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Ombitasvir plus paritaprevir plus ritonavir with or without

ribavirin in treatment-naive and treatment-experienced
patients with genotype 4 chronic hepatitis C virus infection
(PEARL-I): a randomised, open-label trial
Christophe Hézode, Tarik Asselah, K Rajender Reddy, Tarek Hassanein, Marina Berenguer, Katarzyna Fleischer-Stepniewska, Patrick Marcellin,
Coleen Hall, Gretja Schnell, Tami Pilot-Matias, Niloufar Mobashery, Rebecca Redman, Regis A Vilchez, Stanislas Pol

Lancet 2015; 385: 2502–09 Background Hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotype 4 accounts for about 13% of global HCV infections. Because interferon-
Published Online containing treatments for genotype 4 infection have low efficacy and poor tolerability, an unmet need exists for
March 31, 2015 effective all-oral regimens. We examined the efficacy and safety of an all-oral interferon-free regimen of ombitasvir, an
NS5A inhibitor, and paritaprevir (ABT-450), an NS3/4A protease inhibitor dosed with ritonavir (ombitasvir plus
paritaprevir plus ritonavir), given with or without ribavirin.
See Comment page 2443
Department of Hepatology and
Gastroenterology, Hôpital Henri
Methods In this multicentre ongoing phase 2b, randomised, open-label combination trial (PEARL-I), patients were
Mondor, AP-HP, Université Paris- recruited from academic, public, and private hospitals and clinics in France, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania, Spain,
Est, Inserm, Créteil, France Turkey, and the USA. Eligible participants were aged 18–70 years with non-cirrhotic, chronic HCV genotype 4
(Prof C Hézode MD); Centre de
infection (documented ≥6 months before screening) and plasma HCV RNA levels higher than 10 000 IU/mL.
Recherche sur l’Inflammation
(CRI), Inserm UMR, Université Previously untreated (treatment-naive) patients were randomly assigned (1:1) by computer-generated randomisation
Paris Diderot, Service lists to receive once-daily ombitasvir (25 mg) plus paritaprevir (150 mg) plus ritonavir (100 mg) with or without
d’Hépatologie, AP-HP Hôpital weight-based ribavirin for 12 weeks. Previously treated (treatment-experienced) patients who had received pegylated
Beaujon, Clichy, France
interferon plus ribavirin all received the ribavirin-containing regimen. The primary endpoint was a sustained
(Prof T Asselah MD); Division of
Gastroenterology and virological response (HCV RNA <25 IU/mL) 12 weeks after the end of treatment (SVR12). Analysis was by intention
Hepatology, University of to treat. This study is registered with, number NCT01685203.
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA,
USA (Prof K R Reddy MD);
Findings Between Aug 14, 2012, and Nov 19, 2013, 467 patients with HCV infection were screened, of whom 174 were
Southern California Liver Centers
and Southern California Research infected with genotype 4. 135 patients were randomly assigned to treatment and received at least one dose of study
Center, Coronado, CA, USA medication; 86 patients were treatment-naive, of whom 44 received ombitasvir plus paritaprevir plus ritonavir and
(Prof T Hassanein MD); 42 received ombitasvir plus paritaprevir plus ritonavir with ribavirin, and 49 treatment-experienced patients received
Hepatology Unit, Hospital
the ribavirin-containing regimen. In previously untreated patients, SVR12 rates were 100% (42/42 [95% CI 91·6–100])
Universitario La Fe, Universidad
de Valencia and Ciberehd, in the ribavirin-containing regimen and 90·9% (40/44 [95% CI 78·3–97·5]) in the ribavirin-free regimen. No
Valencia, Spain statistically significant differences in SVR12 rates were noted between the treatment-naive groups (mean difference
(M Berenguer MD); Department −9·16% [95% CI −19·61 to 1·29]; p=0·086). All treatment-experienced patients achieved SVR12 (49/49; 100% [95% CI
of Infectious Disease, Liver
Diseases and Acquired Immune
92·7–100]). In the ribavirin-free group, two (5%) of 42 treatment-naive patients had virological relapse, and one (2%)
Deficiencies, Wroclaw Medical of 44 had virological breakthrough; no virological failures were recorded in the ribavirin-containing regimen. The
University, Wroclaw, Poland most common adverse event was headache (14 [29%] of 49 treatment-experienced patients and 14 [33%] of
(K Fleischer-Stepniewska MD); 42 treatment-naive patients). No adverse event-related discontinuations or dose interruptions of study medications,
Service d’Hépatologie, AP-HP
Hôpital Beaujon, Clichy, France
including ribavirin, were noted, and only four patients (4%) of 91 receiving ribavirin required dose modification for
(Prof P Marcellin MD); AbbVie Inc, haemoglobin less than 100 g/L or anaemia.
North Chicago, IL, USA
(C Hall MS, G Schnell PhD, Interpretation An interferon-free regimen of ombitasvir plus paritaprevir plus ritonavir with or without ribavirin
T Pilot-Matias PhD,
N Mobashery MD, R Redman MD,
achieved high sustained virological response rates at 12 weeks after the end of treatment and was generally well
R A Vilchez MD); and Groupe tolerated, with low rates of anaemia and treatment discontinuation in non-cirrhotic previously untreated and
Hospitalier Cochin-Saint Vincent previously treated patients with HCV genotype 4 infection.
De Paul, Université Paris
Descartes, Inserm, Institut
Pasteur, Paris, France
Funding AbbVie.
(Prof S Pol MD)
Correspondence to: Introduction (genotypes 1–7) and 67 subtypes have been identified;4
Dr Christophe Hézode, Service Chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a global their prevalence rates differ by geographical region.
d’Hépatologie et de health problem, with 130–150 million people infected Globally, HCV genotype 4 accounts for roughly 13% of
Gastroentérologie, Hôpital
Henri Mondor, 94010 Créteil Cedex,
worldwide.1 The infection is a common cause of all HCV infections.5 HCV genotype 4 is common in the
France chronic progressive liver disease (eg, cirrhosis)2 and Middle East, north Africa, and sub-Saharan Africa and is
[email protected] hepatocellular carcinoma.3 At least seven HCV genotypes responsible for more than 90% of HCV infections in

2502 Vol 385 June 20, 2015


Egypt.5 In Europe, prevalence of HCV genotype 4 Methods

accounts for 14–20% of HCV infections in some Study design and participants
countries.5 However, the worldwide prevalence of geno- In this multicentre ongoing phase 2b, randomised,
type 4 is based on serological data and might not reflect open-label combination study (PEARL-I), patients were
the actual number of patients infected with the virus. recruited from academic, public, and private hospitals
New direct-acting antiviral drugs, such as the protease and clinics in France, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania,
inhibitor simeprevir and the nucleotide polymerase Spain, Turkey, and the USA. The study was designed as
inhibitor sofosbuvir, have been suggested for use in an open-label study to maximise the probability of all
genotype 4-infected patients.6 However, guidelines advise genotype 4-infected patients in the study achieving
the use of these new therapies in combination with sustained virological response. Additionally, an active
pegylated interferon, ribavirin, or both. Such regimens comparator group that contained pegylated interferon
might be poorly tolerated because of symptoms associated was not included because it could not be effectively
with pegylated interferon (flu-like symptoms, psychiatric blinded. All genotype 1b-infected patients without
symptoms, and fatigue) and ribavirin (haematological cirrhosis were enrolled and completed treatment before
side-effects, such as anaemia).7,8 Consequently, a clear enrolment of the genotype 4-infected treatment-naive
unmet need exists for potent, all-oral direct-acting antiviral patients to allow for a sequential evaluation of the
regimens that can increase the likelihood of treatment two-direct-acting antiviral drug regimen in these
success with a more favourable tolerability profile. two patient populations. The first participant was
The introduction of all-oral, interferon-free regimens screened in August, 2012, and the last participant
that combine direct-acting antiviral drugs has signifi- completed treatment in March, 2014. All ongoing
cantly advanced the treatment of HCV, especially for patients are in post treatment follow-up. The results
patients with HCV genotype 1 infection.9 High efficacy reported here are from the primary database lock, which
rates (greater than 95%), low rates of treatment was completed when all patients had reached post
discontinuation, and favourable adverse event profiles treatment week 12.
have been shown with multiple regimens, both with and Patients enrolled were aged 18–70 years with chronic
without ribavirin.10–14 However, efficacy and safety data of HCV genotype 4 infection (documented ≥6 months
direct-acting antiviral drugs in patients with HCV before screening) and plasma HCV RNA levels greater
genotype 4 infection are scarce.15 than 10 000 IU/mL. Enrolled patients were non-
Ombitasvir (formerly ABT-267), a potent NS5A cirrhotic, as shown by a liver biopsy within 24 months
inhibitor, and paritaprevir (formerly ABT-450), a potent before or during screening, a FibroTest score 0·72 or
NS3/4A protease inhibitor identified for clinical less and aspartate aminotransferase (AST):platelet
development by AbbVie and Enanta, both show in-vitro index 2 or less, or a screening FibroScan result less
antiviral activity against HCV genotypes 1a, 1b, 2a, 3a, 4a, than 9·6 kPa. Patients were treatment-naive or had
and 6a.16–18 Paritaprevir is given with low-dose ritonavir to previously received pegylated interferon plus ribavirin
increase paritaprevir peak and trough concentrations and therapy and met criteria for a null responder, partial
overall drug exposure.19 In phase 3 trials, combination responder, or relapser (appendix). Exclusion criteria See Online for appendix
therapy with ombitasvir plus paritaprevir plus ritonavir, included positive results at screening for hepatitis B
and dasabuvir (a non-nucleoside NS5B polymerase surface antigen or anti-HIV antibodies, other causes of
inhibitor), with and without ribavirin, showed efficacy liver disease, or current or past clinical evidence of
and safety in treatment-naive and treatment-experienced cirrhosis.
HCV genotype 1-infected patients with or without The study was approved by all institutional review
compensated cirrhosis.14,20,21 boards and conducted in accordance with the Inter-
We aimed to assess the safety and efficacy of an all-oral, national Conference on Harmonisation guidelines and
interferon-free regimen of ombitasvir plus paritaprevir the Declaration of Helsinki. Written informed consent
plus ritonavir with and without ribavirin in HCV genotype was obtained from each patient before enrolment.
1b-infected treatment-naive and pegylated interferon plus
ribavirin treatment-experienced patients with and without Randomisation and masking
cirrhosis and genotype 4-infected treatment-naive and Genotype 4-infected treatment-naive patients were
pegylated interferon plus ribavirin treatment-experienced stratified by host genetic background and interleukin
patients without cirrhosis. The rationale for examining 28B genotype (favourable, CC genotype vs unfavourable,
this combination regimen in HCV genotype 4-infected non-CC genotype) and were randomly assigned (1:1) to
patients was based on the comparable in-vitro potency of receive once-daily ombitasvir plus paritaprevir plus
these two direct-acting antiviral drugs for HCV genotypes ritonavir with or without twice-daily, weight-based
1b and 4a.16–18 Although dasabuvir was administered as ribavirin. Randomised treatments were assigned by the
part of the regimen studied in phase 3 clinical trials in interactive response technology vendor with computer-
genotype 1-infected patients, it was not included in this generated randomisation lists prepared by the funder’s
study because this drug has no activity against genotype 4. randomisation personnel. Vol 385 June 20, 2015 2503


Procedures NS5B (a 329 nucleotide region)23 and full-length NS3/4A

Based on a protocol-specified interim review of the results and NS5A nucleotide sequences. For patients who did
from the first ten genotype 4-infected treatment-naive not achieve sustained virological response (HCV RNA
patients who received ombitasvir (25 mg) plus paritaprevir <25 IU/mL 12 weeks after the last dose of study drug
(150 mg) plus ritonavir (100 mg) with or without twice-daily, [SVR12]), sequences of HCV NS3/4A and NS5A at
weight-based ribavirin, which indicated higher efficacy baseline and at the time of failure were determined by
rates for patients who received the ribavirin-containing population nucleotide sequencing, and translated NS3/4
regimen, genotype 4-infected treatment-experienced and NS5A aminoacid sequences were used to identify
patients were enrolled and received once-daily ombitasvir treatment-emergent variants.
(25 mg) plus paritaprevir (150 mg) plus ritonavir (100 mg) Adverse events were assessed at every study visit from
with twice-daily weight-based ribavirin. All patients who the time of first study drug administration until 30 days
received at least one dose of study drug participated in the post treatment. Serious adverse events were monitored
post treatment phase, during which sustained virological throughout the study period. All adverse events were
response and the emergence and persistence of resistant coded according to the Medical Dictionary for Regulatory
viral variants in those who failed therapy were monitored. Activities version 12.1. The severity and relation of
For assessments of sustained virological response, patients adverse events to study drug in the opinion of the
with no HCV RNA values (eg, patients who were lost to investigator were reported. Clinical and laboratory
follow-up) were counted as failures. parameters were assessed throughout the study.
Extraction of HCV RNA from plasma samples and
quantification of HCV RNA levels were done by a central Outcomes
laboratory. Extraction was done with the Roche High Pure The primary protocol-specified efficacy endpoint was
System Viral Nucleic Acid Kit (Roche, Nutley, NJ, USA); SVR12. Secondary protocol-specified efficacy endpoints
HCV RNA levels were determined with the COBAS included post treatment relapse, on-treatment virological
TaqMan real-time reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain failure, rate of sustained virological response 4 weeks
reaction assay 2·0 (Roche), which has a lower limit of after the last dose of study drug (SVR4), and rapid
quantitation of 25 IU/mL. virological response (appendix).
The Versant HCV Genotype Inno-LiPA assay (LiPA)
was used to determine HCV genotype for patients in this Statistical analysis
study; however, the LiPA assay was unable to accurately Based on in-vitro data, which indicated similar antiviral
identify the subtype for HCV genotype 4,22 because it is activity for ombitasvir and paritaprevir for genotype 1b
a heterogeneous genotype with roughly 17 subtypes.4 and 4a,16–18 it was expected that in this study, sustained
Therefore, the viral subtype for HCV genotype 4-infected virological response rates in patients with genotype 4
patients was determined by phylogenetic analyses of infection would be similar to those of genotype 1b-infected
patients; thus, the sample size calculations for the
467 patients with HCV screened
genotype 1b-infected and genotype 4-infected patients
without cirrhosis assumed that 70% of treatment-
293 had HCV genotype
1b infection experienced and 95% of treatment-naive patients without
cirrhosis would achieve SVR12. This assumption indicated
174 had HCV genotype 4 infection
that 40 patients per group would provide roughly 80%
39 excluded because of power with Fisher’s exact test with a two-sided significance
screening failures
level of 0·05 to detect a 25% difference between treatment-
naive and treatment-experienced patients.
86 treatment-naive patients 49 treatment-experienced All randomised patients received at least one dose of
enrolled and randomly patients enrolled and
assigned assigned to treatment study medication and were included in all efficacy and
safety analyses (modified intent-to-treat population). The
number and percentage of patients achieving each efficacy
endpoint were summarised, along with 95% CIs. In the
44 received OBV/PTV/r 42 received OBV/PTV/r + RBV 49 received OBV/PTV/r + RBV case of a missing HCV RNA value in a defined visit
window, the closest values before and after the window
2 discontinued treatment
were used for flanking imputation. The difference (and
1 lost to follow-up corresponding 95% CIs) in SVR12 response between
1 virological failure treatment-naive patients receiving the two-direct-acting
antiviral drug regimen and those receiving the two-direct-
42 completed treatment 42 completed treatment 49 completed treatment acting antiviral regimen plus ribavirin was estimated
with stratum-adjusted Mantel-Haenszel proportions and
Figure 1: Trial profile continuity-corrected variances adjusting for interleukin
HCV=hepatitis C virus. OBV=ombitasvir. PTV=paritaprevir. r=ritonavir. RBV=ribavirin. 28B genotype (CC or non-CC). The number and percentage

2504 Vol 385 June 20, 2015


Treatment-naive patients Treatment-experienced patients

(OBV plus PTV plus ritonavir
with RBV [n=49])
OBV plus PTV plus ritonavir OBV plus PTV plus ritonavir with
(n=44) RBV (n=42)
Men 24 (55%) 28 (67%) 36 (74%)
Geographical region
Europe 38 (86%) 36 (86%) 42 (86%)
North America 6 (14%) 6 (14%) 7 (14%)
France 21 (48%) 17 (41%) 16 (33%)
Spain 8 (18%) 8 (19%) 14 (29%)
USA 6 (14%) 6 (14%) 7 (14%)
Italy 5 (11%) 4 (10%) 7 (14%)
Poland 4 (9%) 7 (17%) 5 (10%)
Hungary 0 0 0
Romania 0 0 0
Turkey 0 0 0
Age, years 49 (10) 44 (13) 51 (10)
BMI, kg/m2 25 (4) 25 (4) 27 (4)
HCV RNA level, log10 IU/mL 6·1 (0·6) 6·1 (0·6) 6·3 (0·5)
HCV RNA level ≥800 000 IU/mL 27 (61%) 30 (71%) 37 (76%)
Interleukin 28B genotype
CC 12 (27%) 11 (26%) 6 (12%)
CT 24 (55%) 26 (62%) 32 (65%)
TT 8 (18%) 5 (12%) 11 (22%)
HCV genotype 4 subtype (LiPA assay)*
4 19 (43%) 13 (31%) 15 (31%)
4a, 4c, or 4d 21 (48%) 26 (62%) 32 (65%)
4e 0 0 1 (2%)
4f 3 (7%) 3 (7%) 0
4h 1 (2%) 0 1 (2%)
HCV genotype 4 subtype (phylogenetic analysis)†
4a 21 (48%) 13 (31%) 16 (33%)
4b 1 (2%) 1 (2%) 1 (2%)
4c 0 1 (2%) 0
4d 16 (36%) 22 (52%) 30 (61%)
4f 4 (9%) 3 (7%) 0
4g or 4k 0 0 1 (2%)
4o 0 0 1 (2%)
4 1 (2%) 0 0
Fibrosis stage
F0–F1‡ 38 (86%) 33 (79%) 33 (67%)
F2§ 4 (9%) 6 (14%) 11 (22%)
F3¶ 2 (5%) 3 (7%) 5 (10%)
Previous pegIFN plus RBV response
Relapse NA NA 17 (35%)
Partial response NA NA 9 (18%)
Null response NA NA 23 (47%)

Data are n (%), n, or mean (SD). BMI=body-mass index. HCV=hepatitis C virus. NA=not applicable. OBV=ombitasvir. pegIFN plus RBV=pegylated interferon plus ribavirin.
PTV=paritaprevir. RBV=ribavirin. *The Versant HCV Genotype Inno-LiPA assay (version 2.0) was used at baseline to determine HCV genotype; however, the LiPA assay was
unable to accurately identify subtypes.22 †Viral subtypes were determined by phylogenetic analyses of NS5B (a 329 nucleotide region)23 and full-length NS3/4A and NS5A
nucleotide sequences. Baseline samples from three patients were not available for analysis. ‡No cirrhosis or little fibrous expansion into portal areas. §Fibrous expansion in
most portal areas with some portal-to-portal bridging. ¶Marked fibrous expansion, including portal-to-portal and portal-to-central bridging.

Table 1: Baseline demographics and disease characteristics Vol 385 June 20, 2015 2505



In treatment-naive patients, SVR12 rates were 100%
98% 100% 100% 100% 100% (42/42 [95% CI 91·6–100]) in the ribavirin-containing
93% 91% 98% 100%
100 regimen and 90·9% (40/44 [95% CI 78·3–97·5]) in the
ribavirin-free regimen (figure 2); there was no statistical
80 difference in SVR12 rates between these two treatment
groups after adjusting for interleukin 28B genotype
Patients (%)

60 (mean difference −9·16% [95% CI −19·61 to 1·29];

p=0·086). All treatment-experienced patients (49/49;
40 100% [95% CI 92·7–100]) in the ribavirin-containing
group achieved SVR12. Rates of rapid virological response
and SVR4 were similar or numerically higher in treatment-
naive patients who received the ribavirin-containing
43 41 40 41 42 42 49 49 49 regimen compared with those who did not receive
OBV/PTV/r (n=44) OBV/PTV/r + RBV (n=42) OBV/PTV/r + RBV (n=49) ribavirin (figure 2). No relapses between post treatment
week 12 and post treatment week 24 have been recorded
Treatment-naive patients Treatment-experienced patients in treatment-naive patients in either treatment group; the
Figure 2: Efficacy of ombitasvir plus paritaprevir plus ritonavir with and without ribavirin in previously treatment-experienced patients have not yet reached post
treated and previously untreated patients with HCV genotype 4 infection treatment week 24, but no relapses have been observed
Error bars represent 95% CIs. HCV=hepatitis C virus. OBV=ombitasvir. PTV=paritaprevir. r=ritonavir. RBV=ribavirin. after post treatment week 12 in this group of patients.
RVR=rapid virological response (HCV RNA <25 IU/mL at treatment week 4). SVR4=sustained virological response
(HCV RNA <25 IU/mL) 4 weeks after the last dose of study medication. SVR12=sustained virological response
Three treatment-naive patients who received ombitasvir
12 weeks after the last dose of study drug (primary endpoint). plus paritaprevir plus ritonavir without ribavirin had
virological failure: one patient (2%) of 44 had virological
of patients with treatment-emergent adverse events or breakthrough at treatment week 8, and two (5%) of
potentially clinically significant laboratory or vital sign 42 relapsed before post treatment week 12. Adherence
values were compared between treatment-naive patients data were not available for the patient who had virological
who did or did not receive ribavirin with Fisher’s exact test. breakthrough at treatment week 8; adherence was high
This study is registered with, number (>90%) for the two patients who had post treatment
NCT01685203. relapse (assessed via medication event monitoring
systems). All three patients were infected with subtype 4d,
Role of the funding source and all had resistance-associated variants present at the
AbbVie funded the study and contributed to study design time of failure that were not present at baseline. The
and conduct; data management, analysis, and predominant variants in NS3 and NS5A were D168V and
interpretation; and the preparation and approval of this L28S or L28V, respectively. Two of the three patients who
report. All authors had access to the study data, reviewed had virological failure had CT interleukin 28B, which
and approved the final report, and take full responsibility was the most common genotype observed in the study
for the veracity of the data and statistical analysis. The population; one patient had TT interleukin 28B genotype.
corresponding author had full access to all study data The most common treatment-emergent adverse events
and had final responsibility for the decision to submit were headache (14 [29%] of 49 treatment-experienced
for publication. patients vs 14 [33%] of 42 treatment-naive patients given
combination plus ritonavir), asthenia (10 [24%] vs 16 [33%]),
Results fatigue (3 [7%] vs 9 [18%]), insomnia (2 [5%] vs 8 [16%]), and
Between Aug 14, 2012, and Nov 19, 2013, 467 patients with nausea (4 [9%] vs 7 [17%]; table 2). Of the 114 patients that
HCV infection were screened, of whom 174 were infected experienced treatment-emergent adverse events, 111 (97%)
with genotype 4. 135 patients were enrolled and received at experienced treatment-emergent adverse events that were
least one dose of study medication; 86 patients were mild in severity. One treatment-naive patient (2%) of 44
treatment-naive, of whom 44 received ombitasvir plus who received the ribavirin-free regimen had a serious
paritaprevir plus ritonavir and 42 received ombitasvir plus treatment-emergent adverse event (contusion due to traffic
paritaprevir plus ritonavir with ribavirin, and 49 treatment- accident) that was considered unrelated to study
experienced patients received the ribavirin-containing medication. No patients had treatment-emergent adverse
regimen (figure 1). 68 (50%) of 135 patients were infected event-related discontinuations or dose interruptions. No
with viral subtype 4d and 50 (37%) with subtype 4a based laboratory abnormalities above grade 3 were reported.
on phylogenetic analysis. Demographic characteristics Overall, three (2%) of 135 patients (one in each
were similar across treatment groups (table 1). 23 (47%) of treatment group) had haemoglobin concentrations of
49 treatment-experienced patients were null responders. 80 to less than 100 g/L. One treatment-naive patient
Two premature discontinuations occurred in treatment- assigned to the ribavirin-containing treatment group had
naive patients who received the ribavirin-free regimen; a grade 3 haemoglobin value of 65 g/L on day 24 of the
these patients were counted as treatment failures (figure 1). study. This patient’s haemoglobin value was normal at

2506 Vol 385 June 20, 2015


the next study visit (day 29); no associated adverse events

Treatment-naive patients Treatment-experienced
were noted and ribavirin dose was not adjusted. Six (7%) patients (OBV plus PTV
of 91 patients had adverse events leading to ribavirin dose plus ritonavir with RBV
modification. One (2%) of 42 treatment-naive patients [n=49])
and three (6%) of 49 treatment-experienced patients had OBV plus PTV plus OBV plus PTV plus
ribavirin dose reduction for haemoglobin level less than ritonavir (n=44) ritonavir with RBV
100 g/dL (anaemia), but none required blood transfusion
or erythropoietin. Two treatment-naive patients required Any adverse event 34 (77%) 37 (88%) 43 (88%)

ribavirin dose modification for adverse events unrelated Any serious adverse event 1 (2%) 0 0
to anaemia (one [2%] of 42 for anxiety, palpitations, and Any adverse event leading to study 0 0 0
drug discontinuation
insomnia and one [2%] for erythema).
Adverse events (>10% of patients
In all treatment groups, alanine aminotransferase in any group)
(ALT) and AST concentrations improved from baseline Asthenia 11 (25%) 10 (24%) 16 (33%)
beginning at week 1 and continued through the last Diarrhoea 2 (5%) 6 (14%) 3 (6%)
protocol-specified laboratory assessment at post Fatigue 3 (7%) 5 (12%) 9 (18%)
treatment week 4 (appendix). One patient had an
Headache 13 (30%) 14 (33%) 14 (29%)
asymptomatic AST elevation at one visit (table 3), which
Insomnia 2 (5%) 4 (10%) 8 (16%)
resolved spontaneously with continued dosing. No
Irritability 3 (7%) 6 (14%) 2 (4%)
concomitant elevations greater than grade 2 were noted
Myalgia 0 0 5 (10%)
for ALT levels or bilirubin concentrations. Three
Nasopharyngitis 2 (5%) 2 (5%) 6 (12%)
treatment-experienced patients had grade 3 bilirubin
Nausea 4 (9%) 7 (17%) 6 (12%)
concentrations; ALT and international normalised ratio
Pruritus 2 (5%) 1 (2%) 5 (10%)
of these patients were normal. Three patients with
hyperbilirubinaemia had a bilirubin elevation at a single OBV=ombitasvir. PTV=paritaprevir. RBV=ribavirin.
visit, which decreased or normalised with continued
Table 2: Treatment-emergent adverse events
treatment. These bilirubin elevations were mainly
indirect and probably related to the combined effects of
ribavirin-associated hemolysis and paritaprevir on the Treatment-naive patients Treatment-experienced
bilirubin transporter OATP-1. No concomitant ALT or patients (OBV plus PTV plus
AST elevations were observed. ritonavir with RBV)
OBV plus PTV OBV plus PTV plus
Discussion plus ritonavir ritonavir with RBV
HCV genotype 4 infections account for a large proportion ALT >5 × ULN and ≥2 × baseline 0 0 0
of the worldwide HCV epidemic.24 In this study of an AST >5 × ULN and ≥2 × baseline 1/43 (2%) 0 0
all-oral, interferon-free, 12-week regimen of ombitasvir Alkaline phosphatase >5 × ULN 0 0 0
plus paritaprevir plus ritonavir with or without ribavirin, Total bilirubin, grade 3 0 0 3/49 (6%)
high SVR12 rates were achieved in HCV genotype 4-infected Haemoglobin, g/L
treatment-naive and treatment-experienced patients <100 1/43 (2%) 1/42 (2%) 1/49 (2%)
without cirrhosis. Although no difference between the <80–65 0 1/42 (2%) 0
ribavirin-containing and ribavirin-free regimens was
Data are n/N (%). OBV=ombitasvir. PTV=paritaprevir. RBV=ribavirin. ALT=alanine aminotransferase. ULN=upper limit
noted, the 100% (42/42) SVR12 rate recorded with the
of normal. AST=aspartate aminotransferase.
ribavirin-containing regimen in treatment-naive and
treatment-experienced patients suggests that this Table 3: Post baseline laboratory abnormalities
multitargeted regimen provides the highest certainty of
achieving sustained virological response in patients genotype 4-infected patients, but this regimen had
infected with diverse HCV genotype 4 subtypes (panel). major limitations, including suboptimum response
The addition of ribavirin to the two-direct-acting antiviral rates,25 large side-effects, high treatment discontinuation
drug regimen could be an important consideration for rates, and prolonged treatment durations. Combination
physicians when treating patients with HCV genotype 4 therapy with pegylated interferon plus ribavirin and a
because subtyping is not a common clinical procedure, direct-acting antiviral drug has increased the efficacy of
and genotype 4 is a heterogeneous genotype with pegylated interferon plus ribavirin-based regimens in
multiple subtypes.4 Unfortunately, we do not know the genotype 4-infected patients; however, the adverse
susceptibility of all subtypes to direct-acting antiviral effects of these currently recommended regimens
drugs, and larger clinical studies are necessary to fully suggest that effective pegylated interferon-free regimens
understand the role of ribavirin in this regimen. with more favourable tolerability would be beneficial.
In the past, combination pegylated interferon plus The treatment in this trial showed SVR12 rates greater
ribavirin was recommended for treatment of HCV than or similar to those reported with combinations of Vol 385 June 20, 2015 2507


interleukin 28B genotype (ie, 90·9–100%), suggesting

Panel: Research in context that this host genotype does not have a restricted effect
Systematic review on response with the regimen of ombitasvir plus
We searched PubMed and meeting abstracts from the European Association for the Study paritaprevir plus ritonavir.
of the Liver and the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases up to Nov 14, Overall, ombitasvir plus paritaprevir plus ritonavir with
2014, for clinical studies including patients with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotype 4 or without ribavirin was well tolerated, with no study
infection, using the search terms “hepatitis C virus” and “HCV” and “genotype”. At present, drug discontinuations or interruptions due to treatment-
recommended treatment for patients with genotype 4 infection includes the direct-acting emergent adverse events or treatment-related serious
antiviral drugs simeprevir or sofosbuvir in combination with pegylated interferon with or adverse events. Although HCV treatment regimens that
without ribavirin for all interferon-eligible patients.6 Two ongoing studies are testing the contain pegylated interferon plus ribavirin have been
efficacy and safety of all-oral, interferon-free direct-acting antiviral drug regimens with and associated with substantial haematological abnormalities
without ribavirin in patients with HCV genotype 4 to determine whether high viral that lead to treatment interruption or discontinuation or
response rates can be achieved without the toxicities associated with interferon-based the use of adjuvant therapies (eg, erythropoietin or blood
therapy. Only preliminary evidence is available from these studies, both of which include transfusion), in this study only four patients required
treatment-naive and treatment-experienced patients, some of whom are cirrhotic or have ribavirin dose modification for anaemia or a haemoglobin
advanced fibrosis. One study is investigating sofosbuvir with ribavirin in Egyptian patients; decrease. Other trials of this combination regimen have
sustained virological response rates were 77% at 12 weeks and 90% at 24 weeks.29 A second also shown low rates of anaemia with ribavirin.11,12,14,21
ongoing study is examining sofosbuvir and ledipasvir; of four patients assessed, 75% These findings could be related to a brisk ribavirin-related
achieved sustained virological response with 12 weeks of treatment.30 reticulocytosis in the absence of the bone marrow
suppressant effects of interferon.
Interpretation This study has several strengths. It is the largest study
The results of our study suggest that this multitargeted direct-acting antiviral drug to date to assess a direct-acting antiviral drug-only
regimen, with or without ribavirin, can achieve high rates of sustained virological regimen in patients with HCV genotype 4 infection
response in patients with HCV genotype 4 regardless of subtype and is generally well in both treatment-naive and treatment-experienced
tolerated, with low rates of anaemia and treatment discontinuation. Whether ribavirin patients, and it included a range of genotype 4 subtypes
needs to be added to the ombitasvir plus paritaprevir plus ritonavir treatment regimen based on phylogenetic analysis. The limitations include
remains an open question. Although treatment-naive patients randomly assigned to the exclusion of patients with more advanced liver
receive ombitasvir plus paritaprevir plus ritonavir with ribavirin achieved higher sustained disease (who traditionally have lower rates of treatment
virological response rates than those who received the two-direct-acting antiviral drug response with interferon-based regimens21) and lack of
regimen without ribavirin, the difference was not significant. examination of a ribavirin-free regimen in treatment-
experienced patients.
pegylated interferon plus ribavirin and a direct-acting Future trials of this two-direct-acting antiviral drug
antiviral drug.26–28 Other interferon-free direct-acting regimen should be undertaken to assess its efficacy and
antiviral drug regimens (eg, sofosbuvir plus ledipasvir safety in genotype 4-infected patients with cirrhosis.
and sofosbuvir plus ribavirin) are also being assessed in Contributors
patients with genotype 4 infection;29,30 however, CHe participated in the conduct of the study, including selection,
published data for the efficacy and safety of these treatment, and follow-up of patients; data interpretation; and
preparation and critical review of the report. TA participated in the
regimens are scare. In a study of genotype 4-infected conduct of the study, including selection, treatment, and follow-up of
Egyptian patients with and without cirrhosis who patients; data interpretation; and critical review of the report. KRR
received sofosbuvir plus ribavirin, SVR12 rates were 77% participated in the conduct of the study, data collection and
(40/52) with 12 weeks of treatment and 90% (46/51) with interpretation, and critical review of the report. TH participated in the
conduct of the study and critical review of the report. MB participated in
24 weeks.29 In a second ongoing study (NIAID the conduct of the study, including selection, treatment, and follow-up
SYNERGY) that examined sofosbuvir and ledipasvir of patients; data interpretation; and critical review of the report. KF
in patients with genotype 4 infection (some of whom participated in the conduct of the study, data collection and
had advanced fibrosis), SVR12 rates were 75% (three of interpretation, and critical review of the report. PM participated in the
conduct of the study, data collection and interpretation, and critical
four patients) after 12 weeks of treatment.30 review of the report. CHa participated in statistical analysis of the data
In the previous era of interferon-containing therapies, and preparation of the report. GS participated in the collection and
the most powerful pretreatment predictor of sustained analysis of data and critical review of the report. NM and RR
virological response in patients with genotype 1 and participated in the analysis and interpretation of the data, and critical
review of the report. RAV and TP participated in conception and study
genotype 4 infection was the favourable CC interleukin design; collection, assembly, and analysis of data; interpretation of the
28B genotype.31 In the era of all-oral direct-acting antiviral data; and preparation of the report. SP participated in the conduct of the
drug therapies, the positive effect of the CC interleukin study, including selection, treatment, and follow-up of patients; data
28B genotype varies by treatment regimen.21,32 However, interpretation; and critical review of the report.

the effect of the interleukin 28B genotype on sustained Declaration of interests

CHa, GS, TP-M, NM, RR, and RAV are employees of AbbVie and hold
virological response rates among genotype 4-infected
stock and stock options (TP-M, RR, and RAV). CHe has been a clinical
patients is currently unknown. In this study, such rates investigator, speaker, and consultant for AbbVie, Bristol-Myers Squibb,
were high in most patients that possessed a non-CC

2508 Vol 385 June 20, 2015


Gilead Sciences, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Merck Sharp and Dohme, and 11 Andreone P, Colombo MG, Enejosa JV, et al. ABT-450, ritonavir,
Roche, and a consultant for Boehringer-Ingelheim. TA has been a clinical ombitasvir, and dasabuvir achieves 97% and 100% sustained
investigator, speaker, and consultant for AbbVie, Boehringer-Ingelheim, virologic response with or without ribavirin in treatment-
Bristol-Myers Squibb, Gilead Sciences, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Merck experienced patients with HCV genotype 1b infection.
Sharp and Dohme, and Roche. KF-S has been a clinical investigator and Gastroenterology 2014; 147: 359–65.
speaker for Bristol-Myers Squibb and Roche. PM has received grants 12 Ferenci P, Bernstein D, Lalezari J, et al. ABT-450/r-ombitasvir and
from Roche, Gilead, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Novartis, Janssen, Merck dasabuvir with or without ribavirin for HCV. N Engl J Med 2014;
370: 1983–92.
Sharp and Dohme, and Alios BioPharma; is an investigator for Roche,
Gilead, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Vertex, Novartis, Janssen, Merck Sharp and 13 Kowdley KV, Gordon SC, Reddy KR, et al. Ledipasvir and sofosbuvir
for 8 or 12 weeks for chronic HCV without cirrhosis. N Engl J Med
Dohme, Boehringer-Ingelheim, AbbVie, Pfizer, and Alios BioPharma;
2014; 370: 1879–88.
is a speaker for Roche, Gilead, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Novartis, Janssen,
14 Zeuzem S, Jacobson IM, Baykal T, et al. Retreatment of HCV with
and Merck Sharp and Dohme; and is a consultant for Roche, Gilead,
ABT-450/r-ombitasvir and dasabuvir with ribavirin. N Engl J Med
Bristol-Myers Squibb, Vertex, Novartis, Janssen, Merck Sharp and 2014; 370: 1604–14.
Dohme, AbbVie, Alios BioPharma, Idenix, and Akron. MB has been a
15 Benhamou Y, Moussalli J, Ratziu V, et al. Telaprevir activity in
speaker for Bristol-Myers Squibb, Janssen, Gilead, Roche, Merck Sharp treatment-naive patients infected hepatitis C virus genotype 4:
and Dohme, Novartis, and AbbVie; and has been a board member for a randomized trial. J Infect Dis 2013; 208: 1000–07.
Bristol-Myers Squibb, Janssen, Merck Sharp and Dohme, Novartis, and 16 DeGoey DA, Randolph JT, Liu D, et al. Discovery of ABT-267,
AbbVie. KRR has served as an ad-hoc advisor to Gilead, Bristol-Myers a pan-genotypic inhibitor of HCV NS5A. J Med Chem 2014;
Squibb, AbbVie, Merck, Genentech-Roche, Vertex, and Janssen; and has 57: 2047–57.
received research support from Gilead, Bristol-Myers Squibb, AbbVie, 17 Pilot-Matias T, Tripathi R, Cohen D, et al. In vitro and in vivo
Merck, Vertex, and Janssen. TH has received research grants from antiviral activity and resistance profile of the hepatitis C virus
AbbVie, Boehringer-Ingelheim, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Eisai, Gilead NS3/4A protease inhibitor ABT-450. Antimicrob Agents Chemother
Sciences, Idenix, Ikaria, Janssen, La Jolla Pharmaceuticals, Merck, 2015; 59: 988–97.
Mochida, NGM BioPharmaceuticals, Roche, Ocera, Sundise, Salix, 18 Krishnan P, Beyer J, Mistry N, et al. In vitro and in vivo antiviral
Taigen, Takeda, Tobria, Vertex, and Vital Therapies; serves on advisory activity and resistance profile of ombitasvir, an inhibitor of HCV
boards for AbbVie and Bristol-Myers Squibb; and is a speaker for Baxter, NS5A. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2014; 59: 979–87.
Bristol-Myers Squibb, Gilead, and Salix. SP has been a speaker for 19 Menon RM, Klein CE, Lawal AA, et al. Pharmacokinetics and
GlaxoSmithKline, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Boehringer-Ingelheim, Janssen, tolerability of the HCV protease inhibitor ABT-450 following single
Gilead, Roche, Merck Sharp and Dohme, Sanofi, Novartis, Vertex, and ascending doses in healthy adult volunteers with and without
AbbVie; has been a board member for GlaxoSmithKline, Bristol-Myers ritonavir (HEP DART 2009 abstract 57). Glob Antiviral J 2009;
Squibb, Boehringer-Ingelheim, Janssen, Gilead, Roche, Merck Sharp and 5: 53.
Dohme, Sanofi, Novartis, Vertex, and AbbVie; and received grants from 20 Feld JJ, Kowdley KV, Coakley E, et al. Treatment of HCV with
Bristol-Myers Squibb, Gilead, Roche, and Merck Sharp and Dohme. ABT-450/r-ombitasvir and dasabuvir with ribavirin. N Engl J Med
2014; 370: 1594–603.
Acknowledgments 21 Poordad F, Hezode C, Trinh R, et al. ABT-450/r-ombitasvir and
We thank Kerstin Krauss, Charles Meyer, Ingrid Facey, Cordula Ubrig, dasabuvir with ribavirin for hepatitis C with cirrhosis. N Engl J Med
Christina Giannoulis, Christine Collins, Rakesh Tripathi, Jill Beyer, 2014; 370: 1973–82.
Thomas Reisch, and Preethi Krishnan of AbbVie for assistance provided 22 Di Lello FA, Neukam K, Parra-Sanchez M, et al. Hepatitis C virus
in the preparation and operation of the study. This study was funded by genotype 4 in Southern and Central Spain does not originate from
AbbVie Inc. Editorial and medical writing support was provided by recent foreign migration waves. J Med Virol 2013; 85: 1734–40.
Jillian Gee, Complete Publication Solutions (Horsham, PA, USA), which 23 Koletzki D, Dumont S, Vermeiren H, Fevery B, De Smet P,
was funded by AbbVie. Stuyver LJ. Development and evaluation of an automated
hepatitis C virus NS5B sequence-based subtyping assay.
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