Romoting Effect of Fe On Supported Ni Catalysts in CO2methanation Byin situDRIFTS and DFT Study

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Journal of Catalysis 392 (2020) 266–277

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Promoting effect of Fe on supported Ni catalysts in CO2 methanation by

in situ DRIFTS and DFT study
Huong Lan Huynh a, Jie Zhu b, Guanghui Zhang b, Yongli Shen d,⇑, Wakshum Mekonnen Tucho c, Yi Ding d,
Zhixin Yu a,⇑
Department of Energy and Petroleum Engineering, University of Stavanger, 4036 Stavanger, Norway
State Key Laboratory of Fine Chemicals, PSU-DUT Joint Center for Energy Research, School of Chemical Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China
Department of Mechanical and Structural Engineering and Materials Science, University of Stavanger, 4036 Stavanger, Norway
Tianjin Key Laboratory of Advanced Functional Porous Materials, Institute for New Energy Materials & Low-Carbon Technologies, School of Materials Science and Engineering,
Tianjin University of Technology, Tianjin 300384, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Bimetallic NiFe catalysts have emerged as a promising alternative to the traditional Ni catalysts for CO2
Received 14 August 2020 methanation. However, the promoting effect of Fe on the bimetallic catalysts remains ambiguous. In this
Revised 12 October 2020 study, a series of NiFe catalysts derived from hydrotalcite precursors were investigated. In situ x-ray
Accepted 13 October 2020
diffraction (XRD) analysis revealed that small NiFe alloy particles were formed and remained stable dur-
Available online 29 October 2020
ing reaction. When Fe/Ni = 0.25, the alloy catalysts exhibited the highest CO2 conversion, CH4 selectivity
and stability in CO2 methanation at low temperature of 250–350 °C. The in situ diffuse reflectance infra-
red Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFTS) study indicated that the formate pathway was the most
CO2 methanation
plausible reaction scheme on both Ni and NiFe alloy catalysts, while a moderate addition of Fe facilitated
In situ XRD the activation of CO2 via hydrogenation to *HCOO. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations further
In situ DRIFTS demonstrated that the overall energy barrier for CH4 formation was lower on the alloy surface.
DFT calculation Ó 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
Reaction mechanism (

1. Introduction [6]. At atmospheric pressure, CO2 methanation and the reverse

water–gas shift reaction (RWGS, Eq. (2)) occur simultaneously on
Chemical conversion of CO2 into valuable products has been group VIII metals. Although noble metals (e.g., Ru, Rh) are highly
attractive to chemists ever since the advent of catalysis [1]. The active, Ni-based catalysts are prominently exploited as methana-
discovery of CO2 methanation (Sabatier reaction, Eq. (1)) in 1902, tion catalysts due to cost effectiveness. Considerable efforts have
which converts CO2 and H2 into CH4, has been crucial for the devel- been devoted to improving the activity and stability of Ni-based
opment of CO2 conversion processes [2]. The potential for CO2 mit- catalysts at low temperatures (<350 °C) [7,8].
igation and renewable energy storage has been demonstrated in The addition of Fe to Ni has been reported as a promising strat-
the emerging Power-to-Gas (PtG) technology. In this concept, the egy to achieve better catalytic performance and stability of metha-
synthetic or substitute natural gas (SNG) produced via the Sabatier nation catalyst. It was first predicted by theoretical modeling, i.e.,
process is considered as a promising chemical energy carrier for density functional theory (DFT) simulations. Based on the calcu-
the surplus electricity produced from intermittent renewables lated energies, NiFe and Ni3Fe showed excellent activity compare
such as wind and solar power [3–5]. to Ni and Fe, close to that of the best catalysts (i.e., Ru and Co)
[9,10]. Experimental investigations have also verified that NiFe cat-
CO2 + 4H2 $ CH4 + 2H2 O DH 298K =  165 kJ mol1 ð1Þ
alysts exhibited higher activity than their individual constituent in
CO2 hydrogenation (H2/CO2 = 91/9) at 250 °C [11]. The bimetallic
CO2 + H2 $ CO + H2 O DH 298K = 41 kJ mol1 ð2Þ NiFe catalytic system is very attractive because cheap Fe will fur-
The molecular transformation of CO2 is challenging since the ther contribute to the cost-effectiveness of the Ni-based methana-
molecule is well-known for its thermodynamic stability. Metal cat- tion catalysts.
alysts are therefore crucial to activate the closed-shell molecule Studies on NiFe catalysts for CO2 methanation have been
reported on different catalytic supports, i.e., Al2O3 [12], TiO2, SiO2,
Nb2O5, and ZrO2 [13,14], while unsupported NiFe catalysts were also
⇑ Corresponding authors.
investigated [15]. The optimal composition of Fe in
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (Y. Shen), [email protected] (Z. Yu).
0021-9517/Ó 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc.
This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
Huong Lan Huynh, J. Zhu, G. Zhang et al. Journal of Catalysis 392 (2020) 266–277

Ni-based catalysts to achieve the promoting effect appears to be Nitrogen physisorption was performed in a Tristar 3000
dependent on the support type and metal loading. Importantly, (Micromeritics) instrument at 196 °C. Prior to analysis, all samples
the amount of Fe addition plays a crucial role since a small amount were degassed at 150 °C under vacuum overnight. The specific sur-
of Fe boosted the production of CH4 while large amount of Fe pro- face area of the catalysts was calculated using Brunauer-Emmett-
moted the formation of CO via RWGS reaction [16]. NiFe catalysts Teller (BET) method, while the pore volume and pore size distribu-
prepared from layered double hydroxides (LDH) materials were also tions were evaluated using Barrett-Joyner-Halenda (BJH) models.
studied [17,18]. Overall, most of these studies have confirmed the Temperature-programmed reduction (TPR) of the calcined cata-
superiority of NiFe alloy catalysts in CO2 methanation compared to lysts and temperature-programmed desorption (TPD) of the
monometallic Ni catalysts. Regardless of metal loading or type of reduced catalysts were performed on AutoChem II 2920
supports, the optimal Fe content has been reported with a Fe/Ni (Micromeritics). In a typical measurement, 100 mg of calcined
molar ratio up to 1/3. Besides, the Ni3Fe/Al2O3 catalysts showed a sample was used to obtain reliable data [22]. The calcined catalysts
more stable performance compared to commercial Ni methanation were degassed, then the analysis was carried out by heating the
catalysts [19]. Based on kinetic measurements, Mutz et al. assumed sample from 50 °C to 950 °C at a heating rate of 10 K min1 in
the effect of Fe could be due to the synergetic effect of NiFe alloy [19]. 10 vol% H2/Ar (50 mL min1). Subsequently, the sample was
While the CO dissociation energy was used as a descriptor for CO and purged with He flow at 600 °C for 30 min and cooled down to
CO2 methanation activity [9,17], the binding energy of adsorbed CO 50 °C. Thereafter, the sample was exposed to a flow of 6 vol%
was proposed as the key descriptor for CO2 hydrogenation to CH4 CO2/Ar (50 mL min1) for 1 h, followed by purging in He for
(H2/CO2 = 2) [16]. An improvement in CO2 uptake capacity on alloy another 1 h to remove weakly adsorbed CO2. Finally, CO2-TPD data
surfaces corresponding to the promoted CH4 production has also were recorded by heating the sample to 800 °C at a heating rate of
been speculated [20]. Nevertheless, there is no consensus on the 10 K min1 in flowing He.
promotional effect of Fe on Ni, while the mechanism of CO2 metha- Hydrogen chemisorption analysis was conducted in ASAP 2020
nation on NiFe alloy catalysts is not clearly understood. Plus (Micromeritics) instrument at 35 °C. In a typical experiment,
Insights at the atomic scale of active intermediates and key ele- 200 mg of calcined catalyst was reduced in H2 flow at 600 °C for
mentary reaction steps are essential to unravel the reaction mech- 4 h with a heating rate of 5 K min1 and cooled down to 35 °C in
anism of catalytic reaction. In this work, we attempted to flowing He. It was assumed that the chemisorption of H2 occurred
understand the role of Fe and the reaction mechanism by in situ only on Ni atom with a dissociative mechanism because Fe is
X-ray diffraction (XRD) and in situ diffuse reflectance infrared Four- known to be inactive in H2 chemisorption.
ier transform spectroscopy (DRIFTS) study combined with DFT The morphology and particle size of the reduced-passivated and
simulations. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first com- spent catalysts were revealed by transmission electron microscopy
bined experimental and theoretical study on NiFe alloy catalysts (TEM) analysis using JEM-2100 Plus (JEOL) microscope operating at
for the Sabatier reaction. We prepared a series of NiFe on (Mg,Al) 200 kV. The calcined catalysts were reduced in 50 vol% H2/N2
Ox supported catalysts derived from hydrotalcite (HT) precursors (100 mL min1, STP) at 600 °C for 4 h (heating rate of 5 K min1)
in order to study the impact of Fe content on the physicochemical in a fixed-bed reactor. The sample was cooled down in a flowing
properties and catalytic performance in CO2 methanation. The for- N2 to room temperature before being passivated by adding syn-
mation of NiFe alloy upon reduction, as well as the structural thetic air to the gas mixture. The oxygen content was adjusted to
changes during reaction was investigated by in situ XRD analysis. 0.1 vol% and slowly increased to 1 vol%.

2. Experimental 2.3. CO2 methanation tests

2.1. Catalyst synthesis The catalytic performance was evaluated on a stainless-steel

tubular fixed-bed reactor as reported in our previous work [21].
A series of NiFe/(Mg,Al)Ox catalysts were prepared by calcination In a typical experiment, 60 mg of calcined catalyst (200–355 lm)
of HT precursors. The precursors were synthesized by rapid copre- was diluted with 600 mg of SiC (ca. 355 lm). The catalyst was
cipitation reported in our previous work [21]. In a typical synthesis, reduced using 50 vol% H2/N2 (100 mL min1, STP) at 600 °C for
a metal nitrate solution (1 M) containing a calculated amount of Ni 4 h (heating rate of 5 K min1). The temperature-dependent activ-
(NO3)26H2O, Fe(NO3)39H2O, Mg(NO3)26H2O and Al(NO3)39H2O ity tests were carried out at a temperature interval of 200–450 °C
were quickly injected to a base solution of NaOH and Na2CO3 under at a heating rate of 1 K min1. The condition was held for 1 h at
vigorous stirring at 60 °C. The mixture was aged at 85 °C for 18 h. The each temperature to obtain a stable CO2 conversion. The total flow
calcination of the as-prepared precursors was conducted at 600 °C rate of reactant gases (H2/CO2/N2 vol.% = 64/16/20) was
for 6 h in flowing synthetic air. In all the catalysts, the (Ni + Mg)/(A 270 mL min1 (STP), which corresponding to a weight hourly space
l + Fe) molar ratio was fixed at 3 and the Ni loading was kept constant velocity (WHSV) of 43,200 mLCO2 g-1 cath or a gas hourly space
at 20 wt%. The calcined catalysts were denoted as NiFe-x, where x is velocity (GHSV) of 34,000 h .
the Fe/Ni molar ratio that varies from 0 to 0.5 (Table 1). For long-term stability evaluation, the catalysts were tested at
300 °C for more than 60 h of time on stream (TOS). Moreover, a
blank test was conducted to confirm the inert nature of SiC in
2.2. Catalyst characterization
the stainless-steel reactor under reaction condition. The conver-
sion of CO2 and product selectivity were defined following Eq.
The elemental compositions of the calcined catalysts were ana-
(3) and Eq. (4), where Fin and Fout are the molar flow rates
lyzed by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrome-
(mol h1).
try (ICP-OES) using OPTIMA 4300 DV (PerkinElmer) instrument.
The dried samples were dissolved in a mixture of HCl and HNO3 F in out
CO2  F CO2
X CO2 ð%Þ ¼  100 ð3Þ
at a ratio of 3 and further diluted for analysis. F in
Crystallographic information of the as-prepared and calcined
catalysts was determined by X-ray diffraction. The ex situ XRD pat- F out
terns were recorded on D8 Advance (Bruker) micro-diffractometer Si ð%Þ ¼ i
 100 ð4Þ
F in out
CO2  F CO2
using CuKa radiation source with a step interval of 1° min1.
Huong Lan Huynh, J. Zhu, G. Zhang et al. Journal of Catalysis 392 (2020) 266–277

Table 1
Elemental compositions and textural properties of calcined catalysts.

Catalyst Nominal Fe/Ni ICP-OES analysis N2 physisorption of calcined catalyst

molar ratio
Ni Fe Fe/Ni BET Specific surface BJH BJH Average
[wt %] [wt %] molar area [m2 g1] Pore volume pore size [nm]
ratio [cm3 g1]
NiFe-0 0 19.85 0 0 227.8 0.73 10.1
NiFe-0.1 0.1 19.84 1.87 0.1 240.0 0.77 11.0
NiFe- 0.25 19.62 4.70 0.25 232.6 0.70 9.7
NiFe- 0.33 18.83 6.39 0.36 247.3 0.72 9.7
NiFe-0.5 0.5 19.50 9.45 0.51 197.4 0.68 10.5

2.4. In situ XRD study specified. K-points were sampled using the 4  4  1
Monkhorst-Pack mesh for Ni and NiFe alloys.
In situ XRD diffractograms were collected on a SmartLab 9 kW All the transition states (TS) were determined using the linear
(Rigaku) diffractometer equipped with an XRK900 reactor chamber synchronous transit (LST) and quadratic synchronous transit
and a 1D/Dtex detector to improve the signal-to-noise ratio. The (QST) methods. The TS structures were confirmed by using a local
diffractometer was operated at 45 kV and 200 mA using CuKa radi- minimum search (after a small distortion of each TS in the reaction
ation source. About 50 mg of calcined catalyst was loaded in the coordinate direction) to reach the reactants and products [26]. The
sample holder and heated up to 600 °C at a heating rate of desorption energy (Edes) of adsorbed species was calculated with
10 K min1 under a flow of pure H2 (30 mL min1) for reduction Eq. (5), where Eads and Esurf are the total energies of the isolated
at atmospheric pressure. The diffractograms were subsequently adsorbates in vacuum and the clean surface, respectively. Eads_surf
recorded at 100–600 °C at a scanning speed of 8° min1 (hold for is the total energy of the adsorbed system.
5 min at each temperature). When the temperature reached
600 °C, the data were collected every 15 min for 90 min. The Edes = Esurf + Eads  Eadssurf ð5Þ
in situ XRD measurement was also conducted under reaction con-
ditions. A gas mixture of CO2/H2/N2 = 17/69/14 (30 mL min1) was
introduced after cooling the reduced sample down to 200 °C. The 3. Results and discussion
XRD diffractograms were continuously recorded at elevated
temperatures. 3.1. Physicochemical properties

XRD diffractograms of the as-prepared HT precursors show the

2.5. In situ DRIFTS study characteristic diffractions of pure HT with layered structures in
rhombohedral 3R symmetry (Figure S1). Based on calculated lat-
In situ DRIFTS was conducted on a Nicolet iS 50 (Thermo Scien- tice parameters (Table S1), it is confirmed that pure crystalline
tific) FTIR spectrometer equipped with a mercury cadmium tel- Ni-Fe-Mg-Al HT precursors were successfully synthesized via the
luride detector cooled by liquid N2. Prior to measurement, the rapid coprecipitation method. After calcination at 600 °C, the pre-
calcined catalysts were reduced in 30% H2/N2 flow at 600 °C for cursors fully decomposed into mixed metal oxides (Fig. 1). The
90 min (heating rate of 10 K min1). Thereafter, the sample was diffraction patterns of bimetallic NiFe catalysts were similar to
cooled down to 200 °C followed by N2 purging for 10 min. For monometallic NiFe-0 catalyst and were dominated by the reflec-
CO2 adsorption study, a flow of CO2/N2 at a ratio of 1/5 (6 mL min1) tions of not only NiO (JCPDS 01–089-5881) but also MgO (JCPDS
was introduced. For CO2 methanation study, a gas mixture of CO2/ 03–065-0476) and Al2O3 (JCPDS 01–073-1512). It has been
H2/N2 at a ratio of 1/4/5 was used. The in situ DRIFTS spectra were reported that at a moderate calcination temperature of 600 °C, only
continuously collected at elevated temperatures.

2.6. DFT calculations

Spin-unrestricted calculations were performed using DFT-D

scheme provided by DMol3 code [23,24]. The exchange–correla-
tion functional was expressed using the generalized gradient
approximation (GGA)-Perdew, Burke, and Ernzerhof (PBE) func-
tional [25]. The Ni(1 1 1) and Ni4Fe(1 1 1) alloy were modeled using
five-layered slab of (3  3) surface unit cell. In the Ni4Fe catalyst,
Ni atoms were replaced with Fe atoms with a Fe/Ni ratio of ¼, rep-
resenting NiFe-0.25 catalyst. A vacuum region was set to be 30 Å
between repeated slabs. In our calculations, the atoms in the bot-
tom two layers were fixed at their bulk position and those in the
top three layers together with the adsorbates are allowed to relax.
Double numerical plus polarization (DNP) basis set was used
throughout the calculation. The convergence criteria were set to
be 1  10-5 Ha, 0.001 Ha Å1, and 0.005 Å for energy, force, and dis-
placement convergence, respectively. A self-consistent field (SCF)
density convergence with a threshold value of 1  10-5 Ha was Fig. 1. XRD diffractograms of the calcined catalysts.

Huong Lan Huynh, J. Zhu, G. Zhang et al. Journal of Catalysis 392 (2020) 266–277

the rock-salt-type phase (NiO or MgO) was observed while crys- Ni(2 0 0) was detected at 2h of 51.4° (JCPDS 03–065-2865) after the
talline spinels (e.g., MgAl2O4) would be formed at above 800 °C sample reached 600 °C for 15 min. The intensity of this line grad-
[27]. Therefore, it is assumed that the support was in the mixed ually increased during 90 min of reduction, indicating the growth
oxide phase (Mg,Al)Ox. Notably, the increase of Fe resulted in of Ni particle from 5.3 nm to 9.1 nm (Table S2). Besides, the mixed
poorer crystallinity with slightly smaller crystallite sizes of the oxides phases (Mg,Al)Ox remained unchanged, demonstrating their
oxide catalysts, as can be seen by the reduced intensity of the irreducible nature. As for the NiFe-0.25 and NiFe-0.5 catalysts, the
diffraction lines (Fig. 1). characteristic peak shifted to a lower angle of 50.85° and 50.75°,
Elemental analysis by ICP-OES of the calcined catalysts reveals respectively. Correspondingly, the d-spacing obtained from the
the actual metal loading and Fe/Ni molar ratio, which was close (2 0 0) reflection was in a linear correlation with the molar ratio
to the nominal values (Table 1). It could be assumed that Ni and of Ni/(Ni + Fe) (Figure S4) [34]. The lattice parameter appeared to
Fe ions were successfully precipitated. be increased with increasing Fe content. The shift in peak position
The N2 physisorption analysis of calcined catalysts shows that could confirm the formation of Ni-rich NiFe fcc alloy upon reduc-
all isotherms were type IV with hysteresis loop at high P/Po range tion of NiFe-0.25 and NiFe-0.5 catalysts at 600 °C [19,34–36].
(Figure S2), attributed to mesoporous materials according to Moreover, the alloy crystals were smaller in size (5–6 nm) than
IUPAC classification [28]. The pore size distribution of calcined cat- Ni crystals (9 nm) (Table S2).
alysts (Figure S3) further confirmed that the calcined catalysts had
mesopores in the range of 10–15 nm. In general, all HT-derived cat- 3.3. Metal surface area and basicity of the reduced catalysts
alysts had a relatively high surface area of 200–250 m2 g1 and a
large pore volume of 0.7–0.8 cm3 g1 (Table 1). Interestingly, the The maximum Ni surface area of 5.52 m2 g1 was obtained from
increase of Fe content did not significantly affect the mesoporous NiFe-0 catalyst based on H2 chemisorption analysis. With increas-
texture of the catalysts. ing Fe content, the Ni surface area dramatically dropped to 0.1 m2
g1 for NiFe-0.5 catalyst although the Ni loading was kept constant
3.2. Temperature programmed reduction and in situ XRD study at 20 wt% (Table 2). These results further confirmed the formation
of NiFe alloy which is inactive in H2 chemisorption [34].
The reduction behavior of calcined catalysts was investigated CO2-TPD analysis showed that the alloy catalysts exhibited
by H2-TPR analysis (Fig. 2). For the monometallic NiFe-0 catalyst, stronger basicity than monometallic catalyst, due to the larger
only a single reduction peak at 810 °C was observed, corresponding integrated area of the desorption profiles (Figure S5). It reveals
to the reduction of NiO to metallic Ni. In fact, the reduction tem- that Fe addition could enhance the total basicity of the catalysts.
perature of pure NiO is at 290–340 °C [29]. Other types of Ni2+ However, the impact of different basic types (i.e., weak, medium,
cations such as NiO aggregates or freely bounded NiO were not and strong) on the catalytic activity in CO2 methanation remains
depicted. It has been suggested that Ni was embedded in the disputable [37,38].
MgO-Al2O3 structure, thus it was harder to be reduced [29,30].
For bimetallic NiFe catalysts, the sequential reduction of Fe2O3 3.4. CO2 methanation activity tests
was not observed due to low Fe content [31,32], and only small
peaks at 350–400 °C were observed in Fe-rich catalysts. This could
be ascribed to the partial reduction of Fe2O3 to Fe3O4 [19,33], 3.4.1. Temperature-programmed reaction study
whereas the reduction of Fe3O4 to Fe and NiO to Ni was overlapped The catalytic behavior of different NiFe catalysts was firstly
at higher temperatures [31,32]. The main reduction peaks of Ni studied in temperature-programmed reaction at atmospheric pres-
species shifted to lower temperatures with increasing Fe content. sure. It shows that NiFe alloy catalysts were more active than
Therefore, it can be suggested that Fe enhanced the reducibility monometallic Ni catalysts in CO2 methanation at low tempera-
of the NiFe alloy catalysts. tures, particularly at 260–290 °C (Fig. 4.a). NiFe-0.25 achieved
The in situ XRD diffractograms of NiFe-0, NiFe-0.25, and NiFe- the highest CO2 conversion of 53% at 270 °C. As the temperature
0.5 catalysts during reduction are shown in Fig. 3. For the increased to 450 °C, a decline of activity for all catalysts was
monometallic catalyst, the diffraction line associated with metallic observed.
During CO2 methanation, the simultaneous RWGS reaction led
to a competition between CO and CH4 formation. At 250 °C, the
highest CH4 selectivity was obtained from the NiFe-0 catalyst
(Fig. 4.b). However, at 270–400 °C, NiFe alloy catalysts exhibited
better CH4 selectivity, particularly for NiFe-0.25 with SCH4 greater
than 97%. At a higher temperature of 400–450 °C, a decrease of
SCH4 was observed because the endothermic RWGS reaction was
favored. Moreover, the addition of too large amount of Fe facili-
tated the formation of CO for NiFe-0.33 and NiFe-0.5. It has been
reported that although Fe/(Mg,Al)Ox catalysts had very low activity
in CO2 methanation, the CO selectivity was very high (~100%) [17].
Fe-rich Ni/ZrO2 catalysts have also been found to significantly pro-
mote the RWGS reaction rather than CO2 methanation [16]. Hence,
it could be concluded that a high CH4 yield could only be achieved
over a suitable composition of Ni and Fe, particularly the NiFe-0.25
catalyst in the low-temperature region.

3.4.2. Long-term activity test

The best performing NiFe-0.25 catalyst was tested in CO2
methanation under high GHSV condition for more than 100 h of
TOS at 300 °C. The formation rate of CH4 was higher over NiFe-
Fig. 2. H2-TPR profiles of the calcined catalysts. 0.25 alloy catalyst compared to the monometallic NiFe-0 catalyst
Huong Lan Huynh, J. Zhu, G. Zhang et al. Journal of Catalysis 392 (2020) 266–277

Fig. 3. In situ XRD diffractograms of (a) NiFe-0, (b) NiFe-0.25, and (c) NiFe-0.5 catalysts during reduction in pure H2 at increasing temperatures and time.

Table 2 3.4.3. Catalyst deactivation study

H2 chemisorption uptake and Ni surface area of reduced catalysts. The TEM images of NiFe-0 and NiFe-0.25 reduced-passivated
Samples H2 chemisorption uptake Metal surface area [m2 g1] catalysts show that metallic particles (Ni and NiFe alloy) were well
[lmol gcat
] dispersed on the support (Fig. 6.a and Fig. 6.b). The average particle
NiFe-0 70.6 5.52 sizes were close at 6.7 ± 1.8 nm and 6.1 ± 1.5 nm. The TEM images
NiFe-0.1 50.1 3.91 of catalysts after long-term tests were also examined (Fig. 6.c and
NiFe-0.25 29.4 2.30 Fig. 6.d). The average particle sizes of the spent catalysts remained
NiFe-0.33 16.4 1.28
constant at 6.7 ± 1.4 nm and 6.1 ± 2.2 nm for NiFe-0 and NiFe-0.25,
NiFe-0.5 1.3 0.10
respectively. Since carbonaceous species were not observed, car-
bon formation, as well as metal sintering, are not the reason for
(Fig. 5). A slight decline in CO2 conversion with 0.18% h1 for NiFe- the degradation of methanation activity.
0 and 0.08% h1 for NiFe-0.25 was observed. Both catalysts exhib- In situ XRD analysis was further used to study the phase
ited high stability and the deactivation rate was low compared to changes during CO2 methanation at increasing temperatures. In
those reported in literature [19]. addition to previously identified mixed oxides and Ni or NiFe

Fig. 4. (a) CO2 conversion and (b) CH4 selectivity as a function of reaction temperature in CO2 methanation (H2/CO2/N2 vol.% = 64/16/20, WHSV = 43,200 mLCO2 g-1
cat h ).

Huong Lan Huynh, J. Zhu, G. Zhang et al. Journal of Catalysis 392 (2020) 266–277

at 2350 cm1, as well as the surface *OH species at 3600–

3700 cm1 (Fig. 7.a). It is worth noting that *OH– could be pro-
duced during the reduction of catalysts [40]. The IR bands at
1223, 1395–1405 and 1668 cm1 are characteristic of surface
*CO2 species, namely bicarbonate *HCO–3 (1220 and 1650 cm1)
and monodentate carbonate *CO3 (1360–1400 cm1). As the tem-
perature increases, the intensity of *HCO3 bands at 1223 and
1668 cm1 gradually decreased, while the band of *CO3 species
only slightly reduced. Monodentate *CO3 species were assumed
to adsorb on strong basic sites of the catalyst, more stable and
harder to remove at high temperatures. As for Ni-based on (Mg,
Al)Ox catalysts, it is anticipated that surface *OH species possibly
provided weak basic sites to produce *HCO3, whereas *O species
with strong basic site facilitated the formation of monodentate
*CO3 [41].
Fig. 5. Methane production rate over NiFe-0.25 and NiFe-0 catalysts during long-
term test at 300 °C (H2/CO2/N2 vol.% = 64/16/20, WHSV = 43,200 mLCO2 g-1
). In addition, similar surface species were detected over the NiFe-
0.25 catalyst (Fig. 7.b). Nevertheless, the most significant differ-
ence was the transition of *HCO3 vibration bands to formate-
related bands over NiFe alloy catalysts, but not on NiFe-0 catalyst.
The IR bands at 1605 cm1 were ascribed to *HCOO species [42–
44]. The formate species started to appear at 290 °C, while the band
intensity of HCO–3 was decreased. Likewise, the *HCOO species on
NiFe-0.5 was detected at an even lower temperature of 250 °C (Fig-
ure S8). It is suggested that NiFe alloy provided a synergistic effect
in the transformation of *HCO3 to formate species.
Moreover, linearly adsorbed *CO species on Ni surface (small IR
bands at 2035 cm1) were detected at 200 °C but disappeared at
higher temperatures of 250–350 °C. On the other hand, both linear
and gaseous *CO species were found on the alloy catalysts (IR
bands at 2210 cm1), especially on the Fe-rich NiFe-0.5 catalyst
(Figure S8). As the Fe content increased, a larger amount of gas-
eous *CO on the alloy surface was observed. This observation is
in good agreement with previous reports that the binding energy
of *CO was weaker on NiFe alloy compared to Ni surface, thus
*CO was desorbed easier [16,45]. It can be speculated that the acti-
vation of *CO2 via direct dissociation was promoted on NiFe alloy
surface compared to that on Ni surface. A DFT study has also
Fig. 6. TEM images of (a) reduced-passivated NiFe-0, (b) reduced-passivated NiFe-
reported that CO2 activation by decomposition to *CO and *O
0.25, (c) spent NiFe-0 and (d) spent NiFe-0.25 catalysts after the long-term stability was easier on Ni3Fe surface than monometallic Ni surface [34].
3.5.2. In situ DRIFTS of CO2 methanation
In situ DRIFTS spectra of NiFe-0 and NiFe-0.25 catalysts during
phases, no carbon formation was observed in the in situ XRD CO2 methanation (H2/CO2 = 4) are presented in Fig. 8. The C-H
diffractograms (Figure S6). The crystallite size of Ni and NiFe alloy stretching vibrations of *CH4 were observed at 3015 and
particles were almost unchanged during reaction at 200–350 °C. 1305 cm1. The *CH4 vibration on NiFe-0.25 appeared at low tem-
NiFe-0 catalyst maintained its metal crystallite size of approxi- perature of 200 °C, while the band intensity was always higher
mately 9 nm, whereas NiFe alloy crystallite size was stable in the than on NiFe-0 at the same temperature. This further proves that
range of 5–6 nm under reaction conditions at increasing tempera- the NiFe-0.25 catalyst performed higher activity in CO2 methana-
tures (Table S2). tion, in accordance with the temperature-dependent activity test
Furthermore, time-resolved in situ DRIFTS spectra during CO2 results. Similar to the in situ DRIFTS spectra during CO2 adsorption,
methanation were also recorded at 300 °C for 180 min over NiFe- *CO3, *HCO3, gaseous *CO2, and *OH species were all detected.
0 catalysts (Figure S7). While the intensity of vibration bands As the temperature increased, a transition from *HCO3
attributed to gaseous CH4 species gradually reduced, linearly (1665 cm1) to *HCOO (1605 cm1) was observed over both cata-
adsorbed *CO species on Ni was not detected during reaction. As lysts. Small bands at 2855 cm1 were attributed to the C-H stretch-
a result, the presence of nickel carbonyl could not be confirmed ing vibration from *HCOO species [46]. For NiFe-0, the peak of
[39]. Overall, metal sintering, carbon, and nickel carbonyl forma- *HCO3 (at 1665 and 1223 cm1) decreased and disappeared at
tion were likely not the reasons for catalyst deactivation on both 300 °C, accompanied by the increase in intensity of *HCOO (at
Ni and NiFe alloy catalysts. 1605 and 2855 cm1). For NiFe-0.25 catalyst, the disappearance
of *HCO3 readily occurred at 280 °C. Moreover, the IR bands at
3.5. In situ DRIFTS study 2735 cm1 could also be assigned to aldehyde hydrogen (formyl)
*HCO species [47,48].
3.5.1. In situ DRIFTS of CO2 adsorption Therefore, a formate pathway is highly plausible for CO2 metha-
To identify the surface species on catalysts during CO2 adsorp- nation of over Ni and NiFe alloy catalysts on (Mg,Al)Ox support. The
tion, the sample was in situ reduced before exposure to CO2 at addition of Fe to Ni-based catalysts would not interfere with this
increasing temperatures. The in situ DRIFTS spectra over NiFe-0 pathway since similar surface species were observed. The transi-
catalyst show intense IR bands of gaseous linearly adsorbed *CO2 tion of *HCO3 to *HCOO observed on both catalytic surfaces was
Huong Lan Huynh, J. Zhu, G. Zhang et al. Journal of Catalysis 392 (2020) 266–277

Fig. 7. In situ DRIFTS spectra of (a) NiFe-0 and (b) NiFe-0.25 catalysts under CO2 adsorption condition (CO2/N2 vol.% = 1/5) at increasing temperatures.

Fig. 8. In situ DRIFTS spectra of (a) NiFe-0 and (b) NiFe-0.25 catalysts under CO2 methanation condition (CO2/H2/N2 vol.% = 1/4/5) at increasing temperatures.

assumed to follow the decomposition *HCO3 M *HCOO+*O. It is could be the key to decipher the promoting effect of Fe in the NiFe
also possible that CO2 was directly hydrogenated *CO2+*H M alloy catalysts.
*HCOO at elevated temperature, thus *HCO3 formation was
bypassed. *HCOO and *HCO could be the key intermediates in 3.6. DFT simulations
the reaction pathway of CO2 methanation, while the RWGS could
occur via direct CO2 dissociation since gaseous CO species was To further unravel the reaction mechanisms and the higher
found on Fe-rich (NiFe-0.5) catalyst during CO2 adsorption and activity of NiFe alloy compared to monometallic Ni catalysts in
methanation (Figure S8 and S9). Based on the relative intensity CO2 methanation, DFT calculations were performed on the Ni
of in situ DRIFTS spectra, it further revealed that NiFe alloy could (1 1 1) and Ni4Fe(1 1 1) (representing NiFe-0 and NiFe-0.25 cata-
accelerate the formation of *HCOO and *HCO intermediates com- lysts, respectively, as shown in Figure S11). Energetics of elemen-
pared to the monometallic (NiFe-0) catalyst (Figure S10). *HCOO tary reactions and the desorption energy of adsorbed species are
formation rate would be promoted by increasing Fe content presented in Table S3 and Table S4, together with the stable
(NiFe-0.5 > NiFe-0.25 > NiFe-0). However, the production rate of geometries of reaction intermediates and its coordinates (Fig-
*HCO and CH4 did not follow this trend (NiFe-0.25 > NiFe-0.5 > Ni ure S12 and S13 and Table S5).
Fe-0). Moreover, because Fe-based catalysts are active for the
RWGS reaction [49,50], tuning Fe content is therefore of great 3.6.1. H2 dissociation and diffusion
importance to achieve the best performance of NiFe alloy catalysts The dissociation of H2 and diffusion of *H atom on the surface of
for CO2 methanation. The transformation of *HCOO?*HCO?*CH4 catalyst directly determine whether the catalyst can provide
Huong Lan Huynh, J. Zhu, G. Zhang et al. Journal of Catalysis 392 (2020) 266–277

enough *H atom for CO2 methanation. Our calculation shows that The energy diagram of *HCO formation via COOH route with a
the activation energy (Ea) for the dissociation of H2 on Ni(1 1 1) partial contribution from direct CO2 dissociation is presented in
and Ni4Fe(1 1 1) was estimated to be 1.6, 2.3 (H2 adsorbed on Fe), Fig. 11. On Ni surface, the energy barrier for *COOH formation from
and 4.7 (H2 adsorbed on Ni) kcal mol1, respectively (Fig. 9.a). This *CO2 was calculated to be 12.3 kcal mol1, while it required
implies that H2 dissociation was facile on these two catalysts. The 23.9 kcal mol1 for the splitting of *CO and *O. In contrast, *COOH
reaction energy (DE) for H2 dissociation was between 19.2 to formation had a higher energy barrier (Ea = 20 kcal mol1) than
30 kcal mol1, thus it can be speculated that the formed *H atoms that of *CO2 direct dissociation on Ni4Fe surface (Ea = 16.3 kcal mo
were relatively stable on both catalysts. The diffusion barriers for l1). Therefore, the NiFe alloy surface promoted the dissociation of
*H atom on Ni(1 1 1) and Ni4Fe(1 1 1) were estimated to be 12.0 *CO2, consistent with Kim et al. [34] and the in situ CO2 adsorption
and 16.0 kcal mol1, respectively (Fig. 9.b). This indicates that study.
the diffusion of *H atoms was relatively easy on both catalysts, sug- However, the subsequent hydrogenation of *O at (*CO+*O) state
gesting the sufficient availability of *H atoms for CO2 methanation. was difficult on both surfaces (Ea of 31.1 and 37.6 kcal mol1 for Ni
and Ni4Fe, respectively). Therefore, *CO2?*CO?*HCO transforma-
3.6.2. CO2 methanation on Ni and NiFe alloy surface tion can occur easier via the COOH pathway rather than via the
Based on the in situ DRIFTS observation and literature data [51], direct dissociation. *CO+*HM*HCO was the rate-determining step
possible pathways for CO2 hydrogenation to CH4 and CO are pro- (RDS) for the formation of *HCO via COOH route. The activation
posed in Fig. 10. The initial step of CO2 hydrogenation could occur energy of this reaction was 37.7 kcal mol1 on Ni and
on either O-terminal to produce *COOH (carboxyl pathway) or C- 39.5 kcal mol1 on Ni4Fe catalysts. Notably, the hydrogenation of
terminal to produce *HCOO (formate pathway). In the carboxyl *CO was much less favorable compared to the reverse reaction
pathway, *COOH was dissociated into *CO and *OH, which could on both surfaces. The *HCO intermediate was not stable and pre-
be further hydrogenated to produce water or to yield *HCO inter- ferred to decompose back to *CO since the energy barrier of
mediates. In the formate pathway, *HCOO could directly dissociate *HCO formation was much higher than its dissociation. It suggests
to *HCO and *O. The direct dissociation of CO2 to *CO and *O is also that the RWGS reaction has likely occurred following the COOH
possible. The C-O bond of *CO2 could split to form adsorbed *CO pathway. However, the desorption energy of *CO was calculated
and *O, which underwent hydrogenation to either *HCO+*O fol- to be 59.7 kcal mol1 on Ni and 58.1 kcal mol1 on Ni4Fe surface.
lowing the formate pathway or *CO+*OH following the carboxyl Hence, CO desorption was very difficult due to the strong binding
pathway. It is noteworthy that *COH can also be formed from of *CO to the metallic surfaces. While steadily adsorbed *CO would
*CO hydrogenation. However, it was not included in our study not contribute to the production of CH4 via *HCO, it would occupy
because *HCO (also written as *CHO) formation was more favor- the active sites, consequently, cause catalytic deactivation during
able [52]. It could be assumed that *HCO is the key intermediate reaction. In our study, *CO was formed and desorbed easier on NiFe
in the initial hydrogenation of CO2, in agreement with literature alloy compared to the Ni surface in both experimental and theoret-
and the in situ DRIFTS study [16,53]. ical studies. This could explain the more stable performance of
*HCO intermediate can transform to *CHOH, *H2CO, or *CH as NiFe-0.25 compared to NiFe-0 catalyst in the long-term test.
intermediates, which could be further hydrogenated to CH4. It Fig. 12 illustrates the energy diagram of *HCO formation via
was reported that *HCO dissociation (*HCOM*CH+*O) was the HCOO route and direct CO2 dissociation pathway. In the dissocia-
most favorable pathway amongst others [16,52]. As illustrated in tion pathway, the hydrogenation of *CO to *HCO had a very high
Fig. 10, *CH species underwent sequential hydrogenation reactions energy barrier for both Ni (Ea = 38.6 kcal mol1) and Ni4Fe cata-
to *CH2, *CH3 and eventually *CH4. Likewise, surface *O removal lysts (Ea = 39.3 kcal mol1). Indeed, *CO hydrogenation was rather
was carried out by two steps of hydrogenation to water. Finally, difficult via either COOH or direct dissociation pathway with Ea of
*H2O and *CH4 desorbed as gaseous products. Beside CO2 methana- roughly 38–40 kcal mol1. It is also noticeable that the reaction
tion, the RWGS reaction can occur simultaneously and its mecha- was not facilitated on Ni4Fe alloy surface. In contrast, *CO2 was
nism can also be understood by DFT calculations. The side more likely to be hydrogenated to *HCOO with a moderate Ea of
reaction could follow either carboxyl pathway or direct CO2 disso- 15.2–16.0 kcal mol1 on both surfaces. For the C-O bond cleavage
ciation pathway since the dissociated *CO species (cyan route in of *HCOO to *HCO, an energy barrier of 32.3 kcal mol1 was needed
Fig. 10) could desorb as a gaseous product while surface *O and to overcome for monometallic Ni, but it required only 8.5 kcal mol1
*OH were removed as water. for Ni4Fe alloy. Therefore, the transformation of *CO2?*HCOO?

Fig. 9. (a) H2 dissociation pathway and (b) *H diffusion pathway on Ni and Ni4Fe surface.

Huong Lan Huynh, J. Zhu, G. Zhang et al. Journal of Catalysis 392 (2020) 266–277

Fig. 10. Plausible reaction schemes of CO2 methanation.

Fig. 11. Energy diagram for the formation of *HCO via COOH pathway and CO2 direct dissociation pathway on Ni(1 1 1) and Ni4Fe(1 1 1).

*HCO was more facile than that of *CO2?*CO?*HCO regardless of Finally, *CH4 was desorbed to gaseous CH4 as product with a
the catalytic systems, and *HCO was formed much easier on Ni4Fe desorption energy of 8.27 and 19.14 kcal mol1 from Ni and Ni4Fe
alloy surface than on Ni surface. *HCOO appeared to be more stable surface, respectively. Indeed, *CH4 was more strongly bound on
on Ni surface and could be detected experimentally [6], while Ni4Fe alloy surface than on Ni surface. According to Young, reac-
Ni4Fe alloy was more active to produce *HCO. This could explain tions with a barrier of 21 kcal mol1 or less can readily occur at
the higher formation rate of *HCOO and *HCO observed in the room temperature [54]. Accordingly, CH4 could easily desorb from
in situ DRIFTS study. both catalytic surfaces. The energy diagram for water produced
Fig. 13 illustrates the energy diagram of *HCO?*CH4 transfor- from *O at (*CH4+*O) state is also presented in Figure S14 (orange
mation for both catalyst surfaces. It shows that the decomposi- pathway). The removal of *O by two steps hydrogenation is crucial
tion of *HCO occurred with a moderate Ea of 23.5 kcal mol1 because not only the active sites would be free from occupied *O,
on Ni surface and 22.6 kcal mol1 on Ni4Fe surface. Alloy surface but *H2O would also be produced as a product from both RWGS
promoted the formation of *CH and *O better than Ni surface. and CO2 methanation. The formation of *H2O via *OH+*H M *H2O
When (*CH+*O) reacted with *H, either *CH2 or *OH could be required significantly high activation energy compared to the for-
formed. While *CH further yielded *CH4 (Fig. 13), water could mation of *CH4, which agreed with Zhang et al. [55]. However,
also be produced (Figure S14, gray pathway). *CH and *CH3 were *H2O could also be formed via *OH+*OH M *H2O+*O at very low
other stable adsorbed species on the metal surfaces. *CH could activation energy of 3.4 kcal mol1 and 1.2 kcal mol1 on Ni and
easily overcome small barriers of approximately 15 kcal mol1 Ni4Fe surface, respectively.
to form *CH2 and *CH3, while the formation of *CH4 from *CH3 Microkinetic modeling on Ni(1 1 1) surface reported that
required very high activation energy of 26.2–26.9 kcal mol1 HCO*MCH*+O* was the main RDS for CO2 methanation [56]. As
on both surfaces, which could be assumed to be the RDS of mentioned above, the decomposition of *HCO was better facilitated
*HCO?*CH4 transformation. on Ni4Fe than on Ni surface due to a lower energy barrier. Accord-

Huong Lan Huynh, J. Zhu, G. Zhang et al. Journal of Catalysis 392 (2020) 266–277

Fig. 12. Energy diagram for the formation of *HCO via HCOO pathway and CO2 direct dissociation pathway on Ni(1 1 1) and Ni4Fe(1 1 1).

Extensive characterizations verified that small NiFe alloy particles

(6–7 nm) were formed upon reduction at 600 °C. The NiFe alloy
catalysts could enhance the activity, selectivity towards CH4, and
stability in CO2 methanation, particularly at low temperatures of
250–350 °C compared to monometallic Ni catalysts. However,
the amount of Fe addition significantly influenced the catalytic
behavior in which an optimal Fe/Ni molar ratio of 0.25 would
obtain the highest CH4 yield. Both in situ DRIFTS observation and
DFT calculations showed that CO2 activation via hydrogenation to
*HCOO was more preferred than its direct dissociation on both
Ni and NiFe alloy surfaces. *CO2?*HCOO?*HCO?*CH?*CH4
transformation was considered as the most energetically favorable
Fig. 13. Energy diagram for the formation of *CH4 from *HCO on Ni(1 1 1) and Ni4Fe pathway for CO2 methanation. The superior catalytic performance
(1 1 1). of NiFe-0.25 alloy catalysts could be explained by the lower energy
barrier for CH4 formation. At the same time, weak interaction with
adsorbed *CO species maintained the free active sites and pro-
ing to our DFT calculations, *HCO formation via *HCOO was the
longed the catalytic stability. Our study has provided additional
most energetically favorable pathway, especially on Ni4Fe alloy
insights into the formate pathway and the promoting effect of Fe
surface. Fe alloying with Ni at a certain molar ratio could result
for Ni-based catalysts in CO2 methanation. The NiFe alloy catalyst
in an effective catalytic system that reduced the energy barrier
is a plausible industrial catalyst because it improved the efficiency
for *CO2 hydrogenation. The alloy surface further facilitated the
and lowered the cost of traditional Ni-based catalysts, which are
dissociation of *HCO to *CH, thus accelerated the *CH4 formation.
important factors for the development of the PtG process.
On the other hand, the desorption of *CO was easier on Ni4Fe
than on Ni surface. While stably adsorbed *CO could block avail-
able sites on the surface, *O and *H2O were also possible to occupy
the Ni and NiFe active sites. The removal of *O via two-step hydro- Declaration of Competing Interest
genation to water is important. It was recently proposed that Fe
could hinder Ni hydroxylation thus catalyst deactivation since it The authors declared that there is no conflict of interest.
could be the preferential site for water production [57,58]. How-
ever, our DFT results showed similar energy is required forH2O
formation and desorption on both Ni and alloy surfaces. Further
studies on the deactivation mechanism of Ni and NiFe alloy are
highly recommended.
This research has received funding from the Norwegian Min-
istry of Education and Research and the Plogen program from
4. Conclusions Valide AS (Norway). JZ and GZ would like to acknowledge the
National Natural Science Foundation of China (21902019) and
Bimetallic NiFe on (Mg,Al)Ox support catalysts were derived the Fundamental Research Funds for Central Universities
from HT precursors prepared by rapid coprecipitation method. (DUT20RC(5)002).
Huong Lan Huynh, J. Zhu, G. Zhang et al. Journal of Catalysis 392 (2020) 266–277

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