RH Catalyzed Formylation

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International Edition: DOI: 10.1002/anie.201504072

Synthetic Methods German Edition: DOI: 10.1002/ange.201504072

Effective Formylation of Amines with Carbon Dioxide and

Diphenylsilane Catalyzed by Chelating bis(tzNHC) Rhodium
Thanh V. Q. Nguyen, Woo-Jin Yoo, and Shū Kobayashi*
Abstract: The reductive formylation of amines using CO2 and iron[6e]) as active catalysts. However, in all cases, a high
hydrosilanes is an attractive method for incorporating CO2 into catalyst loading and/or high temperature were necessary for
valuable organic compounds. However, previous systems this reductive coupling process. Furthermore, the substrate
required either high catalyst loadings or high temperatures to scope for this transformation is mostly limited to simple
achieve high efficiency, and the substrate scope was mostly amines. Therefore, the development of new types of catalysts,
limited to simple amines. To address these problems, a series of which can facilitate the reductive formylation reaction both at
alkyl bridged chelating bis(NHC) rhodium complexes a low catalyst loading and ambient temperature, is of great
(NHC = N-heterocyclic carbene) have been synthesized and interest.
applied to the reductive formylation of amines using CO2 and To achieve this goal, we turned our attention to the
Ph2SiH2. A rhodium-based bis(tzNHC) complex (tz = 1,2,3- application of N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC)/metal com-
triazol-5-ylidene) was identified to be highly effective at a low plexes as potential catalysts. Based on the fact that the
catalyst loading and ambient temperature, and a wide substrate common intermediate in metal-catalyzed hydrosilylation
scope, including amines with reducible functional groups, were reactions is the metal hydride complex,[7] we rationalized
compatible. that the strong electron-donating ability of NHC ligands may
increase the nucleophilicity of the metal hydride species and
The incorporation of CO into organic compounds is highly
2 facilitate the reduction of the weakly electrophilic CO2.
desirable since CO2 is a low-cost, abundant, and nontoxic raw Moreover, the ability of NHCs to form strong bonds with
material. However, CO2 represents the highest oxidation various transition metals would lead to more robust catalysts
state of carbon and this limits its synthetic utility to the and would permit lower catalyst loadings without causing
formation of low-energy synthetic targets by CO2 insertion catalyst decomposition.[8] Although the use of electron-rich
reactions or to multielectron chemical reductive processes to NHC/metal complexes to facilitate nucleophilic additions to
generate energy-rich small molecules such as formic acid, CO2, to afford carboxylic acids or esters, is well known,[1]
carbon monoxide, methanol, and methane.[1, 2] With respect to there are few examples of its use for catalytic hydrosilylation
catalytic reduction of CO2, hydrogen gas is the cleanest and reactions of CO2.[6i, 9] To the best of our knowledge, a selective
most atom-economical reductant, but harsh reaction condi- NHC/metal-catalyzed formylation of amines with CO2 has
tions, such as a high pressure of a mixture of gases and high not been reported.
reaction temperature, prevents broad application of this Recently, bis(NHC) complexes of rhodium were found to
reducing agent. In contrast, the use of boranes[3] and hydro- be effective catalysts for the hydrosilylation of ketones at
silanes[4] as reductants facilitates the catalytic reduction of ambient temperature.[10] These bis(carbene) ligands not only
CO2 under much milder reaction conditions. In a related improved the stability of the rhodium complexes against
process, the reduction of CO2 in the presence of amines decomposition, but also enabled better control of the steric
ultimately affords formamides or methylamines, which are and electronic properties around the metal center.[10a] We
value-added bulk and fine chemicals.[5, 6] Since the initial hypothesized that these types of metal complexes could be
report by Cantat and co-workers on the catalytic reductive promising catalysts for hydrosilylation reactions of CO2.
formylation of amines with CO2 and silanes,[6a] rapid develop- Furthermore, since the high electron density of NHC/metal
ment in this field has led to the disclosure of various complexes may be crucial for the favorable interaction
organocatalyts[6a,b] and organometallic complexes (copper,[6c,d] between CO2 and the key metal hydride intermediate, we
envisioned that modifying the ligands from normal to
[*] T. V. Q. Nguyen, Dr. W.-J. Yoo, Prof. Dr. S. Kobayashi abnormal NHCs should generate better catalysts because of
Department of Chemistry, School of Science the superior electron-donating ability of the latter.[11] Such an
The University of Tokyo effect was previously observed for the copper-catalyzed
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo, Tokyo (Japan) carboxylation reaction of benzoxazoles and benzothiazoles
E-mail: [email protected]
with CO2,[12] and the iridium-catalyzed transfer hydrogenation
[**] This work was partially supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific
of CO2 with 2-propanol.[13] Among various types of abnormal
Research from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
(JSPS), the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), and the NHCs, tzNHCs (tz = 1,2,3-triazol-5-ylidene) stand out as
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology excellent candidates because they are easily accessed and
(MEXT). tzNHC = 1,2,3-triazol-5-ylidene N-heterocyclic carbene. diversified by the [3+ +2] cycloaddition of azides and
Supporting information for this article is available on the WWW alkynes.[14] Herein, we report the modular synthesis of alkyl-
under http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/anie.201504072. bridged bis(tzNHC) rhodium complexes and their application

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, 54, 9209 –9212 Ó 2015 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 9209

as effective catalysts for the reductive formylation of amines With the optimized reaction conditions in hand,[16] we
with CO2 and Ph2SiH2. began to investigate the substrate scope of this reaction
To access the desired bis(tzNHC)-ligated rhodium com- (Table 2). The use of dibenzylamine (4 a) provided the desired
plexes, the standard method of utilizing silver NHCs as formamide 5 a in 95 % yield upon isolation (entry 1). In
carbene transmetallation agents, a method reported for the addition, the reaction could be conveniently scaled up to
synthesis of the bis(imNHC) rhodium complexes 1 and 2 a gram scale without any loss of activity. Similarly, substitu-
(im = imidazole-2-ylidene), was applied (Figure 1).[15] In tion of a benzyl group with an alkyl group, such as methyl (4 b)
addition to KPF6, different anion sources were examined to or ethyl (4 c) did not affect the reactivity (entries 2–3).
generate a series of rhodium complexes (3 a–f).[16] Dioctylamine (4 d), possessing two long alkyl chains, was
The catalytic activity of the newly synthesized metal also found to be a suitable substrate for this reaction (entry 4).
complexes was investigated for the formylation of dibenzyl- Various cyclic aliphatic amines (4 e–h) were tested and
amine (4 a) with CO2 as a C1 source and Ph2SiH2 as the excellent yields of the cyclic formamides 5 e–h were obtained
reductant (Table 1). Rhodium complexes containing the (entries 5–8). When the primary aliphatic amines 4 i–o were
imNHC backbone (1 and 2) were initially examined as used, the desired reactions proceeded selectively to provide
catalysts, but the desired formamide 5 a was not observed the monoformylated products 5 i–o (entries 9–15). Notably,
(entries 1 and 2). In contrast, the complex 3 a, bearing the formylation of (R)-4 j proceeded without any racemiza-
a tzNHC backbone, showed high activity, even at lower tion. The use of trans-1,2-cyclohexanediamine (4 p) provided
catalyst loadings (entries 3 and 4). Encouraged by these
Table 2: Substrate scope for the reductive formylation of amines (4 a–v)
results, we began to screen various bis(tzNHC) rhodium with CO2 and Ph2SiH2.[a]
complexes (3 b–f) bearing a trimethylene linker (entries 5–9).
By varying the catalyst structure, we found that the counter-
anions influenced the activity of these catalysts. Although no
clear trend was uncovered, we found that the rhodium Entry Substrate Product Yield [%][b]
complexes possessing either ¢OTf, ¢NTf2, or ¢BPh4 counter-
anions enjoyed the highest catalytic activity (entries 6–8). 1 4 a R = Bn 95 (quant.)[c]
2 4 b R = Me quant.
Moreover, since NHCs are known as effective organocata-
3 4 c R = Et 92
lysts for this type of reaction,[6b] we also examined the use of
the tzNHC precursor as a catalyst (entry 10). In this case, 5 a
4 4d 88
was not observed, thus indicating that the real catalyst species
in our system was not the dissociated free carbene. Based on
these results, 3 c was chosen as the best catalyst for the 5 4e 99
reductive formylation reaction of dibenzylamine (4 a) with
CO2 and Ph2SiH2. 6 4 f X = CH2 99
7 4g X=O 89
8[d] 4 h X = NPh 97

9 4i R=H 96
10 4 j R = Me[e] quant.[f ]
11[d] 4 k R = Ph quant.

12 4 l R = nHex quant.
Figure 1. Chelating bis(NHC) rhodium complexes used in this work. 13 4 m R = cHex 85
Tf = trifuoromethanesulfonyl. 14[d] 4 n R = TBSO(CH2)3 82
15[d] 4 o R = tBu 60

Table 1: Optimization of the reductive formylation of dibenzylamine (4 a) 16[d,g] 4 p (rac) 75

with CO2 and Ph2SiH2.[a]

17[d] 4 q R = 4-Me 89
18[d] 4 r R = 4-tBu quant.
19[d] 4 s R = 4-OMe 95
Entry [Rh] (mol %) Yield [%][b] Entry [Rh] (mol %) Yield [%][b]
20[d,h] 4 t R = 4-Br 40
1 1 (0.5) n.d. 6 3 c (0.1) > 95 21[d] 4 u R = 3-Me 80
2 2 (0.5) n.d. 7 3 d (0.1) > 95 22[d] 4 v R = 2-Me 30
3 3 a (0.5) > 95 8 3 e (0.1) > 95 23[d] 4 w R = 2,6-Me2 n.d.
4 3 a (0.1) 80 9 3 f (0.5) 85
[a] Reaction conditions: Amines 4 a–v (0.50 mmol), Ph2SiH2
5 3 b (0.1) 83 10 –[c] n.d.
(1.25 mmol), and 3 c (0.50 mmol) in CH2Cl2 (2 mL) under 25 atm of CO2.
[a] Reaction conditions: 4 a (0.25 mmol), Ph2SiH2 (0.625 mmol), and [b] Yields of the isolated products 5 a–v were based on 4 a–v. [c] Reaction
[Rh] (0.25–1.25 mmol) in CH2Cl2 (1 mL) under 25 atm of CO2. [b] Yields using 5.03 mmol of 4 a. [d] 24 h. [e] Enantiopurity of 4 j (96.8 % ee) was
were determined by 1H NMR analysis using 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane as determined after formylation with ethyl formate. [f ] 98.7 % ee. [g] Used
an internal standard. [c] Bis(triazolium) salt (5 mol %) and KOtBu 0.25 mol % of 3 c and 5 equiv of Ph2SiH2. [h] Used 0.5 mol % of 3 c.
(10 mol %) was used as the catalyst. n.d. = not detected. TBS = tert-butyldimethylsilyl.

9210 www.angewandte.org Ó 2015 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, 54, 9209 –9212

the diformamide product 5 p in good yield (entry 16). Next, lated products 5 ae–af (entries 8 and 9). In the case of 4 ae, the
we evaluated aniline derivatives (4 q–w) as substrates reaction occurred with the retention of the original config-
(entries 17–23). Reactions of anilines bearing electron-donat- uration. Finally, the synthetic utility of this methodology was
ing groups on the para position (4 q–s) reacted, albeit with demonstrated by the formylation of the a-aminoketone 4 ag
a prolonged reaction time because of the lower nucleophi- to afford 5 ag, which is a key intermediate in the total
licity of anilines when compared to aliphatic amines synthesis of Iguratimod (an anti-inflammatory drug),[17] in
(entries 17–19). The importance of the nucleophilicity of the quantitative yield (entry 10).
aniline derivatives was highlighted when we examined 4- Several possible reaction pathways were considered for
bromoaniline (4 t) as a substrate. In this case, the effectiveness the reductive formylation reaction of amines with CO2 and
of the formylation reaction was decreased, even under higher Ph2SiH2 as catalyzed by the rhodium complex 3 c. One
catalyst loading (entry 20). In addition, sterically hindered possibility is that CO2 may initially be hydrosilylated to
anilines, such as 2-methylaniline (4 v) and 2,6-dimethylani- generate a silyl formate, which could be intercepted by
lines (4 w), were found to be poor substrates (entries 22–23). a nucleophilic amine to furnish the expected formamide.
Since the newly developed bis(tzNHC) rhodium complex However, this pathway was ruled out since an attempted
3 c was found to be an exceptionally effective catalyst for the reduction of CO2 by Ph2SiH2, in the absence of an amine,
reduction of CO2, we then examined the possibility of failed.[6i, 16] An alternative reaction pathway may involve the
expanding the substrate scope (Table 3). We hypothesized rapid formation of an ammonium carbamate, derived from
that under high pressure CO2, preferential reduction of the the amine and CO2, followed by the reduction of this salt by
large excess of CO2 over other functional groups should occur hydrosilane and 3 c.[6c,d] This possibility was examined by using
and that our catalytic system could tolerate amines which a benzylamine/CO2 adduct[18] as a substrate. Since the
possess reducible functional groups. In spite of the fact that formamide 5 i was obtained only under high pressure of
NHC rhodium complexes are well known to be excellent CO2,[16] it is unclear if this adduct could be directly reduced.
catalysts for the hydrosilylation of ketones,[7b] the piperazine However, since CO2 and the amine/CO2 adduct coexist in
derivative 4 x, which contains a ketone moiety, was success- equilibrium and the reduction of CO2 should be favored over
fully formylated to afford 5 x in high yield (entry 1). Similarly, the adduct because of its higher electrophilicity,[19] we
the piperazine derivatives 4 y–aa, bearing amide functional assumed that CO2 was reduced by the rhodium hydride
groups, also reacted smoothly to generate the corresponding intermediate.
formamides 5 y–aa in good to excellent yields (entries 2–4). Based on these control studies and the previously reports
Furthermore, it was found that amines bearing alkenyl (4 ab), on rhodium-catalyzed hydrosilylation reactions of carbonyl
alkynyl (4 ac), and ester (4 ad) moieties were successfully compounds,[7b] a plausible mechanism is shown in Scheme 1.
formylated in moderate to excellent yields (entries 5–7). In Initially, dissociation of the auxiliary ligand (cod) from 3 c,
addition, the amino esters 4 ae and 4 af were found to be followed by oxidative addition of Ph2SiH2 and subsequent
viable substrates for this reaction to provide the monoformy- hydride transfer from the silyl ligand to the rhodium center
would generate the rhodium silylene intermediate A. Such an
Table 3: Reductive formylation of amines (4 x–ag) with reducible func- intermediate was previously proposed in the Hofmann–Gade-
tional groups.[a] type mechanism,[20] and indirect evidence for its formation
was obtained by silylene trapping experiments:[10b] the
reaction of Ph2SiH2 with tBuMe2SiOH occurred smoothly in
the presence of 3 c, while the use of monohydrosilane, such as
Entry Substrate Product Yield [%][b] Ph2MeSiH, resulted in no reaction.[16] Consequently, no

1 90
2 4 y R = C6H5 85
3 4 z R = 4-BrC6H4 quant.
4 4 aa R = OtBu 79
5 4 ab R = CH=CH2 quant.
6 4 ac R = CŽCH 63
7 4 ad X = CO2Me 90
8[c,d] 4 ae 40[e]

9 4 af quant.

10[f,g] quant.

[a] Reaction conditions: Amines (4 x–ag; 0.50 mmol), Ph2SiH2

(1.25 mmol), and 3 c (0.50 mmol) in CH2Cl2 (2 mL) under 25 atm of CO2.
[b] Yields of the isolated products 5 x–ag were based on 4 x–ag. [c] Et3N
(0.50 mmol) was added. [d] Enantiopurity of 4 ae (98.2 % ee) was
determined after formylation with trimethyl orthoformate. [e] 96.1 % ee.
[f ] 4 ag (0.125 mmol), 3 c (1 mol %). [g] Et3N (0.25 mmol) was added. Scheme 1. Plausible reaction mechanism.

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, 54, 9209 –9212 Ó 2015 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim www.angewandte.org 9211

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9212 www.angewandte.org Ó 2015 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, 54, 9209 –9212

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