The purpose of the study was about the challenges experienced when teaching
weather and seasons weather and seasons in Environmental study at a selected
combined school in Okongo Circuit, Ohangwena Educational Directorate. The
researcher used qualitative approach and employed two research instruments,
interview and observation to collect data. Learners were observed during
environmental study lessons while teachers were interviewed. Samples was made
up of three Grade 3 teachers who were selected randomly and Grade 3 learners.
Data collected was analyzed by using thematic analysis. The main finding of the
study was about the challenges experienced when teaching weather and seasons
when teaching weather and seasons amongseasons among the Grade 3 in
environmental study. The study found that these challenges experienced when
teachingwhen teaching are: There's a lack of resources, particularly lack of
textbooks and visual aids, may make it more challenging for learners to grasp
complex concepts, potentially resulting in a slower pace of learning and impacting
their overall academic performance. teachers should explore digital resources and
online platforms to supplement traditional teaching materials and engage learners
and schools should create a collaborative platform for teachers to share and
exchange materials.
This project would have not been possible without the help and continues support of
numerous people, to a few of whom it is possible to give acknowledgement here.
Firstly, I offer my gratitude to the almighty God for seeing me through from the
beginning of this study to the end. Secondly, my research supervisor Mr Sheya
Eliaser Elieser for his unbelievable patience, guidance and support throughout this
whole writing process despite his tight work schedules. In addition, I would like to
thank the principal of the schools where data was collected for welcoming me to
carry out interviews and observations to the participants. Furthermore, I would like
to thank all the teachers who participated in this study, your cooperation is highly
appreciated. Finally, I would like to thank my family and friends for their patience,
support, care and love they have given me during the study.
This study is wholeheartedly dedicated to my mother for her unfailing love, good
upbringing and unconditional support as well as prayers. I also dedicated this work
to my friends and family who have supported me throughout the process. I will
always appreciate all they have done.
I Anna Ndeshipewa Shindove do hereby declare that this research project:
challenges experienced when teaching weather and seasons when teaching
weather and seasons in environmental studies among grade 3 learners at a
selected combined school in Okongo circuit, Ohangwena Educational Directorate, is
my own work. I also affirm that no part of this work was published before except
those sources have been dully cited and referenced. The work has never been
submitted to any institution, college, or university for awarding of the degree.
Student’s Signature:…Signature:…………………………………
Supervisor’s Name:…Name…………………………………..
List of Tables
Biographical information of Participants Table ……………… ………… Table 4.1
DEDICATION........................................................................................................... iv
DECLARATION........................................................................................................ v
List of Tables.......................................................................................................... vi
1.1 Introduction................................................................................................... 1
2.1 Introduction................................................................................................... 7
2.3.1 Environmental awareness.................................................................10
2.5 Summary.....................................................................................................13
3.11 Summary...................................................................................................20
4.1 Introduction................................................................................................. 21
4.2 Biographical information of Participants.................................................Table
4.4 Interpretation and Discussion of Findings This section will discuss the data
presented in the previous section.....................................................................26
4.4.2 what effects do you think those challenges have on the learners
academic performance?.............................................................................28
4.4.3 based on your teaching strategy what did you experience during the
teaching of environmental studies?............................................................29
4.5 Summary.....................................................................................................31
5.1 Introduction................................................................................................. 32
5.3 Conclusions................................................................................................ 33
5.4 Recommendations................................................................................34
5.5 Summary.....................................................................................................35
APPENDICES......................................................................................................... 41
APPENDIX D: Interview guide..........................................................................45
1.1 Introduction
This chapter consisted of the background of the study, the statement of the problem
was also part of this chapter, the objectives of the study and the research
questions. Moreover, it also included the significant of the study and purpose of the
study. It also covered the limitation of the study, the delimitation of the study as well
as the definition of terms.
out procedurally were always carrying out the far more time than those who can
worked conceptually (Devlin, 2019).
In the past two years from 2020-2021, the analysis of grade 3 learners at the
selected school revealed that there was a problem of under performance in weather
and seasons topic. The analysis expressed that out of 67 learners approximately
24(44.9%) scored from symbols A-D, and the rest of 43 (55.2%) scored E-U. In the
same analysis, the topic of weather and seasons is the one dominating over others
and the performance indicate that learners didn't understand it. In continuation,
during the time of School Based Studies (SBS), the researcher had an opportunity
to interact with the school learners and the researcher found out that the learners’
participation was a way too low and this tells that they didn't understood the topic.
They were also given a class activity, but only few scored better marks. It is
therefore against this background that the this study intends to investigate the
challenges experienced by the learners and teachers when teaching and learning
weather and seasons leading to poor performances.
1.4 Research objectives
To find out the challenges experienced by teacher and learner's when teaching
and learning environmental studies at a selected school in Okongo circuit,
Ohangwena Educational Directorate.
What were the challenges experienced by teacher and learner's when teaching
and learning environmental studies at a selected school in Okongo circui,t
Ohangwena Education Directorate?
What were the effective ways that teachers and learner's can implement to
overcome the challenges experienced when teaching and learning
environmental studies at a selected school in Okongo circuit, Ohangwena
Education Directorate?
This study was useful in schools in and outside Okongo circuit for various reasons.
It was indicated some strategies that can be employed to harvest good results in
environmental studies , this had contributed to the betterment of Department of
Science at a selected combined school. Furthermore, the results of this study was
greatly benefited the environmental studies teachers and learners as well as other
school in Okongo Circuit. This research has also highlighted that challenges faced
by the teachers when teaching and learner's when learning which affect their ’
performances in environmental studies when teaching and learning weather and
seasons as well as the strategies that has been implemented had suit both teachers
and learners need in environmental studies topic Lastly this research project had
been used by the future researcher as a piece of reference regarding the
challenges and opportunities when teaching and learning weather and seasons’
and probably as guiding tools in making another research project as part of their
study in relation to weather and seasons in environmental studies.
Limitation relates to the validity and reliability of the study that were out of the
researcher control but influence the researcher’s findings because of this they
determined the internal and external validity of the research mentioned by
(Chandra, 2019). In order for this research to become successful there were some
obstacles that have hindered or the researcher has encountered in order for this
research project to be successful things that the research had to experience lack of
transport money in order to avoid spending lots of money the researcher went to
reside to the nearest village where the school was situated. Availability of
respondent or participant the researcher had to gone to that selected school for at
least a week to ensure that the data to be collected are sufficient and valid. Time
was also one of the major obstacle that the researcher had encountered since the
researcher was expected, the research project before the due date, another thing
was that the researcher would have conducted the research projects before the
grade 3 write their end of the year tests or examination in November in this case the
searcher had to carry out the project before November.
1.8 Delimitation of the study
Challenges: According to Jim, (2018) the situation of being faced with something
that needs great mental or physical effort in order to be done successfully and
therefore tests a person's ability:
well as the research question of the study, plus significant of the studies is also
presented. The delimitation of the study was also discussed. Lastly, the chapter
ended with the definition of terms. The following chapter the researcher will discuss
about literature review.
2.1 Introduction
The overall goal of this chapter was to present a discussion on the study that had
been conducted in the past. Here the researcher had focused on the challenges
and opportunities when teaching and learning weather and seasons which
contributes to the learners’ performance in environmental studies. According to
Eraikhuemen (2013), literature review refers as the process of summarizing
synthesizing the literature found as a results of literature search. It may be used as
a background or context for primary research project. This chapter consisted of
theoretical literature concerning weather and seasons as a topic. It also has
consisted of challenges experienced by the learners and effects It has on their
performance in environmental studies as well as the environmental studies teaching
Teacher attitude was the way teacher perceived and thoughts about the subject that
had led to the action they had taken related to their teaching practices in class
(Psychological Dictionary, 2019). Teacher attitude was one of the most powerful
forces affecting students’ progress”, teachers with good attitude will like to use
instructional material during his/her teaching (Joseph, 2019). Teacher’s attitude was
strongly mentioned to influence student achievement in environmental studies. The
learner draws from the teacher’s deposition to form their own attitude which had
affected their performance (Tanveer at el, 2000).
to learner’s academic performance and behaviour (Agyaman, 2015). Moreover,
teachers’ beliefs about weather and seasons as a topic such as the usefulness of
Environmental Studies, the way weather and seasons should be learned, the
difficulty or ease of Environmental Studies as well as gender ability and beliefs had
also affected their attitudes toward the subject and impact on student’s performance
(Devlin, 2019).
Learner interest refers to the inclination of the learner towards a particular subject in
which she or he is easily able to connect without hurdles or hassle (oxford
dictionary). Larzin and Wan (2003) have observed that student interest in learning
more about weather and seasons declines as they move from grade 1 because
they have fear that weather and seasons is a difficult topic. According to Mensah,
(2013) some learners show minimal interest in learning weather and seasons and
only some learners write the informal activities given to them by conducting different
math sources to complete their Environmental Studies works, however some of the
learners don’t do any activities or homework and they don’t submit and that affect
their performance’s negatively.
2.2.3 Learners attitude
Learner attitude is the feeling or way of thinking that affects the learner’s behavior
toward a certain subject (Oxford dictionary). According to Ayman, (2015), learner’s
attitude was seen to have affected their academic performance in Environmental
Studies in different ways. In the comparative study researcher found out that there
was a direct link between student attitude toward the topic of weather and seasons
in Environmental issues Studies and student outcomes. Student has been found to
approach Environmental Studies as procedural and rule oriented, this was said to
have prevented them from experiencing the richness of Environment and the many
approaches that could be used to develop competences in the subject, students’
success in weather and seasons was dependented on their attitude towards the
topic (Martin, 2015). Students’ thinking and postures were found to have the
potential to either assist or hinder learning.
2.3 The opportunities presented when teaching and learning Environmental
According to Singh (2020), learners are encouraged to question assumptions,
consider multiple viewpoints, and engaged in evidence-based decision-making,
skills that were not only valuable in addressing environmental challenges but also
transferable to various aspects of life. This critical thinking capacity empowers
individuals to become effective problem solvers and advocates for responsible
environmental stewardship, which was essential for addressing pressing global
issues like climate change, biodiversity loss, and resource conservation (Saad,
engagement, comprehension, and the overall learning experience. Here were some
effective ways to address these challenges.
addressing environmental challenges and preparing them for future careers in the
2.5 Summary
This chapter outlined the review of related literature about the challenges and
opportunities when teaching and learning weather and seasons in environmental
studies were discussed both teacher and learners’ related factors. The factors
affected teacher’s performance in teaching weather and seasons was also
presented under this chapter. Moreover, strategies that had been employed to
enhance learner’s performances were also discussed in this chapter. The next
chapter has provided the research methodology that will be used to collect data’s.
The research approach and design, population of the study, sampling procedures,
and research instruments, data collection methods, data analysis as well as ethical
This study had used qualitative approach because it entailed gathering non-
numerical data using methods such as interviews and observations. The researcher
chose this approach hence it provided in-depth insights into complex phenomena
and human experiences. It allowed researcher to explore nuances and uncover
hidden meanings that quantitative methods might miss.
The general plan or framework that specified how a research study will be done,
including the methodology, data gathering techniques, and processes utilized to
meet the research questions or objectives, is referred to as the research design
(Gay, 2020).
This study had used case study design to acquire a thorough grasp of a certain
scenario. The researcher believed that case study design was effective when the
event being examined is unusual, complicated, or difficult to isolate from its
environment. This design enabled in-depth study of various variables and provide
rich and deep insights into the subject's complexities, making it useful for creating
hypotheses, developing theories, and offering practical consequences for real-world
3.4 The population
According to Howell, (2013), sample concerned with the selection was a subset of
individuals from which was a defined population estimate characteristic of entire
population. It’s also defined as a small group or subset of the population selected
from the larger population. According to Bhardwaj, (2019) Non probability sampling
is a type of sampling where the researcher ability was to select elements for the
sample. Under this sampling only certain elements as the chance to be part of the
sample. The non-probability sampling outcome might be biased and makes difficult
for all element of the population to be part of the sample equally.
3.6 The research instruments
Research instrument, refers to the strategies that the researcher has used to
collect data. The researcher had used face to face interview with the teacher and
wrote down the main point by using a phone to record the conversation with the
teacher and for learners. The researcher had gone to observe the teacher in one of
the Environmental Studies in weather and seasons lesson to collect data for both
learner’sboth learner’s participation and teaching methods.
According Barrette& Twycross (2018), this was the instrument that involved either
structure or unstructured verbal communication between the participant and the
researcher, during which information was obtained for the study. Interviewing
involved asking questions and getting answers from participants in order to collect
the data. According to Emzir (2010), interview consisted of several preset questions
which were addressed to people who became the research subject. Besides,
Creswell (2012) stated that interview was a period when researchers asked. The
researcher had used semi structured interview to collect data.
This studyThis study had employed this research tool to collect data from the
teachers hence it provided a clear set of instructions for interviewers. It allowed the
participant the freedom to express their views in their own terms and data were
being collected face to face which made the information original (Barrett &
Twycross 2018). Therefore, a semi structured interview was suitable to collect data
in this study.
This was a type of observation where the researcher was not involved in a group
being observed, the researcher only became an observer. The researcher had used
non- participant observation in this study. An advantage of this was that it allowed
for a more objective view of what was occurring. It was easier because every day,
everyone observed different things in their lives. If little training was given, then it
had made a person perfect for observing their surroundings, natural surroundings,
the observation method of data collection described the observed phenomenon
precisely and does not introduce any artificiality like other methods (Barrett &
Twycross 2018).
The researcher has opted for this instruments to ensure quality data would be
harvested and to avoid bias. This instrument had been used to collect data from the
The data collection had focused onfocused on Environmental Studies teachers and
some grade 3 learners. The approval letter from the University reception has been
used to seek permission from the principal for the researcher to collect the data
from that one selected school. The researcher had to make an arrangement with
the participant as to when to conduct collect data. Interview questions have been
provided to the participant in advance 3 days before the interview. Observation has
been conductedbeen conducted after the interview was completed.
3.9 Validity and reliability
Validity and Reliability according to Creswell (2018) explain validity and reliability as
instrument that were used to measure how well the method or instrument used to
collect data was. It was used by the researcher to measure the validity of the
questions used during the process of correcting data and reliability was about the
consistency. The research instrument used when collecting data has been
approved by the supervisor to make sure that they were valid and reliable before
the researcher made usemade use of them.
Gaining entry
An approval letter from the IUM Reception was used by the researcher to collect
data and carry out the research project at one selected school in Ohangwena
regionOhangwena region. This letter was handed to the Director of Education in
Ohangwena to get the approval letter in order for the researcher to go collect data
at that school. The researcher then took both the approval letter from the university
and the one from the education director of Ohangwena to the principal of that
Informed consent
Was one of the main elements of ethical consideration that a researcher was
expected to pay attention on when conducting a research project (Denzel, 2011)?
The term consisted of two important aspects with each one requiring careful
consideration, that’s ‘informed’ and ‘consent ‘. Respondent had been informed of
what will be asked of them, how data was to be used, and the time and what if any
consequences there could be (Denzel, 2011). They have been also informedalso
informed that they had the right to withdraw if they felt like not interested in taking
part in the research project and the researcher has no right to force the participants
(Denzel, 2011).
The researcher has informed the respondent that all their names will not be
published in fact all the information they had providedhad provided would be kept
safe. Participant confidentiality means the participant identity will be known by the
researcher and the readers will have no idea about it (Denzel, 2011).
Participants have been treated with full respect; this serves to be one of the
researcher responsibilities when going to carry out the research project. Human
dignity have been considered to all the voluntary participant or to those who are
willing to participate (Denzel, 2011)
3.11 Summary
Under this chapter, the researcher presented the definition of research design,
categories of research design such as qualitative and quantitative. The chapter also
discussed about the population of the study, research instrument to be used was
also discussed with their strength and weakness. Data collection, data analysis,
validity and reliability of the research was also presented. Moreover, ethical
consideration such as gaining entry, inform consent, respect the person as well as
confidentiality was also presented under this chapter. Structure of the chapters and
time frame was also presented in this chapter.
4.1 Introduction
This research focused on the challenges experienced when teaching weather and
seasons in environmental study among grade 3 learners at a selected combined
school in Okongo ciruit, Ohangwena Educational Directorate, and the results are
presented and discussed in accordance with the research objectives and questions
in various sections of the chapter.
4.3 Presentation of Data
Teacher Y: “learners sometimes have ignorance of things that they are, even if
its things they do everydayevery day”.
Teacher Z : teachers fail to get enough learning materials and kids tend to fail
a lot furthermore not all the learners can tell or mention the weather or
seasons of the year which leads the repetition of the topic .
Environmental studies teachers working with grade three learners face significant
challenges in effectively conveying concepts related to weather and seasons.
Teacher X points out the difficulty learners have in distinguishing between weather
and seasons due to the absence of materials illustrating these concepts. This lack
of visual aids hinders learners' ability to identify different weather patterns and
seasonal changes, particularly those not observable in their local environment.
Additionally, Teacher Y highlights learners' ignorance of everyday phenomena,
underscoring the need to bridge experiential learning with conceptual
understanding. Teacher Z echoes concerns about inadequate learning materials,
which not only impede effective teaching but also contribute to learners' difficulties
in comprehending weather and seasonal concepts. These challenges emphasize
the necessity of addressing resource limitations, enhancing experiential learning
opportunities, and implementing innovative teaching strategies to facilitate
environmental studies education for grade three learners effectively.
Theme 2: what effects do you think those challenges have on the learners
academic performance?
Teacher X :X argued that “the absence of the materials for teaching aids can
make kids to perform poorly as some of the seasons are absent in their
surroundings or environment”. Similarly,
Teacher Y lamented that: “the learners have poor or low marks which eventually
can affect them at the next grade”.
Teacher X, : “if there are no enough materials to make teaching aids, it can lead to
learners failure as they learn morelearn more best when touching or looking at
things this makes it difficult as they are not able meet their learning objectives”.
Theme 3: based on your teaching strategy what did you experience during the
teaching of environmental studies?
Teacher X: lack of learning materials like books and mostly some of the things to be
taught are not clearly shown or explained in the books,thisbooks, this makes it hard
for learning and also most kids are not exposed to new things which can make
contribute better to their learning process.
Teacher Y: low level of concentration
Teacher Z :mostZ: most kids who understand the content based on materials that
are used during the lesson are more happier because they understand the topic but
some are less interested as they do not understand anything.
Theme 4: As per your thoughts, what are the effective ways that teacher and
learners can implement to overcome the challenges experienced when
teaching and learning environmental studies?
Teacher X :X: leaning materials should be enough and accurate and well updated
books. Apart from teaching aids, teachers should be provided with portable
computersportable computers and projectors to improve the learning process.
Teacher Y: using seeing is believing strategies, giving learners more work to do like
projects and allowing them to explore and use more teaching aids .aids.
Teacher Z :Z: As a teacher you need to change the way of teaching kids in order to
make all learners understand and also learners can come with their own ideas or
bring up teaching aids of their own choices to make their learning more effective
and easy.
Theme 5 :5: how will you ensure that parents are involved in the learners
Teacher X: telling parents about the importance of education and providing kids
with proper stationaries, putting up a day for the parents to come to school to check
their children's progress or performances at school and also by keeping a good
communication between the teacher and the parents, in addition to that parents
should also be assisting their children with their school works like homework’s or
teaching them how tp read and write at home.
Teacher Y: Allow parents to have class visit, regularly check their children's work
and also by having a close relationship with parents, learners and the teachers.
Teacher Z :Z: parents can assist the kids or the teacher in coming up with teaching
aids when learners are given a homework furthermore parents should be able to
teach their kids at home for instance when they are given homework’s. Parents
should be able to teach their kids at home for instance writing simple words or
counting or even in writing their own names. Parents should have a special meeting
with the teachersthe teachers and the learners in order to correct and see where
their kids are struggling.
The observation was designed for Grade 3 about the challenges experienced when
teaching weatherteaching weather and seasons in environmental study among
grade 3 learners at a selected combined school in Okongo ciruit, Ohangwena
Educational Directorate.
The researcher noted down everything during the observation of the Environmental
study lessons.
The following aspects (observation guides and focus) were prepared and observed
in three grade 3 Environmental study lessons.
1.Learners Good interaction in the classroom and learners are participating yet
engagement majorities are giving wrong answers
Learners Most kids were unable to tell the weather and others couldn't tell the
questions and seasons of the year though they only know them by head.
Learners As they are giving wrong answers they got a little bit discouraged
interest about the topic though they are eager to learn.
2.Assessment As they are given an activity with pictures to write the names of the
and seasons they performed poorly as they failed to sort them out.
Retention and Majority of learners could tell the weather of the day but couldn't tell
application of the seasons of the year.
Conceptual Learners can mention the seasons but when given pictures to write
understandin the names they couldn't get it right.
3. Teaching Teacher showed books with pictures of the seasons and posters
strategies with clear visible pictures which shows different seasons.
Teacher- The interaction between the teacher and the learners was very
Learners impressive as the kids could participate freely.
Peer learning Learners are learning through each other and they are all getting
along with the topic.
The observation schedule reveals a classroom environment characterized by active
learner engagement and participation, although many students provide incorrect
answers, particularly regarding distinguishing weather from seasons. Despite
evident enthusiasm for learning, learners display discouragement when unable to
correctly identify seasonal attributes. Assessments indicate that while learners can
identify daily weather patterns, they struggle with sorting and naming seasons
accurately, highlighting challenges in knowledge application and conceptual
understanding. The teacher employs effective teaching strategies, utilizing visual
aids like books and posters to illustrate seasons vividly, fostering a positive teacher-
learner interaction conducive to peer learning. Although collaborative learning
flourishes, addressing conceptual gaps and refining assessment strategies emerge
as crucial areas for enhancing overall learning outcomes.
4.4 Interpretation and Discussion of Findings This section will discuss the
data presented in the previous section.
The study sought to the challenges experienced when teaching weather and
seasons in environmental study among grade 3 learners at a selected combined
school in Okongo ciruit, Ohangwena Educational Directorate.
4.4.1 Cchallenges experienced studiesexperienced studies teachers in
environmental study among grade 3 learners
This finding is in agreement with Earthman (2016) who found that the amount going
unto primary education is very low, and this is borne out by the observation on the
quality of the primary school and the great limitation on the teaching materials. This
finding is also in agreement with Spoolman (2011) who asserted that in many
countries there are insufficient basic materials such as blackboards, text books,
chalks teacher support materials, learner work books and supplementary learning
aids. They may be unavailable due to lack of financial resources to publish and
transport them, lack of human resources to develop them or make them
appropriate, and due to geographical barriers, that made delivery untimely or
The study also revealed that inequitable resource allocation can cause inadequate
teaching materials in school. Some schools experience disparities in resource
allocation, leading to uneven distribution of teaching materials. This can result in
certain classrooms having an abundance while others face shortages. This is in
agreement with Earthman (2016) who states that education budgets may be
constrained, leading to a lack of resources to purchase or develop adequate
teaching materials. Schools and educational institutions often face financial
challenges, which can restrict their ability to invest in updated textbooks,
technology, or other learning materials.
The study also revealed that rapid increases in learners’ enrolment can strain
existing resources, leading to shortages of teaching materials. Economic factors
such as inflation, currency devaluation, or economic downturns can impact the
purchasing power of schools, potentially leading to shortages. This is in line with
Lackney (2012) who notes that, financial problems delayed many activities in
education. In the educational sector, the local government had problems of
purchasing books and teaching materials. This caused a chain reaction where
already printed books were piled up in the stores and printing programmers could
not be implemented serious debt problem between local government, book
distributers, printers and publishers arose. Lack of donations or Sponsorship cause
insufficient teaching materials. In some cases, schools may rely on donations or
sponsorship for teaching materials. If these sources are limited, it can result in a
shortage. The study also found that Geographical or Logistical constraints cause
insufficient teaching materials. Remote or hard-to-reach areas may face logistical
challenges in the timely delivery of teaching materials, contributing to shortages.
4.4.2 what effects do you think those challenges have on the learnerslearners’
academic performance?
the absence of the materials for teaching aids canaids can make kids to perform
poorly as some of the seasons are absent in their surroundings or environment. In
addition to that the learners have poor or low marks which eventually can affect
them at the next grade and if there are no enough materials to make teaching aids,
it can lead to learners failure as they learn morelearn more best when touching or
looking at things this makes it difficult as they are not able meet their learning
The study findings revealed that due to the inadequate of teaching materials for
learning during the lesson affects the learner both short-term and long term. In short
term, a lack of teaching materials can lead to difficulty in retaining information and
understanding concepts. This can affect learners and lead to frustration and
decreased motivation to engage in the learning process. Over time, it can lead to
decreased opportunities and inequality, as those with access to materials succeed
academically and professionally.
The study further revealed that lack of teaching materials affectaffects both
teachers and learners. Teachers effective teaching is affected as they were unable
to teach and meet the objectives as supposed to. Teachers need environmental
study textbooks to guide them when they are teaching to be able to meet the
objectives of the subject. Lack of teaching materials also negatively affect learners’
academic performance because learning can only be enhanced if all learners have
environmental study textbooks which they can be able to take home for learning to
continue even after knocking off at school. The study revealed that not only in
environmental study but also teaching anything mostly depends on the materials.
Mostly the teachers faced this kind of problem, the teaching materials which are
essential for delivering the lectures of the environmental study to the learners for
effective learning are not provided to them. It became very difficult for the teachers
to teach without the materials essential for the subject. Lack of teaching material
hinders learners’ creativity.Thecreativity. The findings are in agreement with David
(2020) who found that materials can stimulate creativity and critical thinking abilities.
4.4.3 based on your teaching strategy what did you experience during the
teaching of environmental studies?
lack of learning materials like books and mostly some of the things to be taught are
not clearly shown or explained in the books, this makes it hard for learning and also
most kids are not exposed to new things which can make contribute better to their
learning process. Low, level of concentration, lessons are too few and also no
enough books and materials and most importantly kidsimportantly kids who
understand the content based on materials that are used during the lesson are
more happier because they understand the topic but some are less interested as
they do not understand anything.
The teachers have tried totried to create materials on their own which in turn didn’t
really help as some of the learners fail to understand them very well. They also
asked their neighboring schools on how they tackle the issue of lack of teaching
materials but they take time to respond in which some of them could respond after a
long time and the topic is already due or taught already .already. Teachers have
learnt how to share resources with their fellow colleagues. This is in line with
Abalade (2019) who noted that, there is a need for schools establish good and
permanent relations with neighboring communities and companies to influence their
financial and materials support to schools. The schools are encouraged to have a
good interaction with other schools, a good interaction with the circuit as well as
with the region in order for them to share all the relevant available materials.
Parents are also encouraged to support their children’s education. This is in
agreement with Jacob (2015) who mentioned that parents can be asked to
volunteer to read stories which would give teachers time to make resources.
Furthermore, parents with artistic ability can assist with the making of some
teaching and learning and materials. The active involvement local communities,
parents and private companies is essential to influence their financial and material
support to schools.
The findings of this study further suggested that teachers have tried to make us of
the internet but there are no projectors and enough computers at school to sustain
the learners needs. There are numerous amounts of resources that are available
online to teachers and learners that can be used in the classrooms which could be
of good use and help to both the teachers and the learners but there is a lack of
electronic devices at school and this hinders the learning progress for the learners
alot and teachers could make resources or download free resources from the
internet but due to the lack of internet at school teachers are unable to explore
further with the learning process online. This is in agreement with( Aboladewith
(Abolade) (2009) who states that in today's digital age, technology can be a
valuable tool for teaching if school are provided with any so that teachers may
utilize online resources, educational websites, and educational apps to supplement
the lack of physical teaching materials. Online videos, interactive simulations, and
virtual labs can provide engaging and interactive learning experiences.
4.5 Summary
This chapter presented the research findings and discussed the findings of the
study that were obtained through two research instruments used during this study.
Information from those two instruments were presented in themes. In the discussion
of findings, the researcher made a clear relationship on what was found in this
chapter with related issues in literature review in chapter 2.
5.1 Introduction
This final chapter of the study concludes the entire project. The chapter is divided
into three sections, namely, the summary, conclusion, and recommendations.
Conclusions and recommendations are based on the results of the study. This
chapter builds on information based on the data collected and draws conclusion on
the data analyzed based on the research findings. It also includes the
recommendations for how the research could help to increase the supply of
teaching materials in teaching environmental study. The conclusion section simply
summarizes the findings of the study, while recommendations give proposed future
actions to improve the situation as well as suggestions for future studies.
The purpose of this study was the challenges experienced when teaching weather
and seasons weather and seasons environmental study among grade 3 learners at
a selected combined school in Okongo ciruit, Ohangwena Educational Directorate.
The following is a summary of the findings based on the objectives of the study.
To find out the challenges experienced by teacher and learner's when teaching
and learning environmental studies at a selected school in Okongo circuit,
Ohangwena Educational Directorate.
In order to seek answers to the stated objectives the researcher utilized a
qualitative approach to collect data.
The researcher used interview and observation to collect data from participants.
The study also found that when there is a scarcity of teaching materials, it can limit
the variety of instructional methods that the teacher can employ. This could
potentially lead to a less dynamic and engaging learning environment for grade 3
learners. While it may not necessarily directly impact academic performance,
5.3 Conclusions
Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions could be drawn. The
research aimed the challenges experienced when teaching weather and seasons
inseasons in environmental study among grade 3 learners at a selected combined
school in Okongo ciruit, Ohangwena Educational Directorate. Basing on the
objective of study, the researcher concludeconcludes by writing that the research
questions of this study have been answered. Challenges experienced when
teaching weather and seasons in Grade 3 environmental studies can have a
detrimentala detrimental effect on learners’ engagement and comprehension. This
issue is primarily driven lack of teaching aids like textbooks ,lacktextbooks, lack of
concentration in learners and few lessons to complete the whole chapter in a short
period of time and potential loss or damage of materials. Addressing these
challenges requires a multi-pronged approach, including increased funding, proper
and well updated textbooks and effective material management. Moreover, some
strategies that can be used to increase the provision of teaching materials includes
the involvement of school principal in budget discussions, the improvement of
financial bases for poor schools and the involvement of other educational
stakeholders. This study benefited the researcher through collecting and analyzing
the data and providing a great contribution to the knowledge as it showed the
sources of the problem towards the challenges experienced when teaching weather
and seasons weather and seasons in environmental study among grade 3 learners
which the researcher can put into practice during her teaching career.
5.4 Recommendations
The following recommendations are made based on the findings of this study
that emerged from interview and observation.
This study recommends that the subject teachers should advocate for increased
funding and resource allocation to ensure that the learners have adequate
teaching materials by engaging with parents and stakeholders to prioritize
budgetary allocations to address material shortages.
This study recommends proper updated textbooks to ensure that teaching
materials align with the curriculum requirements.
This study recommends that there is a need for collaboration among grade 3
teachers within the school. Schools should hold regular meetings where
teachers can share ideas, strategies, and teaching materials.
This study recommends that there is a regular need for assessments to identify
specific requirements for teaching materials in grade 3 environmental study. The
findings from these assessments can inform targeted interventions and ensure
that resources are allocated where they are most needed.
5.5 Summary
This was the closing chapter of this research. This chapter gave a brief summary of
the findings, drew conclusion on the data analyzed based on the research findings
and gave recommendations for how the research could help to increase the supply
of teaching materials in teaching environmental study.
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APPENDIX B: Confirmation letter from the Principal
APPENDIX C: Observation guide
Observation guide
3. Learners’ interest
1. Assessment performance
3. Conceptual understanding
1. Teaching strategies
2. Teacher-learner interaction
3. Peer learning
APPENDIX D: Interview guide
Kindly help me to answer the following questions, but before the interview begins, I
would like you to sign below.
Signature: …………………………………………………
Teaching experience………………………………………..………………………..
Qualification obtained………………………………………………………………..
[2.] What effects do you think those challenges have on learnerslearner’s academic
2.[3.] Based on your teaching strategy, what did you experience during teaching of
Environmental Studies?
3.[4.] As per your thoughts, what are the effective ways that teachers and learner's
can implement to overcome the challenges experienced when teaching and
learning environmental studies?
4.[5.] How will you ensure that parents are involved in learners learning?