Axiom Pro MFD Installation Instructions 87319 (Rev 4) (En)

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English (en-US)
Date: 07-2023
Document number: 87319 (Rev 4)
© 2023 Raymarine UK Limited
Legal notices

Trademark and patents notice

Raymarine, Tacktick, Clear Pulse, Truzoom, SeaTalk , SeaTalk hs, SeaTalkng , and Micronet, are registered or claimed trademarks of Raymarine Belgium.
FLIR, YachtSense , DockSense, LightHouse, RangeFusion, DownVision, SideVision, RealVision, HyperVision, Dragonfly, Element, Quantum, Axiom,
Instalert, Infrared Everywhere, The World’s Sixth Sense and ClearCruise are registered or claimed trademarks of FLIR Systems, Inc.
All other trademarks, trade names, or company names referenced herein are used for identification only and are the property of their respective owners.
This product is protected by patents, design patents, patents pending, or design patents pending.

Fair Use Statement

You may print no more than three copies of this manual for your own use. You may not make any further copies or distribute or use the manual in any other
way including without limitation exploiting the manual commercially or giving or selling copies to third parties.

English (en-US)
Document number: 87319 (Rev 4)
Safety warnings ..........................................................................8 INFORMATION ............................................................................ 12
Product warnings .......................................................................8 2.1 Applicable products ...........................................................13
Regulatory notices ....................................................................8 Axiom™ Pro Multifunction Displays.............................13
Regulatory e-Label ............................................................8 2.2 Document information .....................................................13
Declaration of Conformity ..............................................8 2.3 Document conventions ....................................................13
2.4 Document illustrations......................................................14
RF exposure .........................................................................8
2.5 Product documentation ...................................................14
Compliance Statement (Part 15.19) .............................9
User manuals Print Shop ...............................................14
FCC Interference Statement (Part 15.105
2.6 LightHouse™ MFD Operation instructions ................14
(b)) ............................................................................................9
Multifunction display software version .....................14
Innovation, Science and Economic
Development Canada (ISED) .........................................9 CHAPTER 3 COMPATIBLE TRANSDUCERS ....................... 15
Innovation, Sciences et Développement 3.1 Compatible transducers — Axiom™ Pro
MFDs ............................................................................................. 16
économique Canada (Français) ...................................9 3.2 RealVision transducers ................................................... 16
Japanese approvals .........................................................9 3.3 DownVision™ transducers ...............................................17
MSIP Warning Statement for Radio Devices 3.4 CHIRP conical beam transducers (using
(Korea only) ........................................................................ 10 DownVision™ type connector) ..............................................17
Disclaimer ........................................................................... 10 CHAPTER 4 PARTS SUPPLIED ............................................... 18
Electronic chart data ....................................................... 10 4.1 Parts supplied - Axiom Pro 9 and 12 ........................... 19
Warranty registration ...................................................... 10 4.2 Parts supplied - Axiom Pro 16 ....................................... 19
Product disposal .............................................................. 10 CHAPTER 5 PRODUCT DIMENSIONS.................................20
IMO and SOLAS ............................................................... 10 5.1 Axiom Pro 9 and 12 dimensions ................................... 21
Technical accuracy .......................................................... 11 5.2 Axiom Pro 16 dimensions ............................................... 21
Publication copyright....................................................... 11 CHAPTER 6 LOCATION REQUIREMENTS.......................... 22
6.1 Warnings and cautions ....................................................23
6.2 General location requirements ....................................23 8.4 Connecting cables ............................................................36
6.3 GNSS (GPS) location requirements ............................23 8.5 Bare end wire connections ...........................................36
6.4 Touchscreen location requirements..........................24
CHAPTER 9 POWER CONNECTIONS ................................. 37
6.5 Wireless location requirements for optimum
performance ............................................................................. 25 9.1 Axiom Pro / Axiom XL power connection.................38
6.6 Viewing angle considerations ..................................... 26 Inline fuse and thermal breaker ratings ..................38
6.7 EMC installation guidelines .......................................... 26 9.2 Power distribution .............................................................38
RF interference ................................................................ 26 9.3 Grounding — optional dedicated drain wire ...........41
Compass safe distance .................................................27 CHAPTER 10 NETWORK CONNECTIONS .......................... 42
CHAPTER 7 INSTALLATION ................................................... 28 10.1 Network connection ........................................................43
10.2 NMEA 2000 / SeaTalkng connection ......................43
7.1 Mounting options .............................................................. 29
10.3 NMEA 0183 connections ...............................................43
7.2 Surface mounting ............................................................. 29
Fitting the Menu-Home button .................................. 30 NMEA 0183 versions ......................................................44
Removing the bezel pieces ........................................ 30 NMEA 0183 wiring connections (Single-ended
7.3 Bracket (trunnion) mounting ...........................................31 mode)....................................................................................44
7.4 Ram / ball mounting ..........................................................32 NMEA 0183 wiring connections (Differential
CHAPTER 8 CABLES AND CONNECTIONS — mode)....................................................................................45
GENERAL INFORMATION ....................................................... 33 CHAPTER 11 TRANSDUCER CONNECTIONS .................... 47
8.1 General cabling guidance...............................................34 11.1 Transducer connection (Axiom Pro) ...........................48
Cable types and length .................................................34 RealVision transducer extension cables ................48
Cable routing .....................................................................34 DownVision™ transducer extension cable ............48
Strain relief .........................................................................34
CHAPTER 12 VIDEO CONNECTIONS ..................................50
Circuit isolation .................................................................34
12.1 Analog video connection............................................... 51
Cable shielding .................................................................34
8.2 Connections overview — RVX variant CHAPTER 13 USB CONNECTIONS....................................... 52
displays ........................................................................................35 13.1 Accessory connection.....................................................53
8.3 Connections overview — S variant displays ...........35
CHAPTER 14 GPS ANTENNA CONNECTION .................... 54
14.1 GNSS (GPS) antenna connection .............................. 55 RealVision™ 3D sonar specification ..........................74
CHAPTER 15 MAINTAINING YOUR DISPLAY ....................56 1kW sonar specification .................................................74
18.3 Internal GNSS (GPS / GLONASS) receiver
15.1 Service and maintenance ..............................................57
specification ...............................................................................75
Routine equipment checks ..........................................57
15.2 Product cleaning ..............................................................57
CHAPTER 19 SPARES AND ACCESSORIES ....................... 76
19.1 AXIOM Pro accessories ................................................. 77
Cleaning the display case ............................................57
Axiom transducer adaptor cables ............................. 77
Cleaning the display screen ........................................57
Legacy adaptor plates ................................................... 77
Cleaning the sun cover .................................................57
19.2 AXIOM Pro spares ........................................................... 77
CHAPTER 16 TROUBLESHOOTING ..................................... 58 19.3 RayNet to RayNet cables and connectors .............79
16.1 Troubleshooting ............................................................... 59 19.4 RayNet to RJ45, and RJ45 (SeaTalkhs) adapter
16.2 Power up troubleshooting........................................... 59 cables .......................................................................................... 80
19.5 SeaTalkng ® cables and accessories ....................... 82
Performing a power on reset on an Axiom®
Pro display ......................................................................... 60 APPENDIX A NMEA 0183 SENTENCES............................... 87
16.3 GNSS (GPS) troubleshooting ...................................... 60
APPENDIX B NMEA 2000 PGNS .......................................... 87
16.4 Sonar troubleshooting ................................................... 61
16.5 Wi-Fi troubleshooting .....................................................64
16.6 Touchscreen troubleshooting ................................... 66
16.7 Miscellaneous troubleshooting ................................. 66

CHAPTER 17 TECHNICAL SUPPORT ................................... 68

17.1 Raymarine product support and servicing ............. 69
Viewing product information .......................................70
Remote Support via AnyDesk.....................................70
17.2 Learning resources .........................................................70

CHAPTER 18 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION ....................... 72

18.1 Axiom Pro technical specification ..............................73
18.2 Internal sonar specification ..........................................74
Caution: Product weight
Safety warnings • Refer to the technical specification for your product to
ensure the intended mounting surface is suitable to bear
its weight.
Warning: Product installation and operation
• 2 people may be required for installation of larger / heavier
• This product must be installed and operated in accordance
with the instructions provided. Failure to do so could result
in personal injury, damage to your vessel and/or poor
product performance. Warning: Marine-grade sealant
• Raymarine highly recommends certified installation by Only use marine-grade neutral cure polyurethane sealants.
a Raymarine approved installer. A certified installation Do NOT use sealants containing acetate or silicone, which can
qualifies for enhanced product warranty benefits. cause damage to plastic parts.
Register your warranty on the Raymarine website:

Warning: High voltage

Regulatory notices
This product contains high voltage. Adjustments require Regulatory e-Label
specialized service procedures and tools only available to
qualified service technicians. There are no user serviceable All the applicable regulatory and compliance standards for your product
parts or adjustments. The operator should never remove the are listed in electronic format in a regulatory “e-label” document, which can
cover or attempt to service the product. be viewed on your product’s display.
To access the Regulatory e-Label for your product:
Warning: Switch off power supply From the Homescreen: [Settings > Getting Started > Regulatory Approvals]

Ensure the vessel’s power supply is switched OFF before

starting to install this product. Do NOT connect or disconnect Declaration of Conformity
equipment with the power switched on, unless instructed in FLIR Belgium BVBA declares that the radio equipment types Axiom Pro
this document. multifunction displays, part numbers E70371, E70481, E70372, E70482,
E70373, E70483, are in compliance with the Radio Equipment Directive
Warning: Potential ignition source
The original Declaration of Conformity certificate may be viewed on the
This product is NOT approved for use in hazardous/flammable relevant product page at
atmospheres. Do NOT install in a hazardous/flammable
atmosphere (such as in an engine room or near fuel tanks).
RF exposure
This equipment complies with FCC / ISED RF exposure limits for general
population / uncontrolled exposure. The wireless LAN / Bluetooth antenna
is mounted behind the front facia of the display. This equipment should be
installed and operated with a minimum distance of 1 cm (0.39 in) between the 1. This device may not cause interference; and
device and the body. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in
2. This device must accept any interference, including interference that
conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter, except in accordance with
may cause undesired operation of the device.
FCC multi-transmitter product procedures.
This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
Compliance Statement (Part 15.19)
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to
Innovation, Sciences et Développement économique
the following two conditions: Canada (Français)
1. This device may not cause harmful interference. Cet appareil est conforme aux normes d'exemption de licence RSS.
2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference Son fonctionnement est soumis aux deux conditions suivantes:
that may cause undesired operation. 1. cet appareil ne doit pas causer d'interférence, et
2. cet appareil doit accepter toute interférence, notamment les
FCC Interference Statement (Part 15.105 (b)) interférences qui peuvent affecter son fonctionnement.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003
Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. du Canada.
These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, Japanese approvals
and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio In the frequency band used for this device, campus radio stations (radios
communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will stations that require a license) and specified low power radio stations (radio
not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful stations that do not require license) for mobile identification and amateur
interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by radio stations (radio stations that require license) used in industries such as
turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct microwave ovens, scientific, medical equipment devices and production line
the interference by one of the following measures: of other factories are also being operated.
1. Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. 1. Before using this device, please make sure that campus radio stations
and specified low power radio stations for mobile identification and
2. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
amateur radio stations are not being operated nearby.
3. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to
2. In case there is any case of harmful interference to campus radio stations
which the receiver is connected.
for mobile identification caused by this device, please immediately
4. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio / TV technician for help. change the frequency used or stop the transmission of radio waves and
then consult about the measures to avoid interference (for example, the
installation of partitions) through the contact information below.
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada 3. Besides, when in trouble, such as when there is any case of harmful
interference to specified low power radio stations for mobile identification
(ISED) or amateur radio stations caused by this device, please consult through
This device complies with License-exempt RSS standard(s). the following contact information.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions: Contact information: Please contact your local authorized Raymarine dealer.
Important information 9
MSIP Warning Statement for Radio Devices (Korea only) Electronic chart data
• 제작자 및 설치자는 해당 무선설비가 전파혼신 가능성이 있으므로 안전 Raymarine does not warrant the accuracy of such information, and is
인명과 관련된 not responsible for damages or injuries caused by errors in chart data
• 서비스는 할 수 없음을 사용자 설명서 등을 통하여 운용자 및 사용자 or information utilized by the product and supplied by third parties. Use
에게 충분히 알릴 것 of electronic charts provided by third parties is subject to the supplier's
End-User License Agreement (EULA).
• 법에 의해 전 방향 전파 발사 및 동일한 정보를 동시에 여러 곳으로 송신하
는 점-대-다지점 서비스에의 사용은 금지되어 있습니다.
Warranty registration
Disclaimer To register your Raymarine product ownership, please visit and register online.
Raymarine does not warrant that this product is error-free or that it is It is important that you register your product to receive full warranty benefits.
compatible with products manufactured by any person or entity other than Your unit package includes a bar code label indicating the serial number of
Raymarine. the unit. You will need this serial number when registering your product
Raymarine is not responsible for damages or injuries caused by your use or online. You should retain the label for future reference.
inability to use the product, by the interaction of the product with products
manufactured by others, or by errors in information utilized by the product
supplied by third parties.
Product disposal
Third-party hardware, such as converters, adapters, routers, switches, Access Dispose of this product in accordance with the WEEE Directive.
Points etc., provided by third parties, may be made available directly to you The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive requires
by other companies or individuals under separate terms and conditions, the recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment which contains
including separate fees and charges. Raymarine UK Limited or its affiliates materials, components and substances that may be hazardous and present
have not tested or screened the third-party hardware. a risk to human health and the environment when WEEE is not handled
Raymarine has no control over, and is not responsible for: correctly.

• (a) the content and operation of such third-party hardware; or: Equipment marked with the crossed-out wheeled bin
symbol indicates that the equipment should not be
• (b) the privacy or other practices of such third-party hardware. disposed of in unsorted household waste.
The fact that Raymarine’s documentation may make reference to such Local authorities in many regions have established
third-party hardware does not indicate any approval or endorsement of collection schemes under which residents can dispose of
any such third-party hardware. Raymarine may reference such third-party waste electrical and electronic equipment at a recycling
hardware only as a convenience. center or other collection point.
THIS INFORMATION IS MADE AVAILABLE BY RAYMARINE UK LIMITED For more information about suitable collection
ON THE BASIS THAT YOU EXCLUDE TO THE FULLEST EXTENT points for waste electrical and electronic equipment
LAWFULLY PERMITTED ALL LIABILITY WHATSOEVER FOR ANY LOSS in your region, refer to the Raymarine website:
Raymarine UK Limited does not exclude Raymarine UK Limited’s liability IMO and SOLAS
(if any) to you for personal injury or death resulting from Raymarine UK The equipment described within this document is intended for use on
Limited’s negligence, for fraud or for any matter which it would be illegal leisure marine boats and workboats NOT covered by International Maritime
to exclude or to attempt to exclude. Organization (IMO) and Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Carriage Regulations.
Technical accuracy
To the best of our knowledge, the information in this document was correct
at the time it was produced. However, Raymarine cannot accept liability
for any inaccuracies or omissions it may contain. In addition, our policy of
continuous product improvement may change specifications without notice.
As a result, Raymarine cannot accept liability for any differences between
the product and this document. Please check the Raymarine website
( to ensure you have the most up-to-date version(s) of
the documentation for your product.

Publication copyright
Copyright ©2023 Raymarine UK Ltd. All rights reserved. No parts of this
material may be copied, translated, or transmitted (in any medium) without
the prior written permission of Raymarine UK Ltd.

Important information 11

• 2.1 Applicable products — page 13

• 2.2 Document information — page 13
• 2.3 Document conventions — page 13
• 2.4 Document illustrations — page 14
• 2.5 Product documentation — page 14
• 2.6 LightHouse™ MFD Operation instructions — page 14

2.1 Applicable products 2.3 Document conventions
This document is applicable to the following products: The following conventions are used throughout this document.

Axiom™ Pro Multifunction Displays Formatting of user interface menus and settings.
References to menus and setting options are formatted using square
Product brackets [].
number Name Description
E70371 Axiom™ Pro 9 RVX 9” MFD with built-in
RealVision™ 3D and 1kW • You can select your desired cartography from the [Cartography selection]
sonar module. menu.

E70481 Axiom™ Pro 9 S 9” MFD with built-in 200W • MFD apps are accessed from the [Homescreen].
CHIRP sonar module.
Procedures for performing specific tasks using the product’s user
E70372 Axiom™ Pro 12 RVX 12” MFD with built-in
RealVision™ 3D and 1kW
sonar module. The term “Select” is used to refer to the action of:
E70482 Axiom™ Pro 12 S 12” MFD with built-in 200W • Touchscreen control — using your finger to select a menu option or item
CHIRP sonar module. on the screen.
E70373 Axiom™ Pro 16 RVX 16” MFD with built-in • Physical buttons — Highlighting an item using the navigational controls and
RealVision™ 3D and 1kW confirming the selection by pressing the [OK] button.
sonar module.
E70483 Axiom™ Pro 16 S 16” MFD with built-in 200W
CHIRP sonar module. • Select [Ok] to confirm your selection.
• Select [Set-up]

2.2 Document information Procedures for navigating menu hierarchies.

This document contains important information related to the installation of Menu hierarchies are used in this document to provide a quick summary on
your Raymarine® product. how to access a particular function or menu option.
The document includes information to help you: Examples:
• Plan your installation and ensure you have all the necessary equipment. • The internal sonar module is turned off from the Fishfinder app menu:
[Menu > Set-up > Sounder Set-up > Internal Sounder].
• Install and connect your product as part of a wider system of connected
marine electronics. • The internal GPS can be switched off from the GPS settings menu:
[Homescreen > Status area > Satellites > Settings > Internal GPS]
• Troubleshoot problems and obtain technical support if required.
This and other Raymarine® product documents are available to download
in PDF format from
Document and product information 13
2.4 Document illustrations To order a printed manual, delivered directly to your door, visit:
Your product and if applicable, its user interface may differ slightly from that For further information about the Print Shop, please visit the Print Shop FAQ
shown in the illustrations in this document, depending on product variant and pages:
date of manufacture.
All images are provided for illustration purposes only. Note:
• Accepted methods of payment for printed manuals are credit cards and
2.5 Product documentation • Printed manuals can be shipped worldwide.

The following documentation is applicable to your product: • Further manuals will be added to the Print Shop over the coming months
for both new and legacy products.
All documents are available to download as PDFs from
• Raymarine user manuals are also available to download free-of-charge
from the Raymarine® website, in the popular PDF format. These PDF files
Documentation can be viewed on a PC / laptop, tablet, smartphone, or on the latest
generation of Raymarine® multifunction displays.
Description Part number
Installation instructions (This 87319
document) 2.6 LightHouse™ MFD Operation instructions
Surface mounting template • 9” — 87235 For operation instructions for your product please refer to the relevant
• 12” — 87236 LightHouse™ advanced operation instructions.
• 16” — 87313 • 81406 — LightHouse™ 4 advanced operation instructions.
Legacy MFD to Axiom Pro adaptor 87321
• 81370 — LightHouse™ 3 advanced operation instructions.
plates installation instructions
RCR-SDUSB Installation instructions 87317 The operation instructions can be downloaded from the
Raymarine website:
LightHouse™ 4 Advanced operation 81406 Please check the website to ensure you have the latest
instructions documentation.
LightHouse™ 3 Advanced operation 81370
Multifunction display software version
To ensure optimum performance and compatibility with external devices,
User manuals Print Shop your multifunction display must be using the latest software version.
Raymarine® provides a Print Shop service, enabling you to purchase a Visit to download the latest software.
high-quality, professionally-printed manual for your Raymarine® product.
Printed manuals are ideal for keeping onboard your vessel, as a useful source
of reference whenever you need assistance with your Raymarine product.

• 3.1 Compatible transducers — Axiom™ Pro MFDs — page 16

• 3.2 RealVision transducers — page 16
• 3.3 DownVision™ transducers — page 17
• 3.4 CHIRP conical beam transducers (using DownVision™ type connector) — page 17

Compatible transducers 15
3.1 Compatible transducers — Axiom™ Pro MFDs 3.2 RealVision transducers
Depending on your MFD variant you can connect the following transducer The transducers listed below can be connected directly to RealVision™ 3D
types directly to your MFD: variant MFDs.
Axiom Pro S:
• CPT-S CHIRP conical beam transducers that utilize the 9 pin DownVision™
Axiom Pro RVX — RV connection:
• RealVision™ 3D transducers.
• DownVision™ transducers.
• Non-CHIRP transducers can be connected using available adaptor
cables. Refer to the Raymarine® website for compatible transducers:
Axiom Pro RVX — 1kW connection:
• 1kW transducers. Refer to the Raymarine® website for compatible
• Other transducers using available adaptor cables.

1 • RV-100 RealVision™ 3D plastic transom mount transducer

2 • RV-200 RealVision™ 3D bronze 0° thru-hull all-in-one transducer
• RV-212P and RV-212S RealVision™ 3D bronze 12° thru-hull
split-pair transducers (T70318)
– RV-212P port transducer (A80466)
– RV-212S starboard transducer (A80467)
• RV-220P and RV-220S RealVision™ 3D bronze 20° thru-hull
split-pair transducers (T70319)
– RV-220P port transducer (A80468)
– RV-220S starboard transducer (A80469)

3 • RV-300 RealVision™ 3D plastic 0° thru-hull all-in-one transducer 1 CPT-100DVS plastic transom mount transducer (A80351) (replaces
(A80470) CPT-100 A80270)
• RV-312P and RV-312S RealVision™ 3D plastic 12° thru-hull 2 CPT-110 plastic thru-hull transducer (A80277)
split-pair transducers (T70320) 3 CPT-120 bronze thru-hull transducer (A80271)
– RV-312P port transducer (A80471)
– RV-312S starboard transducer (A80472) 3.4 CHIRP conical beam transducers (using
• RV-320P and RV-320S RealVision™ 3D plastic 20° thru-hull DownVision™ type connector)
split-pair transducers (T70321) The transducers listed below can be connected directly to DownVision™ (DV)
– RV-320P port transducer (A80473) variant MFDs or via an adaptor cable to RealVision™ (RV), RealVision™ + 1kW
(RVX) and Sonar (S) variant MFDs.
– RV-320S starboard transducer (A80474)
CPT-S transducers use CHIRP sonar technology to produce a conical-shaped
4 • RV-400 RealVision™ 3D stainless steel 0° thru-hull all-in-one sonar beam.
transducer (A80615)
• RV-412P and RV-412S RealVision™ 3D stainless steel 12° thru-hull
split-pair transducers (T70450) CPT-S transducers do NOT offer DownVision™ channels.

– RV-412P port transducer (A80616)

– RV-412S starboard transducer (A80617)
• RV-420P and RV-420S RealVision™ 3D stainless steel 20°
thru-hull split-pair transducer (T70451)
– RV-420P port transducer (A80618)
– RV-420S starboard transducer (A80619)

3.3 DownVision™ transducers

The transducers listed below can be connected directly to DownVision™ 1 • CPT-S plastic transom transducer (E70342)
(DV) variant MFDs. An adaptor is required for connection to RealVision™
2 • CPT-S plastic thru-hull 0° angled element (E70339)
(RV) variant MFDs.
• CPT-S plastic thru-hull 12° angled element (A80448)
• CPT-S plastic thru-hull 20° angled element (A80447)
3 • CPT-S bronze thru-hull 0° angled element (A80446)
• CPT-S bronze thru-hull 12° angled element (E70340)
• CPT-S bronze thru-hull 20° angled element (E70341)
4 • CPT-S plastic in-hull transducer (A80691)
Compatible transducers 17

• 4.1 Parts supplied - Axiom Pro 9 and 12 — page 19

• 4.2 Parts supplied - Axiom Pro 16 — page 19

4.1 Parts supplied - Axiom Pro 9 and 12 12. SeaTalkng ™ to DeviceNet adaptor cable

The parts listed are supplied with the following product numbers: E70371,
E70481, E70372 and E70482.
4.2 Parts supplied - Axiom Pro 16
The parts listed are supplied with the following product numbers: E70373
and E70483.

1. Axiom Pro MFD

1. Axiom Pro MFD
2. Front bezel pieces and Upper keypad
2. Front bezel pieces and Upper keypad
3. Panel mount gasket
3. Panel mount gasket
4. Suncover
4. Suncover
5. Trunnion bracket
6. Trunnion knobs x 2 5. Documentation pack

7. Fixings (M4 x 40 pan head bolt x 4, M4 Nylock nut x 4 and M4 washer x 4) 6. SeaTalkng ™ to DeviceNet adaptor cable

8. M3x5 screw, M3 spring washer and M3 crimp terminal (for optional 7. Fixings (M4 x 40 pan head bolt x 4, M4 Nylock nut x 4 and M4 washer x 4)
grounding connection) 8. Power/Video/NMEA 0183 cable 1.5 m (4.92 ft) straight
9. Power/Video/NMEA 0183 cable 1.5 m (4.92 ft) straight 9. M3x5 screw, M3 spring washer and M3 crimp terminal (for optional
10. Documentation pack grounding connection)
11. RayNet 2 m (6.6 ft) network cable 10. RayNet 2 m (6.6 ft) network cable
Parts supplied 19

• 5.1 Axiom Pro 9 and 12 dimensions — page 21

• 5.2 Axiom Pro 16 dimensions — page 21

5.1 Axiom Pro 9 and 12 dimensions Axiom Pro 9 Axiom Pro 12
I 84 mm (3.31 in) 89 mm (3.50 in)
J 201.5 mm (7.93 in) straight 201.5 mm (7.93 in) straight
connector connector
181.5 mm (7.15 in) right angled 181.5 mm (7.15 in) right angled
connector connector

5.2 Axiom Pro 16 dimensions

Axiom Pro 9 Axiom Pro 12

A 299.32 mm (11.78 in) 358.03 mm (14.1 in)
B 329.5 mm (12.97 in) 388.5 mm (15.3 in)
C 186.2 mm (7.33 in) 246.13 mm (9.69 in)
D 173.79 mm (6.84 in) 222.8 mm (8.77 in)
E 33.4 mm (1.31 in) 31.9 mm (1.26 in) A 452.02 mm (17.8 in)
F 64.5 mm (2.54 in) 64.4 mm (2.54 in) B 258 mm (10.16 in)
G 137.05 mm (5.4 in) straight 137.1 mm (5.4 in) straight C 33.4 mm (1.31 in)
connector connector D 68.4 mm (2.69 in)
117.05 mm (4.61 in) right angled 117.1 mm (4.61 in) right angled
connector connector E 138.6 mm (5.46 in) straight connector
118.6 mm (4.67 in) right angled connector
H 12.86 mm (0.51 in) 12.86 mm (0.51 in)
F 15.2 mm (0.6 in)
G 207 mm (8.15 in) straight connector
187 mm (7.36 in) right angled connector
Product dimensions 21

• 6.1 Warnings and cautions — page 23

• 6.2 General location requirements — page 23
• 6.3 GNSS (GPS) location requirements — page 23
• 6.4 Touchscreen location requirements — page 24
• 6.5 Wireless location requirements for optimum performance — page 25
• 6.6 Viewing angle considerations — page 26
• 6.7 EMC installation guidelines — page 26

6.1 Warnings and cautions it in a protected area away from prolonged and direct exposure to rain
and salt spray.
• Electrical interference — Select a location that is far enough away from
Before proceeding, ensure that you have read and understood the devices that may cause interference, such as motors, generators and radio
warnings and cautions provided in the following section of this document: transmitters / receivers.
p.8 — Important information
• Power supply — Select a location that is as close as possible to the
vessel’s DC power source. This will help to keep cable runs to a minimum.
Warning: Potential ignition source
This product is NOT approved for use in hazardous/flammable Caution: Product weight
atmospheres. Do NOT install in a hazardous/flammable • Refer to the technical specification for your product to
atmosphere (such as in an engine room or near fuel tanks). ensure the intended mounting surface is suitable to bear
its weight.
• 2 people may be required for installation of larger / heavier
6.2 General location requirements products.

When selecting a location for your product it is important to consider a

number of factors.
Key factors which can affect product performance are: 6.3 GNSS (GPS) location requirements
• Ventilation — To ensure adequate airflow:
In addition to general guidelines concerning the location of marine
– Ensure that product is mounted in a compartment of suitable size. electronics, there are a number of environmental factors to consider when
– Ensure that ventilation holes are not obstructed. Allow adequate installing equipment with an internal GNSS receiver.
separation of all equipment.
Any specific requirements for each system component are provided later Mounting location
in this chapter. • Above Decks (e.g. open air) mounting: Provides optimal performance. (For
• Mounting surface — Ensure product is adequately supported on a secure equipment with appropriate waterproof rating.)
surface. Do not mount units or cut holes in places which may damage • Below Decks (e.g. enclosed space) mounting: Performance may be less
the structure of the vessel. effective and may require an external antenna or receiver mounted above
• Cabling — Ensure the product is mounted in a location which allows proper decks.
routing, support and connection of cables:
– Minimum bend radius of 100 mm (3.94 in) unless otherwise stated.
– Use cable clips to prevent stress on connectors.
– If your installation requires multiple ferrites to be added to a cable then
additional cable clips should be used to ensure the extra weight of the
cable is supported.
• Water ingress — The product is suitable for mounting both above and
below decks. Although the unit is waterproof, it is good practice to locate
Location requirements 23
Prevailing conditions
The weather and location of the vessel can affect performance. Typically
calm clear conditions provide a more accurate position fix. Vessels at
extreme northerly or southerly latitudes may also receive a weaker signal.
An antenna mounted below decks will be more susceptible to performance
issues related to the prevailing conditions.

6.4 Touchscreen location requirements

Touchscreen performance can be affected by the installation environment,
specifically Touchscreen displays installed above decks, where it will be
open to the elements may exhibit the following:
• Hot Touchscreen temperature — If the display is mounted where it will
be exposed to prolonged periods of direct sunlight, the touchscreen
may become hot.
• Erroneous Touchscreen performance — Exposure to prolonged rain and
/ or water wash over may cause the display to respond to ‘false touches’,
caused by the rain/water hitting the screen.
Item Location
If, due to the required installation location, exposure to these elements is
1: This location provides optimal performance (above decks).
anticipated then it is recommended that you consider:
2: In this location, performance may be less effective. • Installing a remote keypad such as the RMK-10 and operating the display
remotely — Touch -only displays.
3: This location is NOT recommended.
• Locking the Touchscreen and using the physical buttons instead —
HybridTouch displays.
Vessel construction • Attaching a third-party ‘display hood accessory’ to reduce direct sunlight
The construction of your vessel can have an impact on performance. For exposure and the volume of water that the display is exposed to.
example, the proximity of heavy structures such as a structural bulkhead, or
the interior of larger vessels may result in a reduced signal. The construction
materials can also have an impact. In particular, steel, aluminium or carbon
surfaces can impact performance. Before locating equipment with an internal
antenna below decks, or on a steel, aluminium or carbon construction vessel
or surface, seek professional assistance.

6.5 Wireless location requirements for optimum Checking and optimizing signal strength
performance It may be necessary to experiment with the location of your wireless products
to achieve optimal wireless performance and a clear signal path.
All wireless devices in your system must be located in such a way that they The distance between wireless products should always be kept to a
can reliably receive and/or transmit wireless signals. minimum. Do not exceed the maximum stated range of your wireless product
A number of factors can influence wireless performance. For example, (maximum range will vary for each device).
physical obstacles and certain vessel structures and materials can all Wireless performance degrades over distance, so products farther away will
negatively impact wireless performance. Therefore, it’s important to check a receive less network bandwidth. Products installed close to their maximum
product’s wireless performance at the desired installation location before wireless range may experience slow connection speeds, signal dropouts,
drilling any mounting holes. or not being able to connect at all.
Vessel construction and materials For best results, the wireless product should have a clear, direct line-of-sight
to the product it will be connected to. Any physical obstructions can degrade
Wherever possible, mount products on surfaces constructed from GRP (e.g. or even block the wireless signal.
fiberglass resin, or foam), or on dry wooden bulkheads.
Some wireless products feature a signal strength indicator to assist in the
Conductive materials in the signal path can have a significant impact on process of determining the location with the best wireless performance.
wireless signal performance. Reflective surfaces such as metal surfaces, Choose the location with the highest and most consistently strong direct
some types of glass and even mirrors can drastically affect performance signal reading, during a 5 minute monitoring period. Try alternative locations
or even block the wireless signal. Installation locations that are in close for the transmitter to maximise the signal strength to the displays; e.g. try
proximity to these materials should be avoided. Do NOT mount wireless locations below a hatch or skylight or near to a window. A small change in
products directly to conductive materials. This includes any mounting product position can result in a significant change in the signal strength.
surface or enclosure/pod.
Examples of conductive materials include, but are not limited to: Note:
• carbon fibre, kevlar, or aramid (including sails made from these materials) Some wireless products (e.g. a Hull Transmitter) will not transmit data
unless a transducer is connected. Also consider that an NMEA or
• aluminium
SeaTalkng product (e.g. an interface) will not transmit data unless an
• steel appropriate data source is connected.
In installations with conductive materials, if available, mount the wireless
product using an accessory pole mount or deck mounting kit. A clearance Interference and other equipment
of at least 10 cm (3.9 in) is required to minimize the ground effect from
Interference from other people’s wireless devices can cause interference
conductive materials. This applies to transmitters as well as displays. If
with your products. You can use a third-party wireless analyzer tool /
moving the product fixes the problem, consider cutting an antenna clearance
smartphone app to assess the best wireless channel to use (e.g. a channel
hole behind the unit (once the product position and mounting have been
not in use or one used by the least number of devices).
Wireless products should be installed at least 1 m (3 ft) away from:
Wireless performance can also be degraded in locations where the wireless
signal passes through a bulkhead containing power cables. • Other wireless-enabled products
Crew members (especially when wet) can also be obstructive to wireless • Transmitting products that send wireless signals in the same frequency
signals, if their bodies pass through the signal area between wireless sensor range
and any associated displays.
Location requirements 25
• Other electrical, electronic or electromagnetic equipment that may – More than 2 m (6.6 ft) from the path of a radar beam. A radar beam
generate interference. can normally be assumed to spread 20 degrees above and below the
radiating element.
Software updates • The product is supplied from a separate battery from that used for engine
It's also important to ensure all your wireless products are running the start. This is important to prevent erratic behavior and data loss which can
latest software versions, as improvements are made over time to wireless occur if the engine start does not have a separate battery.
performance. • Raymarine® specified cables are used.
• Cables are not cut or extended, unless doing so is detailed in the
installation manual.
6.6 Viewing angle considerations
As display contrast and color are affected by the viewing angle, It is
recommended that you temporarily power up the display, prior to installation, Where constraints on the installation prevent any of the above
to enable you to best judge which location provides the optimum viewing recommendations, always ensure the maximum possible separation
angle. between different items of electrical equipment, to provide the best
conditions for EMC performance throughout the installation.
For viewing angles for your product refer to the Technical specification.
RF interference
6.7 EMC installation guidelines Certain third-party external electrical equipment can cause Radio Frequency
(RF) interference with GNSS (GPS), AIS or VHF devices, if the external
equipment is not adequately insulated and emits excessive levels of
Raymarine® equipment and accessories conform to the appropriate
electromagnetic interference (EMI).
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) regulations, to minimize electromagnetic
interference between equipment and minimize the effect such interference Some common examples of such external equipment include LED lighting
could have on the performance of your system. (e.g.: navigation lights, searchlights and floodlights, interior and exterior
lights) and terrestrial TV tuners.
Correct installation is required to ensure that EMC performance is not
compromised. To minimize interference from such equipment:
• Keep it as far away from GNSS (GPS), AIS or VHF products and their
Note: antennas as possible.
In areas of extreme EMC interference, some slight interference may be
• Ensure that any power cables for external equipment are not entangled
noticed on the product. Where this occurs the product and the source of
with the power or data cables for these devices.
the interference should be separated by a greater distance.
• Consider fitting one or more high frequency suppression ferrites to the
For optimum EMC performance we recommend that wherever possible: EMI-emitting device. The ferrite(s) should be rated to be effective in the
range 100 MHz to 2.5 GHz, and should be fitted to the power cable and
• Raymarine® equipment and cables connected to it are: any other cables exiting the EMI-emitting device, as close as possible to
– At least 1 m (3.3 ft) from any equipment transmitting or cables carrying the position where the cable exits the device.
radio signals e.g. VHF radios, cables and antennas. In the case of SSB
radios, the distance should be increased to 2 m (6.6 ft).
Compass safe distance
To prevent potential interference with the vessel's magnetic compasses,
ensure an adequate distance is maintained from the product.
When choosing a suitable location for the product you should aim to maintain
the maximum possible distance from any compasses. Typically this distance
should be at least 1 m (3.3 ft) in all directions. However for some smaller
vessels it may not be possible to locate the product this far away from a
compass. In this situation, when choosing the installation location for your
product, ensure that the compass is not affected by the product when it
is in a powered state.

Location requirements 27

• 7.1 Mounting options — page 29

• 7.2 Surface mounting — page 29
• 7.3 Bracket (trunnion) mounting — page 31
• 7.4 Ram / ball mounting — page 32

7.1 Mounting options • Identified the cable connections and route that the cables will take.
• Detached the Menu/Home buttons keypad.
Axiom Pro 9, 12, and 16 can be surface mounted. The Axiom Pro 9 and 12 can
also be bracket mounted on a trunnion. • Detached the front screw covers.

1. Trunnion mounting (Axiom Pro 9 and Axiom Pro 16).

2. Surface mounting.
• A Bracket/ball mount plate is available which enables Axiom Pro 16 MFDs
to be mounted on a suitable 3rd party ram/ball mount. For mounting details
refer to: Ram / ball mounting.
• Legacy MFD adaptor plates are also available to enable you to easily swap
out older MFDs for new Axiom Pro MFDs, please refer to Legacy adaptor 1. Check the chosen mounting location. A clear, flat area with suitable
plates for a list of available adaptors. clearance behind the panel is required.
2. Fix the supplied mounting template to the chosen location using masking
or self-adhesive tape.
7.2 Surface mounting 3. Using a suitable hole saw (the size is indicated on the template), make a
hole in each corner of the cut-out area.
Axiom Pro MFDs can be surface mounted.
4. Using a suitable saw, cut along the inside edge of the cut-out line.
Before mounting the unit, ensure that you have: 5. Ensure that the unit fits into the removed area and then file around any
• Selected a suitable location. rough edges until smooth.
Installation 29
6. Drill 4 holes as indicated on the template to accept the fixings. 1. Slide the keypad’s backing plate behind the locating tabs as shown in
7. Place the gasket onto the rear of the display and press firmly onto the the illustration.
8. Connect the power, data and other cables to the MFD. Removing the bezel pieces
9. Slide the unit into place and secure using the fixings provided. If you need to remove the MFD once installed then the bezel pieces will need
10. Attach the Menu/Home buttons keypad, by sliding it down from above to be removed to gain access to the fixings.
the MFD.
11. Attach the bezel pieces to either side of the MFD.

The supplied gasket provides a seal between the unit and a suitably flat
and stiff mounting surface or binnacle. The gasket should be used in all
installations. It may also be necessary to use a marine-grade sealant if the
mounting surface or binnacle is not entirely flat and stiff or has a rough
surface finish.

Fitting the Menu-Home button

Follow the steps below to fit the Menu/Home button.

1. Carefully insert the tip of a small flat blade screw driver into the recessed
areas around the edge of the bezel pieces.
2. Gently lever the screw driver to push the bezel piece forward, away from
the display.
The bezel piece should now come away from the display easily.

7.3 Bracket (trunnion) mounting 4. Secure the trunnion bracket to the mounting surface using your self
tapping screws and an appropriate screwdriver.
Axiom Pro 9 and 12 MFDs can be mounted on the supplied trunnion bracket. 5. Insert the trunnion knobs into the sides of the display and tighten 3 to
The bracket can be used to mount your MFD on a horizontal surface. 4 turns.
6. Slide the display into the trunnion bracket so that the trunnion knob
Note: threads are slotted into the recesses in the trunnion bracket.
Fixings to the secure the trunnion bracket to a mounting surface are not 7. Secure the display by fully tightening the trunnion knobs, ensuring that
provided. 5 x self tapping screws are required. The screws should be the ratchet teeth are correctly engaged.
suitable for the mounting surface material and the 5.75 mm (0.23 in)
diameter mounting holes in the trunnion bracket. The knobs should be tightened by hand, sufficiently to prevent the
display from moving whilst your vessel is underway.
Ensure you have chosen a suitable mounting location for your display, which
has sufficient head room to allow the display’s angle to be adjusted or the 8. Route and connect necessary cables.
display to be removed if necessary. If installing ‘above head’ take extra care
to ensure the knobs are tightened sufficiently to prevent them coming loose
due to vibration when underway.

1. Check the underside of the mounting surface to ensure no damage will

be caused by drilling.
2. Check the thickness of the mounting surface to ensure it is sufficient to
support the display.
3. Using the Trunnion bracket as a template, mark and drill the 5 x pilot
holes on the mounting surface.
Installation 31
7.4 Ram / ball mounting 3. Attach the Bracket / ball mount plate to the Ball / ram mount, following
the instructions provided with the ram mount.
The Axiom® Pro 16 can also be mounted on a third-party Ball / ram mount 4. Remove the backing from the foam gasket and stick the gasket to the
using the Bracket / ball mount plate accessory (part number: A80537). front of the ram mount adaptor plate, ensuring that the holes are aligned
Ball / ram mount requirements with the holes in the plate.
5. Attach the ram mount adaptor plate to the back of the MFD, using the
When purchasing a third-party ball / ram mount, it is important to ensure that: fixings holes revealed in step 1 and the 4 x fixings provided with the
• There are 4 fixing holes. Bracket / ball mount plate.
• The fixing hole spacing is 38 mm (1.5 in) between hole centers.
• The Ball / ram mount can support the MFD’s weight: 5.35 Kg (11.79 lb)

1. Ensuring sufficient room for the MFD, mount your Ball / ram mount to the
desired mounting surface
2. Remove the 4 x plastic pozi head machine screws from the rear of the

• 8.1 General cabling guidance — page 34

• 8.2 Connections overview — RVX variant displays — page 35
• 8.3 Connections overview — S variant displays — page 35
• 8.4 Connecting cables — page 36
• 8.5 Bare end wire connections — page 36

Cables and connections — General information 33

8.1 General cabling guidance • Do NOT run cables near to engines or fluorescent lights.
• Always route data cables as far away as possible from:
Cable types and length – Other equipment and cables.
It is important to use cables of the appropriate type and length.
– High current carrying AC and DC power lines.
• Unless otherwise stated only use cables supplied by Raymarine.
– Antennas.
• Where it is necessary to use non-Raymarine cables, ensure that they are of
correct quality and gauge for their intended purpose. (e.g.: longer power
cable runs may require larger wire gauges to minimize voltage drop along Strain relief
the run). Use adequate strain relief for cabling to ensure that connectors are protected
from strain and will not pull out under extreme sea conditions.
Cable routing
Cables must be routed correctly, to maximize performance and prolong Circuit isolation
cable life.
Appropriate circuit isolation is required for installations using both AC and
• Do NOT bend cables excessively. Wherever possible, ensure a minimum DC current:
bend diameter (Ø) of 200 mm (7.87 in) / minimum bend radius (R) of
100 mm (3.94 in). • Always use isolating transformers or a separate power-inverter to run PC’s,
processors, displays and other sensitive electronic instruments or devices.
• Always use an isolating transformer with Weather FAX audio cables.
• Always use an isolated power supply when using a 3rd party audio
• Always use an RS232/NMEA converter with optical isolation on the signal
• Always make sure that PC’s or other sensitive electronic devices have
a dedicated power circuit.

Cable shielding
Ensure that cable shielding is not damaged during installation and that all
cables are properly shielded.

• Protect all cables from physical damage and exposure to heat. Use
trunking or conduit where possible. Do NOT run cables through bilges or
doorways, or close to moving or hot objects.
• Secure cables in place using cable clips or cable ties. Coil any excess
cable and tie it out of the way.
• Where a cable passes through an exposed bulkhead or deckhead, use
a suitable watertight feed-through.
8.2 Connections overview — RVX variant 8.3 Connections overview — S variant displays
displays The following connections are available on Axiom® Pro S variant displays:
The following connections are available on Axiom® Pro RVX variant displays:

1. GPS Antenna — Enables connection of an optional external passive

1. GPS Antenna — Enables connection of an optional external passive GNSS (GPS) antenna (e.g.: GA200, part number A80589).
GNSS (GPS) antenna (e.g.: GA200, part number A80589). 2. Accessory — Enables connection of an external card reader, such as the
2. Accessory — Enables connection of an external card reader, such as the RCR-SD/USB (part number A80440).
RCR-SD/USB (part number A80440).
3. PWR|Video|Data — The power/video/data connector provides a
3. PWR|Video|Data — The power/video/data connector provides a connection to a 12 / 24 V dc power supply, an analog video input via BNC
connection to a 12 / 24 V dc power supply, an analog video input via BNC connector, and NMEA 0183 wires.
connector, and NMEA 0183 wires.
4. Transducer — Used to connect CPT-S CHIRP conical beam transducers
4. RV/RVX Transducer — Used to connect RealVision™ 3D transducers. via an adapter cable.
Also allows connection of DownVision™, SideVision™ or CPT-S CHIRP
conical beam transducers, via an adapter cable. 5. NMEA 2000 — Enables connection to a SeaTalkng ® or NMEA 2000
network, using the supplied SeaTalkng ® to DeviceNet adaptor cable, or a
5. 1kW Transducer — Enables the connection of CHIRP / Traditional (up suitable DeviceNet cable.
to 1kW) transducers.
6. Network — The 2 x network connectors enable connection of RayNet
6. NMEA 2000 — Enables connection to a SeaTalkng ® or NMEA 2000 devices.
network, using the supplied SeaTalkng ® to DeviceNet adaptor cable, or a
suitable DeviceNet cable. 7. Ground — The optional grounding point should only be used when the
display experiences touchscreen interference from nearby equipment.
7. Network — The 2 x network connectors enable connection of RayNet
The grounding point should be connected to the same RF ground point
as the interfering equipment, or the vessel’s negative battery terminal.
8. Ground — The optional grounding point should only be used when the
display experiences touchscreen interference from nearby equipment.
The grounding point should be connected to the same RF ground point
as the interfering equipment, or the vessel’s negative battery terminal.
Cables and connections — General information 35
8.4 Connecting cables
Follow the steps below to connect the cable(s) to your product.
1. Ensure that the vessel's power supply is switched off.
2. Ensure that the device being connected has been installed in accordance
with the installation instructions supplied with that device.
3. Ensuring correct orientation, push cable connectors fully onto the
corresponding connectors.
4. Engage any locking mechanism to ensure a secure connection (e.g.: turn
locking collars clockwise until tight, or in the locked position).
5. Ensure any bare ended wire connections are suitably insulated to prevent
shorting and corrosion due to water ingress.

8.5 Bare end wire connections

You must ensure that any bare end wires are adequately protected from
short circuit and water ingress.

Bare ended wire connections

It is recommended that bare ended wire connections are made by soldering
or using crimp connectors and then protected by wrapping the connection in
insulation tape.

Unused bare ended wires

Any unused bare ended wires should be folded back and wrapped in
insulation tape.


• 9.1 Axiom Pro / Axiom XL power connection — page 38

• 9.2 Power distribution — page 38
• 9.3 Grounding — optional dedicated drain wire — page 41

Power connections 37
9.1 Axiom Pro / Axiom XL power connection Inline fuse and thermal breaker ratings
The following inline fuse and thermal breaker ratings apply to your product:
The power cable must be connected to a 12 or 24 V dc power supply; this
can be achieved by connecting directly to a battery, or via a distribution Inline fuse rating Thermal breaker rating
panel. The product is protected against reverse polarity. 15 A 15 A (if only connecting one device)

• The suitable fuse rating for the thermal breaker is dependent on the
number of devices you are connecting. If in doubt consult an authorized
Raymarine dealer.
• Your product’s power cable may have a fitted inline fuse. If not, you must
fit an inline fuse to the positive wire of your product’s power connection.

Caution: Power supply protection

When installing this product ensure the power source is
adequately protected by means of a suitably-rated fuse or
thermal circuit breaker.

• Axiom Pro MFDs are supplied with a power cable that has a straight 9.2 Power distribution
Recommendations and best practice for the power connection of products
• Axiom XL MFDs are supplied with a power cable that has a right-angled
supplied with a drain wire as part of the supplied power cable.
• The product is supplied with a power cable, either as a separate item or a
1. Power/Video/NMEA 0183 cable connects to the rear of the MFD. captive cable permanently attached to the product. Only use the power
cable supplied with the product. Do NOT use a power cable designed for,
2. Positive (Red) wire connects to battery positive (+) terminal. or supplied with, a different product.
3. Inline fuse. For suitable fuse ratings, refer to: In-line fuse and thermal • Refer to the Power connection section for more information on how to
breaker ratings. identify the wires in your product’s power cable, and where to connect
4. Negative wire connects to the battery’s negative (-) terminal. them.
5. Ground wire connects to RF ground point. If no ground point is available • See below for more information on implementation for some common
connect to the battery negative (-) terminal. power distribution scenarios:

Important: individual inline fuses for each power circuit to provide the necessary
• When planning and wiring, take into consideration other products in
your system, some of which (e.g. sonar modules) may place large power • The power cable supplied with your product includes a drain wire, which
demand peaks on the vessel’s electrical system, which may impact the must be connected to the vessel’s common RF ground.
voltage available to other products during the peaks.
• The information provided below is for guidance only, to help protect
your product. It covers common vessel power arrangements, but does
NOT cover every scenario. If you are unsure how to provide the correct
level of protection, please consult an authorized dealer or a suitably
qualified professional marine electrician.

Implementation — connection to distribution panel


Item Description
Item Description
1 Positive (+) bar
1 Waterproof fuse holder containing a suitably-rated inline fuse
must be fitted. For suitable fuse rating, refer to: Inline fuse and 2 Negative (-) bar
thermal breaker ratings. 3 Circuit breaker
2 Product power cable. 4 Waterproof fuse holder containing a suitably-rated inline fuse
3 Drain wire connection point. must be fitted. For suitable fuse rating, refer to: Inline fuse and
thermal breaker ratings.
• It is recommended that the supplied power cable is connected to a suitable
breaker or switch on the vessel's distribution panel or factory-fitted power
distribution point. Important:
• The distribution point should be fed from the vessel’s primary power Observe the recommended fuse / breaker ratings provided in the product’s
source by 8 AWG (8.36 mm2) cable. documentation, however be aware that the suitable fuse / breaker rating is
dependent on the number of devices being connected.
• Ideally, all equipment should be wired to individual suitably-rated thermal
breakers or fuses, with appropriate circuit protection. Where this is
not possible and more than 1 item of equipment shares a breaker, use
Power connections 39
Implementation — direct connection to battery Suitable for a vessel with a common RF ground point. In this scenario, the
power cable’s drain wire should be connected to the vessel’s common
ground point.
Battery connection scenario B:
Suitable for a vessel without a common grounding point. In this case, the
power cable’s drain wire should be connected directly to the battery’s
negative terminal.

Ensure that you observe any additional grounding advice provided in the
product’s documentation.

More information
It is recommended that best practice is observed in all vessel electrical
installations, as detailed in the following standards:
• BMEA Code of Practice for Electrical and Electronic Installations in Boats
• NMEA 0400 Installation Standard
• Where connection to a power distribution panel is not possible, the power
cable supplied with your product may be connected directly to the vessel's • ABYC E-11 AC & DC Electrical Systems on Boats
battery, via a suitably rated fuse or breaker. • ABYC A-31 Battery chargers and Inverters
• If the power cable is NOT supplied with a fitted inline fuse, you MUST fit • ABYC TE-4 Lightning Protection
a suitably rated fuse or breaker between the red wire and the battery’s
positive terminal. Warning: Product grounding
• Refer to the inline fuse ratings provided in the product’s documentation. Before applying power to this product, ensure it has been
• If you need to extend the length of the power cable supplied with your correctly grounded, in accordance with the instructions
product, ensure you observe the dedicated Power cable extensions advice provided.
provided in the product’s documentation.
Item Description Warning: Positive ground systems
1 Waterproof fuse holder containing a suitably-rated inline fuse Do not connect this unit to a system which has positive
must be fitted. For suitable fuse rating, refer to: Inline fuse and grounding.
thermal breaker ratings.
2 Product power cable.
3 Drain wire connection point.

Battery connection scenario A:

9.3 Grounding — optional dedicated drain wire If several items require grounding, they may first be connected to a single
local point (e.g. within a switch panel), with this point connected via a single,
Frequencies emitted from equipment such as switch mode power supplies or appropriately-rated conductor, to the vessel’s common RF ground point.
MF/HF transmitters etc. can cause interference with your MFD’s touchscreen.
If you experience issues with touchscreen performance, fitting an additional Implementation
dedicated drain wire can resolve the issue.
The preferred minimum requirement for the path to ground is via a flat tinned
copper braid, with a 30 A rating (1/4 inch) or greater. If this is not possible, an
Important: equivalent stranded wire conductor may be used, rated as follows:
The ground point should ONLY be connected when touchscreen
• for runs of <1 m (3 ft), use 6 mm2 (#10 AWG) or greater.
interference is observed.
• for runs of >1 m (3 ft), use 8 mm2 (#8 AWG) or greater.
In any grounding system, always keep the length of connecting braid or
wires as short as possible.

• ISO10133/13297
• BMEA code of practice
• NMEA 0400

Use a small flat blade screwdriver to remove the grounding screw hole cover.
Connect one end of the ground wire (not supplied) to your display using the
supplied crimp, washer and screw.
Connect the other end of the ground wire to either the vessel's RF ground
point, or on vessels without an RF ground system, the negative battery
The dc power system should be either:
• Negative grounded, with the negative battery terminal connected to the
vessel's ground; or
• Floating, with neither battery terminal connected to the vessel's ground.

Power connections 41

• 10.1 Network connection — page 43

• 10.2 NMEA 2000 / SeaTalkng connection — page 43
• 10.3 NMEA 0183 connections — page 43

10.1 Network connection 10.2 NMEA 2000 / SeaTalkng connection
The display can be connected to compatible network products by connecting The display can be connected to a NMEA 2000 / SeaTalkng ® network by
a network cable between the product and one of the NETWORK connectors connecting a spur cable to the NMEA 2000 (DeviceNet) connector located
located on the rear of the display. Alternatively, the display can be connected on the rear of the display.
to a network switch, e.g.: RNS-5, or the YachtSense ™ Link marine router.

1. Display’s NMEA 2000 (DeviceNet) connector.

2. Use the supplied DeviceNet to SeaTalkng ® adaptor cable to connect to
a SeaTalkng ® network backbone.
3. Alternatively you can connect to a NMEA 2000 backbone using a
standard DeviceNet cable (not supplied).
1. Display’s NETWORK connector. Note:
2. RayNet to RayNet cable — Connect one end of the RayNet cable to your 1. SeaTalkng ® and NMEA 2000 devices must be connected to a correctly
display, and the opposite end to a RayNet device or RayNet network terminated backbone.
2. SeaTalkng ® and NMEA 2000 devices can not be connected directly
3. RayNet to RJ45 adapter cable — Connect the RayNet end of the cable to the display.
to your display, and the opposite end to a network device with an RJ45
connector, or an RJ45 coupler. 3. Refer to the instructions supplied with your SeaTalkng ® or NMEA 2000
device for details on creating a backbone.
4. Example compatible network devices with RayNet or RJ45 connectors
(e.g.: Radar scanners, Sonar modules, Displays, Network switches,
Cameras etc). Refer to Chapter 19 Spares and accessories for a list of available SeaTalkng ®
For a list of available network cables refer to Chapter 19 Spares and
10.3 NMEA 0183 connections
NMEA 0183 devices can be connected to your MFD using the NMEA 0183
wires on the supplied Power and data cable.
• Ensure all devices are powered off before making connections.
Network connections 43
Your MFD can be configured for either [Single-ended] or [Differential] 4. Brown = Port 1, TX
transmission. You must select the transmission type from the NMEA Set-up
5. Orange / White = Port 2, RX
menu: [Homescreen > Settings > Network > NMEA Set-up > Transmission
mode]. 6. Orange / Green = Port 2, RX
2 NMEA 0183 ports are available:
• Port 1: Receive and transmit 4,800 or 38,400 baud rate. NMEA 0183 versions
• Port 2: Receive only 4,800 or 38,400 baud rate. Three versions of the NMEA 0183 standard have been released.
Note: • Version 1 — Single-ended transmission, high voltage (up to +/- 15 volts).
• The Baud rate for each port must be set in your MFD’s settings, refer to • Version 2 — Differential transmission, low voltage +5 / 0 volt signalling.
the operation instructions for your MFD for details on specifying baud
• Version 3 — Differential transmission, low voltage +5 / 0 volt signalling,
high speed (38,400 baud rate).
• For Port 1, both the receive and transmit communicate at the same baud
Version 1 devices use a different connection method than Version 2 and
rate. For example, if you have one NMEA 0183 device connected to Port
version 3 devices. Version 1 devices use only 1 signal line with a ground
1 receive, and another NMEA 0183 device connected to Port 1 transmit,
connection used as the other line to complete the circuit.
both NMEA devices must use the same baud rate.
Connecting a NMEA 0183 version 2+ transmitting device to a NMEA 0183
Up to 4 devices can be connected to the transmit on port 1 and up to 2 version 1 receiving device ("listener") can cause issues, as connecting the "B"
devices to the receive on each port. line to the Ground connection causes current to flow every time the "B" line
tries to go to +5 volts. Therefore, receiving devices must be tolerant of the
NMEA 0183 wires/signals higher voltages used in NMEA version 1 signalling, where the voltage levels
can be up to +/- 15 volts.

NMEA 0183 wiring connections (Single-ended mode)

By default the MFD is configured for [Single-ended] transmission. The
following wiring connections are required when using the default
Single-ended mode on the MFD:

Connections to differential (version 2/ version 3) devices

When connecting the MFD (in Single-ended mode) to NMEA 0183 differential
devices the following wiring applies:

Example — MFD Port 1 to NMEA 0183 differential talker device

MFD signal (wire color) NMEA 0183 device signal
1. White = Port 1, RX White (RX +) TX / A / +
2. Green = Port 1, RX Green (RX -) TX / B / -
3. Yellow = Port 1, TX
Example — MFD Port 1 to NMEA 0183 differential listener device Example — MFD Port 2 to NMEA 0183 single ended talker device
MFD signal (wire color) NMEA 0183 device signal MFD signal (wire color) NMEA 0183 device signal
Yellow (TX +) RX / A / + Orange / White (RX +) TX / OUT / +
Brown (TX -) RX / B / - Orange / Green (RX -) Common ground

Example — MFD Port 1 to NMEA 0183 differential talker and
listener device • (1) The Brown (TX -) wire should be left disconnected but insulated to
prevent short circuits.
MFD signal (wire color) NMEA 0183 device signal
• Refer to instructions provided with your NMEA 0183 device for wire color,
White (RX +) TX / A / + signal and port information.
Green (RX -) TX / B / -
Yellow (TX +) RX / A / + NMEA 0183 wiring connections (Differential mode)
Brown (TX -) RX / B / - The following wiring connections are required when using Differential mode
on the MFD::
You can configure your MFD for [Differential] transmission from the [NMEA
Example — MFD Port 2 to NMEA 0183 differential talker device Set-up] menu: [Homescreen > Settings > Network > NMEA Set-up >
MFD signal (wire color) NMEA 0183 device signal Transmission mode].

Orange / White (RX +) TX / A / + Connections to differential (version 2/ version 3) devices

Orange / Green (RX -) TX / B / - When connecting the MFD (in Differential mode) to NMEA 0183 differential
devices the following wiring applies:
Connections to single-ended (Version 1) devices Important:
When connecting the MFD (in Single-ended mode) to NMEA 0183 When using Differential mode on the MFD the RX wire connections must
single-ended devices the following wiring applies: be inverted when compared to Singled-ended mode connection.
Example — MFD Port 1 to NMEA 0183 single ended talker device
MFD signal (wire color) NMEA 0183 device signal Example — MFD Port 1 to NMEA 0183 differential talker device
MFD signal (wire color) NMEA 0183 device signal
White (RX +) TX / OUT / +
White RX B / - TX / B / -
Green (RX -) Common ground
Green RX A / + TX / A / +

Example — MFD Port 1 to NMEA 0183 single ended listener device Example — MFD Port 1 to NMEA 0183 differential listener device
MFD signal (wire color) NMEA 0183 device signal MFD signal (wire color) NMEA 0183 device signal
Yellow (TX +) RX / IN / + Yellow TX A / + RX / A / +
Brown (TX -) (1)DO NOT CONNECT Brown TX B / - RX / B / -
Network connections 45
Example — MFD Port 1 to NMEA 0183 differential talker and Note:
listener device
• (1) The Brown (TX) wire should be left disconnected but insulated to
MFD signal (wire color) NMEA 0183 device signal prevent short circuits.
White RX B / - TX / B / - • Refer to instructions provided with your NMEA 0183 device for wire color,
Green RX A / + TX / A / + signal and port information.
Yellow TX A / + RX / A / +
Brown TX B / - RX / B / -

Example — MFD Port 2 to NMEA 0183 differential talker device

MFD signal (wire color) NMEA 0183 device signal
Orange / White RX B / - TX / B / -
Orange / Green RX A / + TX / A / +

Connections to single-ended (Version 1) devices

When connecting the MFD (in Differential mode) to NMEA 0183 single-ended
devices the following wiring applies:
Example — MFD Port 1 to NMEA 0183 single ended talker device
MFD signal (wire color) NMEA 0183 device signal
White RX B / - Common ground
Green RX A / + TX / OUT / +

Example — MFD Port 1 to NMEA 0183 single ended listener device

MFD signal (wire color) NMEA 0183 device signal
Yellow TX A / + RX / IN / +
Brown TX B / - (1)DO NOT CONNECT

Example — MFD Port 2 to NMEA 0183 single ended talker device

MFD signal (wire color) NMEA 0183 device signal
Orange / White RX B / - Common ground
Orange / Green RX A / + TX / OUT / +

• 11.1 Transducer connection (Axiom Pro) — page 48

Transducer connections 47
11.1 Transducer connection (Axiom Pro) Warning: Transducer cables
Your MFD includes a built-in sonar module enabling you to direct connection Do not remove the transducer cable whilst the product is
of transducers. powered on, doing so can cause sparks. If the transducer
cable is accidently removed whilst the product is powered on,
switch the product's power off, replace the cable and then
switch the power back on.

Caution: Do not cut transducer cables

• Cutting the transducer cable severely reduces sonar
performance. If the cable is cut, it must be replaced, it
cannot be repaired.
• Cutting the transducer cable will void the warranty and
invalidate the European CE mark.

RealVision transducer extension cables

Transducers are supplied with a fitted cable, for some installations (including
all split-pair transducer installations) it may be necessary to extend the length
of the transducer cable.
• For best performance, cable runs should be kept to a minimum.
• Axiom Pro RVX: • Only use Raymarine® transducer extension cables.
– 1 x 25 pin connector — connect to RealVision™ 3D transducers
– 1 x 11 pin connector — connect to 1kW transducers. Raymarine® offers he following optional extension cables are available:
• Axiom Pro S • RealVision™ transducer extension cable 3 m (9.8 ft) (part number A80475)
– 1 x 25 pin connector — connect to transducer adaptor cable A80490, • RealVision™ transducer extension cable 5 m (16.4 ft) (part number A80476)
the adaptor cable then connects to a CPT-S series transducer. • RealVision™ transducer extension cable 8 m (26.2 ft) (part number A80477)
Note: Split pair transducers: Extension cables fitted between the transducer and
the ‘Y’ cable must be fitted in equal length pairs (i.e.: each transducer’s final
1. Only CPT-S series transducers can be connected to Axiom Pro S cable length must be the same).
variant MFDs.
2. Transducer extension cables are available. DownVision™ transducer extension cable
3. Adaptor cables are also available that enable connection of different For best performance, cable runs should be kept to a minimum. However, for
transducers. Refer to Axiom transducer adaptor cables for a list of some installations it may be necessary to extend the transducer cable.
available adaptor cables. • A 4 m (13.1 ft.) Transducer extension cable (A80273) is available.
• It is recommended that only one cable extension is used.

Transducer connections 49

• 12.1 Analog video connection — page 51

12.1 Analog video connection
Analog video feeds from sources such as a Thermal camera or Security
camera can be connected to your display by connecting the device to the
BNC connector on the display’s power/video/NMEA 0183 cable. The video
feed can be viewed using the Video app.

1. Display’s PWR/Video/NMEA 0183 connector.

2. Power/Video/NMEA 0183 cable (supplied with your display).
3. Analog video device.
4. Analog video BNC connector.
For installation details, refer to the documentation provided with your analog
video device.

Video connections 51

• 13.1 Accessory connection — page 53

13.1 Accessory connection
The display includes a built in dual slot MicroSD card reader. The Accessory
connector can be used to expand storage capabilities by connecting an
external memory card reader or external storage device to the display.

1. ACCESSORY connector.
2. Accessory device:
• RCR-SDUSB (part number: A80440) — Includes 1x SD card slot (or
MicroSD card when using an SD card adaptor) and 1x USB (Type A
connector) (e.g. for connection of an external USB hard drive or pen /
flash drive). The USB slot on the RCR-SDUSB can also supply 0.5A of
current to charge mobile devices.
• RCR-1 (part number A80585) — Includes 1x MicroSD card slot.
• Bulkhead Mount Micro USB Socket (part number: A80630) —
Includes 1x Micro USB (Type Micro A connector) (e.g. for connection of
an external USB hard drive or pen / flash drive; an additional adaptor
may be required for the connection of some USB devices).
• To save screenshots (.png files), [External SD] or [External USB] must be
selected as the [Screenshot File] location on the [This display] tab in the
main display settings menu (accessible from Homescreen).
• To save video (.mov files ), [External SD] or [External USB] must be selected
as the [Save Files] location on the [Photo & Video recording] tab in the
Video app settings menu.
For installation details for these devices, please refer to the instructions
provided with your accessory.

Warning: USB device power

Do NOT connect any device to the product’s USB connection
that requires an external power source.
USB connections 53

• 14.1 GNSS (GPS) antenna connection — page 55

14.1 GNSS (GPS) antenna connection
For installations where the display does not have a clear view of the sky, or
where a position fix is not possible or unreliable due to structure or other
obstacles, a passive antenna (such as the GA200, part number A80589) can
be connected to improve the performance of the display’s internal GNSS
(GPS) receiver. The antenna is connected to the connector labelled GA150
located on the rear of the display.

1. Passive GNSS (GPS) antenna:

• GA200 (part number: A80589); or:
• GA150 (part number: A80288)
2. GNSS antenna connector (labelled: GA150).
For installation details, refer to the documentation provided with your GNSS
(GPS) antenna.

GPS antenna connection 55


• 15.1 Service and maintenance — page 57

• 15.2 Product cleaning — page 57

15.1 Service and maintenance 15.2 Product cleaning
This product contains no user serviceable components. Please refer all Best cleaning practices.
maintenance and repair to authorized Raymarine dealers. Unauthorized When cleaning products:
repair may affect your warranty.
• Switch off power supply.
Warning: High voltage • Use a clean damp cloth to wipe clean.
This product contains high voltage. Do NOT remove covers • Do NOT use: abrasive, acidic, ammonia, solvent or other chemical based
or attempt to access internal components, unless specifically cleaning products.
instructed in the documentation provided. • Do NOT use a jet wash.

Warning: FCC Warning (Part 15.21)

Changes or modifications to this equipment not expressly Cleaning the display case
approved in writing by Raymarine Incorporated could violate The display is a sealed unit and does not require regular cleaning. If it is
compliance with FCC rules and void the user’s authority to necessary to clean the display, follow this basic procedure:
operate the equipment. 1. Switch off the power to the display.
2. Wipe the case with a clean, lint-free cloth.
Caution: Sun covers 3. If necessary, use a mild detergent to remove grease marks.
• If your product is supplied with a sun cover, to protect
against the damaging effects of ultraviolet (UV) light, always Cleaning the display screen
fit the sun cover when the product is not in use. A coating is applied to the display screen. This makes it water repellent, and
• To avoid potential loss, sun covers must be removed when prevents glare. To avoid damaging this coating, follow this procedure:
travelling at high speed, whether in water or when the 1. Switch off the power to the display.
vessel is being towed. 2. Rinse the screen with fresh water to remove all dirt particles and salt
3. Allow the screen to dry naturally.
Routine equipment checks 4. If any smears remain, very gently wipe the screen with a clean microfibre
It is recommended that you perform the following routine checks, on a cleaning cloth.
regular basis, to ensure the correct and reliable operation of your equipment:
• Examine all cables for signs of damage or wear and tear. Cleaning the sun cover
• Check that all cables are securely connected. The supplied sun cover features an adhesive surface. In certain conditions
unwanted contaminants may stick to this surface. To avoid damaging the
monitor display, clean the sun cover regularly following this procedure:
1. Carefully remove the sun cover from the display.
2. Rinse the sun cover with fresh water to remove all dirt particles and salt
3. Allow the sun cover to dry naturally.
Maintaining your display 57

• 16.1 Troubleshooting — page 59

• 16.2 Power up troubleshooting — page 59
• 16.3 GNSS (GPS) troubleshooting — page 60
• 16.4 Sonar troubleshooting — page 61
• 16.5 Wi-Fi troubleshooting — page 64
• 16.6 Touchscreen troubleshooting — page 66
• 16.7 Miscellaneous troubleshooting — page 66

16.1 Troubleshooting Possible causes Possible solutions
Blown fuse / tripped 1. Check condition of relevant fuses and breakers
The troubleshooting section provides possible causes and the corrective and connections, replace if necessary. (Refer
action required for common problems that are associated with the installation to the Technical Specification section of your
and operation of your product. product’s installation instructions for fuse
Before packing and shipping, all Raymarine® products are subjected to ratings.)
comprehensive testing and quality assurance programs. If you do experience
2. If fuse keeps blowing check for cable damage,
problems with your product, this section will help you to diagnose and correct
broken connector pins or incorrect wiring.
problems to restore normal operation.
Poor / damaged 1. Check that the power cable connector is
If after referring to this section you are still having problems with your
/ insecure power correctly orientated and fully inserted into the
product, please refer to the Technical support section of this manual for
supply cable / display connector and locked in position.
useful links and Raymarine® Product Support contact details.
2. Check the power supply cable and connectors
for signs of damage or corrosion, and replace
if necessary.
16.2 Power up troubleshooting
3. With the display turned on, try flexing the power
Product does not turn on or keeps turning off cable near to the display connector to see if
this causes the unit to restart or lose power.
Replace if necessary.
4. Check the vessel’s battery voltage and the
condition of the battery terminals and power
supply cables, ensuring connections are secure,
clean and free from corrosion. Replace if
5. With the product under load, using a
multi-meter, check for high voltage drop
across all connectors / fuses etc, and replace
if necessary.
Incorrect power The power supply may be wired incorrectly, ensure
connection the installation instructions have been followed.

Product will not start up (restart loop)

Troubleshooting 59
Possible causes Possible solutions Possible causes Possible solutions
Power supply and See possible solutions from the table above, entitled Display installation Connect an external passive GNSS (GPS) antenna
connection ‘Product does not turn on or keeps turning off’. location (e.g.: such as the GA200 to the display GPS antenna
Software corruption 1. In the unlikely event that the product’s software installed below connection.
has become corrupted, try downloading and decks or in
installing the latest software from the Raymarine close proximity
website. to equipment
which may cause
2. On display products, as a last resort, attempt to interference).
perform a ‘Power on Reset’. Be aware that this
Internal GNSS (GPS) When using your product’s internal GNSS (GPS)
will delete all settings / presets and user data
receiver disabled. receiver, ensure that it is enabled in the relevant
(such as waypoints and tracks), and revert the
settings menu.
unit back to factory defaults.
To access the relevant menu, select the status area
located in the top left corner of the Homescreen
Performing a power on reset on an Axiom® Pro display and select [Satellites] and then select the [Settings]
Important: tab, locate the Internal GPS option and ensure it is
Before performing a power on reset ensure you have backed up your
settings and user data to a memory card. External GNSS (GPS) When using an external GNSS (GPS) receiver,
receiver connection ensure that connections are secure and that the
fault. cabling is free from damage.
1. Switch off power at the breaker to ensure that the display is completely
powered off, and not in Standby mode. Alternatively, remove the power External GNSS Ensure the GNSS (GPS) receiver or antenna has a
cable from the display. (GPS) receiver or clear unobstructed view of the sky.
2. Within approximately 10 seconds of powering on your display, press and antenna location
Refer to the documentation supplied with your
hold the [Back] and [Switch active] buttons until the screen goes black (e.g.: installed
external receiver / antenna and ensure location
and the Raymarine logo appears. below decks or
requirements have been adhered to.
in close proximity
The display will boot into Recovery mode.
to equipment
3. Use the directional controls to highlight [Wipe data/factory reset]. which may cause
4. Press [Ok]. interference).
5. Select [Yes] to restore your display to factory default settings. Geographic Check periodically to see if a fix is obtained in better
6. When ‘Data wipe complete’ is displayed, select [Reboot system] now. location or conditions or another geographic location.
prevailing conditions
preventing satellite
16.3 GNSS (GPS) troubleshooting fix.

Problems with the GNSS (GPS) and their possible causes and solutions are
described here. Your position fix coordinates are displayed in the status area
located in the top left corner of the Homescreen.
No position fix
16.4 Sonar troubleshooting
Problems with the sonar and their possible causes and solutions are described here.
Scrolling image is not being displayed
Possible causes Possible solutions
Sonar disabled Select [Ping Enable] from the Sonar app’s Sounder menu.
Incorrect transducer selected Check that the correct transducer is selected in the Sonar app’s Transducer menu.
Damaged cables 1. Check that the transducer cable connector is fully inserted and locked in position.
2. Check the power supply cable and connectors for signs of damage or corrosion, replace if
3. With the unit turned on, try flexing the cable near to the display connector to see if this causes
the unit to re-boot/loose power, replace if necessary.
4. Check the vessel’s battery voltage, the condition of the battery terminals and power supply
cables, ensuring connections are secure, clean and free from corrosion, replace if necessary.
5. With the product under load, using a multi-meter, check for high voltage drop across all
connectors/fuses etc (this can cause the Sonar applications to stop scrolling or the unit to
reset/turn off), replace if necessary.
Damaged or fouled transducer Check the condition of the transducer ensuring it is not damaged and is free from debris/fouling,
clean or replace as necessary.
Wrong transducer fitted Ensure the transducer is compatible with your system.
External sonar module: SeaTalkhs ™ / RayNet network • Check that the unit is correctly connected to the multifunction display or Raymarine network
problem. switch. If a crossover coupler or other coupler cable / adapter is used, check all connections
ensuring connections are secure, clean and free from corrosion, replace if necessary.
External sonar module: Software mismatch between Ensure all Raymarine products contain the latest available software, check the Raymarine website:
equipment may prevent communication. for software compatibility.

No depth reading / lost bottom lock

Possible causes Possible solutions
Transducer location Check that the transducer has been installed in accordance with the instructions provided with
the transducer.
Transducer angle If the transducer angle is too great the beam can miss the bottom, adjust transducer angle and
Transducer kicked-up If the transducer has a kick-up mechanism, check that it has not kicked up due to hitting an object.
Troubleshooting 61
Possible causes Possible solutions
Power source insufficient With the product under load, using a multi-meter, check the power supply voltage as close to the
unit as possible to establish actual voltage when the current is flowing. (Check your product’s
Technical specification for power supply requirements.)
Damaged or fouled transducer Check the condition of the transducer ensuring it is not damaged and is free from debris / fouling.
Damaged cables 1. Check the unit’s connector for broken or bent pins.
2. Check that the cable connector is fully inserted into the unit and that the locking collar is in
the locked position.
3. Check the cable and connectors for signs of damage or corrosion, replace if necessary.
4. With the unit turned on, try flexing the power cable near to the display connector to see if this
causes the unit to re-boot/loose power, replace if necessary.
5. Check the vessel’s battery voltage, the condition of the battery terminals and power supply
cables, ensuring connections are secure, clean and free from corrosion, replace if necessary.
6. With the product under load, using a multi-meter, check for high voltage drop across all
connectors/fuses etc (this can cause the Sonar applications to stop scrolling or the unit to
reset/turn off), replace if necessary.
Vessel speed too high Slow vessel speed and recheck.
Bottom too shallow or too deep The bottom depth may be outside of the transducers depth range, move vessel to shallower or
deeper waters as relevant and recheck.

Poor / problematic image

Possible causes Possible solutions
Vessel stationary Fish arches are not displayed if the vessel is stationary; fish will appear on the display as straight
Scrolling paused or speed set too low Unpause or increase sonar scrolling speed.
Sensitivity settings may be inappropriate for present Check and adjust sensitivity settings or perform a Sonar reset.

Possible causes Possible solutions
Damaged cables 1. Check the unit’s connector for broken or bent pins.
2. Check that the cable connector is fully inserted into the unit and that the locking collar is in
the locked position.
3. Check the cable and connectors for signs of damage or corrosion, replace if necessary.
4. With the unit turned on, try flexing the power cable near to the display connector to see if this
causes the unit to re-boot/loose power, replace if necessary.
5. Check the vessel’s battery voltage, the condition of the battery terminals and power supply
cables, ensuring connections are secure, clean and free from corrosion, replace if necessary.
6. With the product under load, using a multi-meter, check for high voltage drop across all
connectors/fuses etc (this can cause the Sonar applications to stop scrolling or the unit to
reset/turn off), replace if necessary.
Transducer location • Check that the transducer has been installed in accordance with the instructions provided
with the transducer.
• If a transom mount transducer is mounted too high on the transom it may be lifting out of the
water, check that the transducer face is fully submerged when planing and turning.
Transducer kicked-up If the transducer has a kick-up mechanism, check that it has not kicked up due to hitting an object.
Damaged or fouled transducer Check the condition of the transducer ensuring it is not damaged and is free from debris / fouling.
Damaged transducer cable Check that the transducer cable and connection is free from damage and that the connections
are secure and free from corrosion.
Turbulence around the transducer at higher speeds Slow vessel speed and recheck.
may affect transducer performance
Interference from another transducer 1. Turn off the transducer causing the interference.
2. Reposition the transducers so they are further apart.
Unit power supply fault Check the voltage from the power supply, if this is too low it can affect the transmitting power
of the unit.

Troubleshooting 63
16.5 Wi-Fi troubleshooting Possible cause Possible solutions

Before troubleshooting problems with your Wi-Fi connection, ensure that Incorrect network Ensure you are using the correct passphrase, the
you have followed the Wi-Fi location requirements guidance provided in the credentials Wi-Fi network’s passphrase can be found in the
relevant installation instructions and performed a power cycle/reboot of the Wi-Fi settings on the broadcasting device (the
devices you are experiencing problems with. device that you are trying to connect to).
Bulkheads, decks 1. Try repositioning the devices so the structure is
Cannot find network and other heavy removed from the direct line of sight between
structure can the devices, or
Possible cause Possible solutions
degrade and even
Wi-Fi not currently Ensure Wi-Fi is enabled on both Wi-Fi devices and 2. If possible use a wired connection instead.
block the Wi-Fi
enabled on devices. rescan available networks. signal. Depending
Some devices may Power cycle / reboot devices and rescan available on the thickness
automatically turn networks. and material used it
off Wi-Fi when not in may not always be
use to save power. possible to pass a
Wi-Fi signal through
Device not 1. Try to enable broadcasting of the device’s certain structures
broadcasting. network using the Wi-Fi settings on the device
you are trying to connect to. Interference being 1. Change the Wi-Fi Channel of the device you are
caused by other trying to connect to and retry the connection.
2. You may still be able to connect to the device, Wi-Fi enabled or You can use free Wi-Fi analyzer apps on your
when it is not broadcasting, by manually older Bluetooth smart device to help you choose a better
entering the device’s Wi-Fi Name / SSID and enabled devices channel (channel with least traffic).
passphrase in the connection settings of the (Bluetooth and Wi-Fi
device you are trying to connect. 2. Temporarily disable each wireless device in
both operate in the
turn until you have identified the device causing
Devices out of range Move devices closer together or, if possible remove 2.4 GHz frequency
the interference.
or signal being the obstructions and then rescan available network. range, some older
blocked. bluetooth devices
may interfere with
Wi-Fi signals.)
Cannot connect to network
Possible cause Possible solutions
Some devices may Power cycle/reboot devices and retry the
automatically turn connection.
off Wi-Fi when not in
use to save power.
Trying to connect Ensure you are trying to connect to the correct Wi-Fi
to the wrong Wi-Fi network, the Wi-Fi network’s name can be found in
network the Wi-Fi settings on the broadcasting device (the
device that you are trying to connect to).
Possible cause Possible solutions Connection extremely slow and or keeps dropping out
Interference caused Temporarily switch off each device in turn until you Possible cause Possible solutions
by other devices have identified the device causing the interference, Wi-Fi performance • Move devices closer together.
that use the 2.4GHz then remove or reposition the offending device(s). degrades over
frequency See list • For fixed installations such as a Quantum Radar,
distance so products
below of some enable the Wi-Fi connection on an display
farther away will
common devices installed closer to the device.
receive less network
that use the 2.4GHz bandwidth. Products
frequency: installed close to
• Microwave ovens their maximum
Wi-Fi range will
• Fluorescent experience slow
lighting connection speeds,
• Cordless phones / signal drop outs or
baby monitors not being able to
connect at all.
• Motion sensors
Interference being 1. Change the Wi-Fi Channel of the device you are
Interference caused Temporarily switch off each item in turn until you caused by other trying to connect to and retry the connection.
by electrical and have identified the device causing the interference, Wi-Fi enabled or You can use free Wi-Fi analyzer apps on your
electronic devices then remove or reposition the offending device(s). older Bluetooth smart device to help you choose a better
and associated enabled devices channel (channel with least traffic).
cabling could (Bluetooth and Wi-Fi
generate an 2. Temporarily switch off each device in turn until
both operate in the
electromagnetic field you have identified the device causing the
2.4 GHz frequency
which may interfere interference, then remove or reposition the
range, some older
with the Wi-Fi signal. offending device(s).
bluetooth devices
may interfere with
Wi-Fi signals.)
Interference from 1. Change the Wi-Fi Channel of the device you are
devices on other trying to connect to and retry the connection.
vessels. When in You can use free Wi-Fi analyzer apps on your
close proximity to smart device to help you choose a better
other vessels, for channel (channel with least traffic).
example, when
2. If possible, move your vessel to a location with
moored up in a
less Wi-Fi traffic.
marina, many other
Wi-Fi signals may be

Troubleshooting 65
Network connection established but no data Possible causes Possible solutions
Possible cause Possible solutions TouchLock is Swipe your finger from left to right across the
Connected to the Ensure that your devices is connected to the correct enabled. [Power] button swipe area to de-activate the
wrong network. network. TouchLock.
Device software Ensure both devices are running the latest available Screen is not being Bare fingers must make contact with the screen
incompatibility. software. operated with bare for correct operation. Alternatively you may use
fingers, for example conductive gloves.
It may be possible 1. Try updating software to a later version, or gloves are being
that the device has worn.
2. try reinstalling the software.
become defective.
3. Obtain new replacement device. Water deposits on Carefully clean and dry the screen in accordance
the screen. with the instructions provided.

Mobile application running slowly or not at all

Possible cause Possible solutions
16.7 Miscellaneous troubleshooting
Raymarine® app not Install mobile app from relevant app store.
installed Miscellaneous problems and their possible causes and solutions are
Raymarine® app Ensure mobile app and display software are latest described here.
version not available versions. Display behaves erratically (Frequent unexpected resets/System crashes
compatible with or other erratic behavior):
display software
Mobile apps not Enable “Viewing only” or “Remote Control” as
enabled on display required in the Mobile Apps setting on your display.

16.6 Touchscreen troubleshooting

Problems with the touchscreen and their possible causes and solutions are
described here.
Touchscreen does not operate as expected:

Possible causes Possible solutions
Intermittent problem • Check relevant fuses and breakers.
with power to the
• Check that the power supply cable is sound
and that all connections are tight and free from
• Check that the power source is of the correct
voltage and sufficient current.
Software mismatch Go to and click on support for
on system (upgrade the latest software downloads.
Corrupt data / other Perform a factory reset.
unknown issue.
This will result in the loss of any settings
and data (such as waypoints) stored on the
product. Save any important data to a memory
card before resetting.

Troubleshooting 67

• 17.1 Raymarine product support and servicing — page 69

• 17.2 Learning resources — page 70

17.1 Raymarine product support and servicing • Help desk:
• Tel: +44 (0)1329 246 777
Raymarine provides a comprehensive product support service, as well as
warranty, service, and repairs. You can access these services through the United States (US):
Raymarine website, telephone, and e-mail. • Help desk:
Product information • Tel: +1 (603) 324 7900 (Toll -free: +800 539 5539)
If you need to request service or support, please have the following Australia and New Zealand (Raymarine subsidiary):
information to hand:
• E-Mail: [email protected]
• Product name.
• Tel: +61 2 8977 0300
• Product identity.
France (Raymarine subsidiary):
• Serial number.
• E-Mail: [email protected]
• Software application version.
• Tel: +33 (0)1 46 49 72 30
• System diagrams.
Germany (Raymarine subsidiary):
You can obtain this product information using diagnostic pages of the
connected display. • E-Mail: [email protected]
Servicing and warranty • Tel: +49 40 237 808 0
Raymarine offers dedicated service departments for warranty, service, and Italy (Raymarine subsidiary):
repairs. • E-Mail: [email protected]
Don’t forget to visit the Raymarine website to register your product • Tel: +39 02 9945 1001
for extended warranty benefits:
us/support/product-registration Spain (Authorized Raymarine distributor):
United Kingdom (UK), EMEA, and Asia Pacific: • E-Mail: [email protected]
• E-Mail: [email protected] • Tel: +34 96 2965 102
• Tel: +44 (0)1329 246 932 Netherlands (Raymarine subsidiary):
United States (US): • E-Mail: [email protected]
• E-Mail: [email protected] • Tel: +31 (0)26 3614 905
• Tel: +1 (603) 324 7900 Sweden (Raymarine subsidiary):
Web support • E-Mail: [email protected]
Please visit the “Support” area of the Raymarine website for: • Tel: +46 (0)317 633 670
• Manuals and Documents — Finland (Raymarine subsidiary):
• Technical support forum — • E-Mail: [email protected]
• Software updates — • Tel: +358 (0)207 619 937
Worldwide support Norway (Raymarine subsidiary):
United Kingdom (UK), EMEA, and Asia Pacific: • E-Mail: [email protected]
Technical support 69
• Tel: +47 692 64 600 i. to display detailed software information and your display’s network
Denmark (Raymarine subsidiary): IP address, select your display from the list.
ii. to display detailed diagnostics information for all products, select
• E-Mail: [email protected] [Product info] from the [Diagnostics] pop over menu.
• Tel: +45 437 164 64
Russia (Authorized Raymarine distributor): Remote Support via AnyDesk
• E-Mail: [email protected] LightHouse 3 software versions v3.13 or later support remote support
functions via the preloaded AnyDesk app.
• Tel: +7 495 788 0508
The AnyDesk app enables a Raymarine Product Support representative to
remotely connect to and control your display over an Internet connection, for
Viewing product information the purposes of technical support and troubleshooting.
Use the [Settings] menu to view hardware and software information about To get started, you will first need to contact Raymarine Product Support. If the
your display, and connected products. representative considers that your support case would benefit from a remote
session, you need to first ensure that your display has an active Internet
connection via Wi-Fi. Next, launch the AnyDesk app from your display’s
homescreen, and then provide the displayed unique ID to the Raymarine
Product Support representative. Then follow any further instructions provided
to you by the representative.
• AnyDesk is provided for troubleshooting and support purposes only, and
is NOT intended to perform remote functions on your vessel. Raymarine
will NOT be held liable for damage or injury to equipment or persons
caused by the use of a remote connection to your display.
• Do not disclose your AnyDesk ID to anyone other than authorised
Raymarine Product Support personnel.
• Do not use the AnyDesk app to remotely activate connected devices
such as Autopilot, Radar or Sonar hardware.

17.2 Learning resources

1. Select [Settings], from the Homescreen. Raymarine has produced a range of learning resources to help you get the
The [Getting started] menu contains hardware and software information most out of your products.
for your display.
2. You can view further information about your display, or view information Video tutorials
about products networked using SeaTalkhs ® and SeaTalkng ® / NMEA
Raymarine official channel on YouTube
2000, by selecting the [Network] tab, then:

Training courses
Raymarine regularly runs a range of in-depth training courses to help you
make the most of your products. Visit the Training section of the Raymarine
website for more information:

Technical support forum

You can use the Technical support forum to ask a technical question about
a Raymarine product or to find out how other customers are using their
Raymarine equipment. The resource is regularly updated with contributions
from Raymarine customers and staff:

Technical support 71

• 18.1 Axiom Pro technical specification — page 73

• 18.2 Internal sonar specification — page 74
• 18.3 Internal GNSS (GPS / GLONASS) receiver specification — page 75

18.1 Axiom Pro technical specification Environmental
Axiom™ Pro 9 Axiom™ Pro 12 Axiom™ Pro 16
Power Operating -25°C (-13°F) to + 55°C (131°F)
Axiom™ Pro 9 Axiom™ Pro 12 Axiom™ Pro 16 temperature
Nominal supply 12 / 24 V dc
voltage: Storage -30°C (–22°F) to + 70°C (158°F)
Operating 8 V dc to 32 V dc
voltage range:
Humidity: up to 93% @ 40°C (104°F)
(Maximum): Water ingress IPx6 and IPx7
(Maximum @ 12 11 mA (0.13 Watts)
V dc)
Off-current LCD specification
(Maximum @ 24V 18 mA (0.43 Watts)
dc) Axiom™ Pro 9 Axiom™ Pro 12 Axiom™ Pro 16

Fuse • Inline fuse = 15 Amp, or Size (diagonal): 9.0” 12.1” 15.6”

requirements: Type: IPS (In-Plane Switching)
• Thermal breaker = 15 Amp
Color depth: 24 bit
Power • RVX — 33.12 • RVX — 29.88 • RVX — 42.36
consumption: Watts Watts Watts Resolution: 1280 x 720 HD 1280 x 800 1920 x 1080 FHD
(Maximum @ 12 WXGA
• S — 24.96 • S — 21.12 Watts • S — 31.68
V dc) Ratio: 16:9 16:10 16:9
Watts Watts
Power • RVX — 30.96 • RVX — 28.8 • RVX — 40.8 Illumination: 1200 nits / 1200 cd/m2
consumption: Watts Watts Watts Viewing angle: Top 88° / Bottom 88° / Left 88° / Right 88°
(Maximum @ 24
• S — 25.2 Watts • S — 22.56 • S — 31.44 Number of 1 to 16
V dc)
Watts Watts simultaneous

Power consumption figures for RVX variants were taken using a RealVision™
transducer and S variants using a CPT-S `transducer.

Technical specification 73
Data connections Axiom™ Pro 9 Axiom™ Pro 12 Axiom™ Pro 16
Axiom™ Pro 9 Axiom™ Pro 12 Axiom™ Pro 16 External (via • 1 x SD card slot
Transducer: • RVX variant RCR-SDUSB
• 1 x USB A
– 25 pin RealVision™ connector
External 2 x MicroSDHC card slots
– 11 pin 1kW connector (via RCR-2
• S variant accessory):

– 25 pin connector (requires adaptor cable)

NMEA 2000: 1 x DeviceNet male connector 18.2 Internal sonar specification
NMEA 0183: 2 x NMEA 0183 ports via Power/Video/NMEA 0183
cable: RealVision™ 3D sonar specification
• NMEA port 1: Input and output, 4,800 / 38,400 baud The following specification only applies to RealVision™ 3D products.
rate Specification
• NMEA port 2: Input only, 4,800 / 38,400 baud rate Sonar channels: • RealVision™ 3D (70 W / 350 kHz ± 5%)
External GNSS 1 x TNC type external GNSS antenna connection. (Output power • SideVision™ (70 W / 350 kHz ± 5%)
antenna: / Responsive
Frequency Range) • DownVision™ (35 W / 350 kHz ± 5%)
Analog video 1 x Composite female BNC connector via
input: Power/Video/NMEA 0183 cable. • Conical CHIRP: High (100 W / 200 kHz ± 5%)
Accessory: 1 x USB Micro B Sensors: • Temperature sensor
Network: 1 x RayNet type SeaTalkhs ™ connector (10 / 100 / 1,000 • AHRS (Attitude and Heading Reference System)
Mbits/s) sensor
Wi-Fi: 802.11/b/g/n
Bluetooth: Bluetooth V4.0 1kW sonar specification
LEN (Load 1 The following specification only applies to Axiom™ Pro RVX products.
Number): Channels Channels
• 1 x 50 kHz Low CHIRP
Storage • 1 x 200 kHz High CHIRP
Axiom™ Pro 9 Axiom™ Pro 12 Axiom™ Pro 16 Range 0.9 m (3 ft) to 914.4 m (3,000 ft) (In optimum
Internal: 16 GB Solid State (14 GB usable) conditions using a 1kW transducer.)
MicroSD card 2 x MicroSDXC card slot
18.3 Internal GNSS (GPS / GLONASS) receiver
Channels: Multiple — ability to simultaneously
track up to 28 satellites
Cold start: <2 minutes
Receiver IC Sensitivity: • 165 dBm (Tracking)
• 160 dBm (Acquisition)
• 148 dBm (Cold start)
GNSS compatibility: • GPS
• Beidou
SBAS compatibility: • EGNOS
Operating frequency: 1574 MHz to 1605 MHz
Signal Acquisition: Automatic
Almanac Update: Automatic
Geodetic Datum: WGS-84 (alternatives can be
selected on the MFD)
Refresh Rate: 10 Hz (10 times per second)
Antenna: • Internal — Ceramic chip mounted
near top of unit
Position Accuracy: • Without SBAS: <= 15 metres 95%
of the time
• With SBAS: <= 5 metres 95% of
the time

Technical specification 75

• 19.1 AXIOM Pro accessories — page 77

• 19.2 AXIOM Pro spares — page 77
• 19.3 RayNet to RayNet cables and connectors — page 79
• 19.4 RayNet to RJ45, and RJ45 (SeaTalkhs) adapter cables — page 80
• 19.5 SeaTalkng ® cables and accessories — page 82

19.1 AXIOM Pro accessories A80490 Axiom RV to 9-pin DV Transducer Adapter
Part numbers A80491 Axiom RV to 25-pin RV & 7-pin Embedded Transducers
Axiom™ Pro Y-Cable
Item 9 Axiom™ Pro 12 Axiom™ Pro 16 A80492 Axiom RV to 25-pin RV & 7-pin CP370 Transducers
RCR-SDUSB — External A80440 Y-Cable
MicroSD and USB A80493 Axiom RV to 7-pin Embedded & 9-pin DV Transducers
reader Y-Cable
RMK-10 — MFD remote A80438 / T70293 A80494 Axiom RV to 7-pin CP370 & 9-pin DV Transducers Y-Cable
GA150 external passive A80288 Legacy adaptor plates
GNSS (GPS) antenna Adaptor plates are available to enable installation of Axiom Pro and Axiom 2
GA200 external A80589 Pro displays in the place of a legacy display.
passive GNSS (GPS) Adaptor description Part number
C90W / E90W to Axiom Pro 9 / A80530
Suncover A80534 A80535 A80536 Axiom 2 Pro 9 adaptor plate
Axiom Pro Bracket/Ball N/A N/A A80537 C120W / E120W to Axiom Pro 12 / A80531
mount plate Axiom 2 Pro 12 adaptor plate
Right angled RV A80515 e165 / E140W to Axiom Pro 16 / A80533
transducer adaptor Axiom 2 Pro 16 adaptor plate
cable (adaptor cable
length: 45 mm (1.77 in.).

Axiom transducer adaptor cables 19.2 AXIOM Pro spares

The following adaptor cable are available to enable connection of a wider
Part numbers
selection of transducers.
Axiom DV adaptor cables Item Axiom™ Pro 9 Axiom™ Pro 12 Axiom™ Pro 16
A80484 Axiom DV to 7-pin Embedded Transducer Adapter Power/Video/NMEA R62379
0183 cable 1.5 m (4.9 ft)
A80485 Axiom DV to 7-pin CP370 Transducer Adapter
Angled R70029
A80486 Axiom DV to 9-pin DV & 7-Pin Embedded Transducers Power/Video/NMEA
Y-Cable 0183 cable 1.5 m (4.9
A80487 Axiom DV to 9-pin DV & 7-Pin CP370 Transducers Y-Cable ft) with right angled
Axiom RV adaptor cables Keypad assembly R70600
A80488 Axiom RV to 7-pin Embedded Transducer Adapter Trim kit — Replacement R70383 R70387 R70598
A80489 Axiom RV to 7-pin CP370 Transducer Adapter bezel pieces
Spares and accessories 77
Part numbers
Item Axiom™ Pro 9 Axiom™ Pro 12 Axiom™ Pro 16
Mounting seal kit R70385 R70388 R70599
Trunnion kit R70384 R70389 N/A

19.3 RayNet to RayNet cables and connectors

1. Standard RayNet connection cable with a RayNet (female) socket on 4. RayNet to RayNet right-angle coupler / adapter. Suitable for connecting
both ends. RayNet cables at 90° (right angle) to devices, for installations where
space is limited.
2. Right-angle RayNet connection cable with a straight RayNet (female)
socket on one end, and a right-angle RayNet (female) socket on the 5. Adapter cable with a RayNet (male) plug on both ends. Suitable for
other end. Suitable for connecting at 90° (right angle) to a device, for joining (female) RayNet cables together for longer cable runs.
installations where space is limited.
3. RayNet cable puller (5 pack).

Spares and accessories 79

19.4 RayNet to RJ45, and RJ45 (SeaTalkhs) adapter cables

1. Adapter cable with a RayNet (female) socket on one end, and a
waterproof (female) RJ45 (SeaTalkhs ®) socket on the other end,
accepting the following cables with an RJ45 (SeaTalkhs ®) waterproof
locking (male) plug:
• A62245 (1.5 m).
• A62246 (15 m).
2. Adapter cable with a RayNet (female) socket on one end, and a
waterproof (female) RJ45 (SeaTalkhs ®) socket on the other end, along
with a locking gland for a watertight fit.
3. Adapter cable with a RayNet (male) plug on one end, and an RJ45
(SeaTalkhs ®) waterproof (male) plug on the other end.
4. Adapter cable with a RayNet (male) plug on one end, and an RJ45 (male)
plug on the other end.
5. Adapter cable with a RayNet (female) socket on one end, and an RJ45
(SeaTalkhs ®) waterproof (male) plug on the other end.
6. Adapter cable with a RayNet (female) socket on one end, and an RJ45
(male) plug on the other end.
7. Adapter cable with a right-angled RayNet (female) socket on one end,
and an RJ45 (male) plug on the other end.

Spares and accessories 81

19.5 SeaTalkng ® cables and accessories 1. 2 x Backbone cables 5 m (16.4 ft) (part number: A06036). Used to create
and extend the SeaTalkng backbone.
SeaTalkng ® cables and accessories for use with compatible products.
2. 1 x Backbone cable 20 m (65.6 ft) (part number: A06037). Used to
SeaTalkng ® kits create and extend the SeaTalkng backbone.
SeaTalkng kits enable you to create a simple SeaTalkng backbone. 3. 4 x T-piece (part number: A06028). Each T-piece allows connection of
Starter kit (part number: T70134) consists of: one SeaTalkng device. Multiple T-pieces can be ‘daisy chained’ together.
4. 2 x Backbone terminators (part number: A06031). Terminators must be
fitted to both ends of the SeaTalkng backbone.
5. 1 x Power cable 2 m (6.6 ft) (part number: A06049). Used to provide
12 V dc power to the SeaTalkng backbone.
Evolution autopilot cable kit (part number: R70160) consists of:

1. 1 x Spur cable 3 m (9.8 ft) (part number: A06040). Used to connect

device to the SeaTalkng backbone.
2. 1 x Power cable 2 m (6.6 ft) (part number: A06049). Used to provide
12 V dc power to the SeaTalkng backbone.
3. 2 x Backbone terminators (part number: A06031). Terminators must be
fitted to both ends of the SeaTalkng backbone.
4. 1 x 5-Way connector (part number: A06064). Each connector block
allows connection of up to 3 SeaTalkng devices. Multiple connector 1. 1 x Backbone cable 5 m (16.4 ft) (part number: A06036). Used to create
blocks can be ‘daisy chained’ together. and extend the SeaTalkng backbone.
Backbone kit (part number: A25062) consists of: 2. 1 x Spur cable 1 m (3.3 ft) (part number: A06040). Used to connect device
to the SeaTalkng backbone.
3. 1 x Power cable 2 m (6.6 ft) (part number: A06049). Used to provide
12 V dc power to the SeaTalkng backbone.
4. 1 x 5-Way connector (part number: A06064). Each connector block
allows connection of up to 3 SeaTalkng devices. Multiple connector
blocks can be ‘daisy chained’ together.
5. 2 x T-pieces (part number: A06028). Each T-piece allows connection of
one SeaTalkng device. Multiple T-pieces can be ‘daisy chained’ together.
6. 2 x Backbone terminators (part number: A06031). Terminators must be
fitted to both ends of the SeaTalkng backbone.
SeaTalk to SeaTalkng converter kit (part number: E22158) consists of:
1. 1 x Power cable 2 m (6.6 ft) (part number: A06049). Used to provide
12 V dc power to the SeaTalkng backbone.
2. 1 x Spur cable 1 m (3.3 ft) (part number: A06039). Used to connect a
device to the SeaTalkng backbone.
3. 1 x NMEA 0183 VHF stripped-end (2 wire) to SeaTalkng adapter cable
1 m (3.3 ft) (part number: A06071). Used to connect an NMEA 0183 VHF
radio to the SeaTalkng backbone via the NMEA 0183 VHF to SeaTalkng
4. 1 x SeaTalk to SeaTalkng converter (part number: E22158). Each
converter allows connection of 1 SeaTalk device and up to 2 SeaTalkng
1. 1 x Power cable 2 m (6.6 ft) (part number: A06049). Used to provide devices.
12 V dc power to the SeaTalkng backbone.
5. 2 x Spur blanking plugs (part number: A06032). Used to cover unused
2. 1 x Spur cable 1 m (3.3 ft) (part number: A06039). Used to connect a spur connections in 5-way blocks, T-piece connectors and SeaTalk to
device to the SeaTalkng backbone. SeaTalkng converter.
3. 1 x SeaTalk (3 pin) to SeaTalkng adapter cable 0.4 m (1.3 ft) (part number: 6. 2 x Backbone terminators (part number: A06031). Terminators must be
A22164). Used to connect SeaTalk devices to the SeaTalkng backbone fitted to both ends of the SeaTalkng backbone.
via the SeaTalk to SeaTalkng converter.
SeaTalkng ® spur cables
4. 1 x SeaTalk to SeaTalkng converter (part number: E22158). Each
converter allows connection of one SeaTalk device and up to 2 SeaTalkng spur cables are required to connect devices to the SeaTalkng
SeaTalkng devices. backbone.
5. 2 x Spur blanking plugs (part number: A06032). Used to cover unused
spur connections in 5–way blocks, T-piece connectors and SeaTalk to
SeaTalkng converter.
6. 2 x Backbone terminators (part number: A06031). Terminators must be
fitted to both ends of the SeaTalkng backbone.
NMEA 0183 VHF 2 wire to SeaTalkng converter kit (part number: E70196)
consists of:

1. SeaTalkng spur cables:

• Spur cable 0.4 m (1.3 ft) (part number: A06038).
• Spur cable 1 m (3.3 ft)(part number: A06039).
• Spur cable 3 m (9.8 ft) (part number: A06040).
Spares and accessories 83
• Spur cable 5 m (16.4 ft) (part number: A06041).
2. Elbow (right angled) to elbow (right angled) spur cable 0.4 m (1.3 ft) (part
number: A06042). Used in confined spaces where a straight spur cable
will not fit.
3. Elbow (right angled) to straight spur cable 1 m (3.3 ft) (part number:
A06081). Used in confined spaces where a straight spur cable will not fit.
4. SeaTalkng to stripped-end spur cables (Connects compatible product 1. Power cable (straight) 2 m (6.6 ft) (part number: A06049).
that do not have a SeaTalkng connector such as transducer pods): 2. Elbow (right angled) power cable 2 m (6.6 ft) (part number: A06070).
• SeaTalkng to stripped-end spur cable 1 m (3.3 ft) (part number: SeaTalkng ® connectors
A06043) SeaTalkng connectors are used to connect SeaTalkng devices to the
• SeaTalkng to stripped-end spur cable 3 m (9.8 ft) (part number: SeaTalkng backbone and to create and extend the backbone.
5. ACU / SPX autopilot to SeaTalkng spur cable 0.3 m (1.0 ft) (part number
R12112). Connects the course computer to the SeaTalkng backbone.
This connection can also be used to provide 12 V dc power to the
SeaTalkng backbone.
SeaTalkng ® backbone cables
SeaTalkng backbone cables are used to create or extend a SeaTalkng
1. 5-Way connector (part number: A06064). Each connector block allows
connection of up to 3 SeaTalkng devices. Multiple connector blocks
can be ‘daisy chained’ together.
2. T-piece (part number: A06028). Each T-piece allows connection of one
SeaTalkng device. Multiple T-pieces can be ‘daisy chained’ together.
• Backbone cable 0.4 m (1.3 ft) (part number: A06033).
3. Backbone extender (part number: A06030). Used to connect 2
• Backbone cable 1 m (3.3 ft) (part number: A06034). backbone cables together.
• Backbone cable 3 m (9.8 ft) (part number: A06035). 4. Inline terminator (part number: A80001). Used to connect a spur cable
• Backbone cable 5 m (16.4 ft) (part number: A06036). and SeaTalkng device at the end of a backbone instead of a backbone
• Backbone cable 9 m (29.5 ft) (part number: A06068).
5. Backbone terminator (part number: A06031). Terminators must be fitted
• Backbone cable 20 m (65.6 ft) (part number: A06037). to both ends of the SeaTalkng backbone.
SeaTalkng ® power cables 6. Spur blanking plug (part number: A06032). Used to cover unused spur
connections in 5–way blocks, T-piece connectors, or the SeaTalk to
SeaTalkng power cables are used to provide the SeaTalkng backbone with a
SeaTalkng converter.
single 12 V dc power source. The power connection must include a 5 amp
inline fuse (not supplied). 7. Elbow (right angled) spur connector (part number: A06077). Used in
confined spaces where a straight spur cable will not fit.
SeaTalkng ® adaptors and adaptor cables 5. SeaTalkng to DeviceNet (male) adaptor cables. Connect NMEA 2000
SeaTalkng adaptor cables are used to connect devices designed for different devices that use a DeviceNet connector to the SeaTalkng backbone, or
CAN bus backbones (e.g.: SeaTalk or DeviceNet) to the SeaTalkng backbone. connect SeaTalkng devices to an NMEA 2000 network. The following
cables are available:
• SeaTalkng to DeviceNet (male) adaptor cable 0.1 m (0.33 ft) (part
number: A06078).
• SeaTalkng to DeviceNet (male) adaptor cable 0.4 m (1.3 ft) (part
number: A06074).
• SeaTalkng to DeviceNet (male) adaptor cable 1 m (3.3 ft) (part number:
• SeaTalkng to DeviceNet (male) adaptor cable 1.5 m (4.92 ft) (part
number: A06046).
6. NMEA 0183 VHF stripped-end (2 wire) to SeaTalkng adapter cable 1 m
(3.3 ft) (part number: A06071). Used to connect an NMEA 0183 VHF
radio to the SeaTalkng backbone via the NMEA 0183 VHF to SeaTalkng
7. SeaTalkng (male) to DeviceNet (female) adaptor (A06082).
1. SeaTalk (3 pin) to SeaTalkng converter cable 1 m (3.3 ft) (part number: 8. SeaTalkng (female) to DeviceNet (male) adaptor (A06083).
A22164 / A06073). Can be used to connect a SeaTalk device to a 9. SeaTalkng (male) to DeviceNet (female) elbow (right angled) adaptor
SeaTalkng backbone via the SeaTalk to SeaTalkng converter, or to (A06084).
connect a SeaTalkng product directly to a SeaTalk network.
10. DeviceNet (female) to stripped-end adaptor cable (0.4 m (1.3 ft) (part
2. SeaTalk (3 pin) to SeaTalkng adaptor cable 0.4 m (1.3 ft) (part number: number: E05026).
A06047). Can be used to connect a SeaTalk device to a SeaTalkng
backbone via the SeaTalk to SeaTalkng converter, or to connect a 11. DeviceNet (male) to stripped-end adaptor cable (0.4 m (1.3 ft) (part
SeaTalkng product directly to a SeaTalk network. number: E05027).
3. SeaTalk2 (5 pin) to SeaTalkng adaptor cable 0.4 m (1.3 ft) (part number:
A06048). Used to connect SeaTalk2 devices or networks to a SeaTalkng
4. SeaTalkng to DeviceNet (female) adaptor cables connect NMEA 2000
devices that use a DeviceNet connector to the SeaTalkng backbone, or
connects SeaTalkng devices to an NMEA 2000 network. The following
cables are available:
• SeaTalkng to DeviceNet (female) adaptor cable 0.4 m (1.3 ft) (part
number: A06045).
• SeaTalkng to DeviceNet (female) adaptor cable 1 m (3.3 ft) (part
number: A06075).
Spares and accessories 85
Appendix A NMEA 0183 sentences Appendix B NMEA 2000 PGNs
For a list of supported NMEA 0183 sentences, please refer to the relevant For a list of supported NMEA 2000 PGNs, please refer to the relevant
Operations manual for your display. Operations manual for your display.
LightHouse version Operations manual LightHouse version Operations manual
LightHouse 3 81370 LightHouse 3 81370
LightHouse 4 81406 LightHouse 4 81406

To obtain the latest version of the manual, visit: To obtain the latest version of the manual, visit:

NMEA 0183 sentences 87

Index DeviceNet ............................................................................................ 43
Distribution panel................................................................................. 39
Ethernet ............................................................................................... 43
A External storage................................................................................... 53
Accessories General cabling guidance.................................................................... 34
Network adapter cables ...................................................................... 80 GPS antenna ........................................................................................ 55
Network cables.................................................................................... 79 GPS Antenna ....................................................................................... 35
RayNet cables...................................................................................... 79 Ground................................................................................................. 35
SeaTalkng adaptor cables ................................................................... 85 HDMI Out ............................................................................................. 35
SeaTalkng backbone cables ............................................................... 84 Network ......................................................................................... 35, 43
SeaTalkng cables ................................................................................ 82 NMEA 0183 .......................................................................................... 44
SeaTalkng connectors ......................................................................... 84 NMEA 2000 ................................................................................... 35, 43
SeaTalkng kits ..................................................................................... 82 Optional grounding............................................................................... 41
SeaTalkng Power cables ..................................................................... 84 Overview.............................................................................................. 35
SeaTalkng spur cables ........................................................................ 83 Power............................................................................................. 35, 38
Accessory connection ............................................................................. 53 RayNet ........................................................................................... 35, 43
Axiom™ Pro MFDs ..................................................................................... 13 Rear connectors................................................................................... 35
SeaTalkng ............................................................................................ 43
Transducers ......................................................................................... 35
C USB (via RCR-SDUSB).......................................................................... 53
Cable Video ................................................................................................... 35
Bend radius.......................................................................................... 34 Wire ..................................................................................................... 36
Protection ............................................................................................ 34 Contact details......................................................................................... 69
Routing ................................................................................................ 34
Security ................................................................................................ 34 D
Strain relief........................................................................................... 34
Cable extension ...................................................................................... 48 Declaration of Conformity.......................................................................... 8
CHIRP transducers ................................................................................... 17 Dedicated grounding ............................................................................... 41
Cleaning .................................................................................................. 57 Diagnostics.............................................................................................. 70
Screen.................................................................................................. 57 Dimensions
Compass safe distance ........................................................................... 27 Axiom Pro 12 .........................................................................................21
Conical beam transducers........................................................................ 17 Axiom Pro 16 .........................................................................................21
Connecting cables................................................................................... 36 Axiom Pro 9 ..........................................................................................21
Connection DownVision™ transducers......................................................................... 17
Transducer ........................................................................................... 48
Accessory ...................................................................................... 35, 53 E
Analog camera......................................................................................51 e-Label....................................................................................................... 8
Analog video.........................................................................................51 Electromagnetic Compatibility................................................................. 26
Bare wires ............................................................................................ 36 EMC, See Electromagnetic Compatibility
Battery ................................................................................................. 40 Ethernet connection ................................................................................ 43
Card reader.......................................................................................... 53 External storage ...................................................................................... 53
F cables .................................................................................................. 80
Factory reset ...........................................................................................60 Network connection ................................................................................ 43
Fuse rating............................................................................................... 38 NMEA 0183.............................................................................................. 87
Baud rate ............................................................................................. 44
Sentences............................................................................................ 87
G NMEA 0183 connection ........................................................................... 44
NMEA 2000............................................................................................. 87
GNSS antenna connection ...................................................................... 55
PGN list ................................................................................................ 87
GPS antenna connection......................................................................... 55
NMEA 2000 connection.......................................................................... 43

Best practice ........................................................................................ 40 Operation instructions
Mounting options................................................................................. 29 LightHouse ........................................................................................... 14
Surface mounting................................................................................. 29
Trunnion mounting ............................................................................... 31
Interference ............................................................................................. 27
See also Compass safe distance Parts supplied
RF......................................................................................................... 26 Axiom Pro 12 .........................................................................................19
IP address................................................................................................ 70 Axiom Pro 16 .........................................................................................19
Axiom Pro 9 ..........................................................................................19
L Battery connection............................................................................... 40
Legacy adaptor......................................................................................... 14 Distribution .......................................................................................... 38
LightHouse 3 ............................................................................................ 14 Distribution panel................................................................................. 39
LightHouse 4 ............................................................................................ 14 Grounding............................................................................................ 40
Location requirements Sharing a breaker ................................................................................ 39
General ................................................................................................ 23 Power connection ................................................................................... 38
GNSS ................................................................................................... 23 Power troubleshooting ............................................................................ 59
GPS ...................................................................................................... 23 Product information ................................................................................. 70
Touchscreen ........................................................................................ 24 Product recycling (WEEE) .........................................................................10
Viewing angle ...................................................................................... 26 Product support....................................................................................... 69
Wireless ............................................................................................... 25 Product variants........................................................................................ 13
Wireless interference........................................................................... 25
M Radio Frequency (RF) interference.......................................................... 26
Maintenance............................................................................................ 57 RayNet
cables ........................................................................................... 79–80
RayNet connection .................................................................................. 43
N RCR-SDUSB.............................................................................................. 14
Network RealVision™ transducers ...........................................................................16
Recovery mode .......................................................................................60 Video connection .....................................................................................51
Regulatory standards ................................................................................ 8
cables .................................................................................................. 80 W
Routine checks ........................................................................................ 57 Warranty ............................................................................................ 10, 69
WEEE Directive.........................................................................................10
cables .................................................................................................. 80
Adaptor cables .................................................................................... 85
Backbone cables ................................................................................. 84
Connectors .......................................................................................... 84
Kits ....................................................................................................... 82
Power cables ....................................................................................... 84
Spur cables .......................................................................................... 83
SeaTalkng cables .................................................................................... 82
SeaTalkng connection............................................................................. 43
Service Center......................................................................................... 69
Servicing.................................................................................................. 57
Software updates .................................................................................... 26
Support forum .......................................................................................... 71

Technical specification ............................................................................ 72
GNSS receiver ..................................................................................... 75
Product markings................................................................................... 8
Technical Specification
RealVision 3D Sonar ............................................................................ 74
Technical support............................................................................... 69, 71
Training courses ....................................................................................... 71
TransducersRealVision ™ ...........................................................................16
Troubleshooting ...................................................................................... 59
GNSS ...................................................................................................60
GNSS (GPS)..........................................................................................60
GPS ......................................................................................................60

Ventilation ............................................................................................... 23
Raymarine (UK / EU)
Marine House, Cartwright Drive,
Fareham, Hampshire.
PO15 5RJ.
United Kingdom.

Tel: (+44) (0)1329 246 700

Raymarine (US)
110 Lowell Road,
Hudson, NH 03051.
United States of America.

Tel: (+1) 603-324-7900

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