The Utilization of Naive Bayes

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Scientific Journal of Informatics

Vol. 7, No. 1, May 2020

p-ISSN 2407-7658 e-ISSN 2460-0040

The Utilization of Naive Bayes and C.45 in Predicting the

Timeliness of Students' Graduation
Agung Wibowo1, Danny Manongga2, Hindriyanto Dwi Purnomo3
Magister Sistem Informasi, Fakultas Teknologi Informasi,
Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Indonesia
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


An assessment of the success of a college is if the student's graduation rate is on time and high
every year. The timeliness of students' graduation can be influenced by several factors. This study
aims to determine the profile of the students who graduated both on time and not on time given
a certain graduation predicate set by the institution and to know the factors influencing students'
graduation. The model used in this study using the NBC to determine the graduation pattern and
the Decision tree to determine the influencing factors. In calculating the NBC algorithm using
Rapidminer, it was found that the profiles of students who graduated on time and late with the
predicate of less satisfactory, satisfactory, very satisfactory and cum laude. In the Decision Tree
calculation, the highest gain values are obtained in the IPK3, IPS1, and IPK2 attributes. This
research needs to be developed further by increasing the number of attributes and data, and it is
necessary to make a system to determine the accuracy of students' graduation from the patterns
that have been produced so that it can help universities to increase the level of students'
graduation every year.
Keywords: Information Systems, Data Mining, UNW.

Students are the most important part of evaluating the success of the implementation of
study programs in tertiary institutions. Some efforts to improve the quality of a tertiary
institution can be made in various ways, including increasing the quota of new students,
increasing students' achievement both in academic and non-academic achievements,
and also increasing the graduation rate of students each year. Ngudi Waluyo University,
for example, has low graduation rates in Pharmacy study program. The comparison of
new students and graduate students is very high, this is because there are many students
who graduate not on time. The following Table 1 is a comparison between the level of
graduates and the acceptance of new students in the last four years in the Pharmacy
study program.

Table 1. Comparison of New and Graduated Students (Source: BAAK)

Enty Year New Students Graduating on time Graduating not on time
2012 88 38 50
2013 63 33 30
2014 73 47 26
2015 99 63 36

Students' graduation is a very influential part in evaluating academic activities in a

college. According to the research, an indicator of the success of a college is if the
students' graduation rate is high every year [1].

Some previous studies which examined the graduation rate of students are shown in
Table 2.

Table 2. List three of the previous studies

Title Journals Results Limitation Comment
Student Academic Journal of The attributes that  Uses NBC
Performance Digital Zone had the most method
Evaluation Using Information significant influence  The population
Naive Bayes & were school origin, uses 6th semester
Algorithm at Communica first to fifth students
Fasilkom Unilak tion semesters
Technology achievement index
and cumulative
achievement index
Prediction of Journal of Performance Index  Uses DT
Student Graduation Information Attributes of fourth method
on Time Based on Technology semester (IPS-4)  The population
Age,Gender, and Volume 13 gets the highest uses first to
Achievement Index Number 1, Gain value and is fourth semesters
Using the Decision January eligible to become students
Tree Algorithm 2017 root.
Prediction of Fountain of The highest  Uses Method
Timeliness of Informatics information gain C.45
Graduates with Data Journal value is found in the  The population
Mining Algorithm parents' used students in
C4.5 occupational 2012
attributes which are
used as the root in
the study and then
followed by the
attributes of the area
of origin and the
type of school

High and low students' graduation rates have many factors that become a problem in
college. In this research, data analysis will be conducted at Ngudi Waluyo University
on the Pharmacy study program for the year of 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015. The analysis
carried out is by measuring the graduation level of students through predictions of the
timeliness of on time and not on time graduation based on the cumulative students'
achievement index during second, third and fourth semesters which will be classified
according to the graduation predicate consisting of satisfactory, very satisfactory,
cumlaude and several other attributes such as NIM, Name, Gender, scores on
mathematics courses, PMB (school enrolllment) test scores, origin and place of birth of
students, origin of previous schools, and parents / guardians' occupations of students
using the C.45 and Naive Bayes algorithm methods that aim to not only compare the
higehst accuracy of the two algorithms but also to find out what kind of students' profile
who can graduate on time? and what are the factors that can influence the timeliness of
students' graduation? It aims to provide information for the institution so that it can

Scientific Journal of Informatics, Vol. 7, No. 1, May 2020 100

increase efforts in encouraging students to accelerate the students' graduation. In
addition it is beneficial for students themselves to be able to graduate on time.
2.1. Previous Research
Many previous studies have examined the graduation prediction analysis using their
own method, some of which are shown in Table 2, which are relevant to this study. The
research conducted by Nurliana [1] obtains the results that the use of the NBC method
has the best accuracy of up to 76.67%, with the most significant attributes being school
origin, achievement index in the first to third year and cumulative restoration index
(GPA). It is recommended to look for alternative algorithms other than NBC that have
good accuracy values and combine the most significant attributes in determining the
right class [1].

In a study conducted by Romadhona [2], the results obtained that the highest
Information gain value is in the 4th-semester achievement index (IPS-4) with a value
of 0.340 and this attribute is eligible as the root. It is recommended to increase the
number of training data records in subsequent studies in order to obtain better
performance in the results of accuracy [2]. Subsequent research by Indah Puji Astuti
[3] obtains the result that the highest information gain value is found in the parents'
occupational attribute which is used as root in the study and then continued with the
attributes of the region and type of school of origin. From the results of this study, the
C4.5 algorithm has an accuracy value of 82%. It is recommended to look for other
factors, in addition to student self-data, for example, academic factors, family economic
conditions and psychological factors in determining students' graduation [3].

The difference between the previous researches above and the research that will be
carried out is the attribute that is used which is the development of previous studies. It
was conducted in a different place of study in determining the graduation criteria where
in this study, the graduation attribute is added with the graduation predicates of less
satisfactory, quite satisfactory, satisfactory, very satisfactory, and cum laude. And data
processing methods used Naïve Bayes and decision tree C.45. Where these two
algorithms are combined based on their characteristics, Naïve Bayes can predict the
future by knowing the graduation pattern of students, decision tree C.45 can find out
the most significant attributes in determining graduation.

2.2. Prediction of Timeliness of Students' Graduation

This study has a framework that is based on academic phenomena that occur at Ngudi
Waluyo University, namely an imbalance between the number of students entering and
graduating in Pharmacy study programs in particular, so it is necessary to find an
appropriate solution so that there is an alignment in the academic process that is relevant
to evaluate PMB and mathematics exam scores in the first semester and lecture
activities in the first 4 semesters of the students supplementing with the attributes of
sex, year of birth, type of school of origin, place of origin of students and parents' work.
A description of the attributes used is as follows:

Scientific Journal of Informatics, Vol. 7, No. 1, May 2020 101

2.2.1. The Attribute of Gender
Gender Male (L) and Female (P) are used to determining the level of graduation.
According to [4] gender attribute is one of the variables that can be used to determine
the level of graduation in students. Learning achievement according to [4] is directly
influenced by gender, according to him women have more achievement compared to

2.2.2. The Attribute of Mathematics Value

Mathematical value in the Pharmacy study program is used to determine predictions of
students' graduation, graduating on time or not. Mathematics grades in first semester
are the basis of courses in the Pharmacy study program. The value scales used are A,
B, C, D, and E.

2.2.3. The Attribute of School Enrollment Test

The value of student entrance examination is also used to determine the prediction of
whether or not the students pass. This value is obtained when the prospective students
enroll in the college, the test material is the Academic Potential Test. The range of
values given is between 50-90. Based on research [5], the entrance exam results can
affect the success of students' studies at a college.

2.2.4. The Attributes Of Semester Achievement Index 1-4 And Gpa 2 - Gpa 4
Semester achievement index and GPA according to [1] is the highest value in
determining students' graduation. NBC Achievement Index Algorithm has the highest
value in data processing. The higher the semester achievement index value and students'
GPA, the higher the opportunities of the students to graduate.

2.2.5. The Attribute of the Place of Birth

The place of birth of students is used in determining students' graduation. Place of birth
of students is the origin of the area of students who come from: Java, Lombok, Sumatra,
Bali, Kalimantan, Maluku, Riau, East Timor. The attribute of origin of this area is also
used in research [6], which from the results of the study shows that regional origin is
also a determining variable in predicting graduation.

2.2.6. The Attribute of Students' Age

The age attribute is determined when the students are registered as a student.

2.2.7. The Attribute of Type of Origin School

The origin schools are grouped into three types namely high school, vocational high
school and MAN (Madrasah Aliyah Negeri). According to [1] the type of school has
the most significant influence in increasing the accuracy value of NBC.

2.2.8. The Attributes of Parent's Work

Parents' work attribute is used to describe the economic level of students, whose
families have a steady income or not. The attributes of this parent's work consist of:
teacher, private employee, civil employee, self-employed, Fisherman, Farmer.

Scientific Journal of Informatics, Vol. 7, No. 1, May 2020 102

2.2.9. The Attributes of Graduating on time or not
Graduation prediction can be divided into two, namely graduating on time where
undergraduate students can complete a maximum of study in seventh or eight semester,
and graduating not on time is for students who complete the study more than 8th
semester (Academic Guide).

Graduates' Attributes are categorized by the title of, among others, unsatisfactory, quite
satisfactory, satisfactory, very satisfactory and cum laude. Graduation predicate can be
categorized as in Table 3.

2.3. Naive Bayes Classifier (NBC)

NBC or also called as Bayesian Classification is an algorithm that classifies statistics
based on the Bayes theory which is used to predict the probability of a class
membership. The main feature of NBC is a very strong assumption of independence of
a condition or an event [8]. NBC has been shown to have high accuracy and speed
when applied in large databases [9].
Data mining is a form of process to find a relationship that means the pattern of a large
set of data stored in storage with statistical and mathematical techniques [7]. Data
mining has several models including NBC or classification models.
The formula of Bayes theory is as follows:
𝑃(𝑋|𝐻 )𝑃(𝐻)
𝑃(𝐻 |𝑋 ) = (1)
with the information:
X = data with an unknown class
H = data hypothesis X is a specific class
P (H | X) = H hypothesis probability based on condition X(posteriori probability)
P (H) = probability of hypotheses H (prior probability)
P (X | H) = probability of X based on the conditions in hypothesis H
P (X) = probability of X
2.4. Algorithm C.45
C4.5 algorithm is a classification algorithm that uses a decision tree model [3] to
determine the attributes that become the root of this decision tree model by looking at
the highest gain values of the existing attributes. Entropy and gain calculations are
obtained by the following equation:
Entropy(S)=∑𝑛𝑖=1 − 𝑝𝑖 𝑙𝑜𝑔2pi (2)
pi is the number of data classes divided by total data.

Table 3. Graduation Predicate (Academic Guide)

No. Graduated GPA Graduation predicate
1 2.00-2.50 Less satisfactory
2 2.51-2.99 Good enough
3 3.00-3.25 Satisfactory
4 3.26-3.50 Very satisfactory
5 3.51-4.00 Cumlaude

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3.1. Research Phase
This research has several stages of research that are illustrated as shown Figure 1.

Figure 1. Research Phase

3.1.1. Selection Phase

This study used students' data from 2012 to 2015 at Ngudi Waluyo University in the
Pharmacy Study Program, graduating from 2016 to 2019 with a total of 228 students'

3.1.2. Preprocessing Phase

Students' data obtained were categorized into two categories, namely personal data and
academic data. Personal data consisted of students' biodata and previous educational
background. While academic data consisted of data on grades and student achievement
indices during the learning process. The attributes of this student data included in Table

Table 4. Types of Attributes in Student Data

No Attribute Type Information
1 NIM Student Identification Number, which contains information on
student entry years
2 Name Student Name Identity
3 Gender Male or female
4 MK value Grades in Mathematics Courses in semester 1
5 PMB value Entrance Examination Selection Score
6 IPS1 1st semester achievement index
7 IPS2 2nd semester achievement index
8 IPK2 Second semester cumulative achievement index
9 IPS3 3rd semester achievement index
10 IPS4 4th semester achievement index
11 IPK3 3rd semester cumulative achievement index
12 IPK4 4th semester cumulative achievement index
13 Place Student Birthplace
14 Date of birth Birth Date of student's birth
15 Type of school before SMA/SMK/MAN/MA
16 Profession Job parents / guardians of students
17 Passing accuracy Pass on time or Not
18 Predicate Not Satisfactory, Quite Satisfactory, Satisfactory, Very Satisfactory
or Cumlaude.

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3.1.3. Transformation Phase
Some attributes of students' data had empty values, so they needed to be removed and
the value of the attributes was made simpler to facilitate calculations in data mining.
Table 5 and Table 6 are the attributes and their values after the transformation stage.

Table 5. Attribute type after going through the transformation stage

No Jenis Atribut Keterangan
1 Gender Male or female (M/F)
2 MK Grades in Mathematics Courses in semester 1
3 PMB Entrance Examination Selection Score
4 IPS1 1st-semester achievement index
5 IPS2 2nd-semester achievement index
6 IPK2 Second-semester cumulative achievement index
7 IPS3 3rd-semester achievement index
8 IPS4 4th-semester achievement index
9 IPK3 3rd-semester cumulative achievement index
10 IPK4 4th-semester cumulative achievement index
11 Place Student Birthplace (Province)
12 Age Age of entry when registering as a student
13 Type of school before (SMA(senior high scholl)/SMK(vocational
scholl/MAN/MA(islamic senior high scholl))
14 Profession Job parents/guardians of students (Self-employed, Private
employee, Farmer, Civil Servants, Fisherman)
15 Passing accuracy Pass on time or late
Graduated on time A (OA) = Graduated on time with a less
satisfactory predicate, Late A (LA) = Graduated Late with the Less
Satisfactory predicate, Graduated on time B (OB) = Graduated on
time with a Satisfactory predicate, Late B (LB) =
Graduated Late with a satisfactory predicate(LB), Graduated on
time C (OC) = Graduated on time with Very Satisfactory predicate,
Late C (LC) = Graduated Late with a very satisfactory predicate,
Graduated on time D (OD) = Graduated on time with cum laude
predicate (RD), Late D (LD) = Graduated Late with cum laude

Table 6. Data Training that had undergone a data transformation stage

No Gender MK PMB Ips1 Ips2 Ips3 Ips4 Ipk2
1 M B 80 2.89 2.21 2.50 2.25 2.55
2 M B 80 2.74 2.84 3.00 3.25 2.97
3 F A 90 3.42 3.05 2.70 2.80 3.29
4 F B 80 2.11 1.89 1.25 0.00 2.00
5 F A 90 3.63 3.74 3.40 2.90 3.68
6 F B 80 3.11 2.79 2.60 3.00 2.95
...... .. .. .... .... .... .... .... ....
...... .. .. .... .... .... .... .... ....
228 M A 90 3.11 2.68 2.65 2.75 2.89

... Ipk3 Ipk4 Place Age School Profession Accuracy

1 2.53 1.83 lombok 19 SMK Entrepreneur LB
2 2.86 2.40 Java 18 MAN Entrepreneur RC
3 3.05 2.26 Java 18 SMA private RC

Scientific Journal of Informatics, Vol. 7, No. 1, May 2020 105

4 1.74 0.86 lombok 18 SMA Entrepreneur LA
5 3.55 2.60 lombok 17 MAN farmer RD
6 2.83 2.22 Borneo 18 SMA private LC
...... .... .... .... .... .... ........... ....
...... .... .... .... .... .... ........... ....
228 2.81 2.12 bali 19 SMA Entrepreneur LC

3.1.4. Data Mining

This study used a data mining classification model, so the data used already had a class
target. The target class was to graduate on time or late with the predicates of less
satisfactory, satisfactory, very satisfactory, and cum laude contained in the attributes of
the graduated target. The algorithms used Naive Bayes and C.45, which will get the
most accurate results from the two algorithms. The tool used RapidMiner version 9.5.
The Design model using Rapid Miner shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Design Model Using Rapid Miner Naive Bayes Classifier (NBC)

Table 7. Data Testing

Gender MK PMB ips1 ips2 ips3 ips4 ipk2
F B 80 2,89 2,74 2,70 2,65 2,53

... ipk3 ipk4 place age school Profession accuracy

... 2,83 2,60 lombok 19 SMK Entrepreneur ???

There were X data that were not yet known its class as in Table 7.
How the Naive Bayes algorithm worked [10]:
1) First, read the training data in Table 6.
2) Second, calculate the mean and standard deviation of the predictor attributes in each
class. The result of this stage shown in Table 8.

Table 8. Calculation of Number of classes

Accuracy RC RD LA LB LC
Value 0,6 0,05 0,05 0,15 0,15

Scientific Journal of Informatics, Vol. 7, No. 1, May 2020 106

3) Third, counted the same number of cases in the same class. The result of this stage
shown in Table 9.

Table 9. Calculation of the number of cases in each class

Class Nilai RC LA LB LC RD
Gender F 0.83 1 0.67 0.67 1
MTK B 0.83 1 0.67 0.67 1
PMB 80 0.83 1 1 0.67 -
IPS1 2.89 0.17 - 0.33 - -
IPS2 2.74 0.17 - - - -
IPS3 2.70 0.08 - - - -
IPS4 2.65 0.08 - - - -
IPK2 2.53 0.08 - - - -
IPK3 2.83 0.33 - - - -
IPK4 2.60 - - - - 1
Place Lombok 0.16 - - - -
Age 19 0.16 - 0.50 0.33 -
School SMK 0.16 - 0.50 0.33 -
Profession Entrepreneur 0.42 1 1 0.33 -
4) Fourth, calculated the results of the multiplication of proper attributes A, B, C, and
D and late A, B, C, and D. The result of this stage shown in Table 10.

Table 10. Result of the Multiplication of Proper Attributes

Accuracy RC LA LB LC RD
Value 0,72 x 10-8 0 0 0 0
5) Fifth, compared the results of multiplication of the four on-time groups and four
late groups.
Because the result of P (On-time C) is greater, then the decision is Graduated on
time with the title of very satisfactory. Algorithm C.45

How the C.45 Decision tree algorithm worked [11]:
1) First, read the training data in Table 6.
2) Second, did the calculation of the total entropy value of the accuracy label
𝑛 12 12 1 1 1 1
∑𝑖=1 (− ∗ 𝑙𝑜𝑔2 (20))+ (- 20 ∗ 𝑙𝑜𝑔2 (20)) + (- 20 ∗ 𝑙𝑜𝑔2 (20)) + (-
3 3 3 3
∗ 𝑙𝑜𝑔2 (20)) + (- 20 ∗ 𝑙𝑜𝑔2 (20)) =1,695461844238

3) Third, we looked for information gain values for each attribute and chose the largest
value from the calculation results. Entropy and Gain calculation results are shown
in Table 11.

Table 11. Entropy and Gain Calculation Results

Ranking Attribute Entropy Value Gain
1 IPS2 IPS 0 1,70
IPK2 IPK 0 1,69
IPK3 IPK 0 1,69
3,40 1
1,83 1
3,00 1
2,95 1

Scientific Journal of Informatics, Vol. 7, No. 1, May 2020 107

Ranking Attribute Entropy Value Gain
2,89 0,92
3,11 0,92
Lombok 1,84
Jawa 0,47
Bali 0
Kalimantan 0
Entrepreneur 1,68
Private 0,97
Civil Servants 0
Farmer 0
17 0
18 1,42
19 1,5
SMA 1,48
SMK 1,5
A 1,5
B 1,5
80 1,5
90 1,5
Male 1,5
Female 1,67
4) Fourth, made the node / root node desicion from the highest gain value.
The calculation results obtained IPS2 attributes with a gain value of 1.70, GPA2
and GPA 3 with a gain value of 1.69 which had the largest gain value, then the
attribute would be the root node.
5) Fifth, created subdivisions below the root node from the order of high to low
gain values and trimmed / eliminated attributes with low values.

3.1.5. Evaluation
After the data mining process was completed, an accurate model/pattern would be
obtained in predicting the timeliness of students' graduation using two algorithms, NBC
and C.45. The results of calculations with Naive Bayes can produce graduation patterns
based on the attributes used, while C.45 decision trees can find out the most significant
attributes in determining students' graduation.
The data used in this study were the data of the students who graduated on time with a
total of 147 graduates and who graduated late who were 81 graduates. The number of
training data was 228 graduates, the testing data were used by five graduates to
determine the accuracy of the NBC and C.45 algorithms. The attributes used as
parameters were 15 attributes, of which 14 were predictors and 1 was the result.

Scientific Journal of Informatics, Vol. 7, No. 1, May 2020 108

4.1. Naive Bayes

Table 12. NBC calculation results

LB 29 13 4 0 12 0 2
OC 2 84 0 4 10 0 0
LA 3 0 2 0 0 0 0
OD 0 10 0 21 1 3 0
LC 6 10 1 0 8 0 0
LD 0 0 0 3 0 0 0
OB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

The results of experiments using NBC (in Table 12) could be known for its result on
the label of on-time C (graduated on time with a predicate of very satisfactory) higher
than other labels. Table 13, Shown students’ profiles based on NBC calculation.

Table 13. Students' profiles based on NBC calculations

No Pattern Gender MTK PMB Ips1 Ips2 Ips3 Ips4
1 OB F C 65 2.27 2.20 1.96 2.14
2 OC F B 75 2.80 2.98 2.98 3.02
3 OD F A 86 3.47 3.54 3.61 3.35
4 LA M D 65 0.70 0.78 0.50 0.83
5 LB F C 67.5 2.26 2.42 2.25 2.43
6 LC F B 75 2.65 2.64 2.64 2.55
7 LD F A 87 3.68 3.66 3.76 3.40

No Ipk2 Ipk3 Ipk4 Place Age Scholl Profession

1 2.16 2.08 2.10 Java 17 SMA Entrepreneur
2 2.98 2.90 2.78 Java 18 SMA Civil servants
3 3.54 3.53 3.28 Java 18 SMA Entrepreneur
4 0.45 0.62 0.43 Borneo 18 MAN Farmer
5 2.31 2.25 2.26 Jawa 18 SMA Entrepreneur
6 2.60 2.62 2.37 Jawa 18 SMA Entrepreneur
7 3.66 3.69 3.08 Lombok 19 SMA Civil servants

4.2. Desicion Tree C.45

Table 14. Decision Tree C.45 calculation results
LB 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
OC 37 114 6 8 30 0 2
LA 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
OD 0 3 0 17 1 3 0
LC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LD 0 0 0 3 0 0 0
OB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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The following resultants from Table 14 are produced in the form of trees as shown
Figure 3.

Figure 3. Result Decision Tree

In the decision tree in Figure 3, the selected attributes were IPK3, IPK2, and IPS1,
while the other attributes were directly trimmed from the decision tree. It could be seen
that with the amount of data and types of data that already existed, only a few attributes
were needed to get the output class from the dataset.
Calculation of decision tree algorithm as in Table 14, the root node (root) was selected
based on the highest gain value. In the calculation using Rapidminer the highest gain
value was obtained in the IPK3 attribute followed by the IPS1, and IPK2 attributes
followed by the status of the students graduating on time or late with the title of A, B,
C, or D. GPA was obtained from the cumulative study results of students in third
semester, IPS1 was obtained from the results of the students in first semester, and GPA
was the result of the cumulative study of students in second semester. Based on the
results of the desicion tree calculation in Figure 3, it could be seen that the attributes
that appear in the decision tree were IPK3, IPS1 and IPK2, other attributes (gender,
mathematical value, PMB value, origin, school, work) were not displayed or trimmed
because they were not selected as the attributes in the decision tree. The three attributes
that had the highest gain in calculations using the decision tree algorithm were the
factors that affected the student's graduation timeliness. While in the calculation with
Naïve Bayes algorithm in finding the status of students' graduation on time with the
testing data in Table 14, it could be seen that the students graduated on time with a very
satisfactory predicate.

Naïve Bayes algorithm calculation using Rapidminer got the students' profiles as shown
in Table 14 Students' profiles can be used as a pattern to find out whether students can
graduate on time or late with the title of A, B, C, or D. In this study, the use of two
Naïve Bayes and Decision tree algorithms have more complete results compared to
studies previous. Naïve Bayes is used for future predictions with patterns generated in
graduates and decision tree C.45 is used to determine the attributes that most play a role
in students' graduation.

Scientific Journal of Informatics, Vol. 7, No. 1, May 2020 110

Students' graduation can be predicted in an on-time or late manner and can identify the
factors influencing it. By using the Naive Bayes Algorithm and Decision Tree
Algorithm, this study finds the factors that most influential in the graduation which is
the cumulative achievement index in third and fourth semesters as well as the semester
performance index of students in the first semester. Graduation patterns can be known
from the beginning of the students entering the school until the second year. With this
pattern, the study program can try to prepare the students to graduate on time with the
specified graduation predicates. And with the attributes that play a role in graduation,
the study program can improve students' competence early so that graduation rates
become higher each year. The results of this study need to be further developed by
increasing the number of attributes and data, and it is necessary to make a system to
determine the accuracy of students' graduation from the patterns that have been
produced in order to help the university to increase the level of students' graduation
each year.

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