16air Conditioning1
16air Conditioning1
16air Conditioning1
where Φ is the relative humidity (in fraction). DBT & DPT are in
oC. The dew point temperature is the saturation temperature
Since the second term in the above equation (w.cpw) is very small
compared to the first term, for all practical purposes, the humid
specific heat of moist air, cpm can be taken as 1.0216 kJ/kg dry air-K
Specific volume: The specific volume is defined as the number of cubic
meters of moist air per kg of dry air
Wet Bulb Temperature (WBT)
A psychrometer is used for measuring humidity. A
psychrometer comprises of a dry bulb thermometer and a wet
bulb thermometer.
The dry bulb thermometer is directly exposed to air and
measures the actual temperature of air.
The bulb of the wet bulb thermometer is covered by a wick
thoroughly wetted by water. The temperature which is
measured by the wick covered bulb of such a thermometer
indicates the temperature of liquid-water in the wick and is
called the wet bulb temperature (t’).
NPTEL notes
Refrigeration and Air-conditioning book by C.P. Arora.