Steelwork in Action-9

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Industry Report

Steel for Life would like to thank its sponsors:


AJN Steelstock Ltd, Ficep UK Ltd, Kingspan Limited, National Tube
Stockholders and Cleveland Steel & Tubes, ParkerSteel, Peddinghaus
Corporation, voestalpine Metsec plc, Wedge Group Galvanizing Ltd
Hadley Group Building Products Division, Jack Tighe Ltd


● For further information about steel construction and Steel for Life,
Edited and written by Martin Cooper P88 THE SCALPEL: STRUCTURAL STEEL IN THE CIT Y

To maximise
the available
space, the frame
utilises slim sections

number of structural steelwork’s

attributes have come to the fore on the
restoration and conversion of a Manchester
ecclesiastical landmark.
Built in the 1830s by Sir Charles Barry,
famous for his rebuilding of the Palace
of Westminster, the Welsh Baptist Chapel in central
Manchester is being brought back to life with a new steel-
framed interior to form student apartments.
The scheme will provide 73 high quality, private
residential apartments within the chapel and the adjacent
Sunday school building (see box). The project also
incorporates a contemporary new build element, providing

facilities including a fitness room, cinema room and
residents’ lounge.
The new build will be linked to the restored chapel by an
underground passage, excavated through the area that once
accommodated a graveyard.
The chapel is situated on Upper Brook Street and the
Grade II listed building has been a local landmark for many
years, although in recent times it had been derelict and
without a roof.
The current work will help remove it from Historic
England’s At Risk register, while restoration work will repair
and revive the existing fabric. This includes retention and
repair of the distinctive rose window, corbels and vaulted
springers along with the reconstruction of the chapel roof.

STUDENT ACCOMMODATION REVIVES A structurally independent steel composite frame has

been erected inside the chapel to form a new six-storey


apartment block. This new frame supports a new steel and
timber roof that that has the same pitch as the original
Victorian structure.


Project :
Welsh Baptist Chapel, Manchester

Main client : Housing 12 of the project’s

Czero apartments, the adjacent Sunday
school is now linked to the chapel
Arch it ect : via a glazed passageway.
Buttress Architects
The building measures approximately
Main cont ract or: 11m by 11m, and to create more floor
HH Smith & Sons space, a new first floor has been
installed within the load-bearing
St ruct ural engine e r : masonry structure.
BuroHappold Engineering Additional headroom was needed
and so the building’s timber roof
St eelwork cont racto r : trusses have been cut and two steel
EvadX cranked moment frames installed in
their place.
The cut trusses will be retained
within the project and act as a key
feature within two apartments.
The school building was in a much
better state than the chapel and was
being used until recently.
Restoration work has included
repairing the roof, by replacing
missing slate tiles, and renovating the

“Having an independent frame was important, as we Fa r l e f t : the new scheme and as such they have been incorporated
wanted minimal impact on the existing chapel walls,” says M E WPs w or k into the third-floor apartments.
Buttress Architects’ Samantha Gill. “The steelwork sits on i nt e r n a l Overall the new steel frame incorporates two rows
within and not on the historic building, meaning that there f r a me of apartments with a central dividing corridor. This
are no additional loads on the stone and brickwork walls. Ab ov e l e f t : configuration is only interrupted on the uppermost
The existing fabric is only tied back to the steel frame by Cu t aw a y of accommodation floor, where some slightly larger rooms
small channels, and so the existing structure acts a cladding f i n i s he d w or k are located. To support the column grid change, a series of
around the new structure.” Ab ov e : Fr a me transfer beams has been installed below this sixth level.
Another reason for choosing steel was that a lightweight s i t s w i t hi n Before the steelwork was erected within the chapel,
solution was needed for the new interior., one that would existing main contractor HH Smith had already begun its extensive
not require expensive deep foundations. So, like the original s t r u c t u re restoration work on the structure, as well as preparing the
chapel walls, the new steel frame is founded on ground chapel interior for the installation of the new frame.
bearing foundations. Early in the programme, HH Smith installed a tower crane
To maximise the available space, the frame utilises slim for the site and this was used by steelwork contractor EvadX
sections, typically 152mm by 152mm by 37mm universal for lifting steel over the existing walls.
columns and 203mm by 133mm by 30mm universal beams, “To make it easier to lift the columns into the chapel we
that support metal decking with only a 140mm-thick had to splice the members in three,” explains EvadX drawing
concrete topping for the floors. office manager Andrew Roberts.
Finding suitable locations for the steelwork’s bracing was Space was at a premium and so the steel erection process
a challenge for the design team, as BuroHappold engineer had to be planned carefully.
Carl Pendlebury explains: “The chapel’s existing windows “We knew once we had the entire steel frame up we would
prevented us from using the perimeter steelwork for bracing then have the problem of how to get the mobile elevating
locations and so we had to put it within a lift and stair core, work platforms (MEWPs) out of the chapel, as they were
as well as in the roof.”
Key fact hemmed in under the first floor steelwork,” adds Roberts.
Steelwork is based around a 4.2m by 4.2m grid pattern for “The narrow entrance we used to get the machines into the
most of the floors, but has been offset across the building 96t structure was now blocked by four new columns.”
and in parts is irregular to avoid putting columns in front of, The solution was to leave the MEWPs where they were
and obscuring, the chapel’s existing windows. Amount of until the floors had been cast. At this point the team was
Another design consideration was that the new steel structural able to remove beams under the first floor, which was
columns could not clash with the vaulted springers that propped by HH Smith, remove the MEWPs through the
once supported the roof. Spaced along the two main walls at
steel used entrance, and then reintroduced the four columns using the
approximately 3.5m intervals, they are now key features of splice connections. The project is due for completion in July.


A steel frame was chosen after comparisons with a concrete design


ncorporating a number of community facilities as
well as a high school, the Newbattle Centre is set to
reinvigorate the former Midlothian mining towns of
Mayfield, Easthouses, Newtongrange and Gorebridge.
The state-of-the-art community hub and high school
is under construction in Easthouses. The centre will
replace an existing school and provide a range of facilities
for the local catchment area which includes a number of
former mining towns.
The steel-framed building is 15,714m2, and it will
accommodate a new library, gym, swimming pool, sports
facilities (including all weather pitch) as well as a high

school containing further community facilities.
The building is being delivered by Midlothian Council’s
development partner, Hub South East, and its appointed
contractor Morrison Construction.
Designed by Cooper Cromar, the £34M project is expected
to open in 2018 and will accommodate up to 1,200 pupils.
The Newbattle Centre has three distinct parts, a triple-
span structure housing the sports facilities, the teaching
block, which is three storeys high and – joining these
two parts together – a single storey link structure that
accommodates a library, a café and the main entrance/
The sports accommodation was always going to be a
steel-framed structure, with its requirement for long clear
spans. However, the decision to use a steel framing solution
for the teaching block was not so clear cut.
“The client wanted a 3.5m-high floor-to-ceiling height
with a clear and exposed soffit, something that had been
achieved at one of its previous schools.


“That project had used a concrete frame, but on this
project, we suggested a steel solution, which would be
more cost-effective and as quick to build,” says Morrison

HIGH SCHOOL CHOSE A STEEL FRAME construction manager Jeff Thornton.

A frame analysis was conducted, and this showed that the
steel option could deliver everything the client wanted. The

FOR SPEED AND VALUE design incorporates steelwork supporting precast planks
from the bottom flange with the aid of welded on plates.


The new building houses community facilities and a high school

“During the fabrication process, all the teaching block’s “Portal frames, with their deeper columns, work perfectly
beams had plates welded on to them as landing points for PROJECT
well in distribution centres or industrial buildings where it
the slabs,” explains Hescott Engineering director Alan Scott. doesn’t really matter if columns protrude into the structure.
In its finished state, the steelwork has been moved into TEAM “But in our sport facilities we wanted the steel columns
the depth of the floor, while the underside of the precast to be as narrow as possible to give us smooth walls and this

slabs and the beams are painted white, all of which creates a Proj e c t meant we had to have braced frames.”
seamless clear exposed soffit in the classrooms. Newbattle
The teaching block has two rows of classrooms, on every Centre,
floor, positioned along both main elevations. Circulation Easthouses, In our sport facilities we
routes overlook a large open full height atrium located in the
middle of the building.
wanted the steel columns
to be as narrow as possible to give
The atrium is topped with roof lights that will allow Ma i n c l i e nt
natural light into the structure’s inner areas. Hub South
The ground floor of the atrium accommodates the
school’s dining hall and assembly hall, a facility that can also
East Scotland
on behalf of
us smooth walls and this meant we
double-up as a public theatre space.
A wide feature staircase, with terraced seating areasalong
had to have braced frames
one side, leads from this zone up to the building’s first floor
level. Arc h i t e c t
Structurally, the teaching block is predominantly built Cooper Cromar The bracing is located in the roofs, which are braced in
around a regular 8m grid. Stability is derived from vertical Main contractor: two directions. This then diverts the loads to further vertical
bracings, which are mostly located in stair cores. Morrison bracing positioned in perimeter and division walls.
Adjoining one end of the teaching block is the single Construction Of the three sports halls, the middle one housing a
storey link building. This long-span area houses the main fitness suite and changing rooms is the widest with a span
entrance, a library and a café, all of which will be open to the St r u c t u r a l of 33m. This hall accommodates a mezzanine level, formed
local community. e n gi n e e r compositely with metal decking.
As the name suggests, the link building offers accessand Arup This extra floor will have a large glazed façade giving
joins the two parts of the centre. As the entire steel frame people using the facility’s exercise machines views over the
of the project is so large – more than 100m long – the link is St e e l w or k surrounding countryside.
structurally separated from the sports zone by a movement c ont r a c t or Either side of this hall are two slightly smaller areas. A
joint. Hescott multi-sports hall with a 26m-wide span, and an 18m-wide hall
The sports zone is divided into three braced long span Engineering housing the centre’s 25m-long six lane swimming pool.
areas, each topped with a shallow dual-pitched roof. For Summing up Thornton says: “This is an exciting new
economy reasons, Westok cellular beams have been used to development for the communities of Mayfield, Easthouses,
form each of the three roofs. Newtongrange and Gorebridge, and Morrison Construction
Explaining the reason for designing braced frames instead is delighted to be a part of it.
of portal frames for the halls, Arup senior engineer for “The Newbattle Centre will provide a fantastic, modern
building structures Gary Stephen says the decision was environment for the community to enjoy and a stimulating
based on aesthetics. learning environment for staff and pupils.”



teel construction has many proven benefits Each quarter it will examine the key cost drivers for a
over alternative framing materials. Steel range of building types, providing a type-specific cost
is able to demonstrate a uniquely high comparison. A cost table will indicate the ranges of
correlation to circular economy principles costs for the main alternative types of frame.
thanks to features like its recyclability, “The cost ranges will act as a benchmark that can
versatility, and ability to be designed with be used at all the stages of the design,” explains Steel
future changes of use or material reuse in mind. As a for Life’s Chris Dolling. “We will ensure that the data
framing material, steel also delivers shorter construction is always current through regular updates that will be
programmes and lower embodied carbon use. made freely available.”
However, cost is always at the forefront in the choice A previous series of Steel Insight studies focused on
of framing material. The good news is that steel office buildings only, but Costing Steelwork will deliver
outperforms other materials in this area as well. guidance on a wider range of building types. The series
The steel sector has a long history of providing starts with a focus on the offices sector, with a detailed
design and other guidance that engineers, architects cost model based on an office building that has actually
and other construction professionals value in making been built (see box). The study looks at the process
the design and construction process as straightforward of cost planning throughout the design stages, and
as possible. That service is being extended with a new examines the key steel framing cost drivers for office
series of studies called Costing Steelwork that will be buildings.
published quarterly on Future updates will provide the same insight for
  Costing Steelwork is produced by Aecom, the British education, mixed-use, retail and industrial buildings, all
Construction Steelwork Association and Steel for Life. based on actual projects that have been completed.  


Aecom’s cost comparison of an actual building looks at the

steel-framed, 10-storey, grade A central London office Key costs £/m2 (GIFA) for Central London office building
at One Kingdom Street near Paddington railway station
which was completed in 2008. Elements Steel composite Post-tensioned flat slab
The building comprises 10 storeys with two basement levels
and plant housed at roof level. It incorporates clear spans of
Substructure 84 89
12m by 10.5m and was built with three cores, with an open
atrium on the main core.
Frame and upper 402 433
This cost comparison updates cost models developed in floors
2010 when the building was part of the Target Zero study to Total building 2,485 2,612
provide guidance on design and construction of sustainable,
low and zero carbon buildings. Costs current in the first potential for differential settlement.
quarter of 2017 were used for the new Costing Steelwork Two structural options were assessed with a concrete-
study. framed post-tensioned concrete flat slab for comparison.
The 40m high building is rectilinear, with a footprint The key costs for both options can be seen above. The
of 81m by 45m. The western half of the building is partly analysis shows the steel composite solution as 7% lower than
constructed on a podium transfer structure that encloses the concrete alternative for the frame and upper floors, and
works access for the Crossrail project. It is founded on 5% lower for the total building.
750mm diameter bored piles with in situ pile caps laterally Analysis also shows that the steel-framed building has an
restrained by ground beams. The piles are the same size as embodied carbon content 11% lower than the post-tensioned
those used to support the Crossrail podium to reduce the concrete flat slab alternative.



Aecom has provided costs based on the structural framing

of a commercial office development in central London, Location BCIS Index
expressed as a cost/m2 on gross internal floor area, to be
Central London 125
used as a benchmark. A range of costs is indicated for the
key costs drivers as these can vary between projects for a Manchester 99
variety of reasons, as detailed in the full report.
Birmingham 98
To use the table, first identify which frame type most closely Liverpool 96
relates to the project being costed, select and add the
proposed floor type and add fire protection if required. Leeds 95
Any estimate that falls outside these ranges should be taken Nottingham 93
as a signal that the design should be looked at closely to
determine why this might be so. Glasgow 93
Location of a project will be a key factor in establishing Newcastle 92
price and indices are used to allow for adjustment of cost
data between regions. The variations in these indices, such Cardiff 91
as the BCIS location factors as shown right, provide a clear Dublin 90*
indication that market conditions differ between regions to
a significant extent, which is a key consideration for cost
analyses to take into account. * Aecom index

Indicative cost ranges based on £/m2 (GIFA)

Type Central London London- Notes
London (£/m2)
Steel frame to low-rise office 115-138 Steelwork design based on 55kg/m2
Steel frame to high-rise office 195-220 Steelwork design based on 90kg/m2
Complex steel frame 220-260 Steelwork design based on 110kg/m2
Composite floors, metal decking and lightweight 75-110 Two-way spanning deck, typical 3m span with
concrete topping concrete topping up to 150mm
Precast concrete composite floor with concrete 115-165 Hollowcore precast concrete planks with
topping structural concrete topping, spanning between
primary steel beams
Fire protection
Fire protection to steel columns and beams (60 18-25 Factory applied intumescent
minutes resistance)
Fire protection to steel columns and beams (90 20-35 Factory applied intumescent
minutes resistance)


Uncertainty generated by factors like Brexit has increased across the but still one that is higher than the long run averages for tender price
industry, says Aecom in a market update that accompanies its cost inflation. Lower forecast construction output will add some downward
analysis, but its impact on market pricing has been muted so far. pressure to prices over the next two years, although material prices will
still rise, albeit at a slower rate.
The update, based on government figures, shows input costs for all Aecom expects tender prices to rise 3.2% over the year from the
industries rising at their fastest rate since 2008, with further rises to fourth quarter of 2016, and 1.9% in the year from the fourth quarter
come. Building prices in the first quarter of 2017 rose at a slowing rate, of 2017.




esigned by Foster & Partners, the new to create the 18m-long clear spans in the offices, which
steel-framed home for BBC Wales is KEY FACT provides the BBC with maximum flexibility,” says ISG
quickly taking shape as part of a large project director Kevin McElroy.
redevelopment of central Cardiff. “To help speed up the programme, we also changed the
The new BBC Cymru Wales Broadcasting 2,100t design of one core from reinforced concrete to steel.”
House is a 13,900m2 building set over five Amount of The design is also based around creating visibility and
floors, including office, studio and production areas, and structural steel connectivity by allowing as much daylight into the inner
working space for over 1,200 staff. used parts of the headquarters as possible.
The project forms an integral part of the Central Square To this end, it consists of three main elements: two
development, which is radically altering a large swathe of five-storey office blocks arranged in an L-shape around
land directly opposite Cardiff Central Railway Station. a centrally positioned media hub structure. Separating
On the plot of the city’s former bus terminal, the the offices from the hub is a large 9m-wide and 30m-high
scheme will eventually yield commercial office space, covered atrium.
a new frontage to the railway station, and most “All three parts are connected to form one large steel
prominently, a new headquarters building for BBC Wales. frame, with the cores, which are all positioned in the
Plot one of the scheme, consisting of an office block, offices, providing the structural stability,” explains Arup
was handed over last year and plots two and three are director Ben Tricklebank. “The media hub has no cores,
now under way. For this second part of the development, but bridges across the atrium connect it to the offices and
main contractor ISG will construct the new BBC building thereby provide stability.”
and Two Central Square (a 10-storey speculative Steelwork contractor Severfield began its erection
commercial building) – totalling an £80M package. sequence with the media hub as this is the most complex
Before the steelwork programme could get under part of the headquarters, and the area that will require
way, ISG had to form a 7,000m2 basement structure by the longest fit-out.
installing secant piles and excavating approximately The majority of the project’s steelwork will be left
50,000m3 of material, which was removed and re-used exposed within the completed building, and consequently
offsite. aesthetically-pleasing CHS columns are predominantly
The BBC building has been designed as a hybrid being used.
structure, with a reinforced concrete frame to ground Visible connection details have been designed to be as
floor level – encompassing two basement levels, three aesthetically pleasing as possible too, with many beams
concrete cores and a steel-framed superstructure for the tapering to provide the slimmest connection.
upper floors. Five acoustically isolated telelvision studios are located
“Steel for the upper levels has been used for a number throughout the five floors of the hub, with the main
of reasons, such as speed of construction and the ability and largest facility positioned at second floor level. To



Project Main contractor

BBC Wales Broadcasting ISG
House, Cardiff
Structural engineer
Main client Arup
Steelwork contractor
Architect Severfield
Foster & Partners

construct the necessary isolated box-in-box configuration, Top left: The steel The canopy supporting
the studio steelwork is supported on acoustic pads set frame connects the
into the concrete slab. three parts of the columns were brought
to site in single pieces as a
“The studio steelwork had to be erected later than the
surrounding main frame as we had to wait until the floors
were cast to ensure acoustic separation was achieved,”
explains Severfield project manager Glen McCleary.
Top right:
Structural steel
splice would have ruined their
To create the required column-free space for a ground
floor studio, two transfer beams have been positioned at
forms the above
ground part of the
first floor level. These plate girder beams measure 20m building
and 17m-long and weigh 23t and 14t respectively. “The canopy supporting columns were brought to
Most of the steelwork is being erected with the site in single pieces as a splice would have ruined their
onsite tower cranes, but for these transfer beams, a appearance,” says McCleary.
500t-capacity mobile crane was needed. “They are the longest elements to have ever left our
The hub’s uppermost floor steps back to form an Northern Ireland facility, and transporting them to site
outdoor terrace that overlooks the public realm in front was very challenging.”
of the railway station, while a third of this level is taken Housed within the atrium are three steel feature
up by a roof garden containing a number of planters for staircases, providing connectivity between the hub,
shrubs and small trees. atrium and the adjacent offices.
Supporting the roof garden and creating the large The office’s design is based on 9m bays with internal
column-free space below for the main studio required spans of 18m. Fabsec cellular beams have been used
some bespoke steel design. Four 800mm-deep plate throughout for service integration and to create the
girders, weighing up to 12t and arranged in a diamond desired clear flexible working spaces.
formation support the roof garden. Summing up, Alan Bainbridge of BBC Property, said:
This formation was chosen for its efficiency by “Getting the BBC project from the design board to site
lessening the distance the steelwork has to span. The has been a huge team effort and we are delighted that
girders are connected to the surrounding steel frame via this project is now becoming a reality. Together with
a series of nodes, all of which cater for multiple beam Rightacres and ISG and the respective design teams we
connections and weight up to 3.5t each. are developing a facility which delivers real value for
Topping the hub is a large canopy roof, supported money.”
by ten, 28.2m-high CHS columns positioned along two The BBC building is scheduled for a Spring 2018
perimeter elevations. Elsewhere the canopy is supported completion, after which a fit-out programme will
off of the main internal steel frame. commence.



We’ve made a
weight saving, as all of
the beams have varying
flanges and webs


Proj e c t n a m e :
52 Lime Street, London
Ma i n c l i e nt :
WR Berkley Corporation
Arc h i t e c t :
Kohn Pedersen Fox
Ma i n c ont r a c t or:
St r u c t u r a l e n gine er:
Ar u p
St e e l w or k c ont ract or:



eaturing a dramatic architectural shape with project, as buildability and speed of construction are vital on
asymmetric facets and a pointed attic roof a city centre job.”
structure, 52 Lime Street has from its inception Key fact Cost also plays an important role in any construction
been dubbed the Scalpel, a name that has since project and the use of building information modelling (BIM)
been adopted as the official moniker. on this scheme has helped the team ensure the steel frame
Joining a cluster of other prestigious high-rise is as efficient as possible.
buildings in the Square Mile, the 190m-high project will offer Tonnes of “We’ve made a considerable weight saving, as all of the
36,966m2 of internal floor area over 35 office floors, retail and steel used in beams have varying flanges and webs depending on the
restaurant areas. relevant loadings,” explains Arup project engineer Steve
Designed by architects Kohn Pedersen Fox, the project the project McKechnie. “All of this was worked out automatically via the
also includes a public square. The realm may also provide BIM model.”
space for public art and tables linked to a specialist ground Having taken possession of the site once the demolition
floor coffee shop, designed as a nod to the 17th century of the previous building to ground floor level had been
establishments that acted as meeting houses for London’s completed, Skanska’s initial task was to complete the
fledgling insurance market. basement works before steel erection started.
Setting it apart from its neighbours, the Scalpel features A third of the existing basement was partially deepened,
an inclined northern façade, which has a diagonal fold line and to keep the construction programme on schedule, the
running from top to bottom giving the building its distinctive ground floor slab was cast early.
look and name. This allowed the basement construction to be done using
This façade is formed with a series of cranked plate a top-down method, while the steel erection proceeded
girder columns, spaced at 6m centres. For the double-height above, simultaneously.
ground floor these columns are vertical, but from first floor Early works also included constructing the building’s
they are cranked and slope inwards all way to the building’s main concrete core. Once this had reached its halfway point
pointed top. at level 17, the steel erection programme was kicking off at
Elsewhere, the structural frame consists of a composite ground floor.
design with steelwork supporting metal decking and a Unlike many commercial buildings, the Scalpel’s main core
concrete slab. All of the floor beams are 670mm-deep is offset and positioned along the south elevation, which
fabricated plate girders with service holes to allow service provides shade from solar gain. In this way, the structure’s
integration within the structural void. available floor space has been maximised and internal spans
Commenting on the decision to use a steel framing of up to 20m have been achieved.
solution Skanska project director Ian Perry says: “Using Having an offset core coupled with an inclined north
steelwork is an efficient option for this type of construction elevation means that the loads on the building are eccentric


How the finished building will look

from the main stability-giving core. To counteract this, the

north elevation, as well as the east and west facades, have
been designed as large perimeter moment frames to add
stiffness to the building.
The core houses three banks of lifts, one for the lower
levels (1 to 12) one for the mid-levels (13 to 24) and
one for the upper floors (25 to 35). This means the core
decreases in size towards the top as only one bank of lifts is
accommodated at the upper levels. Again, this has helped
the project further maximise the available floor space.
Because of the building’s inclined northern elevation, floor
areas decrease from 1,466m2 on the second floor to 614m2
on level 35, the uppermost office floor. Up to level 21, the
building has one row of internal columns, but as the floor
plates decrease in size, these are no longer needed, and by
level 24 there are none.
Topping the building is a 10-storey triangular attic that will
house plant and maintenance walkways. A high piece count
would have ordinarily been expected for this structure, so in
order to make the erection process as easy as possible and
iron-out any snags, William Hare will trial erect this portion
of the building at its fabrication yard.
“Once it has been trial erected, the attic structure will be
dismantled and then brought to site in the largest pieces
that can be transported and erected by the on-site tower
cranes,” explains Perry.
The attic is a complex steel structure designed to be
erected floor level by floor level, with each level immediately
The Scalpel’s frame has a
stable on erection. Designing the attic in this way was vital
diagonal fold line running
as there is no core to give stability this high up the building,
from top to bottom
and no internal floors to provide diaphragm action.
The project is scheduled for completion later this year.


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