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An Expert System for Psychiatric Diagnosis using the

DSM-III-R, DSM-IV and ICD-10 Classifications

Roland H.C. Yap' David M. Clarke2
Dept. of Information Systems & Computer Science, National University of Singapore,
Lower Kent Ridge Road, Singapore 119260, Singapore.
Monash University Department of Psychological Medicine, Monash Medical Centre,
246 Clayton Road, Clayton 3168, Australia.

Making a systematic and comprehensive psychi- tionnaire form of about 38 pages in length. The
atric evaluation of mental disorders in a patient interview was used to collect patient data using
can be a rather complex and involving process. a manual interview process lasting on the order
We describe an expert system, MILP, which is of half an hour per patient interviewed. A large
designed to produce such systematic diagnoses of number of patients (300) were studied to collect
mental disorders using selected categories from the all the interview data. This interview database
classification and diagnostic guidelines published thus forms a rich source of data suitable for several
in DSM-III-R, DSM-IV and ICD-10. An innova- kinds of psychiatric studies. With the amounts of
tive part of the MILP design is the incorporation data collected and the number of diagnoses which
of constraint-based reasoning as a key part of the would be needed for any kind of comprehensive
system. We believe that the MILP design gives a study, it was clear that an effective computational
flexible framework which is suitable in general for technique was a necessity.
the automated diagnoses of large classes of mental Sophisticated systems for medical diagnoses us-
disorders. ing techniques from expert systems abound in the
literature. Two well-known examples are MYCIN
[5] for the diagnosis of infectious diseases and IN-
INTRODUCTION TERNIST/CADUCEUS [6] for internal medicine
(see also [7] for a text). In the area of psychi-
In this paper, we consider computational tech- atric diagnoses, we are not aware of computer pro-
niques and frameworks which are suitable for psy- grams of comparable sophistication. The kinds of
chiatric diagnosis. In particular, we are studying programs which are available are programs such
methods for the systematic diagnosis and charac- as DTREE[8] and AUTOSCID. DTREE is an ex-
terization of mental disorders in patients. This is a pert system for diagnosing DSM-IV (old version
difficult task because the definition of a mental dis- has DSM-III-R) Axis I disorders. AUTOSCID is
order, by its very nature, is often not completely a computerized version of the Structured Clinical
precise. To systematize the task of diagnosis, there interview for DSM-IV Axis II personality disor-
are a number of "standard" classifications and def- ders. Both these systems are essentially interac-
initions of mental disorders. These are the DSM- tive programs for diagnostic help using the DSM-
III-R (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental IV criteria. For example, DTREE, appears to be
Disorders) [1], produced by the American Psychi- based on simple "decision tree" techniques.
atric Association, which was later revised to the The goals of our original study was to have a
DSM-IV classification [2], and the ICD-10 (Inter- system capable of diagnosing using many classifi-
national Classification of Diseases) [3,4], produced cation schemes such as DSM-III-R, DSM-IV, ICD-
by the World Health Organization. 10 and also various other miscellaneous criteria.
We first began this work because the second au- Thus the scope of the study goes beyond the of-
thor had designed a structured interview based ferings of programs like DTREE and AUTOSCID.
on the DSM-III-R, DSM-IV and ICD-10 criteria Another important goal was to ensure that the def-
for the purpose of performing systematic diagno- initions for the diagnostic criteria (rules) be flexi-
sis studies. This interview consisted of a ques- ble and "easily" modifiable. This turned out to be

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fairly important as constant changes were made in which we considered are essentially those diag-
the refining of the diagnostic rules. The database noses which are amenable to diagnosis by a struc-
for the interview is different from the kind of in- tured interview process. It is particularly compre-
put needed for programs like DTREE, since the hensive in the areas of anxiety, depression and so-
interview is not only different but also deals with matoform disorders. Schizophrenia and other psy-
a larger classification base. Because of these re- choses were not dealt with as they are uncommon
quirements, we built our own expert system, called in the particular patient population under consid-
MILP (Monash Interview for Liaison Psychiatry). eration. The following are categories of disorders
considered, together with some examples, which
are based on the criteria and classification from
The MILP expert system which we have devel- * Mood disorders - manic and hypomanic
oped is written in the Constraint Logic Program- episode, major depression, etc.
ming (CLP) language called CLP(1) [9]. Con- * Anxiety disorders - panic disorder, social
straint logic programming [10] is a framework phobia, obsessive compulsive disorder, etc.
for incorporating constraints into logic program-
ming based languages. Complex problems are * Somatic Disorders - somatization disorder,
often complex partly because of the "problem hypochondriasis, neurasthenia, etc.
constraints" which are the inter-relationships be-
tween various variables and states within the prob- * Substance dependence & harmful use - al-
lem. CLP languages provide a direct way of cap- chohol, sedative, nicotine, etc.
turing/modelling these relationships using con-
straints and thus offer greater expressive power * Eating disorders - anorexia nervosa and bu-
and flexibility. It is for this reason, that there limia nervosa.
are a number of model-based reasoning applica- Not every disorder from the above will occur
tions developed using CLP. One medical reason- in the various classifications and in some cases
ing application is the work of De Geus et al [11] the language and specifics also differ. In addi-
where CLP is used to model human circulation tion, we had other miscellaneous categories and
and gas exchange using constraints to specify the classifications, for example: grief, psychotic symp-
fluid flow. toms, stewart depression, etc. Note that some
Logic programming languages, such as Prolog, of the diagnoses are not the final diagnoses and
have also been popular in building expert sys- are only steps on the diagnostic pathway. Apart
tems because of the close relationship between ex- from the diagnoses themselves, each diagnoses
pert system rules and logical deduction, see [12] also may have various specifiers such as currency,
for a survey on applying logic-based techniques to acute/chronic, etc.
medicine. There is also some recent work on incor- The interview dataset after encoding into a flat
porating ideas from CLP more directly into expert form is quite large. The rules for the various disor-
systems [13]. ders in total require approximately 600 data items
The MILP system was written in CLP(R) in or- per patient. The exact number needed depends on
der to take advantage of the constraint and logic the precise rule definitions. This amount is listed
programming aspects of CLP(1Z). The logic pro- to give an idea of the amount of data which is used
gramming (Prolog) and constraint features turn to obtain a single comprehensive patient diagno-
out to be both convenient and also point to more sis. The data itself consists of boolean, numeric or
interesting uses for such expert systems. item selections.

Problem Scope The MILP system

Here we describe some of the main design criteria The MILP system is designed around a toolkit
which we required for the initial study. Note that philosophy. It consists of a generic custom infer-
while only some diagnostic categories were used, ence engine, a front-end program to the interview
we will argue that the system design is suitable for database, an output module for human readable
other diagnoses as well. The kinds of diagnoses diagnoses and an encoding module. A possible run

of the program will involve using the inference en- ICD-10 Hypomania - Specify: currency
gine with the appropriate rule database, say ICD-
10. The interview database is read (this can be A. Elevated/ MAN1 or MAN2
viewed as some input in Prolog-style facts/terms), expansive or irritable mood
all the appropriate diagnoses are generated for a B. At least 3 of:
selected rule database, and the generated diag- 1. Increased activity/restlessness
noses are also Prolog-style facts/terms. The gen- MAN8 or MAN9
erated diagnoses can then either be output in hu- 2. Increased talkativeness
man readable form by the oiqtput module (omit- MAN4
ting intermediate diagnoses if desired) or encoded 3. Decreased concentration
using the encoding module for subsequent statis- MAN7
tical analysis by SPSS. 7. Increased sociability
The built-in database aspects of Prolog in MAN5
CLP(1) provide a convenient self-describing sys- C. Not organic MAN14 = 5,6,7 or 8
tem. The expert rules, descriptions and explana- D. Exclusions: Mania
tions of diagnoses, encoding of output, etc. are all E. Currency:
part of the database as a combination of Prolog (Current) MAN16 = 1 or 2
rules, MILP rules and table-driven data. (Not current) otherwise
Data items are those in uppercase like MAN1
above. Hypomania is defined as having a cur-
The Expert Language rency specifier (current or not-current). Various
types of conditions can be specified, in condition
B, the rule states that at least three of the seven
Since we are using a custom inference engine, there sub-conditions must be satisfied and those in turn
is freedom to choose the language to be used by can, in general, be any arbitrarily nested condi-
the human expert in which to write the rules. For tion. This is then translated in a straightforward
reasons of space, we cannot describe the expert fashion into the following rule language used by
language (henceforth, simply as language) in de- the system. Note the intentional similarity to a
tail and will illustrate it by way of example. The Prolog clause. A Prolog-style term syntax has
main design goals for the language are expressive- again been adopted intentionally to make brack-
ness - can it express all the kinds of rules which we eting and nesting clear.
would like to write in a natural fashion? For ex-
ample, since many of the constraints are boolean icd(hypomania) :-
expressions, they could all be written in disjunc- or(Emanl, man2)), % A
tive normal form. However, that would not only atleast(3, [ Y, B
be un-natural and non-declarative, but also tex- or([man8, man9]),
tually large and unwieldy. For example, consider man4, man7,
writing a condition like: at least five out of ten sub- manS
conditions must be satisfiable into normal form. 1).
We have chosen to represent the rules in two highly manl4 = values([E,6,7,8J), /, C
related languages. One is a semi-formal language, notprovable(mania), %/ D
expert language, for the human expert and the setcurrent( % E
other is the actual formal rule language used by manl6 = values([1,2)), Currency
the system. However, these two forms are very ) ,4
close to each other and in most cases, a simple one- assert(hypomania, [Currency]).
to-one mapping suffices to do the conversion. The
expert language is meant to be understandable by A rule contains boolean expressions which are
doctors who are familiar with the disorder in ques- implicitly conjoined together with other con-
tion, and also understand the underlying questions straint relations (which can also contain arith-
from the interview, eg. the question MAN1 in the metic expressions) as well as some special ac-
following example. An example of the semi-formal tions. The exclusion condition is written as
rule is as follows (it has been simplified by omit- notprovable(mania) which specifies the require-
ting some conditions to make the example more ment that this diagnosis is not consistent with ma-
compact): nia and hence to diagnose hypomania this rule,

we must ensure that mania is not provable by this task, it would have been much less feasible for
the inference engine. Specifiers can also be added the system to undergo constant change.
to exclusions which means that a diagnosis is Verifying the result is also a difficult problem.
then only excluded if it can be proved to have How confident is one that the rules codify the
at least those specifiers. Setcurrent is a special knowledge and that the diagnoses are both com-
action which sets Currency to be current or not- plete (in the comprehensive sense) and correct?
current depending on whether the first argument We used essentially two types of validation strate-
is satisfiable or not. Finally, assert(hypomania, gies. One was random sampling of patients to
[Currency] ), denotes that if the above conditions rigorously check the result against how an expert
are satisfiable then we can diagnose ICD-10 hypo- would interpret them. It is usually not possible to
mania and it has one specifier given in the variable do this kind of testing in an exhaustive fashion.
Currency. Note that unification (equality con-
straints) can link the subparts of the rule (as with Another strategy is to make use of the fact that
Currency). there is strong correlation and commonality be-
tween DSM-III-R, DSM-IV and ICD-10. While
there are sufficient systematic differences between
The Inference Engine the three diagnoses schemas, one can still check
the correlation between the diagnosis in a num-
The inference engine is a meta-interpreter (see ber of ways. One way is to have a use a thorough
[14]) for the rule language above using a backward- check of substantial differences when they occur.
chaining mechanism. Arithmetic constraints Another is to look at statistical correlation (see
are translated directly into CLP(1Z) constraints. [15] for an analysis of the results) between classes
Boolean constraints are simulated by encoding of diagnoses either inter-schema or intra-schema.
into arithmetic constraints. For example, the
boolean constraint X = AU=1Yi can be partially
simulated with arithmetic constraints as Status
The existing MILP program has been used for a
X < Y < 1,0< X < 1,Yi < X+n- 1. cross validation study (analogous to the valida-
tion of the results themselves above) of the MILP
A CLP system with native constraints which can interview [16]. It was then used for a study of
express all the kinds of arithmetic and boolean breast cancer patients which monitors the patients
constraints required by the language would be bet- over their treatment period. It is interesting to
ter as constraints can then be solved more directly. observe that in a number of cases of the breast
cancer study, that the program turned up addi-
tional diagnoses which were initially missed since
ASSESSMENT OF RESULTS the program produces comprehensive diagnoses.
In turned out that the design used was quite sim- Existing work is now in progress to interface the
ple to implement but yet also flexible. A substan- inference engine and associated modules and rule
tial portion of the time was spent in debugging database to a front-end graphical user interface.
and refining of the rules themselves. Occasion- This will allow the program to be easily used as
ally, the rule language was extended if there was a a stand-alone diagnosis tool and the intent is to
need but this was quite a straightforward process. trial it out in a number of sites around Australia.
The MILP system is the result of an interaction
between understanding what rules need to be ex- DISCUSSION
pressed and development of an appropriate infer-
ence engine which understands the interpretation We have used a constraint-based approach to
of those rules. building the expert system. This was done partly
Codifying the knowledge contained in DSM-III- because we knew early in the design that a flexi-
R, DSM-IV and ICD-10 was a major task. In ble and expressive language and system was going
many cases, substantial modifications to a large to be a key requirement. It turned out that us-
number of rules were needed because of changes in ing constraints meant that the development of the
the interpretation of particular diagnoses. With- inference engine and rule-bases was much easier
out a flexible, expressive rule language tailored to as portions of it could be tested with incomplete

data. The constraint features of the design was 4. The ICD-10 classification of mental and behav-
used mostly during the system development but ioral disorders: diagnostic criteria for research.
was not exploited for the generation of the final pa- World Health Organization, 1992.
tient diagnoses because all the required data items 5. Buchanan BG, Shortliffe EH. Rule-based Expert
were complete. Direct use of the MILP for gener- Systems: The MYCIN Experiments of the Stan-
ating diagnoses thus benefits from the constraint ford Heuristic Programming Project. Addison-
design but does not require it. However other uses Wesley, Reading, MA, 1984.
of the MILP described below can take advantage
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system combined with the interview database can England Journal of Medicine, 1982:307:468-476.
be a useful tool for all kinds of (medical) studies.
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a diagnosis generation tool, one can also study the Expert Systems. Addison-Wesley, 1991.
differences between diagnoses generated with re- 8. First MB, Williams JBW, Spitzer RL, Concise
spect to DSM-III-R, DSM-IV and ICD-10. It can Guide to Using DTREE: The Electronic DSM-III-
also be used as a teaching tool. Furthermore, the R, American Psychiatric Association, 1988.
rule language used in the MILP seems to capture 9. Jaffar J, Michaylov M, Stuckey PJ, Yap RHC.
the main kinds of conditions and concepts needed "The CLP(J) Language and System", ACM
for these kinds of psychiatric diagnoses. We ex- Transactions on Programming Languages and Sys-
pect that it will be easy to extend or modify the tems, 1992:14(3):339-395.
MILP for other diagnostic purposes. 10. Jaffar J, Maher M. "Constraint Logic Pro-
In the paper by Haug [17], he calls for a broader gramming: a Survey", Journal of Logic Program-
use of diagnostic expert systems than just gen- ming, 1994: 19&20:503-581.
erating diagnoses. A system such as the MILP 11. De Gues F, Rotterdam E, Van Denneheuvel S,
which is designed to use constraints for flexibil- Van Emde Boas P. "Psysiological modelling using
ity and expressiveness has many potential uses in RL", In: Stefanelli M, Hasman A, Fieschi M, Tal-
this regard. For example, it can be used to analyse mon J (eds) AIME91: Lecture Notes in Medical
the rules themselves rather than doing diagnoses. Informatics, 198-210. Springer Verlag, 1991.
Suppose we are interested in knowing in what con-
text can three rules (diagnoses) hold at the same 12. Lucas PJF. "Logic engineering in medicine",
time. Now, instead of generating a diagnosis, we The Knowledge Engineering Review,
are asking whether the inference engine can prove 1995:10(2): 153-179.
the conditions of the three rules (together with any 13. Liu B, Jaffar J. "Using Constraints to Model
subsidiary rules and requirements) can hold at the Disjunctions in Rule-Based Reasoning", To ap-
same time, in a particular context, where we might pear in Thirteenth Nationat Conference on Arti-
have some assumptions or no assumptions. So var- ficial Intelligence (AAAI-96).
ious questions involving meta-reasoning about the 14. Sterling L, Shapiro E. The Art of Prolog. MIT
rules might also be an interesting area of research. Press, 2nd ed., 1994.
Acknowledgments 15. Clark DM, Smith GC, Herman HE, McKenzie
This work was supported by a grant from the DP. "The Monash Interview for Liaison Psychia-
Australian National Health and Medical Research try (MILP): development, reliability and validity",
Council. in preparation.
1. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental dis- 16. Clarke DM, Smith GC, Herman HE, McKen-
orders: DSM-III-R. American Psychiatric Associ- zie DP. "The Monash Interview for Liaison Psy-
ation, 1987. chiatry" (abstract), Australian Society for Psychi-
atric Research, 1995.
2. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental dis-
orders: DSM-IV. American Psychiatric Associa- 17. Haug PJ. "Uses of Diagnostic Expert Systems
tion, 1994. in Clinical Care", Seventeenth Annual Sympo-
sium on Computer Applications in Medical Care:
3. The ICD-10 classification of mental and behav- Patient-Centered Computing, 379-383. McGraw-
ioral disorders: clinical descriptions and diagnos- Hill, 1993.
tic guidelines. World Health Organization, 1992.


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