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Candidate’s Declaration

I hereby declare that his project is the results of my own original research, and no

part of it has been presented for another degree in this college or elsewhere.

Candidate’s Name………………………………..……………………………………

Index Number:………………………………………………………………………..

Signature:……………………….……… Date………….……..…………..……

Supervisor’s Declaration

I hereby declare that the preparation and presentation of the project work were

supervised in accordance with the guidelines on supervision of project work laid down

by Methodist College of Education and the Institute of Education of University of Cape


Supervisor’s Name: ………………………………………………..………………...

Signature: ……….…………………… Date: ………………………….………


For the successful completion of this action research, I am indebted to a number of

people who encourage and helped me in diverse ways in the study. I wish to

acknowledge Mr. Stephen Afram Oware who supervised my work. He has been very

diplomatic; his constructive criticism and suggestions were valuable. May God richly

bless you.

Furthermore, I wish to express my gratitude to my beloved mother, Juliana Gyeabour,

my two sisters Eugenia Bonsu and Takyiaw Twumasi and my friend Sam Agnes.

I also acknowledge the effort of all the teachers of Anyinase Presbytarian primary school

and colleague practicing teachers especially Agyenim Boateng Joseph.


This project work is dedicated to my late father Mr. Amponsah Stephen


This research is conducted to employ measures to enhance learners’ understanding of

‘addition and subtraction of fractions’ so that their attitude towards the concept and

Mathematics as a whole will change positively. Educational action research was used by

the researcher. It addresses specific problems identified in the classroom. The aim of

using the action research was to achieve positive changes in terms of learners’ attitude to

enhance their educational outcomes. The purposive sampling method was used to sample

the population based on those believed to have the problem with addition and subtraction

of fraction. The research instruments used by the researcher to gather information about

the problem were observation, questionnaire, interview and test. learners’ problems were

identified through the use of the instruments. The problems include wrong teaching

methods, lack of motivation and abstract teaching by the class room teacher which make

the learners to forget the concept within a short period.

The researcher, therefore, came out with a detailed lesson plan embedded with a lot of

activities and a designed teaching and learning material to solve the learners’ problem of

inability to understanding addition and subtraction of fractions.

Finally, the Cuisenaire rod, paper folding and number line used by the researcher to teach

the topic makes the learners understanding of the concept improved greatly and the

development of positive attitude towards mathematics in general was also developed.







TABLE OF CONTENT…………………………………………………………....vi

LIST OF TABLES……………………………………………………………….…ix


Introduction …………………………………………………………….……………1

Background to the Study…………………………………………….……………….1

Statement of the Problem……………………………….……………………………2

Purpose of the Study………………………………………………………………… 2

Research Questions…………………………………………………………………..3

Significance of the Study…………………………………………………………….3

Limitations……………………………….…………………………………………. 4


Organization of the Study……………………………………………………………5

Summary of the Literature Review………………………..……………………………9


Research Design………………………………………………………..………………10


Sample and Sampling Procedure……………………………………..………………..11

Research Instruments…………………………………………………..………………12

Data Collection Procedure………………………………………………..……………16

Pre-intervention Stage…………………………………………………..……………..16

Intervention Process……………………………………………………..…………….17

Post-intervention Stage……………………………………………………..………….21

Data Analysis Procedure……………………………………………………..………..22


Discussion of Pertinent Issues that came up in the Data…………………..……………25

Discussion on how the Instrument and Intervention helped to arrive at the Findings….26

The aspect of Fraction that was Addressed………………………………………….….27

General Outcome of the Intervention……………………………………………………28






APPENDIXES………………………………………………………………………… 33


Table 1: Age Ranges and Number of Learners of the Population……………………11

Table 2: Grouping of Learners for the Study…………………………………………12

Table 3: Performance of Learners in the Pre-Test……………………………………23

Table 4: Performance of Learners in the Post-Test…………………………………..24



Background to the Study

Mathematics as a course of study has many importance or significance to our educational

system and considered as a jack of all trade because it cuts across all the educational

system. In this modern world for instance, nothing is done without mathematical

knowledge. Therefore, other fields like science, industry, technology, economics, etc.,

uses mathematical ideologies every day in solving their problem. For example, counting

of ballot papers, taking measurement, buying and selling which involves calculation of

money, preparation of dishes also involves the application of mathematical concept.

It is therefore believed that no nation, society or individual can progress without the

knowledge of Mathematics and Science. Mathematics therefore is seen as the bed-rock to

other subjects of study and education as the driver to national development. For this

reason, it has become necessary that learners take active participation in learning of every

mathematical concept and have in-depth understanding of them.

On the other hand, Anyinase, a town in the Akyemansa District of the Eastern Region

which is predominantly a farming community with few as traders, have a very shallow

knowledge about the importance of education and for that matter, mathematics which

was discovered through the researcher’s observation and various encounter with some

residents of the town.

Even though the learners engage in their parents’ occupational activities which involve

mathematical and scientific knowledge like the buying and selling and measuring

distance for planting crops and how to care for them, they still lack most basic

mathematical concepts.
During the researcher’s macro teaching course at Anyinase Presbyterian basic five, the

researcher realized that most learners could not solve problems on the concept addition

and subtraction of fractions. Upon critical investigation, the researcher realized that, the

lesson was taught in abstract with the method that looked more teacher centered than

learner-centered which should have not been the case.

The researcher, therefore, knowing the importance of mathematics, have decided to carry

out research on the causes of learner’s inability to solve problems involving addition and

subtraction of fraction and deduce appropriate solution to the problem

Statement of the Problem

During the researcher’s macro teaching program at Anyinase Presbyterian Primary

School, it was found out that most learners in basic five could not solve simple problems

involving addition and subtraction of fractions. The researcher noticed this after

observing the class teacher teach the topic on several occasions. The teacher used cut

oranges as teaching and learning materials backed by little explanations and most of the

learners could not solve problems given them on fractions by the class teacher.

It is against this background that the researcher has decided to intervene and to help the

learners using folding and cutting of papers, number lines and Cuisenaire rod to enhance

the teaching of addition and subtraction of fractions.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the study is to;

1. Identify the causes of poor performance of learners in basic five of Anyinase

Presbyterian Primary School in mathematics, especially in addition and

subtraction of fractions.

2. Devise appropriate teaching techniques that could be adopted to help solve this

3. Provide the appropriate teaching and learning materials that could be used in

conjunction with the selected techniques to effectively overcome this problem.

4. Help learners develop a positive attitude towards the learning of mathematics in


Research Questions

1. What are the causes of the poor performance of learners in basic five of Anyinase

Presbyterian Primary School in mathematics, especially in addition and

subtraction of fraction?

2. What are some of the appropriate teaching techniques that could be adopted to

help solve this problem?

3. What teaching and learning materials could be effectively used to overcome the

problem of fractions?

4. How can the selected techniques be used to help learners overcome the problem

of poor performance in fractions?

5. What methods would be best in helping learners to develop positive attitude

towards the learning of mathematics?

Significance of the Study

The researcher is of the view that after the intervention, learners would find it easy to

solve problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions by using number line,

Cuisenaire rod and paper folding.

The intervention would enrich the knowledge base of the learners of Anyinase

Presbyterian primary five (5) on the solution of the problem involving addition and

subtraction fraction.
The intervention would motivate the learners to develop interest for the study of

mathematics in general. The study will finally guide mathematics teachers in the teaching

of addition and subtraction of fractions.


The study was limited to a group of 32 learners in Anyinase Presbyterian Primary five

(5), though the problem is prominent among all students in the school. Researcher

selected this sample since that was his class of practice and could get access to the


The researcher decided to research into the learners’ inability to understand the concept

addition and subtraction of fractions because it was the main problem identified at

Anyinase Presbyterian primary where the researcher carried out all the research activity.

Due to time factor and materials, the researcher directed the study to improving learner’s

knowledge of addition and subtraction of fractions in mathematics at Anyinase

Presbyterian basic five with a selected number of learners identified to have little or no

knowledge of the concept.

Often, when trying to find solution to a problem, one is bound to encounter some

difficulties. The researcher in the course of undertaking the study encountered certain

problems. First of all, truancy is one of the factors that affected the results of the study. It

actually happened when some learners absent themselves from school during the time of

the intervention. Also, combining this study and the classroom work coupled with the

numerous day to day activities posed a real problem to the researcher.

Organization of the Study

The whole research work is arranged into five chapters. Chapter one talks about the
background to the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, research

questions, and significance of the study. This is followed by the delimitation of the study,

limitation and finally, the organization of the study. Chapter two deals with literature

review. This talk about what other writers have written about the topic under study. The

next chapter is chapter three. It discusses the research design, the population and sample

selection, sampling procedure, research instruments and the intervention processes. The

fourth chapter unfolds and discusses the results of the study. All findings from the

research instruments are presented in this chapter. The final chapter is chapter five. It

deals with the summary of the research findings, conclusions to the study and

recommendations made to the study.



Literature review basically concerns drawing information or ideas from other people’s

work or theories about the topic under study and how the present study intends to solve

or improve upon the existing theories and information. The function of the literature

review is to discuss relevant research carried out on the topic. This chapter reveals

certain authors or authorities which the researcher made references from in relation to the

importance of the subject matters and problems facing learners as far as the addition and

subtraction of fractions under mathematics in general is concerned.

Fractions, according to Robert Asafo-Adjei (2002) Teaching Basic Mathematics for

Colleges of Education ‘are represented by two numbers separated by a division bar’.

That is, the numbers or quantities short of a given value to become whole. The book

talked about three main angles at which fractions can be looked at. They are; considering

fractions as part of a whole and secondly, fractions as part of a group. The third is

fractions as ratio of comparing two quantities. The book further uses the practical and

real examples of materials like folding paper into equal parts and use of number line and

Cuisenaire rod to help children develop the concept of fractions in depth from the

beginning in order to solve the basic problems in fractions and mathematics as a whole.

Again Asafo-Adjei (2002) reported that when introducing fractions to children, it is very

important to name your whole. The whole should not necessarily be a one unit object but

rather be (a) one unit (b) a group (c) part of a group.

According to Van de Walle, Karp and Bay-Williams (2019), “Students need significant

time and experiences to develop a deep conceptual understanding” of fraction. They

further explained that fractions include many meanings such as part-whole,

measurement, division, operator, and ratio. Understanding fractions includes the need to

understand all of these different meanings. Students begin to make sense of fractions in

early grade when they compose and decompose plane figures, such as putting together

two triangles to make quadrilateral.

learners must have multiple opportunities and many experiences with the word’s halves,

fourths, and quarters. According to them, the best time to introduce these words to

students is during problem solving, not before. As you and your students begin to make

sense of fractions, you must also understand all possible concepts that fractions


According to Daniel Apronti and Joyce Asante Afful (2001), mathematics for Teacher

Training in Basic Schools, fraction is part of a whole. They continue that, in developing

the concept of fraction with your learners, it is better to begin with one half, one fourth

and one third unit part of an object.

A common fraction notation consists of two numbers which are separated by horizontal

line. For example, the fraction two fourth is written as 2/4, where 2 is the number of

equal part under consideration it is called the numerator. The 4 is the total number of

equal parts into which the whole unit has been sub-divided and it is called denominator.

According to Cramer & Whitney (2010). Properly used, tools can help students clarify

ideas that are often confused in a purely symbolic model. Sometimes it is useful to do the

same activity with two different representations and ask students to make connections

between them. Different representations offer different opportunities to learn. For

example, an area model helps students visualize parts of the whole. A linear model

shows that there is always another fraction to be found between any two numbers—an

important concept that is under emphasized in the teaching of fractions. Some students
are able to make sense of one representation, but not another. Importantly, students need

to experience fractions in real-world contexts that are meaningful to them.

According to Owusu and Manu (2007) before learners are introduced to addition and

subtraction of fractions, they must be able to rename fraction using their equivalence to

confirm their readiness for operations on rational numbers. However, learners often think

that whenever two fractions are added, the result is less than one. This is because their

exposure to addition of fraction is always less than one. This means that they need early

exposure to problems where the sum is greater than one to erase such misconception.

Yara (2009) states that, what teachers like or dislike, appreciate and their finding about

learning can have an impact on the students. He explained through his observation that

most teachers teach Mathematics in a way that only enables them to memorize the

concepts and calculation without really understanding it and applying what they have

been taught. This happens as a results of the teacher’s negative attitude towards the

teaching and learning of mathematics.

The following factors have been found to influence learning as in Gabriel Ertiequen’s

book Child and Adolescent Development and learning (2001).

1. Socio-economic factors: it has been ascertained that children from deprived

background experience, not in all class, have lower school achievement than their

fortunate counterparts which is those from rich homes or parents.

2. Type of materials to be learned: Effective learning is associated with the type of

materials to be learned and how the materials to be learned are presented to them.

3. Gender factors: At particular stages in life, the sex of individuals is said to be the

determine factor of what can be learned.

4. Level of intelligence is that combination of inborn mental abilities that enables a

person to cope with problems of life. Children who have high intelligent quotient

can learn quickly than those who have low intelligent quotients.

5. Readiness and maturation: Maturation refers to the growth of mind and body

which takes place naturally as the child gets older. Readiness on the other hand

implies preparedness parents who have high level of Education would want their

children to be learning to climb higher the educational ladder.

Summary of the Literature Review

In conclusion, it becomes clear that for effective teaching and learning of the concept of

fraction, a teacher needs to consult textbooks and other materials apart from the

curriculum so that he can be exposed to a wide variety of approaches, materials and

exercise necessary for learners to grasp the concept with ease, considering the critical

role. Such basic concepts play a role in the learning of other related topics. No particular

book treats all the aspects adequately. The introduction of concept should be done by

using concrete teaching and learning materials like the folding and shading technique,

Cuisenaire rod before introducing learners in the abstract from, to the topic. Giving

examples, diagrams, illustration activities and experiences help learners to understand

new concept easier. Teachers should also consider the intellectual development level of

learners when introducing concept. Learning of concepts should be in stages. The

environment of the child also counts for his success or failure in learning. Teaching and

learning materials help children to understand concepts.



This chapter describes the research design and procedures employed in obtaining data for

the study. This chapter also set out the various writers concerning teaching and learning

of fraction and its use which is a pre-requisite for improving performance in fraction

procedures, the reasons for the choice of certain tools and methods, the strength and

weakness of the chosen tool and designs and some of the intervention processes as far as

the study of this action research is concerned.

Research Design

The action research design was used for the study. This is because; it aims at solving

existing problems with immediate solutions through the application of the scientific

method. Action research by its nature can be used by teachers in solving problems in the

classroom very easily without wasting time or resources.

Donato (2003) supported that action research is a systematic inquiry conducted by

teacher-researcher to gather information about the way a particular school operates, how

they teach and how well their students perform. The information is gathered to gain

insight, develop reflective practices, effective and positive changes in the school

environment and educational practices in general, and improve learner outcomes.

The major strength of this design is that it provides the teacher with the opportunity of

acquiring a better understanding of all aspects of their practices, be it concerning the

subject, content, curriculum, or the method appropriate to the level of the learners in the


It enhances a teacher's professional status and also personal development and the

improvement of his or her practices. On the contrary, action research cannot probe into

practical problems of greater complexity and wider scale.


Population according to Satishprakash Shukla (2020) refers to the set or group of all the

units on which the findings of the research are to be applied. In other words, the

population is a set of all the units which possess variable characteristics under study and

for which findings of the research can be generalized.

The research took place at Anyinase Presbyterian Primary five. The class is of a

population of thirty-two (32) learners, which comprised nineteen (19) boys and thirteen

(13) girls. The population is within the ages which have been tabulated below in table 1.

Table 1: Age Ranges and Number of Learners of the population

Age Number of learners

10 4

11 15

12 8

13 3

14 2

Total 32

Sample and sampling procedure

Sampling is where learners are selected from the whole population. It also refers to a

selected portion of the population to represent the entire population.

The purposive sampling technique was used to select the sample size. This was done by

selecting all the learners who cannot add and subtract simple fractions.

The purposive method was used since it gives studies based on samples required, less

time wastage, and more importantly, it produces quick results.

The study involved the entire learners which sum up to thirty-two (32). The researcher

used the whole class for the study. This was because the researcher found out that more

than half of the learners had problems with the topic after the class teacher gave them

exercises after teaching addition and subtraction of common fractions. A greater number

of the learners scored below the average mark.

They were first grouped according to the above distribution in table 1. This was so

because, during background study on the learners, it came out that, small ones in terms of

body stature were doing extremely well compared to the big ones. But since body stature

cannot be used to determine somebody’s age and intellectual maturity or level, the

researcher decided to group the learners and give them standard questions to solve to

check their intellectual level and also to see if age can one way or another influence their

learning abilities or levels.

The result of the questions presented to them indicated that those in 12-13 years were

somehow better than those in 10-11 together. There were a few exceptions from a 14-

year bracket that proved to be good in solving fractions. This prompted the researcher to

dissolve the age distribution groupings. Learners were then grouped into five with each

group consisting of eight learners. The groupings have been tabulated below in table 2.

Table 2: Grouping of learners for the Study.

Group (No’s) Number of Girls Number of Boys Total

1 3 5 8

2 3 5 8

3 3 5 8

4 4 4 8

Total 13 19 32
The above grouping in table 2 was the actual grouping for the class throughout the study

when it was time for research work. Since the boys were more than the girls, the boys

dominated the group with each group consisting of more boys than girls except for one.

Research instrument

It is the tool for collecting data. Some of the research instruments that the researcher used

are observation, questionnaire, interview, and test.


Macmillan school Dictionary defines observation as a process of watching someone or

something carefully to get information about them. Observational data are the

information collected through observing directly what is happening. (Stake, 2010)

The researcher used this tool to see the normal way in which the teacher teaches. The

researcher observed in silence so that the teacher could not put up any artificial attitude

toward the lesson delivery in Mathematics. The observation began in the classroom

where the teacher’s methods of teaching the various aspects of Mathematics were

observed. The type of Teaching Learning Materials (TLMs) used and effectiveness of the

Teaching Learning Materials (TLMs) in the classroom.

Learners were observed during mathematical lessons to accumulate vital information on

the problem identified. This instrument was used because it gives first-hand information

without relying on reports of people which may not be true at times. The instrument was

used to study the learning behavior of learners in other topics in mathematics, learners’

involvement in the teaching and learning process, that is their responses to questions, and

how actively they involve themselves in classroom activities like using Teaching

Learning Materials (TLMs).

Again the researcher observed by glancing through learner’s exercise books to find out

the learner’s academic performance in Mathematics and other academic activities. The

observation was extended to the learner’s register to check the learner’s punctuality.


A questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions to gather

information from respondents. A questionnaire can be thought of as a kind of written

interview. (Saul McLeod, 2018). This was a very effective instrument employed by the

researcher in the course of the research findings. It provides a relatively cheap, quick,

and efficient way of obtaining large amounts of information from a large sample of

people. Eight (8) copies of the questionnaire were given to the learners. These include

four (4) girls and four (4) boys. A period of one (1) week was allowed for the completion

of the questionnaire. This helped the researcher to identify some of the learners’ actual

problems as far as mathematics is concerned.


An interview is a process of posing questions to the respondent for answers in a face-to-

face situation. It is also a means by which the researcher tries to obtain reliable and valid

information from respondents

This instrument is also another good and effective instrument employed by the researcher

in the course of the study. In this process, the researcher interacts face-to-face with any

targeted group of individuals to solicit their views about the problem under study. This

method was used to unearth the causes of the learner’s inability to solve addition and

subtraction of common fractions through one-on-one interaction. The same research

instrument was used to find out from teachers the way the appropriate method should be

used to yield the intended results

The interview was mainly centered on learners and teachers. Thus, ten (10) learners

which comprised five (5) girls five (5) boys and four (4) teachers. Out of the teachers,

two (2) were males and the other two (2) were females.

Three (3) days were used for the interview. Teachers were asked to share their

experiences regarding learner’s inability to solve problems relating to addition and

subtraction of fraction with the researcher.

Learners were interviewed on questions as follows.

1. What is your favorite subject?

2. How often were you taught mathematics?

3. Were you taught something about fractions?

4. Which areas in fractions were you taught?

5. How often does your Mathematics teacher teach with Teaching Learning Materials


6. How often do you interact with Teaching Learning Materials during Mathematical


This helped the researcher in one way or the other. The response provided by the learners

and the teachers prompted the researcher to begin the whole study by addition and

subtraction of common fractions. Few learners were unable to talk. After all, they could

not express themselves which was a hindrance to the study, because their response might

influence some of the adopted teaching techniques, methods, and strategies for the better.


A test is a series of questions or practical task given to someone to check his or her

achievement. A test was used to diagnose the extent of the problem and to determine the

effectiveness of the intervention that was designed to address the problem.

Testing was used when monitoring the process of the intervention. After administering
the intervention, the same test and parallel one were used to determine the effectiveness

of the intervention and to discover whether there has been a change or not.

This tool was employed during the pre-intervention and post-intervention stages. The

questions for the test were ten (10) covering the addition and subtraction of common

fractions. The questions were marked out of 100%. The result of the learner’s

performance has been presented and analyzed in chapter four of this study.

Data Collection Procedures

In attempt to find solutions to the research questions, the researcher used observation,

questionnaire, interview and test to collect data. In all, a total of six weeks were used for

the study. Two weeks were used for pre-intervention. The observation was done twice a

week for 75 minutes lesson each. The remaining four weeks were used for the

intervention strategies and post intervention respectively with each taking two weeks. All

these were aimed at identifying and helping the learners with regards to their problem in

addition and subtraction of common fractions through the various instruments, strategies

and the requisite teaching Learning Materials (TLMs).

Pre-intervention Stage

The researcher observed the class teacher while he teaches on four occasions within the

two weeks. These observations were based on the component skills and

methods/strategies used in teaching.

At this stage, the researcher conducted a test which constituted ten (10) test items

covering addition and subtraction of fraction. and the results were presented in chapter

four of this report. The questions were marked out of 100%. The outcome of this test

propelled the researcher to adopt appropriate teaching Methods with associated materials

to help solve the problem encountered.

Intervention process

Intervention is a set of strategies planned and implemented to a specific problem to

improve upon an educational practice located in an immediate situation. It involves step

by step procedure which is constantly monitored over varying periods of time and by

variety of mechanisms. The intervention process starts immediately after the observation,

questionnaire, interviews and the test.

The intervention was carried out on four different occasions within the two weeks. Each

lesson lasted for 1hour 15minutes.

Addition and Subtraction of like fraction

A fraction is a result of putting a whole or an object into several parts and each part

represents a fraction. It also means that fractions are not objects but actions.

The concept of fraction was achieved through the following activities. Folding and

cutting of papers, use of number lines, and Cuisenaire rod, which also served as teaching

and learning materials. The learners' relevant previous knowledge was that learners have

been told to take half a loaf of bread and other food items like roasted plantain, sugar

cane, etc. before.

For example learners were asked to solve +

Addition of like fraction

Activity 1

Using paper folding, solve +

1. Guide learners to take one strip of paper and divide it into five equal parts and

shade one portion as, .

2. Let learners take the other strip of paper and divide it into five equal parts and
shade two portions, .

3. Guide learners to add the shaded portion and maintain the denominator.

+ =

+ =

4. Therefore

+ =

Activity 2

Using cuisenaire Rod

Help learners use the colors and values of the various rods

1 White

2 Red

3 Light Green

4 Purple

5 Yellow

6 Dark Green

7 Black

8 Brown

9 Blue

10 Orange

Using Cuisenaire rods, solve +

Yellow ``` Let the yellow rod be a whole or original rod

W of the original rod

W W of the original rod

W W W Add and

in all when compared to the original whole

Therefore + =

Activity 3

Using number line for addition, solve +

- Assist learners to draw a number line on the ground

- Guide learners to stand on the zero mark and jump one step to represent

0 `

- Assist learners once again stand on the and jump two step forward to represent


- Guide learner to count the number of jump made in the two steps above and put

them together.

- Therefore, + =

Activity 4

Using paper folding and shading, solve +

 Let learners fold a strip of paper into six equal parts and shade three portions to

represent .

 Fold another paper of equal size into six equal parts and shade two portion to

represent .

 Cut-Out the shaded portions and put them together.

+ = 5

 Therefore, + =

Subtraction of like fractions

Activity 5

Using shading of papers and erasing shaded portions, Solve -

 Let learners fold a strip of paper into eight equal parts and shade seven portions to

represent .

 Assist learners to erase 3 parts from the shaded portions.

 Thus - = (that is subtracting the numerators and maintaining the denominators).

Activity 6

Using number line solve -

 Learners were also helped to use the number line to subtract two common fractions

with the same denominator, for example - .

 After learners had drawn the number line,


 They were then guided to first jump three steps forward from the left starting from


 Learners were then guided to jump one step backward to land at as the answer.

 Therefore - =.

They were then guided to solve more problems involving addition and subtraction of like

fraction without the use of the teaching and learning materials after they had identified

the idea involved, thus, adding or subtracting the numerator, depending on the case of

the problem and maintaining the denominator.

That is + = (a + c)/b or - = (a-c)/b

Post –Intervention Stage

It is essential that the various strategies employed during the intervention processes be

evaluated frequently to ascertain whether the teacher is making headway.

The researcher after the implementation of the intervention with the teaching and

learning materials conducted another test to examine the success of the intervention. It

was observed that the majority of those who did not perform well in the lesson earlier

became conversant and happy about the topic.

This was carried out on the sixth week. In this process, a task of the same difficulty was

given to the learners to work on. After the whole intervention, the researcher realized that

87.5% could by then add and subtract common fractions taken the sample pass mark of

40% but before the intervention was administered, only 25% could do so. This shows

that there was a 62.5% increase in addition and subtraction. Those who were hesitating to

solve also decreased. This showed that the learners did well after the intervention process

was administered by the researcher.

Data Analysis Procedure

The data collected from the observation and test was presented and analyzed using tables

and percentages. Under the data analysis plan, a clear presentation is made of the data
collected and how it was organized and analyzed. The response from the test and

observation were properly tallied, frequencies were converted to percentages, and results

were represented on table for easy judgment. This ushers in chapter four (4) which deals

with the presentation and analysis of data by the researcher.



This chapter deals with the description of data obtained from the instrument and tools use

in description or discussion on how the instrument and the intervention help to arrive at

the findings, the aspect of the problem that was addressed and finally the general

outcome of the intervention.

Result of the test items.

Table 3: Performance of learners in the Pre-Test

Scores (%) Number of learners Percentage number (%)

60-70 4 12.5

40-50 4 12.5

20-30 9 28.1

Below 20 15 46.9

Total 32 100

Looking at the mark interval, it is clear that learners’ standard in addition and subtraction

of fraction of fraction and mathematics in general is below average. This is because taken

the pass mark to be 40% it is obvious that if it were to be examination, only 8 learners

out of 32 learners representing 25% would have passed. As many as 46.9% of the sample

scored below 20% examination whiles 28.1% also scored between 20% -30% range. This

implies that about 75% of the sample population fell below the pass mark of 40%
Table 4: Performance of learners in the Post-Test.

Scores (%) Number of Number of learners Percentage Number

learners (%)

80-90 14 43.8

60-70 5 15.6

40-50 9 28.1

Below 40 4 12.5

Total 32 100

Result obtained from the post-test proved that 43.8% of the sample feel between a new

high score range of 80-90%. Looking at the marks intervals obtained by the learners, it is

clear that 87.5 % of the learners passed, taken the sample pass mark of 40% as in the pre-

test and only 12.5% failed, which represent 4 of the entire sample used for the study.

This shows that the methods, strategies, teaching and learning material and the

techniques were very effective since nobody is perfect in all fields. Description of data

obtained from instrument used, there were a number of research instruments and tools

used by the researcher in the course of his findings. The outstanding ones are

questionnaire, interview and test. Each of these instrument used by the researcher

generated or came out with certain vital information which really helped the researcher in

one way or the other in solving the problem. For example instrument such as

questionnaire used during the pre-intervention process clearly showed that learners main

problem or hindrance to the study of fractions and mathematics in general was reading.

The inability to read and understand the question also was a problem to the learners and

also understanding of mathematical concepts.

Also the test administered during the pre-intervention process also indicates clearly that
learner’s general standard and their relevant previous knowledge was not the best. The

ten (10) questions presented to the learners to solve, revealed that learner level of

understanding and performance in fraction and mathematics in general was below

average. This was because the questions presented to the learners were mostly addition

and subtraction. The result that came out can be seen in table 1 and it shows that learners

are lacking basic principles and concept of fraction and mathematics in general. The

researcher lays emphasis on reading. This is because the question involving readings

were not tackled and most of the learners had them wrong. The researcher helped them to

read and understand before those who could, managed to solve them. I will therefore

make this appeal to all mathematics teachers to short teaching principles and concepts of

mathematics by making the learners to get the picture or the concept themselves. This

could be done by discussing the previous knowledge with example leading to the topic to

be treated. It can be even explained in learners’ local language for easy understanding

and easy interpretation when the need arises.

Discussion of pertinent Issue that came up in the Data

There are certain issues of educational concern which came up in the data as a result of

the instrument used, For example, the result of the test, that is age distribution indicated

that learners between the ages of 12 and 14 years were somehow better than the others.

This also implies that, the elder learners were good as compared to the younger ones and

the good one can get concepts correct within a short time.

This is also a guideline for teachers when grouping learners for class work to take into

consideration their age and body stature. Teachers should group learners in such a way

that each group will have the same average age and same level of intelligence. There

should not also be disparities in sex, that is equal number of boys and girls should be put

in a group unless otherwise for example table in chapter three shows that learners who
are matured were somehow better than their other counterpart who were younger. This

made the researcher dissolve that particular criterion for grouping the learners. The

researcher therefore grouped the learners into four groups with each group consisting of

eight members. Also because the boys were more than the girls, the boys had the chance

to dominate every group with each group having three four boys more than girls. But the

boys in each group were somehow better than the girls academically.

Discussion on how the instrument and intervention helped to arrive at the findings.

The main instruments employed by the researcher to amuse at his findings were

observation, interview, questionnaire and test. Before the intervention process learners

were interviewed on area as aspect of fraction they find most difficult. The responses the

researcher had from the learners prompted him to present before the learners simple

questions pertaining to addition and subtraction fraction to solve. The outcome actually

repeated learners’ hindrance and obstacles in addition and subtraction of fractions and

mathematics in general. Also learners were given standardized test to try their hands on

in order to know the level of learners’ previous knowledge to identify their problem and

the extent the research must arrived at the desired result. The result that came up after

administering that test as indicated in table 3 in this chapter showed clearly that learners

performance in addition and subtraction of fraction and in mathematics in general was

below average and are also lacking some basic principles and concepts as far as fraction

is concerned. This prompted the researcher to device certain books which have been

recommended by educationists and other stake-holders in education and also had time to

sit down and come out with certain good methods of teaching as activity and

demonstration methods of teaching. The researcher then employed certain teaching

materials like folding and cutting of papers, Cuisenaire rods, Chalkboard descriptions

(illustrations) and the series of activities learners were subjected to. The combine effect
of these two things and the accommodative nature of the researcher helped in addressing

learners’ problem with ease.

The only shortcoming or setback was lack of some teaching and learning materials such

as the fraction board which could have helped in one way or the other.

All the activities and demonstration method of teaching incorporated with numerous

teaching and learning materials made lessons more lovely and interesting to the learners

hence an encouraging result after the intervention process.

The aspect of fraction that was addressed

Fraction which is an aspect of mathematics is very broad and has so many aspects.

Therefore, the researcher of this problem tried to help learners on almost all the areas

specified by the mathematics curriculum for primary school, but focused on addition and

subtraction of like fraction for this study.

These areas were addressed on the learners’ problem and also to serve as the

fundamentals to the study of fraction and mathematics in general. During the pre-

intervention process, the test that was administered indicated clearly that learners had

basic fundamental ideas pertaining to fraction. But those ideas or relevant previous

knowledge as compared to their level of education was not suitable for their

understanding of fractions. That was the reason, the researcher thought it wise and

necessary to bring the whole thing on a fresh note so that learners get concepts and

principles once and for all:

Also learners’ ability to get the concept well would serve as a platform for other subject

in higher levels of education. Besides, because fraction is broad and has so many aspects,

the researcher was unable to tackle all the aspects. But there was a remarkable

improvements on the areas learners were helped this was achieved as a result of the

numerous teaching and learning material work. The series of activities learners were
subjected to and the accommodative nature of the researcher helped in addressing

learners’ problem without many difficulties.

General outcome of the intervention

The general outcome of the intervention was encouraging and helping learners to use

teaching and learning materials. This will be attributed to the choice of methods of

teaching as purely activity and demonstration methods of teaching, the numerous

teaching and learning materials such as cutting and folding of papers, and others that

were adopted. The carefully planned and the systematic delivery of the intervention

process and the accommodative nature of the researcher together with good monitoring

system adopted by the researcher was the main secret behind the success of the


Though there were some difficulties during the intervention process such as learners

‘inability to use some of the teaching and learning materials appropriately, those

problems were addressed in the course of the study through frequent demonstration of

both activities and teaching and learning materials to the learners by the teacher or the




The study of the entire research is about learners in basic five of Anyinase Presbyterian

Primary School’s inability to perform basic operation on fraction such as addition and

subtraction. With this, the researcher of this problem made it possible using effective

method of teaching such as activity and demonstration and also numerous teaching and

learning materials such as folding and cutting of papers, Cuisenaire rods, and chalkboard

descriptions (illustrations).

The researcher also employed certain instruments such as observation, questionnaire,

interview and test as tool for collection of data. The carefully planned and the systematic

delivery of the intervention process, the accommodative nature of the researcher as well

as good monitoring system adopted by the researcher was the main secret behind the

success of the result.


It is obvious that fraction as an aspect of mathematics is very broad and has so many

principles and concepts learners need to attain or achieve as far as their studies in

mathematics is concerned. Therefore, mathematics teachers should be competent enough

and learning materials with it associated activities to help solve the problems in fraction

among basic school learners in Ghana.


The researcher of this problem encountered a whole lot of problem in the course of his

research and findings, some were financial problems while others too were problems on

teaching and learning material, manipulation and it associated activities. I will therefore
make the following recommendations.

Teachers of mathematics should make thorough rehearsal on the use of the certain

teaching and learning materials before coming to class to deliver.

Headmasters of basic schools should try and use some portion of the capitation grant to

purchase some important teaching and learning materials to help teachers handle the

subject effectively. Stakeholders in education such as the ministry of education should

devote money to basic schools for the purchase of certain teaching aids for which the

school cannot provide.


Asafo-Adjei (2001) Teaching basic mathematics for training colleges, Bayoba

Publishers, Kumasi-Ghana.

Cramer & Whitney, S. (2010). Learning rational number concepts and skills in

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Page 97-212.

Daniel O. Apronti, Joyce Asante Afful (2001). Teaching Mathematics in Basic

Schools. Accra: Teacher Education Development and Extension, University

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Ghana Education Service (2003a). Handbook on Lesson Notes Preparation and

Teaching and Learning Materials in Primary Schools. Accra: GES.

Ghana Education Service (2008) Handbook on lesson notes preparation and teaching

learning Materials for primary schools.

Ghana Education Service (2003b). Handbook on the Teaching of Mathematics in

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Mathematical Association of Ghana (2003). Mathematics for Primary schools learners'

Book 1-6. Pearson Education Ltd. Ministry of Education (2007 Mathematics

syllabus for primary schools

Mooney Claire et al (2000), Primary mathematics, learning matters Ltd, London.

Owusu, G. & Manu. A. (2007). Methods of Teaching Junior High School

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Satishprakash Shukla (2020), the concept of population and sample Indian Institute

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Stake, R. E. (2010). Qualitative research. The Guilford Press: New York.

Van de Walle, J. A., Karp, & Bay-Williams (2019). Elementary and middle school

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Yara (2009). Student’s attitude towards mathematics and academic achievement:

Nigeria. European Journal of Scientific Research. 36. 336-341.

Appendix A



This questionnaire seeks your views on Mathematics Lessons. All your responses will be

handled with all the confidentiality it deserves.

Please tick (√) “YES or “NO” the appropriate response where necessary.

S/N Statement/Question YES NO

1 I enjoy Mathematics lessons

2 Mathematics is very important and will allow me to get on in

life when I leave school

3 We do different activities in mathematics lessons

4 My mathematics teacher explains things clearly in lessons.

5 I complete regular homework in mathematics

6 My Mathematics teacher encourages everyone to take part in


7 We interact with teaching and learning materials during

mathematics lessons

8 I enjoy fraction lessons

9 I can add and subtract common fraction

Appendix B


Learners were interviewed on questions as follows.

1. What is your favorite subject?

2. How often were you taught mathematics?

3. Were you taught something about fractions?

4. Which areas in fractions were you taught?

5. How often does your Mathematics teacher teach with Teaching Learning

Materials (TLMs)?

6. How often do you interact with Teaching Learning Materials during

Mathematical lessons?
Appendix C


Sample Questions

Solve the following fractions.

1. +

2. +

3. +

4. +

5. +

6. -

7. -

8. -

9. -

10. -

Marking Scheme

Solve the following fractions.

1. + =

2. + =

3. + =

4. + =

5. + =

6. - =

7. - =

8. - =

9. - =

10. - =

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