Exercises 8

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204 Deep inelastic scattering

8.1 Use the data in Figure 8.2 to estimate the lifetime of the Δ+ baryon.

8.2 In fixed-target electron–proton elastic scattering

Q2 = 2mp (E1 − E3 ) = 2mp E1 y and Q2 = 4E1 E3 sin2 (θ/2).

(a) Use these relations to show that

θ 2
E1 mp 2 E3 2  θ  m2p y2
sin2 = y and hence cos =1−y− 2 .
2 E3 Q2 E1 2 Q
(b) Assuming azimuthal symmetry and using Equations (7.31) and (7.32), show that
dσ  dΩ  dσ π dσ
=  2  = 2 .
dQ dQ dΩ E3 dΩ

(c) Using the results of (a) and (b) show that the Rosenbluth equation,
⎛ ⎞
dσ α2 E3 ⎜⎜⎜ GE2 + τ GM2 2 θ θ ⎟⎟⎟
= 2 4 ⎜⎝ cos + 2τ GM2 sin2 ⎟⎠ ,
dΩ 4E1 sin (θ/2) E1 (1 + τ) 2 2

can be written in the Lorentz-invariant form

⎡ ⎛ ⎞ ⎤
dσ 4πα2 ⎢⎢⎢⎢ GE2 + τGM2 ⎜⎜⎜ m2 y 2 ⎟ ⎥
⎜⎜⎝1 − y − p ⎟⎟⎟⎟⎠ + 1 y2 GM2 ⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦ .
= 4 ⎢⎣
dQ2 Q (1 + τ) Q2 2

8.3 In fixed-target electron–proton inelastic scattering:

(a) show that the laboratory frame differential cross section for deep-inelastic scattering is related to the
Lorentz-invariant differential cross section of Equation (8.11) by

d2 σ E1 E3 d2 σ E1 E3 2mp x 2 d2 σ
= = ,
dE3 dΩ π dE3 dQ2 π Q2 dx dQ2
where E1 and E3 are the energies of the incoming and outgoing electron.
(b) Show that

2mp x 2 y2 1 E3 2 θ m2p x 2 y2 E3 2 θ
· = sin and 1−y− = cos .
Q 2 mp E1 2 Q2 E1 2
205 Problems


F 2eD (x , Q 2)

0 0.5 1


Fig. 8.18 SLAC measurements of F2eD (x, Q2 ) in for 2 < Q2 / GeV2 < 30. Data from Whitlow et al. (1992).

(c) Hence, show that the Lorentz-invariant cross section of Equation (8.11) becomes
d2 σ α2 F2 2 θ 2F1 2 θ
= 2 4 cos + sin .
dE3 dΩ 4E1 sin θ/2 ν 2 mp 2
(d) A fixed-target ep scattering experiment consists of an electron beam of maximum energy 20 GeV and a
variable angle spectrometer that can detect scattered electrons with energies greater than 2 GeV. Find
the range of values of θ over which deep inelastic scattering events can be studied at x = 0.2 and Q2 =
2 GeV2 .
8.4 If quarks were spin-0 particles, why would F1ep (x)/F2ep (x) be zero?
8.5 What is the expected value of 0 u(x) − u(x) dx for the proton?

8.6 Figure 8.18 shows the raw measurements of the structure function F2 (x) in low-energy electron–deuterium
scattering. When combined with the measurements of Figure 8.11, it is found that
0 2
F eD (x) dx
 1 ep  0.84.
0 2
(x) dx
Write down the quark–parton model prediction for this ratio and determine the relative fraction of the momen-
tum of proton carried by down-/anti-down-quarks compared to that carried by the up-/anti-up-quarks, fd /fu .

8.7 Including the contribution from strange quarks:

(a) show that F2ep (x) can be written
4  1 
F2ep (x) = u(x) + u(x) + d(x) + d(x) + s(x) + s(x) ,
9 9
where s(x) and s(x) are the strange quark–parton distribution functions of the proton.
(b) Find the corresponding expression for F2en (x) and show that
 1 F ep (x) − F en (x) 
2 2 1 2 1 
dx ≈ + u(x) − d(x) dx,
0 x 3 3 0
and interpret the measured value of 0.24 ± 0.03.
206 Deep inelastic scattering

8.8 At the HERA collider, electrons of energy E1 = 27.5 GeV collided with protons of energy E2 = 820 GeV. In deep
inelastic scattering events at HERA, show that the Bjorken x is given by
E3 1 − cos θ
x= ,
E2 2 − (E3 /E1 )(1 + cos θ)
where θ is the angle through which the electron has scattered and E3 is the energy of the scattered electron.
Estimate x and Q2 for the event shown in Figure 8.13 assuming that the energy of the scattered electron
is 250 GeV.

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