168 - Peering-and-NSG-labs

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Your company has its data centers in the East US offices connected via mesh

wide-area network links, with full connectivity between them. You need to implement a
lab environment that will reflect the topology of your company’s on-premises
networks and verify its functionality. I would like you to create and test the following:

● Provision the lab environment

● Configure local virtual network peering
● Test intersite connectivity
● Secure the virtual network with an NSG

The network overview of the to-be-created lab:


1. Provision the lab environment

1. From the Azure Portal, click on Create a resource button:
2. In the search box, enter Virtual Network:

3. Select Create and enter the following values in the Basics tab:
● Resource group : MyNewRG
● Instance details:
○ Virtual Network Name: MyNewVNET
○ Region: East US
4. Click on the Next: IP Addresses button:

5. Enter or select the following details:

● IPv4 address space:

6. Check the box on the left of the default subnet, and click on the Remove Subnet

7. Click on the +Add Subnet button:

8. On the Add Subnet page, enter the following details and click on Add:

Subnet Name: Subnet A

Subnet Address range:
NAT gateway: Leave the defaults
Service gateway: Leave the defaults
9. Click on Review + Create and then click on Create:

10. Repeat steps 1-9 to create the second Virtual Network with the following details:
● Basics tab
○ Resource group: MyNewRG
○ Instance details:
■ Virtual Network Name: MyNewVNET2
■ Region: East US
● IP Addresses tab
○ IPv4 address space:
○ Subnet details:
■ Subnet Name: SubnetB
■ Subnet Address range:
■ NAT gateway: Leave the defaults
■ Service gateway: Leave the defaults
11. Click on Go to resource:

2. Peer the Virtual Networks

1. In the search box at the top of the Azure Portal, search for MyNewVNET and select it
from the list:
2. From the left menu, scroll down under the Settings section and click on Peerings:

3. Click on the +Add button:

4. Enter or select the following details and click on Add:

● This Virtual Network:

○ Peering Link Name: MyNewVNET-MyNewVNET2
● Remote Virtual Network:
○ Peering Link Name: MyNewVNET2-MyNewVNET
● Subscription: Your Subscription
● Virtual Network: MyNewVNET2
5. Both the VNets are now peered as the Peering Status shows Connected:

3. Creating Virtual Machines

1. In the search box at the top of the Azure Portal, search for Virtual Machines and
select it from the list:

2. Click on the +Create button and select Azure Virtual Machine:

3. On the Basics tab, enter or select the following details:

● Resource group: MyNewRG
● Instance details:
○ Virtual Machine Name: MyNewVM
○ Region: East US
○ Image: Windows Server 2019 Datacenter - Gen2
○ Azure Spot instance: Leave the default (unchecked)
○ Size: Standard_B2s
● Administrator Account:
○ Username: VM1
○ Password: Enter a password
○ Confirm password: Re-enter password
● Inbound Port rules:
○ Public inbound ports: Allow selected ports
○ Select inbound ports: RDP (3389)
4. Click on the Next: Disks button:

5. Select the following:

6. Click on the Next: Networking button:

7. Select following details.

● Network Interface:
○ Virtual Network: MyNewVNET
○ Subnet: SubnetA

8. Click on the Review + Create button and then select Create:

9. Repeat steps 1 - 8 and enter or select the following details.
● Basics tab:
○ Resource group: MyNewRG
○ Instance details:
■ Virtual Machine Name: MyNewVM2
■ Region: East US
■ Image: Windows Server 2019 Datacenter - Gen2
■ Azure Spot instance: Leave the default (unchecked).
■ Size: Standard_B2s
○ Administrator Account:
■ Username: VM2
■ Password: Enter a password
■ Confirm password: Re-enter password
○ Inbound Port rules:
■ Public inbound ports: None
● Disks tab:
○ OS disk type: Standard SSD
● Networking tab:
○ Network Interface:
■ Virtual Network: MyNewVNET2
■ Subnet: SubnetB
4. Establish communication between Virtual Machines
1. In the search box at the top of the Azure Portal, search for Virtual Machines and
select MyNewVM from the list:

2. To connect to the virtual machine, select Connect and then select RDP from the
dropdown list. Select Download RDP File to download the remote desktop file:
3. Open the download RDP file and select Connect on the displayed prompt:

4. On the Windows Security prompt, click on More choices:

5. Click on Use a different account and enter the username and password you
specified while creating the Virtual Machine and click OK:

6. You may receive a certificate warning during the sign-in process. Click Yes to
7. In the VM, open Powershell and enter the below command to enable Internet Control
Message Protocol (ICMP), which is denied through the Windows Firewall by default:

● New-NetFirewallRule –DisplayName "Allow ICMPv4-In" –Protocol ICMPv4

8. To connect to MyNewVM2, enter the following command in the Powershell window
on MyNewVM and enter the credentials of MyNewVM2 on the login prompt:
9. You have successfully logged into MyNewVM2 from MyNewVM:
5. Secure virtual network with an NSG
You should be able to browser to your internal website for development purposes. Install IIS
on MyNewVM and make sure you can navigate to the website from outside your office
1. In MyNewVM, open the Server Manager and click on Add Roles and Features.
You will install a web server on this particular machine. By adding a network security
group rule you’ll allow traffic to flow into this virtual machine on Port 80 so that you
and the colleagues can access the web server:
2. Click on Next until you get an option to select Web Server (IIS). Choose to install all
features. Then, again click on Next until you get an option to install:
3. Click Next until you see the Install button. Click on it, and once the installation is
complete, click on Close:
4. Open Internet explorer on the windows machine and enter http://localhost/ in the
search bar to confirm that Internet Information Services (IIS) is installed on the

5. Return to the Azure portal. In the Networking section of the virtual machine
MyNewVM, select Add inbound port rule and enter or select the following
● Source: Service Tag
● Source service tag: Internet
● Destination: Any
● Destination port ranges: 80
● Action: Allow
● Priority: 110
● Name: myport_80
6. Click on the Add button. The security rule will be created:

7. In the Networking section, you will find the public IP address. Copy the public IP:

8. Paste the public IP in your web browser. You will see the page displaying Internet
Information Services:

© 2023 Scott J Duffy, Jordi Koenderink, and SoftwareArchitect.ca, all rights reserved

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