DLL, Health 8, Week 6, Quarter 1

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Teacher CHADIE MARGE E. MORATA Learning Area MAPEH -

Grades 1 to 12
Teaching Dates and October 9-13, 2023 Quarter 1st


A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of art elements and processes by synthesizing and applying prior knowledge and skills.
B. Performance Standard The learner create artworks showing the characteristic elements of the arts of Southeast Asia.
D. Learning Analyzes elements and principles of art in the production of arts and crafts inspired by Incorporates the design, form, and spirit of Southeast Asian
Competency/Objectives the cultures of Southeast Asia. A8EL-Ib-1 artifacts and objects in one’s creation. A8PL-Ih-3
Write the LC code for
each. Identifies characteristics of arts and crafts in specific countries in Southeast Asia: Appreciates the artifacts and art objects in terms of their
Indonesia (batik, Wayang puppetry); Malaysia (modern batik, wau, and objects made utilization and their distinct use of art elements and principles.
from pewter); Thailand (silk fabrics and Loi Kratong Lantern Festival); Cambodia A8PL-Ih-2
(AngkorWat and ancient temples); Singapore (Merlion), etc. A8EL-Ia-2
II. CONTENT Fabric Design: Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, and Singapore. Batik Making

A. References Arts – Module 1, pp. 1- 9 Arts – Module 1, pp. 1- 9

B. Teacher’s Guide pages

C. Learner’s Materials pages LM, Music and Arts, pp. 170-177 LM, Music and Arts, pp. 170-177

D. Additional Materials from

Learning Resource
E. Other Learning Resource

A. Reviewing previous Pre-assessment Brainstorming Review
lesson or presenting the
new lesson

B. Establishing a purpose for Show them a map of Southeast Show examples of artworks and Identifying pictures of countries of Show a picture of a batik designs
the lesson Asia that point out the different elements of origin.
arts present.

C. Presenting Match picture with the country Review the elements of arts
examples/Instances of the of origin.
new lesson
D. Discussing new concepts Discuss the elements that Discuss the fabric designs of each Give a short discussion on the arts Discuss the procedure in making Let students share their artwork
and practicing new skills # govern the design of fabrics of Southeast Asian Countries and crafts and sculpture of each their batik design in the class
1 each countries. Southeast Asian countries

E. Discussing new concepts Allow students to make their designs

and practicing new skills # on a piece of cloth

F. Developing mastery Give a short quiz Show a batik design and allow Let Share the rubrics in the evaluation of Let them submit their output through
(leads to Formative students to identify the art elements output their portfolio.
Assessment) present and explain how each
element affects the design.

G. Finding practical Value arts and culture Appreciate art from neighboring Appreciate arts from different cultures Appreciate the artistry behind the
application of concepts Southeast Asian countries. of other countries. creation of making
and skills in daily living
H. Generalizing and Allow them to share their on the Let them share their experiences. Allow them to give their insights to Allow learners to assist each other in the creation of their output using guides
abstractions about the lesson discussed. their classmates.
I. Evaluating learning Record test scores. Record their results. Record the result.

J. Additional activities for Assignment: Let them bring a piece Allow students to finish their artwork at
application or remediation of white cloth, glue and any dye color. home.

V. REMARKS The lesson has successfully The lesson has successfully The lesson has successfully delivered The lesson has successfully delivered due to: Learners’ eagerness to
delivered due to: learners’ delivered due to: Learners’ due to: Learners’ eagerness to learn/present, and varied activity. The lesson has successfully delivered due to:
eagerness to learn eagerness and varied activity. learn/present, and varied activity. uncomplicated lesson.

A. No. of learners who earned ___out of__ earned 80% and ___out of__ earned 80% and above ___out of__ earned 80% and above ___out of__ earned 80% and above ___out of__ earned 80% and above
80% in the evaluation above

B. No. of learners who require ___ # who require remediation ___ # who require remediation ___ # who require remediation ___ # who require remediation ___ # who require remediation
additional activities for
remediation who scored ___# absent ___# absent ___# absent ___# absent ___# absent
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work? ___ yes ____ no ___ yes ____ no ___ yes ____ no ___ yes ____ no ___ yes ____ no
No. of learners who have caught up with
the lesson ________ who caught up with __________ who caught up with _________ # who caught up with the ___________ # who caught up with _________ # who caught up with the
the remediation activity the remediation activity remediation activity the remediation activity remediation activity

D. No. of learners who continue to ___# of learners who need ___# of learners who need ___# of learners who need additional ___# of learners who need additional ___# of learners who need additional
require remediation additional activity additional activity activity activity activity

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why did these

F. What difficulties did I encounter

which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I wish
to share with other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by: Reviewed by: Noted: Observed by:

Teacher’s Signature JHS-Academic Coordinator Assistant to the Principal School Head Monitoring Supervisor/ Date

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