − IOF. (j) RE150 × 800 − ITF. (k) RE200 × 800 − IOF. (l) RE200×800 − ITF.

200 350
150 200
F (kN)

F (kN)

F (kN)
100 150

50 100
0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
∆ (mm)
∆ (mm) ∆ (mm)
RE100 × 500 – EOF – B100
RE100 × 500 – EOF – B50 RE100 × 500 – EOF – B150
RE150 × 500 – EOF – B100
RE150 × 500 – EOF – B50 RE150 × 500 – EOF – B150
RE200 × 500 – EOF – B100
RE200 × 500 – EOF – B50 RE200 × 500 – EOF – B150

(a) (b) (c)

175 250 350
150 300
125 250
100 150 200
F (kN)

F (kN)

F (kN)

75 100 150
50 100
25 50
0 0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
∆ (mm) ∆ (mm) ∆ (mm)

RE100 × 500 – ETF – B50 RE100 × 500 – ETF – B100 RE100 × 500 – ETF – B150
RE150 × 500 – ETF – B50 RE150 × 500 – ETF – B100 RE150 × 500 – ETF – B150
RE200 × 500 – ETF – B50 RE200 × 500 – ETF – B100 RE200 × 500 – ETF – B150

(d) (e) (f )
Figure 7: Continued.
Advances in Civil Engineering 9

300 400 500

350 450
250 400
200 350
250 300

F (kN)

F (kN)
F (kN)
150 200 250
150 200
100 150
50 100
50 50
0 0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
∆ (mm) ∆ (mm) ∆ (mm)

RE100 × 800 – IOF – B50 RE100 × 800 – IOF – B100 RE100 × 800 – IOF – B150
RE150 × 800 – IOF – B50 RE150 × 800 – IOF – B100 RE150 × 800 – IOF – B150
RE200 × 800 – IOF – B50 RE200 × 800 – IOF – B100 RE200 × 800 – IOF – B150

(g) (h) (i)

300 350 450
300 400
200 300
200 250
F (kN)

F (kN)
F (kN)

150 200
100 150
50 50 50
0 0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25
∆ (mm) ∆ (mm) ∆ (mm)

RE100 × 800 – ITF – B50 RE100 × 800 – ITF – B100 RE100 × 800 – ITF – B150
RE150 × 800 – ITF – B50 RE150 × 800 – ITF – B100 RE150 × 800 – ITF – B150
RE200 × 800 – ITF – B50 RE200 × 800 – ITF – B100 RE200 × 800 – ITF – B150

(j) (k) (l)

Figure 7: Load-displacement curves of specimens with different section length-width ratios. (a) EOF. (b) EOF. (c) EOF. (d) ETF. (e) ETF. (f )
ETF. (g) IOF. (h) IOF. (i) IOF. (j) ITF. (k) ITF. (l) ITF.

400 400 450

RE100 × 500 – EOF – B50 RE100 × 500 – ETF – B50
RE100 × 500 – EOF – B50 RE100 × 500 – ETF – B50 400
350 350
RE100 × 500 – EOF – B100 RE100 × 500 – ETF – B100
RE100 × 500 – EOF – B100 RE100 × 500 – ETF – B100
300 RE100 × 500 – EOF – B150 300 RE100 × 500 – ETF – B150
RE100 × 500 – EOF – B150 RE100 × 500 – ETF – B150
250 250
F (kN)
F (kN)

F (kN)

200 200

150 150
150 RE100 × 800 – ITF – B50
RE100 × 800 – ITF – B50
100 100 100 RE100 × 800 – ITF – B100
RE100 × 800 – ITF – B100
50 RE100 × 800 – ITF – B150
50 50
RE100 × 800 – ITF – B150

0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
ε ε

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 8: Continued.
10 Advances in Civil Engineering

450 150
RE100 × 800 – IOF – B50 RE150 × 800 – EOF – B50

400 RE100 × 800 – IOF – B50 RE150 × 800 – EOF – B50

RE100 × 800 – IOF – B100 RE150 × 800 – EOF – B100

350 RE100 × 800 – IOF – B100 RE150 × 800 – EOF – B100

RE100 × 800 – IOF – B150 RE150 × 800 – EOF – B150
RE100 × 800 – IOF – B150 RE150 × 800 – EOF – B150
300 100


F (kN)
F (kN)

F (kN)

150 50 RE150 × 500 – ETF – B50

50 RE150 × 500 – ETF – B50

100 RE150 × 500 – ETF – B100

RE150 × 500 – ETF – B100
RE150 × 500 – ETF – B150
RE150 × 500 – ETF – B150

0 0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500

ε ε ε

(d) (e) (f )
250 300 250
RE150 × 800 – IOF – B50
RE150 × 800 – IOF – B50
RE150 × 800 – IOF – B100
200 RE150 × 800 – IOF – B100 200
RE150 × 800 – IOF – B150
RE150 × 800 – IOF – B150
150 150

F (kN)
F (kN)

F (kN)


100 100
RE200 × 800 – EOF – B50
100 RE150 × 800 – ITF – B50
RE200 × 800 – EOF – B50
RE150 × 800 – ITF – B50
RE200 × 800 – EOF – B100
50 50
RE150 × 800 – ITF – B100 RE200 × 800 – EOF – B100
50 RE150 × 800 – ITF – B100 RE200 × 800 – EOF – B150
RE150 × 800 – ITF – B150 RE200 × 800 – EOF – B150
RE150 × 800 – ITF – B150
0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 500 1000 1500 2000
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500
ε ε

(g) (h) (i)

225 300 300

250 250

150 200 200

F (kN)
F (kN)

F (kN)

150 150

75 RE200 × 800 – IOF – B50 100 RE200 × 800 – ITF – B50

RE250 × 500 – ETF – B50
RE200 × 800 – IOF – B50 RE200 × 800 – ITF – B50
RE250 × 500 – ETF – B50
50 RE200 × 800 – IOF – B100 RE200 × 800 – ITF – B100
RE250 × 500 – ETF – B100
RE200 × 800 – IOF – B100 50 RE200 × 800 – ITF – B100
RE250 × 500 – ETF – B100 50
25 RE200 × 800 – IOF – B150 RE200 × 800 – ITF – B150
RE250 × 500 – ETF – B150
RE200 × 800 – IOF – B150 RE200 × 800 – ITF – B150
RE250 × 500 – ETF – B150
0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 0 500 1000 1500
0 500 1000 1500 2000
ε ε

(j) (k) (l)

Figure 8: Load-strain curves of specimens with different bearing plate width. (a) RE100 × 500 − EOF. (b) RE100 × 500 − ETF. (c)
RE100 × 800 − ITF. (d) RE100 × 800 − IOF. (e) RE150 × 500 − EOF. (f ) RE150 × 500 − ETF. (g) RE150 × 800 − IOF. (h) RE150 × 800 − ITF. (i)
RE200 × 500 − EOF. (j) RE200 × 500 − ETF. (k) RE200 × 800 − IOF. (l) RE200 × 800 − ITF.

[41] has carried out a lot of finite element parameter analyses and Ellobody [43] carried out experimental research on
on the web buckling performance of cold-formed channel three cold-curved thin-wall equilateral rolled triangular
steel under the action of bending moment and concentrated section columns with different lengths and different thick-
load to obtain a high precision formula for calculating the nesses fixed at both ends. By comparing the test results with
web buckling strength of cold-formed channel steel. Cevik the results simulated by ABAQUS finite element software,
[42] used the programming method to establish the web they found that the finite element software could accurately
buckling strength calculation formulas of various cold- simulate the forces on the components.
formed components under various working conditions and In this paper, ABAQUS was used to simulate the web
compared with the test results and the current strength crippling performance of HSCF rectangular tubes under
calculation standard formula to verify its accuracy. Young concentrated load under the influence of boundary
Advances in Civil Engineering 11

300 300 300

RE100 × 500 – EOF – B50 RE100 × 500 – EOF – B100 RE100 × 500 – EOF – B150

RE100 × 500 – EOF – B50 RE100 × 500 – EOF – B100 RE100 × 500 – EOF – B150

250 RE150 × 500 – EOF – B50 250 RE150 × 500 – EOF – B100 250 RE150 × 500 – EOF – B150
RE150 × 500 – EOF – B50 RE150 × 500 – EOF – B100 RE150 × 500 – EOF – B150

RE200 × 500 – EOF – B50 RE200 × 500 – EOF – B100 RE200 × 500 – EOF – B150

200 RE200 × 500 – EOF – B50 200 RE200 × 500 – EOF – B100 200 RE200 × 500 – EOF – B150

F (kN)
F (kN)
F (kN)

150 150 150

100 100 100

50 50 50

0 0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000

ε ε ε

(a) (b) (c)

200 300 300
RE100 × 500 – ETF – B50 RE100 × 500 – ETF – B100

RE100 × 500 – ETF – B50 RE100 × 500 – ETF – B100

RE150 × 500 – ETF – B50 RE150 × 500 – ETF – B100

250 250
RE150 × 500 – ETF – B50 RE150 × 500 – ETF – B100 RE100 × 500 – ETF – B150
150 RE200 × 500 – ETF – B100 RE100 × 500 – ETF – B150
RE200 × 500 – ETF – B50
RE200 × 500 – ETF – B100 RE150 × 500 – ETF – B150
RE200 × 500 – ETF – B50 200 200
RE150 × 500 – ETF – B150
RE200 × 500 – ETF – B150
F (kN)

F (kN)
F (kN)

RE200 × 500 – ETF – B150

100 150 150

100 100


50 50

0 0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 0 1000 2000 3000
ε ε ε

(d) (e) (f )
250 300 350



F (kN)

F (kN)

F (kN)


RE100 × 800 – IOF – B50 RE100 × 800 – IOF – B100
100 RE100 × 800 – IOF – B150
RE100 × 800 – IOF – B50 RE100 × 800 – IOF – B100
100 RE100 × 800 – IOF – B150
RE150 × 800 – IOF – B100
RE150 × 800 – IOF – B50 RE150 × 800 – IOF – B150
50 RE150 × 800 – IOF – B100
RE150 × 800 – IOF – B50 RE150 × 800 – IOF – B150
50 RE200 × 800 – IOF – B100
RE200 × 800 – IOF – B50 50
RE200 × 800 – IOF – B150
RE200 × 800 – IOF – B100
RE200 × 800 – IOF – B50 RE200 × 800 – IOF – B150

0 0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
ε ε ε

(g) (h) (i)

Figure 9: Continued.
12 Advances in Civil Engineering

300 300 300

250 250 250

200 200 200

F (kN)

F (kN)
F (kN)
150 150 150

100 100 100 RE100 × 800 – ITF – B150

RE100 × 800 – ITF – B50 RE100 × 800 – ITF – B100
RE100 × 800 – ITF – B150
RE100 × 800 – ITF – B100
RE100 × 800 – ITF – B50
RE150 × 800 – ITF – B150
RE150 × 800 – ITF – B50 RE150 × 800 – ITF – B100
RE150 × 800 – ITF – B150
50 RE150 × 800 – ITF – B50 50 RE150 × 800 – ITF – B100 50
RE200 × 800 – ITF – B150
RE200 × 800 – ITF – B50 RE200 × 800 – ITF – B100
RE200 × 800 – ITF – B150
RE200 × 800 – ITF – B50 RE200 × 800 – ITF – B100
0 0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
ε ε ε

(j) (k) (l)

Figure 9: Load-strain curves of specimens with different section length-width ratios. (a) EOF. (b) EOF. (c) EOF. (d) ETF. (e) ETF. (f ) ETF.
(g) IOF. (h) IOF. (i) IOF. (j) ITF. (k) ITF. (l) ITF.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 10: FE Failure modes of high strength cold-formed rectangular tubes under web crippling. (a) EOF. (b) IOF. (c) ETF. (d) ITF.

conditions and loading mode. In the numerical model, the strength cold-formed rectangular tube and the bearing
boundary conditions of HSCF rectangular tube under the plates.
concentrated load consisted of EOF, ETF, IOF, and ITF, The residual stress of cold-formed thin-walled steel
which were consistent with test scenarios. During the members is closely related to the production process. Rolling
simulation, the surface load was applied to the bearing plate. and bending are the two most common cold bending
The yield strength, ultimate tensile strength, and elastic methods. The residual stress mainly consists of bending
modulus of the material were obtained via measured values stress and membrane stress. The film stress is the most
in the tests. In addition, the eight-node solid element with common in the rolled member, which is generally distrib-
reduced integration (C3D8R) was used to simulate high uted in the corner of the member, so the residual stress at the
Advances in Civil Engineering 13

Table 3: Ultimate capacities validation of finite element models.

Specimen Pcr (kN) PFEA (kN) Error (%) PcrRE (kN) PcrRE/Pcr
RE100 × 500 − EOF − B50 165.1 166.3 0.73 165.2 1.00
RE100 × 500 − EOF − B100 249.4 250.8 0.56 247.7 0.99
RE100 × 500 − EOF − B150 330.0 331.5 0.45 330.2 1.00
RE150 × 500 − EOF − B50 102.2 103.1 0.88 112.6 1.10
RE150 × 500 − EOF − B100 137.5 139.8 1.70 142.5 1.04
RE150 × 500 − EOF − B150 173.8 176.6 1.60 172.3 0.99
RE200 × 500 − EOF − B50 127.8 128.9 0.86 124.7 0.98
RE200 × 500 − EOF − B100 152.8 155.4 1.70 166.7 1.09
RE200 × 500 − EOF − B150 209.8 215.3 2.60 208.7 0.99
RE100 × 800 − IOF − B50 254.9 255.6 0.27 257.0 1.01
RE100 × 800 − IOF − B100 324.7 326.1 0.43 326.0 1.00
RE100 × 800 − IOF − B150 399.0 400.5 0.38 395.0 0.99
RE150 × 800 − IOF − B50 281.6 283.1 0.55 283.0 1.00
RE150 × 800 − IOF − B100 379.0 380.7 0.44 378.0 1.00
RE150 × 800 − IOF − B150 472.4 476.3 0.82 473.0 1.00
RE200 × 800 − IOF − B50 243.7 250.1 2.64 225.0 0.92
RE200 × 800 − IOF − B100 261.8 267.3 2.11 262.0 1.00
RE200 × 800 − IOF − B150 291.0 296.8 2.01 299.0 1.03
RE100 × 500 − ETF − B50 157.8 158.6 0.51 160.1 1.01
RE100 × 500 − ETF − B100 248.8 250.7 0.76 248.6 1.00
RE100 × 500 − ETF − B150 342.0 343.4 0.41 337.1 0.99
RE150 × 500 − ETF − B50 99.0 99.2 0.20min 101.9 1.03
RE150 × 500 − ETF − B100 131.2 133.1 1.45 132.1 1.01
RE150 × 500 − ETF − B150 167.0 169.6 1.56 162.4 0.97
RE200 × 500 − ETF − B50 129.3 131.8 1.93 118.1 0.91min
RE200 × 500 − ETF − B100 165.3 168.5 1.94 164.6 1.00
RE200 × 500 − ETF − B150 213.2 220.1 3.24max 211.1 0.99
RE100 × 800 − ITF − B50 267.9 268.7 0.30 274.0 1.02
RE100 × 800 − ITF − B100 329.0 332.9 1.19 338.0 1.03
RE100 × 800 − ITF − B150 417.0 422.4 1.29 402.0 0.96
RE150 × 800 − ITF − B50 230.6 231.1 0.22 230.1 1.00
RE150 × 800 − ITF − B100 231.1 233.8 1.17 257.0 1.11
RE150 × 800 − ITF − B150 270.9 274.7 1.40 270.4 1.00
RE200 × 800 − ITF − B50 278.0 280.2 0.79 259.5 0.93
RE200 × 800 − ITF − B100 232.5 235.9 1.46 309.0 1.33max
RE200 × 800 − ITF − B150 359.0 366.5 2.09 358.5 1.00

corner is large. Moen et al. [44] conducted a finite element Table 3. The test results conform to the numerical analyses
analysis of the residual stress distribution of the bending with the maximum error of 3.24% and the minimum error of
members and found that the membrane stress in the 0.20%. Overall, the results demonstrate that the test results
members could be ignored. The bending stress is mainly are in good agreement with the numerical simulation in the
determined by the processing technology of cold-formed web crippling strength and failure mode. In order to better
thin-walled steel members, which is not considered here. verify the correctness of the finite element model, specimens
Then, to verify the accuracy of the proposed numerical (RE100 × 500 − EOF − B50, RE100 × 500 − ETF − B50,
model of HSCF rectangular tubes under web crippling, we RE100 × 800 − IOF − B50, and RE100 × 800 − ITF − B50)
analyzed thirty-six high strength cold-formed rectangular were selected to draw the load-displacement curve. Fig-
steel tubes with web failure and compared the finite element ures 11 and 12 show the load-displacement curves obtained
results to experimental values. The simulation results of by experiment and finite element simulation, respectively. It
failure modes and ultimate bearing capacity of HSCF is found that the load—displacement curves obtained by
rectangular steel tubes subjected to web crippling were also experiment and the finite element method are in good
compared with the test results. The experimental results of agreement.
failure modes (as shown in Figure 5) of HSCF rectangular
tubes under web crippling were compared with the nu- 5. Design Formulas
merical prediction results, as illustrated in Figure 10. It can
be seen that the failure mode predicted by the numerical Based on material strength failure of HSCF rectangular steel
method is in good agreement with the experimental results. tubes under local compression, the calculated value of the
Moreover, the comparison of the ultimate bearing capacity Chinese steel structures design code is much higher than the
between the tests and numerical analyses is presented in test value. On the other hand, the influence of the bearing
14 Advances in Civil Engineering




F (kN)



0 5 10 15 20
∆ (mm)

RE100 × 500 – EOF – B50

RE100 × 500 – ETF – B50
RE100 × 800 – IOF – B50
RE100 × 800 – ITF – B50
Figure 11: Load-displacement curves obtained by experiment.



F (kN)




0 5 10 15 20
∆ (mm)

RE100 × 500 – EOF – B50

RE100 × 500 – ETF – B50
RE100 × 800 – IOF – B50
RE100 × 800 – ITF – B50
Figure 12: Load-displacement curves obtained by finite element simulation.

plate width on web crippling strength is ignored in the 0.068, 0.059, and 0.352, respectively. The comparison results
European steel structures design code, which tends to be are given in Table 3.
conservative. Regarding that the calculation of ultimate
bearing capacity in European steel structures design code is PEOF � 82.7 + 7.64 · a + 0.000259 · a · h2 − 0.0858 · h · a,
complicated and conservative, we developed new calculation (1)
equations (1)–(4) of web ultimate bearing capacity for HSCF
rectangular steel tubes in this paper by considering the PIOF � 188 − 4.7 · a − 0.000336 · a · h2 + 0.0944 · h · a,
influence of the bearing plate width. The calculation results (2)
conform to the experimental values well. The average values
of the ratios of calculated values and test values for the four
PETF � 71.6 + 8.57 · a + 0.000298 · a · h2 − 0.0978 · h · a,
formulas of boundary and loading modes are 0.91, 0.99, 0.99,
and 1.04, respectively. The coefficients of variation are 0.083, (3)
Advances in Civil Engineering 15

PITF � 210 + 7.43 · a + 0.000293 · a · h2 − 0.0908 · h · a, PcrRE : Web crippling ultimate capacity obtained by using
(4) formulas the paper put forward
σy: Tensile yield stress
where PEOF is web crippling ultimate capacity under EOF σu: Ultimate tensile stress
condition; PIOF is web crippling ultimate capacity under IOF εf : Elongation after fracture
condition; PETF is web crippling ultimate capacity under E: Elastic modulus
ETF condition; PITF is web crippling ultimate capacity under b: Width of section
ITF condition; h is the height of specimens; and a is bearing h: Height of section
plate width. L: Length of specimens
a: Width of bearing plates
6. Conclusions t: Wall thickness of specimens
PITF : Web crippling ultimate capacity under ITF
In this paper, the experimental and numerical investigations condition.
are conducted on high strength cold-formed (HSCF) rect-
angular steel tubes under concentrated loading at web po-
Data Availability
sitions along the transverse direction. Some conclusions can
be drawn as follows: The data are real and reliable in this paper, including original
(1) The ultimate capacity of HSCF rectangular steel experimental data and software analysis data. The data used
tubes under web crippling increases with larger to support the findings of this study are available from the
bearing plate width and width-to-height ratio corresponding author upon request.
(2) The HSCF rectangular steel tube subjected to interior
bearing load has higher ultimate strength and de- Conflicts of Interest
formation capacity than the counterpart that is The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
subjected to end bearing load
(3) Under the same width of bearing plates, the ultimate Acknowledgments
bearing capacity and deformation capacity of HSCF
rectangular steel tubes do not change significantly This research work was supported by the National Natural
under four loading conditions Science Foundation of China (no. 51778065). The authors
(4) Finite element model is established, and the com- expressed their gratitude to Xinfeng Steel Processing Plant
parison between it and experimental results dem- for the processing of test specimens. The tests were con-
onstrates that the proposed numerical model can ducted in Laboratory on Structural Engineering and Disaster
accurately predict the behavior of HSCF rectangular Reduction at Yangtze University. The support provided by
steel tubes under web crippling the laboratory staff is gratefully acknowledged.
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