Sor 2006

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(Rates are in Rupees) S/N A 1.1 1.2 ITEMS PREPARATORY AND EARTH WORK Quarrying of stone, stone chips, sand, earth etc. Stone chips a 10mm and down gauge. b 20mm and down gauge. c 21mm to 25mm. d 26mm to 38mm. Stone metal e 39mm to 64mm. 1.3 1.4 1.5 2 2.1 Sand. Soil. Chisel dressing of stone ( 20cm x 15cm x 15cm ) PREPARATORY WORKS Clearing jungle including uprooting of rank vegetation. grass, bush wood, trees and saplings of girth up to 30 cm. measured at a height of about 1m above ground level and removal of rubbish up to a distance of 50m outside the periphery of the area cleared, all complete. Clearing of grass and removing of the rubbish up to a distance of 50m outside the periphery of the area cleared. Felling trees of the girth (measured at a height of 1m above the ground level) including cutting of trunks and branches, removing the root and stacking of the serviceable materials and disposal of the unserviceable materials. a Beyond 30cm and up to 60cm girth b Beyond 60cm and up to 120cm girth c Beyond 120cm and up to 240cm girth 2.4 Surfacing dressing of the ground, including removing vegetation and inequalities not exceeding 15 cm deep and disposal of the rubbish lead up to 50 m. and lift 1.5 m. a Soft / Loose soil. b Hard / Dense soil. sqm sqm 3.56 6.08 Each Each Each 57.37 252.37 1173.02 cum cum cum cum 456.19 220.90 48.24 8532.12 cum cum cum cum 914.32 639.43 521.63 484.82 cum 201.16 UNIT RATES



2.2 2.3



S/N 3




S/N 3.1

ITEMS Hill cutting in mixed soil including throwing of spoils for 30m lead and 1.5m lift all complete. Hill cutting in soft rock decomposed rock including throwing of spoils for 30m lead and 1.5m lifts all complete. Hill cutting work in hard rock, 20% collection/stacking of useful stone and throwing of spoils for 30m leads and 1.50m lifts all complete. Hill cutting in rock using explosive, 20% collection/stacking of useful stone and throwing of spoils for 30m leads and 1.50m lifts all complete.

UNIT cum

RATES 42.98







3.4 cum 98.01


Hill cutting in mixed soil including throwing of spoils for 30m lead by mechanical means all complete. Hill cutting in soft rock decomposed rock including throwing of spoils for 30m lead by mechanical means all complete. Hill cutting in rock using explosive and throwing of spoils for 30m leads using compressor with jack hammer, 20% collection/stacking of stone and throwing of debris manually all complete.






3.7 cum 85.19

4 4.1

FOUNDATION WORKS Earthwork in excavation in all kinds of soils in foundation trenches including dressing of all sides, watering and ramming including disposal of excavated earth up to 30m lead and lift up to 1.5m, disposed earth to be leveled and neatly dressed as per the direction of Engineer - in - charge all complete. Excavation in foundation trenches and in drains including dressing of sides and bottoms and disposal of spoils up to 30m lead and lift 1.5m , disposed earth to be leveled and neatly dressed as per the direction of Engineer - in charge all complete. a Soft Rock without blasting. b Soft Rock with blasting. cum cum cum cum 169.37 200.93 259.47 336.42




c Hard Rock requiring blasting. d Hard rock requiring chiseling, (blasting prohibited). 5 SLIP CLEARANCE

S/N 5.1

ITEMS Slip clearance in mixed soil and throwing of spoils to lead of 30m and lift of 1.50m, all complete. Slip clearance including breaking, removing and throwing of spoils of mixed slip with boulders within a lead of 30m and lift of 1.5m, all complete.

UNIT cum

RATES 28.71

5.2 cum 44.71

5.3 5.4

Slip clearance in mixed soil and throwing of spoils to lead of 30m by mechanical means (D-50 bull dozer) all complete. Slip clearance including breaking using explosive, removing and throwing of spoils of mixed slip with boulders within a lead of 30m with mechanical means i.e. using Compressor, all complete. FILLING WORKS Filling inside plinth in building works with 23cm layers, consolidated to 15cm including watering, ramming etc, all complete. Filling with available excavated earth in trenches, plinth and side of foundation in building works with layers not exceeding 20cm in depth including consolidation of each layer by ramming, watering etc, all complete. Sand filling in building works in layer not exceeding 20cum including watering, ramming etc, all complete. Providing and laying hand packed stone filling in building works with clean hard selected stones, all complete. Providing and laying hand packed stone soling in buildings works with clean hard selected stones, all complete. Mixed filling by supplying filling materials from outside in road works, in layers not exceeding 20cm in depth excluding carriage of materials and including consolidation of each layer by ramming, watering etc, all complete. CEMENT CONCRETE CEMENT MORTAR





6 6.1 6.2





6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6

cum cum cum

309.00 242.15 351.51



Providing and laying cement mortar in specified mix including curing etc. all complete: Cement mortar 1:1 (1cement: 1clean coarse sand) Cement mortar 1:2 (1cement, 2 clean coarse sand). Cement mortar 1:3 (1cement, 3 clean coarse sand). Cement mortar 1:4 (1cement, 4 clean coarse sand). cum cum cum cum 6706.45 4613.83 3561.61 2752.45

7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4

S/N 7.5 7.6 8 8.1

ITEMS Cement mortar 1:5 (1cement, 5 clean coarse sand). Cement mortar 1:6 (1cement, 6 clean coarse sand). CEMENT CONCRETE: (cast in situ) Providing and Laying in position cement concrete of specified grade including compacting curing etc all complete. a 1:1:2 (1cement, 1coarse sand, 2 graded stone aggregate of 20mm nominal size) b 1:1.5:3 (1cement, 1.5 coarse sand,3 graded stone aggregate of 20mm & down size) c 1:2:4 mix. (1 cement, 2 coarse sand, 4 graded stone aggregate of 20mm & down size) d 1:2:4 mix. (1 cement, 2 coarse sand, 4 graded stone aggregate of 40mm & down size) e 1:3:6 mix. (1 cement, 3 coarse sand, 6 stone aggregate of 20mm & down size) f 1:3:6 mix. (1 cement, 3 coarse sand, 6 stone aggregate of 40mm & down size) g 1:4:8 mix. (1 cement, 4 coarse sand, 8 stone aggregate of 40mm & down size) h 1:5:10 mix.(1cement, 5 coarse sand, 10 stone aggregate of 40mm & down size)

UNIT cum cum

RATES 2316.75 1943.30

cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum

4854.43 3530.20 3087.43 2960.70 2520.07 2295.98 1968.25 1685.81


Providing & Laying in position cement concrete of specified grade including compacting curing etc all complete with Recron 3S of fiber length 6 or 12 mm (125 gm of recron 3S per a bag of cement) as per the direction of Engineer in Charge. a 1:1:2(1cement, 1coarse sand, 2 graded stone aggregate of 20mm nominal size) b 1:1.5:3 (1cement, 1.5 coarse sand,3 graded stone aggregate of 20mm & down size) c 1:2:4 mix.(1 cement, 2 coarse sand, 4 graded stone aggregate of 20mm & down size) d 1:2:4 mix.(1 cement, 2 coarse sand, 4 graded stone aggregate of 40mm & down size) e 1:3:6 mix.(1 cement, 3 coarse sand, 6 stone aggregate of 20mm & down size) cum cum cum cum cum 5279.78 3809.12 3310.57 3183.82 2673.46


ITEMS f 1:3:6 mix.(1 cement, 3 coarse sand, 6 stone aggregate of 40mm & down size) g 1:4:8 mix. (1 cement, 4 coarse sand, 8 stone aggregate of 40mm & down size) h 1:5:10 mix.(1cement, 5 coarse sand, 10 stone aggregate of 40mm & down size)

UNIT cum cum cum

RATES 2449.39 2027.53 1731.14


Providing and Laying damp proof coarse 40 mm thick with cement concrete 1:2:4 ( 1 cement, 2 Clean coarse sand, 4 graded stone aggregate 12.5 mm & nominal size) as per the direction of Engineer in Charge. Providing and Laying damp proof course 40 mm thick with cement concrete 1:2:4 ( 1 cement, 2 Clean course sand, 4 graded stone aggregate 12.5 mm nominal size) with Recron 3S of fiber length 6 or 12 mm (125 gm of recron 3S per a bag of cement) as per the direction in Engineer in Charge. REINFORCED CEMENT CONCRETE CAST IN SITU Providing and Laying in position specified grade of reinforced cement concrete excluding the cost of form work, finishing and reinforcements. a 1:1:2 ( 1 cement: 1 coarse sand : 2 graded stone aggregate 20mm and down nominal gauge size) b 1:1.5:3 Mix (1cement, 1.5 coarse sand 3 graded stone aggregate 20mm and down nominal gauge) c 1:2:4 (1cement,2coarse sand, 4 graded stone aggregate of 20mm nominal size). Providing & Laying in position specified grade of reinforced cement concrete of nominal mix excluding the cost of form work, finishing & reinforcements with Recron 3S of fiber length 6 or 12 mm (125 gm of recron 3S per a bag of cement) as per the direction of Engineer in Charge. a 1:1:2 ( 1 cement: 1 coarse sand : 2 graded stone aggregate 20mm and down nominal gauge size) 1:1.5:3 Mix (1cement, 1.5 coarse sand 3 graded stone aggregate 20mm and down nominal gauge)






9 9.1

cum cum cum

4857.48 3535.56 3090.48






c 1:2:4 (1cement,2coarse sand, 4 graded stone aggregate of 20mm nominal size). 10 CEMENT PLASTER WORKS:



S/N 10.1

ITEMS Providing and Laying 12mm thick cement plaster of specified mix in single coat including finishing even and smooth and curing complete. a 1:3 Mix b 1:4 mix. c 1:5 Mix d 1:6 Mix.



sqm sqm sqm sqm

84.54 71.91 65.11 59.28


Providing and Laying 15mm thick cement plaster of specified mix in single coat including finishing even and smooth and curing etc all complete. a 1:3 Mix b 1:4 mix. c 1:5 Mix d 1:6 Mix. sqm sqm sqm sqm 104.41 89.32 81.19 74.23

10.3 Providing and Laying 20mm thick cement plaster of specified mix in single coat including finishing even and smooth and curing etc all complete. a 1:3 Mix b 1:4 mix. c 1:5 Mix d 1:6 Mix. 10.4 Providing and Laying 12mm thick cement plaster of specified mix with Recorn 3S having a fiber length of 4.8 mm ( 100 gm / bag of cement) in single coat including finishing even and smooth and curing complete . a 1:3 Mix b 1:4 mix. c 1:5 Mix d 1:6 Mix. 10.5 Providing and Laying 15mm thick cement plaster of specified mix with Recorn 3S having a fiber length of 4.8 mm ( 100 gm / bag of cement) in single coat including finishing even and smooth and curing etc all complete. a 1:3 Mix sqm 110.02 sqm sqm sqm sqm 89.24 75.41 67.99 61.58 sqm sqm sqm sqm 132.92 113.27 102.68 93.61

S/N b 1:4 mix. c 1:5 Mix d 1:6 Mix. 10.6


UNIT sqm sqm sqm

RATES 93.50 84.60 76.98

Providing and Laying 20mm thick cement plaster of specified mix with Recorn 3S having a fiber length of 4.8 mm ( 100 gm / bag of cement) in single coat including finishing even and smooth and curing etc all complete . a 1:3 mix. b 1:4 mix. c 1:5 Mix d 1:6 Mix. sqm sqm sqm sqm sqm 140.22 118.71 107.13 97.20 7.97

10.7 10.8

Extra for plastering exterior walls of height more than 10m from G.L. for every additional height of 3m or part thereof. Cement plaster in 1:3 mix cement mortar with a floating coat of neat cement or cement punning a 12 mm thick b 15 mm thick c 20 mm thick

sqm sqm sqm

105.53 131.33 161.91


POINTING ON BRICKS / STONE WORKS a Pointing on bricks works with 1:3 mix cement mortar 1 cement, 3 fine sand) ( Raised or cut pointing) b Pointing on stone works with 1:3 mix cement mortar ( 1 cement, 3 fine sand) (raised or cut pointing) ( sqm sqm 566.19 859.30


LIME PUNNING a Lime punning with lime mortar 1:1 ( 1 lime putty , 1 fine sand) with a coat of 3 mm thickness all complete: b Lime punning with lime mortar 1:1/2 ( 1 lime putty , 1 fine sand) mixed with Recron 3S of 4.8 mm fiber length with a coat of 3 mm thickness all complete: sqm 38.56



11 11.1

BUILDING PARTITION WORKS Providing and Laying first class brick work in half brick thick in superstructure of standard size bricks with 1:4 cement mortar (1 cement and 4 coarse sand) as per the direction of Engineer in Charge including curing etc all complete.



S/N 11.2

ITEMS Providing and Laying first class brick work in one brick thick in superstructure of standard size bricks with 1:5 cement mortar (1cement and 5 clean coarse sand) as per the direction of Engineer in Charge including curing etc all complete. Providing and Laying first class brick masonry in one and half brick thick wall in superstructure with 1:6 cement mortar (1 cement, 6 clean coarse sand) as per the direction of Eng.-in-charge including curing etc. all complete. Providing Ekra walling with matured bamboo spits with 20mm thickness. cement plaster 1:3mix (1cement, 3clean coarse sand) on both sides as per the direction of Engineer in Charge including curing complete. Providing and Laying 15cmx 23cm.x40cm size hollow blocks made with 1:3:6 c.c. (1cement, 3 clean coarse sand, 6 clean hard graded stone chips) in 1:4 c.m. (1cement, 4 clean coarse sand) as per the direction of Engineer in Charge including curing complete. Providing and Laying solid block (10cmx15cmx30cm) of 1:3:6 c.c (1cement, 3clean coarse sand, 6clean hard stone chips of 20mm nominal gauge) in 1:4 c.m. (1cement, 4clean coarse sand) including curing complete. Providing and Laying first class brick work in half brick thick in superstructure of standard size bricks with 1:4 cement mortar (1 cement and 4 coarse sand) mixed with Recron 3S of fiber length 4.8 mm ( 100 gm/bag of cement) as per the direction of Engineer in Charge including curing etc all complete. Providing and Laying first class brick work in one brick thick in superstructure of standard size bricks with 1:5 cement mortar (1cement and 5 clean coarse sand) mixed with Recron 3S of fiber length 4.8 mm ( 100 gm/bag of cement) as per the direction of Engineer in Charge including curing etc all complete. Providing and Laying first class brick masonry in one and half brick thick wall in superstructure with 1:6 cement mortar (1 cement, 6 clean coarse sand) mixed with Recron 3S of fiber length 4.8 mm ( 100 gm/bag of cement) as per the direction of Engineer in Charge including curing etc. all complete. Providing Ekra walling with matured bamboo spits with 20mm thickness. cement plaster 1:3mix (1cement, 3clean coarse sand) mixed with Recron 3S of fiber length 4.8 mm ( 100 gm/bag of cement) on both sides as per the direction of Engineer in Charge including curing complete.


























11.10 sqm 310.56

S/N 11.11

ITEMS Providing and Laying 15cmx 23cm.x40cm size hollow blocks made with 1:3:6 c.c. (1cement, 3 clean coarse sand, 6 clean hard graded stone chips) in 1:4 c.m. (1cement, 4 clean coarse sand) mixed with Recron 3S of fiber length 4.8 mm (100 gm/bag of cement) as per the direction of Engineer in Charge including curing complete. Providing and Laying solid block (10cmx15cmx30cm) of 1:3:6 c.c (1cement, 3clean coarse sand, 6clean hard stone chips of 20mm nominal gauge) in 1:4 c.m. (1cement, 4clean coarse sand) mixed with Recron 3S of fiber length 4.8 mm (100 gm/bag of cement) as per the direction of Engineer in Charge including curing complete. FLOORING WORKS Providing and Laying of 18mm thick 30 cm height cement plaster skirting with cement mortar 1:3 (1cement,3coarse sand) finished with a floating coat of neat cement including rounding of junctions and curing complete.








12 12.1



12.2 Providing and Laying of 21mm thick 30 cm height cement plaster skirting with cement mortar 1:3 (1cement,3coarse sand) finished with a floating coat of neat cement including rounding of junctions and curing complete. 12.3 Providing and Laying 40 mm thick 1:2:4 c.c. (1cement, 2coarse sand,4 of 12.5mm and down stone aggregate) flooring with floating coat of neat cement to give a smooth surface in not exceeding 02 sqm. including cost of glass strips and curing etc complete in all building floors wherever specified. Providing and Laying 40 mm thick with Recorn 3S polyester fiber of specified length (anti seepage / cracking) in 1:2:4 c.c. (1cement, 2 coarse sand, 4 stone aggregate of size 12.5mm and down )flooring with floating coat of neat cement to give a smooth surface in not exceeding 02 sqm. including cost of glass strips and curing etc with complete in all building floors wherever specified. Providing and Laying 40 mm thick Ironite flooring in 1:2:4 c.c. (1cement, 2coarse sand,4 stone aggregate of size 12.5mm and down )flooring with floating coat of neat cement to give a smooth surface in not exceeding 02 sqm. including cost of glass strips and curing etc all complete in all building floors wherever specified. Providing and Laying 40 mm thick 1:2:4 c.c. (1cement, 2coarse sand,4 stone aggregate of size 12.5mm and down )flooring with floating coat of neat cement to give a smooth surface in not exceeding 02 sqm. (without glass strip) curing etc complete in all building floors wherever specified. sqm 155.71












S/N 12.7 12.8

ITEMS Extra for making chequers of approved pattern in C.C floors over item No.13.3 Providing and Laying 18mm thick with under layer of 12mm thick cement plaster 1:3 red oxide plaster skirting up to 30cm height with top layer of 6mm thick plaster of cement Red oxide mix c.m. 1:3 using 3.5kg red oxide of iron per 50kg of cement finished with a floating coat of neat similar cement red oxide mix including rounding of junctions and curing complete. Providing and Laying 21mm thick with under layer of 15mm thick cement plaster 1:3 red oxide plaster skirting up to 30cm height with top layer of 6mm thick plaster of cement Red oxide mix 1:3 c.m using 3.5kg red oxide of iron per 50kg of cement finished with a floating coat of neat cement including rounding of junctions and curing complete. Providing and Laying. 40 mm thick Red oxide flooring with under layer 30mm thick c.c. 1:2:4 and top layer of 10mm thick plaster of red oxide and cement mix cement mortar 1:3 finished with a floating coat of neat similar cement red oxide mix including cement slurry, rounding of junction all complete: Providing and Laying 40mm thick marble chips flooring in light shade pigment with white cement rubbed and polished with under layer of c.c. 1:2:4 (1cement, 2coarse sand, 4graded stone aggregate of 12.50mm size) and top layer of marble chips laid in cement marble powder mix 3:1 (3cement, 1marble powder) by weight in proportion of 4:7 ( 4 cement marble powder mix : 7 marble chips) by volume including cement slurry, pigments, curing etc. all complete.

UNIT sqm

RATES 9.56












12.12 Providing and laying 40mm thick mosaic flooring medium shade pigment with ordinary cement 50% and white cement 50% rubbed and polished with under layer of c.c. 1:2:4 (1cement, 2coarse sand, 4graded stone aggregate of 12.50mm size) and top layer of marble chips laid in cement marble powder mix 3:1(3cement, 1marble powder) by weight in proportion of 4:7 ( 4 cement marble powder mix : 7 marble chips) by volume including cement slurry, pigments curing etc. all etc complete. 12.13 Providing and laying. 40mm thick mosaic flooring dark shade with ordinary cement rubbed and polished with under layer of c.c. 1:2:4 (1cement, 2coarse sand, 4graded stone aggregate of 12.50mm size) and 6mm top layer of marble chips laid in cement marble powder mix 3:1 (3cement, 1marble powder) by weight in proportion of 4:7 ( 4 cement marble powder mix : 7 marble chips) by volume including cement slurry, pigment, curing etc. complete.





S/N 12.14

ITEMS Providing and laying. 18mm thick (up to 30 cm high) marble chips skirting (light shade), rubbed and polished of top layer 6mm thick marble chips of size 1mm to 4mm nominal size laid in cement marble powder mix 3:1 (3cement, 1marble powder) by weight in proportion of 4:7(4cement marble powder mix, 7marble chips) by volume including rounding the edges, curing etc complete. Providing and Laying. 21mm thick (up to 30 cm high) marble chips skirting (light shade), rubbed and polished of top layer 6mm thick marble chips of size 1mm to 4mm nominal size laid in cement marble powder mix 3:1 (3cement, 1marble powder) by weight in proportion of 4:7(4cement marble powder mix, 7marble chips) by volume including rounding the edges, curing etc complete. Extra for providing and fixing glass strips in joints of marble chips / Cement concrete floors. Extra for laying terroza flooring on stair case treads not below 30 cm in width including cost of forming, nosing etc. Providing and Laying flooring with marble stone slabs flooring of size not less than 1.0 sqm of 20mm thick laid over 20mm(average)1:4cm thick bare laid cement concrete and joint treated with white cement, mixed with matching pigment, curing including rubbing to give a granite finish, as per the direction of Engineer in Charge and carriage of material up to work site, all complete (Zebra black marble or equivalent)








12.16 12.17 12.18

sqm sqm

13.68 14.50




Providing and Laying marble stone slabs 20mm thick marble stone slabs flooring of size not less than 1.0 sqm of 20mm thick laid over 20mm(average)1:4cm thick bare laid cement concrete and joint treated with white cement, mixed with matching pigment, curing including rubbing to give a granite finish, as per the direction of Engineer in Charge and carriage of material up to work site, all complete (Raj nagar Plain Marble / Udaipur green marble or equivalent) Providing and Laying flooring with granite marble stone slabs 20mm thick granite stone slabs flooring of size not less than 1.0 sqm of 20mm thick laid over 20mm(average)1:4cm thick bare laid cement concrete and joint treated with white cement, mixed with matching pigment, curing including rubbing to give a granite finish, as per the direction of Engineer in Charge and carriage of material up to work site, all complete.






12.21 12.22

Extra for marble stone flooring for treads of steps. Extra for nosing in marble stone for treads.


81.77 58.02

S/N 12.23

ITEMS Providing and Laying 20mm thick marble stone in Risers of steps, skirting and pads, walls, pillars etc laid on 10mm thick base c.m. 1:3 and joint treated with white cement, mixed with matching pigment, curing including rubbing to give a granite finish, as per the direction of Engineer in Charge and carriage of material up to work site, all complete (Zebra black marble or equivalent) Providing and Laying 20mm thick marble in Risers of steps, skirting and pads, walls, pillars etc laid on 10mm thick base c.m. 1:3 and joint treated with white cement, mixed with matching pigment, curing including rubbing to give a granite finish, as per the direction of Engineer in Charge and carriage of material up to work site, all complete (Raj nagar Plain Marble / Udaipur green marble or equivalent)








12.25 Providing and Laying 20mm thick granite stone in Risers of steps, skirting and pads, walls, pillars etc laid on 10mm thick base c.m. 1:3 joint treated with white cement, mixed with matching pigment, curing including rubbing to give a granite finish, as per the direction of Engineer in Charge and carriage of material up to work site, all complete. 12.26 Providing and Laying. 25mm thick kota stone slab flooring over 20mm thick 1:4 cm base laid and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slab including cutting, rubbing and polishing complete. Providing and Laying kota stone slabs 25mm thick in Risers of steps, skirting dado and walls laid on 12mm thick (average) thick base of c.m. 1:3 (1 cement, 3 coarse sand) and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigments to match the shade of the slab including cutting, rubbing and polishing complete. Providing & Laying white or colored glazed vitrified tiles of royal / Italian/equivalent colour in flooring, treads of steps landing etc laid on a bed of 15mm, cm 1:3 (1cement, 3coarse sand) finished with flush pointing with white cement slurry. Providing and Laying white or colored glazed vitrified tiles of classic colour or equivalent in flooring, treads of steps landing etc laid on a bed of 15mm, cm 1:3 (1cement, 3coarse sand) finished with flush pointing with white cement slurry. Providing and Laying white or colored glazed vitrified tiles Pearl (white, marvel Atlanta, jet black etc or equivalent) in flooring, treads of steps landing etc laid on a bed of 15mm, cm 1:3 (1cement, 3coarse sand) finished with flush pointing with white cement slurry.

















S/N 12.31

ITEMS Providing and Laying white or colored glazed tiles of size 200mm x 300mm of plain/normal prints colours (white, grey, ivory, platinum, cream, glacier white, summersand, beach, wood duro, melody, or equivalent) in skirting, risers of steps and Dados on 12mm thick cement plaster (1cement, 3coarsed sand) 1:3 bare and jointed with white cement slurry.






Providing and Laying Chequers tiles in on flooring over 12mm thick cement plaster (1cement, 3coarsed sand) 1:3 bare and jointed with white cement slurry. Providing and Laying white or colored or ceramic glazed tiles of size 200mm x 300mm luster printed ( loreno, bronzo,colubia or equivalent) in skirting, risers of steps and Dados on 12mm thick cement plaster (1cement, 3coarsed sand) 1:3 bare and jointed with white cement slurry. Providing and Laying white or colored or ceramic glazed tiles of size 200mm x 300mm Special colour(black, burgundy, pink, midnight blue, alpine blue or equivalent) in skirting, risers of steps and Dados on 12mm thick cement plaster (1cement, 3coarsed sand) 1:3 bare and jointed with white cement slurry. Providing and Laying plain colored glazed ceramic tiles of size 300mm x 300mm in plain colours (white, grey, ivory platinum, leather brown etc or equivalent), on floors landing etc laid on a bed of 15mm, cm 1:3 (1cement, 3coarse sand) finished with flush pointing with white cement slurry. Providing and Laying colored glazed tiles of special colour( black, sorrento, maroon, cotto, kota green, sand dune, fume colour, droplets etc. or equivalent) in flooring, treads of steps landing etc of size 300mm x 300mm laid on a bed of 15mm, cm 1:3 (1cement, 3coarse sand) finished with flush pointing with white cement slurry. Providing and Laying white or colored glazed tiles anti skid ( elegant, cashmere, Egyptian rustic, celebrity, lara etc or equivalent) of glossy series or celebrity, elegant or equivalent in flooring, treads of steps landing etc of size 300mm x 300mm laid on a bed of 15mm, cm 1:3 (1cement, 3coarse sand) finished with flush pointing with white cement slurry. Providing & Laying 40 mm thick Red oxide flooring with with Recorn 3S polyester fiber (anti seepage/cracking) under layer 30mm thick c.c. 1:2:4 and top layer of 10mm thick plaster of red oxide and cement mix cement mortar 1:3 finished with a floating coat of neat similar cement red oxide mix including cement slurry, rounding of edges and junctions, strips and curing etc, all etc complete.























S/N 13.1

ITEMS Providing and Laying Plum concrete in 1:2:4 c.c. (1cement, 2coarse sand, 4clean hard graded stone chips of 20 mm down nominal gauge) with 50% clean hard stone of sizes not exceeding 15cm including shuttering, compacting and curing complete, as per the direction of Engineer in Charge. Providing and Laying Plum concrete in 1:4:8 c.c. (1cement, 4 coarse sand, 8 clean hard graded stone chips of 40 mm down nominal gauge) with 50% clean hard stone of sizes not exceeding 15cm including shuttering, compacting and curing complete, as per the direction of Engineer in Charge. Providing and laying Hand Packed wall with clean hard selected stone including centering aligning and slopes/curves etc, complete as per the direction of Engineer in Charge . Providing and Laying Random Rubble Stone Masonry wall with hammer dressed with bond stone, through stone of size 150mm x 150mm x 450mm manufactured in 1:4:8 (1cement, 4 clean coarse sand, 8 clean hard stone aggregate of size 40 mm and down) clean hard selected stone, including centering aligning and slopes/curves etc, complete as per the direction of Engineer in Charge Supply and knitting of G.I. wire (gauge 08 B.W.G) in multiple knots @ 2.5 kg per sqm (weight of net per square meter area) including launching of wire net including overlap and wastages for construction of hand packed wall, complete as per the direction of the Engineer- in- Charge. Providing and Laying Random Rubble Stone Masonry in 1:3:6 c.c. (1 cement, 3 sand, 6 clean hard graded stone chips, size 40mm gauge) including bond stone, through stone of size 150mm x 150mm x 450mm manufactured in 1:4:8 (1cement, 4 clean coarse sand, 8 clean hard stone aggregate of size 40 mm and down) and curing etc, complete as per the direction of Engineer in Charge, excluding the cost of carriage of materials. Providing and Laying. Random Rubble Stone Masonry in 1:4:8 c.c. (1cement, 4 sand, 8 clean hard graded stone chips of 40 mm nominal gauge) including bond stone, through stone of size 150mm x 150mm x 450mm manufactured in 1:4:8 (1cement, 4 clean coarse sand, 8 clean hard stone aggregate of size 40 mm and down), curing etc , complete as per the direction of Engineer in Charge excluding the cost of carriage of materials.























S/N 13.8

ITEMS Providing and laying. coarse Rubble Stone Masonry with hammer dressed clean hard selected stone in 1:3:6c.c. (1 cement, 3 sand, 8 clean hard graded stone ships of size 40mm) including bond stone, through stone of size 150mm x 150mm x 450mm manufactured in 1:4:8 (1cement, 4 clean coarse sand, 8 clean hard stone aggregate of size 40 mm and down) and curing etc, complete as per the direction of Engineer in Charge excluding the cost of carriage of materials.





13.9 Providing and laying. coarse Rubble Stone Masonry in 1:4:8 c.c. ( 1 cement, 4 sand, 8 clean hard graded stone chips of size 40mm and down) including bond stone, through stone of size 150mm x 150mm x 450mm manufactured in 1:4:8 (1cement, 4 clean coarse sand, 8 clean hard stone aggregate of size 40 mm and down), and curing etc, complete as per the direction of Engineer in Charge excluding the cost of carriage of materials. 13.10 Providing and laying. Chisel Dressed Stone Masonry with chisel dressed clean hard selected stone in 1:5 Cement Mortar ( 1cement, 5 coarse sand) including centering, lining and curing etc as per the direction of Engineer in Charge, all complete. Providing and laying parapet of standard size on 1:2:4 (1cement, 2coarse sand, 4clean hard graded stone chips of 20 mm down nominal gauge) plum concrete and plastering with 1:4 mix cement mortar of 12mm thick with recron 3S with lime washing three or more coats, complete as per the direction of the Engineer- in- Charge. a 45cm height, 30 cm top and 45 cm bottom b 60cm height, 45 cm top and 60cm bottom 14 14.1 DRAINAGE Providing standard 'V' shaped drain with hammer dressed clean hard selected stones and finished with cement pointing in 1:4 cement mortar including curing etc complete, as per the direction of the Engineer in Charge. Providing box drain of 30 cm (ht) x 45 cm (width) internal dimension with 1:2:4 Plum concrete (20mm & down) in side walls thickness of 23 cm (hill side) and 30 cm (road side) and 1:3:6 (20 mm & down) base concrete of thickness of 15 cm with standard specification over 15 cm stone soling including providing & laying guard stones complete, as per the direction of the Engineer in Charge. RM RM 538.64 952.91











S/N 14.3

ITEMS Providing box drain of 60 cm (ht) x 45 cm (width) of internal dimension with 1:2:4 Plum concrete (40mm & down) side wall thickness of 23 cm (hill side) and 30 cm (road side) with1:3:6 (20 mm & down) base concrete of thickness of 15 cm with standard specification over 15 cm stone soling including providing & laying guard stones, complete as per the direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.





14.4 Providing U shaped drain of 23cm (ht) x 23 cm (width) of internal dimension with 1:2:4 Plum concrete (40mm & down) side wall thickness of 23 cm on both side with 1:3:6 (20 mm & down) base concrete of thickness of 15 cm with standard specification over 15 cm stone soling including 1:3 cement plaster with neat cement polishing & rounding of junction, as per the direction of the Engineer in Charge. 14.5



Providing and laying Hume pipe semicircular drain 23 cm internal dimension 1:2:4 Plum concrete (40mm & down) side wall thickness of 23 cm (hill side) and 30 cm (road side) with1:3:6 (20 mm & down) base concrete of thickness of 75mm with standard specification over 15 cm stone soling including providing & laying guard stone complete as per the direction of Engineer in Charge. Providing and laying standard 'V' shaped drain with cement concrete base in 1:2:4 (1 cement, 2 clean coarse sand, 4 stone chips 20mm and down) mix of 100mm thick over clean hard selected stones soling of 150mm thick and 1:2:4 (1 cement, 2 clean coarse sand, 4 stone chips 40mm and down) mix plum concrete along the vertical side of thickness 150mm and depth 450mm including curing, compacting, as per the direction of the Engineer- in - Charge.






C 15.1

FORM WORK: Providing, fixing & removing form work for casting R.C.C items as indicated below: with imported timber from outside the state) a Beam, lintels, girders, brersumers and cantilevers. b Foundation, footings, base of column etc for mass concrete. c Wall d Floor slab, roof slab, landing, balcony and access platform. e Circular columns f Square columns sqm sqm sqm sqm sqm sqm 282.17 302.63 317.88 401.40 470.15 403.45

S/N 15.2

ITEMS Providing, fixing & removing form work for casting R.C.C items as indicated below: with locally available timber) a Beam, lintels, girders, brersumers and cantilevers. b Foundation, footings, base of column etc for mass concrete. c Wall d Floor slab, roof slab, landing, balcony and access platform. e Circular columns f Square columns BRIDGES LAUNCHING & SCAFOLDING



sqm sqm sqm sqm sqm sqm

231.07 238.29 274.44 336.65 383.13 312.89


Fitting and fixing of steel girder bridge parts in position by welding, riveting, fixing of nuts and bolts etc, wherever required including alignment of bridge all complete excluding the cost of bridge materials and scaffolding as per design, erection / launching and direction of Engineer in Charge all complete. Form work for T-BEAM bridges Form work for STEEL GIRDER bridges with RCC slab Form work for bridges extra height beyond 10m for every TIMBER WORKS AND DOOR FITTINGS: Providing, fitting and fixing of undressed local timber (tooni, katus equivalent) in all types of frames complete. a With imported timber from outside the state. b With locally available timber 3 m height



15.4 15.5 15.6 D 16.1

sqm sqm sqm

732.04 695.88 177.30

cum cum

15419.37 12085.14


Providing, fitting and fixing of dressed local timber (tooni, katus equivalent) in all types of frames complete. a With imported timber from outside the state. b With locally available timber cum cum cum cum cum 32703.60 22754.50 18312.16 14978.38


Providing, fitting and fixing of undressed sal timber in all types of frames complete a With imported timber from outside the state. b With locally available timber


Providing, fitting and fixing of dressed sal timber in all types of frames complete a With imported timber from outside the state. cum 35596.85

S/N b With locally available timber


UNIT cum

RATES 25647.75

S/N 16.5

ITEMS Providing, fitting and fixing 38mm flooring in local timber equivalent to champ and panisaz and base frame in timber equivalent to katus excluding the cost of polishing and including the cost of one coat priming on the base frame complete. a With imported timber from outside the state. b With locally available timber



sqm sqm

1650.96 1098.22


Providing, fitting and fixing 38mm flooring in sal timber over a frame of sal timber excluding the cost of polishing and including cost of one coat priming on the base frame complete. a With imported timber from outside the state. b With locally available timber sqm sqm 2163.08 1567.14

16.7 Providing / Fitting / Fixing 6mm thick ply false ceiling /paneling in wooden frames of timber panisaz or equivalent, excluding the cost of polishing and including cost of one coat priming on unexposed frame all complete. a With imported timber frame work b Frame work with locally available timber 16.8 Providing / Fitting / Fixing 25mm ceiling in wooden frames panisaz or equivalent including frame work excluding the cost of polishing and priming all complete. a With imported timber b With locally available timber 16.9 Providing, fitting and fixing 25 mm thick false ceiling / paneling of silver fire in timber frames of timber equivalent to Katus or pakha saaj or equivalent excluding the cost of polishing and including cost of one coat priming on unexposed frame all complete. a With imported timber b With locally available timber 16.10 Providing, fitting and fixing 25 mm thick false ceiling / paneling of dhupi or local timber in timber frames of timber equivalent to Katus or pakhs saaj or equivalent excluding the cost of polishing and including cost of one coat priming on unexposed frame a With imported timber b With locally available timber sqm sqm 829.39 652.71 sqm sqm 1109.71 809.10 sqm sqm 1601.22 1146.66 sqm sqm 808.10 730.25

S/N 16.11

ITEMS Providing, fitting and fixing 25mmx50mm dressed ceiling, beads in timber equivalent to rani champ or panisaz or same quality of timber used in ceiling work all complete a With imported timber b With locally available timber




45.67 38.61


Providing, fitting and fixing 200mm x 25mm eaves board in dressed sal timber with 50mmx25mm beads in the same timber. a With imported timber b With locally available timber RM RM 197.63 140.98

16.13 Providing / Fitting / Fixing Gypsum board ceiling having composite thickness of 67mm consisting of frames and double skin 8.5mm thick glass reinforced gypsum (GRG) board manufactured by spray suction technique with high strength plaster of paris confirming to IS 8272 i/c providing and fixing frame works made of special section power pressed MS sheet and galvanized with Zinc coating of grade 175and consisting of floor and ceiling channel 50mm wide having equal flanges of 32mm width 0.50 m thick fixed to floor/ceiling at spacing 610 mm centre to centre by 6mm dia. bolts and nuts to both ends of ceiling (hang on truss)/ partition fixed on wall with rawl plugs) at the spacing of 450mm c/c and fixing of GRG boards to either frame work by 20mm long drive screws on studs, floors, ceiling channel spacing of 300mm c/c i/c jointing and finishing to a flush finish with recommended joints filler, join paper tapes i/c two coats of primer suitable for GRG board as per manufacture specification all complete: 16.14 Providing / Fitting / Fixing in position suspended exposed grid false ceiling using E-Board pearl (tested for inflammability as per IS 11871)& E- Grid of grid size 1200 x 600 x/600 x 600 mm with main runners 39 x 24.7 mm cross Tee 29 x 24.7mm and wall angle 22.2 x 22.2 mm placing 4mm thick E-Board pearl in the grid of E-Grid duly suspended with 4mm dia GI bars hangers fixed with tee dash fastener of fro purlin of the roof with butterfly clips & hold down clips, providing provision for light fixtures air conditioning diffuser and ducts, sprinklers, smoke, detectors i/c paintings water based acrylic cement primer etc all complete: 17 17.1 DOORS AND WINDOWS: Providing fitting and fixing in position of fully paneled shutters in windows and doors of champ timber or equivalent including steel butt hinges screws 12mm thick panels etc complete.





S/N a 30mm thick panel door b 35mm thick panel door c 40mm thick panel door d 45mm thick panel door e 50mm thick panel door 17.2


UNIT sqm sqm sqm sqm sqm

RATES 1307.74 1525.69 1743.65 1961.60 1907.12

P/F/F in position of fully glazed shutters in windows and doors of champ wood or equivalent including steel butt hinges, screws, 3mm glass panes of modi guard or equivalent etc complete. a 30mm b 35mm c 40mm d 45mm e 50mm sqm sqm sqm sqm sqm 1100.83 1280.03 1463.07 1651.24 1830.44


P/F/F of half paneled and half glazed (4 mm thick water proof ply of modi guard or equivalent) as per the thickness specified using champ wood or equivalent including steel butt hinges with necessary screws complete. a 30mm b 35mm c 38mm d 45mm e 50mm sqm sqm sqm sqm sqm 1154.39 1616.15 1847.02 2077.90 2020.18


Providing, fitting and fixing water proof flush door shutters, solid block hard core construction with frame of 1st class hard timber with well matched 3mm teak ply decorative type on one faces of the shutters including hinges with screws complete. a 35mm b 38mm c 40mm sqm sqm sqm 2166.10 2361.05 2475.85


Providing fitting and fixing water proof flush doors shutters, solid block hard core construction with frame of 1st class hard timber, with well matched 3mm commercial ply (both faces) including hinges with screws complete. a 35mm b 38mm c 40mm sqm sqm sqm 1984.00 2154.00 2267.00

S/N 17.6

ITEMS Providing, fitting and fixing battened door in 30mm thick 1st class timber of champ timber, panisaj or equivalent with hinges and screws in iron all complete. Providing and fixing of 12mm thick and 100mm wide pelmets with (25mm dia.) curtain' rods and brackets including fixing with (25x3)mm M.S flat 10cm long and plugs etc. complete in champ timber or equivalent with necessary screws/nails. . DOORS AND WINDOWS FITTINGS Providing and fixing M.S. pressed bright finished butt hinges with necessary screws etc. complete. a 150x31x4mm b 125x31x4mm c 100x31x3mm

UNIT sqm

RATES 1192.89




18 18.1

Each Each Each

45.13 39.43 28.02


Providing and fixing Brass bright finished brass butt hinges with necessary screws etc. complete. a 150x31x4mm b 125x31x4mm c 100x31x3mm Each Each Each 170.31 158.91 147.51


Providing and fixing Piano hinges 35mm wide and 1mm thick with necessary screw etc complete. a M.S finished either with brass plating or nickel plating b Brass chromium plated Rm Rm 99.77 285.62


Providing, fitting and fixing. sliding door bolts with nuts and screws etc. complete. I Size 300x16mm a M.S (Bright Finish) b M.S (Black enameled) c M.S (Oxidized) d Brass (bright Finish) e Brass (Chromium Plated) f Aluminum Oxidized II MS 250x16mm Size Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each 199.76 86.77 103.87 755.36 783.86 268.97 155.18 197.94 63.97

a Ms (Bright Finish) b M.S (Black enameled)

S/N c M.S (Oxidized) d Brass (Bright Finish) e Brass (Chromium Plated) f Aluminum Oxidized 18.5


UNIT Each Each Each Each

RATES 63.97 692.65 726.85 234.76

Providing and fixing tower bolts 300x10mm (Barrel type) with necessary screws etc complete. a M.S b Brass (Bright Finish) c Brass (copper oxidized) d Brass (chromium plated) e Aluminum Each Each Each Each Each 51.74 326.51 337.92 326.51 99.63


Providing, fitting and fixing. Tower bolts 250x10mm with necessary screw etc complete. a M.S b Brass (Bright Finish) c Brass (copper oxidized) d Brass (Chromium plated) e Aluminum Each Each Each Each Each 46.04 315.11 326.51 315.11 76.82


Providing and fixing Tower bolt 200x100mm with necessary screws etc complete. a M.S b Brass (bright Finish) c Brass (copper oxidized) d Brass (Chromium Plated) e Aluminum Each Each Each Each Each 40.34 292.31 292.31 302.57 71.12


Providing and fixing Tower bolt 150x10mm with necessary screws etc complete. a M.S b Brass (Bright Finish) c Brass (Copper Oxidized) d Brass (Chromium Plated) e Aluminum Each Each Each Each Each 40.34 246.48 267.00 254.43 57.44

S/N 18.9

ITEMS Providing, fitting and fixing. Tower bolt 100x10mm with necessary screw etc complete. a M.S b Brass (bright Finish) c Brass (Copper Oxidized) d Brass (Chromium Plated) e Aluminum



Each Each Each Each Each

36.92 87.08 93.33 94.36 42.62


Providing, fitting and fixing. handles 125mm size with necessary screws etc complete. a Aluminum b M.S c Brass (Bright Finish) d Brass (Chromium Plated) Each Each Each Each 54.02 25.52 92.78 92.78


Providing, fitting and fixing. handles 100mm size with necessary screws etc. complete. a Aluminum b M.S c Brass (bright Finish) d Brass (Chromium Plated) Each Each Each Each 31.22 25.52 75.68 75.68


Providing, fitting and fixing. handles 75mm size with necessary screw etc complete. a Aluminum b M.S c Brass (bright Finish) d Brass (Chromium Plated) Each Each Each Each 31.22 25.52 64.28 64.28


Providing and fixing M.S. or oxidized M.S. Hook and Eyes with complete set. a 150mm Each 13.34


Providing and fixing 100mm mortise lock with 6 levers and pair of handles with necessary screws etc complete. a Brass (B.F) b Brass (C.O) c Brass (C.P) d M.S Each Each Each Each 1041.85 1041.85 1155.87 414.77

S/N 18.15

ITEMS Providing and fixing mortise lock with dead bolt and a pair of lever handles for W.C Bath room with necessary screws etc complete. a Brass (B.F) b Brass (C.O) c Brass (C.P) d M.S



Each Each Each Each

1041.85 1041.85 1155.87 386.27 1177.34


Providing and Fixing Hydraulic door closer with accessories and screws Each complete. Providing and fixing spring hinges double action with necessary screws of Each 100mm size of M.S all complete. STEEL AND ALUMINIUM WORKS Supplying/Bending, Binding of Steel Supplying, bending and placing in position mild steel (6mm dia.) including straightening, cutting, bending and placing in position including binding wire complete. Supplying, bending and placing in position tor steel reinforcement in all R.C.C works including cost of binding wires, all complete. ROOFING WORKS Providing, fitting, fixing of 24 BWG GCI sheet roofing with lapping of 150mm (two corrugation) with G.I. hooks, bolts and nut 8mm dia with bitumen, GI limpet washers filled with white bad including coat of approved steel primer and two coats of approved paint, on overlapping of sheet excluding carriage all complete. Providing, fitting, fixing of 24 BWG GP sheet roofing by making corrugation of 50mmx50mm x50mm on both side with G.I. hooks, bolts and nut 8mm dia with bitumen, GI limpet washers filled with white bad including coat of approved steel primer and two coats of approved paint, on overlapping of sheet excluding carriage all complete.



E 19 19.1






20 20.1







Providing fitting fixing ridges or hips of 60cm overall width of plain 24 BWG Galvanized Sheet fixed with G.I, J or L hooks bolts and nuts 8mm dia Limpets, Bitumen washers complete.



S/N 20.4

ITEMS Providing fitting and fixing 16mm thick valley of 90cm overall width in plain G.P sheet class I fixed with GI J or L hooks, bolts and nuts 8mm dia GI limpet and bitumen washers complete.


RATES 255.16

S/N 20.5

ITEMS Providing and fixing 15cm wide 45cm overall semicircular G.P sheet (Class I) gutter with iron brackets 40x3mm size, bolts, nuts, washers etc including making, connection with rain water pipes. Providing, fitting and fixing 23cm deep 24BWG G.P. sheet eaves board including (50mmx25mm) dressed sal timber beading and M.S. Rod brackets complete. Providing fitting and fixing 30cm deep 24BWG GP sheet eaves board including (50x25mm) dressed sal timber beading and M.S. rod brackets complete. Providing, fitting, fixing of 24 BWG Pre-painted HULAS sheet roofing with lapping of 150mm (two corrugation) with G.I. hooks, bolts and nut 8mm dia with bitumen, GI limpet washers filled with white bad including carriage all complete Providing fitting fixing ridges or hips of 60cm overall width of plain 24 BWG Pre-painted HULAS Sheet fixed with G.I, J or L hooks bolts and nuts 8mm dia Limpets, Bitumen washers complete. Providing fitting and fixing 16mm thick valley of 90cm overall width in plain Pre-painted HULAS sheet class I fixed with GI J or L hooks, bolts and nuts 8mm dia GI limpet and bitumen washers complete. Providing and fixing 15cm wide 45cm overall semicircular Pre-painted HULAS. sheet (Class I) gutter with iron brackets 40x3mm size, bolts, nuts, washers etc including making, connection with rain water pipes all complete. Providing, fitting and fixing 23cm deep 24BWG Pre-painted HULAS. sheet eaves board including (50mmx25mm) dressed sal timber beading and M.S. Rod brackets all complete. Providing fitting and fixing 30cm deep 24BWG Pre-painted HULAS sheet eaves board including (50x25mm) dressed sal timber beading and M.S. rod brackets all complete. Providing, fitting, fixing of 24 BWG GCI sheet roofing with G.I. hooks, bolts and nut 8mm dia with bitumen, GI limpet washers filled with epoxy (8 to 10 gm per bolt) in each boalts including coat of approved steel primer and two coats of approved paint, on overlapping of sheet excluding carriage complete.


RATES 196.83




























S/N 20.15

ITEMS Providing, fitting, fixing of 24 BWG GP sheet roofing with G.I. hooks, bolts and nut 8mm dia filled with epoxy in each bolts (8 to 10 gm per bolt)and painted in lappings with bitumen, GI limpet washers, including coat of approved steel primer and two coats of approved paint, on overlapping of sheet excluding carriage complete. Providing fitting fixing ridges or hips of 60cm overall width of plain 24 BWG Galvanized Sheet fixed with G.I, J or L hooks bolts & nuts 8mm dia filled with epoxy in each bolts (8 to 10 gm per bolt), Limpets, Bitumen washers complete. Providing fitting & fixing 16mm thick valley of 90cm overall width in plain G.S. sheet class I fixed with GI J or L hooks, bolts and nuts 8mm dia filed with epoxy ineach bolts (8 to 10 gm per bolt),GI limpet and bitumen washers complete. Providing & fixing 15cm wide 45cm overall semicircular G.S. sheet (Class I) gutter with iron brackets 40x3mm size, bolts filled with epoxy in each bolts (8 to 10 gm per bolt), nuts, washers etc including making, connection with rain water pipes. Providing, fitting, fixing of 24 BWG prepainted (HULLAS) sheet roofing with G.I. hooks, bolts and nut 8mm dia with bitumen, GI limpet washers filled with epoxy in each bolts (8 to 10 gm per bolt) including coat of approved steel primer and two coats of approved paint, on overlapping of sheet excluding carriage complete. Providing fitting fixing ridges or hips of 60cm overall width of plain 24 BWG prepainted (HULLAS) Sheet fixed with G.I, J or L hooks bolts & nuts 8mm dia filled with epoxy in each bolts (8 to 10 gm per bolt), Limpets, Bitumen washers etc. all complete. Providing fitting & fixing 16mm thick valley of 90cm overall width in plain prepainted (HULLAS) sheet class I fixed with GI J or L hooks, bolts and nuts 8mm dia filled with epoxy in each bolts (8 to 10 gm per bolt), GI limpet and bitumen washers etc. all complete. Providing & fixing 15cm wide 45cm overall semicircular prepainted (HULLAS) sheet (Class I) gutter with iron brackets 40x3mm size, boltsfilled with epoxy in each bolts, nuts (8 to 10 gm per bolt), washers etc including making, connection with rain water pipes. STEEL WORKS



























S/N 21.1

ITEMS Supplying, fabricating, fitting and fixing steel tubular trusses including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer, welded and bolted including special shape washer etc as per the standard specification and design and direction of Engineer - inCharge all complete. Supplying, fabricating, fitting and fixing tubular truss including putty, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer, welded and bolted including special shape washer etc complete in curve shaped Sikkim- style roofing as per the standard specification and design and as per the direction of Engineer - in- Charge all complete. Providing, fitting and fixing steel windows and ventilators of standard rolled steel section joints mitered and welded with iron lugs embedded in cement concreten1:3:6 including providing fitting and fixing 3 mm thick glass pens with glazing clips and special metal putty complete with MS grills @ 150mm c/c as per the direction of Engineer - in- Charge all complete:











21.4 Providing fitting and fixing rolling shutters of approved make , made of required size MS laths interlocked together through their entire length and joined together at the end by end lock mounted on specially designed pipe shaft with brackets, side guides and arrangements for inside and outside locking with push and pull operation complete including providing and fixing wire springs grade No 2 and MS top cover of required thickness of rolling shutters as per the direction of Engineer - in- Charge all complete: 21.5 Providing and fixing M.S round or square bars at required spacing in timber frames of windows as per the direction of Engineer - in- Charge all complete. Providing and fixing M.S grills in timber frames of windows with M.S flats with nuts, bolts, and smooth finishing of welded joints/surface with Grills weighing 8.00Kg/sqm as per the direction of Engineer - in- Charge all complete









Providing hold fast of (40x5)mm flat iron including fixing to frame with 10mm dia. Bolts nuts and timber plugs and embedding in CC 1:3:6 ( 1 cement, 3 coarse sand, 6 graded stone aggregate 2omm nominal size) Each block of size (30x10x15)cm. as per the direction of Engineer - in- Charge all complete:


S/N 21.8

ITEMS Providing, fitting and fixing in position collapsible steel shutter with vertical channel (20x10x2)mm and braced with flat iron diagonals (20 x 5)mm size with top and bottom rail of T-iron (40x40x6)mm with 40mm dia steel pulley complete with bolts, nuts, locking arrangements, stoppers and handles including applying of priming coat of approved steel primer as per the direction of Engineer - in- Charge all complete:





21.9 Providing fitting fixing pressed mild steel door frames manufactured from commercial mild steel sheet of 1.25 mm thick including hinges, jamb, lock jamb, bread and if required angle threshold of mild steel angle of section(50x25) mm, or base ties of 1.25mm pressed mild steel welded or rigidly fixed together by mechanical means, adjustable lugs with split end tail to each jamb including steel butt hinges, 2.5mm thick with mortar guards, lock, strike plate and a coat of specified primer after pretreatment of the surface including concreting with 1:3:6 CC or as directed by engineer-in charge: 22 22.1 Providing and fixing anodized aluminum works for doors, windows, ventilators and partitions with extruded built up standard tubular or other section of approved make confirming IS 733 and IS 1285, fixed with rawl plugs and screws or with fixing clips or with expansion hold fasteners i/c necessary filling up the gaps at junctions, at top, bottom and sides with sqm required PVC / neoprene felt, etc. Al. section shall be smooth, rust free, straight, mitered and joined mechanically wherever required i/c cleat angle, Al snap beading for glazing / paneling CP brass / stainless screws, all complete as per design and drawings and the direction of the Engineer in - Charge. 22.2 Providing and fixing prelaminated sheet three layer medium density (exterior grade) particle board grade - I type - II confirming IS 12823 bonded with phenol formaldehyde synthetic resin of approved brand and manufacture in panelling fixed in Aluminium doors, wndows, shutters and partition frames with CP brass / stain less steel screws etc. complete as per architectural drawings and direction of Engineer - in- Charge. 22.3 Providing and fixing glazing in Al. doors and windows ventilaor shutters and partitions etc. with PVC / neosprene gasket with CP brass / stain less steel screws etc. complete as per architectural drawings and direction of Engineer - in- Charge. PAINTING AND POLISHING PAINTING AND POLISHING WORKS ALUMINUM WORKS








F 23






ITEMS a Providing and applying priming coat with ready mixed pink on timber work including preparation of the surface by thoroughly cleaning and sand papering etc complete. b Providing and applying priming coat with ready mixed Red oxide, Zinc chromate primer on steel / galvanized Iron steel works including preparation of the surface complete. c Providing & applying priming coat with ready mixed Red oxide, Zinc chromate primer on steel/galvanized- Iron steel works i/c preparation of the surface complete. ENAMEL PAINTS a Providing and painting with ready mixed paint of approved quality and shade with two or more coats to give an even and smooth shade including clearing the surface complete on new surface. b Providing and painting with ready mixed paint of approved quality and shade with two or more coats to give an even and smooth shade including cleaning the surface complete on old surface.

UNIT sqm

RATES 18.12










23.3 a

ROOF PAINTS Providing and Providing and painting on G.S. sheet one or more coats with ready mixed paint to give an even shade including cleaning of surface of dust etc complete on old surface. b Providing and Providing and painting on G.S. sheet one or more coats with ready mixed paint to give an even shade including cleaning of surface of dust etc complete on new surface. PAINTING OF PIPES a Providing and painting one or more coats on rain water, soil waste, vent pipes and fittings with anti-corrosive bitumen paint including cleaning of dirt, dust etc complete on old surface. Rm Rm Rm Rm 3.58 5.17 6.77 10.00






i) 50mm dia ii) 75mm dia iii) 100mm dia iv) 150mm dia

S/N b

ITEMS Providing and painting one or more coats on rain water, soil waste, vent pipes and fittings with anti corrosive bitumen paint including cleaning of dirt, dust etc complete on new surface. i) 50mm dia ii) 75mm dia iii) 100mm dia iv) 150mm dia c Providing and painting one or more coats on old surface or rain water, soil, waste, vent pipe and fitting with aluminum paint including cleaning the surface of dirt, dust etc. complete. old surface



Rm Rm Rm Rm

5.95 8.58 11.22 16.57

i) 50mm dia ii) 75mm dia iii) 100mm dia iv) 150mm dia d Providing and painting two or more coats on new surface or rain water, soil, waste, vent pipe and fitting with aluminum paint including cleaning the surface of dirt, dust etc. complete. New surface

Rm Rm Rm Rm

4.17 6.01 7.86 11.61

i) 50mm dia ii) 75mm dia iii) 100mm dia iv) 150mm dia 23.5 a ALUMINUM PAINTS Providing and painting with Aluminum paint one or more coats on old surface to give an even shade including cleaning and preparing the surface complete. Old surface

Rm Rm Rm Rm

6.98 10.07 13.17 19.46



b Providing and painting with Aluminum paint two or more coats on new surface to give an even shade including cleaning and preparing the surface complete. New surface 23.6 POLISHING



S/N a

ITEMS Varnishing one or more coats with Copal varnish or superior quality spray varnish including preparation of surface with timber putty, sand paper etc on old work complete. old surface

UNIT sqm

RATES 40.12


ITEMS b Varnishing two or more coats with Copal varnish or superior quality spray varnish including preparation of surface with timber putty, sand paper etc on new work complete. c Providing and French spirit polishing one or more coats including cleaning of the surface of dirt and dust papered smooth etc on old surface complete. d Providing and French spirit polishing two or more coats including cleaning of the surface of dirt and dust papered smooth etc on new surface complete. e Providing and Floor polishing on masonry / concrete floor with superior quality wax polish complete.

UNIT sqm

RATES 85.53



sqm sqm

143.73 23.49


WHITE WASHING a White washing with white lime in two or more coats to give an even shade include- ding cleaning the surface to remove dirt, dust, mortar drops etc on old surface complete. b White washing three or more coats with white lime to give an even shade including cleaning the surface to remove dirt, dust, mortar drop etc on new surface complete. c Removing white/colour wash by steel wire brush, scrapping and sand papers and preparing the surface smooth including repairs to scratches etc complete. sqm 5.84






DISTEMPERING a Distempering with dry distemper on old work (one or more coats) of required shade to give an even and uniform shade after thorough cleaning of dirt, dust, loose pieces of scale, grease etc including surface preparation by sand papering etc complete. Old surface b Distempering with dry distemper on New surface two or more coats of required shade to give an even and uniform shade including priming coat of whiting to give an even shade after thorough cleaning of dirt, dust, loose pieces of scabs, grease etc including surface preparation by sand papering etc complete. New surface c Providing and distempering with oil bond washable acrylic distemper on old surface of approved brand and manufacture to give an even shade including preparation of surface etc complete.







d Providing and distempering with oil bound washable acrylic distemper two or more coats of approved brand or manufacture over a coat of cement primer to give an even shade on new surface including preparation of surface etc complete. e Removing dry oil bond distemper by scrapping, sand papering and preparing the surface smooth including repairs to scratches- etc complete.





S/N f

ITEMS Providing and washing with three or more coats of snowcem, durocem, cemcote etc. of approved quality and manufacture on exterior walls to give an even shade including preparation of surface on New surface complete. g Providing and washing with two or more coats of snowcem, durocem, cemcote etc of approved quality and manufacture on exterior walls to give an even shade including preparation of surface on old surface complete. Providing and Providing and painting with plastic Emulsion- paints one or more coats on old surface of required shade to give even shade inincluding brushing the surface clean of all dirt, dust and smoothened by sand paper etc complete.









i Providing and Providing and painting with plastic Emulsion paints two or more coats on New surface of required shade to give an even shade including brushing the surface clean of all dirt dust and smoothened by sand paper etc complete. j Providing and Providing and painting with acrylic exterior paints of quality and make equivalent to EXCEL, WEATHER SHIELD to give an even shade including brushing the surface clean of dirt, dust etc and sand papering and filling the scratches complete on New surface. k Providing and Providing and painting with acrylic exterior paints of quality and make equivalent to EXCEL, WEATHER SHIELD to give an even shade including brushing the surface clean of dirt, dust etc and sand papering and filling the scratches complete on old surface. WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION WATER SUPPLY Providing, Fitting and fixing GI pipe of medium class complete including cuttings and making good the walls etc. exposed on wall (Internal Works) excluding the cost of fittings all complete: Providing, Fitting and fixing GI pipe of medium class complete including cuttings and making good the walls etc. on concealed fittings including Providing and painting with anti corrosive bituminous paints all complete: (Internal Works) excluding the cost of fittings all complete: Providing, Fitting and fixing GI pipe of medium class, trenching in size 30cm wide 50cm depth, refilling and compacting with available excavated earth after laying of pipes excluding the cost of fittings all complete. a 15 mm dia G I pipe







G 24 24.1









S/N b 20mm dia G I pipe c 25mm dia G I pipe 24.4



RATES 178.88 246.06

Providing, Fitting and fixing GI pipe of medium class, trenching in size 45cm wide 50cm depth, refilling and compacting with available earth after laying of pipes excluding the cost of fittings all complete. a 32mm dia G I pipe b 40 mm dia G I pipe c 50 mm dia G I pipe d 65 mm dia G I pipe Rm Rm Rm Rm 319.79 355.77 486.09 590.79


Providing, Fitting and fixing GI pipe (HEAVY DUTY), trenching in size 60cm wide 60cm depth, refilling and compacting with available earth after laying of pipes excluding the cost of fittings all complete. a 80 mm dia G I pipe b 100 mm dia G I pipe c 150 mm dia G I pipe d 200 mm dia G I pipe e 250mm dia G I pipe Rm Rm Rm Rm Rm 964.87 1340.49 1942.86 3260.15 4503.34


Providing, Fitting and fixing DI pipe, trenching in size 60cm wide 60cm depth, refilling and compacting with available earth after laying of pipes all complete excluding the cost of fittings. a 80 mm dia D I pipe b 100 mm dia D I pipe c 150 mm dia D I pipe d 200 mm dia D I pipe e 250mm dia D I pipe f 300 mm dia D I pipe g 350mm dia D I pipe Rm Rm Rm Rm Rm Rm Rm Rm 1461.64 1664.06 2716.26 3459.18 4463.03 7216.79 8052.40 184.08


Providing, Fitting and fixing PVC 32mm dia pipe complete with GI fittings and clamps including cuttings and making good the walls etc. on wall for wash basin connector to main line

S/N 24.8

ITEMS Providing, Fitting and fixing Chromium plated fittings of approved quality and size complete: (ESCO ORIGINAL)





UNIT Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each

RATES 398.54 553.20 416.38 386.65 440.18 160.61 945.78 803.02 1725.00

b STOP COCK 15 MM DIA (CONCEALED WORKS) c PILLAR COCK 15 MM DIA d ANGULAR STOP COCK 15 MM DIA e BIB COCK LONG BODY 15 MM DIA f CONNECTING PIPE g SHOWER ROSE WITH ARM h SHOWER ROSE WITHOUT ARM i BASIN MIXTURE 24.9 Providing, Fitting and fixing brass fittings of approved quality and size complete: a BIB COCK 15 MM DIA b STOP COCK 15 MM DIA c GATE WAY VALVE 15MM DIA d GATE WAY VALVE 20MM DIA e GATE WAY VALVE 25MM DIA f GATE WAY VALVE 32MM DIA 24.10 Providing and placing on terrace high density polyethylene water storage tank with man hole lid and suitable locking arrangement including making holes for inlet, out let and ball cock including testing etc. all complete: (Sintex or equivalent) a 500 LITERS CAPACITY b 1000 LITERS CAPACITY c 2000 LITERS CAPACITY 24.11 25 25.1

Each Each Each Each Each Each

321.21 299.79 272.44 383.06 531.78 732.82

Each Each Each

3901.70 7803.37 15606.73 354.52

Providing, Fitting and fixing ball valve ( Brass) of approved quality Each complete with high or low pressure with plastic floats: SANITARY FITTINGS. Providing, fitting and fixing. white vitreous china water closet (W.C) squatting pan (Indian type) 530mm size with 100mm SCI (Sand cast iron) P or Strap, 10 ltr low level flushing cistern with fittings, CI brackets, 32mm Each flush pipe with fittings and clamps, 20mm overflow pipe, cutting and making good the wall and floor etc complete. Long type or Orrisa type pan. HINDWARE CAT NO 20004


S/N 25.2




Providing, fitting and fixing. white vitreous china water closet (W.C) squatting pan (Orissa pan) 580mm size with 100mm SCI (Sand cast iron) P or Strap, 10 ltr low level flushing cistern with fittings, CI brackets, 32mm Each flush pipe with fittings and clamps, 20mm overflow pipe, cutting and making good the wall and floor etc complete. Long type or Orrisa type pan.Orissa Pan 58x44 White CAT NO 20042 Providing, fitting and fixing. white vitreous china water closet (W.C) squatting pan (Indian type) 580mm size with 100mm SCI (Sand cast iron) P or Strap, 10 ltr low level flushing cistern with fittings, CI brackets, 32mm Each flush pipe with fittings and clamps, 20mm overflow pipe, cutting and making good the wall and floor etc complete. Long type or Orrisa type pan.Orissa Pan 58x44 Special CAT NO 20004 Providing, fitting and fixing. white vitreous china water closet (W.C) squatting pan (Indian type) 580mm size with 100mm SCI (Sand cast iron) P or Strap, 10 ltr low level flushing cistern with fittings, CI brackets, 32mm Each flush pipe with fittings and clamps, 20mm overflow pipe, cutting and making good the wall and floor etc complete. Long type or Orrisa type pan.Orissa Pan 58x44 (Box rim) Special CAT NO 20004 Providing, fitting and fixing white vitreous china pedestal (European type) water closet (W.C) pan with seat and lid, with C.P. brass hinges, 10ltr low level cistern with fittings and brackets 40mm flush bend, 20mm overflow Each pipe with specials, including Providing and painting and making good the wall and floors as required all complete: W.C. pan European Bidets standard CAT NO 30001 Providing, fitting and fixing white vitreous china pedestal (European type) water closet (W.C) pan with seat and lid, with C.P. brass hinges, 10ltr low level cistern with fittings and brackets 40mm flush bend, 20mm overflow Each pipe with specials, including Providing and painting and making good the wall and floors as required all complete: W.C. pan W.C. pan European Bidets constellation CAT NO 30006 Providing, fitting and fixing white vitreous china pedestal (European type) water closet (W.C) pan with seat and lid, with C.P. brass hinges, 10ltr low level cistern with fittings and brackets 40mm flush bend, 20mm overflow Each pipe with specials, including Providing and painting and making good the wall and floors as required all complete: W.C. pan European One pice (Starwhite) CAT NO 92008












S/N 25.8




Providing, fitting and fixing white vitreous china pedestal (European type) water closet (W.C) pan with seat and lid, with C.P. brass hinges, 10ltr low level cistern with fittings and brackets 40mm flush bend, 20mm overflow Each pipe with specials, including Providing and painting and making good the wall and floors as required all complete: W.C. pan European One pice (Ivory) CAT NO 92008 Providing, fitting and fixing white vitreous china flat back or wall corner type lipped front urinal basin of size 440x315x325 mm with 5 ltr automatic flushing cistern with C.I. brackets, GI flush pipe and spreaders with brass unions and G.I. clamps including cutting and making good the walls and floors as required all complete: a Range of 1 Urinal basin. b Range of two urinal basins with c Range of three urinal basins with d Range of four urinal basins with Each Each Each Each



3486.78 5104.20 6786.60 8712.53


Providing, fitting and fixing. urinal single squatting plate of white glazed fire clay with integral flushing pipe, 100mm channel, automatic flushing cistern of 5 liter. C.I. brackets, G.I. flush pipe with spreader pipe with fitting, G.I. clamps C.I. urinal trap 65mm channel with vent including cutting and making good the wall and floors as required. a Single squatting plate with 5ltr. cistern. b Two squatting plate with 5 Ltr. cistern. c Three squatting plate with 10Ltrs. cistern. d Four squatting plate with 15 liters. cistern. Each Each Each Each 4106.25 7741.68 9355.39 12339.50

25.11 Providing, fitting and fixing. white vitreous white china wash flat back basin with CI brackets, painted, 15mm CP brass pillar taps, CP brass chain with rubber plug, 32mm CP brass waste pipe, lead or PVC connection 32mm dia CP brass cap and unions, complete including cutting and making good the walls wherever required. HINDWARE a One wash basin with one pillar cock. i (63 cm x 45 cm) Each Each Each Each Each Each 2441.36 1740.29 1612.48 2873.44 2218.62 2090.83 ii 55 cm x 40 cm iii 45 cm x 30 cm b One wash basin with two pillar cock. i Wash basin ( 63 cm x 45 cm) ii 55 cm x 40 cm CAT NO 10001 iii 45 cm x 30 cm CAT NO 10004

S/N 25.12

ITEMS Providing, fitting and fixing. white vitreous china wash angle back basin with CI brackets, painted, 15mm CP brass pillar taps, CP brass chain with rubber plug, 32mm CP brass waste pipe, lead or PVC connection 32mm dia CP 'brass cap and unions, brass stop cock, complete including cutting and making good the walls wherever required. a One wash basin with one pillar cock 35 cm x 35 cm





25.13 Providing, fitting and fixing. white vitreous china wash in surgeons type basin with CI bracket, painted, 15mm CP brass pillar taps, CP brass chain with rubber plug, 32mm CP brass waste pipe, lead or PVC connection 32mm dia 'CP brass cap and unions, complete including cutting and making good the walls wherever required. HINDWARE a 49 cm x 36 cm b 51 cm x 45 cm c 63 cm x 50 cm 25.14 P/F stain less steel kitchen sink with CI brackets, CP brass chain with rubber plug 40mm CP brass waste, CP brass tap etc complete i/c the fittings, cuttings and making good the wall wherever required. a 610 x 450 x 200 mm. 25.15 Providing, fitting and fixing laboratory sink with CI brackets, CP brass chain with rubber plug, 40mm CP brass waste, CP brass tap, stop cock etc all complete including the fittings, cutting and making good the wall wherever required. HINDWARE a 63 cm x 50 cm 25.16 Each 3132.70 924.80 Each 5123.97 Each Each Each 1930.16 2390.25 3558.71

Providing and Fitting Pedestal white colour for of Hind Vitreous wash basin Each complete. BATH ROOM FITTINGS


Providing and fitting chromium plated toilet paper holder including the making holes and fixed to timber cleats with CP screws washer etc. all Each complete:. Providing, fitting and fixing Beveled gauge mirror of superior glass with 6mm A.C. sheets ground and fixed to timber cleats with CP screws, Each washer etc complete.




S/N 25.19



RATES 399.64

Providing and fitting of slandered size mirror of quality equivalent to Each Admiral and size 20"x16" complete

S/N 25.20 25.21 25.22

ITEMS Providing and fitting Porcelain soap tray all complete.


RATES 515.82 315.00

Providing, fitting and fixing. of chromium plated soap dish with necessary Each screw etc all complete. Providing, fitting and fixing towel rail of chromium plated brass complete with brackets fixed to the timber cleats, CP brass screws complete. a 740 x 20 mm b 600 x 20 mm Each Each

925.45 864.59 542.05


Providing, fitting and fixing towel ring of chromium plated brass complete Each with CP brass screw and timber cleats. SOIL WASTE / VENT PIPE FITTINGS (ISI)


Providing, fitting and fixing soil, waste and vent pipes including testing etc complete. a 100 mm dia. HCI soil pipe b 75 mm dia. HCI soil Pipe c 100 mm dia. PRINCE / SUPREME or equivalent soil pipe d 75 mm dia. PRINCE / SUPREME soil Pipe Rm Rm Rm Rm 425.41 379.21 245.67 135.40


Providing, fitting and fixing. bends of various types plain or a band with access door, insertion rubber washer 3mm thick bolts and nuts complete SCI or centrifugally cost spun sands pipes. a 100 mm dia.HCI b 100 mm dia. Supreme / Prince c 75 mm dia. HCI b 75 mm dia. Supreme / Prince Each Each Each Each 275.67 139.99 219.57 94.67

25.26 Providing, fitting and fixing double equal junction of required degree with access door, insertion rubber washer 3mm thick, bolts and nuts complete. a HCI 100 x 100 x 100 x 100 mm b HCI 75 x 75 x 75 x 75 mm c 100 x 100 x 100 x 100 mm Supreme / Prince d 75 x 75 x 75 x 75 mm Supreme / Prince Each Each Each Each 485.64 396.40 218.66 131.43

S/N 25.27

ITEMS Providing, fitting and fixing double equal junction of required degree with plain type, insertion rubber washer 3mm thick, bolts and nuts complete. a HCI 100x100x100x100mm b HCI 75x75x75x75mm



Each Each

421.89 323.74


Providing, fitting and fixing. off sets for sand cast Iron/CI spun (Sands) for 50mm, 75mm, 100mm pipes. a 75 mm offsets. b 100 mm offsets. c 150 mm offsets. Each Each Each 273.56 492.22 545.48

H 26.1

ROAD WORKS Providing & laying 15 cm (6") wide and 23 cm (9") deep hammer dressed stone edging with clean hard selected stones including packing of sides to proper line, level and as per directions of the Engineer-in-Charge, complete.




Providing & laying hand packed stone soling of specified thickness with clean hard selected stones including hammer dressing of stone for laying as per required level and camber including packing with broken stones obtained from hammer dressing to fill the voids to give uniform surface as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge all complete but excluding carriage and consolidation using: Manual means. 3 wheeled 8-10 ton roller. Preparation of subgrade by excavating earth to an average depth of 2.5 cm depth, dressing to camber and consolidating with 8/10 ton road roller including making good the undulations etc. and disposal of surplus earth lead upto 50 m. cum cum 347.15 322.95

a b 26.3



S/N 26.4

ITEMS Consolidation of subgrade with road roller of 8 to 10 tonne capacity including making good the undulations etc. with earth and re-rolling the subgrade. Providing and Laying water bound macadam sub -base with stone aggregate, screenings and binding material, including screening, sorting and spreading of materials, watering, ramming to required template, carriage to be given extra. Thickness of compacted base to be 100 mm of Grading I classification using stone metals of 90 mm - 45 mm size and stone screenings of Type A (20mm down) and specified quality of binding materials @ 0.09 cum per sqm. Work to be done as per the directions of Engineer-in-Charge, with consolidation using: 3 wheeled 8-10 ton roller. tandem wheel vibratory road roller of 11.5-42 ton capacity single wheel vibratory hand roller of 1-3 ton capacity. Manual means Providing and Laying water bound macadam base course with stone aggregate, screenings and binding material, including screening, sorting and spreading of materials, watering, ramming to required template, carriage to be given extra. Thickness of compacted base to be 75 mm of Grading II classification using stone metals of 63 mm - 45 mm size and stone screenings of Type A (20 mm down) and specified quality of binding materials @ 0.09 cum per sqm. Work to be done as per the directions of Engineer-in-Charge, with consolidation using:

UNIT sqm

RATES 2.65


a b c d 26.6

cum cum cum cum

1136.58 1162.87 1223.04 1109.74

a b c d 26.7

3 wheeled 8-10 ton roller. tandem wheel vibratory road roller of 11.5-42 ton capacity single wheel vibratory hand roller of 1-3 ton capacity. Manual means Providing and Laying water bound macadam surface - course with stone aggregate, screenings and binding material, including screening, sorting and spreading of materials, watering, ramming to required template, carriage to be given extra. Thickness of compacted base to be 75 mm of Grading III classification using stone metals of 53 mm - 22.4 mm size and stone screenings of Type B (10 mm down) and specified quality of binding materials @ 0.013 cum per sqm. Work to be done as per the directions of Engineer-in-Charge with consolidation using:

cum cum cum cum

1058.55 1098.45 1119.35 941.85

a b c

3 wheeled 8-10 ton roller. tandem wheel vibratory road roller of 11.5-42 ton capacity single wheel vibratory hand roller of 1-3 ton capacity.

cum cum cum

1168.86 1208.75 1229.62

S/N d 26.8

ITEMS Manual means Providing and Laying coarse graded Granular Sub-Base (GSB I) course with specified quality crushed stone aggregate, including screening, sorting and spreading of materials, watering, ramming to required template and consolidation with power road roller of 8-10 ton capacity all complete, carriage to be given extra. Thickness of compacted base to be 150 mm of Grading I classification using stone metals of specified size. Work to be done as per the directions of Engineer-in-Charge. (MORTH clause 401 and its sub clauses) Providing and laying of Prime Coat using Cationic Emulsion Bitumen on prepared water bound macadam (low porosity case) surface with 9 kg per 10 sqm of emulsion bitumen including cleaning and brushing of road surface to make free from dirt and dust before application and spraying of prime coat as per direction of Engineer in Charge. Providing and laying of Prime Coat using Cationic Emulsion Bitumen on prepared gravel based surface (high porosity case) surface with 12 kgs per 10 sqm of emulsion bitumen including cleaning and brushing of road surface to make free from dirt and dust before application and spraying of prime coat as per direction of Engineer in Charge. Providing and laying of Prime Coat using 80/100 Maxphalt Bitumen heated to proper temperature [302 degree Fahrenhiet] using firewood on prepared water bound macadam (low porosity case) surface with 9 kgs per 10 sqm of heated bitumen including cleaning and brushing of road surface to make free from dirt and dust before application and spraying of prime coat as per direction of Engineer in Charge. Providing and laying of Prime Coat using 80/100 Maxphalt Bitumen heated to proper temperature [302 degree Fahrenhiet] using firewood on prepared gravel based surface (high porosity case) surface with 12 kgs per 10 sqm of heated bitumen including cleaning and brushing of road surface to make free from dirt and dust before application and spraying of prime coat as per direction of Engineer in Charge.

UNIT cum

RATES 1097.17



26.9 a



26.9 b



26.10 a



26.10 b



26.11 a Providing and laying of Tack Coat using Cationic Emulsion Bitumen on prepared water bound macadam (low porosity case) surface with 4 kgs per 10 sqm of emulsion bitumen including cleaning and brushing of road surface to make free from dirt and dust before application and spraying of prime coat as per direction of Engineer in Charge.



S/N 26.11 b

ITEMS Providing and laying of Tack Coat using Cationic Emulsion Bitumen on prepared gravel based surface (high porosity case) surface with 6 kgs per 10 sqm of emulsion bitumen including cleaning and brushing of road surface to make free from dirt and dust before application and spraying of prime coat as per direction of Engineer in Charge.





26.12 a Providing and laying of Tack Coat using 80/100 Maxphalt Bitumen heated to proper temperature [302 degree Fahrenhiet] using firewood on prepared water bound macadam (low porosity case) surface with 4 kgs 1sqm per 10 sqm of heated bitumen including cleaning and brushing of road surface to make free from dirt and dust before application and spraying of prime coat as per direction of Engineer in Charge. 26.12 b Providing and laying of Tack Coat using 80/100 Maxphalt Bitumen heated to proper temperature [302 degree Fahrenhiet] using firewood on prepared gravel based surface (high porosity case) surface with 6 kgs 1sqm per 10 sqm of heated bitumen including cleaning and brushing of road surface to make free from dirt and dust before application and spraying of prime coat as per direction of Engineer in Charge.



26.13 Providing and laying of 20 mm thick premixed carpetting using firewood on new surfaces with 0.27 cum(per 10 sqm) of 10 mm down guage clean hard selected stone chips mixed with 14.60 kgs of 80 / 100 maxphalt bitumen heated to proper temperature [302 degree Fahrenhiet] over a hot tack coat surface with 9.76 kg (per 10 sqm) of same grade bitumen, including cleaning and brushing of road surface to make free from dirt and dust before application of tack coat including seal coating with 0.091 cum (per 10 sqm) of specified grade crushed stone chippings/ clean coarse sand (6.7 mm size) mixed with 9.76 kgs of same grade bitumen as above heated to proper temperature as per approved specification and direction of Engineer in Charge, including watering the roller wheels to keep moist as required and directed by the Engineer in Charge) to give uniform and even surface as per required camber and consolidation using a b c 3 wheeled 8-10 ton roller. tandem wheel vibratory road roller of 11.5-42 ton capacity Manual means sqm sqm sqm 210.64 218.70 208.26

S/N 26.14

ITEMS Providing and laying of 20 mm thick premixed carpetting using bitumen boiler and asphalt mixer on new surfaces with .27 cum per 10 sqm of 10 mm down guage clean hard selected stone chips mixed with 14.60 kg of 80 / 100 maxphalt bitumen heated to proper temperature [302 degree Fahrenhiet] over a hot tack coat surface with 9.76 kg per 10 sqm of same grade bitumen including cleaning and brushing of road surface to make free from dirt and dust before application of tack coat including seal coating with 0.091 cum per 10 sqm of specified grade crushed stone chips / clean coarse sand ( size 6.7 mm) mixed with 9.76 kg of same grade bitumen as above heated to proper temperature as per approved specification and direction of engineer in charge, including watering the roller wheels to keep moist as required and directed by the Engineer in Charge) to give uniform and even surface as per required camber and consolidation using



a b 26.15

3 wheeled 8-10 ton roller. tandem wheel vibratory road roller of 11.5-42 ton capacity Providing and laying of 20 mm thick premixed carpetting using firewood on old surfaces with 0.27 cum per 10 sqm of 10 mm down guage clean hard selected stone chips mixed with 14.60 kgs of 80 / 100 maxphalt bitumen heated to proper temperature [302 degree Fahrenhiet] over a hot tack coat surface with 7.50 kg per 10 sqm of same grade bitumen, cleaning and brushing of road surface to make free from dirt and dust before application of tack coat including seal coating with 0.091 cum per 10 sqm of specified grade crushed stone chips / clean coarse sand (size 6.7 mm) mixed with 9.76 kgs of same grade bitumen as above heated to proper temperature as per approved specification and direction of Engineer in Charge, including watering the roller wheels to keep moist as required and directed by the Engineer in Charge) to give uniform and even surface as per required camber and consolidation using

sqm sqm

200.05 212.28

a b c

3 wheeled 8-10 ton roller. single wheel vibratory hand roller of 1-3 ton capacity. Manual means

sqm sqm sqm

202.62 210.68 201.20

S/N 26.16

ITEMS Providing and laying of 20 mm thick premixed carpetting using bitumen boiler and asphalt mixer on old surfaces with .27 cum per 10 sqm of 10 mm down guage clean hard selected stone chips mixed with 14.60 kgs of 80 / 100 maxphalt bitumen heated to proper temperature [302 degree Fahrenhiet] over a hot tack coat surface with 9.76 kg per 10 sqm of same grade bitumen, cleaning and brushing of road surface to make free from dirt and dust before application of tack coat including seal coating with 0.091 cum per 10 sqm of specified grade crushed stone chips/ clean coarse sand ( size 6.7 mm) mixed with 9.76 kgs of same grade bitumen as above heated to proper temperature as per approved specification and direction of engineer in charge, including watering the roller wheels to keep moist as required and directed by the Engineer in Charge) to give uniform and even surface as per required camber and consolidation using:3 wheeled 8 -10 ton roller






a Providing & laying Seal Coat using bitumen boiler and asphalt mixer with 0.091cum per 10 sqm of stone grits / clean coarse sand (6.7 mm) mixed with 9.76kg. of 80/100 maxphalt bitumen over a hot tack coat surface with 9.76kg per 10 sqm of 80/100 maxphalt bitumen & rolling by 8/10 tonne power roller to give a uniform & even surface as per required camber including clearing & brushing of road surface to make free from dirt & dust before applying of tack coat all complete.




Providing & laying Seal Coat using firewood with 0.091cum per 10 sqm of stone grits clean coarse sand (6.7 mm) mixed with 9.76kg. of 80/100 maxphalt bitumen over a hot tack coat surface with 9.76kg per 10 sqm of 80/100 maxphalt bitumen & rolling by 8/10 tonne power roller to give an uniform & even surface as per required camber including clearing & brushing of road surface to make free from dirt & dust before applying of tack coat all complete. Providing and laying 25 mm compacted thickness of Semi Dense Bituminous Concrete wearing coat with 10 mm down stone aggregate of specified quality size and grading as specified in table 500-15 of clause no 508 of MoRT&H specification and bitumen of grade 80/100 @ 5.50%, 1% anti stripping and 2% cement by weight of total mix including hot mixing of stone aggregate and bitumen in hot mixed plant, (except transporting mixed material from plant site to work site) and laying mixed material with paver finished to the required level and grade, and consolidation by 8/10 ton roller and also rolling with vibratory road roller to achieve the required compaction and density and finished smooth using tandem wheel roller as per clause no 508 of MoRT&H specification. (excluding tack coat) and modified to that extent.






S/N 26.19




Providing and laying 50 mm compacted thickness of premixed Bituminous Macadam base course with 20 mm down stone aggregate of quality size and grading as specified in CPWD specification and bitumen of grade 80/100 @ 3.50%, 1% of Anti stripping and 2% cement by weight of total mix including hot mixing of stone aggregate and bitumen in hot mixed plant, (except transporting mixed material from plant to work site) and 1sqm laying mixed material with paver finished to the required level and grade, rolling with vibratory road roller of 8 to 10 t capacity to achieve the required compaction and density as per clause no 508 of MoRT&H specification modified to that extent. ( 50mm compacted thickness) (excluding prime coat and tack coat) CARRIAGE Carriage including loading and unloading of Stock Materials within 30 m lead all complete: Within 05 kilometers Beyond 5 km but within 10 km Beyond 10 km but within 15 km Beyond 15 km but within 20 km Beyond 20 km but within 30 km Beyond 30 km but within 40 km Beyond 40 km but within 50 km Beyond 50 km but within 60 km Beyond 60 km but within 75 km Beyond 75 km but within 90 km Beyond 90 km but within 105 km Beyond 105 km but within 120 km Carriage of Non-Stock materials Within 05 kilometers, Beyond 5 km but within 10 km Beyond 10 km but within 15 km Beyond 15 km but within 20 km Beyond 20 km but within 30 km Beyond 30 km but within 40 km Beyond 40 km but within 50 km Beyond 50 km but within 60 km Beyond 60 km but within 75 km Beyond 75 km but within 90 km cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum qtls qtls qtls qtls qtls qtls qtls qtls qtls qtls qtls qtls


I 27.0 27.1 27.2 27.3 27.4 27.5 27.6 27.7 27.8 27.9 27.1 27.1 27.1 28.0 28.1 28.2 28.3 28.4 28.5 28.6 28.7 28.8 28.9 28.1

9.35 12.69 16.03 19.38 26.07 32.77 39.46 46.15 56.19 66.23 76.27 86.31 161.97 221.21 280.71 340.21 459.21 578.20 697.20 816.20 994.70 1173.19

S/N 28.1 Beyond 90 km but within 105 km


UNIT cum

RATES 1351.69

S/N 28.1 29 29.1 29.2 29.3 29.4 Beyond 105 km but within 120 km HEAD LOAD


UNIT cum

RATES 1530.18

Head load of stock materials for a distance beyond 30 m and within 100m distance. Head load of non-stock materials for a distance beyond 30 m and within 100 m distance Head load of stock materials for a distance beyond 100 m for every additional 1000m Head load of non-stock materials for a distance beyond 100 m for every additional 1000m

qtls cum qtls cum

2.64 62.54 36.04 635.98

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