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Gonzalo Aler National High School

Brgy. Alayao, Capalonga, Camarines Norte


Correlation of Time Management to Excessive School work of Junior high school students
at Gonzalo Aler National High School Students

A Research Paper Presented to the Faculty of Senior High School of

Gonzalo Aler National High School

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Subject


Grade 12 – HUMSS

Realyn M. Berja
Guia Marielle N. Guttierez
Lady Neptune A. Rieza
Jasmine D. Sarmiento
Kyle Crisostomo
John Ruel C. Lapso
Joshua V. Guban
Lawrence Morao
Jay Ar Orit

Table of Contents
Title page
Chapter 1
Statement of the Problem
Scope and Delimitation
Significance of the study
Chapter 2
Review of Related Literature and Studies
Synthesis State of the Art
Theoretical Framework
Conceptual Framework
Chapter 3
Research Design
Population and sample size
Research Instrument
Data Gathering Procedure
Statistical Treatment of the Data
Chapter 4
Interpretation of Analysis Data
Chapter 5
Curriculum Vitae
Chapter 1
Background and its Setting

Schoolwork is an essential part of every student life. It is one of the requirement in order for

the student to pass. It also aims to enable students to learn and gain knowledge on their own way.

It is an effective way on sharpening the minds of the students regarding on academic aspect. But,

in order for the students to learn, it mostly resulted on students acquiring adverse effects because

of overload schoolwork.

Effective time management is crucial for students to manage excessive schoolwork and

maintain their well-being. It involves prioritizing tasks, fostering organizational skills, and

enhancing productivity. Students who excel in time management can focus on high-priority

assignments, meet deadlines, and address each task systematically. This approach helps break

down overwhelming workloads into manageable components, reducing stress and promoting

control over academic life. Mastering time management also leads to deeper learning

experiences, fostering a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. Poor time

management can lead to increased stress, compromised academic performance, and a diminished

sense of self-efficacy. Students with effective time management skills are better equipped to

navigate the complexities of a demanding academic environment, reducing stress and enhancing

overall academic performance.

Students who have their own daily routine and lifestyle, which are necessary to balance

academics and extracurricular activities, often live a very busy and stressful life as they attend

classes, complete homework and study for exams. Also, the need to create time to do everything
at once can be difficult and overwhelming, so this is where effective time management skills

need to come to life. Time management is a skill that students must learn, allowing students to

design plans ahead of time and prioritize upcoming assignments and activities. Time

management allows students to organize and focus better on daily life, with more control over

their daily lives. In order for students to have good time management skills, they need to change

some harmful habits such as academic procrastination because completing academic assignments

on time and not procrastinating increase success. If students are motivated and disciplined, their

time management skills will improve over time with practice (Cyril, 2015, s. 39)

Students in general have very busy and stressful lives because they are attending classes,

completing assignments and studying for exams. In addition they have their own daily routines

and lifestyles that are necessary for creating balance between academics and extracurricular

activities. However, finding time to do everything at once can be challenging and overwhelming.

This is where good time management skills come into practice. This is a skill that students need

to learn. They must take the necessary approaches and apply those strategies in order to be

effective and more productive. Having these skills gives students the ability to plan ahead and

prioritize upcoming assignments and events. This is an important factor in keeping students

organized and avoiding procrastination, and ultimately leads to academic success.

Time management can be very useful in a student’s hectic schedule. It ensures that students are

well prepared, organized and focused to manage their daily lives and complete academic

assignments on time. It can lead to improved success, however, this is a skill that students have

to learn and practice. Students must change their habits in order to have good time management

skills. This can only happen if students take the first steps in identifying their problems. Good

time management skills stems from the issue of prioritizing one’s time effectively.
This can be done by setting new personal goals and striving to accomplish them with a new and

improved attitude in mind. Another bad habit that students need to change is procrastination.

Students should learn how to work smart, and not working too hard, and not retaining anything.

Sometimes students need to study for a couple of hours and take a break to clear their minds. It is

a good idea to take breaks when feelings of frustration come on. Too much information leads to

an information overload that the brain can’t deal with at one time. If students are motivated and

disciplined, their time management skills will improve with practice.

Time management is swiftly becoming a grave area of concern in individual’s private life as well

as in organization life from top management to operating level supervisors. Effective time

management is valuable in terms of cost savings for projects and operations. Time management

is concerned with optimizing the use of our discretionary time.

It is important to realize that the available amount of time is constant and all that we can change

is the way we utilize this time. If we take time management seriously, we can break loose from

this bondage and pack more in the available amount of time. We need to alter our habits and our

attitude in order to derive the maximum utilization of the limited time at our disposal. Because,

wasted time can never come back.(Cyril, 2015, s. 39)

Statement of the problem
This Study aims to determine the relationship between time management and excessive school

works of Junior High School students at Gonzalo Aler National High School.

1.Determine the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of

1.1 Age

1.2 Grade & Section

1.3 Socio Economic

2.Determine the level of time management of the students.

3 Identify on how many school work they encounter.

4. Identify the Correlation of time management and excessive school works.

5 Recommendation that will be make after finding a result.

Ha — There is a relationship between Time Management and School Works of Junior high
school students.

Ho — There is no relationship between the time management, School works to the demographic
profile of the junior high school students.
Scope and Delimitation

The study will focus on the relationship of the time management to the excessive Schoolwork’s

of Junior High School Students at Gonzalo Aler National High School.

The study's respondents will be only the selected junior high school students at Gonzalo Aler

National High School. Out of 625 junior high school students’ population, the researchers used

solvins formula to get a sample, So 244 students is a target respondents. The respondents will be

classified based on name, gender, grade, and section. The researchers will use a questionnaire as

a research instrument for this study, Through the distribution of the questionnaire the

Researchers will assist the respondents, the researcher will gather information or data that is

specific and realistic based on the research topic; in that case, the researcher will be able to

identify the relationship of Time management to excessive Schoolwork’s. The study results

depended on how well the students were able to answer all the questionnaires of the study

truthfully and sincerely.

Significance of the study

With the overwhelming help of the researcher, data and information are gathered from

respondents to guarantee that there will be benefactors at the end of this study. The following

will significantly benefit from the study’s findings.

Students can use the result of this study to know how to deal with school work overload. The

results of the study will help them to improve their academic performance and manage their

time to do the school work and pass it on time.

Teachers can use the result of the this study to minimize academic overload and negotiate an

extension. They can use the result to know why some students can’t pass the schoolwork on the

given time.

School Administrator can use this study to know and guide the students on how to handle the

school works, This study can use to conduct meeting for all teacher and student on how to lessen

the problem of School works overload.

Parents This study will provide adequate information that could help and satisfy the parents of

the students for them to be aware on what improvement is happening and to give importance in

their time.
Future Researcher The researcher will help them to give some data and information that will

give answer to some questions. The study may help them to get some important details about

time management and School works.

Chapter 2
Review of Related Literature and Studies
The researchers enumerated in this chapter the Related Literature and Studies associated with the

sub-topics; the Synthesis of the Art of all Related Studies was indicated as theoretical Framework

and Paradigm, Conceptual Framework and Paradigm, and the definition of terms.

Time Management

Foreign Studies

Good time management is usually interrelated with better performance in academics and

decreased levels of nervousness among learners; though it becomes very challenging for several

learners to find an equilibrium between their academics and their routine activities (Adams &

Blair, 2019). Also Effective time management leads to greater academic performance and

reduces stress, strain and anxiety among students, however, students facing difficulties to keep a

balance between their academic life and personal-social life (Adams & Blair 2019).

A study conducted among students of diagnostic radiology technology department at King

Abdul-Aziz University to find the impact of time management on the academic performance,
found that students strongly believed that their academic performance decreased due to miss

planning and poor time management (Alyami A et al.,2021).

According to the study of (Makhmudova, 2023). THE CONTENT OF THE DEVELOPMENT


ASSESSMENT. It has been noted that 91% of respondents think that proper time management

skills can reduce stress on students and they can improve their performance. Almost around 86%

of people think that effective time management techniques can improve students’ focus on their

tasks and they can achieve their goals faster.

Foreign Literature

The ability of learners to successfully distribute their time between academic tasks and lessening

maladaptive practices such as procrastination are significant determinants of efficacious

educational consequences (martines, 2021).

Nearly around 83% of the respondents think that time management can help learners in better

decision-making and their confidence will be increased. Poor time management is basically a

habit of time wasting and it results in inefficiency in the students when they try to organize their

tasks or plan any tasks. Additionally, poor time management can also increase stress and the

feeling of anxiety as well as reduces learning and career opportunities (Mirzaev, 2021).

The key to efficient management of one’s time is to organize one’s tasks in descending order of

importance and spend less time on those that are not as essential to achieving one’s objectives

(DeBeliso et al., 2022).

Ineffective time management can affect both the social and academic life of a student.. The

ability to manage time effectively has an impact on mental capacity, stress, and performance

(Ahmad, 2020).

Proper management of one’s time is considered an essential strength for students to cultivate if

they wish to boost their academic performance and progress. Students are expected to be able to

make effective use of their time, which requires them to create and adhere to a schedule, delegate

responsibilities, and make use of a variety of other time-management strategies (Desmond et al.,


School Works

Literature and studies

Students are frequently perceived as stressed individuals, particularly those who devote most of

their time to maintaining high academic performance. Students' stress levels tend to rise due to

the amount of academic workload burnout they experience. Students under academic stress may

engage in emotional eating or meal skipping (Choi, 2020).

Studies have been conducted by (Yang, Chen & Chen, 2021) that academic workload on student

burnout is one of the factors limiting students’ ability to perform well in online classes. It also

takes a toll on students’ physical and mental health as new problems arise. Students’ physical and

mental health are currently suffering due to the movement from normal life to a new

environment or system that they are in.

Timchenkova S. (2018) examines the impact of workload on students’psycho-emotional state,

the nature of the educational process, and the resulting effect of the change, both on the

psychological and physiological levels.

Corrales et al. (2020) suggest that one of the causes of student stress is overall workload. During

the Covid-19 times education is shifted online because offline learning activities are not allowed

in most universities.l

Synthesis State of the Art

Students, often seen as stressed, especially when prioritizing academic success, tend to face

heightened stress levels from overwhelming academic workloads, potentially leading to burnout.

This stress can manifest in behaviors like emotional eating or skipping meal (Choi, 2020).

This indicates that the academic workload in online classes serves as a significant factor

contributing to student burnout, negatively impacting their academic performance. The transition

to this new environment also takes a toll on students’ physical and mental health, exacerbating

challenges in adapting to the changes (Yang, Chen & Chen, 2021).

Delves into the influence of workload on students’ psycho-emotional well-being, exploring how

it affects the educational process and its consequences on both psychological and physiological

levels Timchenkova S. (2018) .

This propose that a significant contributor to student stress is the overall workload, a concern

exacerbated during the Covid-19 era as education transitions online due to restrictions on offline

learning activities in many universities Corrales et al. (Citation2020).

In over all, School works is the one that students getting stress and burn out. Because of the

Workload they did not know how to start their school works that end up getting fail to their

academics. And also they skipping meals to do their task that result of getting sick.

According to (Adams & Blair, 209) Good time management have a connections to better

academic performance, despite of challenge of the learners to balance their academics and their

leisure activities it can help to decrease levels of nervous of the learners.

Effective time management is significant to school works because it can lead to have a great

academic performance and reduce stress, strain and anxiety among students because they know

how to manage their time, but other students facing difficulties to keep a balance between their

academic life and personal life because they have a poor management skills( Adams & Blair)

According to the study of (Alyami A et al.,2021) they conduct a diagnostic radiology technology

to find the impact of time management on the academic performances, they found that the

students strongky believed that their academic performance decrease due to having a bad

managing time.
Base on the study of (Makhmudova, 2023). 91% of their respondents think that proper time

management skills can reduce stress on students and almost 86% people think that effective time

management techniques can improve students to focus on their task and they can achieve their

goals faster.

It’s emphasizes that learners’ successful time distribution between academic tasks and the

reduction of maladaptive practices like procrastination play pivotal roles in achieving positive

educational outcomes (Martines, 2021).

This reveal that approximately 83% of respondents believe that effective time management

enhances learners’ decision-making and boosts confidence. Conversely, poor time management,

characterized by time-wasting habits, leads to inefficiency in organizing tasks, increases stress,

anxiety, and diminishes both learning and career prospects(Mirzaev, 2021).

This advocate for efficient time management by prioritizing tasks in descending order of

importance, emphasizing the importance of dedicating less time to less essential activities in

order to achieve one’s objectives (DeBeliso et al., 2022).

This highlights that inadequate time management not only impacts a student’s academic life but

also extends to their social aspects. The skill of effective time management significantly

influences mental capacity, stress levels, and overall academic performance(Ahmad, 2020).

It’s underline the importance of cultivating time management as a crucial strength for students to

enhance academic performance. Successful time management involves creating and adhering to

schedules, delegating responsibilities, and employing various strategies to make effective use of

time (Desmond et al., 2022).

In over all literature and studies, Time management has a significant role in our school works

and personal life because it can help balance our doing things. Having a time management skills

can help reduce stress and anxiety because they know how to manage their time effectively, they

know how to prioritize a task. And time management can help them to achieve their goals in life.

There are many students who have a bad managing time that’s why they end up getting stress

and anxiety, they did not know how to prioritize their task properly and it can decrease their

academic performances.

Definition of terms

Time management —the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between

different activities.

Workload —The amount of work that a machine produces or can produce in a specified time


Academic performance —the measurement of student achievement across various academic

Task— a usually assigned piece of work often to be finished within a certain time

Theoretical Framework

The Pickle Jar Theory serves as a visual metaphor to determine what is useful and what is not

useful. It helps you to set your priorities for daily life and plan tasks in such a way, that you have

time to spare instead of too few hours in the day. The Pickle Jar Theory is popular for time

management . The Pickle Jar Theory provides insight into our timetable and offers opportunities

to make an effort every day to put our most important tasks at the top of the list every day. Only

then does it get easier to handle and actually meet deadlines. By not letting our daily activities be

interrupted by the sand that’s slipping by, it becomes easier to focus on the main tasks. The
insight becomes even more clear by working with to-do lists. By carefully considering what

tasks still need to be done in advance, you’ll be able to treat the most important tasks as ‘rocks’

and put them on your list. Wright. J,(2002).0

Goals assist us to properly focus and work towards achieving the things that are important to us.

The Goal-setting theory advanced by Locke can be used to effectively manage a person’s time.

This theory is based on the premise that a person will be more motivated to perform if they have

clear and specific goals and objectives. According to this theory, high performance can only

come from clear expectations (Pynes 2008, p.155).

Personal goal setting enables a person to plan and therefore live life in their own way. By setting

goals that are both challenging and achievable, a person will have a clear idea of what needs to

be done and will be motivated to work towards the set goals. A person will therefore avoid

wasting time on activities that do not assist in the fulfillment of the desirable goals.

Parkinson’s Law states that any workload expands to fill the time available for its completion. In

other words, if more time is allocated to a task, then there are high chances that an individual will

use the whole time completing the task rather than quickly completing it and using the remaining

time for other tasks. This theory highlights the importance of setting realistic deadlines and

limiting the time allocated for each task. Individuals can consciously set shorter deadlines,

enhance their focus, improve efficiency, and quickly complete tasks. Parkinson’s Law

emphasises that the perception of urgency and limited time can positively impact productivity.

The Pickle Jar

Theory of Parkinson’s
Time Law Theory

Correlation of
Management to
School work.

Conceptual Framework

The Research paradigm showing the relationship of two variables the Time Management and

the Excessive School Works.




• The Researchers will find out

the correlation of time
management and School works
of the students.

• Providing a symposium or
program that cultivate their
management skills.

Chapter 3


This chapter includes the research design, the population and sampling technique, the research

instrument, the data-gathering procedure, and the statistical treatment for data analysis used by

the researchers in a study.

Research Design
This study uses Quantitative Research to determine the correlation of time management to

excessive school works of Junior high school students at Gonzalo Aler National High School in

the academic year 2023-2024.

This study uses the Correlation research design, a methodology examining the statistical

relationship between variables to determine the extent of association. It explores connections

without implying causation, providing insights into relationships but not establishing cause-and-

effect links. The correlation research design assists researchers in understanding the statistical

relationships between variables, aiding in the exploration of associations and patterns within

their study.

Population and Sample Size

The research respondents are the junior high school students of Gonzalo Aler National High

School, with 619 population: grade 7, grade 8, grade 8, grade 10. Out of 619 population by using

solvin formula the target respondents are 244 only. It includes all sections among the junior high

school students under the supervision and permission by the teachers as well. The respondents

are came from. Their ages range from 12 to 18 years old.

The researchers used stratified random sampling to group the target respondents and determine

the study’s sample size. The age, gender and grade level of the respondents will be the basis for

grouping them accordingly. This technique will group the respondents according to their identity.

Data gathering procedure

A questionnaire was administered to determine student respondents’ if there’s a relationship

between time management and excessive school works of junior high school students at Gonzalo

Aler National High School; students will take the questionnaire. The questionnaire will be given
to the Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9and Grade 10 Students enrolled in the academic year 2023-


The researchers provided a permission letter for the administration of the questionnaire. When

the principal approved the permission letter and consent form, they went to the classroom of the

respondents to survey to get the answers to their questionnaire. The researchers will briefly

discuss our study to inform them and give instructions to the respondents on how to answer the

questionnaire; the students will be given enough time to answer the questionnaire and assist the

students if they need help in answering the questionnaire. After collecting the questionnaire, the

researcher will analyze the data. Lastly, the respondents who helped the researcher by answering

the administered questionnaires were acknowledged.

Research Instrument
The Instrument that we will be using is a Questionnaire. It is focused on the statement of the

problem made by researchers for the specific respondents with the acknowledgment of the

adviser, as well as when the questionnaire is approved and ready to give to the respondents.

The Rating scale will be used to determine the correlation of time management to excessive

school works. The researcher made a checklist questionnaire, Part 1 is all about the demographic

profile of the respondents in terms of Grade, age and Economic Status, the part 2 will be measure

the time management skills of the respondents and the last part contained on how many school

works they encounter. To measure, the researcher has a corresponding scale: (0) Never, (1)

Seldom, (2 )Sometimes, (3) Usually, (4 )Always.

Statistical Treatment of Data

To interpret the data effectively, the researchers will employ the method of percentage and

pearson-r for likert scale.


This will employ the frequency count and percentage The Role of Social Media Etiquette and to

know the what contained in this is the most exposed by the students.

Formula %=F/N×100

% is the percentage

F is the frequency

N is the total number of respondents

100 is the constant value

2.Weighted Mean

Weighted Mean. The total product of frequency and the corresponding variable value is divided

by the total frequency count.

Formula: Mean = Sum of Observation + Total Number of Observation

3.Slovin’s Formula


N= N/1+Ne²

N= Sample Size

N= Population size

E= Margin of error 5% (0.05)


The Pearson-r formula or also known as Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient is used to

identify if the two variables are connected to each other and has a relationship to the study.

Pearson’s correlation coefficient returns a value between -1 and 1. The interpretation of

the correlation coefficient is as under:

 If the correlation coefficient is -1, it indicates a strong negative relationship. It implies a

perfect negative relationship between the variables.

 If the correlation coefficient is 0, it indicates no relationship.

 If the correlation coefficient is 1, it indicates a strong positive relationship. It implies a

perfect positive relationship between the variables.


N= number of pairs of the variable

∑xy = sum of products of the pairing variable

∑x = sum of the x Variable

∑y= sum of the y Variable

∑x2 = sum of the squared x Variable

∑y2 = sum of the squared y Variable

Chapter 4
This chapter includes the presentation, analysis and interpretation of the data gathered through

the use of Questionnaire made by the researcher.

1.1 AGE
13 - 14 147 60%
15 - 16 91 37%
17 -18 6 2%
Total 244 100%

Based on the table, 60% of the respondent are 13-14 years old, 37% of the respondents are 15-16

years old and 2% of the respondents are 17-18 years old who answered the questionnaire with a

total of 244 respondents and 100 percentage.


5,000 – 10,000 158 65%
10,000 – 15,000 45 18%
15,000 – 20,000 27 11%
20,000 - Above 14 6%
Total 244 100%

Based on the table, 65% of the respondent has 5,000 to 10,000 income in a month, 18% of the

respondents has 10,000 to 15,000 income in a month and 11% of the respondents has 15,000 to

20,000 income in a month also, 6% of the respondents has 20,000 pesos above income in a

month with a total of 244 respondents and 100 percentage.

2.1 Every day I make a list of things I need to get done.
Frequency Percentage
Never 34 14%
Seldom 37 15%
Sometimes 97 40%
Usually 39 16%
Always 37 15%
Total 244 100%

Based on the answers of the respondents if they make a list of things they need to get done, The

respondents who checked “Sometimes” is 97 it has a (40%), the students who checked “Usually”

is 39 it has (16%), the students who checked “Never” is 34 it has 14% while the “Always” and

“Sometimes” has same with 37 or (15%). Which mean the majority answered of the respondents

is “Sometimes” means they make a list of things they need to get done sometimes.

2.2 Every day, I accomplish one thing at least.

Frequency Percentage
Never 5 2%
Seldom 27 11%
Sometimes 93 38%
Usually 67 28%
Always 52 21%
Total 244 100%

This table shows the answer of the respondents on how they frequency Accomplish one thing a

day. Sometimes have a majority answer with 93 (38%), “Usually” is the second with 67 (28%)

and “Always” has 52 (21%), “Seldom” has 27 (11%) also the “Never” has 5 (2%). In overall 244

2.2 I complete my school work ahead of schedule.
Frequency Percentage
Never 12 5%
Seldom 37 15%
Sometimes 69 29%
Usually 74 30%
Always 52 21%
Total 244 100%

The table present the results of the data gathered from the respondents, the respondents who

checked “Usually” is 74 (30%), the “Sometimes” is 69 (29%), the “Always” is 52 (21%), and

“seldom” has 37 (15%) and also the “Never” 12 (5%). In over all is 244 (100%)

2.4 I’m good at organizing my time.

Frequency Percentage
Never 9 4%
Seldom 33 14%
Sometimes 83 34%
Usually 75 30%
Always 44 18%
Total 244 100%

The table above shows the results of the data gathered, the respondents who checked

“Sometimes” 83 it has 34%, the students who checked “”Usually” 75 it gas 30%, the respondents

who checked “Always” 44 it has 18%, and the respondents who checked “Seldom” is 33 it has

14% and also the respondents who checked “Never” 9 it has 4%.
2.5 I complete the tasks at hand today. I don’t put things off.
Frequency Percentage
Never 23 9%
Seldom 29 12%
Sometimes 98 40%
Usually 49 21%
Always 45 18%
Total 244 100%

Based on the table, the students who checked “Never” 23 it has (9%), the students who checked

“Seldom” 29 it has (12%), the students who checked “ Sometimes” 98 it has (40%), the

respondents who checked “Usually” 49 it has (21%) and also the number of respondents who

checked “Always” 45 (18%). In overall 244 (100%).

Meanwhile, below is the grading scale is use in describing the level of time management

Skills. The five orderable stages of time management skills with their respective range of

grades and description are as follows

Rate Description Level Scale Interpretation

4 below Never 0 Bad on managing time
5-8 Seldom 1 Poor on managing time
9-12 Sometimes 2 Fair on managing time
13 -16 Usually 3 Very Good on managing time
17- 20 Always 4 Excellent on managing time
3.1 I encountered everyday quizzes and activities by different subject.
Frequency Percentage
Never 12 5%
Seldom 24 10%
Sometimes 84 34%
Usually 60 25*
Always 64 26%
Total 244 100%

This table represent the results of the data gathered from the respondents, the students who

checked the “Never” is 12 it has (5%) ,the students checked the “Seldom” is 24 it has (10%), the

students checked the “Sometimes” is 84 it has (34%), the students checked the “Usually” is 60 it

has (25%) and the students checked the “Always” is 64 it has (26%). The majority of the

answered of the respondents is the word “Sometimes” it has 34% which mean that most of the

students sometimes encountered quizzes and activities by different subject in their daily

attendance at school.

3.2 I am academically overloaded by school projects.

Frequency Percentage
Never 10 4%
Seldom 31 13%
Sometimes 97 40%
Usually 86 35%
Always 20 8%
Total 244 100%
Based on the table, the students who checked the “Never” is 10 it has (4%) ,the students checked

the “Seldom” is 31 it has (13%), the students checked the “Sometimes” is 97 it has (40%), the

students checked the “Usually” is 86 it has (35%) and the students checked the “Always” is 20 it

has (8%). The majority of the answered of the respondents is the word “Sometimes” it has 40%

which mean that most of the students sometimes academically overloaded by school projects.

3.3 I am academically overloaded by assignment.

Frequency Percentage
Never 14 6%
Seldom 31 13%
Sometimes 113 46%
Usually 55 22%
Always 31 13%
Total 244 100%

The table shows that the students who checked the “Never” is 14 it has (6%) ,the students

checked the “Seldom” is 31 it has (13%), the students checked the “Sometimes” is 113 it has

(46%), the students checked the “Usually” is 55 it has (22%) and the students checked the

“Always” is 31 it has (13%). The majority of the answered of the respondents is the word

“Sometimes” it has 46% which mean that most of the students sometimes academically

overloaded by assignment in their daily attendance at school.

3.4 I am academically overloaded by different subjects.

Frequency Percentage
Never 10 4%
Seldom 35 14%
Sometimes 75 31%
Usually 83 34%
Always 41 7%
Total 244 100%
This table represent the results of the data gathered from the respondents, the students who

checked the “Never” is 10 it has (4%) ,the students checked the “Seldom” is 35 it has (14%), the

students checked the “Sometimes” is 75 it has (31%), the students checked the “Usually” is 83 it

has (34%) and the students checked the “Always” is 41 it has (7%). The majority of the

answered of the respondents is the word “Usually” it has 34% which mean that most of the

students are usually academically overloaded by different subject in their daily attendance at


Meanwhile, below is the grading scale is use in describing the level of time management

Skills. The five orderable stages of time management skills with their respective range of

grades and description are as follows

Rate Description Level Scale Interpretation

4 below Never 0 Bad on managing time
5-8 Seldom 1 Poor on managing time
9-12 Sometimes 2 Fair on managing time
13 -16 Usually 3 Very Good on managing time
17- 20 Always 4 Excellent on managing time
Chapter 5
This chapter presents the summary of the findings, conclusions and recommendations based on

the data analyzed in the previous chapter.

Based on the findings of the study the following conclusions were made:

1. Majority of the respondents were aged 13 to 14 and family monthly income range ₱5,000

to ₱10,000

2. The level of time management among students varies widely and is influenced by

individual habits, priorities, and organizational skills. Some students excel in effectively

allocating their time, demonstrating a high level of discipline, and meeting deadlines

consistently. They meticulously plan their schedules, prioritize tasks, and maintain a

healthy work-life balance. On the other hand, some students may struggle with time

management, facing challenges such as procrastination, disorganization, or difficulty in

prioritizing tasks. The level of time management often evolves as students progress

through their academic journey, with opportunities for improvement through adopting

strategies, seeking guidance, and developing a heightened awareness of the importance of

efficient time utilization.

3. The level of excessive school workload experienced by students can vary based on

factors such as academic programs, requirements in their subject, and individual study

habits. Some students may encounter a manageable level of assignments and projects,

allowing for a healthy balance between academics and other activities. However, others

might face a more significant burden of excessive schoolwork, leading to stress and

potential burnout. Factors like heavy course loads, tight deadlines, and multiple

commitments can contribute to a high level of academic pressure. It’s crucial for

educational institutions to consider the overall well-being of students and strive for a

balanced workload that fosters effective learning without overwhelming students.

4. In conclusion, the correlation research on time management and excessive school

workload suggests a significant relationship between effective time management

practices and coping with high academic demands. Students who exhibit strong time

management skills tend to handle excessive school works more efficiently. While

correlation does not imply causation, these findings highlight the importance of fostering

time management skills to enhance academic performance and reduce the negative

impact of excessive school workload on students.

The study entitled “Correlation of Time Management and Excessive School Works.” Was

conducted at Gonzalo Aler National High School . This study aimed to determine the relationship

between time management and excessive school works of Junior High School students at

Gonzalo Aler National High School. Specifically, it was pursued with the following statement of

the problems: 1.)Determine the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of Age, Grade &

Section and Socio Economic. 2.) Determine the level of time management of the students. 3.)

Identify on how many school work they encounter. 4.) Identify the Correlation of time

management and excessive school works. 5.) Recommendation that will be make after finding a


The researcher's used a correlation research design to Investigates relationships between two

variables without the researcher controlling or manipulating any of them. It assesses the degree
of association without implying causation. This design helps researchers understand patterns and

trends in data, providing insights into potential connections between variables.

Two hundred forty four (244) junior high school students were the respondents of this study.

These are the junior high school students of Gonzalo Aler National High School for the school

year 2023-2024. They were selected through random sampling technique (ay awan hindi ko alam

yun), in which all the junior high school students are enrolled in the school year 2023-2024 were

selected as respondents.

This study is basically Quantitative Design specifically Correlation Approach. Quantitative data

were generated through a survey questionnaires administered to two hundred forty four (244)

respondents of junior high school students of Gonzalo Aler National High School. The

researcher’s made a documentary review of related literature and study in onder to provide bases

for analyzing data.

From the conclusion drawn from the findings above, the following are the recommendations

1. The school administrator should strengthen intervention programs that will cultivate

students’ time management skills and thereby enhancing their academic performances.

2. The teachers should give prior understanding to the students and guide them how to

manage time. This may help students to become conscious of the need to manage time

appropriately and excellently.

3. The students should focus more on managing their time properly for better academic

success. They should prioritize their tasks, less procrastinating in responding to deadlines

and in taking examinations and moderate socialization activities.

4. This study concluded that time management skills of the students is significantly

correlated to their school works. However, the researchers believe that there are factors

that affect the management skills of the students that result of failing to their school


1. In terms of the demographic profile, most of the respondents is age are ranging in 13-14

years old with a frequency of 147 or 60% and the lowest age are ranging in 17-18 years

old with 6 or 2%. In terms of Socio economic status, most of the family Income of the

respondents is 5,000 – 10,000 with a 158 frequency or 65%, and 20,000 above has

lowest frequency of 6 or 2%.

2. On the part II of the questionnaire that determine the time management skills of the

respondents, most of the respondents score are ranging in 9-12 who checked Sometimes

with 108 frequency or 44.3 It means that the respondents are Fair on managing a time.
And the lowest Frequency is Never that has 6 or 2%. By all these means all the

respondents are engaging on managing their time, It just will need an enhance to improve

the management skills of the respondents.

3. Based on the school works that encounter of the respondents, the highest frequency score

are 10-13 with 110 or 45.08%. It means they usually encounter a school works and the

lowest frequency is 8 with 3.3% that they Never encounter a school works.

4. Based on the findings gathered, there is a relationship between the time management and

school works. Because on the results of the assessment of School works most of the

respondents are encounter a school works and most of the respondents on assessing a

management skills fall on Fair, this means that the management skills of the students

have greatly contribute to their school works because they manage their time well.


Purok 5, Barangay catioan
Capalonga Camarines Norte
Date of Birth. : June 14, 2006
Place of Birth. : Capalonga Camarines Norte
Citizenship. : Filipino
Sex. : Female
Age. : 17
Civil Status. : Single
Religion. : Roman Catholic
Father’s Name. : Ryan A. Gutierrez
Mother’s Name. : Maria Melissa N. Gutierrez

Senior High School : Gonzalo Aler National High School
Junior High School : Delia Diezmo National High School
Elementary. : Capalonga Central Elementary School

“ The future depends on what you do today.”

Purok 2, Barangay Poblacion
Capalonga Camarines Norte
[email protected]
Date of Birth : July 11, 2006
Place of Birth. : Capalonga Camarines Norte
Sex. : Female
Age. : 17
Civil Status. : Single
Religion. : Catholic
Father’s Name:
Mother’s Name. : Edna D. Sarmiento
Senior High School. : Gonzalo Aler National High School

Junior High School. : Gonzalo Aler National High School

Elementary. : Central Elementary School


“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.”


Purok 1, Barangay Mataque
Capalonga Camarines Norte
[email protected]
Date of Birth : March 28, 2006
Place of Birth : Capalonga Camarines Norte
Citizenship. :
Sex. : Male
Age : 17
Civil Status. : Single
Religion. : Catholic
Father's Name. : Ruel Lapso O.
Mother's Name. : Judy C. Lapso
Senior High School. : Gonzalo Aler National High School

Junior High School. : Gonzalo Aler National High School

Elementary. : Central Elementary School


“ Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”

Kyle I. Crisostomo
Purok 2, Barangay Alayao
Capalonga Camarines Norte
[email protected]
Date of Birth. : October 5, 2005
Place of Birth. : Alayao Capalonga Camarines Norte
Citizenship. : Filipino
Sex. : Male
Age. : 18
Civil Status. :. Single
Religion. : Roman Catholic
Father’s Name. : Reymundo E. Crisostomo
Mother’s Name : Cristy I. Crisostomo
Senior High School. : Gonzalo Aler National High School
Junior High School. : Gonzalo Aler National High School
Elementary : Talento Roll Elementary School

“If there is no struggle, there is no progress.”

Purok 1, Barangay Mataque
Capalonga Camarines Norte
Date of Birth : March 28, 2006
Place of Birth : Capalonga Camarines Norte
Citizenship. :
Sex. : Male
Age : 17
Civil Status. : Single
Religion. : Catholic
Father's Name. : Ruel Lapso O.
Mother's Name. : Judy C. Lapso
Senior High School. : Gonzalo Aler National High School
Junior High School. : Gonzalo Aler National High School
Elementary. : Central Elementary School

“I learned the value of hard work by working hard.”

Purok 5, Barangay catioan
Capalonga Camarines Norte
Date of Birth. : September 2, 2005
Place of Birth. : Capalonga Camarines Norte
Citizenship. : Filipino
Sex. : Female
Age. : 18
Civil Status. : Single
Religion. : Roman Catholic
Father’s Name. : Juvis Guban
Mother’s Name. : Maricel Guban

Senior High School : Gonzalo Aler National High School
Junior High School : Gonazalo Aler National High School
Elementary. : Torres Talento Elementary School

“Goal setting is the secret to a compelling future.”


Purok 5, Barangay catioan
Capalonga Camarines Norte
Date of Birth. : January 5, 2006
Place of Birth. : Das mariñas Cavite
Citizenship. : Filipino
Sex. : Female
Age. : 18
Civil Status. : Single
Religion. : Roman Catholic
Father’s Name. : Cezar Rieza
Mother’s Name. : Ericka Joy Rieza

Senior High School : Gonzalo Aler National High School
Junior High School : Gonzalo Aler Natuonal High School
Elementary. : Talento- Roll Elementary School

“I never look back, darling. It distracts from the now.”

Purok 1, Barangay Alayao
Capalonga Camarines Norte
Date of Birth. : November 11,2005
Place of Birth. : Pasig City
Citizenship. : Filipino
Sex. : Female
Age. : 18
Civil Status. : Single
Religion. : Roman Catholic
Father’s Name. : Wilson D. Berja
Mother’s Name. : Rochelle M. Berja

Senior High School : Gonzalo Aler National High School
Junior High School : Gonzalo Aler National High School
Elementary. : Talento-Roll Elementary School

Always do what you're afraid to do.

The aim of this research is to determine the correlation of time management to school works. The

population of the study was 626 of junior high school students. A sample size of 244 was

determine using Solvin formula. The method of research that applied by the researcher is

Quantitative Research, the design that used is Correlational Research Design

The findings of the study shows that most of the respondents who checked Sometimes with

108 frequency or 44.3 It means that the respondents are Fair on managing a time. And the lowest

Frequency is Never that has 6 or 2%. By all these means all the respondents are engaging on

managing their time, It just will need an enhance to improve the management skills of the

respondents. Based on the school works that encounter of the respondents, the highest frequency

score are 10-13 with 110 or 45.08%. It means they usually encounter a school works and the

lowest frequency is 8 with 3.3% that they Never encounter a school works.

Base on the findings on the study, the following recommendations were made; By providing a

program that cultivate the management skills of the students. The students should focus more on

managing their time properly for better academic success. They should prioritize their tasks, less

procrastinating in responding to deadlines and in taking examinations and moderate socialization


Keywords: Time management, School works, Academic performance


First of all, the researchers would like to thank the Almighty God for His enduring grace,

guidance, and protection that He has bestowed upon us during this research project.

The researchers would also like to express their sincerest gratitude to their adviser,

Teacher Josua P. Garcia for his continuous supporting their research, for his patience,

motivation, and immense knowledge. His guidance helped them throughout their


To their parents, who have continuously supported them financially to accomplish this

study and for their guidance, encouragement and inspiration to them throughout their

lives, a very special thank you for your parental presence and constant guidance to them.

They would also like to thank their fellow classmates and friends for the stimulating

discussions, for the sleepless nights they were working together for deadlines, and for all

the fun they have had for the last five months.

They would like to express their deepest gratitude to their research adviser, Mr. Crisanto

Barrameda , for his invaluable guidance, mentorship, and continuous support.

Additionally, we would like to acknowledge the expertise of Mr. Jereme Frilles, whose

statistical insights played a crucial role in shaping the analytical framework of this

research. To Mrs. Cheene Nava and Mrs.Liezl C. Sales for their kindness to help us print

our Research manuscript.

We extend our sincere appreciation to the junior high school students, two hundred forty

four (244) research respondents who generously shared their time and insights. Their
participation was instrumental in gathering valuable data and contributing to the success

of this study.

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