Exercises of Unit 10

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I. Put in somebody / something / somewhere / anybody / anything / anywhere / nobody / nothing

/ nowhere / everybody / everything / everywhere/ neither/either/both.
1) She wants to live ___ somewhere _________ by the sea.
2) She put ______ everything ____ in the box, all the things that she had.
3) Does _______ anybody ___ have a phone charger? (I don't know if a person has a charger or
4) We went ____ nowhere ________ this weekend. We stayed at home.
5) She didn't bring ___ anything _______ to the party.
6) Is there _______anybody ______ in the room?
7) A: What's wrong? B: ____nothing_________, I'm fine.
8) ____nobody_______ lives in that house. It's empty.
9) If your friend asks ''Would you like to see a horror or a sci-fi film?'' and you hate both, you
can say: _____neither_______.
10) _________everybody___________ was really friendly, all the managers and even the CEO.
11) __________everything________ is going really well and so I'm really happy.
12) I know ________nobody_______ in this company. It's my first day.
13) Your friend invites you to the cinema. ''Would you like to see a thriller or a comedy?'' You
like both types of film and you say: ___either_______.
14) She doesn't want ___anybody_________ to help her.
15) She loves ______everybody_____. She's a really kind person.
16) I must have left my keys __somewhere__________!
17) They looked ______everywhere_____ for the money. They looked in all the places in the
18) Your friend says ''I don't eat meat'' and you want to agree. You say: I don’t __________
19) ______ nowhere ______ in the UK has hot weather today. It's cold all over the country.
20) ________nothing____ unusual happened. It was a very ordinary day.
21) I gave the children ____something________ to eat because they were hungry.
22) I wish ___something__________ would clean this mess up!
23) ______somebody _______ came to the door earlier but I don't know who it was.
24) I'd love to travel ______everywhere________ - all over the whole world!
25) Your friend says ''I don't like horror films''. You want to agree and you say: __neither_____
do I.
II. Choose the best answer to fill in each gap.
1) I looked everywhere for my pen and it was here ______.
A. all the time B. none of the time C. every time D. each time
2) I tried to lift the heavy box but it was __________.
A. neither good B. not good C. no less than good D. no good
3) My girlfriend has got a gold earring in ______.
A. the ears B. each ear C. every ear D. her two ears
4) The two cars were not in good condition, so I didn't buy ______.
A. both of them B. neither of them C. either of them D. each of them
5) I had ________ a hundred offers for my car.
A. each B. all C. no less than D. neither
6) The room was full of people and ______ were speaking.
A. all of them B. none of them C. each of them D. neither of them
7) He walked into the room with a knife in either _______.
A. one B. side C. door D. hand
8) People say that there is _______ like show business.
A. all of business B. not business C. no business D. all business
9) ______ spent more time walking a century ago.
A. All B. All people C. Each people D. All persons
10) I feel tired this evening. I've been working hard _______.
A. all day B. every day C. each day D. day by day
11) You want to give someone a choice of cake or ice-cream. You say, ''I can offer _______ cake
_______ ice-cream.''
A. neither …. nor B. either ….or C. both ….and D. each …of
12) Your friend says ''I don't eat meat'' and you want to agree. You say: ___________
A. I also not B. I don't either C. I don't neither D. So do I
13) Your friend doesn't like horror or sci-fi films. You say, ''She hates ________ horror ________
sci-fi films.''
A. both/ and B. either/ or C. neither/ nor D. not either/ nor
14) Helen doesn’t like pork, and.......................her aunt.
A. either does B. neither does C. doesn’t either D. no neither
15) The spinach isn’t fresh. .......................the cabbages.
A. either are B. neither is C. either is D. neither are


Text 1:
From: Pauline Campbell [mailto:pauline.campbell#power.recruit.com
To: Mr. Justin Long
Sent: Tues, 20 Jun 2007 2:44 PM
Subject: Thank You

First, I'd like to thank you for taking the time to forward your resume and for expressing your
interest in employment opportunities ( cơ hội việc làm) with RECRUIT USA, Inc. Your………..
will be
1. A. employment (đi thuê người lđ) B. application (sự ứng tuyển) C. subscription (đóng phí)
D. administration (quản trị)
reviewed within the next few business days. Should your qualifications match our requirements,
we will contact you directly to arrange an interview. …………. the volume of
2. A. Due to (vì nhờ có) do B. Even though mặc dù C. In spite of mặc dù
D. In addition to ngoài cái j đó ra
applications we receive, we cannot guarantee that your resume will stay on file for an extended
period of time. As new positions are posted on a regular basis, we encourage you to revisit our
site and submit further applications as appropriate. We wish you the best of luck in your pursuit of
new career opportunities and thank you again for your interest in RECRUIT USA, Inc.
Pauline Campbell
Human Resources;
Text 2:
Pet Dislikes of Urban Life
According to a survey conducted by the city of Boston, traffic, pollution and noise were found to
be the least desirable aspects of living in the city. The ……………,
1. A. lecture bài giảng B. conference hội thảo C. survey cuộc điều tra D.
discussion thảo luận
administered as part of the city's local action plan, asked the citizens of Boston about their likes
and dislikes of their surroundings.
The results of the survey communicated proximity (27 .02 percent) and community character/
village feel (11.54 percent) to be at the top of the list of things most liked about city life.
The respondents felt the protection or enhancement of heritage (16.1 percent) and open space
(15.59 percent) were the two things they most desired the city to have. On the other hand, traffic
(10.22 percent), general noise (9.98 percent), and parking (7.52 percent) within the main core of
the city were the ………. attractive parts of living in the city.
2. A. less ít hơn B. fewer ít hơn C. a few 1 vài D. least tính từ dài ở
dạng so sánh tuyệt đối ss hơn nhất với tính từ dài không đếm được the ………. attractive
Re: the estate of Michael Gordon, formerly of 7 Golden Circus, Victoria, British Columbia,
deceased on the 1 9th of November, 2006. Đi sái sựt on dơ oăn nai of novembẻ to thao dừn six
Notice is hereby given that any further creditors and other claimants against the said estate should
contact the offices of Sankin and Sankin, Solicitors, Suite 9, 432 Wilberforce Road, Victoria,
V8W 3R3, the executors (những người thi hành án) of the will of Michael Gordon, no later than
December 22, 2006. After that date, we, the executors, will distribute the estate among the parties
entitled to it, taking into consideration only claims received by the due date
1. What is the main purpose of this notice?
A. To announce the passing away of Mr. Michael Gordon
B. To find a missing person
C. To remember a person who did good deeds
D. To inform people of a due date to make claims against a person
2. In which part of the newspaper would this notice be printed?
A. In the editorial section trong phần xã luận B. In the obituary section cáo phó
C. In the business section kinh doanh D. In the want ad section quảng cáo mong muốn
3. Who most likely took out this notice?
A. Mr. Gordon's family B. Michael C. A law firm 1 công ty luật D. A
From: Rudi Kok Kee
Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2006
To: Linda Chong
Cc: Samantha Long
Subject: Long Holiday in Indonesia
Dear colleagues,
Kindly be informed that Indonesia will be celebrating a long holiday from October 23-28, 2006,
toen ti three toen ti ết for Hari Raya ledul Fitri. There will be no pick-ups and deliveries, but
clearance will still run as normal.
In addition, for inbound shipments that are directed to cities outside Jakarta, the last transshipment
by local agents will be on October 20. Any shipment we receive alter that day will be on hold in
our office and be sent out after the long holiday on October 30.
Furthermore, for shipments headed to smaller towns, there will be a further delay because the
holiday festivities will be ongoing until the 4th in many rural areas. This situation will return to
normal on the 6th of November. Thank you for your kind attention.
Customer Service Department
1. Why was this e-mail written?
A. To request a shipment B. To notify someone of an upcoming schedule
C. To send an invitation for a celebration D. To inquire about a shipment
2. What will happen to an incoming shipment heading to a small town on October 21?
A. It will be returned to the sender. B. It will be held until the 30th.
C. It will reach its destination after the 6th of November. D. It will be delivered the next day.
3. When was this e-mail sent?
A. October 4th B. October 20th C. October 30th D. November 4th
Dear Mr. Wong,
This is my first day back from my trip to Asia. I wanted to send you a note right away to thank
you for the warm hospitality and help you provided during my visit. You and your staff
demonstrated incredible professionalism, kindness, and talent in all your efforts. The presentation
to the leadership team was unanimously well received.
My two trips to Singapore over the last three months have solidified my opinion and belief that
you and your team are definitely the right choice for our next groundbreaking project. I feel very
confident that you will spearhead a very successful initiative for us.
I will formally prepare the proposal details to send to my Chief Executive Officer, and I
recommend we take the next step and formalize a contract for this upcoming Project with you.
Once that has been drafted, I would like you and your senior members to take a trip to our offices
here in New York to review the final details together. We will make all the necessary travel
arrangements once we have a better idea about the timing. I trust that this will be good news for
you and your team. Please contact me with any questions in the meantime. Will be in touch with
you early next week.
Wayne Forman
President, PGI Communications
To: Claire Lauder, CEO
From: Wayne Forman, President
Date: March 19, 2006
Re: Quick notes on my trip to Asia
Claire, I just wanted to send you a quick note before my formal proposal regarding my trip to Asia
and my assessment of the Adventure Media Services Group.
As discussed briefly, my trips to Singapore over the last several months have proved to be very
helpful in determining our next partner in our Project Best initiative. Adventure Media Services
presented exceptional credentials, substantiated by further meetings, research findings, and
facility tours.
I will be preparing my draft notes for the formal proposal, which I will submit for official
recommendation by the end of the week.
With your approval, we will then have the senior members of the Adventure Media Services join
us here in New York to work out the details.
Please keep your calendar open for their visit early next month.
In the meantime, if you have any questions, please let me know.

1. What is the purpose of Mr. Forman's letter?

A. To request a further update on the information discussed while he was in Singapore
B. To show his appreciation for the friendly reception and treatment during his trip
C. To set up an appointment to meet with the president of Adventure Media Services
D. To notify Mr. Wong that he will be making a trip to Singapore to check out the operations
2. What can be inferred about Mr. Wayne Forman?
A. He often makes business trips to Singapore.
B. He has made up his mind to work with Adventure Media Services.
C. He has completed drafting the contract.
D. He does not get along well with his boss.
3. What does Wayne say he will do by the end of this week?
A. Go to Singapore to meet with Mr. Wong
B. Prepare a summary of his trip to Singapore
C. Set up the travel arrangements for the Singapore executives
D. Draw up the first copy of the official outline
4. What does Wayne want Claire to do after reading the memo?
A. Call Mr. Wong to thank him for the hospitality
B. Set up a meeting with the lawyers to discuss the contract
C. Read over the draft of the agreement
D. Mark some dates on her calendar

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