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1. Explain boundary layer and the fundamental causes of its existence.
Air flows over a 0.5m
plate and 0.6m wide with a velocity of 4m/s. The
velocity profile is in the form

=Sin ( 5
Ifp= 1.24kg/m3 and v =0.15 x 10 m3/s, calculate (i) Boundary layer
thickness at the end of the plate (ii) Shear stress at 250mm from the leading
edge, (ii) Drag force on one side ofthe plate

2. Prove that the momentum thickners and energy thickness for boundary layer
flows are given by (a) i. = (1-dy i. = o1-dy
ii. The velocity distribution in the beundary layer is given by ( Calculate

the following G) Displacement thickness (Gi) Momentum thickness (i) Shape

factor (TV) Energy thickness (v) Energy loss due to boundary layer if at a
particular section ,the boundary layer thickness 25mm and the free stream
velocity is 1.5m/s. if the discharge through the boundary layer region is 6m'/s
per meter width, express this enerey loss in terms of meters ofhead.take p=
1.2 kg/m
(b) Describe exhaustively viscoclastic fluid as it relates to non- Newtonian

3. (a) Briefly explain the following non- Newtonian tluids.

di) Pseudo Plastics ii) Thixotropic Fluid ii) Rheopectic Fluid
(6) Aliquid whose rheology can be represented by the power law model is
flowing under streamline conditions through a pipe of Smm diameter. If the
can velocity of flow is Im/s and the velocity at the pipe axis is 1.2m/s, (i)
what is the value of the power law index n? (c) Water, of viscosity ImNs/m2

flowing through the pipe at the saime mean velocity gives rise to a pressure of
10* N/mcompared with 105 N/nn2 for the non- Newtonian fluid,
What is the consistency of the non-Newtonian fluid?

4. Obtain Von Karman Momentun intcgral

A plate 450mm x 15Omm has been placed longitudinally in a stream of crude
oil (specitic gravity 0.925 and kinernatic viscosity of0.9 stroke)which flow
with velocity of 6m/s. calculate
) The friction drag on the plate, ü) Thickness of the boundary layer at
the trailing edge (ii) shear slress at the trailing edge.
Faculty of Engineering
First Semester Examination (2020/2021 Academic Session)
11h September, 2021 : Engineering.Law and Management
INSTRUCTION: Observe COVID 19 Protocol and Attempt any Three Questios TIME: I hour 30 mintes

1. a. Explain what the Lady Justice symbol of judiciary depicts.

b. Justify why Engineers should study legal issues concerning contracts.
c. Briefly explain the following and give an example in each case
i. Past Consideration is No Consideration
ii. Consideration must move from the Promisee

2. a. Briefly describe the term intellectual property with relevant examples as appropriate.

b. What are the features of a registrable trade marks.

c. Discuss trade dispute with reference to the subject matter.

3a. Enumerate any five principles of material handling.

b. Describe the two categories of material handling equipment
c. Outline at least five objectives of material handling.

4) a. The rate of use of a particular raw material from stores is 20 units per, year. The cost of placing
receiving an order is N40. The cost of each unit is NI00. The cost of carrying inventory in pereent
per year is 06 and it depends upon the average stock. Determine the economic order quantity if the
lead time is 3 months, calculate the re-order point.

b. Briefly explain Management.

C. Explain the following: i. Raw Inventories ii. In-Process Inventories ii. Finished Inventories

iv. Indirect Inventories.

5. a. Explain the concept of production planning and control and state its objectives and funetions to

b. Explain cost accounting and state its relevance to industry.
c. State at least 4 bencfits cach of production planning and control to costumers, producers and


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COURSE TITLE/CODE: Environmental Pollution Engineering & Control CHE 591

INSTRUCTiON: Answer any FOUR questions Time: 11/ hrs

Question 1
a. List the requisite considerations to make in the selection of a suitable equipment for the
control of gaseous impurities.
b. A cyclone is used to treat 2.85g/cm' dusty particles from a cement plant. Assuming air
density is negligible, determine (in microns):
i. The cut-size diameter of the particle which the cyclone collects.
ii. The particle diameter the cyclone would collect at 90% efficiency.
O0 Datagiven:
Gas viscosity, =7.20 x 10- kg/m.hr
Effective number ofturns within the cyclone= 5
Inlet gas velocity to cyclone = 34.01 mi/hr
Cyclone diameter =10 ft
NB: 1 mile 1609.34 m
1 ft 3.048 m

4 . 0.5 10
Particle size ratio, [dplldpleut

Question 2
With the aid of a block flow diagram (including various components and valuable
materials/utilities derived), list the 4 methods of recycling wastes and explain ANY 3.

Question 3
a. Tabulate and illustrate the codified system for recycling polymeric materials that
includes the following: symbol, acronym, full name and uses (where applicable).
b. Detemine the terminal settling velocity (in m/s) of particles falling in air that are (i)
15, (ii) 50 and (i) 100 um in diameter.
Data given:
Particle density = 1.5 g/cm

Air density= 0.0012 g/cm*

Air viscosity 6.66 x 10-2 kg/m. hr

Question 4

(a) Explain the following processes: (i) Incineration (ii) Pyrolysis (iii) Gasilication
(b) Outline and explain the Processing Techniques used in solid waste management systems
to recover resources.

(c) Estimate the theoretical volume ofmethane gas that would be expected from the
anacrobic digestion of 5 tonnes ofa waste having the composition Csol hooOoN. Density of
methane gas= 0.716kg/m*.
estuen 5
(a) Classify and explain the sources of solid waste based on their content, mo isturé and
heating value.
(b) A sanitary landfill is being designed to handle solid waste generated by UNIZIK
community Awka campus having a popu lation of S0,000. The waste generated on the average
is 0.2kg/person/day. It is expected that the waste will be delivered by a truck to landfill site
on a 3 day/week basis. The mean density of the refuse spread is 100kg/m'. The solid waste is

spread in 1.Sm layers and compacted to 0.3m. The landfill will use 0.15m of soil for daily
cover. An intermediate cover of soil of O.2m is used to compete the cell and a final cover

1.0m over the stack of 2 cells is recommended. Assuming academic activities run all through
the year. Calculate:

i) Annual volume required for land fill.

(ii) Annual horizontal area covered by the solid waste

Question 6
(a) List and explain any 4 performance criteria for wastewater Management System.

(b) State and Explain Wastewater Characteristics.

(o) State any5 considerations in setting up a Concept of Common Effluent Treatment Plants

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COURSE CODE: CHE 547 COURSE TITLE: Chemical Reaction Engineering I

INSTRUCTIONS: Answer any three questions. TIME: 1hr 30mins

1. The final year students of the Departiment of Chemical Engineering, Nnamdi Azikiwe
University, Awka desired to design a cSTR operated isothermally to produce 80 lbmol of
ethylene glycol per minute by hydrolyzing ethylene oxide. To achieve this, a 10 lbmol/f
solution of cthylene oxide in water is fed to the reactor together with an equal volumetric
solution of water containing 0.9wt% of catalyst H,S04. The equation of the reaction is
given as:

CHCH, + HO s o HOH
The reaction is first-order in ethylene oxide and specific reaction rate is 0.431min

a. If 90% conversion is to be achieved, determine the necessary CSTR volume.

b. If two 120 ft reactors were arranged in parallel, what is the corresponding conversion?
c. If two 120 ff reactors were arranged in series, what is the corresponding conversion?
d. Set up a stochiometric table for the reaction expressing the concentration of each species
in terms of its initial concentration and conversion
e. State the differences between molecularity and order of reaction

2a) Consider an irreversible second-order reaction, 2A B (with rate, -rA = kc) that has been

carried out in a batch reactor. The initial concentration is 1 mol/liter, and after 30 minutes the
concentration is 0.25 mol/liter. What is the value of the second-order rate constant? Show
units. Given CA = 0.25 mol/liter after time(t) = 30 min

b) You are responsible for the design of a gas-phase packed-bed reactor and are concerned about
the pressure drop across the reactor. Neglecting the effect of conversion, and using (where y
P/Po) a known value ofa = 0.01 kg

= with analytical solution y = (1- aW)

dW 2y

i).What is the absolute maximum amount of catalyst that could be used'? State your assunmptions
analyze and show your work.

ii). If the dimensionless pressure ratio at the reactor outlet is 0.2, what is the maximum amount of
catalyst that can be used?
3. Write short notes on: (i) Relative rates i) Equilibrium constant change with temperature
(11) stoichiometry (iv) Damköhler number

b) The elementary gas-phase reaction


is carried out isothermally in a flow reactor with no pressure drop. The specific reaction rate at
50°C is 10 min (from pericosity data) and the actiyation energy is 85 kJ/mol. Pure di-tert-
butyl peroxide enters the reactor at 10 atm and 1270and a molar flow rate of 2.5 mol/rnin.
Calculate the reactor volume and space time to achieve 95% conversion in:
(a) a PFR
(b) a CSTR

4. The data obtained from an adiabatically exothermic reaction A > B+C shows the moles of
A that have been converted using a batch reactor as follows with 4.5mol of A initially fed
into the system

TABLE 1 0 0.9 18 2.025 2.25 2.7 3.6 4.05

Assuming the same conversion, this same reaction proceeded in a flow reactor with the reaction
rate as shown in Table 2

Table 2 1 1.6 4.8 5.4 5.4 5.3 1.26 0.89

With entering molar flow rate of 250mol/min

i. What are the PFR and CSTR volumes necessary for 50% conversion
ii. Over what range of conversions would the CSTR and PFR be the same
ii. What is the maximum conversion that can be achieved in an 11dm CSTR
iv. What conversion will be achieved if a 60dm3 PFR is followed in series by a 24dm'
V. Plot the conversion as a function of CSTR volume for the data

5. The liquid-phase reactiçn, A >B, was carried out in a CSTR. For an entering
concentration of 2 mol/dm', the conversion was 60%. For the same reactor volume and
entering conditions as the CSTR, the expected PFR conversion is 77.7%. However, the
PFR conversion was amáziDngly 78.9% exactly. Brainstorm reasons for the disparity.
Quantitatively show how these conversIons came about (i.e., the expected conversion and
the actual conversion).
(b) Define (G) Conversion (ii) Space velocity
(c) Highlight the uses of CSTR

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