EPAPER0902-1 - Notice To Constituencies

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9 Ouko murder probe:

FEBRUARY 2024 How fraudsters
fooled Gor Sungu
(TSh1,000 | USh2,000) select committee


Sh2.7bn expenditure
rocks Sports ministry
Suspicious spending includes millions used during Safari Rally Championship in Naivasha PG 4-5


COUNTDOWN: Former TV news anchor Jacque Maribe, murder victim Monica Kimani and Joseph Irungu ‘Jowie’ / FILE / STORY PAGE 9


Rotich lands job as Ruto adviser Go for checkup, revellers who
after his acquittal in dams case patronised Kirinyaga bar urged
Former Treasury CS Henry Rotich has landed a job as the presi- Kirinyaga county government has appealed to people who could have taken
dential adviser on fiscal affairs and budget policy. This came barely the illicit brew that has killed over 10 people in Kangai area to visit health
two months after his acquittal in the Sh63 billion Arror and Ki- facilities for checkups. Deputy Governor David Githanda said there could be
mwarer dams case. President William Ruto made the appointment more people suffering at home and asked residents to check on the well-
through Chief of Staff and Head of Public Service Felix Koskei. being of relatives known to frequent California Bar.

2 THE-STAR.CO.KE Friday, February 9, 2024


Rerec partners with
Lamu in Sh20m rural
electrification projects
Former Treasury
CS Henry Rotich FELIX KIPKEMOI / The Rural Electrification and Renew-
/ FILE able Energy Corporation has inked a partnership deal
with Lamu county, committing a combined Sh20
million for electrification projects.
The strategic collaboration, signed on Thursday, ex-
emplifies a commitment to fostering sustainable energy
solutions in the county, Rerec CEO Rose Mkalama said.
Lamu has set aside Sh10 million for two subcounties
in this financial year under the partnership.
In return, Rerec, through the matching fund model,
will contribute a maximum of Sh10 million, doubling
the resources available for electrification initiatives.
FISCAL AFFAIRS AND BUDGET POLICY Lamu Governor Issa Timamy, who spoke at the

Ex-CS Rotich lands job as

signing of the agreement, said the strategic focus lies in
Lamu West, which boasts 63 per cent arable land.
The decision to prioritise this area stems from the
potential to significantly enhance food security.
“The deal that we have signed today to connect Lamu

President Ruto’s adviser

West to the national grid will go a long way to catalyse
economic activities, especially in fishing and horticul-
ture, including dairy and crop farming,” Timamy said.
Rerec has a robust track record in Lamu, having
completed 24 projects funded by the government at
President made appointment through Chief of Staff Koskei Sh210 million.
In this financial year, Rerec is set to implement proj-
ects worth Sh138.2 million.
GORDON OSEN er scandal unravelled and a court schemed this evil work...I will give Notably, Rerec will also embark on a project under
@TheStarKenya case, in which he was an accused a more detailed reaction.” the Kenya Off-grid Solar Access Project, backed by the
person, ensued. Shortly after the acquittal, four World Bank, to solarise 21 boreholes in the county, an
Former Treasury CS Henry Rotich Ukur Yatani, then Labour and human rights organisations moved initiative estimated to cost around Sh49 million.
has landed a plum job as the presi- Social Protection CS, was appoint- to the High Court to sue the DPP The signing of this collaboration framework marks
dential adviser on fiscal affairs and ed to take his place. over the acquittal of Rotich and his the initiation of a partnership aimed at enabling Rerec
budget policy. Rotich holds a master’s degree in co-accused. to fulfil its mandate in the implementation of electrifi-
This came barely two months af- economics and a bachelor’s degree Transparency International, the cation projects in the county.
ter his acquittal in the Sh63 billion in economics and sociology from Kenya Human Rights Commission, Beyond the immediate project, it sets the stage for
Arror and Kimwarer dams case. the University of Nairobi. the Katiba Institute and the Afri- ongoing cooperation between Rerec and Lamu, estab-
President William Ruto made He also holds a master’s degree can Centre for Governance wanted lishing a framework for the efficient implementation of
the appointment through his Chief in public administration from the their application filed on Decem- electrification projects and programmes.
of Staff and Head of Public Service Harvard Kennedy School, Harvard ber 29, 2023, certified urgent, and Rerec, mandated to spearhead Kenya’s renewable
Felix Koskei. University, in the US. two prosecution counsels held lia- energy drive and rural electrification projects, has faced
State House press secretary Em- ble. “The petitioners seek account- financial challenges, primarily relying on exchequer
manuel Talam told the Star the DAMS CASE ability for the “reckless dereliction funding.
news on Rotich’s appointment was The former CS was in December of duty by prosecution counsel in
made known to him through a let- acquitted in the dams case when the Sh63 billion Arror and Kim-
ter written by Koskei. trial magistrate Eunice Nyutu said warer dams case,” lawyer Ochiel
“The letter to him is personal and no evidence linked him to the alle- Dudley said in court documents.
cannot be shared [with the me- gations levelled against him. They argued that although the
dia],” he said. “All the accused persons in this public had already lost Sh63 bil-
Rotich previously served as the case are hereby acquitted under lion, it could lose more if, despite The deal that we have signed
head of macroeconomics at the Section 210 due to lack of evidence the petition, the accused persons
Treasury, before he was appointed as a result of the reckless derelic- sue and are paid damages for mali- today to connect Lamu West
as Treasury Cabinet Secretary in tion of duty by the prosecution,” cious prosecution from the public
2013 by retired President Uhuru the magistrate said. purse. to the national grid will go a
Kenyatta. After the acquittal, Rotich said, “I The organisations accused the long way to catalyse economic
He was, however, relieved of his think the devil has been ashamed counsel of failing to call witness-
position on January 14, 2020, as de- and I believe he will permanent- es, citing “firm instructions not to activities
tails about the Arror and Kimwar- ly be ashamed for those who proceed with the matter.”


TODAY’S QUESTION Kenya bags Sh350 billion during Ruto’s Japan trip
Do you think Nigeria will The largest projects to benefit are opment project will get Sh15 bil-
the Dongo Kundu Infrastructure lion. Japan will also provide Sh1
win Afcon? Ecosystem and the Mombasa Gate- billion for the production of medi-
way Bridge at the Coast at Sh260 cal oxygen for various hospitals.
billion. Through the United Nations,
President Ruto and Prime Min- Kenya will receive Sh320 million
ister Fumio Kishida also agreed humanitarian aid for those affect-
that Kenya will issue a Sh40 billion ed by the recent El Nino-related
Samurai bond in Japan to finance floods.
Can Kalonzo make a good president? energy and infrastructure projects. Other agreements include MoUs
A Samurai bond is a yen-denom- on cooperation in the ICT, health,
inated bond issued in Tokyo by a finance and security.
President William PSCU/ Financial agreements worth non-Japanese company. The bond He said the MoU will include en-
Ruto arrives Sh350 billion have been signed is, however, subject to Japanese hancing the capacity of the Kenya
YES 52%
at the Kenya- during President William Ruto’s regulations. Medical Research Institute to build
Japan Business visit to Japan. Kenya also secured a Sh30 bil- on its pandemic management po-
Forum organised The agreements will support lion from the Japan Bank for Inter- tential at a cost of Sh3 billion.
by Japan projects and programmes in sec- national Cooperation to purchase To strengthen the partnership
NO 48%
External Trade tors that are aimed at turning heavy machinery and mechanised between the two countries in de-
Organisation in around the economic fortunes of assets. fence, an agreement on Defence
Tokyo /PCS the country. The Olkaria Geothermal Devel- Cooperation was also signed.
Friday, February 9, 2024 THE-STAR.CO.KE 3

Wife of the
President Dorcas
Gachagua joins
a taarab dance
at Tumutumu
Girls High School
in Nyeri on
Thursday after
attending a board

Who is doing what
and where in the
world of politics
A TOP GOVERNMENT official is alle-

Quit selling illicit brews, MPs gedly enraged after missing out on his
share of a fortune he and others worked
their way into recently. We are told the
man stopped sending emissaries to the

warn Murang’a bootleggers would-be source after learning of bigger

bosses who were equally aware of the
game plan. It’s alleged that the officer
was to get a chunk of the fortune from a
They vow state crackdown will go on as death toll rises in neighbouring Kirinyaga county chief and a colleague in govern-
ment. However, their leader reportedly
took most of the lot, leaving the three
KNA is detrimental to the growth and women blankets and food. with little to share. The man is said to be
@TheStarKenya development of any society, add- Senator Nyutu called on liquor caught in the horns of a dilemma and has
ing that it was paramount for all licensing authorities to get tough
Makers and sellers of illicit brews stakeholders to join in the fight. as some brews contained harmful
been cautious on whom to discuss his
in Murang’a should close shop and “Murang’a women will fight il- substances and should not be in
disappointment with.
venture into legitimate businesses licit brews to the end because it is the market.
because the fight against the trade unacceptable for our young men, “We must save our generation AN MP FROM Rift Valley is in a spot
is unstoppable. women and even the elderly to die and we join Deputy President after several buildings he put up using
That was the stern warning Mu- from consuming the illicit brews Rigathi Gachagua in this fight and the National Government Constituency
rang’a Woman Rep Betty Maina as the sellers and manufacturers declare that manufacturers and Development Fund were condemned as
and Senator Joe Nyutu issued as thrive through this trade,” she traders of illicit brews in Mt Kenya unsafe for occupation. An insider whispe-
administrators and members of said. “We are tired of burying our region will be brought to book,” red to Corridors of Power that the project
the public reeled in shock after the sons and what happened in neigh- he said. “Stringent measures must was possibly executed without any bill
death toll from bootleg liquor rose bouring Kirinyaga county must be put in place as we will not allow
in neighbouring Kirinyaga county. not be replicated here.” killer brews in this region.”
of quantities or architectural and struc-
At least 10 people were con- Maina thanked the local ad- At the same time, Kenya Reve- tural plans. The buildings, most of them
firmed dead while five lost their ministration and the police for the nue Authority chairperson Antho- classrooms, are said to have developed
eyesight after drinking suspected spirited fight they have continu- ny Mwaura said the economy can- cracks on the floors, have leaking roofs
adulterated alcohol. ously mounted by arresting illicit not be developed with proceeds and sagging slabs which endanger the
Speaking at Ithiru, Kanda- brews traders. from illicit brews. “Stop collecting lives of learners. Residents are waiting for
ra constituency, on Wednesday The woman rep issued 15 water bribes to allow illicit brews trade an explanation from their legislator for the
during distribution of avocado tanks to 15 public institutions and to go on. Together we can save our shoddy job in almost all his projects.
seedlings, Maina said alcoholism gifted over 1,000 elderly men and generation,” he said.
WE’RE TOLD THE ground has become
increasingly hostile for an MP from Nyan-
CARTOON za who rebelled against his party. The
man cannot enjoy his usual drinks at his
favourite local joint. So bad is the hostility
towards him that the legislator has to
make special arrangements to be served
his bottles in a backroom. Before he chan-
ged his political allegiance, the man was
known for buying everybody a drink at
the bar. Maybe Mheshimiwa should find a
new way to shore up his diminishing clout
on the ground.
A POLITICO FROM Western has con-
founded his allies and foes alike over his
next plan of action. The man has been
sending mixed signals regarding his po-
litical activities. We are told the politician
may have found a new home, or is walking
into one, hence his latest puzzling ma-
noeuvres. An insider in his camp intimated
to Corridors of Power that it was just a
matter of time before the scheme went
public. The man’s point is that he doesn’t
feel appreciated in his current home. It is
believed the holder of the seat he is eye-
ing in the next election may have created
fertile ground for the looming big shift.
If you have any tips send them to
[email protected]
4 THE-STAR.CO.KE Friday, February 9, 2024


Sh2.7bn expenditure
rocks Sports ministry
variations of contracts, procure- and structural drawing designs. It was a similar case with Kip-
ment irregularities and missing According to the audit find- choge Keino phases one and two
payment documents. ings, in Kamariny Stadium some where there was Sh52 million
LUKE AWICH The stadiums include Kipchoge Sh48,536,729 payments were overpayment and Sh79.6 mil-
@AchiaAwich Keino phases one and phase two, made without any supporting lion variations between the bills
Kinoru, Marsabit and Nyayo Na- document. of quantities and the certified
A new audit has laid bare the tional Stadium. “We noted procurement irregu- amount.
financial rot in the Ministry of At Nyayo Stadium, for instance, larities which included non-eval- At Kinoru Stadium, the special
Sports that may return to haunt there was unsupported expen- uation of responsive bidders, lack audit reveals that Sh182 million
top dogs who served under re- diture on builders amounting to of sub-contractors’ contracts and was paid for civil and builders’
tired President Uhuru Kenyatta’s Sh294.2 million, besides what unsupported extension of the works but there were no payment
ten-year rule. auditors termed “poor workman- construction period,” the report vouchers.
A special audit report shows ship”. reveals on Kamariny Stadium. In Marsabit Stadium, the au-
that Kenya could have lost over There was also double pay- dit unearthed Sh71 million un-
Sh2.7 billion in the construction ments for materials amounting to supported contract variations,
of six stadiums and hosting of Sh6.9 million as well as payments lack of sub-contractors’ contract
several sporting activities, in- for undelivered electrical goods agreements and direct payment
cluding the celebrated World Ral- amounting to Sh10.5 million. to sub-contractors totalling
ly Championship. “There were irregularities not- Sh922,808.
“The Ministry of Youth Affairs, ed such as failure to provide en- SUMMARY AUDIT PAC chairman John Mbadi said
Sports and the Arts has invest- gineers’ estimates, payment of the committee would not rest un-
ed a lot in sports infrastructure
which, however, are not benefit-
certified works without a valid
contract, payment for undefined
There were til the issues raised by the Audi-
tor General were addressed and
ing to the citizens as intended,” works, double contracting of irregularities noted those who bore responsibility ac-
Auditor General Nancy Gathungu CCTV works, poor workmanship counted for the expenditures.
concludes. and non-recovery of Western such as failure to “This wastage is unfortunate
Amina Mohamed served as the
Sports Cabinet Secretary from
wing mobilisation fee,” the sum-
mary audit states in part.
provide engineers’ and from the summary already
there is wastage and it is so seri-
2019 to 2022. Gathungu further faults the estimates, payment ous,” Mbadi said.
For more news The two-part special report in- ministry for deliberately conceal- The report, which is in the final
on our website. dicates that up to Sh1.04 billion ing crucial documents in the mul- of certified works stages, will be formally tabled in
cannot be traced in the construc- timillion-shilling repair works. the House next week after Parlia-
Scan this quick
response code tion of six stadiums across the Among the documents the
without a valid ment resumes sittings from the
using your country. management failed to provided contract, payment long December recess.
smartphone. A common feature of all the included feasibility study reports, The damning revelations come
projects was overpayment, illegal site instructions and mechanical for undefined works at a time the government has an-
Friday, February 9, 2024 THE-STAR.CO.KE 5


details of passengers and crew SH1.7 BILLION
members on a specific flight.
The special audit was prompt-
ed by Sports Cabinet Secretary
Ababu Namwamba, who wrote to
Choppers that didn’t
fly, rally, dubious pay
Gathungu in January last year to

demand scrutiny of the projects.
Ababu had expressed fears that
Loeb with the country might not have got SAM NYAMWEYA
navigator value for the billions spent on
sports infrastructure. Steering committee illegally gave itself
Give Ruto
Isabelle Galmiche
of M Sport Ford “The Auditor General received a
Rally team in letter from the Cabinet Secretary an extension in office, incurring millions
action at Hell’s
Gate stage
in the Ministry of Youth Affairs
and Sports dated 11 January, 2023, LUKE AWICH/ A special audit has un- were actually hired despite millions
team benefit
on June 26, 2022
requesting for a special audit of
the infrastructure programmes
earthed Sh1.7 billion unexplained
expenditure in high-profile activi-
drawn for the same by the WRC
steering committee. of doubt on
funded by the Government of
Kenya country-wide through the
ministry for the last ten years
ties at the Sports ministry.
The sporting events include the
2021 World Safari Rally Champion-
“We noted that the hire of heli-
copters and aircraft services pay-
ment of Sh131,416, 184 was not sup-
stadia plans
(2013-2022),” Gathungu said in ship that saw thousands of Kenyans ported with journey manifests,” the don’t think we have stadiums to
her brief to Parliament. throng Naivasha to watch the spec- report reads. meet the standards of hosting
“The ministry had indicated it tacular event making a return after A flight manifest is a comprehen- tournaments like Africa Cup of
had not been receiving value for 19 years. sive document that contains details Nations and the World Cup.
money from the funding of the The championship was part of of passengers, crew members on a However, I have heard President
development of sports and its in- retired President Uhuru Kenyat- specific flight. William Ruto’s administration
frastructure.” ta’s promises to Kenyans before his The audit also shows doubtful say that they are going to build
The special report was tabled election. expenditure on car hire services stadiums.
before the oversight committee But a damning report almost amounting to Sh232.9 million. If they have said they will do so,
on Wednesday by Deputy Auditor three years later now shows the Before taking power in 2013, and have confirmed that they will
General Sylvester Kiini on behalf millions of public money spent to Uhuru had committed to return host Afcon in 2027, we must give
of her boss Gathungu who is in host the championship cannot be the Safari Rally to the International them the benefit of the doubt.
Cameroon on official assignment. accounted for. Automobile Federation World Rally It must be noted, though, that it
The special audit was to cover In the WRC alone, Auditor Gener- Championship family. has taken inordinately long before
all the 29 stadia in the country al Nancy Gathungu’s report reveals The organisers of the champion- the country has had a stadium
but only managed to review six that up to Sh845 million cannot be ship also varied the contract for the built to international standards.
due to budget constraints. traced. presidential pavilion by 45 per cent The government needs to
“We were supposed to carry out Another sporting event on Gath- instead of the recommended 25 per engage experts to help build
audit in the 37 facilities but we ungu’s radar is the 2020 Interna- cent, occasioning Sh48.3 million stadiums that can stand the test of
were only able to audit only six tional Amateur Athletics Federation above the budget. the current times.
stadia and two facilities,” Kiini under 20 event where Sh867 mil- No document was given to the They need to engage people
told the oversight committee. lion is under scrutiny. audit team to back spending on the who have built world-class
“The office is in the process of During the WRC, the audit find- pavilion. stadiums all over the world. That
nounced a facelift for stadiums in requesting for more funding to ings question Sh131 million al- Despite questionable spending one is required. I don’t think we
the country to meet international audit the remaining 22 stadia.” legedly spent to hire helicopters but on the WRC, Gathungu noted that have those kinds of contractors
standards. This may imply that the ques- which were never sighted on the the event left the country with locally.
The programme to be executed tionable expenditure could be sky. Sh550 million pending bills, signal- I have travelled all over the
by a joint team will focus on Nai- higher by the time the audit team The report indicates there was ling troubles the suppliers could be world and can attest to the good
robi renovation of selected stadia finalises all the stadia. no evidence that the helicopters undergoing work experts have done out there.
and the construction of the Talan- You get such kind of contractors
ta Stadium ahead of the 2027 Af- in China, Italy or France. For
rican Cup of Nations tournament. instance, the contractor I engaged
The biannual tournament will
be jointly hosted by Kenya, Ugan-
da and Tanzania under the Pamo-
Highlights of to put the carpet at Kisumu’s Moi
Stadium was not sourced locally.
The contractor was from France
ja Bid.
The report appears to give cre-
SPECIAL AUDIT: Areas of concern and you can see the kind of work
the company did.
dence to claims that the ministry A lot of work must, therefore,
has not been receiving value for be done. So far, I don’t think
money from the funding for de- we have the class of stadiums
velopment of sports and its infra- required for high calibre
structure. Unsupported Sh294,204,877 international tournaments. Even
There have also been concerns payment to builders at Moi International Sports Centre,
of unjustified delays in conclud- Nyayo stadium Kasarani, cannot pass the test as
ing some of the stadia projects de- it is now.
spite availability of budget. It is for this reason that we
The second part of the audit call on the government to put
narrowed on sporting activities WRC pending bill Kamariny stadium: more effort. Before he became
with the new report indicating amounting to Sh48,536,729 were President, Ruto said the
that the ministry cannot account Sh550 million made without government would build world-
for Sh1.7 billion. supporting document class stadiums.
Among the questionable ex- Now that he is the President
penditures include monies used and has said - not once, not
during the World Safari Rally twice - that he will implement
Championship that saw Kenyans this, let us give him the benefit
throng Naivasha town. of the doubt. He is in charge
Variation of
WSRC organisers, the report Sh52 million now and Kenyans will hold him
shows, spent Sh131 million to hire pavilion contract by overpayment in responsible if he fails – especially
helicopters that were never seen 45 percent instead Kipchoge Keino if we can’t afford to host Afcon.
in the sky. of 25 percent phases I and II Stadiums are not hard to build
According to auditor, there was if you get the right contractor. We
no evidence that helicopters were have seen good contractors work
actually hired despite millions even under strenuous conditions
drawn for the same. like was the case in Qatar. Let’s,
“We noted that the hire of he- therefore, give the current
licopters and aircraft services Sh131m for helicopter IAAF U20 steering and organising administration time to fulfil their
hire during WRC, no committee Sh747,406,329
payment of Sh131,416, 184 was pledge.
supporting documents unbudgeted for expenditures
not supported with journey man-
after expiry of term
ifests,” the report reads.
A flight manifest is a compre- Former FKF president spoke to Star
hensive document that contains STAR ILLUSTRATED www.the-star.co.ke
6 THE-STAR.CO.KE Friday, February 9, 2024



Stima DT Sacco Society Limited, a key player in Kenya’s financial sector, is seeking to recruit highly qualified professionals with strategic orientation and strong sense of professionalism to fill in the positions of Chief
Manager Finance, Customer Experience Manager, Shared Services Manager, Branch Manager and Information and Communication Technology Manager. The successful candidates will play a crucial role in spearheading
change and enhancing Member experiences through innovative solutions.

Job Title: Department Employment type Job Title: Department Employment type
Chief Manager Finance Finance Contract Branch Manager Strategy and Business Permanent & Pensionable
Reports to: Supervises Location of role Reports to: Supervises Location of role
Chief Executive Officer • Finance Manager Nairobi, Kenya Chief Manager Strategy and Business • Branch Operations Officer Kenya
• Treasury • Credit Officer
Job Purpose • Sales and Relationship Officer
Reporting to the Chief Executive Officer, the successful candidate will Responsible for providing financial and treasury Job Purpose
support to the Society and stakeholders of the business and providing strategic leadership and oversight to Finance Reporting to the Chief Manager Strategy and Business, the successful candidate will be responsible for managing the
functions of the Society. branch to achieve growth and profitability, overseeing the day-to-day branch operations, resource management, risk
Key Responsibilities / Accountabilities Academic Qualification/ Experience Behavioural competencies management and control and ensuring excellent customer experience.
• Formulates and drives implementation of • Bachelor’s degree in Business • Leadership skills. Key Responsibilities / Accountabilities Academic Qualification/ Behavioural competencies
leading approaches to the strategic planning Administration, Accounting, Finance • Communication and Experience
process covering finance and treasury. or a relevant field. interpersonal skills.
• A Master’s degree in Finance or • Decision making.
• Participates in formulating the Society’s • A Bachelor’s degree in a • Ability to make operational decisions.
• Oversight of Treasury management of group
holdings, with the ultimate goal of enhancing business will be an added advantage. • Knowledge of the Sacco business plan by preparing and business - related field from a • Analytical risk assessment skills.
treasury as a revenue centre. • Certified Public Accountant of Kenya sector. implementing annual business strategy recognised University. • Demonstrable experience in innovation
• Planning the Asset Liability Committee (K) or Association of Chartered • Analytical risk assessment aimed at driving regional growth • Certified Professional Banker and entrepreneurship.
(ALCO). Certified Accountants (ACCA). skills. objectives. or other related professional • Stakeholder management.
• Responsible for the strategy on investment • Full member of a relevant • Stakeholder management • Initiate marketing initiatives in the qualifications will be an added • Ability to interpret long term plans,
of funds, capital raising plans, liquidity and professional body such as Institute • Ability to interpret long respective region and ensure availability advantage. programs and budgets.
the evaluation of risk through cash flow of Certified Accountants of Kenya term plans, programs and of correctly branded merchandize and • Membership to a professional • Ability to develop plans, programs,
forecasting and management. (ICPAK) or Association of Chartered budgets. proper display of promotional materials body. standard operating procedures, and
• Manages and co-ordinates all aspects of Certified Accountants (ACCA) in • Ability to develop plans, to enhance publicity. • Minimum Six (6) years’ coordination of workflows.
reporting, budgeting, final accounts, and good standing. programs, Standard • Supervise and coordinate at branch experience with three years • Ability to write complex reports.
liaison with internal and statutory auditors. • Twelve (12) years of relevant work Operating Procedures, and level, the operations of Mpawa Insurance (3) at supervisory level in the • Leadership, interpersonal and team
• Leads the development and implementation of experience with at least three (3) coordination of workflows.
Agency while collaborating with other Banking or Sacco sector. management skills.
policies and procedures relating to finance and years in management role. • Ability to write complex
treasury. reports. business functions to drive growth • Ability to build relationships with
strategies. customers and other stakeholders.
Job Title: Department Employment type • Continuously identify new market • Strategic thinker with a commercial
opportunities, gather market insights, acumen.
Customer Experience Manager Strategy and Business Permanent & Pensionable understand customer trends, and • Must demonstrate high level of integrity.
Reports to: Supervises Location of role develop appropriate business strategies
for penetration and expansion.
Chief Manager Strategy and Business • Diaspora Officer Nairobi, Kenya • Champion operationalization, uptake
• Member Education and
and growth of alternative business
Retention Officer
channels and service points including
Job Purpose Stima Mlangoni and maintaining
Reporting to the Chief Manager Strategy and Business, the successful candidate will be Responsible for providing lead- business relationships with check off
ership in implementing of customer experience strategic initiatives in alignment with the corporate strategy, designing companies.
appropriate methodology and approach to service improvement in support of business growth. • Responsible for cascading to branch
staff a clear strategic direction and
Key Responsibilities / Accountabilities Academic Qualification/ Experience Behavioural competencies
the set business objectives; setting
• Participate in formulation and implementation of • A minimum of a Bachelor’s • Ability to apply principles performance measures to facilitate an
customer experience strategy and design leading degree in a Business - related of customer relationship effective performance review process
approaches to customer experience. field. management and and provide support as necessary.
• Drive the teams to deliver a positive customer • Master’s degree in a relevant field experience with CRM • Ensure compliance with all branch
experience; champion opportunities to improve will be an added advantage. software. controls, processes & procedures;
customer experience, drive customer retention and • Certification in Customer • Demonstrate a strategic
adhere to the relevant statutory,
increase customer satisfaction. Experience will be an added thinking, ability to
• Assess customer service requirements, explore and advantage. manage and drive legal, regulatory and Operations Risk
develop customer journey mapping capability at the • Member of a professional body. change. requirements including occupational,
Society. • A minimum of Nine (9) years’ • Good leadership and safety and health requirements.
• Ensure responsive, consistent, and effective experience in customer service communication skills.
communication with customers / members and / or, sales and relationship • Excellent listening and Job Title: Department Employment type
and establish mechanisms to listen carefully to management function in a conflict management
customers / members. financial service environment skills. Information and Communication Information and Communication Permanent & Pensionable
• Design and implement customer feedback and with at least three (3) years at a • Possesses a high level Technology (ICT) Manager Technology Operations
resolution mechanisms, ensure prompt resolution managerial level. of personal drive and is Reports to: Supervises Location of role
of issues and manage escalation of customer result-oriented.
complaints across the organisation. • Good interpersonal skills Chief Manager Information Communication • Systems Administrator Team Nairobi, Kenya
• Create a knowledge base of what is available both and a team player. Technology and Operations Lead
within, across services and customer touch points • High level of analytical • Application Analyst Team
and by other providers; use industry knowledge skills, data-driven Lead
and standards to research and develop internal thinking and problem • Infrastructure Team Lead
capabilities. solving.
• Develop and implement service measurement tools • Advanced Job Purpose
aimed at operational improvement of customer communication and Reporting to the Chief Manager Information Communication Technology and Operations, the successful candidate will
service delivery at all touch points. interpersonal skills. be responsible for the provision of comprehensive management of the ICT function, encompassing management and
• Leverage on data analytics and statistics in • Demonstrate a clear implementation of the SACCOs information and Communication Technology initiatives, all aimed at facilitating and driving
determining the level of customer satisfaction understanding of Public digital transformation.
on services rendered and measure customer Relations codes of ethics.
satisfaction by conducting customer satisfaction Key Responsibilities / Accountabilities Academic Qualification/ Behavioural competencies
surveys. Experience
• Develop and implement an ICT strategy • A Bachelor’s Degree • Adequate knowledge of the relevant
Job Title: Department Employment type
aligned with the Sacco’s business in Computer Science, industry / sector as well as knowledge
Shared Services Manager Information and Permanent & Pensionable objectives. Information Technology or a of regulatory requirements affecting the
Communication Technology • Manages all information technology related field from a recognised relevant sector.
Operations infrastructure and shared services University. • Knowledge of the Information
Reports to: Supervises Location of role including both primary and secondary • A Master’s Degree will be an Communication Technology trends in the
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• E - Channels • Manages Information Communication Professional Institute 1, A • Knowledge in planning and budgeting
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Reporting to the Chief Manager Information Communication Technology and Operations, the successful candidate will be and new information communication Information Systems Security evaluate assigned goals.
responsible for supporting the Shared Services (SS) Section with a consistently high-quality support structure. systems. Professional is an added • Demonstrated ability to handle
Key Responsibilities / Accountabilities Academic Qualification/ Behavioural competencies • Conducts budgeting and budgetary advantage. multiple and conflicting Information
Experience control for the department. • Full Member of a relevant Communication Technology.
• Manages country wide salaries • A Bachelor’s degree in a • Adequate knowledge of the relevant • Provides advisory services on all professional body. priorities, and work under Information
and allowances by recruiting new business-related field from a industry/sector as well as knowledge of Information Communication Technology • Nine (9) years of relevant Communication Technology deadlines.
companies and agreeing on modalities recognised University. regulatory. requirements affecting the matters to Management and Board. work experience with at least • Strong communication and analytical
for remittances, processing of • A Master’s Degree will be an relevant sector. • Optimises usage of Information three (3) years in a managerial skills.
salaries, handling emerging issues and added advantage. • Knowledge of the Information Communication Technology hardware role. • Ability to manage projects effectively
relationship management. • Certification in Lean Six Sigma Communication Technology trends in the and software. and efficiently.
• Ensures proper and efficient functioning and Project Management will market. • Collaborate with senior management • Ability to function effectively both as a
of banking operations at the Shared be an added advantage. • Knowledge of ISO quality and professional to identify technology needs and team player and unit leader.
Services. • Member of a relevant standards. opportunities for innovation.
• Manages withdrawal channels including professional body. • Knowledge in planning and budgeting
• Conduct regular technology
float management, repatriation of • Nine (9) years of relevant and processes.
customer deposits, resolution of progressively responsible • Ability to plan, organize, implement and assessments to ensure the Information
customer issues (undispersed cash, work experience in banking, evaluate assigned goals. Communication Technology
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to relevant bank account mainly: managerial level. Technology priorities, and work under
incoming check off, salaries, outgoing Information Communication Technology
Electronic Funds Transfer, cheques and deadlines.
channels. • Strong communication and analytical skills. We invite you to view the detailed job descriptions and apply for the positions at
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provisions and requirements. efficiently. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. No hard – copy applications are accepted. Stima DT Sacco
• Manages and mitigates operational risk. • Ability to function effectively both as a
team player and unit leader. Society Limited is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Friday, February 9, 2024 THE-STAR.CO.KE 7

NOT EFFECTIVE thority suffers an excruciating staff

Audit gives damning verdict on

shortage in the face of its mountain-
ous responsibility.
“As of June 30, 2022, the authority
had 32 staff that also doubles up as
the fund’s staff to handle operations

UFAA as dormant assets pile up

countrywide,” Gathungu said.
UFAA also cited challenges with
the law, which discourages low-val-
ue claims due to cost implications.
The “non-differentiated claim”
Gathungu says authority is not meeting its mandate of tracing unclaimed assets process is said to hinder the effec-
tive transfer of assets to the intended
Sh604 million worth of claims had The authority blamed a regula-
been paid. tory regime “that prescribes forms
MOSES ODHIAMBO “This represented a reunification which favour physical delivery of
@AliwaMoses rate of three per cent of total assets documents by claimants”.
remitted by holders,” Gathungu said. The forms and associated doc-
A new audit has castigated the Un- According to the figures on the uments are processed manually,
claimed Financial Assets Authority UFAA website, the amount has hence slowing down the claims
for not performing its crucial role of since increased to Sh62.34 billion, process.
unifying dormant assets to the ben- of which only Sh2.03 billion has Managers at the John Mwangi-led
eficiaries effectively and efficiently. been paid. fund also raised concerns about the
Auditor General Nancy Gathungu “Millions of Kenyans are yet to nature of unclaimed assets “where
has said the authority is not meeting claim Sh50 billion worth of cash tracing and location of rightful own-
its mandate of tracing unclaimed and other unclaimed financial as- ers takes time”.
assets and reunifying them with sets. You might be one of them,” the It further cited low awareness lev-
beneficiaries. authority says in a campaign to have els among beneficiaries and “many
“The authority is not meeting its more beneficiaries turn up to make receipts of very small amounts with-
mandate efficiently and effective- claims. out any provision or mechanism to
ly…my opinion is not modified in UFAA started receiving unclaimed donate”. “The above factors do not
respect of this matter,” she said in assets from various portfolio holders adequately support an effective re-
a review of UFAA books as of June in 2014, but the reunification with Auditor General Nancy Gathungu /FILE unification process,” Gathungu said.
30, 2022. the beneficiaries started in 2016. UFAA managers have indicated
This followed the auditor’s find- Concerns are rife, however, about also the low claims rate by the ben- tors, including internal, explain the the authority has proposed and ad-
ings then that of the Sh22.6 billion not only the pace at which the claims eficiaries. slow pace of reunification. opted several measures to address
that was received from holders, only were being processed and paid but UFAA managers said several fac- Top of the concerns is that the au- low reunification.

MOMBASA WATER SUPPLY AND Kenya Railway (KR) invites application from interested and eligible Firms for the below tenders:-


Provision of Security Guarding Services for Kenya 20th February,2024
1. KR/SCM/046/2023-2024 1,000.00 Open
Railways Premises along MGR line, RTI & Headquarters 10.00 a.m.
Provision of Security Guarding Services for Kenya
Railways Transit Shed Bomaline
1,000.00 Open
20th February,2024
2.00 p.m.
Provision of Bush Clearing Service along the Standard 23rd February, 2024
The County Government of Mombasa has appointed Mombasa Water Supply 3. KR/SCM/056/2023-2024
Gauge Railway (SGR) Mombasa-Nairobi-Suswa
1,000.00 Open
10.00 a.m.

and Sanitation Company Limited (MOWASSCO) as a revenue collection agency 4. KR/SCM/057/2023-2024 Provision of Valuation for MV Uhuru II 1,000.00 Open
23rd February, 2024
2.00 p.m.
for certain service levies. This is in line with Section 6(2), (a) and (c) of the County 5. KR/SCM/058/2023-2024
Supply and Delivery of Track Ballast for Mombasa-Nairobi
1,000.00 Open
26th February, 2024
Standard Gauge Railway Line for FY 2023-2024 for Mtito Andei 10.00 a.m.
Government Act; that allows the County Government of Mombasa to delegate Provision of Break down Maintenance Services for Borehole 26th February, 2024
6. KR/SCM/059/2023-2024 Pumps,Fire Booster Pumps, Sewage Booster Pumps and 1,000.00 Open
2.00 p.m.
any of its functions to other Entities within its jurisdiction. Domestic Water
27th February, 2024
7. KR/SCM/060/2023-2024 Proposed Reconstruction of Athi River SGR Freight Yard 1,000.00 Open
10.00 a.m.
27th February, 2024
In line with the above provisions, MOWASSSCO has organized public 8. KR/SCM/061/2023-2024 Proposed Redevelopment of MSAADA Estate in Mombasa 1,000.00 Open
2.00 p.m.
Provision of Consultancy Services for Resettlement Action
participation fora to be held at the Sub County levels. All members of the public, 9. KR/SCM/062/2023-2024
Plan (RAP) for Kisumu- Malaba SGR Phase 2C
1,000.00 Open
28th February, 2024
10.00 a.m.
County development partners, professionals, civil society representatives and 10. KR/SCM/063/2023-2024
Provision of Consultancy Services for Resettlement Action
1,000.00 Open
28th February, 2024
Plan (RAP) for Naivasha- Kisumu SGR Phase 2B 2.00 p.m.
other interested groups are therefore invited to attend the meetings at the 11. KR/SCM/064/2023-2024
Supply and Delivery of Communication and Electrical
1,000.00 Open
29th February, 2024
Consumables 10.00 a.m.
below mentioned venues on the dates scheduled below:
Candidates are encouraged to peruse the Tender Document from KR Website: www.krc.co.ke, and PPIP Website:
www.tender.go.ke or from the office of the General Manager- SCM, Kenya Railways Headquarters Block B, Ground floor,
Nairobi prior to purchase.
S/NO. DATE SUB COUNTY VENUE TIME Interested bidders may obtain the Tender Documents from the office of the General Manager – SCM, Kenya Railways
1 Friday 16th Changamwe Changamwe 9.00 AM-12.00 PM Headquarters, Block B, Ground Floor upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Kshs.1,000.00 or download the document
from KR and PPIP website at NO CHARGE. Bidders who download the Tender Document must register their interest
February, 2024 social hall immediately by sending an email to [email protected] stating their names, email, postal & telephone address and tender
2 Jomvu Mikindani 9.00 AM-12.00 PM details.

social hall Completed Tender Documents (accompanied by a Tender Security in the amount and form specified in the tender
document) in plain sealed envelopes must be clearly marked with the “Tender No. and the Description of the Tender”: and
3 Kisauni Bilima grounds 9.00 AM-12.00 PM shall be addressed to:-
-Magogoni The Managing Director
4 Likoni Likoni social hall 9.00 AM-12.00 PM Kenya Railways
P.O. Box 30121-00100
5 Nyali VOK social hall 9.00 AM-12.00 PM NAIROBI.
6 Mvita Tononoka 9.00 AM-12.00 PM and be deposited in the Tender Box situated at the Reception Area, Ground Floor, Kenya Railways Headquarters, Block C
social hall on or before the closing date and time. Tenders will opened in the presence of the tenderers’ representatives who choose
to attend at the Kenya Railways Headquarters.

8 THE-STAR.CO.KE Friday, February 9, 2024


Devolution: State starts process Gas blast victims

need help, says
Nairobi Hospital
to transfer museums to counties KIPLANGAT KIRUI/ Private sector
players have been urged to extend
emergency and medical support to
Committee is spearheading the exercise that seeks to fully streamline devolution victims of Embakasi gas explosion.
The Nairobi Hospital CEO James
Nyamongo said the situation is dire
era. Trans Nzoia will show other and needs private sector players to
counties that this transfer function chip in.
Trans Nzoia is very doable.” Nairobi Hospital conducted a
Governor George Devolution PS Teresia Mbaika said three-day free medical care and
Natembeya President William Ruto’s govern- support to the victims.
during the ment is committed to transferring The team of specialists set up a
handover of all pending devolved functions as make shift camp at the Embakasi
Kitale Museum dictated by the Constitution. Health Centre.
on Thursday She said the commitment shown Consultations, dressing,
/HANDOUT by Trans Nzoia shows that counties specialised wound care and related
are ready to undertake the functions. medication were some of the
“I want to give the commitment of services provided.
the government that this is not just Some cases were however
going to happen to museums alone referred for further check ups such
but to all the remaining functions,” as x-rays.
Mbaika said. “When an emergency strikes, it
IGRTC chairperson Kithinji Kiragu is everyone’s business to see to it
said the national government will that our people are assisted. The
gazette all remaining unbundled collaboration between public and
devolved functions before March. private sector players is best seen
The agency has identified 12 sec- during a crisis,” Nyamongo said.
tors as still remaining.The sectors The Nairobi Hospital’s Accidents
include trade, education, health, and Emergency manager David
regional development authorities; Abaya said more than 500 were
tourism, wildlife and culture; agri- attended to.
JULIUS OTIENO fect Unesco heritage sites like Fort It brought together governors, culture, health, energy, lands, public “Some of the people who came
@TheStarKenya Jesus. principal secretaries and IGRTC. works; housing and urban develop- for assistance could not walk to
Bashir said other counties set to The national government set a ment, education and environment this place because of the injuries
The government has started the take over museums are, Wajir, Narok, deadline of this month to transfer and disaster management. sustained last week. We had to send
transfer of 25 museums and gazetted Garissa, Isiolo and Marsabit. all pending devolved functions and “We would like to urge other min- our ambulances to fetch them from
sites to counties as transfer of de- “We are officially transferring the value assets to county governments. istries, departments and agencies their homes and Embakasi Social
volved functions gains momentum. museum of Trans Nzoia, sitting on The July 1 deadline is to have re- to follow the example of the State Hall, where they are camping,” he
The Intergovernmental Relations 33 hectares of land because we are sources and assets follow the trans- Department for Culture, Heritage said.
Technical Committee is spearhead- implementing what is stated in the ferred function. and Arts.” Mercy Gakendu’s (not her real
ing the exercise that seeks to fully Fourth Schedule of the Constitution,” Last year, the national govern- name) three-year old baby’s chest
streamline devolution. she said. ment transferred library functions has been aching since the blast but
On Tuesday, Trans Nzoia county “This should have been done a long to counties, where 61 libraries were had not been attended to until the
government became the first county time ago. It is a step at a time and handed over to various county gov- Nairobi Hospital medical experts
to have its museum transferred. right now we are focusing on the ernments with a budget of Sh450 arrived.
Culture and Heritage Principal first seven counties. Trans Nzoia is million.
Secretary Ummi Bashir said there the first county but we have six more “We have up to July 1 this year to PS UMMI BASHIR
are 25 museums, national mon- counties to go.” have resources follow the functions NO, THANK YOU
uments and gazetted sites set for The transfer of museums to the transferred. We believe the counties It is a step at a time
transfer to county governments.
“We have started with seven coun-
counties comes at a time when IG-
RTC concluded a validation exercise
have the capacity and capabilities to
run the libraries and the museums,” and right now we ODM members
ties but the negotiations are going of devolved functions. Bashir said. are focusing on the in Kwale slam
on with the others,” she said.
However, the process will not af-
The exercise held in Naivasha, Na-
kuru county, ended on Wednesday.
“We are headed in the right direc-
tion and today is the birth of a new first seven counties housing project
SHABAN OMAR/ Kwale ODM members
MILESTONE have criticised plans by the Kenya
Kwanza to implement the affordable
KNH conducts first minimally housing project in the county.
President William Ruto is

invasive kidney transplant expected to launch the project in

various parts of the region over the
JOHN MUCHANGI/ A team of doctors would be removed through a large The projects are set to be
have conducted the first laparo- incision. implemented at the White House
scopic surgery to get a kidney from The minimally invasive surgery is in Diani and Mabokoni villages
a donor at Kenya National Hospital. carried out in a small incision. in Gombato-Bongwe wards in
The surgeons made several small “We are moving from the tradi- Msambweni subcounty.
incisions in the donor’s abdomen tional open method to a far more Kwale ODM chairman Hassan
and removed the kidney using sur- advanced modern frontier,” Njogu Mwanyoha said the project will
gical instruments and a long, thin said. benefit only a few individuals.
tube with a camera at the end (lap- “For the open one, it leaves a scar, He accused Ruto of violating the
aroscope). but with this method it is barely no- rights of the people whose lands the
The three-hour operation at the ticeable and therefore aesthetically Dickson Njorogeyson at KNH on Thursday /KNH project will be implemented.
KNH was led by urologists Dr Paul appealing. It takes less time thereby “Both parcels of lands that
Njogu and Dr Charles Waihenya. reducing the turnaround time with diagnosed with chronic kidney fail- lowish, while his sight was blurry. have been identified for the
The procedure was conducted better clinical outcomes.” ure last year. Njorogeyson then went to PCEA implementation of the project are
on Dickson Ndekei, who donated The procedure has a shorter recov- He always felt tired and worn out Kikuyu Hospital but was referred community lands set aside for
his kidney to his cousin Dickson ery period and the complication rate after work and could not sleep well. to KNH. specific purposes; White House was
Njorogeyson. is low. In addition, the quality and These, Njorogeyson thought, were KNH CEO Evanson Kamuri said to serve as a market centre while
Traditionally, Ndekei, a healthy function of the transplanted kidneys normal signs and symptoms of dia- the hospital will improve the oper- the land in Mabokoni was a grazing
donor, would have undergone a are excellent. betes, which he has had since 2004. ational efficiency of its kidney trans- area for cattle farmers in Mabokoni,”
major operation where the kidney Njorogeyson, the recipient, was He said his eyes also turned yel- plant programme. Mwanyoha said.
Friday, February 9, 2024 THE-STAR.CO.KE 9

MARCH 15 At the initial stages of the case, Ma-

Court to finally deliver judgment

ribe was sure of her innocence to a
point she told Justice James Wakiaga
that she might only be convicted of
the offence of being in love.
There is no such offence under the

in Jowie, Maribe murder case

law. She made the remarks at a time
Justice Wakiaga was handling their
application for bail.
Wakiaga in appreciating the fact
that ‘love can make you do some very
Duo has been on trial since 2018 with the prosecution having called 44 witnesses strange things’ made reference to
the biblical story of Adam and Eve.
“I am told that in the Bible, one
alongside her former lover Jowie. It Adam knowing very well the law of
is alleged that the pair on the night God and the punishment for eating
SUSAN MUHINDI of September 19, 2018 at unknown the forbidden fruit, for the love of his
@TheStarKenya time at Lamuria Gardens Apartment wife, Adam went ahead and ate the
Kitale Lane off Dennis Pritt Road, in same so that they can die together
The judgment in the murder case Kilimani area within Nairobi county, if they must.”
against journalist Jacqueline Mari- jointly with others not before court The murder of Kimani pricked the
be and her former boyfriend Jowie murdered Monica Kimani. heart of the nation more so on how
Irungu is set to be delivered Friday Her body was found in a bathtub it was committed. It generated a lot
after the date was revised. with her throat slit. Kimani, 27, was of public interest both in the main-
High Court judge Grace Nzioka a holder of a Diploma in Internation- stream and social media.
had been scheduled to deliver the al Relations from Kenya Polytechnic. Maribe at the time had just been
judgment on March 15 but following She did her internship in the Ken- promoted to the position of Friday
consent by parties, it was reviewed yan Embassy in Juba, South Sudan prime time news anchor on Citizen
to February 9. The judgement has and was at the time of her death TV.
previously been adjourned twice. managing her father’s company In his defense, Jowie denied his
The first time trial judge Nzioka MililePaul General Trading Company. involvement in the murder. He told
was indisposed. The duo have been on trial since the court that the stained shorts be-
The second time, Maribe, through 2018 with the prosecution having ing used to nail him in the case were
her advocate Katwa Kigen, told court called 44 witnesses to prove their not his. The shorts are part of the 124
she fell ill, leaving the court with no case. If found guilty, Maribe and exhibits used by the prosecution to
option other than to set a fresh date Jowie’s penalty will be death sen- prove their case.
for judgement. tence or a long period of imprison- It is the same one that had a blood
Maribe is facing the murder charge Jacque Maribe and Jowie Irungu in court /FILE ment. stain believed to be that of Kimani.

Gitiri holding eight public jobs P.O. Box 222-30600, KAPENGURIA
[email protected], www.westpokot.co.ke

SUSAN MUHINDI/ The office of the At- of Directors of the Kenya Law Re- COUNTY TREASURY
torney General has dismissed claims porting Council, Victim Protection
of acting Council of Legal Education Agency and Kenya Revenue Authori- PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ON BUDGET PROPOSALS FOR FY 2024/2025-2026/27 MTEF PERIOD
CEO Jennifer Gitiri holding eight ty as a Representative of KLRC.
public jobs. He asked the court to stop Gitiri The County Government of West Pokot is in the process of preparing budget estimates for the Financial Year
2024/2025-2026/2027 Medium Term Expenditure Framework. In accordance with article 201(a) of the Constitution
In response to a case filed by from drawing allowances for sitting which calls for openness, accountability and public participation in financial matters, the County Government hereby
Nakuru-based Dr Gikenyi Magara, on those institutions’ boards until invites all Members of the Public, County Development Partners, County Professionals, Civil Society Members and any
the AG’s Human Resource director the case is heard and determined other interest groups for public participation on budget proposals for the Financial Year 2024/25. The meetings will be
Ernest Alela said claims that Gitiri But the AG in response says Gitiri held across all the County wards from 20th - 21st February 2024.
represents the Attorney General in is remunerated one salary by the of- Priority areas contained in the Annual Development Plan for FY 2024/2025 will guide the identification of projects and
the National Council for Law Report- fice of the Attorney General. Programmes to be implemented. The forums will be held on the dates and venues indicated in the schedule below;
ing, Witness Protection Agency and In addition, Alela said Gitiri only
Victim Protection Board are not true. holds the position at CLE in acting Dates Day Ward Venue
He said Gikenyi has never written capacity. 20/02/2024 Tuesday Kapenguria Mtello Hall
to the office of the Attorney General He said in September last year, 20/02/2024 Tuesday Mnagei Tartar ELCK Church
to seek any information regarding there was staff unrest at the Coun- 20/02/2024 Tuesday Siyoi Siyoi Centre
the representation of the AG in the cil of Legal Education which even- 20/02/2024 Tuesday Lelan Kabichbich Centre
said public entities. tually led to the resignation of the 20/02/2024 Tuesday Suam Asilong A.I.C
He has accused him of deliberately then-acting CEO/Secretary of the 20/02/2024 Tuesday Tapach Ward Administrator’s Office
lying to the court. council, Mary Mutugi.
20/02/2024 Tuesday Chepareria Mercy Vocational Centre
This, Alela says is a calculated The council at the time also didn’t
20/02/2024 Tuesday Batei Sebit Catholic Church
move to obstruct and interfere with have a chairperson following the res-
the administration of justice. ignation of Prof Githu Muigai. 20/02/2024 Tuesday Riwo Ward Administrator’s Office
Gikenyi filed the case at the High The council was left without a 20/02/2024 Tuesday Kodich Orolwo Catholic church
Court last year claiming that Gitiri CEO and council chairperson. This 21/02/2024 Wednesday Sook Chepnyal Catholic Church Hall
has been drawing salaries and allo- necessitated immediate intervention. 21/02/2024 Wednesday Sekerr Chepkondol Centre
cations from eight public jobs. What followed was the President 21/02/2024 Wednesday Lomut Chemaley Trading Centre
Gikenyi wanted the court to issue on October 6, last year appointing
orders prohibiting Gitiri from sitting Prof Collins Odote as the chairper- HE SAID 21/02/2024
Tikit Trading Centre
Sigor Social Hall
as a board member or employee of
the Council of Legal Education, Ken-
son of the council.
Three days later, Gitiri was nom-
GIKENYI 21/02/2024 Wednesday Endugh chemwapit trading centre

ya Law Reporting Council, Kenya inated for consideration by the HAS NEVER 21/02/2024
Chepkondol Dispensary
Alale Ward Administrator’s Office
Revenue Authority, Witness Protec-
tion Agency and Victim Protection
Council of Legal Education to be
appointed to manage the council.
WRITTEN TO 21/02/2024 Wednesday Kiwawa Mbaru Evangelical Lutheran Church
Agency. She would manage it temporarily THE OFFICE 21/02/2024 Wednesday Kapchok Konyao Cultural Centre
The petitioner told the court that pending the recruitment of a CEO for
Gitiri holds positions including Dep- a period not exceeding six months. OF THE Written submission/Memoranda may be submitted to any of the following offices; Ward Administrator’s offices and
Department of Finance and Economic Planning or submission to [email protected] to be received not later
uty Director, Assets Recovery Agency,
acting CEO Council of Legal Educa-
The AG decided to nominate Gitiri
who as a deputy director in a state
ATTORNEY than 23rd February, 2024.

tion, Corporate Secretary Assets Re- corporation has sufficient exposure GENERAL TO HON. JOSHUA LORIONG’ONG’AR RUTTO
covery Agency and Acting Secretary
Council of Legal Education.
to handle the situation then.
He emphasizes that Gitiri’s role

He said she also sits on the Board was only to provide support. INFORMATION
10 THE-STAR.CO.KE Friday, February 9, 2024

Agriculture ute 150,000 bags of fertiliser and we
Cabinet intend to clear distribution within
Secretary the next one-and-half months of 2.5
Mithika Linturi million bags across the country,” the
flags off PS said.
subsidised This week, county commissioners,
fertiliser in senior officials from the government
Nakuru on and CEOs of Ministry of Agriculture
January 31 agencies have been launching fer-
/HANDOUT tiliser distribution across the country.
“This week we will distribute fer-
tiliser in Makueni and Kirinyaga
counties and next week in the Cen-
tral parts of the country,” Ronoh said.
In terms of farmer engagement,
the PS said farmer registration is
still ongoing and so far 6.4 million
farmers have been listed.
He said there have been challeng-
es in farmer registration including
wrong data and information that
some farmers gave during the pro-
“Farmers had the misinformation
that they were registering for the
purposes of taxation and so they did
not give the right information. Farm-
ers whom we have engaged and had
challenges in accessing the subsidy
fertiliser we realised that they gave
SH2,500 EACH wrong information. Now, we have

Ministry to distribute 12.5m bags

a team that is trying to harmonise
so that the farmers would get the
right bags of fertiliser as per their
acreages,” the PS said.
New farmers can register by press-

of subsidised fertiliser, says PS

ing *616*3# to get into the system
and they will get an alert.
“Then the county government rep-
resentative on the ground will visit
the farmer to confirm their acreages,
existence and also to capture other
Says 7.5 million bags will be issued for the long rains and five million for the short rains information to do with their geo-
metrical location so that we can get
it right,” he added.
the International Smallholder Em- counties. The PS said from January to In October, we will target counties in The PS said the other challenge has
powerment and Agribusiness Pro- February, the government will dis- the semi-arid areas including Wajir, been long distances farmers cover to
AGATHA NGOTHO motion workshop in Nairobi. tribute the subsidised fertiliser sold Garissa, Mandera, Marsabit and ar- access the fertliser. He said last time
@AgathaNgotho The SHEP seeks to change farmers’ for Sh2,500 per 50kg bag in Narok, eas of Turkana,” he said. the distribution was being done at
mindset from grow and sell to grow Bomet, Nyamira and Kisii counties. Ronoh said the government is dis- the National Cereals and Produce
The government will distribute 12.5 to sell, and increase the incomes of From March to May, the pro- tributing close to 2.2 million bags Board depots across the country
million bags of fertiliser for the long small-scale farmers and boost value gramme will target North Rift coun- of fertiliser to counties that are cur- but the distance was a challenge
and short rain seasons. addition. ties including Nandi, Uasin Gishu, rently planting their long rains crop. for many farmers.
Agriculture Principal Secretary The five-year project (December Elgeyo Marakwet and Nakuru. “Currently, we have about 1,000 “We are now distributing it closer
Kipronoh Ronoh said 7.5 million 2020-December 2025) is being im- “From May to June, we have sched- lorries on the roads ferrying fer- to the farmers and moving to the
bags will be issued for the long rains plemented by the national and coun- uled to distribute fertiliser to the tiliser to be distributed to farmers wards. We are covering the 1, 450
and five million for the short rains. ty governments in partnership with Central region counties of Nyeri, Ki- across the country. For the last two wards across the country. We also
He spoke during the opening of JICA and targets 6,000 farmers in 20 rinyaga, Murang’a, Meru and the rest. weeks, we have managed to distrib- have other selling stores,” Rono said.


There’s chance of rain this weekend,

but El Nino is waning – weatherman
JOHN MUCHANGI/ Most parts of the also have showers in the afternoon are favourable for the development
country are expected to be sunny and night. of aflatoxin, which causes kidney
and dry heading to next week, as The light rains and cloudy con- problems.
the El Nino weather pattern contin- ditions are a result of the El Nino Last week, the Kenyan government
ues to decay. conditions. launched two industrial mycotoxin
The Meteorological department However, weather experts around decontamination plants that will
said only a few areas are likely to the world have said the current El help reduce aflatoxin contamina-
receive some little rain. Most parts of Nino is already decaying and may tion in grains like maize and pulses.
the country, except, northern Kenya, transition to a weak La Nina in the Agriculture PS Paul Rono said the
will remain dry. second half of 2024. mycotoxin decontamination solu-
Dr David Gikungu, in a five While El Niño is characterised by tion is an ozone-based post-harvest
day-forecast that ends on Monday, above-average rains in Kenya, La industrial plant, that will eliminate A flooded road in downtown Nairobi on September 5, 2020 /VICTOR IMBOTO
said there is a chance of light show- Niña is a climate pattern that tends to at least 95 per cent of aflatoxin con-
ers in Ukambani, Nairobi and Cen- occur soon after El Niño and brings tamination in grains.
tral Kenya on Friday and Saturday. on opposite dry effects. “This industrial plant solution will substances found in maize, ground- nated by Trademark Africa cooper-
“A few areas in South Rift Valley, The US Climate Prediction Center eliminate 95 per cent of aflatoxin nuts and other crops. ation through Global Affairs Canada
Lake Victoria Basin, Highlands East said although El Nino, which influ- contamination in grains, pulses, In April 2004, one of the largest funding.
and West of Rift Valley, South-east- ences weather around the world, is nuts and other food commodities,” aflatoxicosis outbreaks occurred in The Trademark Africa Coopera-
ern lowlands, Coast and Northeast- losing its strength, it will continue he said. rural Kenya, resulting in 317 cases tion donated them to the Ministry
ern Kenya are likely to receive light to have an impact on the weather in “It will highly boost food security and 125 deaths. of Agriculture as an aid for trade
to moderate rainfall,” he said. the coming months. programme in the country.” Afla- The two industrial mycotoxin intervention through technical as-
Areas around Lake Victoria could The current weather conditions toxins are naturally occurring toxic decontamination plants were do- sistance.
Friday, February 9, 2024 THE-STAR.CO.KE 11


Over 6,000 delegates to

meet in Nairobi as threats
facing planet escalate
Fifth assembly took place in Kenya from February 28 in 2022
Tuya said the country is acceler- tional and Welcoming Statement on
ating the transformation of Kenya’s February 29.
GILBERT KOECH linear waste management system This will be during the high-lev-
@TheStarKenya into a circular economy. el segment that will be attended by
“As a result, Kenya will hold a side several other visiting heads of state, A researcher stores vials of the R21 malaria vaccine /OXFORD
More than 6,000 delegates are ex- event on circular economy during government, and dignitaries. It is

Experts: Adopt new

pected to converge in Nairobi to- UNEA-6 to appreciate the strides the not clear how many heads of state
wards the end of the month to dis- country has made in implementing will attend.
cuss challenges facing the planet and waste policies to address pollution “During the entire duration of
offer solutions. control, best practices in circular UNEA-6, from February 26th to
The delegates from the 193 UN
member states, including heads of
state and government, ministers of
economy, and extended producer
responsibilities,” she said.
Tuya said the current administra-
March 1st, there will be a showcase
of Kenya’s rich cultural heritage, cli-
mate action potential, and touristic
malaria vaccine, it’s
environment and other high-rank-
ing dignitaries and UN officials, will
put their heads together for the sixth
tion is clear on the need for solutions
to environmental challenges.
“Kenya’s National Landscapes and
offerings to visiting delegates at the
venue. We thank Unep for allowing
us to set up Kenya House at the ven-
more effective, cheaper
session of the United Nations Envi- Ecosystem Restoration Strategy, the ue,” Tuya said.
ronment Assembly (UNEA-6 ). anchor blueprint for the flagship 15 Andersen said they are expecting JOHN MUCHANGI/ Researchers have children. It is delivered through
The Assembly takes place from billion national tree programme that more than 70 ministers. advised Kenya to adopt the new ma- routine immunisation programmes
February 26 to March 1, at Unep gave our country the first national Issues around mining, water, use laria vaccine whose positive results alongside other childhood vaccines
headquarters in Gigiri under the tree growing day (green holiday) on of fertilisers, reforms of the financial were released last week. in public and private health facilities
presidency of the Kingdom of Moroc- November 13 last year, is one such sector to align them with sustain- The vaccine was partly tested in in 25 subcounties in Western.
co. Its theme is “Effective, inclusive, ambitious initiative that we are fully ability, solar radiation modification, Kenya and the results published last Initially, the vaccine schedule ad-
and sustainable multilateral actions committed to as a ministry and as a and the global biodiversity frame- week showed it has an average of 78 opted in Kenya was three primary
to tackle climate change, biodiversity government,” she said. work will be discussed during the per cent efficacy over 12 months. doses given to children at six, seven
loss, and pollution”. Tuya said the country is commit- assembly. Dr Damaris Matoke, the deputy and nine months and a fourth dose
Environment CS Soipan Tuya said ted to achieving 30 per cent tree cov- “We currently have 20 draft res- director of Biotech Programme at at 24 months.
on Thursday that Kenya is privileged er by 2032 through the growing of olutions and two draft decisions the Kenya Medical Research Insitute, However, the Ministry of Health
to host UNEA every two years in Nai- 15 billion trees. submitted for countries to discuss,” said R21 will complement the exist- broadened the eligibility for the first
robi by virtue of the country being She said 30 per cent of that will he said. ing vaccine, which is already being dose to between six and less than 12
the global headquarters of Unep, be fruit and fodder species to con- Andersen said as preparations get used in Western Kenya. months of age, with the second and
which is one of the two UN agencies tribute to the country’s food and underway, it is clear that the world “As researchers, we strongly rec- third doses at least one month apart.
headquartered in the Global South. nutritional security and household has an environmental must-do list. ommend the country to adopt it. It is The fourth dose is administered from
The other is UN Habitat, which is incomes. “This is a must-do list for tack- definitely cheaper and will be a good when a child is 24 months, with an
also headquartered in Nairobi. Tuya said delegates will all be re- ling what we at Unep call the triple addition to the existing vaccine.” upper age limit of three years.
Tuya held a press conference at the quested to take time off and grow planetary crisis: the crisis of climate Dr Matoke said the two vaccines Kenya has yet to adopt the R21
Serena Hotel on preparations being trees at sites to be communicated. change, nature and biodiversity loss, have to be used alongside other pre- vaccine, although it is partly being
put in place for the Assembly. President William Ruto, who is and pollution and waste. This crisis vention methods such as bed nets tested in Kilifi.
Unep executive director Inger also the Chairperson of the Com- disproportionately impacts the Af- and vector control methods. Trial investigators last week re-
Andersen and Unep’s director for mittee of the African Union heads rican continent, including Kenya.” She spoke in Nairobi during ported on average 78 per cent vac-
Governance Affairs Radhika Ochalik of state and government on climate Andersen said the impacts are a workshop by the Zero Malaria cine efficacy over the first year of fol-
were present. change, will deliver the UNEA-6 Na- here and growing. Campaign Coalition (ZMCC), which low-up in Kilifi and four other sites
brings together the Ministry of in Burkina Faso, Mali and Tanzania,
Health and other key partners. where tests are ongoing.
The coalition is planning a malar- The results relate to children aged
ia campaign supported by Malaria five to 17 months, the age range,
No More UK (MNMUK), a team of which is studied for most malaria
experts in communications and ad- vaccines.
vocacy based in London and Nairobi. The full results of the phase III trial
“Kenya has made great strides in have been published in the Lancet
fighting malaria and has a vision to journal.
be malaria-free by 2030. However, “No other vaccine has reported over
malaria still has a significant impact 55 per cent efficacy in the same age
on its citizens,” Dr Matoke said. group,” said a statement from the
“We are at a critical moment in the researchers, who include Dr Mainga
malaria fight with progress threat- Hamaluba, the principal investigator
ened by challenges in funding gaps, in Kilifi.
drug and insecticide resistance and Its 78 per cent efficacy means that
climate change, among others.” if 100 children were vaccinated and
She said the greatest burden from exposed to the malaria parasite, ap-
malaria in Kenya is felt by children proximately 78 of them would be
under five years and pregnant wom- protected from getting sick, while 22
en. might still contract malaria, despite
Kenya has made strides in regain- being vaccinated.
ing progress following Covid-19 dis- The researchers also reported no
ruptions. Although not yet returned serious adverse events linked to im-
to pre-pandemic levels, malaria munisation.
incidence and mortality decreased “R21/Matrix-M vaccine was well
between 2021 and 2022 (WMR 2023 ). tolerated, with injection site pain
Unep’s Governance Affairs director Radhika Ochalik, Environment CS Soipan Tuya and Unep executive director Inger The RTSS is the first vaccine rec- and fever as the most frequent ad-
Andersen at Serena on Thursday /GILBERT KOECH ommended to prevent malaria in verse events,” they said.
12 THE-STAR.CO.KE Friday, February 9, 2024


Kenya hit by 1.2bn cyber threats 160.18

in three months, says report
The indicative value of
the shilling to the dollar
Kenya’s shilling remained weak against
the US dollar on Thursday amid high

Communications Authority data shows actual attacks were 860 million in 2023 demand for the
dollar by importers

financial market
cross-border cyber threats within the
global realities we all experience,” said
the PS.He spoke in Nairobi during the
opening ceremony of the first African
preparatory meeting for the upcom- Currency Mean
ing 2025 World Telecommunications US DOLLAR 160.1877
Development Conference. EURO 172.7704
Organised by the International Tele- STG POUND 202.3411
communications Union (ITU), the fo- SA RAND 8.4799
rum seeks to champion various policy KES / USHS 23.8720
and infrastructural reforms aimed at
KES / TSHS 15.8876
accelerating the bridging of digital
AE DIRHAM 43.6122
innovation divide.
This is mainly to ensure equitable JPY (100) 107.7943

digital future for all. Pushing the IND RUPEE 1.9302

African agenda through the African CHINESE YUAN 22.2627
Telecommunications Union (ATU), Af-
rican countries representatives during
Price Change (%)
the meeting committed to head to the
conference with common positions CENTUM 8.76 9.23

that will safeguard the interests of the DIAMOND TRUST 48.80 6.09
continent. ATU secretary general John KAKUZI 385.00 5.77
Omo said the Union would advocate JUBILEE 189.75 5.27
Broadcast and Telecommunications PS Edward Kisiang’ani speaks during the first African preparatory meeting for the for favourable policies and regulations, NBV 2.40 4.35
World Telecommunications and Development Conference, in Nairobi, on February 8 /WILLISH ADUR as well as for improved investment in
the development of telecommunica- N S E B I G G E ST LOS E R S
8.06 million advisories in the period tacks on the aforementioned sectors. tions in the continent. Price Change (%)
under review,” the report reads. Yearly data by CA for the year “We will also seek to presents Af- CROWN PAINT 36.05 9.87
ALFRED ONYANGO It represented a 44.4 per cent in- 2022/23 shows Kenya recorded 860 rica’s interests to ensure the African TOTAL 17.05 9.55
@its_alfred_ crease compared to the 5.6 million that million cyber-attacks in 2023, the voice shapes the global telecommuni-
EXPRESS 3.24 8.47
were issued in the previous quarter. highest yet, witnessing an upsurge cation/ICT agenda,” Omo said.
SANLAM 6.06 8.18
Kenya witnessed increased cyber “During the period, system mis- in the frequency, sophistication and
threats in the three months period to configuration attacks were the most scale of cyber-threats targeted at the FAHARI I-REIT 6.02 5.05

December with more than 1.2 billion prevalent, which aligns with the with country’s critical information infra-
cases recorded. global trends in cyber threat activity structure (CIIs).Of the attacks, 79 per
This is from 123 million threats de- where malware attacks, and more cent were a result of cyber criminals
tected in the previous quarter, repre- specifically ransomware, were most exploiting flaws and vulnerabilities
senting a 943 per cent jump. rampant,” states CA in organisations’ internal controls, COMMUNICATIONS AUTHORITY
Latest Communications Authority Commenting on the figures broad- system procedures and information
of Kenya report attributes the increase casting and telecommunications PS systems, which they used to gain During the
to the enhancement of the country’s Edward Kisiang’ani said the advisories unauthorised access to the computer
cyber threat monitoring capabili- were directed to various actors within systems. period, system USE CURIOSITY TO KEEP
ties, and the increased exploitation the critical infrastructure ecosystem, To address increased cyber security
of ‘system vulnerabilities’ fuelled by
increased deployment and use of In-
warning them of the impending at-
tacks and guiding them on what rem-
threats in the country, Kisiang’ani said
the government is upgrading threat attacks were the
ternet devices. edies they should institute. detection systems as well as train- Are your meetings chronically
Malware, brute force, web applica- Key targets include Internet Service ing key personnel to deal with such most prevalent, disengaging—or worse, easily
tion and mobile application attacks Providers (ISPs), cloud service provid- threats. derailed? It may be time to
stood at 13.2, 9.7, 0.07 and 0.05 million ers, government and the education “In light of the increased complexity which aligns with introduce curiosity into the agenda
cases, respectively.
“In response to the threats, the Na-
sector. He said the probable impact on
the economy would be enormous in
and sophistication of cyber threats, we
also remain at hand to collaborate with
the with global to keep people focused and
things on track. First, direct the
tional Cyber Security Centre issued the event of any successful cyber-at- countries in the region in mitigating trends team’s attention to identifying
the problem you’re there to solve.
Rather than doing this for them,
REDEMPTION ask everyone in the room to define

Kenya to get Sh240.7bn from World Bank by April the goal of the meeting in one
sentence. Clarifying a collective
mission at the outset will help
VICTOR AMADALA/Kenya is ex- ability to repay the loan that has in velopment (IBRD) would provide $3 try has received in past months. align team members and reduce
pected to receive a number of credit the past made investors coy. billion and $1.5 billion respectively. Kenya has received disbursements confusion or irrelevant sidebars.
facilities that will see the country Beneath Kenya’s confidence is a The International Finance Corpo- totalling just over $1 billion Sh160 (bil- Then let your employees do
comfortably settle the inaugural series of multilateral loans expected ration (IFC) will provide roughly $1 lion) in the last two months from IMF the talking. Just because you’re
Eurobond debt due on June 24. to pour into the exchequers accounts (Sh160.5 billion) in investments and and Trade Development Bank (TDB). leading the meeting doesn’t
On Wednesday, the exchequer by April. MIGA guarantees can amount to “We are very confident about mean you have to dominate it.
gave holders of the $2 billion bond Top of all is the $1.5 billion (Sh240.7 around $500 million (Sh80 billion). handling the Eurobond debt that has Show curiosity, ask others for
taken in 2014 seven days to February billion) to be disbursed by the World “Subject to the World Bank Ex- posed financial risks to the country. their opinions before sharing
14 to submit claims, a bold move that Bank between March and April. ecutive Directors approval of new Kenya has earned its rightful space in your own, and actively listen.
has tickled investors. The amount is part of $4.5 billion operations, and to factors which may the international debt market,’’ Na- This is a powerful way to engage
The maximum amount that the (Sh722.3 billion) commitment made affect the Bank’s lending capacity, tional Treasury PS Chris Kiptoo said. and empower people. Finally,
government will repurchase will be by the global lender in November last this implies a total financial package He added that government man- offer feedback—but avoid
determined by how much it raises in year. of $12 billion (Sh1.93 trillion) over the dated Citigroup Global Markets and judgmental language. Judgment
an offering of new securities that will The lender announced that, over next three years,’’ World Bank said. Standard Bank of South Africa as joint is the opposite of curiosity and
be priced on February 12. the next three fiscal years (FY24- Yesterday, top exchequer bosses book runners to arrange a series of can discourage and demotivate
Yields on the bond dropped to 10.6 FY26), the International Development told the Star that the World Bank investor calls, following which a sev- your team, leading to stilted,
per cent from 16 per cent, a mark of Association (IDA) and International loan is just ‘an icing on the cake’ of a en-year dollar-bond will be issued unproductive meetings.
renewed confidence in the country’s Bank for Reconstruction and De- number of financial relives the coun- subject to market conditions.
Friday, February 9, 2024 THE-STAR.CO.KE 13

Living cost likely
Airtel axes withdrawal code when receiving money to rise on costly
VICTOR AMADALA/Airtel Money This applies to amounts as low as imports –CBK
customers can now receive money Sh1 and as high as Sh250,000 per
directly from any network without transaction daily. MARTIN MWITA/ The cost of living
the withdrawal code that carried a A customer sending money will Airtel Kenya could further rise in the next three
seven-day validity. now simply select ‘send money” managing months, the Central Bank of Kenya
The move effective February 6, to any network, enter the number director Ashish has indicated, piling more pressure on
follows the Central Bank of Kenya’s of the recipient to complete the Malhotra during already struggling households.
(CBK) and industry players collab- transaction which will immediately the launch of 5G To stem this the apex bank has
orative efforts towards seamless reflect in the wallet of the recipient network in the moved to institute monetary policies
mobile money cross operations as - without a withdrawal code. country aimed at lowering inflation, among
outlined in the CBK National Pay- Airtel Money managing director, /FILE them being raising interest rates
ments Strategy 2022-2025. Anne Kinuthia-Otieno welcomed where the Central Bank Rate (CBR)
The National Payments Strategy the new process describing it as has been increased from 12.50 per
requires all mobile money provid- a big benefit to Kenyans as cus- cent to 13 per cent.
ers to ensure a seamless customer tomers will now enjoy seamless The projected possible rise in
services across networks to allow experience at affordable costs. said the initiative is a major benefit easy movement of money and the inflation, the measure of the
on-network and off-network “Sending money is the biggest for Kenyans as they can now enjoy enhancing financial inclusion for all. cost of living, is pegged mainly
direct transactions. use case in Kenya and having a the convenience of real-time “I would also like to thank the on costly imports occasioned by
The changes allow a customer seamless, direct wallet to wallet transactions which has cut out Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) the weak shilling, which has seen
registered on any mobile money transfer of money across networks limiting user intermediary steps. on the steps taken to ensure a manufacturers and importers of
platform to send money directly to is a big benefit to Kenyans.’’ In addition, the mobile money smooth transition on the new finished products continue to spend
someone on another network Airtel Kenya MD Ashish Malhotra market will expand by allowing guidelines,”he said. more to ship in cargoes.
The shilling, which crossed the
Sh160 mark to the US dollar in mid-
STANDOFF January, remains volatile, amid a high

Kifwa warns of strike over KPA’s

While CBK quoted the shilling at an
average 160.32 on Tuesday, banks
continue to sell a dollar at above

end-to-end logistics service plan

“The survey of the agriculture
sector conducted ahead of the
MPC (Monetary Policy Committee)
meeting revealed that respondents
expected inflation to increase in the
next three months, on account of
The authority plans to partner with shipping lines and private companies to deliver cargo high import costs, partly due to the
depreciation of the exchange rate,”
porters Association (KTA) whose CBK governor Kamau Thugge said.
members are huge cargo movers The Monetary Policy Committee
in the country and the East African met on Tuesday, which culminated
Community is also concerned over in the increase in CBK’s base lending
the move, but yet to make a con- rate. Kenya’s overall inflation increased
clusive decision as it awaits next to 6.9 percent in January 2024 from
week’s meeting. 6.6 percent in December 2023, and
“There is a planned meeting with remained sticky in the upper bound of
A past strike by KPA next week to discuss the same. the government’s target range of five
clearing agents Nothing has been arrived at yet,” per cent, with a flexible margin of 2.5
and truck drivers KTA chief executive Mercy Ireri told percent on either side in the event of
that paralysed the Star yesterday. adverse shocks.
operations at the A move to venture into the lo- Food inflation increased to 7.9 per
Malaba border gistics business, Kifwa says, would cent in January 2024 from 7.7 per cent
/FILE “kill” small businesses in the coun- in December 2023, largely reflecting
try. In a letter to the KPA chairman higher prices of a few non-vegetable
Benjamin Tayari, received on Jan- items, following reduced supply partly
uary 15, Kifwa has called on the attributed to seasonal factors.
authority to instead work with Fuel inflation rose to 14.3 per cent
shipping lines, customs agents, in January 2024 from 13.7 per cent in
freight forwarders, transporters December 2023, largely due to higher
and regional transporters; a move Railway freight services. and private cargo handling facility, electricity tariffs.
that industry players say will push It is likely to affect over 100 con- with each port stakeholder playing Non-food non-fuel (NFNF) inflation
MARTIN MWITA out homegrown businesses out of tracts that are in place for last-mile their role. increased to 3.6 per cent from 3.4 per
@MwitaMartin the trade. KPA is keen to see goods cargo delivery with major trans- “We expect KPA to support and cent in December 2023, reflecting
delivered to the doorstep of a client porters in the country, from Inland align with the government’s Bot- seasonal increases in education
Clearing and forwarding agents straight from the Port of Mombasa Container Depots of Nairobi and tom-Up Economic Transformation sector-related costs.
are threatening to paralyse ports either through a bill of lading or Naivasha. According to the Kenya Agenda that is focused on support- “The risks to inflation remain
and border operations unless the merchant haulage, at an extra fee, International Freight and Ware- ing local MSMEs and indigenous elevated in the near term, reflecting
Kenya Ports Authority stops it plans giving shipping lines an upper hand housing Association (Kifwa), the businesses to thrive so as to cre- the impact of second-round effects
to venture into transport logistics. over local firms. move is a threat to local firms as ate jobs for the youths and build of the rise in fuel inflation, and pass-
This comes ahead of a port Already, it has engaged Chinese it will favour multinationals with household incomes,” the letter cop- through effects of exchange rate
stakeholders meeting next Tues- international container transporta- financial muscles, with shipping ied to the Competition Authority depreciation,” Thugge said.
day, where KPA is set to meet the tion and shipping company –COS- lines expected to seal off the busi- of Kenya, Transport CS, his trade According to the Kenya National
clearing agents, transporters, cus- CO shipping lines, a subsidiary of ness from the point of loading at counterpart, and the Chief of Staff, Bureau of Statistics (KNBS), the
toms officials, shipping lines among COSCO Shipping Holdings. international ports to the last mile. reads in part. general price level was 6.9 per cent
other port stakeholders, to deliber- “We want to give them an option The association wants freight higher than that of January 2023,
ate on a way forward. where importers can bypass bro- services beyond port facilities be
DATA despite last year’s January inflation

Clearing agents and transport- kers and ensure timely delivery and left to Kenya Railways (SGR) and being at nine per cent.
ers are opposed to plans by KPA to returns which means lower freight private sector players, insisting KPA “This was mainly driven by
offer end-to-end logistics services, costs and avoiding demurrage costs. should stick to its mandate of port increases in prices of commodities
which will see foreign companies We are just facilitating,” KPA man- operations. under transport (10.6%), housing,
including global shipping lines, tap aging director Willliam Ruto told “We are going to stage a major The least number of water, electricity, gas and other fuels
into the last mile logistics business. the Star. However, port stakehold- strike and paralyse all cargo han- last- mile cargo (9.7%); and food and non-alcoholic
According to KPA, it is target- ers have opposed the move, which dling activities if KPA moves out of beverages (7.9%) between January
ing cargoes meant for the transit is also seen to have a potential neg- its mandate,” national chairman delivery contracts to be 2023 and January 2024,” KNBS DG
markets, hugely served by local ative impact on the Standard Gauge Roy Mwanthi said.The Kenya Trans- affected Macdonald Obudho said.
14 THE-STAR.CO.KE Friday, February 9, 2024


The Social Health Insurance Act No. 16 of 2023 was enacted on the 19th October, 2023. The Act confers upon the Cabinet Secretary for Health, in consultation with the Board of the Social Health Authority to
make Regulations under sections 24, 30, 44(6), 46(2), 47 (5) and 50 (1) relating to various matters required to be prescribed under the Act, in particular, Implementation of the Primary Healthcare Fund, Imple-
mentation of the Emergency, Chronic and Critical Illness Fund, procedures for Operationalization of the Dispute Resolution Tribunal, Registration of Members to the Social Health Insurance Fund, Identification
of Beneficiaries, Claims and Benefits, Contributions and Empanelment and Contracting. To this end and pursuant to sections 24, 30, 44(6), 46(2), 47 (5) and 50 (1) of the Social Health Insurance Act;

IT IS NOTIFIED for information of the general public that the Cabinet Secretary for Health, in consultation with the Board of the Social Health Authority, has developed the following two (2) sets of draft regula-
tions to the Social Health Insurance Act:
1. The Social Health Insurance (General) Regulations, 2024
2. The Social Health Insurance (Dispute Resolution Tribunal) Regulations, 2024

FURTHER in compliance with Section 6 of the Statutory Instruments Act No. 23 of 2013 which require the regulation making authority to, prepare a regulatory impact statement about the proposed Regu-
lations, the Cabinet Secretary for Health has, through a Technical Working Group comprised of officers from the Ministry of Health, the Council of Governors, the Kenya Law Reform Commission, the National
Assembly and NHIF, prepared a Regulatory Impact Statement for the proposed Regulations.
FURTHER AWARE THAT Article 10 of the Constitution as read with section 5 of the Statutory Instruments Act No. 23 of 2013 require a regulation-making authority to undertake public participation and make
appropriate consultations with persons who are likely to be affected by proposed regulations. The provisions of section 5 further provide that the consultations envisaged under the Statutory Instruments Act
No. 23 of 2013 shall involve notification, by advertisement, of bodies that, or of organizations representative of persons who, are likely to be affected by the proposed instrument or invite submissions or partici-
pation in public hearings to be held concerning the proposed instruments.

NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to Article 10 of the Constitution and section 5 and 6 of the Statutory Instruments Act No. 23 of 2013, the Cabinet Secretary, in consultation with the Board of the Social Health
Authority, invites interested members of the public, stakeholders and organizations to submit any comments, views or make representations regarding the two (2) draft regulations and the draft Regulatory
Impact Statement.
The comments, views, representation and any written memoranda may be forwarded to the Office of the Cabinet Secretary, Nairobi; hand-delivered to the Office of the Cabinet Secretary on Afya House 7th
Floor, Nairobi; or emailed to [email protected] ; to be received on or before, 9th February, 2024, at 5:00 pm. The two (2) sets of draft regulations and the draft Regulatory Impact Statement are available
at the following links: - https://www.health.go.ke
Additionally, and pursuant to the Statutory Instruments Act,2013, the Cabinet Secretary and the Social Health Authority plans to engage members of the public and stakeholders on the same through public
hearings. The purpose of the hearings shall be to get oral submissions on the draft Regulations and the Regulatory impact Statement to ensure that persons likely to be affected by the Statutory Instru-
ments have adequate opportunity to give their views on the Instruments. The Draft Regulations and Regulatory Impact Statement can be obtained from the Ministry’s website (https://www.health.go.ke/
social-health-regulations ) We therefore invite all stakeholders and members of the public for stakeholders’ engagement meetings which shall be held as follows:-

Region Morning (9:00am - 12:00pm) A fternoon (2:00am - 5:00pm)

Constituency Venue/Hall Constituency Venue/Hall Dates (February 2024)

11Coast Changamwe Changamwe Social Hall Jomvu Mikindani Social Hall 12th
Kisauni Kisauni Social Hall Likoni Likoni Social Hall 13th
Mvita Tononoka Social Hall Nyali Kongowea Social Hall (1) 14th
Lamu West Mwanaarafa Hall Lamu East Faza Social Hall 16th
Mwatate CDF Hall Mwatate Wundanyi CC County Hall 12th
Taveta Sub County ADM Hall Voi Voi CDF ( Dan Mwanzo Hall 13th
Matuga Kenya school of government Kinango Kenya school of government 15th
Lunga Lunga Rockstars village Msambweni Rockstars village 16th
Kilifi North Titanic Hotel Kilifi South CDF HALL 12th
Kaloleni Mariakani Social Hal Malindi Cleopatra Cinema Hall 13th
Ganze DCC’s Office Magarini MARAFA SOCIAL HAL 14th
Rabai Rabai Social Hall 15th
Garsen Marjan resort ltd Galole Milele Guest House 15th
Bura BCC Hall Bura 16th
Kaiti Kilungu - AIC Nunguni Kilome Kilome - Tangu Catholic Church - Salama 12th
Kibwezi West Kibwezi - Makindu County Hall Kibwezi East Makindu - Kambu Deliverance Church 13th
2 North Eastern Garissa Township Governmrnt Guest House 12th
Dadaab Dadaab Primary School 13th
Balambala Balambala Library Hall 14th
Lagdera Modagashe High School 15th
Fafi State Lodge 16th
Ijara Shones Secondary School 17th
Wajir East ICT Hall Wajir town 12th
Wajir South Habaswein National Library 13th
Tarbaj ICT Hall Tarbaj 14th
Wajir North ICT Hall bute 15th
Wajir West Wajir west CDF Hall 16th
Eldas Eldas Secondary School 17th
Mandera east Mandera Social service hall 12th
Mandera South Elwak social hall 13th
Lafey Lafey Primary sch hall 14th
Mandera North Racida Social Hall- Rhamu 15th
Mandera West Takaba CDF social Hall 16th
Banissa Midway Banisa social hall 17th
Moyale Holale Hotel And Resort 12th
North Horr North Hor Catholic Mission 13th
Saku Saku Catholic Hall 14th
Laisamis Laisamis Catholic Hall 15th
3 Eastern Isiolo Police Hall 12th
Garbatula Classic hotel 13th
Merti Mama Tore Hotel 14th
Buuri Muuna Hall North Imenti Meru Paramount Hotel 15th
Central Imenti Kamakia plaza South Imenti Roots Hotel 16th
Igembe North Victoria Hotel Igembe South Victoria Hotel 12th
Igembe Central Kangeta Multipurpose Hall Tigania west Kirindini Social Hall 13th
Tigania East DCC UURU HALL Tharaka Tharaka CDF Social Hall 14th
Chuka / Igambangombe Kathwana Social Hall Maara Maara CDF Social Hall 15th
Manyatta Talent Hall Runyenjes ACK KAGARI HALL 16th
Mbeere North Mbeere CDF HALL Mbeere South KIRITIRI CDF HALL 12th
Mwingi Central Mwingi Town - Mwingi Resource Centre Mwingi North KYUSO TOWN FULL GOSPEL CHURCH 13th
Mwingi West MIGWANI TOWN DELIVERANCE CHURCH Kitui East Zombe - AIC Church 14th
Kitui Central Kitui Town -Muilti Purpose Hall Kitui Rural Kwa Vonza - Constituency Hall 15th
Kitui South Mutomo -Chief’s Office Kitui West Kabati - Catholic Church 16th
Machakos Town Machakos Social Hall Mwala Kawaya Stadium - Masii 12th
Kangundo ABC Church Kalimani Matungulu ABC Church Matungulu 13th
Kathiani DC Kathiani Offices Hall Mavoko Mavoko Youth Centre 14th
Masinga CDF Grounds Masinga Yatta Kithendu Social Hall (Sofia) 15th
Mbooni Mbooni - Tawa Social Hall Makueni Wote Social Hall 16th
Friday, February 9, 2024 THE-STAR.CO.KE 15

Constituency Venue/Hall Constituency Venue/Hall Dates (February 2024)


Kwanza St.Andrews Kagwa Catholic Church Kiminini Kiminini Catholic Church Hall 12th
Sabot Kitale Museum Hall- Kitale town Entebess ACK Church Hall 13th
Cherengani Deliverance church- Kachibora Kapenguria COUNTY COMMISSIONER OFFICE GROUND 14th
Kacheliba ACC Ground Kacheliba Pokot South ACC Ground Chepareria 15th
Sigor ACC Ground Sigor 16th
Moiben Chepkanga Catholic Church
Chepkanga Shopping Centre Soy St. Ann & Joachim Ziwa Catholic Church FR. Ray Hall 12th
Anaibkoi Wanifer Hall - Eldoret Turbo Consittuency Hall Turbo 13th
Nandi Hills County Hall Chesumei COUNTY CDF OFFICE GROUNDS 16th
Kesses UG Social Hall Kapseret Kapsaret Sub County Office 12th
Marakwet East Chesoi CDF Hall Marakwet West Kapsowar Girls High School 13th
Keiyo North KMTC Iten Keiyo South Kamwosor Social Hall 14th
6 South Rift Baringo Central KSG Hall Baringo South Mlimani Resort 15th
Baringo North Youth Empowerment Centre Eldama Ravine Taidy’s Restaurant 16th
Tiaty AIC Chemolingot Church 17th
Naivasha St. Francis Xavier Catholic Hall Gilgil Anti-Stock Theft Unit (ASTU) Hall 12th
Nakuru Town East Regional Commissioner Plenary Hall Nakuru Town West Kapkures MCA Grounds 13th
Subukia Subukia NYS Hall Bahati Bahati NG-CDF Hall 14th
Molo Social Hall Njoro AIC Njoro Town 12th
Kuresoi South Keringet- Subcounty Social Hall Kuresoi North CDF Hall Sirikwa 13th
Rongai Rongai Social Hall 14th
Narok East Nairagie Enkare NG-CDF Hall Narok West Lemek NG-CDF Hall 15th
Narok North Narok North Youth Centre. Narok South Ololunga NG-CDF Hall 16th
Kajiado Central Maasai Technical Kajiado West Dc Hall Kisamis 12th
Kajiado North Dc Hall Ngong Kajiado East Mavoko Subcounty Youth Development 13th
Kajiado South Loitoktok Catholic 14th
Kipkelion East Londiani Town hall Ainamoi ACK Holy Trinity Hall 12th
Sigowet–Soin Chepkemel ACCS Office Kipkelion West Kipkelion ACCS Office 13th
Belgut Sosiot ACCS Office Bureti Bureti CDF Office 14th
Bomet East Longisa AGC Hall Sotik Catholic Diocese of Kericho, Sotik Pastoral Centre 15th
Konoin Catholic Diocese of Kericho, Liberty Hall 16th
Bomet Central Silibwet AGC Hall Chepalungu Siongiroi AGC Hall 16th
7 Western Emuhaya CDF Emuhaya Office Luanda Kim’s Mission Church of God 12th
Sabatia Serve International Church Hamisi Munzatsi Friends Church 13th
Vihiga Vihiga Friends Resource Centre Ikolomani Musingu Friends Church 14th
Lurambi Lurambi Magharibi Hall Shinyalu Shinyalu DCC Hall 15th
Navakholo Navakholo Social Hall Malava Malava CDF Hall 16th
Lugari Lugari CDF Hall Likuyani Kongoni Catholic church 12th
Webuye East Sinoko Vocational Training Centre Webuye West Glamour Hotel 13th
Mt. Elgon Pema Church Kimilili St. Luke Kimilili Boys 14th
Tongaren Salvation Army Naitiri 15th
Khwisero Khwisero Polytechnic Butere Butere CDF Office 12th
Mumias West Mumias Cultural Centre Mumias East CDF Offices 13th
Matungu CDF Office Butula Sub.county Commissioner’s Hall 14th
Nambale Polytechnic Social Hall Matayos Busia Town Social Hall 15th
Funyula Youth Social Hall Budalangi Youth Social Hall 16th
Teso North Sub.county Commissioner’s Hall Teso South Sub.county Commissioner’s Hall 12th
Bumula Bumula Girls Kanduyi Milimani Hotel 13th
Sirisia St. Antonys High School Kabuchai Busagala Secondary
8 Nyanza Alego Usonga Siaya Institute Hall Bondo JOOUST Hall 12th
Gem Wagai Resource Centre Rarieda Ruma Multipurpose Hall 13th
Ugenya Sega Polytechnic Ugunja Municipal Hall 14th
Kisumu Central CDF hall Kisumu East CDF hall 15th
Kisumu West CDF hall Muhoroni CDF hall 16th
Nyakach CDF hall Nyando CDF hall 12th
Seme CDF hall 13th
Homa Bay Town Kabunde CDF Hall Kabondo Kasipul Kasipul CDF Hall 14th
Karachuonyo Kamodi Social Hall Kendu Bay Kasipul Rawinji Resource Centre 15th
Suba North Mbita CDF Hall Ndhiwa Ndhiwa CDF Hall 16th
Rangwe Rangwe Social Hall Suba South PAG church 12th
Awendo Awendo Social Hall Kuria East Kegonga Social Hall 13th
Kuria west Kuria West - Kehancha Nyatike Macalder Social Hall 14th
Rongo Awendo Social Hall Suna East IFAD Hall Migori Hq 15th
Suna West IFAD Hall Migori Hq Uriri Uriri Social Hall 16th
Bobasi Maya Hotel Bonchari CDF Hall 12th
Bomachoge Borabu CDF Hall Bomachoge Chache CDF Hall 13th
Kitutu Chache North CDF Hall Kitutu Chache South Nyakoe Hotel 14th
Kilgoris Kilgoris NG-CDF Hall Emurua Dikirr Emurua Dikir NG-CDF 15th
Nyaribari Chache Dalla Hotel Nyaribari Masaba CDF Hall 12th
South Mugirango Jokeira Hotel 13th
West Mugirango CDF hall Kitutu Masaba CDF hall 14th
North Mugirango CDF Hall Borabu CDF Hall 15th
9 Nairobi Dagoreti North Dagoreti Empowerment Center Dagoreti South Dagoreti Empowerment Center 12th
Embakasi South Embakasi Village Embakasi East Embakasi Village 13th
Embakasi North Embakasi Social Hall Embakasi West Embakasi DCC Hall 14th
Kamukunji Pumwani Social Hall Kasarani Kasarani Stadium Ball Room 12th
Kibra Kibra Social Hall Langata Uhuru Gardens Primary Cdf Hall 13th
Makadara Mbotela Social Hall Mathare Mathare North Social Hall 14th
Roysambu Kasarani Stadium Ball Room Ruaraka Mathare North Social Hall 12th
Starehe Kariokor Social Hall Westlands Blessings College Behind Kangemi Chiefs Office 13th
Embakasi Central Kayole Social Hall 14th

Taita Taveta County 29th January, 2024

Makueni County 5th February, 2024
Nakuru County 7th February, 2024
Kirinyaga County 3rd February, 2024
Nyeri County 8th February, 2024

All interested persons should submit written comments on the draft Regulations and draft Regulatory Impact Statement in the prescribed format as follows;


S/No. Regulation/Clause Issue of Concern Justification Recommendations


16 THE-STAR.CO.KE Friday-Sunday, February 9-11, 2024


Kitui Governor
Julius Malombe,
(second L) at
the Kitui Show
and Trade Fair in
Ithookwe, Kitui
county /FILE


Firms in bid to boost millet crop

production with Sh2bn contest
The competition also seeks to encourage students to become millet ambassadors
millet in shaping the future of agri- She said the current demand for children, millet also becomes one of
culture,” Ochieng said. finger millet in the country is about the weaning foods,” she said.
He said the competition specif- five million tonnes per year while “When it comes to the senior gen-
AGATHA NGOTHO ically targets students from UoN – production is slightly under one eration, finger millet is a one whole
@AgathaNgotho College of Agriculture and Veterinary million tonnes. food because it gives you fibre, car-
Services. Wasilwa said the initiative is timely bohydrates, vitamin C and iron.
University students have been en- Ochieng said the Millet Quest is and will promote diversification and Finger millet has gone from what
couraged to create innovations on not just a competition but a call to make millet a suitable alternative ce- we call an orphan crop to a crop of
millet value addition to drive global action for students to become am- real for food security. choice.”
awareness on the significance of the bassadors for a sustainable and nu- She said there has been an uptake She said access to certified seed is
crop. tritious future. of some of the millet varieties re- a challenge that has limited produc-
To actualise this, Unilever, in He said the crop has the potential leased by Kalro, especially in Kericho, tion. KALRO has so far released eight
partnership with Farm To Market to reshape the agricultural future. Bomet and Nakuru counties. varieties, which are being multiplied
Alliance and the University of Nai- “The initiative’s objective is to es- “We have farmers in Nakuru grow- by farmers.
robi, has announced the Great Millet tablish millet ambassadors who will ing more than 100 acres of finger The entire project which will also
Quest. advocate for sustainable agriculture millet and this is a first because in conduct capacity building to farmers
Unilever CEO Luck Ochieng’ said and promote innovative concepts the past, just a few farmers planted will cost Sh2 billion.
the competition seeks to inspire uni- fostering a sustainable demand for the crop in not more than an eighth The competition will from January
versity students to develop sustain- millet, thus contributing to diversi- of an acre,” Wasilwa said. to March 2024.
able and innovative millet products. fying food sources,” Ochieng’ said. The crop systems expert said there The competition will from January
He said the products will contrib- Kenya Agricultural and Livestock is a high demand for millet especially to March 2024.
ute to a robust and nourishing future. Research Organisation director Dr in hospitals, as it is a preferred meal Winner will receive a cash prize
“The Great Millet Quest initiative is Lusike Wasilwa said despite the for breakfasts. of Sh500,000 while second and
a transformative initiative designed growing demand for millet, pro- “Schools are also using finger mil- third best will receive Sh250,000
to unlock the untapped potential of duction is still below standard. let instead of tea and when weaning and Sh100,000.

MALICIOUS PROSECUTION court. Nyakundi said this is the the

second acquittal.

Sonko mulls suing state after “This case should be a lesson that
nothing done to prosecute Sonko

Sh357m graft case acquittal

was professional. It was hasty and
it was obvious there was a lot of po-
litical baggage behind it. Sonko was
sacrificed politically and he has paid
SUSAN MUHINDI/ Former Nairobi Gov- government between May 24, 2018, a huge price,” he said.
ernor Mike Sonko’s legal team has and March 28, 2019. Nyutu, in acquitting Sonko, ex-
threatened to sue the state for ma- “Given that he has suffered and pressed her frustrations over aban-
licious prosecution. paid a huge personal price, there is a donment of duty by the ODPP, say-
Sonko was acquitted by an an- distinct possibility of suing the state ing it is high time regulations were
ti-corruption court on Wednesday for malicious prosecution. Although enacted to rein in prosecutors who
after the Director of Public Prose- early, there is a possibility,” lawyer neglect their duties
cutions failed to provide sufficient Assa Nyakundi said. This will ensure prosecutors are
evidence to prove its case against There has been no indication from held liable for any civil liability in
him and 16 others. the DPP on whether it will appeal. the withdrawal of cases.
The former county chief and 16 But Nyakundi said they are ready Nyutu took issue with the ODPP
others had been accused of con- for whatever decision it will make. over what has become a trend of its
Former Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko outside Milimani law spiring to corruptly embezzle Sonko was dramatically arrested prosecutors to antagonise and sab-
courts on Wednesday /DOUGLAS OKIDDY Sh357,390,299.95 from the Nairobi in Voi, before his arraignment in otage proceedings before the court.
Friday-Sunday, February 9-11, 2024 THE-STAR.CO.KE 17

A billboard The petition was drafted by Bunge
announcing Mashinani, an NGO that advocates
waiver on democracy and human rights.
land rates by G i t hu n gu r i M P G at h o n i
the Kiambu Wamuchomba and her Kiambaa
government at colleague, John Wanjiku, want the
Kiambu town law to be removed completely.
main bus stage The two MPs said it is unconsti-
/STANLEY tutional and will hurt Kiambu res-
NJENGA idents.
Susan Mburaria, a resident, said
they cannot pay rates for lands they
fought for during the colonial period.
Jane Njeri, a resident of Githungu-
ri subcounty, said they have buried
their loved ones on the lands.
Section 45 of the Act gives Fi-
nance executive powers to sell land
through auction or a private treaty
if one fails to pay land rates.
The Act says all lands in Kiambu
are ratable except for public schools,
toilets, markets, hospitals and roads.
The law says a landowner is re-
quired to pay all land rates from
2016 if they want to sell, subdivide,
develop or lease their land.
Bunge Mashinani clerk Michael
Mburu said the Act was passed with-
out public participation.
Eric Mutura of Bunge Mashinani
UPROAR said the petition does not target any
anyone but the punitive law.

Residents to stage demos over

Reacting to the issue, Governor
Kimani Wamatangi said his ad-
ministration found the law already
in place.

freehold land taxes in Kiambu

He said he has asked members
of the county assembly to review it
once they resume sittings.
Wamatangi said he has also put
a waiver on penalties accrued from
the land rates.
MPs Wamuchomba and Wanjiku say the law is punitive and want it done away with The waiver has been advertised on
local dailies and electronic media.
“This is to notify the general public
They will be joined by MPs, the Any attempts to prevent this at- of penalties accrued since 2016 when and specifically land/plot owners in
STANLEY NJENGA clergy and other county leaders, who tracts a fine of Sh150,000 or six the Act was put in force. Kiambu county who have defaulted
@TheStarKenya have urged the county government months’ imprisonment. According to the Act, land rates in timely payment of land rates, that
to repeal a law that introduced the Micheal Kibunyi, a resident of Mi- attract a three per cent penalty every the county government of Kiambu
Landowners in Kiambu county are charges. harati in Kiambaa subcounty, said he month. has waived 100% interest/penalties
planning to hold demonstrations The Kiambu County Valuation and was shocked when county officers Section 44 allows the county to that had accrued on unpaid rates,”
against plans by the county gov- Rating Act, passed in 2016, says all stopped him from building a house charge title deeds for the land rates the advertisement reads.
ernment to charge them land rates. freehold land in Kiambu is ratable. in his less than a quarter acre free- in debt through the registrar of lands. “To qualify and enjoy the waiver
The freehold landowners are plan- Section 14 the Act gives the county hold land, until he paid rates. The landowners have initiated a land/plot owners must clear the
ning to hold the demonstrations next government authority to enter any He said he was given a bill of more petition and appended their signa- unpaid principal land rates amount
week on Valentine’s Day. private land for valuation. than Sh53,000 as land rates inclusive tures in protest against the law. within the waiver period.”

NOBLE INITIATIVE management of health disorders

will enable timely intervention and

Lobbies to conduct change an individual’s quality of life.

“I encourage community initia-
tives that promote social interac-

home screening for tion among the elderly as loneli-

ness and isolation can have severe
consequences on one’s mental and

elderly in Murang’a physical health,” she said.

“By fostering community integra-
tion, we not only provide compan-
ionship but also create an environ-
ALICE WAITHERA/ Elderly persons quality health care by donating ment where our seniors feel valued
living in Murang’a county are set testing kits to community health and connected.”
to benefit from a free screening volunteers.
programme to help them control Ahadi Kenya Trust CEO Stanley
non-communicable diseases. Kamau said CHPs will be provided
The programme that is being im- with transport during their visits.
plemented by Ahadi Kenya Trust in Ambulance Mashinani pro- An elderly person has her blood pressure checked at Kagunduini shopping centre
partnership with Mudavadi Foun- gramme, carried out by the firm in Kandara by Tessie Mudavadi who is accompanied by Ahadi Kenya Trust CEO
dation, will see community health provides three legged ambulances Stanley Kamau /ALICE WAITHERA TESSIE MUDAVADI
promoters screen elderly persons in that can access hard-to-reach areas.
their homes. “We will use Ambulance Mashi- Tessie Mudavadi said safeguarding of chronic illnesses hence the need The elderly are the
It will help the elderly understand nani to help the community health health of the elderly population for regular medical check ups.
their health status and manage promoters operate in the grassroots,” requires immediate and collective The government, in September pillars of wisdom
chronic illnesses.
Murang’a is one of the counties
Kamau said.
Each health promoter will be allo-
“The elderly are the pillars of wis-
last year, launched an initiative to
integrate CHPs into the health care
and experience in
with high burden of chronic illnesses cated 20 elderly persons to cater for. dom and experience in society. It is system. society. It is our
such as diabetes, hypertension and Kamau said many elderly persons our moral obligation to ensure their “CHPs and strong health pro-
arthritis among others. are unable to access health facilities well-being,” she said. grammes are the backbone of a obligation to ensure
The campaign will complement due to limited finances. Tessie said age comes with health healthy society,” she said.
the government’s efforts to provide Prime Cabinet Secretary’s wife challenges that raise the prevalence Tessie said early detection and their well–being
18 THE-STAR.CO.KE Friday-Sunday, February 9-11, 2024

13-MONTH PROGRAMME ment and exposed to referral path- Tuwajali
ways and human rights laws to en- Wajane director

NGO to empower hance resilience.

Tuwajali Wajane is a Kwale-based
NGO that advocates for the rights of
Gaserego during
an interview at

30 Kwale girls from widows and offers empowerment

opportunities on matters of leader-
ship, inheritance and economy for
Msambweni in
Kwale county on

vulnerable families
self-reliance. /SHABAN OMAR
Gaserego said the girls will be
educated on various forms of GBV
and how to report and protect
SHABAN OMAR/ About 30 girls from Gaserego said most children from themselves.
vulnerable families are set to bene- widowed families are often affected She said the selected group is ex-
fit from a 13-month empowerment by GBV in one form or another. pected to train others to help lower
programme in Msambweni, Kwale “The majority of widows go the swelling GBV vice in the region.
county. through a lot of misery which is The director said the project will
At least 70 per cent of the targeted transferred to the children living bring together various stakeholders
group will include girls who were in those families,” she said. and provide insights and support
solely raised by widows and 30 per She said many girls raised by to strengthen the campaign against
cent by widowers and from ages 18 widows or widowers are victims of gender-based violence.
to 35 years. sexual abuse. Gaserego said most widows and
The programme is dubbed PISSCA. Gaserego said sometimes the girls their children’s rights are violated Gaserego said through the proj- GBV cases have been one of the ma-
Tuwajali Wajane director Mwanaisha are double affected through their for lack of understanding of human ect, they will ensure all the reported jor challenges affecting the Kwale
Gaserego said the project is geared childhood and marital life. rights. sexual and physical violence cases community.
towards supporting girls’ empower- She said the project will ensure She the programme will capacity are dealt with and justice is served. He said the programme will boost
ment to prevent and respond to gen- the targeted group is taken through build the girls and create awareness Tuwajali Wajane board member the fight against the vice in the re-
der-based violence and sexual rights. psychosocial support, empower- of GBV and enhance reporting. and mediator Rashid Mbwiza said gion.

PROTECT FROM DESTRUCTION fully well that public participation TAKE STOCK

Chasimba residents
on development projects, pro-
grammes, policies, and plans is one Agencies unite
of the key principles of environmen-
tal impact assessment,” he said. to address Coast
“Public participation is given
security threats
reject proposed Sh12bn
under the constitution of Kenya.
The company has contravened the
constitution.” ONYANGO OCHIENG’ / Security teams
Chonga said Mawe Meru is an from the coastal region have agreed

cement factory in Kilifi

ecocultural site with great signifi- to deploy the multi-agency ap-
cance to the community and con- proach in combating security threats
servationists across the world. affecting the region.
Bishop Ronald Nzai of the Meth- Coast regional commissioner
odist Church said the factory would Rhoda Onyancha on Wednesday
be a recipe for chaos and family held a day-long security meeting
Say the plant will hurt community culturally and environmentally feuds.
Nzai said land in the area is reg-
with the teams to chat the way for-
ward for 2024 to ensure the region
istered as agricultural land and title remains peaceful.
deeds bear names of family mem- The meeting was attended by
bers not one person. security teams from all 33 subcoun-
“We need to know when the ties and also the county security
change of user from agricultural to teams from the six coastal counties
industrial was affected. Some fam- alongside the regional security team
ily members are selling land to the headed by the RC.
company without the knowledge of The objective of the meeting,
other members. This is disastrous she said was to take stock of the
as it will cause conflicts,” he said. region’s security in the past year, to
Sylvia Kuvuna, a youth from Cha- appraise themselves of the achieve-
simba, said the area has been calm ments that they made, and look at
but the proposal to set up the ce- the challenges they faced, and how
ment plant is threatening the peace to move forward in setting the agen-
of the area. da for a peaceful region in 2024.
“Land is a great resource and also “Going forward, we’ve agreed
very emotive. If the concerns of the that we are going to work in a
community will not be met then multi-agency way where everyone
anything can happen,” she said. that is involved in the security sector
“We have witnessed killings of the is going to come together at the
elderly which is mostly catalysed by subcounty level, county level, and at
land problems. Let the government the regional level,” she said.
stop this company from interfering “This is so that we can build that
with this area.” synergy, that oneness, that unity,
Kuvuna further said the min- so that as a region, we can provide a
ing activities will pose a threat to secure, peaceful and stable environ-
residents living around due to the ment,” Onyancha said.
emissions from the quarries and Each county, she said, faces
Mawe Meru rock outcrop in Chasimba, Chonyi /ELIAS YAA the factory. unique security threats, and as such,
Nicholas Bandari expressed con- the need to come together to dis-
ELIAS YAA Lewa said the area is home to have tried to conserve this area and cerns over the productivity of land cuss how best counties can support
@TheStarKenya near-extinction flora and fauna in- also protect it from destruction.” when the plant will be in opera- each other manage the threats.
cluding the African violet. Lewa said the factory would affect tion. The region, she said, continues
Some Chonyi community members “Mashujaa Q&M PLC is plan- over 60,000 people. “The land will be degraded. This to face several threats with terror
in Chasimba, Kilifi county have ob- ning to mine the Mawe Meru rock Justice Chonga, a lawyer and an is the food basket of Kilifi county. If topping the list.
jected to the proposed Sh12 billion outcrop for limestone. This area is environmentalist, said the commu- we allow the company to set ground Last year, dozens of people
cement plant at Mawe Meru over en- special to us because it is home to nity was not consulted during the here then we will be doomed as including police lost their lives and
vironmental and cultural concerns. over 10 shrines where traditionalists Environmental and Social Impact our farms will produce nothing,” properties was destroyed due to
Led by former Bahari MP Mtana from this community conduct their Assessment which was submitted he added. terror-related incidences in some
Lewa, the residents argued that the prayers,” he said. to the National Environmental Man- He said the factory is proposed to parts of the region.
proposed plant by Mashujaa Q&M “This place is also home to over agement Authority. be built in a densely populated area. At the same time, security forces
PLC will hurt the community both 30 plant species that are classified “We take great exception to this The community has written to also managed to thwart terror at-
culturally and environmentally. as threatened. As a community, we situation because we understand Nema to stop the project. tacks killing tens of al Shabaab.
Friday, February 9, 2024 THE-STAR.CO.KE 19

TOXIC BREW Nacada in a statement on Thursday

Go for checkup, revellers who

said the multi-agency team which
was operating on intelligence, also
recovered over 40 empty drums with
a capacity of 250 litres each.
The drums, according to Nacada

patronised Kirinyaga bar urged

CEO Anthony Omerikwa are sus-
pected to have contained ethanol
which they suspect had already been
ferried for illegal activities.
“Drinking this type of alcohol is
risky to health and could have dan-
gerous consequences. Counterfeit
Deputy Governor Githanda says there could be more people suffering at home or illegally produced alcohol can
lead to blindness and even death,”
Omerikwa said.
Government of Standards to protect consumers’ The CEO reiterated the authority’s
officials visit lives. commitment to work closely with
the bar that The deputy governor also noted the National Government Admin-
was razed by that the county administration has istrative Officers to intensify the
irate residents reached out to families affected by crackdown on substandard, illicit
at Kangai in the incident and is working with lo- and counterfeit alcohol.
Kirinyaga cal leaders to assess the assistance This, he said, is to safeguard the
/ALICE WAITHERA needed. public from such harmful products
He asked all stakeholders to work and avert any deaths that might arise.
hand-in-hand to eliminate illicit “The heightened vigilance and
brews saying the fight can only be sporadic crackdown will contin-
won through a multi-agency ap- ue across the country and anyone
proach. found to be complicit will face the
“We take cognisance of the fact law,” Omerikwa said.
that no single government agency The authority has called on the
can eliminate illicit brews without public to share any information that
working together with other agen- they may have regarding the illegal
cies.” manufacturing, distribution, or sale
The proprietor of the bar, John Mu- of any suspicious alcohol and other
riithi Karaya, was arraigned at the forms of drugs to the authorities.
Baricho law courts on Wednesday. The authority in a statement on
The court allowed police to detain Wednesday said the contents of the
him for 20 days pending further suspected brew that killed villagers
investigations. in Kirinyaga are yet to be known.
Meanwhile, The National Au- Nacada urged the public to avoid
thority for the Campaign Against consuming alcohol whose quality
Alcohol and Drug Abuse has inten- cannot be verified as investigative
sified crackdowns on substandard, agencies try to unravel the content
ALICE WAITHERA, CYRUS OMBATI to check on the wellbeing of relatives local health facilities out of which illicit and counterfeit alcohol in the and source of the killer brew.
AND MAGDALINE SAYA known to frequent California Bar. four are still admitted in critical country. “From preliminary reports, the
@TheStarKenya The brew is suspected to have been condition while 10 others have been The crackdown comes days after deaths occurred as a result of con-
laced with ethanol. discharged. the Kirinyaga brew deaths. sumption of an unidentified sub-
Kirinyaga county government has Githanda said six people had died “We call upon those who could The operation is being conducted stance whose contents are yet to be
appealed to people who could have on arrival or while being treated at have consumed the illicit brew at in collaboration with officers from established,” Omerikwa said.
taken the illicit brew that has killed the Kerugoya County Referral Hos- this particular outlet to visit our the Kenya Revenue Authority and Kerugoya county Health boss
over 10 people in Kangai area to visit pital. medical facilities for examination the National Police Service. George Karoki said among the de-
health facilities for check-ups. Majority of the dead, he added, and treatment,” he said. A crackdown conducted on ceased was a patient who had been
Deputy Governor David Githanda had been taken to health facilities He appealed to local traders to en- Wednesday night saw 750 litres of referred to the Kerugoya County Re-
said there could be more people suf- while in critical condition. sure they sell products that conform pure ethanol netted in Ruaka in ferral Hospital but died upon arrival
fering at home and asked residents About 20 cases were reported in to standards set by the Kenya Bureau Kiambu county. on Tuesday.


Practise crop rotation to eliminate

maize disease, Narok farmers told
KIPLANGAT KIRUI/ Kenya Plant Health have healthy soil and a better har- they plant certified seeds in order
Inspectorate Service has advised vests,” Sitienei said. to fight disease and reap maximum
farmers to practice crop rotation He added that once the maize crop returns from the crop, and in turn
farming to control Maize Lethal is harvested, pests do not disappear address the issues of food security
Necrosis Disease in South Rift region. completely as some dig into the soil and create employment.
The disease has affected their where they undergo part of their life “We are advising the farmers to
crops for over 13 years. cycle. be alert and ensure every package
Wilson Sitienei, a Kephis Seeds “When the maize is planted again, of seeds they purchase have a code,
Inspector, said maize planted in any the pests attack the young germinat- where farmers can verify quality
field infected by the disease will be ing crops while it is still in the soil, from Kephis,” Sitienei said.
affected unless the farmers plants a thus passing the disease to the next “Certified seeds have a label. Farm-
different crop. maize crop,” Sitienei said. ers can scratch the label where they
He addressed the journalists in Research shows that dressing the will find a number that they can use
Narok town after experts from the maize seed with strong pesticides to confirm whether the seeds are
government institution traversed does not help either and the crop is genuine or not. Planting the right Kephis seeds inspector Wilson Sitienei in Narok town /KIPLANGAT KIRUI
the county sensitising farmers on likely to get infected regardless of seeds will help farmers get the best
best crop husbandry and need to use whether the seeds are dressed or not. results.”
certified seeds. However, Sitienei said the ferocity During the tour, the team visited maize-producing counties in the drying out from the outside edges
“Farmers should not plant maize of the maize disease has gone down Ntulele, Nkaretta, Sogoo, Ngosuani, country. towards the midrib.
in the same field for many years. It is following the prolonged rainfall in Ololulunga and Suswa to ensure The disease was first reported in MLND can also cause dwarfing
important for them to practice rota- the country, adding that the disease both the farmers and sellers were the county in 2011 and some of the and premature aging of the plants
tional planting with beans, sorghum thrives in prolonged dry spells. dealing with the right seeds. symptoms of infected plants are and then the entire plant dries out
and potatoes among others so as to He advised the farmers to ensure Narok is among the leading maize leaves becoming yellow and and dies.
20 THE-STAR.CO.KE Friday, February 9, 2024

COUNTIES’ CASH FLOW PROBLEM Barasa, who was addressing staff at the county head-
quarters on Thursday, said county governments are yet to
Be innovative to boost own receive a substantial portion of the allocated budget this
financial year.
source revenue, says Barasa He said finding alternative sources of revenue is more
critical now than ever to ensure smooth functioning of
HILTON OTENYO/ Counties can only end the cash flow chal- devolved units.
lenges they are facing by enhancing own source revenue, The county chief said devolved units are going to take
Kakamega Governor Fernandes Barasa has said. up the servicing of medical equipment from the national
He urged county governments to explore innovative solu- government starting April, meaning they will require more
tions and partnerships to bolster their financial positions. money yet the sharable revenue is shrinking and the wage
“Counties may not be able to sustain essential services bill ballooning.
due to the ever dwindling financial support from the national “This is going to add more that Sh300 million for Ka-
government,” Barasa said. kamega county, which was not budgeted for,” Barasa said.
He chairs the finance committee at the Council of Gov- Governors are pushing the Treasury to allocate counties
ernors. Sh450 billion in the 2024-25 financial year. Assistant county commissioner Alex Murithi

Nairobi regional NEW APPROACH

Adamson Bungei,
Paul Odiero, an Garissa leaders
shift focus to ECDE
joint security
provider, and
PSRA managing
director Fazul
Mohammed in
as grade 7, Form 1
Nairobi on
enrolments go up
STEPHEN ASTARIKO/ Authorities in Garissa have shifted
focus on school early childhood development Education
This came weeks after a successful drive to ensure 100
per cent transition to Form 1 and Grade 7.
Garissa Central assistant county commissioner Alex
Murithi said concerns have been raised that there has
been low enrolment or no enrolment at all in some cases
in ECDE in the county.
He said many ECDE classrooms have few pupils.
Murithi spoke during a meeting that brought togeth-
er chiefs, assistant chiefs, police, elders and religious
UNAFFORDABLE “We have registered an insufficient number of pupils

Guards face job losses after

in PP1, PP2, Grade 1 and Grade 2 in the county,” he said.
Murithi said assistant county commissioners, chiefs
and children’s officers will hold barazas in villages,
mosques and churches to urge parents to take their
children to school.

state cancels firms licences

He said this is among the efforts they will put in place
to boost school enrolment in Garissa, since the govern-
ment has provided capitation for free primary education.
Subcounty director of education Ali Buthul said during
a recent meeting, they came up with a new approach to
urge parents to take their children to school.
Associations say cancelling permits of 9 firms puts over 20,000 jobs on the line “We shall be going door-to-door, talking to parents
and we will also hold meetings in the villages to make
CYRUS OMBATI overtime, taxes and operational to a spike in suicides, depression and sure all children go to school,” he said.
@TheStarKenya costs). chronic illness. County assembly deputy speaker Mustafa Abdirashid
They argued this is a factor that “Assumptions that other security said the county has reached out to the Ministry of Edu-
The cancellation of operating licenc- most Kenyans would not afford companies will take up the slack are cation on plans of school integration.
es for nine private security compa- (churches, schools, hospitals and erroneous as for most organisations He said they want to integrate Islamic and secular
nies puts more than 20,000 jobs commercial institutions) and would and institutions, including resident studies to drive interest of parents to enrol their children
on the line, two associations have be severely exposed and at risk, thus associations, the turnaround time in school, as they believe more in madrasa education.
warned. affecting existing contracts which for a new security provider is guid- “We have spoken to the Ministry of Education to con-
On February 5, the Private Secu- are being paid at much lower rates, ed by a strict procurement process, sider the integration of schools so that parents can easily
rity Regulatory Authority (PSRA) including through existing tendered which takes weeks if not months enrol their children for basic education,” Abdirashid said.
issued a legal notice cancelling the contracts by government institu- for new appointments and contract Last year, the Garissa government said it would employ
licences of the nine companies. tions. signing,” they said. 300 ECDE teachers, renovate existing classrooms and
The companies had previously “If the new minimum wage is im- build new ones to boost early education in the county.
passed through stringent vetting plemented in its current form and HARSH ECONOMY Governor Nathif Jama said the move will add value
procedures and been issued with
five-year operating licences, apart
with the current economic situation,
it would lead to losses of between
The group said the net result is a
more turbulent time for Kenyans
ON FEBRUARY to the ECDE education and create suitable learning en-
vironment for the pupils.
from three whose applications were 500,000 and 700,000 jobs in the who are already suffering because 5, THE “My administration remains committed to addressing
being processed. sector,” the associations said in a of the harsh economy. the plight of the teachers, stabilising early learning and
The action comes in the wake of statement. The group claimed that only asso- PRIVATE setting a strong base for education of our children,” the
court battles and protests by security
associations who were not in agree-
“The massive churn and indus-
try upheaval is likely to lead to a
ciation leaders and companies have
been targeted in the big chop.
SECURITY governor had said.

ment with an earlier PSRA notice rampant increase in crime, theft, “The specific targeting of associa- REGULATORY
calling for a new minimum wage
of Sh30,000 per guard, which was
burglaries and robberies due to the
sudden lack of manned physical se-
tion leaders through a public office
for not toeing an unknown agenda
later disowned by Labour Cabinet curity at premises across the country is an unwanted and unwelcome de- ISSUED A
Secretary Florence Bore. and as those now unemployed but velopment,” they said in a statement.
But the Professional Security and having families to feed are forced to “Diplomatic channels have been
We have registered an
Safety Association of Kenya and Pro- find ways to survive.” opened to try to resolve the existing CANCELLING
tective Security Industry Association They argued additional impact stalemate while maintaining peace
THE LICENCES insufficient number of pupils
said this would not be affordable may be experienced in the health and stability across the nation.”
to clients whose costs would then sector as those, now without hope “We encourage Kenyans to remain
OF THE NINE in PP1, PP2, Grade 1 and Grade 2
rise to Sh45,000 per day guard and for a future paycheck, fall into men- calm and positive as the matter is
Sh55,000 per night guard (due to tal health problems that could lead resolved in an amicable manner.” COMPANIES in the county
Friday-Sunday, February 9-11, 2024 THE-STAR.CO.KE 21


Kisumu inks deal to build big New rice varieties to boost

production, reduce deficit

medicine factory at varsity ROBERT OMOLLO/ The government has started introduc-
ing new rice varieties and climate-smart technologies to
farmers to end the shortage of commodity in the country.
The country has been producing only 200,000 tonnes,
The facility will produce two billion tablets per year at a subsidised cost against the required quantity of 800,000 tonnes annually.
The government is forced to import 600,000 tonnes to
bridge the gap.
Lake Basin Development Authority managing director
Wycliffe Ochiaga said the government is introducing
MAURICE ALAL the new varieties, which are climate change resilient to
@alalmaurice improve the crop production.
He said the country has not been able to produce ade-
The Kisumu government has part- quate rice due to poor quality and change of climate.
nered with Med Aditus Kenya Limited The Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organ-
to build a pharmaceutical manufactur- isation (Kalro), the International Rice Research Institute
ing plant at the Great Lakes University (IRRI) and LBDA partnered to come up with ways of
of Kisumu. increasing the crop production.
The multibillion-shilling project “The initiatives have been introduced to at least 250
will be constructed in two phases on farmers in Homa Bay. They are growing rice in Kimira
15 acres. Phase one will cost Sh1.6 bil- Oluch, which is one of the mega irrigation schemes in the
lion ($10 million), which will include a county,” Ochiaga said.
factory and other infrastructure. The Kimira Oluch Smallholder Farm Improvement Proj-
The pact will make Kisumu the first ect in Homa Bay is an irrigation project that supplies water
county in Western Kenya to construct to more than 1,500 hectares (3,706 acres).
and manage a pharmaceutical com- Ochiaga, Kalro’s Industrial Crop Development Institute
pany. director Finyange Pole and IRRI’s regional breeding lead in
Upon completion, the facility will Africa Ajay Panchbhai urged the farmers to adopt the new
be producing two billion tablets per varieties.
year at a subsidised cost. Some of the varieties introduced include komboka and
Med Aditus Kenya Limited is a sub- 08 FAN10 (mkombozi). CSR36 will be introduced in June.
sidiary company under Med Aditus Ochiaga, who spoke during an agricultural field day in
Incorporation, a US-based pharma- Governor ecosystem to produce medicine in as reported by the Kenya Demographic Rarut, Kochia, in Rangwe constituency on Wednesday,
ceutical nonprofit company created Anyang’ Nyong’o Kenya and beyond. and Health Surveys,” Nyong’o said. said the new rice varieties mature quicker than the con-
with the vision of increasing access and Med Aditus “We have provided land, infra- He said they will continue to invest ventional ones.
to quality medicine in sub-Saharan CEO Dr Dhiren structure and incentives to facilitate in training, research, data collection, “The new rice varieties take three months or less to
Africa. Thakker in Kibos, the implementation of this project,” hospital modernisation and service mature compared to the conventional varieties, which take
Kisumu Governor Anyang’ Nyong’o Kisumu county Nyong’o said. delivery. four months. I urge farmers to embrace the new seeds,”
said they have signed a concession /MAURICE ALAL The county has also collaborated Nyong’o said the county has record- he said.
agreement providing a legal frame- with state agencies to ensure the proj- ed a reduction in maternal mortality Ochiaga assured farmers that LBDA will help them
work for the partnership to allow ect adheres to the highest standards by about 30 per cent (from 495 to 343 secure a market for their produce.
construction to start. of environmental and social respon- per 100,000 live births). “Let farmers not worry about the market, because we
He said they are also collaborating sibility. Infant mortality rate has reduced have the capacity. Supply of locally produced rice is still
with the university (GLUK) in Kibos to Africa, with 25 per cent of the from 54 to 39 per 100,000 live births, huge,” he said.
build the pharmaceutical plant. world’s disease burden and just one with under five mortality reducing Pole said their idea is to adopt the newly bred rice vari-
“We are proud to host a project that per cent of global health expenditure, from 79 to 63 deaths per 1,000 live eties that can do well and give more yield.
will not only provide hundreds of em- faces significant challenges. births. “Kalro has released several varieties of rice seeds and
ployment opportunities to our people, Nyong’o said the continent heavily In the past two years, the number of one of them is komboka, which farmers are seeing today.
but will also produce affordable and relies on imports, leading to supply in- women delivering in health facilities 08FAN10 also does well,” he said.
quality medicines for underserved stability and infiltration of substandard has increased from 69 to 94 per cent Pole said the new varieties are good because their
patients,” Nyong’o said. medicines to address unmet medica- because of the completion and open- production is almost double the traditional cotton varieties
The firm is expected to stimulate the tion needs. ing of health facilities in the county farmers are growing today.
local economy, contribute to research Med Aditus, in collaboration with and investment in community health He urged farmers to embrace the climate-smart
and training, and enhance the health international trainer-Rymedi Inter- services. technologies so they can plant rice directly into the farm
sector in the region. national-will be introducing cut- The county has opened 280 com- without preparing a nursery bed.
Nyong’o, who spoke during the ting-edge technologies to bring about munity health units and linked them Panchbhai said their objective is to empower farmers to
launch of the project in Kibos on exponential change in the pharmaceu- to 151 public health facilities and five ensure they have money besides food.
Wednesday, said the initiative will no tical landscape of sub-Saharan Africa. faith-based health facilities. “It is unfortunate that farmers grow old rice varieties,
doubt create an opportunity for the The modular continuous manu- “Our community health workers which earn them poor yields. These new varieties will
university to build a faculty of phar- facturing assembly, coupled with real have become the pillar of our health boost their income,” Panchbhai said.
macy. time process controls, will accelerate services. The number of visits they Farmers Ezekiel Ogutu, Jonathan Oner and Josephine
He praised Med Aditus Pharmaceu- the production of high quality phar- made to family households increased Aoko expressed confidence the new rice varieties and
ticals and Med Aditus Pharmaceuticals maceuticals, meet domestic needs and from 187,977 in 2022 to 206,420 in technologies will cushion them from too many expenses.
Kenya Limited president and chief pave the way for export. 2023,” Nyong’o said. “We’re hoping to realise more production with the new
executive officer Dr Dhiren Thakker Nyong’o said they must ensure the varieties,” Ogutu said.
and president and CEO of Med Adi- medicines produced by Med Aditus
tus International Robert Blouin for the reach the neediest people and they
partnership. are used appropriately and effectively.
Local medicines production will “We must continue to invest in our
reduce the county’s dependence on health systems, our human resources
imports and improve supply chain se- and our communities to ensure every-
curity. It will also increase resilience to one has access to quality and afford-
shocks and disruptions, especially in able healthcare,” he said.
the face of emerging and re-emerging The governor urged residents to ANYANG’ NYONG’O
diseases. embrace and promote projects and to
Besides medicines, it will foster in- support local industries and products. We have provided
novation, training, research and devel- Nyong’o assured residents, especial-
opment in the pharmaceutical sector ly those from Kibos, that they will be land, infrastructure
and contribute to the achievement of
the universal health coverage agenda
given first priority in non-technical
jobs, once construction work starts.
and incentives
and the national agenda of boosting The project will supplement efforts to facilitate the
local manufacturing. the county has made in improving pre-
The governor said his government is ventive, public and family healthcare. implementation of Kalro’s Industrial Crop Development Institute director
committed to supporting Med Aditus “Our health indicators have system- Finyange Pole in Nyarut, Rangwe constituency, on
in its mission to build a sustainable atically improved in the past five years this project Wednesday /ROBERT OMOLLO
22 THE-STAR.CO.KE Friday-Sunday, February 9-11, 2024


Lobbies push state

to make road safety
public health concern
AURA RUTH/ The government has tells us what and where the genuine
been urged to undertake public problem is. Is it speeding at the pe-
campaigns on road safety. destrian areas that causes the road
Vital Strategies Road Safety di- crash or what could be the problem?”
rector Irina Morozova said there is Morozova said.
a need for the government to use “Passing the message to all the
the power of mass communication drivers and checking whether these
and empower individuals to adopt messages resonate with the audienc-
healthy behaviour on roads. es is motivating and clear.”
She said people make mistakes on She said that knowing about
Narok women and girls commemorate the International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation on Tuesday as roads because of human nature but something is not enough to change
experts noted a drop in the outlawed practice from 78 to 51 per cent in the county / KNA there should be a system in place that behaviour. It is also not enough just
would not allow such mistakes to to tell the drivers to stop speeding.
become fatal, so that even if a crash “No, it does not work. People are
NO ANSWERS happens no one dies. people, they have different kinds of

KMA officials fail to tell

Morozova said road safety should benefits, barriers and facilitators for
be treated as a public health issue their behaviour, so it is important to
that needs holistic intervention be- find the right balance.”
cause everyone is affected. The Vital Strategies Road Safety
There is no point for the police director said campaigning is import-

House team how project

to be on the street when the law is ant. Last week, the organisation held
not right and that is why there is a a meeting with the National Trans-
need for communication, which is a port Safety Authority and came up
critical component of the road safety with a plan to work together on the

gobbled up Sh2.2 billion

system approach, she said. speeding campaign.
Morozova said it is important to “We had a meeting with NTSA on
engage those who call themselves a specific plan. They have a very pre-
risk takers, people who violate the cise action plan and this month, they
law by speeding, consuming alco- will be launching a railroad safety
hol, those who do not wear helmets action plan where the communica-
They couldn’t explain Sh500m variance in cost of KMA Towers properly or do not use seat belts.
“Through communication, you can
tion strategies will be written into
the action plan,” she said.
change their behaviour and this is From her experience in Kenya,
BRIAN OTIENO coming to join them. “The team According to KMA officials, the really critical when communication Morozova said that she noticed speed
@Yobramos4 was to work alongside the consul- consultant’s fee was initially Sh63 goes hand in hand with enforcement. is the core of the problem and that is
tant,” he said, much to the chagrin million, which was to be paid in It helps people to be aware of not why speed regulation is fundamental.
For the second day, Kenya Maritime of the MPs. three instalments at the rate of 35 only their personal and family con- People need to be aware of the laws
Authority officials on Wednesday The MPs, who are probing the per cent for the first and second and sequences but also the opportunities and there should be good signage
struggled to explain variations in possible loss of millions of taxpay- 30 per cent for the final tranche. they will lose and the legal conse- and infrastructure.
the cost of construction of their new ers’ money, questioned the role of However, there was also a vari- quences they will face,” she said. Vital Strategies policy advocacy
office block at Mbaraki in Mombasa. the Public Works officers in the ation of Sh106 million that was to She said people need to know and communication division lead
The KMA Towers was initially project. be paid to the consultant. about law enforcement in case they Sandra Mullin said that with the
designed to cost Sh1.7 billion but “What was the use of the consul- Director General Munga said the violate any road safety rules because strong partnership they have with
ended up gobbling over Sh2.2 bil- tant after Public Works took over Sh106 million was yet to be paid. it makes no sense to have laws but government agencies, a lot will be
lion, a variation of more than Sh500 the project? Why did you still pay Kiunjuri described Public Works not inform the public why the laws achieved because the government is
million. the consultant?” Pkosing said. officers in the project as intruders matter. creating long-term strategic plans.
The National Assembly Public Laikipia East MP Mwangi Kiun- who had no legal basis to audit what Vital Strategies group in partner- “I would certainly hope that
Investments Committee on Com- juri expressed concern that the the consultant had done. ship with Bloomberg Philanthropies within the next five years, some of
mercial Affairs and Energy led by Auditor General’s office failed to This is after the officers told the Initiative for Global Road Safety work those policy goals would have been
Pokot South MP David Pkosing had flag the duplication of roles by the MPs they were brought on board with governments to run sustainable achieved, or at least progress made
to adjourn more than twice as the consultant and the Public Works while the project was ongoing and best practice campaigns. towards them. I think you will also
KMA officials could not provide the officers. they were to work alongside the “This is not just a campaign; it is a be seeing changes in other areas
facts and figures asked for. He argued that the Public consultant. science of communication. We are where the initiative works, includ-
They had to be given time to make Works officers, whom he termed “We were brought in because it is also data-driven, we look at data that ing street design,” she said.
phone calls to get certain fiscal in- as “strangers” and “tourists” in the a government project. There were
formation and to make photocopies project, took over the roles of the so many authorities that were doing
of crucial documents. consultant. works on their own. All government
When he saw that satisfactory an- Kiunjuri and Pkosing said the projects are done with the Public
swers were not forthcoming from consultant was rendered useless Works closely involved,” said an
the KMA officials, an agitated El- once the Public Works Department officer from the department.
das MP Adan Keynan at one point took over the project, with Pkosing He said Public Works was brought
threatened to invoke the Parliamen- saying the consultant should have in as the project managers whose
tary Powers and Privileges Act and exited at that point. role was to oversee the consultant.
declare the officials hostile. Kiunjuri suggested that either the He said the consultant was doing
“Once this is done, the conse- consultant or the Public Works of- reports, which they had to verify
quence is that you will be charged ficers should be surcharged. before any payment was done.
and you will step aside,” Keynan “Money was paid for the purpose However, the Public Works offi-
said. supposed to be done by the con- cers said they were not paid for the
Led by Director General Dzom- sultant but which they did not do. work they were doing because they
bo Munga, the officials could barely So, we have a jobless person in the are government officials working on
explain why they continued having name of a consultant who was still a government project.
and paying the main consultant, being paid. But Aldai MP Marianne Kitany
even after officers from the State “We should explore this to see said KMA funded their flights from
Department of Public Works were who we should surcharge because Nairobi, accommodation, food and
seconded to manage the project. it means that the consultant was stay in Mombasa every time they
Munga said the authority received deemed incompetent once Public flew to the Coast.
a letter from the PS informing them Works came in,” the Laikipia East “KMA was also giving them allow- Bloomberg Philanthropies communication officer Kevin Ismael, Vital Strategies
that the Public Works team was MP said. ances,” she said. policy lead Sandra Mullin and director Irina Morozova in Mombasa /AURA RUTH
Friday-Sunday, February 9-11, 2024 THE-STAR.CO.KE 23


Chuka prison a hell that needs British national and

Kenyan host killed
in Naivasha crash
upgrade, says Governor Njuki GEORGE MURAGE / A restful holiday
and fun in the country ended
tragically for a Briton after she
was killed in a road accident along
Tharaka Nithi government to supply water, equip dispensary in congested facility the Nairobi-Nakuru highway on
Thursday morning.
GERALD MUTETHIA “There is lot of congestion, A male friend who had picked
@TheStarKenya tattered bedding, a potholed her from the airport also died on
dormitory floor and water scarcity the spot while their driver was
The state should move quickly among other inhuman conditions seriously injured during the 4am
to improve conditions at Chuka that have turned this prison into crash along the busy road.
prison that is in dire need of a hell instead of a correctional The accident occurred when
rehabilitation, Tharaka Nithi facility. I will also personally the car heading to Nakuru hit an
Governor Muthomi Njuki has said. engage Interior Cabinet Secretary oncoming lorry.
Njuki accused the Correctional Prof Kithure Kindiki on this issue,” The two passengers died on the
Services Department of sleeping Njuki said. spot while the driver was admitted
on the job, saying inmates at the He said inmates risked to Naivasha subcounty hospital in
facility are living in hell. contracting diseases due to the critical condition. The occupants of
He spoke at the weekend when congestion witnessed in the the lorry were unscathed.
he donated 100 mattresses, 77 dormitory that is supposed to Naivasha police boss Stephen
blankets, two television sets and accommodate 230 persons but Kirui said the British woman had
food to the inmates. instead hosts double that number. been picked up at Jomo Kenyatta
The governor said the prison “Such congestion is also a big International Airport in Nairobi by
was in a mess and promised to challenge because of the hot The Deputy President’s spouse, Dorcas Gachagua, serves food to inmates at the friend and the driver, and they
install solar panels at River Maara climatic conditions of the semi- Chuka Prison in Kathwana, Tharaka Nithi county, on November 13 last year /FILE were on their way to Nakuru when
to pump water to the facility and arid area, resulting in inmates the accident occurred.
provide water bowsers. spending sleepless nights. I am and bond,” the governor said in other services. “I have offered He said initial investigations
The devolved government will aware that suspects or people Kathwana. to pay bonds and fines ranging indicated the car driver swerved
also equip a dispensary located found guilty of committing petty He said congested correctional from Sh20,000 and below for 30 from his lane and rammed head-on
inside the prison and deploy a lab crimes have mainly contributed facilities are not even economical people,” he said. Njuki wondered onto the lorry that was heading to
technologist to ensure the inmates to the congestion because they for the government because it why Chuka prison does not equip Nairobi.
get good medical services. cannot afford the huge penalties has to spend a lot on food and prisoners with skills.

UDM calls for appointment of PRINTING
IEBC chiefs after court ruling
GEORGE MURAGE/ The United Dem- conduct any by-elections as there
ocratic Movement has asked the are no election commissioners and
President to initiate the process of we call on the President to act before
appointing new IEBC commissioners things go wrong,” he said.He added
to avoid a constitutional crisis. that the continued delay infringed
The party warned that the country on the constitutional rights of the
was operating on dangerous ground affected electoral areas, hence the
with some constituencies and wards need for the President to act.
operating without elected leaders. Roba reiterated that party’s sup-
This emerged when the party’s port for the Kenya Kwanza govern-
national executive council met in ment at a time the country is facing
Naivasha for its annual meeting. harsh economic times.
Party leader Ali Roba called on “We believe that the government is
President William Ruto to move firmly on the path of turning around
with haste and act on the High Court the economic performance of the
ruling that gave the green light to country from the rundown that it
appoint new IEBC commissioners. inherited,” he said.
Addressing the press in Naivasha, The party appointed Ramadhan
the Mandera senator said that hun- Bungale as the new secretary general
dreds of voters in Banissa constitu- replacing David Ohito who left.
ency and other wards in the country Deputy party leader Bashir Ab-
were getting a raw deal due to failure dulahi said they were committed
to conduct by-elections. to supporting the government and
“Currently, the country cannot addressing the challenges facing the The Star Publications offers the most competitive pricing
for newspaper printing on Newsprint and Bond paper
from 4 to 64 pages.
Our modern facilities give first class quality colour on every page.
Our prices are good, delivery is quick and service
Movement first class.
party leader
and Mandera
Senator Ali Contacts;
Roba addresses Maurice Munyao - 0733668366. email: [email protected]
the press in
Naivasha after a
3rd Floor, Lion Place, Waiyaki Way
two-day retreat
/ GEORGE P.O. Box 74497 - 00200 Nairobi, Kenya Tel: (Office) 254 20 4244 200
MURAGE Direct: 254 20 444 7410 Fax: 254 20 343755
24 THE-STAR.CO.KE Friday, February 9, 2024


SASA Fun way to learn the

history of city street
Qwani Sketch Tour took us on a path down memory lane on Muindi Mbingu


The Sketch team /KEITH ANG’ANA

earning the history of Kenya ya from the 1960s. But he didn’t do ie, from the point-of-view of the
has been one of the most inter- it in the ordinary style of an inves- robbers who were being hunted by
esting paths I’ve pursued lately. tigative story. Shaw.
To know what happened in Rather, he added some twists It was one of the most interesting
a particular place some decades and narrated it like an action mov- history sessions I’ve ever attended,
ago is like time-travelling to that and so I decided to try out his path
period. in the event I also decide to become
And thanks to our broad imag- a history storyteller.
inative capacities as humans, our My first task, therefore, came this
brains can picture all the scenes as previous Sunday, when I decided to
they unfolded, albeit in black and teach the history of Muindi Mbin-
white. With the rush of gu Street. But I wasn’t going to do
Well, we have history films to it in the ordinary way, like lectures
blame for programming us to be- Africanisation after in university. Neither was I going
lieve that the world before 1980
lacked any colour.
Independence, all to do it like Ngartia’s. I didn’t want
my whole audience seated and just
A great storyteller knows how
to spice up the story and make it
these streets got staring at me. So what did I do?

spellbinding. African names. SKETCH TOUR

I was lucky to encounter one I decided to make it a Sketch Tour.
such storyteller during The NYrobi Hardinge Street What this meant was that we
Book Fest last year. Hosted by Alli-
ance Française from from October
became Kimathi would walk together along the
whole street, stop at important
13 to 15, it provided an opportunity Street, Eliot Street landmarks, where I would teach
for literature creatives to showcase them the history of the particu-
their works. became Wabera lar place, and then they would sit
On the second day, Ngartia, one
of the most renowned historians
Street, Stewart somewhere and sketch anything
around them.
from Too Early for Birds, was slated Street became I figured out that would be a
to have a storytelling session. And, rather interactive way to learn
knowing his prowess, the whole Muindi Mbingu history; by incorporating it with a
auditorium was packed 30 minutes
before the start time. Street, and Sadler physical tour, as well as art.
Therefore, I partnered with Uzi-
For more Sasa
stories, scan the
During that session, he narrated
the story of Patrick Shaw, one of the
Street became ma, Karibu Nairobi and Nuts Kenya
to curate the best experience. Uz-
QR code above most-feared police officers in Ken- Koinange Street ima was the best sketcher I knew
Friday, February 9, 2024 THE-STAR.CO.KE 25

around, so he would offer assis- 1938, the colonial government ards.” This action caused a scene at
tance to anyone. enforced a destocking policy in the police station, and the men got
Karibu Nairobi would provide Ukambani, seizing 2,000 cattle back to protesting, prompting the
cool merchandise, such as fridge from the people after claiming that police to open fire.
magnets with images of Nairobi’s the overgrazing had led to environ- Other settlers who were at the
famous landmarks. mental degradation. Norfolk Hotel also joined in the
And Nuts Kenya, who pride One man, Muindi Mbingu, mo- fire, killing 21 people, among them
themselves in having the best nuts bilised residents to walk 60km all four women. Muthoni Nyanjiru
in Kenya, would provide us with the way from Machakos to Nairo- was among the deceased, but was
something to bite during the whole bi. The aim was to negotiate with immortalised for her action of
tour. the then-Governor, Robert-Brooke bravery.
I had also invited Kevin Mugambi Propham, who finally agreed and After Independence, the street
(violinist) and Wandia Kubai (saxo- the cattle were released back to was renamed ‘Harry Thuku Road’,
phonist) to play us some tantalising their owners. in remembrance of this incident.
music as we sketched. I wanted us Muindi Mbingu, however, was
to have that Titanic feeling. immediately detained for 15 years, KINGSWAY HOUSE
The scope of the tour was from and upon release, died in the hands On the other side of the footbridge
the UoN footbridge all the way to of the Mau Mau, just 10 years before lies Kingsway House. After Inde-
City Market. So we got to the top of Independence, after allegedly be- pendence, this building housed the
the bridge at 11.30am, where our coming too cosy with the colonial Special Branch offices. One notable
first lesson began. government. incident that happened here was
First, we discussed the origin of On one side of the footbridge, the murder of JM Kariuki in 1975.
the street name. During the colo- we could see Central police station, JM Kariuki is remembered for
nial period, all the streets north of built back in 1904 to serve as the saying that, “Kenya has become a
Delamere Avenue (now Kenyatta headquarters of the British Colo- country of 10 millionaires and 10
Avenue) were named after the Co- nial Police. million beggars” during a rally in
lonial Commissioners. On March 14, 1922, Harry Thuku 1974.
There was Hardinge Street after was arrested by the police and de- Afterwards, 700 acres of wheat
Arthur Hardinge, Eliot Street after tained in these cells. For the next were burned down in Rongai in a
Sir Charles Eliot, Stewart Street two days, around 7,000 to 8,000 farm belonging to Jomo Kenyatta,
after Donald Stewart, and Sadler members of the East African As- and the perpetrators were alleged
Street, after Sir James Sadler. sociation marched to the police to have been incited by JM Kariu-
With the rush of Africani- station to demand his release, but ki’s remarks.
sation after independence, all they were told that Harry Thuku Therefore, his life was in danger,
these streets got African names. would have to be arraigned in court and in subsequent weeks, there Ruth’s sketch of the Jeevanjee toilet /KEITH ANG’ANA
Hardinge Street became Kimathi for a hearing first for his fate to be were two failed assassination at-
Street, Eliot Street became Wabera determined. tempts. On March 2, 1975, while yoike Thungu, who was Jomo Ken- In 1906, while at the height of
Street, Stewart Street became The men in the crowd gave up leaving Hilton Hotel, JM Kariu- yatta’s rogue bodyguard. his wealth, he began the construc-
Muindi Mbingu Street, and Sadler and started walking away, before ki was abducted by the then GSU Wanyoike asked JM Kariuki why tion of a garden, which he gifted to
Street became Koinange Street. one Muthoni Nyanjiru ran to them, Commandant, Ben Gethi, and es- he would insult the President as the people of Nairobi as a place to
took off her dress, and told them, corted to Kingsway House, where if they were age-mates, and be- rest. Thanks to him, therefore, we
MAN BEHIND THE NAME “Take this dress and give me your he was to be questioned regarding fore JM could answer, he was met had some shade to lie under as we
So who was Muindi Mbingu? In trousers, because you men are cow- his incitement. There, JM met Wan- with a blow that knocked down his sketched our surroundings.
front teeth. The two got into a fight, Ruth took this chance to show-
and as JM reached out for the pistol case her prowess, when she even
in his pocket, Gethi shot him in the pulled out some watercolours to
shoulder. paint the sketch she had made of
Knowing that they had done the public toilet. We were all baf-
a mistake since news about this fled, wondering why she had come
could leak if JM was taken to hospi- with an assault rifle to a knife fight.
tal, Gethi decided to finish him off Kwani hajui jokes?
and dump his body at the Ngong Once we were done, we moved
Hills Forest. It was there that his on to City Market, which was to be
body was finally recovered 10 days our final stop for the day.
later. Back in 1904, before Jeevanjee
had constructed the gardens, he
JEEVANJEE GARDENS built a market around the same
After this history lesson, I dis- area to boost the trade of European
missed everyone to different cor- produce. Four years later, however,
ners of the footbridge, where they the bubonic plague struck the city,
were free to draw anything around, and the unhygienic market was
be it the footbridge itself or the deemed to be the cause. The Euro-
towering buildings on University peans, therefore, declined to use it,
Way. Gauging the sketches made, I and it was left to the Indians and
believe Lisa had the best one. the lower-class Africans. In 1932,
After half an hour, we proceeded it was demolished and replaced by
to our next stop, which was Jeevan- the shinier City Market, which at-
jee Gardens. Thankfully, the garden tracted European traders back.
had enough trees and grass, so we Rather than sketch it, Wango and
could just sit down like a picnic I preferred to sit on its steps and
and sketch. And so began the his- sketch the Jamia Mosque, which is
tory lesson. on the opposite side.
In 1895, just as the Imperial Brit- A group of butchers gathered be-
ish East Africa Company was de- hind us, and we could hear them
parting from the East African Coast say, “Eh, ona hawa watoto wa-
due to bankruptcy, a 40-year-old naangalia tu kitu na wanacho-
man was arriving from British In- ra venye iko. We Njoro unaweza
dia. ivi?” And then they would laugh. I
Armed with the basic English couldn’t tell whom exactly among
necessary for conversations, he us they were praising, so I presume
convinced the British colonial we both drew well.
government that he could supply That marked the end of our tour,
them with labour to help in the and so we proceeded to the Jamia
construction of the Kenya-Uganda Mosque, where we had our final
railway. The British officers agreed, group photo before bidding each
and by 1901, the Indian had sup- other farewell. It was a lovely tour,
Lisa’s sketch plied 31,985 coolies, propelling and we hope that next month’s
of the UoN him to wealth. His name was Al- may be even better. For those in-
footbridge bhai Jeevanjee, and he was the first terested, you can check us out on
/KEITH ANG’ANA Asian to be appointed to the LegCo. social media as Qwani.
26 THE-STAR.CO.KE Friday, February 9, 2024

ART CHECK this sector play a crucial role in the governments can play a pivotal
socioeconomics of our societies, role in enhancing the artistic and

Rise of beauty therapy as an art particularly in the context of

youth employment.
This industry not
contributes to personal grooming
creative ecosystem in a society.
The sector’s adaptability
and resilience have become
increasingly evident, especially
Nibs technical college founder Lizzie Wanyoike left a but also serves as a significant in the face of global challenges
source of livelihood, fostering such as the Covid-19 pandemic.
mark on the lives of many youth, including my daughter entrepreneurship and economic While the pandemic disrupted
growth. The sector’s accessibility, numerous industries, the
BY JUSTUS MAKOKHA /@TheStarKenya coupled with the rising demand
for personal care services,
beauty and grooming sector
demonstrated its ability to
positions it as an attractive avenue navigate challenges and emerge

izzie Wanyoike ( 1951-2024 for young entrepreneurs, creating as a resilient force in the economic
), the visionary founder of Nibs CEO Lizzie opportunities for economic framework by networking with
the popular Technical and Wanyoike empowerment and community digital and social media spaces.
Vocational Education and /FACEBOOK engagement. The gamble has paid off in a major
Training college Nibs, is gone. She The beauty and grooming way. Many beauty therapists,
died last month. However, she left sector, comprising hairdressing, including my daughter, have a
a remarkable mark on the lives cosmetology and beauty therapy, strong presence on social media
of many youths, including my transcends the concerns of mere platforms, where the young and
firstborn Nina. personal care; it is an art form. youth, clienteles included, spend
My daughter faced a challenging This connection to art is most of their social time.
situation after completing her palpable in the creative expression Affordable TVET holds
KCSE in 2018 without meeting the of aesthetic concepts, artistic paramount significance in the
requirements for university entry. techniques and the incorporation context of developing economies
Resolute and firm, she refused to of principles of design and colour like Kenya. This form of education
resit KCSE, characteristic of the theory. Hair styling, makeup serves as a powerful tool for
resolute stance of her generation, application and beauty treatments addressing the pressing issues
often referred to as Gen Z. represent unique forms of artistic of unemployment, poverty and
In our family’s moment of expression, making this sector skill gaps, offering a practical and
despair, Nina’s grandmother, an integral part of the broader accessible pathway to economic
an avid listener of Kameme her aspirations, to which she The impact of her training artistic practice. empowerment and sustainable
FM radio, shared the inspiring confidently expressed her interest became evident as she generously Our governments and development.
story of Lizzie Wanyoike and in hairdressing, cosmetology shared her earnings, often education stakeholders need For low-income families,
her unwavering encouragement or beauty therapy. Despite my bringing groceries for the family. to concentrate more on the TVET provides a cost-effective
for youth of Kenya today not to academic apprehensions, Lizzie Her financial stability and symbiotic relationship between alternative to traditional higher
succumb to despair. prophesied that daughter would entrepreneurial success in the the beauty industry and art. education, allowing individuals to
Instead, Wanyoike advised thrive in these fields and would beauty industry surpassed the They should explore in terms of pursue specialised skills without
many to take matatus of route 237 one day support herself and prospects of many of her peers, policy ways that can leverage incurring the high expenses
or 145 on Thika Superhighway, others. who were waiting for teaching this connection to foster creative associated with university
alight at Ruiru Kimbo and visit True to Lizzie’s visionary jobs from the Teachers Service education programmes for beauty degrees.
NIBS. Following this guidance, guidance, Nina enrolled at Nibs Commission, a process known for professionals. For example, This is particularly crucial in
we visited her at her office, where in 2019, focusing on beauty- its prolonged waiting period. to date, there are no standard our motherland, where most jobs
she warmly received both my related studies. By 2021, she had *** textbooks for this sector. Is there are in technical and vocational
daughter and me. completed her diploma studies. As Hairdressing, cosmetology and a policy gap? sectors. By focusing on practical
Studying Nina’s KCSE result the Covid-19 pandemic wreaked beauty therapy have evolved into By promoting the incorporation skills, TVET ensures that
slip carefully, Lizzie reassured havoc on Kenyan households integral components of a thriving of cultural heritage into beauty individuals are well-prepared for
us, saying, “Daktari, worry not.” and economies, she delved into sector within small and medium- practices and offering financial the demands of the workforce,
She then asked the young girl cosmetology, earning a minimum sized enterprises in Kenya today. incentives and mentorship increasing their chances of
fresh from high school about of Sh1,000 a day by 2022. Graduates of TVET institutions in for entrepreneurship, county securing stable employment and

JIJI NDOGO POLICE POST with family or friends. It’s either

money or friendship, or money

Sophia teaches me and marriage,” she says.

“Now, I could lend you the
hundred shillings you want, but if

marital economics
I didn’t get it back, I’d have to send
some people around to collect. And
that means you might end up with
a few broken bones.”
“A few broken… what are you, the
Makini gets a rude awakening when he mafia?”
“Exactly. You don’t want your
asks wife for money to buy breakfast wife being the one responsible for
your limp, do you?”
“Dear Lord. What side of the
bed did you wake up on? You were
never this vicious before.”

obody warned me that being and fixed me a long stare. “You “I was never married to you
married is tough, especially want to know what doesn’t make before. Didn’t your fellow boys
for men. Marriage is a new sense? A husband who can’t buy warn you about what you were
world with its own unique his wife breakfast. Why did you getting into when you decided to
set of rules. For starters, I want to marry me if you can’t feed am having to break the laws of blood. I’m letting you keep yours. get hitched?”
had the following conversation me?” mathematics for your sake.” For now. But if I don’t get breakfast I grab my chin in thought. “Now
with Sophia just this morning: “You wanted to marry me, too. “You’re breaking some laws, in the next half hour, I might not be that you mention it, one of them
“Honey,” I said, fixing a belt It’s supposed to be fifty-fifty.” alright.” so accommodating, if you catch my heard I was marrying you and
around my waist, “I’m running low “No, Makini. When it comes to “What I mean is, in every drift.” said—”
on cash. Do you have a hundred money, it’s actually one-fifty to other marriage out there, it’s two I think of a way to get around the “Do you know the first law of
shillings for bread and milk this fifty.” hundred-zero. What belongs to the problem. “What about you lend me self-preservation? It’s simple. You
morning?” I feel my head about to explode. wife is hers and what belongs to the money then?” never say anything negative about
“Yes,” she said. Then nothing. “That doesn’t make any sense.” the husband is hers. Two hundred- Sophia throws her head back your wife. Especially not to her
“Uhm… so?” “You see, Makini, what I mean zero. But you know me. I don’t have and laughs. face.” She laughs again, gets into
“So, what?” is, what’s mine is one hundred per a greedy bone in my body.” “What’s so funny?” I ask. her purse and produces a hundred-
“Are you going to give it to me?” cent mine and what’s yours is fifty “Jesus Christ! I married Dracula,” “Your naivety, dear. Don’t you shilling note. “Here, go get us some
“I said ‘yes’, I have the money. per cent mine. And that makes you I blurt before realising I probably know the first law of economics?” breakfast.”
But it’s no.” one of the luckiest men alive.” just made the first blunder of my “I don’t, but I have a feeling I’m “Thanks, honey.”
“Yes, you have the money and no Boom! Head exploded. “How marriage. about to learn.” As I leave, she shouts: “It’s a
you don’t? That makes no sense.” does that make me lucky?” “No, dear,” she says in a rare “The first law of economics says loan, dear. Money or marriage,
That’s when she sat up in bed “Because, dear husband, I moment of civility. “Dracula sucks that you should never do business remember?”
Friday, February 9, 2024 THE-STAR.CO.KE 27

some people so much that they sexual health and a visibility that
G-SPOT feel something must be done. honoured LGBTQI realities. It
One of those in this camp also honours those who’ve died,
is Homa Bay Town MP Peter which is a small way of telling
BY MWANGI G /@MwangiGithahu Kaluma, who last year published them they are not forgotten.”
his Family Protection Bill I was humbled and, if I may

Book chronicles lives

2023, which aims to ban say so, ever so slightly amused,
homosexuality, same-sex to have been asked to share my
unions and LGBTQ activities story, which I did by way of a
and campaigns. It also intends to telephone interview one evening
prohibit gay parades, assemblies, more than two years ago.

of local queer ‘elders’

marches and public cross- In the book, I tell some stories
dressing. that I have shared here in this
The book, entitled We’ve Been column and in other interviews
Here, is the first in a series of for other publications, and I
books telling the stories of the mention some of the people
Those aged 50 and above recount years of hiding in plain sight queer community, and it was
compiled by three dear friends
who have supported me in my
of mine. Out of respect for their
This project is a chronicling of privacy, I didn’t name any of
our lives for generations yet to these people, but on reflection,
come and younger people who I think I should have at least
may think they are alone, or the mentioned my greatest supporter
our presence first of their line, as it were, to and cheerleader as far as my
known in a let them know, as the title of the homosexuality and its impact on
loud and proud book says: We’ve Been Here. my family was concerned, and
manner. The book, aimed at adults, that was my most amazing and
This despite has recently gone on sale and wonderful sister, Nimu.
the fact, in Nairobi at least, it is now Meanwhile, I said at the
repeated available at Cheche Books in start of this column that the
by Nairobi Lavington. book’s launch was not widely
Senator Edwin As the editors of the book publicised, and that it reminded
Sifuna during point out, it is not “an exhaustive me of some of the very secret
a morning history of the LGBTQI presence queer dances that some of my
TV talk show in Kenya, but rather a snapshot of friends helped organise many
recently, a particular time and place told years ago.
that there by people from all over Kenya”. One of these took place in 2003
is no law in In the words of Kevin at a time when we, as the queer
Kenya against Mwachiro, one of the book’s community, were hopeful that a
being gay. The editors: “This book celebrates a change of regime might lead to
criminal or generation of individuals who a change in our legal and social

ust before Christmas, I was The launch had to be a tightly the Penal Code puts a penalty navigated their queer identity circumstances.
privileged to attend the top- controlled affair for security on having sexual conduct that and same-gender love or sexual The party organisers were
secret launch of a magnificent reasons because despite many is against the order of nature, expression in the shadows of daring enough to host the party
book that tells the stories of years of activism by the queer including between a man and a daily Kenyan life. at an institution that literally
Kenyan queer people aged 50 and community and its allies, it is still woman. “They lived through a time shared a fence with State House,
above, including your humble not safe for many of us to gather Of course, the fact that there when there was little access Nairobi. How’s that for hiding in
columnist, in their own words. just anywhere we like and make is no law against being gay irks to information on sexuality, plain sight?


Stop coming up with new

ways to de-Kenyanise us
Expiration date on IDs is a crazy idea
People wait to
@realobserver be served at the
in Nairobi /FILE

urely, wajinga ni sisi. means within a country, ID is short
I have just come from Twit- for identification card. Put togeth-
ter, where there is a debate er, the term national ID means a
on having expiration dates document used to validate one’s
on Kenyan IDs. This conver- identity in that particular coun-
sation should not be happening in try. How hard is this? Why would
the first place, but we will get back anyone in their right mind believe
to this later. that a national ID is valid in anoth-
I want to start off by revisiting a er country? and visa. The validity of your visa same process that you would have self is so rigorous and consuming
baffling tweet I just saw under the Which brings us back to the main will dictate how long you stay, get gone through in Kenya. If anything, that by the time you get the cov-
conversation (without hashtag) issue at hand. According to the re- accommodation, open an account foreign officials hate being given eted document, you hold it more
‘National ID’ on the social media ports I see on social media, the or be registered in any type of insti- documents from a country that has dear than any other thing in your
platform. A young Kenyan woman government plans to implement tution. The moment your visa is up, no relation to them. wallet. How many stories have we
proudly boasts about how Kenyan an ID with an expiration date and everything will be frozen. So the story about getting IDs for had of people getting robbed and
IDs are useless as she once failed to a microchip that will help us open The only time a Kenyan will the sake of opening bank accounts begging the thieves to please take
open an account with her passport bank accounts in foreign countries. need a Kenyan ID on foreign soil is on foreign land is a complete lie. If everything except the ID?
and Kenyan ID in Texas. The story is too ludicrous to be true, at the Kenyan embassy. One must the government were to insist on Having an ID is a right to every
Texas, ladies and gentlemen! As so in the meantime, let us treat it as provide the Kenyan ID for most the matter, then we would require Kenyan above 18 years of age. This
in, the United States of America. the hypothetical issue it is. administrative procedures, such as gazetted notices from world lead- is why getting an ID has been free
As in, a whole other country and First and foremost, the last time birth registrations and passport re- ers across the globe. Also evidence since Independence. IDs can’t ex-
continent. Surely, must we bring a Kenyan will use a national ID on newals. Essentially, it would be the from our ‘leaders’ on how they pire just as nationalities cannot ex-
our stupidity out to shine in front foreign soil is when they sign in to opened their Swiss bank accounts pire. We are born Kenyans and we
of millions of people as we try to enter an embassy in Nairobi. These with their Kenyan IDs. die Kenyans. At this rate, at some
denigrate our motherland? foreigners give two hoots about THE ID CARD IS A SACRED Secondly and perhaps more im- point, we will have to renew our
I mean, I was so dumbfounded
by that tweet that I could not help
our local identification cards. The
moment you step on their soil, all
DOCUMENT TO EVERY KENYAN portantly, the ID is a sacred doc-
ument to every Kenyan who has
birth certificates to prove that we
are, in fact, continuously residents
but address the issue. National they care about is your passport WHO HAS APPLIED FOR ONE applied for one. The process in it- of our own land.
28 THE-STAR.CO.KE Friday, February 9, 2024


Will artificial intelligence

kill the jobs of creatives?
Its weaknesses have been exposed amid increasing uptake, as Posta learned with? Are your services similar to
what you put out?” Leonard says.
Elsewhere in the world, content
creators are using AI to analyse
massive amounts of data that
would have taken humans years
to process. A good example is the
production in 2018 of an adver-
tisement for the Lexus brand of
luxury cars.
According to the Journal of Art,
Design and Music, the producers of
the Lexus advertisement worked
with tech company IBM to examine
15 years’ worth of video, text and
audio from successful motor vehi-
cle advertisements. Within a short
time, AI discovered components
that were present in award-win-
ning advertisements. With those
findings, AI helped create the
script flow and outline for the new
The ability of AI to quickly anal-
yse massive amounts of data in a
variety of formats helps content
creators to better understand the
preferences of targeted audiences.
As Media Council of Kenya CEO
David Omwoyo recently noted,
A laid-off person content developers who use AI
/PEXELS stand to remain viable in business.
“We are no longer in an era where
some scripts as if it’s something their publicity campaigns. This is IMAGE BACKFIRES families consumed content as a
I have done for a very long time.” why fears of job losses are growing. Of the four call centre agents in unit through common television
2023 saw a rapid increase in the image, two of them had three screens. The younger generation
GODFREY KIMEGA TIME AND PATIENCE Kenyan companies using images hands each. Two of the four were is more concerned about person-
@TheStarKenya Leonard warns that it takes time produced with AI. The images have clearly of European origin. The alised content, which they can
and patience to learn the basics of appeared in advertisements for Postal Corporation of Kenya is not select using mobile devices. This

re camera crews, script- AI, but learning is limitless. The mobile phone services, consumer known to employ non-indigenous is an opportunity for content de-
writers, actors, costume de- bottom line is not to be lazy with products, postal services and edu- Kenyans. The image was removed velopers to ensure all their content
signers and scene designers new technology. cational institutions. The increased following public ridicule, but the is aggregated to suit personalised
about to become irrelevant “If I can learn, unlearn and re- adoption of AI in corporate circles incident adequately illustrated the consumer trends,” Omwoyo said at
in the production of images and learn certain things effectively, is exposing its weaknesses, though. dangers of using AI in corporate the Connected Summit 2023.
videos? That seems to be the case there’s so much I can do without So far, the most baffling AI ad- communication. Graphic designer Based on the opinions of ex-
as production companies, graph- limitation,” Leonard says. vertisement was done by the Postal Brian Leonard says paying atten- perts in the media industry, we
ic designers and advertisers Job Ogweno, head of Noma Cre- Corporation of Kenya. The image tion to details is necessary to avoid should expect AI to play a greater
adopt artificial intelligence (AI) atives, does not see AI as a threat showing employees in a call centre embarrassing pictures. role in the production of music,
tools to generate realistic-look- to creatives because using AI de- was meant to portray the Postal “I mean as a Kenyan, you’re able pictures, advertisements, films
ing content. mands “a great deal of creativity Corporation as a customer-orient- to just look at a picture and note and television content. Anyone
Computer-generated images are to get the best out of it”. ed business, but AI “hallucinated” that this is not a Kenyan or African wishing to remain relevant in the
not a new phenomenon, having “While I appreciate Generative instead of producing the desired model. If your marketing person film and advertising industry has
been used in films as far back as AI as the next if not current fron- results. or creative is not able to note these no choice but to adopt AI in one
the 1960s. Until recently, using tier in the digital and design world mistakes before putting them out form or another. AI by itself is not
computers to generate images at large, however hyper-realistic to the general public, it raises the creative, but it is a useful assistant
and videos was a very expensive, some generative images may be, I question: what can we entrust you in creative processes.
time-consuming process involving often feel they lack ‘soul’, which is
a team of people. a big deal for any authentic artist,”
AI has made it easy enough for Ogweno says.
a single person to produce an im- He has tested AI in his profes- While I appreciate
age in hours. In that sense, AI has sional capacity and finds it “in-
helped media professionals do credible” for doing tasks such as Generative AI as the
more work within a short time,
but is the improved productivity
copywriting, proofreading, re-
search and summaries. Ogweno
next if not current
coming at the expense of jobs? is yet to be wooed into using AI to frontier in the digital
Brian Leonard, a graphic design- create images, videos, voiceovers
er with Lenny Arts in Nairobi, has and narrations. and design world
embraced AI to test and tweak new “I understand why visual cre-
ideas to produce unique artwork. ators or even corporations might
at large, however
He discovered that AI has powerful attempt re-routing towards AI cre- hyper-realistic some
features he can harness. ations either to cost-cut or because
“The introduction and integra- it’s quick and might not be copy- generative images
tion of AI to my workflow has been right-bound, but in the end, for me,
a great thing! I’m able to put out so real images win any day in the arts may be, I often feel
much more accurate, near-per- and design world,” Ogweno says. they lack ‘soul’, which
fect work with the same energy as Long associated with small busi-
I would back before AI,” Leonard nesses with tiny advertising bud- is a big deal for any
says. gets, AI is increasingly being used
“I’m able to come up with awe- by mainstream organisations in authentic artist Illustration of artificial intelligence /PIXABAY
Friday, February 9, 2024 THE-STAR.CO.KE 29
30 THE-STAR.CO.KE Friday, February 9, 2024

The star does not endorse the advertised product /service or its quality and value nor does the star endorse
the appearance of or any of the claims made in the advertisement by the advertiser. The star shall not be held
liable for any claims, loss or liability that arises from the product/service and claims made in the advertisement


Licencesed auctioneers,Commission Agents,Reposses- THE PHYSICAL AND LAND USE PLANNING ACT
sors&Ivestigators (NO. 13 OF 2019) THE PHYSICAL AND LAND USE PLANNING
Duly instructed by our principals, the landlords, on matter of PUBLIC AUCTION No.Nairobi/Block 97/0938/106 located
distress, we shall sell the under mentioned items by public Under instructions received from our principles, on behalf of their off Fedha road, Tassia Area ,Nairobi City The registered owner of plot
auction on 16th February 2024 outside cannon tower clients, we shall sell the under mentioned units by PUBLIC County, proposes to change its use from No.Nairobi/Block 170/477 located
building Moi Avenue Mombasa starting from 10am AUCTION together with all the developments and improvements Single dwelling Unit to Multi-dwelling along Mwiki road in Kasarani
erected thereon Units (Apartments),subject to approval Constituency ,Nairobi City County,
LANDLORD –V- CAMP ZODIAC LTD- JOSEPH OKELLO OKEYO by the Nairobi City County. Individuals,
Five big beds, three small beds, three big mattress, seven small Institutions, Members of the public etc.
proposes to change its use from Single
ON FRIDAY 23RD FEBRUARY,2024 AT 11.00AM AT BLACKBIRD dwelling Unit to Multi-dwelling Units
mattress, one small t/v, twenty four pieces of curtains, five nets, with any comments and or objections
two pieces of chairs, ten pieces of bed sheets, one hig stool, one STORAGE$ AUCTION YARD KISUMU AND SK DHAHABU should forward them within 14 days of subject to approval by the Nairobi City
piece of seat, one table gas cooker, one burner table gas cooker, MOTORS LTD NAIROBI this notice to: County.
one coffee table. Two mekos, one small chair & stool, one Individuals, Institutions, Members of the
extension, two coffee tables, one small fan, nineteenhigh stools, ALL THE MENTION UNIT THE CECM- BUILT ENVIRONMENT & public etc. with any comments and or
five high tables, one small dining table, one small round table, URBAN PLANNING,
CUSTOMER NO REG NO YARD AUCTION DATE objections should forward them within
one coffee table, one plastic chair, six broken tables, two small NAIROBI CITY COUNTY,
shelves, four tires, thirty four scrap assorted chairs, assorted N/A KDM 419G BLACKBIRD STORAGE 23/02/2024 P.O BOX 30075-00100, 14 days of this notice to:
One office desk, one office chair, one shelve, one glass top stool,
two monitors, two key boards, two C.P.U.
1.All intending purchasers are requested to view the properties NAIROBI.
Office tables, Hotel tables, One generator, old car radios, second and verify the details for themselves as these are not warranted by ACT NO 13 OF 2019
hand pieces of clothes, old chairs, Glass sliding doors. the auctioneers or their charges.
2.All interested bidders are to view the properties between
10.00am and 5.00 pm and our office will assist to point of the THE PHYSICAL AND LAND USE PLANNING ACT
properties subject to prior arrangement.
3.The sale is subjected to reserved price. LOCATED WITHIN TINGANGA, PROPOSES CHANGE OF USER
4.The auctioneers reserve the right to reject any bid without TO CHANGE ITS USE FROM
giving any reason AGRICULTURAL TO MULTI-DWELLING The registered owner (s) of Plot No. Ruiru
RESIDENTIAL USE (FLATS) SUBJECT TO Ruiru East Block 2/8493 located off
Repossessors, Private Investigators, Realization of Securities, Debt Collectors, Real APPROVAL BY THE COUNTY Thika Road in Gwa kairo area, Juja
Estate, Commission Agent And General Traders. GOVERNMENT OF KIAMBU. INDIVIDUALS, Sub-County, Kiambu County proposes to
HEAD OFFICE JOEL MALEL STREET Auctioneers, Repossessors, Investigators & Debt Collectors INSTITUTIONS, MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC Change the use from Agricultural to
Webcom House VAT 0144563P Cell: 0720 105 337 ETC. WITH COMMENTS AND OR Residential Multi-dwelling (Flats),
P. O. BOX 1428 – 30100, ELDORET. 0720 564 699
Ground Floor, RoomG21 PIN NO: 1001123275G 0710 400 111 OBJECTIONS TO THE PROPOSAL ARE
subject to approval by Kiambu County
PUBLIC AUCTION NAKURU Email: [email protected]
WRITING WITHIN FOURTEEN (14) DAYS Government. Any individual (s),
OF THIS NOTICE TO: institution(s) and organization(s) etc. with
Under instructions received from the Chief Magistrate’s Court objections/comments to the proposal to
Eldoret, we shall sale the under mentioned property by Public Duly instructed by the Financiers/ principals, we shall on Tuesday THE CECM - LAND, HOUSING, forward them in writing within fourteen
Auction on 20TH day of February 2024 at Eldoret Auction Yard 20th February, 2024 starting at 10:00AM at CYKA MERCHANT PHYSICAL PLANNING & URBAN (14) days of this notice to:
starting at 10:30 am. YARD sell by public auction the below captioned asset. DEVELOPMENT
CONDITION OF SALE a)All interested are requested to view the vehicles during normal REG. NO: 0323 Kiambu
1. STRICTLY cash or bankers cheque at the fall of the hammer working hours at the point of storage. Contact mr muraguri 0724
2. Interested bidders to contact the Auctioneer for viewing. 859 351 for more details.
b)Sale is subject to reserve price. REPUBLIC OF KENYA
ALL ARE WELCOME c)Purchaser are required to register their name a day prior to IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT BUNGOMA
auction with their national id and pin numbers at our above THE INSOLVENCY ACT
captioned offices INSOLVENCY CAUSE E010 OF 2021
d)Upon vetting purchasers, the auctioneers reserve the right to RE: WYCLIFFE WEPUKHULU WASIKE
reject an offer without explanation
e)Highest purchasers declared during auction must pay full price HEARING NOTICE
Office: KTDA Plaza Branch: Tengeza House
before release of the said asset.
6th Floor, Moi Avenue 2nd Floor Suit No. 5 f)Costs of transfer shall be borne by the bidder TO: ALL CREDITORS
P.O Box 9484 – 00200 P.O Box 1814 – 50200
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Cell: +254 0706 662277 Cell: +254 706 662277 TAKE NOTICE that the above Petition has been scheduled for Hearing on 18th
+254 723705736, Nairobi.

+254 721 898128 Bungoma.
CADUA AUCTIONEERS March, 2024 at 9:00am before noon or soon thereafter when your appearance will
be required in court
Official Court Brokers & Auctioneers /Bailiff Repossessors/ Process server,
Under instructions received from our principals the FINANCIERS and
Debt Collection/ Estate Agents/Conveyancing experts/Investigators
our PRINCIPALS we shall sell by way of Public Auction the under listed Moi Avenue Development house, 8th floor
TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that if you do not appear on the said date and time, the
motor vehicle on: P.O.BOX 7380-00200 Tel: +254 721935835 Court will proceed to make directions that it may deem fit and orders may be given
Email: [email protected] your absence notwithstanding.
1) Saturday 17th February, 2024 starting at 10:00am At PURPLE NAIROBI –KENYA
PUBLIC AUCTION DATED at NAIROBI this 8TH day of February, 2024.
1. KDJ 846N HONDA FIT SAMUEL MWAURA WANYOIKE Duly Instructed by our principal, we shall sell by public auction BRYAN KHAEMBA, KAMAU KAMAU AND CO.ADVOCATES
AND OUR PRINCIPAL the under mentioned motor vehicles on Monday19th February ADVOCATE FOR THE PETITIONER
2) Saturday 17th February, 2024 starting at 10:00am At AT GREY POST YARD starting from 11:00 AM. DRAWN AND FILED BY:
1.Cash at the fall of the hammer P.O BOX 1300-00200
2.The sale is subject to a reserved price NAIROBI
3.All interested purchasers are required to view and verify the details of TEL:0794692207
the property for themselves and this is not warranted by the Auctioneer CONDITION OF SALE Email:[email protected]
or our client.
4.The subject sale is subjected to reserve price
Cash at the fall of the Hammer.
All are welcome.


Friday, February 9, 2024 THE-STAR.CO.KE 31


CHANGE OF USE ring on_time food delivery to custo- We are an Investment Company looking
mers for various hotels, restaurants
The owner of land parcel no.
Nandi/Cheptarit/519 intends to change etc using bodaboda in kisumu cbd to Lease Petrol Stations in Kenya.
its use from Agricultural to Residential and its environs DIGITAL CONTENT
(multi dwelling units) subject to REPURPOSING SERVICES e.g
approval by the County Government of copywriting, podcast etc DETAI-
Nandi. Individuals, organizations, LS CALL TECHNICAL MANAGER
institutions etc with objection(s) to the
proposal are requested to forward the
0743249306 0716462733 Preferred Locations: Nairobi, Machakos,
same in writing within fourteen (14)
days of this notice to:

CECM in charge of Lands and Physical

HOME_BASED Personal and pri-
vate tutor in business and compu-
ter studies both secondary/colle-
ges in kisumu details 0716462733
Kisii, Kisumu, Kitale
County Government of Nandi 0713957136
P.O BOX 802-30300,
audited accounts.Call 0740811213 1. Minimum proven sales of 250M3 READERS&ADVERTISERS
You are kindly requested to
WEBSITE EDITOR, YouTube ma- (250,000 litres) Monthly get appropriate advice
ACT NO 13 OF 2019
NOTIFICATION FOR PROPOSED nager and videographer, radio ads, before committing yourself
DENSIFICATION OF USE Master of Ceremony (MCs) and 2. Ample parking space to undertaking anything in
The registered Owner(s) of Plot L.R. No.: events planner call gepoch networ- relation to an
209/5360 located within South C Area in advertisement in terms of
Langata Sub-County off Mombasa Road, ks services on 071646273ECH- 3. Direct ownership sending money or incurring
proposes to Densify its of Use from NICAL MANAGER 0743249306
expenses. Radio Africa
Single Dwelling to Residential 0716462733
Multi-Dwelling Units (Apartments) Group shall not be liable to
subject to approval by Nairobi City any person(s) for any loss,
County Government. Individuals, FOR BUSINESS recovery solutions damage or suffering as a
organizations, institutions etc. with call 0740811213 now. Only serious agents should contact us on result of accepting any
objections or comments should forward
them in writing within 14 days from the invitation(s) or offer(s)
date of this notice to: FREE GEPOCH NETWORKS ser- the below email address: contained in
vices provides business brainstor- advertisement(s) published
The CECM Urban Planning and Built
ming ideas and freelancing general in The Star.
Nairobi City County Government, construction sub contract services [email protected]
P.O. Box 30075-00100, Nairobi. call Lawrence on 074324930 digital

P o box 13439-00800
Tel: 0722264694 / 0780264694
Enkei Centre 3rd Floor, Suite 306 PROMOTION TO GLORY (KSHS)
Opposite National Oil –Ngara Road
Email: [email protected]
Duly instructed by our principal we shall sell the under /OBITUARIES.
mentioned motor vehicle by public auction on Friday 16th
Semi Display (boxed
February 2024 at Mt. Kenya Storage Yard-Meru at 11.00 a.m
classified) Mon-Sat 1,200/=
+ VAT per
centimetre column
GATOBU Per line per day (Mon-Sat)
300/= +VAT
1. Interested bidders are required to pay refundable deposit of Letters of Admin 800/=
Kshs 50,000/- to obtain a bidding number. +VAT per
2. Sale subject to reserve price. centimetre column
3. Strictly cash at the fall of the hammer.
Voucher fee 2,500/= + VAT

AGNES SIYIANKOI MOITA Note: Minimum sized on

boxed ads is 4cm
Our beloved Aggie unexpectedly transitioned to glory on 1st February, 2024. payment terms
PUBLIC AUCTION Her demise has shattered the hearts of her family, friends and her community, which
she wholeheartedly served. Cash payments shall not be
Under instruction received from our principals we shall sell the accepted. Please note that
under mentioned motor vehicles. Aggie was the beloved daughter of the late Mzee Tobiko Ole Paloshe and the late Marisa sales and advertising
ON FRIDAY 16TH FEBRUARY 2024 AT OUR OFFICES IN Tobiko. She was a step-daughter to Mama Maria Siyiaito Tobiko. She was a devoted wife executives are not
GATAKAINI 2 HOUSE 2ND FLOOR ROOM 213 AT 11:00 AM. to Mr. Moita Ole Risa and mother to Kotoke, Reyian, Marisa, Daudi and Tevyn. She was authorised to receive any
a doting grandmother to Namayiana and a cherished mother-in-law to Ian Mugambi. cash payments on behalf of
REG NO MAKE BODY YR OF TO BE VIEWED AT The Star. The Star shall not
TYPE MAKE Aggie was a beloved sister to Keriako, Pst. Emmy, Kaka, Richie T, Dr. Oidamae, Nais, be held responsible for any
KBM 983C N/SUNNY SALOON 2003 EXECUTIVE Tanet, Nkini, the late Ranger, Ann, Sereya, Peris and Nancy. She was a sister-in-law to loss or liability caused by
KDA 789X N/WINGROAD S.WAGON 2013 KIFEDHA Sereti, Jeremiah, the late Nelson, Mois, Daitan, Paul, Grace, Jane Komen, the late Joseph failure to adhere to
Teteyio, Carol, Betty Mutua, Nixon Ng’ang’a, Violet Moetei, James Katema, the late these payment terms.
Matinkoy Mula, James Shelel, Kishanto Ole Suuji and Ronald Makui.
1.All intending purchasers are requested to verify the details for
Aggie will be laid to rest on Saturday, 10th February, 2024 at her home in Ilmukutani, VIA MPESA PAYBILL
Kajiado County.
2.Viewing can be done through arrangements with ourselves. NUMBER 793601
3. The Auctioneer has the right to reject any bid without giving
any reason. Isaiah 25:8…He will swallow up death forever. The Sovereign Lord will wipe away
4. Cash at the fall of the Hammer. the tears from all faces.
32 THE-STAR.CO.KE Friday-Sunday, February 9-11, 2024


Fill the grid with
digits so that each
column, each row,
and each of the
sub-grids that
compose the grid
all contain all of
the numbers from
1 to 9 one time.
January 21 - February 19
Travel will be in your best interest.
Talk to others about your plans.
Concentrate on getting finances.

Thursday February 20 - March 20
Don’t be disappointed if you don’t get
your way emotionally. You may find
that lectures or travel will be good.

March 21 - April 20

DOWN ACROSS Involvement in groups will be favorable.

1. Constituency in Kilifi County (5) 1. Constituency in Nakuru County (6) Business partnerships will prove
Find and mark all the lucrative.
2. Hawaiian tree (5)
4. Chemical element with atomic mass of words hidden inside the
3. Chemical element with atomic mass of
207.2 (4)
114.82 (6) box. The words may taurus
7. Maintaining body balance and posture (3) be placed horizontally, April 21 - May 21
4. Coloured part of the eye, it has radial and
vertically, or diagonally.
circular muscles which control size of pupil 8. Constituency in Homa Bay County (6)
Refrain from using the highway as a
(4) 9. Element used in the formation of BARK ID TAG
racetrack. You may find that you are a
5. Inhabitants of Ireland (5) thhyroxine hormone, regulates rate of little lucky today.
6. Confronts (5)
11. Is funnel shaped allows collection of sound
energy production (6) BOWLS
10. Moon age at start of year (5) May 22 - June 21
waves and channels them down the auditory CHASE LOYAL
14. Vedic deity (5) CHEW TOY OWNER
auditory mateus (5) Don’t be too eager to give a piece of
12. Constituency in Tharaka-Nithi County (5) 17. Annulling (7) your mind or even your opinion today.
13. Constituency in Nakuru County (5) 18. Constituency in Kilifi County (5) FAITHFUL PLAY
You’ll have amazing ideas.
15. Constituency in West Pokot County (5) 20. Constituency in Migori County (5) FEED PUPPY
16. Bower (5)
18. Constituency in Migori County (5)
25. Period of legal minority (6) FOOD SHAMPOO CANCER
26. ____ speeds breakdown of lipids to fatty FRIEND SLEEP June 22-July 22
19. Constituency in Siaya County (5) GROOM TRAIN
acids and glycerol (6) Changes in your domestic scene are
21. Constituency in Garissa County (5) GROWL TREATS
apparent. Your passionate mood will
22. Final part of the small intensive (5) 27. Primate (3) GUARD TRIM NAILS
be well received by your mate.
23. Food source for the Nitrogen element (4) 28. Hautboy player (6)
24. To the sheltered side (4) 29. Preserve corpse (6) HOUSE WATER LEO
July 23 - August 22

Chinese fury as Messi plays in entertainment Find a quiet spot where you can work
diligently and stay out of the way. You

Japan after missing HK match Keep my songs off YouTube VIRGO

will have to do a lot of running around.

mixes – Marakwet Daughter August 23 - September 23

This is a good day to check out your
investments. Don’t let relatives make
DENNIS MILIMO/ Singer Millicent Jerotich, also known as
demands of you.
Marakwet Daughter, has stirred controversy after asking
Lionel Messi on DJs not to use her songs in their mixes.
the bench during The singer said she is against the idea of DJs playing her LIBRA
the Hong Kong songs yet she can’t benefit directly from their YouTube September 24 - October 23
friendly streams.
/HANDOUT She categorically warned that those who go against her You may want to invest in something
wish will have it rough. that will grow in value. You need a
“DJs respect my work. You are not allowed to upload change and you need to earn more.
my music on your YouTube channels. Do you know what
I went through to be able to record that song? I won the SCORPIO
rights and it is registered. So don’t upload my work on your

October 24 - November 22
BBC/ Lionel Messi played in a Japan Hong Kong Stadium booed and channel. Piga sherehe, tumia song ukule za event, but not Family members will not be happy
friendly after missing a match in demanded refunds when Inter YouTube,” she warned. with the amount of time you are
Hong Kong, leaving Chinese fans Miami co-owner David Beckham The singer went on to clarify that only one DJ has been spending away from home.
seething and sparking conspiracy addressed the crowd at the end of doing that, and she doesn’t want to generalise issues.
theories. Sunday’s match. “I want to be clear, it’s not all DJs, it’s only one,” she said.
State media outlet Global Times They had paid up to HK$4,880
accused the footballer and his club (Sh99,955) to watch the 36-year- SAGITTARIUS
Inter Miami of “political motives” old Argentine superstar. November 23 - December 21
with the aim of “embarrassing” Just last year, Messi received a Lend an ear to children; it can make
Hong Kong. rock star welcome in Beijing when a difference. Get involved in creative
Messi remained on the bench he played for his country in a friend- projects that will enhance your cash.
throughout Sunday’s match in the ly against Australia. Some 68,000
Chinese special administrative fans paid up to $680 (Sh109,140)
region, citing injury. for the chance to see him in action. Singer Millicent CAPRICORN
Wednesday’s game in Tokyo led He is also a spokesperson for big Jerotich, aka December 22 - January 20
some fans to question whether Chinese brands such as Huawei, Marakwet You will have a tendency to put on
he’d been injured. Chery, Tencent, Mengniu, Chishui Daughter pounds.You will find your vitality is
Some 38,000 fans at the River Wine and J&T Express. /HANDOUT lowered.
Friday, February 9, 2024 THE-STAR.CO.KE 33



Stern warning
City Stars’ Omachi elated
with return after one year
ANGWENYI GICHANA/ Nairobi City Stars forward
Pius Omachi is excited to be back after one year out
with an injury.
McKinstry tears into Gor for failing to live up to expectations Omachi was back on the pitch as a substitute in a Ken-
yan Premier League match against Shabana
in Machakos on Sunday.
He was introduced in the final
13 minutes of play in place of
Samuel Kapen for his second
BY TONY MBALLA top-flight game.
“The season has gone
well for Nairobi City Stars
Gor Mahia head coach Johnathan though it has been hard for
McKinstry wants his charges to me to get back to the squad
perform in a manner that reflects due to stiff competition. How-
the club’s monumental status. ever, I am happy that things City Stars forward Pius
The Irish tactician went berserk are now flowing and I am Omachi /FILE
after the 20-time Kenyan Pre- back to the setup. I do believe
mier League champions soaked things will only get better from here,” he said.
in their first defeat of the season Omachi’s only other game – his debut – was in
at the hands of Kenya Police, who February last year against Gor Mahia at Moi Stadium,
thrashed them 3-1 at the Police Sac- Kasarani, after swapping places with Ezekiel Odera in
co Stadium last weekend. the 73rd minute. Misfortune then struck soon after and
In an exclusive interview on he was rendered unavailable for the rest of the sea-
Wednesday, McKinstry tore into his son due to injury.
squad for failing to rise to the occa- Meanwhile, City Stars chief executive officer, Patrick
sion at a time when the competition Korir has hailed Shabana’s fans for standing with their
has started to gather momentum. team despite current struggles.
“We can’t afford to play like “Those are diehards, and you have to admire them.
that again if we are serious about Think about it, the team is in the relegation zone but that
winning the league title. We had matters little. The urge to push them out of the red zone
opened a comfortable 10-point supersedes what they see in the standings,” said Korir.
league a fortnight ago but the defeat
has reduced it to seven. Any further
flop could prove detrimental to our FOOTBALL
title charge,” McKinistry remarked.
He singled out glaring deficien-
cies in midfield, saying they would
Vihiga move likely to open
put their nose to the grindstone and
refine their act before their next
Gor Mahia striker Benson Omalla/FILE bigger doors, says Kathuru
league encounter. of work to be done in polishing the “Our resolve is still the same. We MARTIN OMBIMA/ Former Gaspo goalkeeper Pauline
“It’s all about making all the de- squad and I believe we only require are determined to clinch the title Kathuru beleives her move to Vihiga Queens will serve as a
partments tighter than they pres- a few drills to perfect our act,” Mc- again,” said McKinstry. stepping stone to greener pastures abroad.
ently look. There’s some amount Kinistry stated. Meanwhile, Benson Omalla will Kathuru, who’s target has always been to play overseas,
“We are also considering rotating remain at the club for the rest of said: “Sports is well paying out there and my prayer is to get
the squad given the depth that we the season after his much-touted one of the best teams that will change my life for good.”
have. Fatigue usually sets in at some move to Algerian side, Jeunesse “Joining Vihiga Queens gives me hope that I will, one day,
point in time,” he added. Sportive de la Saoura, fell through play professional football.”
McKinstry asked his players to at the eleventh hour. Kathuru signed for Vihiga Queens after leaving a strug-
cultivate confidence, which would Reports indicate the Algerian gling Gaspo Ladies side, who are on the verge of collapse
JOHNATHAN MCKINSTRY give them the necessary composure club signed a Cameroonian strik- due to lack of funds.
to tackle their opponents effectively. er after Gor took too long to strike Vihiga have had some success stories abroad includ-
We are also “Some players look so timid a middle ground with the club ing Teresiah Ingesia, Jentrix Shikangwa, Barther Omata,
considering rotating and afraid of asking for the ball. over the striker. Janet Bundi, former captain Enez Mango, Anitter Nama-
For instance, against the Police, Omalla, 22, had been offered ta, Lilian Awour.​
the squad given the we did little to assert authority in Sh1.3m per month while Gor were Queens’ head coach Boniface Nyamunyamu is happy to
depth that we have. ball possession. Our midfield ap- meant to pocket a Sh3m fee. have on board.
Fatigue usually sets in peared disjointed.” The Kisumu Day alumnus is this “If she gets a new deal abroad, it will be a different
However, their desire to bag a season’s Kenyan Premier League story but releasing her into the local market will be a tall
at some point in time, 21st league title is still on. top scorer with nine goals. order,” he said.

Upper Hill to play Leos, Monks ahead of County Games
WILLIAM NJUGUNA/Upper Hill mentally and physically for what champions will also play Brooke-
School will play against Strath- will be a grueling championship with side International School in a
more University and Catholic only one slot up for grabs for the friendly match later this month
University second-string teams in Machakos contest. as part of their preparations for
readiness for the Nairobi County “I believe the boys will emerge the County Games.
Games next month. stronger from the two match- They have received support and
Head coach Eustace Sifuna, es. We want to use them to encouragement from Kibra Member
whose side finished second in the make amends before the County of Parliament and former princi-
15s category last year — falling 18-0 Games,” he added pal Peter Orero.
to Ofafa Jericho in Nairobi — believes They are laying emphasis is on Sifuna expects a tough battle
they can turn the tables on their the forwards where skill will be key. from the likes of holders Ofafa
rivals to qualify for the national “Our forwards were not skilled Jericho, Dagoretti, and a resur-
championships in Machakos in April. enough last season, especially in the gent Lenana and Nairobi School in
“Our preparation started in Sep- final when we lost to Ofafa. How- the county games.
tember last year. We want to test ever, the game has changed and we “It’s going to be very close
ourselves by playing teams in the expect the forwards to not only do all the teams are well matched
Eric Shirley Shield,” said Sifuna. their core roles but bring a bit of an it boils down to who does the
Amuga Okello of Upper Hill evades two Laiser Hill defenders in Matches against the Leos x-factor,” said Sifuna. basics well and is mentally pre-
a past match/ FILE and Monks will toughen the side The 2018 and 2019 national pared,” added Sifuna.
34 THE-STAR.CO.KE Friday, February 9, 2024


Cote d’Ivoire coach revels understood the message.”

This spirited unity has fuelled

in Elephant’s resurrection
their march to the final against
the odds. Faé has given the Ele-
phants fresh impetus when they
needed it most.
CAFONLINE/ Cote d’Ivoire coach ing DR Congo 1-0. From potential catastrophe to
Emerse Faé described reaching Just weeks ago, the humiliation Sunday’s showdown with Nigeria,
the Cup of Nations final as “like versus Equatorial Guinea left Cote Faé has masterminded one of
a dream” after masterminding a d’Ivoire’s campaign in tatters. AFCON’s greatest turnarounds.
remarkable turnaround. Yet Faé was able to restore belief Now comes the chance to conjure
The Elephants looked down and amidst the wreckage. another miracle.
out after a 4-1 thrashing by Equa- The Ivorian rallied his squad, “We will take stock in the next
torial Guinea in the group stage. utilising the full 27-man group. two days, we will analyse Nigeria,
But three straight knockout wins “I told the players: you are 27 even though we played them in Cote d’Ivoire
have booked an improbable final players and I count on everyone,” the group stage, we will see the coach Emerse
date with Nigeria. explained Faé after enacting his strategy to implement for the Faé / CAFONLINE
For Faé, appointed mid-tour- inclusive approach. final,” Faé noted.
nament after Jean-Louis Gas- “If we want to win this compe- Dreams may become reality
set’s sacking, this swift resur- tition, we will win it with all 27...I’ve if the Elephants maintain this
rection is a fantasy. “I am very been telling the players that momentum. Faé’s rescue mission
happy, very moved, it’s like a everyone is important, including could earn a fairytale ending by
dream,” he beamed after beat- those in the stands, and they winning the title on home soil.

Kessie dares to dream

How midfielder
is fueling Cup of
Nations ‘miracle’
CAFONLINE/ Cote d’Ivoire mid-
fielder Franck Kessie is daring to
dream after inspiring his nation to
the Cup of Nations final.
Kessie produced a Man of the
Match display to secure a 1-0
semi-final win over DR Con-
go. Now he believes Cote d’Ivo-
ire can achieve something spe-
cial on home soil.
Kessie has been integral to the
Elephants’ run, marshaling the
engine room with power and poise.
After narrowly scraping through
their group, Cote d’Ivoire have ig-
nited hopes of a ‘miracle’ triumph.
And AC Milan star Kessie is de-
termined to deliver for expectant
Ivorian fans. “When you have a
crowd like ours, the best in the
world, we must go all the way,” he
declared after beating DR Congo.
That win followed Kessie’s hon-
est locker room interventions dur-
ing the group stage. “The defeat
against Equatorial Guinea was a
wake-up call for us. We took the
opportunity to speak honestly
with each other and take respon-
sibility,” explained Kessie.
Cote d’Ivoire have been re-
juvenated since finding form Cote d’Ivoire players celebrate after reaching the Cup of Nations final/HANDOUT
when it matters most. Kessie be-
lieves the final at President Al- By fuelling Cote d’Ivoire’s mira- Bakambu had a goal harshly disal- much. We’re disappointed tonight.
assane Ouattara Stadium gives cle, the Panther has already etched lowed before Yoane Wissa wasted a We could have achieved a better
added motivation. his name into Ivorian folklore. Now glorious one-on-one. result,” Desabre conceded.
“This stadium bears the name of Kessie wants to cement legendary “We didn’t take advantage of our Attention now turns to securing
our President, and we must hon- FRANCK KESSIE status by winning on home soil. momentum,” rued Desabre. “We third place when DR Congo face
our it. We still have a long way to Meanwhile, DR Congo manager tried to have all the offensive weap- South Africa on Saturday.
go. We should have a glorious his- This stadium bears Sebastien Desabre was left ruing ons to equalise, by changing the “We are competitors, we need to
tory here, and it’s up to us to write
the next chapter,” he said.
the name of our missed opportunities in the defeat
to Cote d’Ivoire.
system, making substitutions, but
unfortunately, it didn’t happen.”
quickly regroup. We have a match
on Saturday to secure third place,”
Victory on Sunday would spark President, and we Sebastien Haller scored the win- Despite the heartbreak, Desabre stated Desabre defiantly.
ecstatic scenes nationwide. Nigeria must honour it. We ner to deny DR Congo to have a praised the performance and ef- Reaching the last four capped
stand in the way. Kessie’s leader- stab at a third title. fort of his Congolese warriors. He impressive progress for DR Con-
ship and authority could make the still have a long way “My first impression is disap- acknowledged they faced brilliant go in Desabre’s first tournament.
difference against Nigeria’s flair. If to go. We should pointment, considering the course opponents in the Elephants. The Frenchman has moulded a
the Elephants achieve Afcon glory,
Kessie’s midfield masterclass will
have a glorious of the match,” said the Frenchman.
Multiple chances spurned in the
“It must be recognised that there
was a great team from Cote d’Ivoire
youthful, dynamic team who
could yet leave Cote d’Ivoire with
have paved the way. history here first half proved pivotal. Cedric facing us. It didn’t come down to heads held high.
Friday, February 9, 2024 THE-STAR.CO.KE 35


Fortifying KPL key

for Harambee Stars’
success, says Ababu
BBC/ Ababu Namwamba says
a strong domestic league is the
foundation of a strong Harambee
Stars team as the country prepares
to host the 2027 Cup of Nations
alongside Uganda and Tanzania.
By being a co-host, Kenya will get
a bye in the qualifying rounds and
Namwamba, the Cabinet Secretary
for Sports, expects Harambee Stars
to compete, not participate.
Kenya have been to six Cup of
Nations; 1972, 1988, 1990, 1992,
2004 and 2019 but have never gone
past the group stages. They could
not play in the qualifiers of this
year’s competition since the country
was serving a Fifa ban.
To ensure the country leaves a
mark, Namwamba emphasised the
importance of a strong domes-
tic league, citing South Africa,
whose majority of players are from
their local league.
“What I admire about Bafana
Bafana is that this is a team made
Nigeria’s William Troost-Ekong (5) and Ademola Lookman (18) lead celebrations / CAFONLINE up of entirely home-based tal-

Keeping the faith

ent,” the CS noted
“This is a wake-up call to Kenya
and other African nations that
having a strong domestic league
is the foundation of a strong
national team.”
The Rainbow nation’s squad
for their semifinal clash against
Nigeria had 10 players from the
Lifting Afcon trophy will be amazing, says Nigeria captain Troost-Ekong South African Premier League with
a majority of them coming from
BBC / Nigeria captain William been the top-ranked side at the “It just shows we could do the dirty Mamelodi Sundowns.
Troost-Ekong says lifting the Af- tournament since the end of the last Nigeria’s Ola Aina work. We just had to keep believing The Kenyan Premier League
rica Cup of Nations trophy would 16, where holders Senegal, Morocco shoots at goal in ourselves. [South Africa were] a (KPL) is 20th in Africa as per
be an “amazing” moment for him and record seven-time champions /HANDOUT well-organised team, a quality team. a report by TeamForm with
and the country. Egypt all exited. To outdo them on penalties, it’s crazy. the Moroccan Botola Pro 1
The Super Eagles beat South Af- Nigeria manager Jose Peseiro says “Kudos to all the boys that stood League the strongest.
rica on penalties to reach Sunday’s he has always had faith in his side, up and took [a penalty]. It’s not easy Regionally, the Tanzanian league
final in Abidjan, where they will who were the top scorers in qualify- to go out there with the pressure and is 25th while the Ugandan Premier
face tournament hosts Cote d’Ivoire. ing for the finals with 22 goals. they kept calm.” League is 27th. Congo DR-Su-
Nigeria have reached their first final “When I signed the contract, I said Goalkeeper Stanley Nwabali was per Ligue is the strongest in East
since 2013, when the West Africans I want to win the Afcon,” the Portu- the hero in the shootout for the Su- Africa at 13th.
won their third continental title. guese told BBC Sport Africa. “Either per Eagles, denying Mokoena and Namwamba also wants Kenyan
“You dream about moments way, I don’t know if everybody be- Evidence Makgopa before Kelechi clubs to source talent from the
like that,” said centre-back Troost- lieved or not. I have believed since Iheanacho netted to clinch victory. youth system as opposed to engag-
Ekong. “I’ve seen it so many times. the first moment. We haven’t won “Seeing myself winning the man ing foreign players and coaches.
And I’ve closed my eyes. To actual- nothing until now — we want to of the match (award) and also going “Why are we going to fish for
ly be there on Sunday and have the win the Afcon.” to the final is a dream come true to Sports Cabinet third-rate players from elsewhere
chance to do that will be amazing.” Nigeria had looked like they would me,” Nwabali, who plays his club Secretary Ababu instead of developing our tal-
Nigeria were not among the close out victory against South Afri- football in South Africa, said. “Cred- Namwamba ent? We have competent play-
leading contenders for the trophy ca inside 90 minutes on Wednesday, it to my coaches, because when it’s /HANDOUT ers and coaches here in Kenya,”
before the finals, given their lack- with Troost-Ekong’s penalty putting penalty time, they guide me a lot.” Namwamba quipped.
lustre showing in their opening two them ahead in the 67th minute. After defeat on penalties, South
qualifiers for the 2026 World Cup Victor Osimhen thought he had Africa were left to reflect on a
and their position as the sixth-best made it 2-0 with five minutes to go missed opportunity to add to
team in Africa according to Fifa’s - but in a major twist Bafana Bafana their sole continental triumph on
world rankings. were awarded a penalty for a foul in home soil in 1996.
However, the Super Eagles have the build-up to that goal following a Bafana Bafana were runners-up
Video Assistant Referee review, al- two years later and finished third
lowing Teboho Mokoena to equalise. in 2000, but Wednesday’s meeting
“It’s good VAR because it was a with Nigeria was their first appear-
penalty against us,” Peseiro conced- ance in the semi-finals in 24 years.
ed. “But for us, for our minds, it was “We’ve fought from the start of
not good because we were winning the tournament,” defender Aubrey
WILLIAM TROOST-EKONG 2-0 and then we were drawing 1-1.” Modiba told BBC Sport Africa. “We
Khuliso Mudau almost won it for managed to equalise and take it to
“You dream about South Africa in second-half added extra time, even though towards the
moments like that. time before a nervy 30 minutes of
extra time and Nigeria’s eventual 4-2
end we could have taken our chanc-
es that we created.
“I’ve seen it so many triumph on penalties. “Even though we’re a bit disap-
times. And I’ve “This was a hard one. I think we pointed, penalties are a lottery. It
showed real character,” defender wasn’t meant to be and you cannot
closed my eyes. Calvin Bassey told BBC Sport Africa. have any regrets.”
36 THE-STAR.CO.KE Friday, February 9, 2024

Were among five players unveiled by Mathare United BY KABIR DHANJI


international Paul Were is among
bid to return to the Premier League.
The speedy winger was last attached
United youth team.
Two weeks ago, the club unveiled
Paul Were with
Mathare United Action returns at
new signings unveiled by National
Super League side Mathare United as
they seek promotion to the Kenyan
to Rayon Sport of Rwanda,” the club
said in a statement.
Ogweno, a goalkeeper, was on the
Donald Ange from Kariobangi Sharks,
Kevin Masongo (Gusii), Daniel
Odhiambo (Kibera Black Stars),
CEO Jeckton
Obure Ngong Racecourse
with the Kenya
Premier League. bench in Mathare United’s win over Mohammed Kilume, Ali Athiman,
On Thursday, Were, goalkeeper Mombasa Elite last weekend. Stephen Okola and striker Boaz Maeri.
Gideon Ogweno, Starlon Odhiambo
and Hillary Kiprotich were unveiled as
He joins from Migori Youth and was
between the sticks when Mathare Guineas
the club concluded their mid-season United played them on Matchday One

transfer business. in September. He kept a clean sheet in orse racing returns with the Kenya Guineas— the
This means Mathare signed 11 new the barren draw. first of the big classics— this weekend at the
players in the mid-season transfer Odhiambo joins from NSL rivals Ngong Racecourse.
window which closed on Thursday. Kibera Black Stars. The leftback is The entries for Kings Pattern Handicap and Kenya
Were is a Kenyan international the son of former Mathare United Guineas are among the biggest fields seen in years,
who has played for Tusker and AFC defender Noah Abich. promising an exciting meeting to match the festi-
Leopards locally as well as a host He also featured for his former team val around racing.
of Africa and European teams. The against Mathare earlier in the season The ‘Classics’, are races which traditionally and his-
forward was part of Kenya’s squad at when they drew 2-2. torically pit the best horses in Kenya against each other,
the 2019 Africa Cup of Nations in Egypt. Kiprotich, a young midfielder and the Kenya Guineas is the first in a series of these
“Were’s experience will be key in our will head to the Mathare feature spectacles. The packed fields for this presti-
gious day of racing are a testament to the healthy state
of racing in Kenya, with any number of nags having a
ATHLETICS respectable chance of earning honours.

Formidable squad
Equally, the battle between the jockeys is a closely
fought affair, with Henry Muya surging into the lead
ahead of last season’s champion, Lesley Sercombe.
Charles Kimani and veteran champion James
Muhindi are chasing the two leaders in joint third, and
the bullish young sensation, Michael Fundi, is sitting in
fifth, hunting the seasoned veterans.
The fine weather that has recaptured the ‘City in
Loibach, Kiprop lead Team Kenya to Africa Cross Country Championships the Sun’ means track conditions are likely to be good
to firm, which means that the big race of the day, The
Kenya Guineas, which happens at 3:55 PM, will be run
at pace. The time-honoured rituals of racing regard this
middle-distance sprint as the trial for the Kenya Derby,
TEDDY MULEI the biggest race in the calendar, so there is a great deal
@TheStarKenya at stake to understand where horses are and where
they need to be.
Former world youth silver medal- It’s hard to pick a favourite for the 1600m Kenya
list Sandrafelis Chebet and Grace Guineas, but Beeston, ridden by C Kimani, is the form
Loibach are among the star ath- horse, having both the staying power and a sprint in
letes named in Team Kenya for him, which are essential. Bedford, ridden by M Fundi,
the Africa Cross Country Cham- on paper, is the main competition, and Dunleavy,
pionship slated for February 25 in ridden by Lesley Sercombe cannot be discounted. James
Hammamet, Tunisia. Muhindi, the most consistent jockey to place or win,
Chebet and Loibach, a fourth- riding Carlisle, will be in the running.
place finisher at the 2023 World The full and exciting six-card meeting is largely
Cross country Championships in made up of middle-distance running and sprints,
Australia, spearhead a team of none with any clear favourites, which will make for
30 unveiled by Athletics Kenya exciting viewing and betting for punters and patrons
(AK) yesterday. alike. The fixture gets underway at 1:30 PM with the
Chebet won the women’s 15km Vayu Handicap, a 1200m sprint pitting Star in Wonder
Road race at the 96th edition of against Venetian Link.
the Corrida Internacional de São The 1800m Risky Business Handicap at 2:05 PM
Silvestre in Sao Palo, Brazil clock- stands Welcome Breeze from South Africa against
ing 50:06 in 2022. Daisy, though the South African imports, by and large,
Loibach, finished ninth in the do not seem to favour the harder ground for running
10,000m race at the World cham- their best gallops.
pionships in Budapest, Hungary, The 1600m African Storm Maiden at 2:40 pm has Ten
in a time of 31:38.17. Eighty as the easy favourite. The 3:15 PM Kings Pattern
In June 2023, she ran the eighth Handicap over 1600m is the second most prominent
fastest 10,000m time of 29:47.08 race of the day, packed with 10 runners, the most of any
on her debut over the distance race in recent history.
to finish runner-up to Nether- Sandrafelis 2010 Youth Olympics gold med- bet, Judy Kemunto, Lucy Nduta The three leading jockeys, Muya, Sercombe, and
lands’ Sifan Hassan ( 29:37.80 Chebet (L) allist Virginia Nyambura, Cintia and Sharon Chepkemoi form the Kimani, are all riding potential favourites, Sea Ea-
) in Hengelo. and Grace Chepng’eno, Gladys Kwamboka rest of the team. gle, Bampton, and Wimborne respectively, in what
Joining the duo will be the Lobach during and Caren Chebet in the senior The men’s U20 team is made should be the most strategically fought race of the
the Sirikwa women’s category. up of Titus Kiprotich, Gideon day. For the punters and dreamers, Maria is a realis-
Classic Tour in The men’s senior team will be Kipngetich, Clinton Kimutai, tic outside chance, and the skills of Fundi on Cindy
data Eldoret over the led by the 2019 African Games Simon Maywa, Joseph Njoroge are worth a wager.

weekend gold medallist Robert Kiprop. and Joash Ruto. The Duke of Manchester Cup is a 1,200m sprint at
/ CHARLENE He will have the company of World cross country champion 4:30 pm, and largely an affair of South African imports.
MALWA African U20 5,000m bronze med- and U20 1,500m silver medallist Daytime Girl ridden by Sercombe is the darling and
allist Vincent Kimaiyo, Brian Kip- Mirriam Cherop and Youth Olym- banker, with the local Ripon, ridden Fundi, as the main
too, Vincent Langat, Fredrick Do- pics 1500m silver medallist Win- contenders looking to upset the apple cart. Coffee Break
mongole and Naibei Kiplimo. fred Nzisa will lead the relay team. is a reliable bet to place, as is Grand Surabi.
Athletes in Team Kenya World U20 3,000m bronze Joining the duo will be Evaline The end of the racing is the beginning of the sun-
medallist Nancy Cherop will Chepkoech, Edwin Kiprono, Vic- downers and afterparty hosted in conjunction with
for Africa Cross lead the women’s junior team. tor Kipkirui and Newton Kipkurui. Capital FM with mellifluous tunes and delectable
Sandrafelis Chebet and Grace Loibach Cherop won 800m, 1,500m and The team which will be led by delights from Geco Tribe, Maurizio’s, Fabio’s Pizza, 254
the star athletes in Team Kenya for the 3,000m races in Ndola, Zambia AK Vice President Paul Mutwii, Breweries, Shawarma Mamma, Lekker, Nairobi Street
Africa Cross Country Championship during the Africa U18 Champi- is set to go into residential train- Kitchen, and Need Gelato, as well as an assortment of
slated for February 25 in Hammamet, onships in 2023. ing on February 11 at Watakatifu other food and drink vendors making it an unmissable
Tunisia. Diana Chepkemoi, Sheila Je- Wote in Ngong. event, with music.
Friday, February 9, 2024 THE-STAR.CO.KE 37

football gossip
BY DAVID BILLINGTON [email protected]

Italian midfielder has featured in just 22 matches since joining the Gunners in January 2023

ARTETA WANTS JORGINHO TO STAY PUT training ground following a 4-2

home defeat to Wolves. He could
ready spent £10million paying off
Thomas Tuchel and the previous
meant being side-lined for the rest
of the season.
still hear the Blues’ fans chant of coach, Graham Potter, is due an- Fortunately, the 26-year-old
“We want Mourinho back” ring- other £13million. does not require surgery and it
ing in his ears. Make no mistake…Chelsea are in will be up to the medical staff to
The owners’ representatives a mess. Pochettino and Boehly have nurse him back to full fitness. He
have said they would stick by put their faith in buying young- will probably miss eight league
Pochettino for now but things have sters. The only starter over 30 years matches including the Manchester
to improve and there would be a of age was Thiago Silva. derby on March 3.
review at the end of the season. In previous years, Chelsea had Erik Ten Hag has Harry Magu-
An FA Cup mid-week win against the backbone of John Terry, Frank ire, Jonny Evans, Raphael Ver-
Aston Villa has slightly eased the Lampard, Didier Drogba and Petr ane and Victor Lindelof to replace
pressure on Pochettino but this is Cech to guide the youngsters and Martinez in this weekend’s match
not a true picture of where Chelsea deliver silverware. That experience against Aston Villa.
are this season. is needed on the pitch now but
Cup games do not reflect how isn’t available. GUARDIOLA ANSWERS

rsenal midfielder Jorginho has Jorginho with the week-in, week-out Premier It isn’t that the players dislike HAALAND RUMOURS
a contract until May but Mikel Bukayo Saka League games are being played. Pochettino. They are disheartened Pep Guardiola has taken the un-
Arteta is hoping to persuade /FILE The Cup is a one-off knock-out and training at Cobham underlines usual step of dismissing reports
him to stay at the Emirates. Jor- game and Villa are more concerned that perfectly. When training ends, claiming striker Erling Haaland is
ginho started for only the fifth time with their league position and the the players leave immediately, unhappy at Manchester City. He
this season but Arteta was quick to possibility of qualifying for Eu- no one stays to do extra work and says Haaland has no plans to leave.
praise his performance in the 3-1 rope next season. their luxury cars can be seen leav- Real Madrid have been mak-
victory over Liverpool on Sunday. Just to get things straight here ing hurriedly, almost in convoy. ing noise about signing him with
He signed an 18-month contract are the hard Chelsea facts: 1. Play- Can Chelsea kick on and use the Spanish press going into
after moving from Chelsea in Jan- ers are struggling to understand their FA Cup win to inspire them overdrive claiming striker is on
uary last year but has only been exactly what Pochettino’s tactics to perform in the Premier League? his way to Spain.
able to feature in 22 matches due to are. His defence is changed every Monday’s game at struggling Crys- “Not true” according to Guardio-
a foot injury. week, players are left out tal Palace is one they should win la. Real wanted to sign the Norwe-
There is no doubting that Jorgin- without explanation and and could provide the answer but gian from Dortmund in 2022 but
ho has the ablility to thrive in Ar- the coach does not seem to on February 17 they travel to Man- City won that race.
senal’s midfield alongside Declan know what his best team chester City and that game will re- Haaland then scored 52 goals in
Rice and Martin Odegaard. Arteta is. The team fails to press veal whether Chelsea can unlock one campaign and the Blues won
is also aware that he can influence high, chase balls, move their true potential. the treble…not a bad addition to the
and help younger players given his into positions that give op- Haaland trophy cabinet.
two European trophies and a Euro- portunities and there is little KLOPP’S MISTAKE WITH MAC
pean Championship medal which motivation in league games. ALLISTER HODGSON CLINGS ONTO PALACE
he won with Italy in 2021. 2. Recruitment has been appall- After several conversations Another coach clinging on to his
Arteta now has to decide how he ing with the new owners throw- at Arsenal last weekend, job by his fingertips is Crystal Pal-
will line up against West Ham this ing money around like confetti in many agreed with me that ace veteran Roy Hodgson.
weekend because Jorginho stepped a sport they clearly do not under- Liverpool coach Jurgen Thumped by Brighton 4-1, Palace
in for Kai Havertz, who moved for- stand. They bought some talented Klopp made an error which defender Joachim Anderson had
ward in place of Gabriel Jesus, who players who are individuals but he has repeated several times to be pulled away from the visit-
could return this week. ­If Jesus is fit who rarely work together play- recently. I have witnessed time ing fans who had chanted abuse
to lead the line, Arteta will decide ing under Pochettino’s guidance. and again that when Klopp plays throughout the game at coach, the
after Friday’s training on whether This has left the coach with a poor Mac Allister in the centre midfield players and the management.
he plays Havertz or Jorginho. Premier League squad in terms role he struggles and regularly Ironically, the last coach who led
Thomas Partey suffered another of success. A typical example is loses the ball. Palace to defeat at Brighton was
setback in his recovery from a thigh Nicolas Jackson who rarely fails Against Arsenal, he was caught Patrick Viera and he was sacked
injury and this could give Jorginho to disappoint having missed con- in possession too many times and two days later.
more opportunities as the Ghana siderable goalscoring chances this he gave the ball away far too of- Four wins in 17 games have left
international often moved up from season. He did at least score one in ten. There is no doubting that he is Palace only five points above the
right back into the midfield. Partey the FA Cup win. a good player but at No6 he is put relegation zone. To make mat-
has been out since September and 3. Conor Gallagher is captain one under pressure which he cannot ters worse for Palace, their star
the club are considering selling him week, left out of the team the next handle. Arsenal’s Jorginho on the winger, Michael Olise, is facing
at the end of the season.
THOMAS and was top of Chelsea’s list to be other hand, also playing at No6, did two months out with a hamstring
PARTEY sold. He is still there, in and out of not give the ball away once and he injury sustained in the 4-1 de-
SON FLIES BACK HOPING TO PLAY the team, not quite knowing how tackled with authority and made feat at Brighton.
In a surprise defeat against Jordan, SUFFERED he fits into Pochettino’s so called accurate passes. He had limped off during
South Korea’s semi-final exit at
the Asian Cup means captain Heu-
ANOTHER strategy. 4. Thiago Silva and Cole
Palmer are the only guaranteed
It was a crucial part of the game
and in many ways dictated who
the match against Sheffield
United complaining of pain
ng-Min Son should be available to SETBACK IN Premier League game starters. won and who lost. Mac Allister lost but was thought to be fit
play for Tottenham against Bright- 5. Chelsea owners fear sacking possession too many times in the enough to sit on the bench at
on on Saturday.
HIS RECOVERY Pochettino and his large back- first half and often in deep posi- Brighton but Hodgson decided
Son returned to the UK on FROM A THIGH room staff — who would cost over tions which put his back four under to risk him and has been heavily
Wednesday and went to the Lon- £10million — which means the pressure. He is a much better play- criticised for the decision given that
don Stadium to meet manager INJURY club, currently fighting off possible er further upfield. Olise had to come off again after
Ange Postecoglou. He is fully fit and
only jet lag will prevent him from
AND THIS charges of breaking the financial
fair play rules which limits losses MARTINEZ WILL MISS
pulling up in pain.
Sunday’s game between Palace
leading out his Tottenham team. COULD GIVE to £105million over three years, MANCHESTER DERBY and Chelsea is a must-win for both
would need to sell expensive play- The latest word from Manchester managers. Defeat could be the end
JORGINHO ers to keep themselves compliant. United is that Lisandro Martinez’s for Hodgson. Sacked Nottingham
Mauricio Pochettino didn’t exactly MORE Their disappointment of not sell- injury is confined to a collateral lig- Forest boss Steve Cooper has been
jump out of bed with joy on Mon- ing home grown Amando Broja on ament in his right knee. The origi- spoken to by Palace but he does not
day morning as he prepared to hold CHANCES. a permanent deal becomes ever nal diagnosis was an anterior cru- want to take over a club midway
yet another inquest at the Cobham more relevant. Chelsea have al- ciate ligament which would have through the season.
38 THE-STAR.CO.KE Friday, February 9, 2024

LEFT: Everton
Jordan Pickford
and James

United players

Who owns EPL clubs?

ship side Dundee.
In May last year former NFL star JJ
Watt and his wife Kealia, an ex-USA
forward, announced their invest-
ment in Burnley. In August, Burnley
announced US sport and YouTube
BBC/ The Ineos investment in Man-
chester United. Manchester City’s
Rules around multi-club ownership could soon be tightened entertainment group, Dude Perfect,
had also invested.
sister club Girona riding high in turing in the Europa League. Villa’s er in 2011 and assumed 100 per BRIGHTON
Spain’s La Liga. Rumoured Saudi owners have a stake in Portugal’s cent ownership in 2018. He owns In 2009 Tony Bloom, who is a CHELSEA
Pro League club interest in Newcas- Vitoria Guimaraes, and both ap- Kroenke Sports and Entertain- Brighton fan, secured a 75 per cent American investor Todd Boehly and
tle players. The issue of multi-club peared in the Europa Conference ment, the holding company of Ar- shareholding in the club and, in private equity firm Clearlake Capi-
ownership models is back in focus. League. Uefa said the changes im- senal and Major League Soccer side 2018, completed the takeover of tal completed a £4.25bn takeover of
Rules around multi-club own- plemented “substantially restrict Colorado Rapids. Saint-Gilloise. Chelsea in 2022.
ership could soon be tightened the investors’ influence and deci- In July, after both clubs qualified Boehly is also a part-owner of sev-
up, with Uefa president Aleksand- sion-making power over more than ASTON VILLA for the Europa League to comply en-time baseball World Series cham-
er Ceferin recently saying it is his one club, ensuring compliance with Owners Nassef Sawaris and Wes with Uefa rules, Bloom became a pions the LA Dodgers, US women’s
“biggest problem where I don’t the multi-club ownership rule”. Edens, who refer to themselves as minority shareholder of Union and basketball team the Los Angeles
have a solution”. In addition, the clubs involved V Sports, purchased a controlling president Alex Muzio increased his Sparks and NBA franchise the Los
City and Girona occupy Cham- agreed they would not transfer stake in Villa in 2018. investment to become a majori- Angeles Lakers.
pions League qualification places, players to each other “permanently In March last year, V Sports ty shareholder. In June Chelsea’s owners agreed
with City’s owner, the Abu Dha- or on loan, directly or indirectly, un- bought a 46 per cent stake in Vitoria a deal to buy a majority stake in
bi-backed City Football Group, also til September 2024” or “use any joint Guimaraes. In July, after both clubs BOURNEMOUTH French Ligue 1 club Strasbourg. There
owning a 47 per cent stake in Gi- scouting or player database”. qualified for the Europa Conference In 2022, Bournemouth owner Max- is concern in some quarters about
rona. Uefa rules stop anyone hav- In November Premier League League, it reduced its stake to 29 per im Demin sold his 100 per cent whether there is Saudi involvement
ing “control or influence” over two clubs narrowly voted against a cent to comply with Uefa rules. stake to American businessman Bill at Stamford Bridge.
clubs in the same Uefa competi- temporary ban on ‘related-par- Foley’s Black Knight Football Club. There is uncertainty over wheth-
tion, and in March Ceferin said they ty loans’ between clubs under the BRENTFORD Foley is chairman of Cannae er Saudi Arabia’s Public Invest-
needed a “rethink”. same ownership. Owner Matthew Benham first took Holdings Inc, which has a 50.1 per ment Fund (PIF), holds a stake in
He told the Telegraph last month full control of Brentford in June cent interest in the club. The mi- Clearlake Capital, but club sources
that the challenge is one of “per- ARSENAL 2012 after initially investing in his nority ownership group is led by have rejected suggestions of any di-
ception” around integrity if clubs American Stan Kroenke acquired boyhood club in 2005. Benham also Hollywood actor Michael B Jor- rect involvement.
under the same control meet in the a 9.9 per cent stake in Arsenal in held majority shares in Danish side dan, his first foray into professional
same competition. 2007, became majority sharehold- FC Midtjylland but sold in August. sports ownership. CRYSTAL PALACE
“[You would] say, ‘Look, your Foley bought a minority stake Crystal Palace are one of five clubs
competition is fixed’, and then you in French Ligue 1 club Lorient in owned by John Textor’s Eagle Foot-
start losing everything.” January 2023, and in November, ball Holdings. It purchased a 40 per
In 2017 Uefa ruled that RB Leip- he was awarded the licence for cent stake in 2021 and also owns
zig and Red Bull Salzburg — both an expansion team in Australia’s Brazil’s Botafogo, Belgian top-flight
of whom are associated with ener- A-League, to be based in Auck- club RWD Molenbeek and US
gy-drink maker Red Bull — were land, New Zealand. academy outfit FC Florida. Textor
allowed to play in the Champions Last month, the Scottish Football completed the takeover of French
League. Uefa ruled “no individual Association cleared Foley to buy side Lyon in 2022.
or legal entity had a decisive in- into Premiership club Hibernian,
fluence over more than one club” subject to his minority sharehold- EVERTON
and it did not affect the integrity of ing not exceeding 29.99 per cent Farhad Moshiri became major share-
the competition. and it not precluding Hibs from holder in 2016 by purchasing 49.9
playing in Europe. per cent of Everton. Since then he has
WHAT MEASURES ARE IN PLACE? increased his stake to 94.1 per cent.
At the start of this season Bright- BURNLEY However, in September Ever-
on and Aston Villa had to make American investment group ton were close to being sold to Mi-
“significant changes” to comply ALK Capital completed its take- ami-based investment firm 777 Part-
with Uefa rules. over of Burnley by buying an 83 ners. That potential takeover is yet to
Brighton owner Tony Bloom is per cent stake in 2020, and last be ratified by the Premier League.
involved with Belgian side Royale month, it agreed to a “strategic re- They have invested in various foot-
Union Saint-Gilloise, with both fea- Arsenal owner Stan Kroenke / FILE lationship” with Scottish Premier- ball clubs around the world, includ-
Friday, February 9, 2024 THE-STAR.CO.KE 39

theory — makes Newcastle one of the PREMIER LEAGUE

richest clubs in the world.
In June PIF took over four of the
leading Saudi Arabian clubs - Al-Nas- Pochettino’s best
night of Chelsea’s
sr, Al-Hilal, Al-Ahli and Al-Ittihad. In
November a Premier League vote to
temporarily ban related-party loans
did not receive the required support.
It means Newcastle will be able to
sign players on loan from sides con-
traumatic season’
trolled by their Saudi owners. BBC/ Chelsea’s fans mirrored the mood of dysfunction
During the January transfer win- and crisis hanging over the club by opening this dramatic
dow, Newcastle midfielder Miguel FA Cup night at Villa Park with a loud lament for lost owner
Almiron was linked with a move Roman Abramovich.
to Saudi side Al-Shabab, which is It did not last long, cut off in full cry as Conor Gallagh-
not owned by PIF. er’s crisp finish at The Holte End instantly brought songs
of a different kind, setting the tone for Chelsea’s finest
NOTTINGHAM FOREST moment of this mess of a season under manager Mau-
Greek shipping magnate Evangelos ricio Pochettino.
Marinakis purchased 100 per cent Chelsea’s form has been so dismal that any talk of
of Nottingham Forest’s shares from victory in this fourth-round replay at Aston Villa was
Fawaz Al-Hasawi in 2017. The own- placed into the bracket of an FA Cup shock — not exactly
ers formed a new company NF Foot- Maidstone United winning at Ipswich Town level, but a
ball Investments Ltd, registered in shock nonetheless.
the UK. Marinakis has also been the How wrong we all were. The sound of a script being
owner of Greek top-flight side Olym- torn up could be heard at Villa Park inside 20 minutes, so
piakos since 2010 and Portuguese unexpected was this Chelsea performance and outcome.
side Rio Ave since November. Chelsea’s desperate plight when they arrived here made
this outstanding 3-1 win, fully deserved after a superb
SHEFFIELD UNITED team display, so much sweeter in a stadium where Villa
In 2013 Prince Abdullah purchased have won 13 games and lost only two in all competi-
50 per cent of Sheffield United. De- tions this season.
spite returning to the Premier League The stock of co-owners Todd Boehly and Behdad Egh-
ing Vasco da Gama in Brazil, Standard Burnley players Nahyan and Khaldoon Al Mubarak for the 2023-23 season, Prince Ab- bali, and to a much lesser extent Pochettino, had sunk so
Liege in Belgium and Hertha Berlin of during a training — is owned by three organisations. A dullah made clear his intention to low that Stamford Bridge echoed to praise for Abramov-
Germany. The firm also holds a share session majority 81 per cent is owned by Abu sell the club. ich and former manager Jose Mourinho when Chelsea
in La Liga side Sevilla, who won the / HANDOUT Dhabi United Group, while Amer- In February last year it was re- scraped the barrel losing 4-2 at home to Wolverhampton
Europa League last season. ican firm Silver Lake owns 18 per ported that Nigerian billionaire Wanderers on Sunday. Yes, it was that desperate.
cent and Chinese firms China Media Dozy Mmobuosi’s takeover was There was even an unwanted — unwanted by Chelsea
FULHAM Capital and CITIC Capital have a one at an “advanced stage”, but no and Pochettino at least - social media intervention by Isa-
Shahid Khan purchased Fulham in per cent stake. deal was secured. belle Silva, wife of defender Thiago Silva, when she posted
2013. He also owns NFL side the Jack- CFG has 12 clubs on its books, in- Prince Abdullah is the founder of on “X” after the Wolves debacle: “It’s time to change. If
sonville Jaguars and co-owns wres- cluding Girona, Mumbai City, Mel- United World Group, which holds 75 you wait any longer it will be too late.”
tling company All Elite Wrestling bourne City, New York City, Palermo per cent of shares in Belgium club Isabelle apologised before kick-off while Pochettino
(AEW) with his son, Tony, who is the and sides in South America and Asia. Beerschot and full ownership of insisted the reason Silva was sitting behind him on a
president and chief executive of AEW. Saudi Arabian second-division team bench at kick-off time was because of “performance
MANCHESTER UNITED Al-Hilal United, French side Chateau- and balance”, not as a punishment for his wife’s — her
LIVERPOOL In December Sir Jim Ratcliffe agreed roux and Indian outfit Kerala United words — “outburst”.
Fenway Sports Group bought Liver- to buy a 25 per cent stake in Man- Raheem Sterling joined Silva with a watching brief, pay-
pool in a £300m deal in 2010. In 2021 chester United for about $1.3bn TOTTENHAM ing the price for a season that has gone into sharp decline
RedBird Capital Partners, a private (£1bn). This means Ratcliffe’s Ine- British investment company ENIC after a bright start, especially in two poor performances in
investment firm, bought a stake in os Group will take control of foot- International holds 87 per cent of the heavy defeats at Liverpool and at home to Wolves.
FSG for about $735m (£533m). Red- ball operations. shares in Tottenham. The family Chelsea, despite cup competitions being their salvation
Bird owns Serie A side AC Milan and Ineos owns French club Nice, who trust of Joe Lewis owns 70 per cent so far this season after reaching the EFL Cup final against
French Ligue 1 club Toulouse. are second in Ligue 1 and well placed of ENIC, with the remainder owned Liverpool, were firm underdogs against a Villa side on the
to qualify for next season’s Cham- by the family trust of Spurs chair- crest of a wave in the Premier League’s top four and so
LUTON TOWN pions League and Swiss top-flight man Daniel Levy. formidable on their own ground.
Luton are owned by the group Luton club Lausanne. ENI invested in Rangers, Slavia The time was crucial, too, with Pochettino under more
Town Football Club 2020, chaired Prague, AEK Athens, Vincenza Calcio scrutiny than at any time since his summer appoint-
by David Wilkinson. Director Paul NEWCASTLE UNITED and Basel in the late 1990s but sold ment, Villa supporters revelling in his misfortune with a
Ballantyne has a significant interest Newcastle are owned by Saudi Ara- those shares to take a bigger stake in group chanting the trademark: “You’re Getting Sacked
in the company. bia’s Public Investment Fund (PIF), Tottenham in 2007. In The Morning.”
which provided 80 per cent of the West HamThe majority of shares Not after this he isn’t. Pochettino’s job was not under
MANCHESTER CITY funds for the takeover in 2021. PIF of West Ham are split between David immediate threat but the tension around the club and,
The City Football Group (CFG) — has assets reported to be between Sullivan ( 38 per cent), Sparta Prague most significantly, results and shambolic performances
founded by Mansour bin Zayed Al of £250bn and £700bn, which — in owner Daniel Kretinsky ( 27 per cent) meant he could not afford an FA Cup exit otherwise the
and Vanessa Gold ( 25 per cent). storm clouds will have gathered more heavily.
Gold’s shares belonged to her fa- The Argentine insisted he had received messages of
ther David until his death in Janu- support from Chelsea’s owners, but history tells us this is
ary last year. Those shares were then the most volatile of clubs and plenty is already riding on
passed to Vanessa’s sister Jacque- that Wembley meeting with Liverpool on February 25.
line, but she died in March, leaving
them to Vanessa.
Kretinsky took a 27 per cent stake
in West Ham in 2021. The Czech busi-
nessman was influential in bringing
in Czech Republic-based players
Vladimir Coufal, Tomas Soucek and
Alex Kral to the club.

Wolves are owned by Fosun Group,
a Chinese investment firm head-
ed up by Guo Guangchang. The
wife of Guangchang, Jenny Wang,
owned the majority of shares in
Swiss club, Grasshoppers, but sold
them last month to MLS franchise Chelsea’s Enzo Fernandez takes a free kick against Aston
Manchester City’s players celebrate with the Premier League trophy / FILE Los Angeles FC. Villa / HANDOUT
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PAGE 34-35


Confident Okal tips
Morans to return to
Givens, Gorlei and Walsh in joint lead Afro-Basket show
as Kenya Ladies Open gets underway DAN OWERRE/ Kenya Morans
forward Ariel Okal believes they
have a chance to return to the FIBA
Afro-Basket finals next year.
Realistically, he said they can
win at least two matches during
the FIBA Afro-Basket Qualifi-
ers Window 1 slated for Tunisia
February 23-25.
In an interview after the morning
training sessions at Nyayo on
Thursday, the widely-traveled star
said they are aware of the task that
lies ahead in Tunisia but are ready.
Kenya open their four-team
campaign against host Tunisia be-
fore meeting Angola and winding up
their fixtures against Guinea.

Okal, one of the most experi-
enced stars on the national side,
said they have met Tunisia and An-
gola before and remain aware that
Angola, a team they beat via a Tylor
Ongwae buzzer in Cameroon four
years ago, will come outfighting.
“They will be coming for revenge.

We are all ready to return to Af-
ro-Basket. This time, we are more
experienced and we have a better
team,” Okal noted.
He remains unperturbed about
the late arrival of diaspora-based
players, saying they are all profes-
sionals who have the experience
and would fit into the team anytime.
“We know what is ahead of
us and we will help one another
as players to grasp whatever we
learn in training.”
Naomi Wafula par 80 which wasn’t quite good over par93 which makes it almost Of the 13 diaspora-based players
in yesterday’s going into Friday’s round. She is impossible for her to make the cut named to the team, Desmond
SAMSON ATEKA action at Vipingo lying jointly 100th and she is the going into the weekend. Owili who plies his trade in Aus-
@samson ateka /HANDOUT second-best-placed Kenyan. It’s also a tall order for the tralia and Bramwel Muchina who
Amateur Kellie Wahito rest of the Kenyans as they’ll be plays in Tanzania, are back home.
England’s Eleanor Givens, South Gachaga could only manage compelled to play very low scores Assistant coach Ancette Wafula
African Cara Gorlei and Lauren to shoot 8 over par 81 while to make the cut in Friday’s round. said the team is a mix of youth
Walsh of Ireland are jointly in the compatriot and youngest of the Meanwhile, 24-year-old and experience.
lead after Day One of the Magical five Chanelle Wangari ( 17 ) shot a German Alexandra Försterling is
Kenya Ladies Open at the Par 73 disappointing 9 over 82. taking a relaxed approach to the
Vipingo Ridge course. It was a bad day in the office for 2024 season after Day One of the
The trio shot four-under- Mercy Nyanchama, who posted 20 Magical Kenya Ladies Open.
par 69 to take the lead in the She said: “I have never really
season-opening Ladies European thought about putting pressure
Tour (LET) event. on myself,” said the two-
Resident golfer Jaquellin Walter time LET winner.
was the top-placed Kenyan golfer “I feel like I enjoyed it so much
at position T39 after she birdied and that’s why I want to have
holes 8 and 16 to close her day on ALEXANDRA FÖRSTERLING it again because it’s such a nice
two over par 75. feeling to win on Tour. I wouldn’t
Walter’s campaign was I feel like I enjoyed it call it pressure, it’s just more that
nevertheless affected by a double you want it so badly. I’m just trying
bogey she picked on hole six. so much and that’s to get into it and stay relaxed.” Ariel Okal and
Edition 5074

The rest of Kenyans struggled

through the opening day of the
why I want to have This year’s MKLO is being
beamed live globally across 100
Ken Wachira
during a training
Ladies European Tour. it again because it’s countries to 350 million homes. session at
Naomi Wafula, who is the most The live-action is being Nyayo Stadium
experienced among the five- such a nice feeling to broadcast across eleven territories yesterday
member Kenyan outfit, started win on Tour including Europe, America, Asia /CHARLENE
her campaign on a seven-over and Sub-Saharan Africa. MALWA

02 THE-STAR.CO.KE Friday-Sunday | February 9-11, 2024


ODM plans revamp as Raila keeps

everyone guessing on 2027 duel
The Azimio leader has overhauled polls board, devolved party elections and nominations to counties

pposition chief is quiet- pledged to popularise his candi- mit the results to Chungwa House, said. In an interview with the Star,
ly rolling out radical re- dature in all parts of Kenya. which will not meddle on the re- the Nairobi senator said the two of-
forms in his Orange Dem- But the Azimio leader brushed off sults from the counties. ficials should be in office the April
ocratic Movement party the push, saying he will make pub- ODM secretary general Edwin grassroots polls.
as he keeps everyone guessing his lic his stand at an appropriate time. Sifuna said the party delegates at “The coordinators will be ap-
next political steps. “I have my own mouth and I the counties will elect the two co- pointed by membership at each
LUKE AWICH The former Prime Minister is tak- will make a declaration at the right ordinators. county and that is why it is im-
Political writer ing the party for a grand re-brand time,” he said. “We have two coordinators elect- portant to wait for the recruitment
in what pundits claim signals his But silently, Raila is popularising ed by the delegates, whatever comes drive; they will be picked after
second sixth stab at the presidency ODM and making radical changes from the counties will be final,” he recruitment drive and before the
in 2027. in vital party organs as he seeks to elections,” Sifuna said.
Raila has not outrightly an-
nounced hanging his political boots
lay strong foundation for 2027 duel.
In the first round of his aggressive
CHUNGWA HOUSE HAS NOT “They (the coordinators) are the
ones who are going to run the elec-
but his allies are piling pressure on efforts to redeem ODM’s image, he WITNESSED ANY CHANGES tions.”
him to throw his hut in the ring. has overhauled the National Elec- However, the new approach must
ODM leaders from the Coast led tions Board and devolved all party SINCE 2015. THE ODM first be ratified by the National Gov-
by Mombasa Governor Abdulswa-
mad Nassir endorsed him as the
elections and nominations to the
CONSTITUTION, HOWEVER, erning Council before they are im-
party’s candidate during member- There will, however, be a PROVIDES FOR ELECTIONS The party is yet to schedule NGC
ship drive in the county in Kwale
last week.
three-member National Coordinat-
ing Commission that will supervise
AFTER EVERY FIVE YEARS. THE to approve the proposal.
Should the top decision-making
Led by Nassir, the leaders said the exercise in the counties. LAST TIME THE PARTY TRIED TO organ fail to convene before April,
Raila was the only leader with the Under the new arrangements, the Nairobi senator said an interim
credentials to take on the failed counties will be given freehand to INJECT FRESH BLOOD IN THE agency will takeover the exercise.
Kenya Kwanza leadership and manage their elections and trans- PARTY ENDED IN CHAOS “Even if it does not happen like
Friday-Sunday | February 9-11, 2024 THE-STAR.CO.KE 03

The ODM supremo is already

traversing the country to rev up
the grassroots ahead of the April
The exercise is also meant to
increase the party’s numbers and
make the people own the outfit.
EDWIN SIFUNA Since December, Raila has been
to at least 15 counties leading mem-
bership drive as he prepares ground
We have two for the polls.
Counties visited are Siaya, Homa
coordinators Bay, Migori, Kisii, Nyamira, Kisu-
mu, Kakamega during the first
elected by phase of the drive.
The team has also been to Busia,
the delegates, Vihiga, Bungoma, Lamu, Kilifi,
Kwale, Taita Taveta and Mombasa.
whatever comes From Coast, the former Primer
Minister was scheduled to camp in
from the counties Wajir, Mandera, Marsabit, Isiolo be-
will be final.The fore storming Ruto’s Rift Valley turf.
This, however, did not happen in
coordinators will what Sifuna said was due to a re-
quest from local leadership to have
be appointed by the meetings after the holy month.
“You don’t just walk and go, like
membership at now in North Eastern the leaders
have asked us to wait until Ramad-
each county han is over and it is something that
the party must consider for the ob-
tary general said. vious reasons, that doesn’t mean
The latest changes are the clearest there is a lull,” he said.
indication the ODM chief could be “So many factors influence the
quietly preparing to make a sixth calendar. We will announce when
stab at the presidency in a contest we settle on the dates because it is
with President William Ruto. done in consultation with the local
Apart from the NEB overhaul, the leadership.”
Orange party is also planning the Last week, the ODM brigade
reconstitution of the secretariat, pitched tent in Meru and Nairobi’s
with some senior officials saying Makadara constituency.
the exercise will begin after April The process that will culminate
grassroots elections. in a big rally in Nairobi in March
Chungwa House has not wit- will also be taken to Mt Kenya and
nessed any changes since 2015. Eastern.
The ODM constitution, however, ODM leader Raila According to the ODM plan, only
provides for elections after every Odinga during registered members will be allowed
five years. party membership to participate either as a voter or a
The last time the party tried to in- recruitment drive candidate.
ject fresh blood in the party ended at Kamukunji “If you are not a member, you
in chaos as a faction turned tables grounds in Nairobi will not be allowed to contest any
outside down, ending the elections county seat. If you want any seat then start
that because the new structure Fred Wetang’ula, the counties will be decided by a prematurely during the 2014 infa- /EMMANUEL recruiting members,” ODM deputy
need to be ratified by the organs brother of the board in Nairobi,” the ODM secre- mous ‘Men in Black’ fiasco. WANSON party leader Wycliffe Oparanya said.
of the party and that has not hap- of National
pened, we can still find a way to Assembly
have a board or a committee that Speaker Moses
will take care of the grassroots elec- Wetang’ula and
tions, it is not a crisis,” Sifuna said. Westlands MP
Richard Tairo and Emily Awita, Tim Wanyonyi,
who sat in the disbanded NEB, decamp Ford
were retained in the newly created Kenya to Join
NCC that will also include Beatrice ODM during a
Askul. recruitment
Abdullahi Diriye and Syntei drive in Bungoma
Nchoe and nominated Senator county
Catherine Mumma were shown /EMMANUEL
the door. WANSON
“The central committee has pro-
posed the disbandment of the par-
ty’s election board as currently con-
stituted and to devolve management
of its elections to the grassroots,”
the ODM secretary general said.
“Henceforth, all party elections
shall be managed at the county level
with two elections coordinators-
one male and one female -in charge
of each county.”
In contrast with 2022 when the
election board was hurriedly re-
constituted two years to the polls,
the Azimio leader wants the new
agency to settle in well in advance.
Raila camp believes that devolv-
ing elections system is a sure way to
tame the culture of bungled ODM
elections that has been blamed for
the outfit’s dismal performance in
general elections.
“The big problem of nomina-
tions has now been addressed,
never again shall nominations in
04 THE-STAR.CO.KE Friday-Sunday | February 9-11, 2024


hawa Ni Dollar Campaign that has
helped eliminate middlemen and
cartels that have been cheating the
farmer from getting his due share.
Now, coffee farmers can now be paid
directly in US dollars, and they can
now open dollar accounts directly.
This will also help them negotiate for
better exchange rates thus taking ad-
vantage of the shilling depreciation
to make more income, or to retain
value for money in a dollar account.
It will also have the multiplier effect
of many more Kenyans engaging in
forex trading from the comfort of
their homes through digital jobs
and e-commerce since there will
be a wider customer base.
Another great initiative is the
Sema Campaign by the Executive
Office of the President aiming to en-
courage Kenyans to report corrup-
tion within the public service. When
they speak out, the anticorruption
apparatus can then swing into action
and ensure to Kenyans that remedial
action is taken. This way, we shall
have a better, more accountable so-
ciety that benefits from government
services as public goods.
In this regard, there is also a new
app in town aptly named ‘Pasha’
that is aimed at giving the citizenry
an opportunity to give feedback on
government services. An initiative of
the Commission for Administrative
Justice (CAJ or the Ombudsman),
and the ministry of Public Service,
this app aims at ensuring there is
continuous feedback on what the
government should do to improve
the quality of life for us all.
Further, the government is also
rallying Kenyans to embrace farming

Haba na haba: Why change

to reduce food imports. It’s inter-
esting to note that in Taveta, more
than14,000 acres are under rice
plantation, with the potential of in-
creasing to more than 36,000 acres.

does not come in chariots

This is even more than the 20,000
acres in Mwea.
Most of the Taveta rice is, howev-
er, sold in Tanzania, yet the Kenya
Kwanza government is keen on in-
creasing rice production in Kenya
from the current 18 percent to 40
What is interesting is the fact that more often than not, we seem percent.
Through the fertiliser subsidy
to speak to one another more audibly in Kiswahili catch-phrases programme, the ‘Mbolea Mashinani’
clarion call helps in pushing this
initiative to ensure that more than
6.4 million farmers have access to

the 12.5 million fertiliser bags being
enyans are a creative lot Kenyans don’t see much value in up- Majuu campaign that is being cham- availed to them during both the long
and the latest catch-phrase holding and safeguarding our ‘com- pioned by the State Department for rains and short rains. This alone will
on the lips of many is ‘stori munal’ interests and would rather Diaspora Affairs. The campaign has help increase maize production to
za jaba’ meaning that ei- benefit individually at the expense of been able to take consular services the targeted 72 million bags by the
ther something isn’t true or that it’s the majority. This is the reason why to over 9,000 Kenyans in 100 cities year 2027 under a campaign named
ISAAC MWAURA just a pass-time talk. You can trust public resources are vandalised and abroad in 22 countries abroad, thus 72 by 27.
our entrepreneurial spirit to conjure taken for granted. they don’t waste a lot of time trav- The aim of this is to reduce maize
@TheStarKenya up something that puts lots of issues The Uzalendo campaign aims are elling from their hometowns just to importation and to ensure the coun-
into perspective. speaking to the hearts and minds of renew a passport or get some gov- try is self-sufficient. For example, an
Government What is interesting, though, is the fellow Kenyans in order for them to ernment services. increase of 21 million bags of maize
fact that more often than not, we extol this virtue in all that they do Another great initiative is the Ka- from the initial 40 to 61 million has
seem to speak to one another more so that Project Kenya can succeed in helped reduce the cost of unga by
audibly in Kiswahili catch-phrases
more than in any other language.
achieving our aspirations as a na-
tion. The reason behind this is the
THE GOVERNMENT IS ALSO nearly half, from a high of Sh240 to
the current Sh130.
This way, more Kenyans are rallied fact that there is need for something RALLYING KENYANS TO This has translated to better
into action on a national issue that beyond enforcement or coercion that household incomes, by reducing
requires focus and direction. moves people towards a desired out- EMBRACE FARMING TO the cost of food, which according
Some of these initiatives speak
to our collective past, present and a
The mantra of the campaign is
REDUCE FOOD IMPORTS. IT’S to the The Beta Plan, accounts for
more than 50 percent of household
shared future that transcends what aptly captured through the phrase INTERESTING TO NOTE THAT income.
divides us in order to bring out the
best in us.
‘Mimi Ni Mzalendo Je Wewe?’ Our
intention as an office is to really rally
IN TAVETA, MORE THAN14,000 To lower the cost of production
and living, the government has
My office for example, is leading all Kenyans to see the value in pro- ACRES ARE UNDER RICE also reduced the cost of electricity
a campaign on patriotism aptly tecting that which is Kenyan since by 3.44/kwh per unit so if a hustler
named ‘Uzalendo’ since in recent this is the only way we can spur PLANTATION, WITH THE consumes 100 units a month, he will
times; this national value that is
enshrined in our Constitution has
ourselves into prosperity.
There are also other similar ini-
A lot is being done by the govern-
not been embraced as it should be. tiatives like the Huduma Mashinani MORE THAN 36,000 ACRES ment, na hizo sio stori za jaba!
Friday-Sunday | February 9-11, 2024 THE-STAR.CO.KE 05


Time to ensure safety of property

buyers, tenants to avert disasters
The deadly gas explosion in Em-
bakasi that has so far killed seven
people and injured around 300 got
me thinking, could our property
purchase and renting style be in-
fluencing careless national devel-
@TheStarKenya opment? Also, are we letting devel-
opers have it easy, and what can the
researcher and government do?
scholar currently We invest a lot of our time, energy,
pursuing Peace and emotions and resources to purchase
Development Work
Studies in Sweden or rent properties in Kenya. In most
cases you will either email, text or
bwirevera@gmail. call an established real estate agency,
com or just call a preferred or referred lo-
cal businessman or woman running
a solo real estate agency. Other ways
of getting a house would be coming
across an agent or the owner’s num-
ber put up on a board typically on
the gate of the house or apartment
to be let.
Once one gets in touch with their
preferred agent, all you need to do is
agree on a preferred date and time.
With the advent of WhatsApp, you
will likely receive images of the
property beforehand. The location
and cost of the property will be re-
vealed to you at this stage as well,
and this is the point at which the
buyer or tenant might decide to go
for the staging of the house or not.
Sellers or landlords at this point will
try to make the property as as allur- results of the areas where we live religious practices, like overnight Investigators obvious gas smell. Social media at
ing as possible. with our families. praise and worship, better known at the site of a some point also had leaked messages
Are the images and amenities Be it the air quality, industries, gas as ‘kesha’, must also be regulated. gas explosion of people who attempted to report
good enough though? Agreed, stations, agriculture and farming ac- Any unsafe open water bodies or in Embakasi, the gas depot and the gas smell, but
schools, colleges, restaurants, hospi- tivities that take place and the level construction sites should be exposed Nairobi county, nothing seems to have ever been
tals, shopping malls, entertainment of chemicals like pesticides used in on this same ‘caution’ cite, especially on February 2 done, up until the unfortunate inci-
centres and sports clubs, among the area as a result. for the sake of any innocent children /XINHUA dent. If these tenants or buyers knew
other things, are crucial to know, Any quarries that can expose moving into the area. Such efforts such information before hand, then
but are the other important issues? homes to long-term cracks and will also work towards achieving they would make better decisions on
Does buyer or potential tenant ever eventual damage; dangerous do- SDG 3, good health and wellbeing whether to settle there or not.
get to ask about the overall safety of mestic and wild animals in the areas for all Kenyans. Any buyer, tenant, should be privy
the neighbourhood? and having the respective owners Looking back at the Embakasi to all the information that deals with
This is the catch, and they must of domestic animals and park rep- gas incident, people unknowingly their health and safety at the click of
persuade you properly. It is also the resentatives be responsible for any or knowingly rented and purchased a button. Real estate agents should
government’s role to push counties harm or damage. properties near an ‘illegal’ gas de- share the necessary pages which has
to frequently make public updated Noise pollution from bars, pot. It is reported that a few people all these and more relevant infor-
Environmental Impact Assessment churches and mosques and extreme mentioned to have earlier felt the mation.

Why Odinga should and dump’, has already forgotten the

usefulness of the governor and his
people. Otuoma has been very in-
portunities to Bondo. He also has
proven to those people and Luhyas
that he is greedy.

respect Busia people

clusive in his Cabinet and offered It is barbaric that the ‘Father of the
lucrative portfolios to Luos. It is in Nation’ of Raila’s cadre can work up
Busia county where Luo are MCAs. a crowd to heckle Otuoma, leading
Let’s reason together Kenyans: Can to fight between supporters of war-
a non-Luo be voted as an MCA in ring parties.
Bondo when Raila is alive? He perpetually confirms to Ken-
Baba should be reminded that the yans in his every move that he is

OKWARO OSCAR country is four years away to the egocentric with no clear agenda.
PLATO aila Odinga, also known as sation campaign against Governor 2027 election, and just like any other The first tour President Ruto made
Baba, has been the darling Paul Otuoma and other elected lead- county, Busia people need develop- was in Homa Bay county, where
@TheStarKenya of the Busia electorate for ers who “seem” tolerant to the cur- ment. And for development to be Gladys Wanga is the governor. It is
more than a decade. The rent President William Ruto regime. realised, leaders must work closely where the head of state launched
Political analyst residents have overwhelmingly vot- They were labelled as “traitors.” with President Ruto. affordable housing project first.
ed for him passionately in the last One does not expect a statesman If the governor stops attending Surprisingly, Agwambo did not
three consecutive elections to such of Raila’s calibre to use a public po- the head of state’s meetings in the utter a single word to complain
an extent the county has assumed dium to belittle Otuoma in front of county, definitely he will not have why his ODM stalwarts embraced
the tag “Orange county.” However, his people. the opportunity to express and/or the President’s rallies in Homa Bay.
it seems he has decided to abuse the The governor spent money and request for projects that can uplift But when it comes to the Busia gov-
goodwill of those electorate and its sleepless nights during the last his people from abject poverty. ernor, Raila’s narrow-minded praise
leaders. general election to ensure the Busia Virtually, Raila has been in every singers label the leaderships in the
Recently, he and his entourage electorate delivered their votes to his government, either by default or county untrustworthy.
toured the county to launch an presidential bid. design since 1997, but he has noth- It is time for the former PM to re-
ODM recruitment drive. Ironically, It now appears the ODM leader, ing to show for the Busia residents. spect Busia and allow its leadership
the party turned the rally to demoni- who has perfected the politics of ‘use Instead, he has takes available op- to deliver its campaign promises.
06 THE-STAR.CO.KE Friday-Sunday | February 9-11, 2024


Human rights and democracy

his article is inspired by a ings. Cases like this have been quoted
recent court decision that by Kenyan courts.
largely equates the position
of non-human “persons” to that of THE KENYAN CASE
human beings in the context of hu- To come to the recent case. It in-
JILL GHAI man rights. volved a claim by a company that
argued it ought to be able to partic-
HUMAN RIGHTS AND DEMOCRACY ipate in a criminal trial as the victim
@KatibaInstitute Constitutional human rights pro- of the offence. The Victims Protection
tections are arguably a restriction Act says, “’victim’ means any natu-
Director, Katiba
Institute on democracy. Chapter Four of the ral person who suffers injury, loss
Constitution says that the elected or damage as a consequence of an
government and Parliament may not offence.”
freely do certain things, even if they This meant that the victim of the
are part of the policy on the basis of crime in question, as a company,
which they were in theory elected. could not make a victim statement,
Of course, sometimes human rights which might include “information
are specifically in support of democ- on the impact of the offence on the
racy – like the right to vote. victim’s life and any concerns the
We can say that the constitution is victim may have about their safety”.
also the voice of the people (some- The judge held that to refuse to
thing the President forgets when he allow a juristic person to make use
says he will ignore the constitutional of this possibility was to discrimi-
rulings of courts because will of the nate against them and was therefore
people is “the voice of God”). The a breach of Article 27.
people adopted it by referendum, Article 27 lists possible reasons for
including the Bill of Rights with its discrimination, and forbids their use
limits on the powers of government. (without good legal reason). They are
The main function of a constitu- “race, sex, pregnancy, marital status,
tion is to set up the system under health status, ethnic or social ori-
which the country will be governed. gin, colour, age, disability, religion,
And a government must be allowed conscience, belief, culture, dress,
to govern. There are, it is true, vari- language or birth.”
ous ways in which our constitution These are all obviously issues that
does limit or at least guide what affect human beings – not compa-
government may do. The division of nies. It is true that Article 27 indicates
powers between national and county that there are other forbidden rea-
governments is one. Some provisions sons for discrimination. Possibilities,
on public finance also – public mon- in my view, include sexual orienta-
ey must be used prudently, the bur- My problem lies with cases in community. Some other rights could A protester tion, height (to protect people with
den of taxation must be fair. which courts have equated non-hu- in theory be enjoyed by agencies. holds the Kenya dwarfism), and weight (to prevent
But human rights are the most man persons (like companies) with Examples are the right to property, constitution “fattism”).
extensive set of limitations. Why human beings. (Communities and a decent environment, freedom of during a protest I believe it is inappropriate to in-
is it proper to limit government in associations are different - as group- association and perhaps movement. by women clude “being a juristic rather than a
this way? Because some things are so ing of human beings.) You might ob- Most of the rights are really only to condemn natural person”. This is because of
important that even a democratical- ject that Article 260 says, “’person’ appropriate for humans. Some re- increased killing the general principle of rights be-
ly elected government must not be includes a company, association fer to specific groups of people, like of activists ing to protect the dignity of human
allowed to ignore or violate them. Or or other body of persons whether children or the elderly. The right to outside City Hall, beings, and because any addition to
at least must do so only if some more incorporated or unincorporated.” life, and family life, to education, Nairobi county, the list in Article 27 ought to be of the
important public or private purpose But that Article begins by saying “In to demonstrate, not to be subject- on January 12, same broad type - which is affecting
is to be achieved. this Constitution, unless the context ed to violence or slavery, to vote, to 2022 /FILE human beings.
The courts should not rush to requires otherwise…” before listing access to justice and to go on strike People form companies, creating
expand the limits on the powers the meanings of particular words are clearly rights of and for humans. non-human persons, to get certain
of government. Beyond the limits and phrases. I return to equality below. The South advantages, including to escape per-
clearly imposed by the constitution, It is my contention that generally African Constitution, from which sonal financial liability if things go
the limits on those powers should the human rights context requires we drew much inspiration, touches wrong. Should they have it both ways
be those stem from politics, public that “person” means “human per- on the issue. – the advantages while escaping the
pressure, policy and common sense. son.” Indeed Article 19 is saying just It says “A juristic person is entitled disadvantages of being a company?
that. to the rights in the Bill of Rights to I am afraid there is some misun-
THE HUMANITY OF RIGHTS Occasionally, even in Chapter the extent required by the nature derstanding about discrimination.
The nature of human rights is indi- Four, the context does envisage a of the rights and the nature of that There is discrimination if you can
cated by their name. And the con- “person” as including a company juristic person”. Unfortunately our say “X with a certain personal char-
stitution spells it out clearly: “The or association. Article 20(1) says constitution includes a clause that acteristic was treated like this, while
purpose of recognising and protect- “The Bill of Rights … binds all State seems based on this – but says noth- Y without that characteristic was
ing human rights and fundamental organs and all persons.” Clearly this ing about the “nature of the person” treated differently” (and unfairly –
freedoms is to preserve the dignity of includes companies. so is really meaningless. no space to go into this here).
individuals and communities and to And Article 34( 1 ) says that “Free- However, the language explaining I do not believe that being an ar-
promote social justice and the reali- dom and independence of electronic, the “human” nature of human rights tificial person as opposed to a nat-
sation of the potential of all human print and all other types of media is in our constitution is much more ural person is the sort of difference
beings” (Article 19( 2 )). guaranteed”. This seems clearly to emphatic than that in the South intended. Still less was the judge
“The rights and fundamental guarantee freedom of media includ- African constitution. was right to say that the lawyers for
freedoms in the Bill of Rights— (a) ing to non-human persons. Cultural Kenyan courts have (rightly) held companies “are not treated equally
belong to each individual…” (Article life (Article 44 ) makes sense only in a that government does not have the and are denied equal opportunity to
19( 3 )). benefit of these rights. defend their clients’ interests.”
Judges have often emphasised this: THE MAIN FUNCTION OF A So can a company ever do so? It is not some characteristic of the
“[H]uman dignity is the foundation
for recognition and protection of CONSTITUTION IS TO SET UP South African cases have tend-
ed to say that it is really a matter
lawyers that (directly or indirectly)
affects them, just the particular
More news on human rights … Regardless of one’s THE SYSTEM UNDER WHICH THE of whether the human beings that brief. And I would reject the notion
our website. status or position, or mental or phys- make up the company suffer. So that they are being disadvantaged,
Scan this quick ical condition, one is, by virtue of COUNTRY WILL BE GOVERNED. discrimination against a company anyway.
response code
using your
being human, worthy of having his
or her dignity or worth respected.”
AND A GOVERNMENT MUST BE might be because of the nature of its
shareholders and/or directors, and
Lawyers and judges need, I am
afraid, to read, think about and rely
smartphone. (Justice Mumbi Ngugi). ALLOWED TO GOVERN negatively affect those human be- on the constitution more carefully.
Friday-Sunday | February 9-11, 2024 THE-STAR.CO.KE 07


Former Silibwet MCA aspirant Bildad Cheruiyot after he was arrested in Bomet town for leading demonstrations against Bomet county over what he and others termed poor delivery of
services in the devolved unit /JEFF KIRUI


Trump’s failed impunity appeal Senegal on the brink after Gaza’s Hamas responds to
still a win for his delay strategy 2024 elections postponed proposed Gaza ceasefire
BBC -Donald Trump has been handed a defeat in court - BBC -Senegal’s reputation as a bastion of democracy in an BBC - Hamas says it has given its response to a framework
but one that comes with a generous helping of victory. unstable region is on the line after protesters clashed with proposal for a new ceasefire in Gaza. The details of the
An appeals court ruled that Mr Trump is not immune from riot police outside parliament on Monday. Inside, lawmakers deal - set out by Israel, the US, Qatar and Egypt - have not
criminal prosecution for acts committed while he was passed a contentious bill to extend President Macky Sall’s been released. It was earlier reported to include a six-week
president. The time it took to issue that decision, however, tenure and delay elections after he called off a planned truce, when more Israeli hostages would be exchanged for
has indefinitely delayed Mr Trump’s federal trial related election with just three weeks to go. The opposition say Palestinian prisoners. Israel and the US have both said they
to the 6 January 2021 attack on the US Capitol. So while some of their members were forcibly removed from the are reviewing Hamas’s response. US Secretary of State
Mr Trump did not successfully assert sweeping new parliament building by police in riot gear to stop them from Antony Blinken, who is currently in the Middle East, said he
presidential powers to act with impunity while in office, the voting. Khalifa Sall, a leading opponent and a former mayor would discuss Hamas’s response with officials in Israel on
tentative 4 March start date in Washington DC has been of Dakar, who is not related to the president, called the delay Wednesday. While Mr Blinken has given no indication of how
removed from the federal court’s calendar. And there is no a “constitutional coup” and urged people to protest against the US views the response, President Joe Biden described it
indication of when it might reappear. This is in keeping with it. His political coalition has vowed to go to court. Thierno as “a little over the top” - suggesting the Israeli leadership
the former president’s strategy of throwing sand in the Alassane Sall, another candidate, also no relation, called it will not easily agree to what the group is asking. A senior
gears of the judicial process whenever possible, according “high treason” and urged his supporters to gather in front of Hamas official told the BBC the group had presented a
to Neama Rahmani, a former federal prosecutor. the National Assembly to protest. “positive vision” in response to the framework.
08 THE-STAR.CO.KE Friday-Sunday | February 9-11, 2024


image claiming
to show a sign at
Nyayo House is

his image on X
(formerly Twitter)
of a signpost erected
outside Nairobi’s Nyayo
House reading “Nyayo House
is a corruption zone” has been
The image, which has the
Kenyans.co.ke logo, is placed
side by side another photo of
the Nyayo House.
Is it true that a signpost
stating that “Nyayo House is
a corruption zone” has been
erected outside the Nyayo
A keyword search on the
Kenyans.co.ke official Facebook
page led to a post showing the
original image. The signpost
in the original image is “Nyayo
Nurgül Göksu says she used to be a “normal” housewife before the quake struck /BBC
House is a corruption-free

How a grieving mother exposed the

A reverse image search
confirmed the content of the

truth of Turkey’s deadly earthquake

Kenyans.co.ke Facebook post.
The search results led to an
article published by The Star

knowledge. She spoke to local civil engineers and on 7 September 2023, featuring
n 6 February 2023, a huge earthquake hit a photograph of the signpost
southern Turkey, killing more than 55,000 construction experts. She learnt how to find “before”
and “after” photos online and began to understand with the inscription “Nyayo
It has now become clear that scores of lives building regulations and what processes were required House is a corruption free
could have been saved if building regulations had been to approve any alterations. zone.”
observed. Then, in June last year, she came across a BBC Turkish Interior Cabinet Secretary
One mother has made it her mission to find out video on YouTube, made about the collapse of one Kithure Kindiki also shared
what caused the building where her loved ones lived building in the city of Izmir following an earthquake an image of the signpost on
to collapse. Before the earthquake struck Nurgül Göksu in 2020. X, further corroborating the
was, as she says, a normal housewife. She loved cooking, Nurgül messaged us on social media asking for help information displayed on
with “içli köfte”, a traditional dish of meatballs, one of analysing the collapse of the Ezgi Building.
We stayed in touch with her for months, while she
Kenyans.co.ke and The Star.
her favourite recipes. The altered signpost began
She lived on the outskirts of Istanbul. Her 31-year-old continued to investigate whether alterations made to
the buildinghad been done correctly. circulating after comments
son, Ahmet Can Zabun, married, with a young baby,
lived in the south-eastern city of Kahramanmaras. “I tried to find as much evidence as I could at the from Kenyans on X and media
Ahmet Can wasn’t Nurgül’s only child, but as place where I lost my child,” Nurgül says. reports regarding the delays
her oldest son whom she had as a teen mum, their “It shouldn’t have been my responsibility. But it in the issuance of Kenyan
relationship was special. seems that had I not done it, we wouldn’t have found passports.
She put him through university and was proud of anything.” In a special report titled
what he achieved. Both Ahmet Can and his wife Nesibe Nurgül found out that in many quake-hit areas “Broken Government
the investigations, opened after claims of violations
were lawyers. Nurgül herself never went to university,
and had to finish school through an external degree. ON FEBRUARY of building regulations, were being closed due to
Services,” NTV Kenya
spotlighted instances where
When the quake hit Kahramanmaras, at least 7,000
buildings in the city collapsed, including Ahmet Can’s.
6, 2023, insufficient evidence.
She didn’t want this to happen to her own individuals have waited for up
to a year to get their passports
Nurgül dashed to the city to search for her son, his wife A HUGE investigation, so she gave numerous TV interviews
to publicise her case. Despite not having been a keen despite assurances from the
and their child - or, as she puts it, her “three children”.
While many buildings in Kahramanmaras had been EARTHQUAKE social media user before the earthquake, she also Interior Cabinet Secretary that
the process would take just 10
destroyed in the earthquake, the area where Nurgül’s
son lived didn’t seem to have been affected as badly.
HIT SOUTHERN opened an Instagram account about the Ezgi Building,
trying to gather information from other families of days.
Much of the neighbourhood was barely damaged. But TURKEY, those who died and building experts.
Nurgül stressed that the prosecutor could have used
PesaCheck has looked into
his residential block, 10 storeys high and known as the an image on X (formerly
Ezgi Building, was one of very few which were flattened. KILLING MORE public records to gather evidence about the way the Twitter) of a signpost erected
building was initially built.
Similar discrepancies occurred in other quake-
affected areas too. Many in Turkey started asking why
THAN 55,000 However, she wanted to make sure all parties
outside Nyayo House with a
“Nyayo House is a corruption
some buildings collapsed and others did not, even if they PEOPLE responsible for the building’s collapse would be
brought to justice - which was why she focused zone” inscription and found it
had been situated right next to each other and were of to be ALTERED.
similar height, age and construction style. on gathering evidence of how the restorations and
Nurgül waited as the rescue teams trawled through alterations to the building had been carried out.
the ruins of the Ezgi Building. When the prosecutor’s office opened an inquiry and
Eight days later, the bodies of Ahmet Can, his wife commissioned an expert report into the collapse of Ezgi
Nesibe and their baby daughter Asude, Nurgül’s Building, Nurgül’s evidence became a key contribution.
granddaughter, were found. The report, which was completed in July 2023, found
Baby Asude was only six months old. that many alterations to the building were carried out
“Losing not just one but three children is truly hard,” in violation of existing regulations and were illegal.
says Nurgül. Dr Beyza Taşkın, an associate professor of civil
She frequently shares family photos on social media engineering at Istanbul Technical University, told the
accounts she created after the disaster. BBC the fact that surrounding buildings remained
“I didn’t want them to die in vain and for me to just intact indicates that there was a major structural issue
forget about them,” says Nurgül. with the Ezgi Building.
In total, 35 people died in the collapse of the Ezgi The report revealed that a key support element was
Building. Only two survived. either never built properly or was altered later.
Following the loss of her family, Nurgül decided to Official lab analysis also showed that some materials
get to the bottom of why her son’s building collapsed and construction processes didn’t meet approved
while others didn’t. But she needed evidence and expert standards.
Friday-Sunday | February 9-11, 2024 THE-STAR.CO.KE 09

Kantaria: Family
feuds and fight
with depression
Suresh Nanalal Kantaria would be
spending his time with family and
grandchildren at his Sh300 million
five-bedroom mansion in Nairobi’s
Gigiri suburb among Kenya’s elite
and affluential figures – had things
gone according to plan.But the script
changed midway, scattering his fam-

3 ily after an acrimonious divorce that

has left the multimillionaire fighting
with his former wife over properties.
4 That fight has roped in his cousins
and seen his son flee.

How academic
frauds cheat their
way to state jobs
A TSC employee reportedly used
her sister’s academic papers to
secure a job at the agency. For 10
years she held the job with the fake
papers and was paid more than Sh3
million as salary. It wasn’t just the
KCSE and higher education papers
that she took but also her sister’s
6 identity card. The woman would
have continued enjoying the ben-
efits had the sister not sought a job
with Trans Nzoia county. During
cross-checking, EACC says it dis-
covered that the two shared details.


7 TSC cracks down

on teachers with
tough sanctions
8 Learners are prohibited from going
to their teachers’ houses to help
with chores or for any other rea-
son.A new law proposed by TSC
makes it illegal for teachers to send
or host learners at their residences.
TSC wants teachers hosting stu-
dents at guest houses, hotels and
1. Nyeri Governor Mutahi Kahiga (fourth right) and other county officials lodgings outlawed. Should MPs
display a Sh35 million dummy cheque to be disbursed to successful applicants approve the TSC (Amendment)
of the Enterprise Development Fund /KNA Bill, 2024, teachers would be pun-
2. DP Rigathi Gachagua comsoles a survivor of the Embakasi gas explosion at ished for giving learners household
the Kenyatta University Teaching and Referral Hospital on February 2. He said chores at their residences.
the government will offer support to all the affected people /DPCS
3. Bungoma Governor Kenneth Lusaka (left) inspects Hopekins Hospital ICU
facility during the official launch at Township ward in Kanduyi constituency THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8
4. Kalama MCA Boniface Maeke is consoled by Matungulu MP Stephen Mule Mystery of Sh6.3
at the Nairobi Hospital after his limbs were broken while resisting arrest
from county officers outside Machakos law courts on January31 /VERONICA billion spent in
5. Nyeri Governor Kahiga and his Bungoma counterpart Lusaka during a Uhuru’s last days
meeting with the Ministry of Cooperatives and Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises Development in Nairobi /KNA Top officials in former President
6. Lawyer Danstan Omari and Kakamega Senator Boni Khalwele address Uhuru Kenyatta’s administration
journalists outside Milimani law courts after issuing a defamation letter to could be in trouble over Sh6.3
businessman Cleophas Shimalunya, alias Toto, on Wednesday /DOUGLAS billion expenditure to buy shares
OKIDDY that the Auditor General says are
7. Lugari MP Nabii Nabwera, Samuel Muchiri, deputy Auditor General Sylvester doubtful. Fresh revelations have
Kiini and National of Assembly Public Accounts Committee chairman John emerged of how the former regime
Mbadi in Parliament on Wednesday /EZEKIEL AMING’A splurged billions to buy shares
8. EALA nominated MP Suleiman Shahbal (right) with EALA members who in two banks in the final days
visited the Buxton housing project on Wednesday of the Uhuru’s rule. The money
/LABAN WALLOGA was spent without the approval
9. Nakuru Senator Tabitha Karanja addresses heads of Senate committees
in Naivasha during a retreat to review the mandates as the two Parliaments
9 of Parliament, with the then
Executive citing Article 223 of the
prepare to resume their sittings on February 13 /KNA Constitution.
10 THE-STAR.CO.KE Friday-Sunday | February 9-11, 2024


Dying embers of firebrand politics

fuel state misrule as citizens suffer
here are six elderly ladies in
@TheStarKenya the village for whom I have
been paying monthly NHIF
Political contributions for some
commentator time now, including my mother.
Since anything that requires one to
remember monthly deadlines can
be quite tricky, I often pay several
months in advance for each, because
the cut-off date is the ninth of each
month, before the contribution goes
into arrears and attracts a penalty.
It has been a relatively peaceful
process for many years. Through the
old NHIF pay bill number 200222, I
would make these payments, get an
instant confirmation, before I dialled
their USSD code to check the status
of each contributor. They were all in-
stantly updated, with the last month
of the advance contributions. For
all intents and purposes, this was a
functioning process and there was
no need to reinvent the wheel or
“fix” what wasn’t broken.
But you can trust the Kenya Kwan-
za regime to bring disorder where
there is none. Smart alecks in the
regime decided that payments for
all government services would Yet on this robbery by the e-Citizen National Health with the public interest issues being Bishop at St Stephen’s Cathedral in
henceforth be channeled through payment platform, I realised I wasn’t Insurance Fund discussed. Kisumu, declared, “This country
a single pay bill number 222222, making much headway and worried headquarters in To begin with, Maalim quoted a needs more elected leaders like
via the e-Citizen platform. I hope about the millions of Kenyans who Nairobi /FILE non-existent law banning same sex Edwin Sifuna.”
to see the wisdom of this in the fu- might be experiencing similar issues relationships, to which Sifuna edu- Radicals and firebrand politicians
ture, but I am not holding my breath, to mine, with no easy recourse. cated him by letting him know that largely undertook the second liber-
because the trial and error method You have to wonder: how much of the penal code criminalises “car- ation. It was a necessity from the re-
of governance associated with this these payments to different institu- nal knowledge against the order of alisation that then President Moi and
government means that the shelf life tions remain “unreflected” and what nature”, which essentially includes his regime wouldn’t understand any
of hope is very short. is the impact on the financial and even heterosexual relationships that other language. The Ruto regime, in
Anyway, in late December, early operational bases of the institutions? violate this order of nature. many ways, reminds one of the Moi
January and early February, I made This is not even the initial question I cite this particular anecdote only government, with its entrenched
the regular member contributions I had in mind. to demonstrate that regime apolo- incompetence, allegations of cor-
for my relatives via e-Citizen. In The greater issue is the emerging gists often assume that their actions ruption within it and its affinity for
each case, one wasn’t updated, and culture of silence in the face of poor and words have the backing of the endless promises to the people that
in each case, the member was shown governance, collapsing institutional law, without actually knowing or never were fulfilled.
as “in arrears”, with a penalty due. I foundations and an almost universal reading the law. If second liberation warriors had
sent emails to NHIF customer care acceptance within a large section of Which is to say that the tripod on approached Moi and his government
people, who dutifully sent me an the population that these hiccups which impunity stands and thrives politely in the 80s and 90s, speak-
e-Citizen “unreflected payments” and bouts of misrule are ‘normal’ encompasses the already stated ing in deference to the elders and
form each time, which, as you have in this regime, without considering culture of silence, the philosophy begging for constitutional freedoms,
probably guessed, went one way their ultimate cost to the economy of ignorance of the law and declin- both multi-party democracy and
without a response. In a nutshell, in and the national fabric. ing numbers of firebrand politicians free speech would still be a faraway
a short span of six weeks, I had lost On Thursday last week, Nairobi speaking out on behalf of the people. dream today. It turns out, liberty is
Sh3, 000 in contributions to NHIF Senator Edwin Sifuna was on the Some quarters have questioned the not a favour for which you kneel
and the attendant total penalty of popular Daybreak morning show Nairobi senator’s abrasive methods. before dictators, begging for your
Sh750, because I had to follow up on Citizen TV. Before I say anything Indeed, the two ‘elders’ appearing piece, like scraps of sliced potatoes.
with fresh payments alongside the about the show, I think the Royal Me- with him on that Thursday show This is why the third liberation,
penalties, in order to keep the old la- dia Services, owners of Citizen TV, consistently asked him to go slow on which now boasts firebrands like
dies covered to avoid inconveniences should consider supporting a grass- them. But the truth is that the pur- Sifuna, requires a new cast that
with any sudden ailments. roots project of Sifuna’s choice in his veyors of poor governance, regard- takes up from where the second
I consider myself a relatively en- Nairobi base, because he has turned less of their age or office, already lose one left off. Unfortunately, political
lightened man, with solid networks the show into the most-watched po- respect for themselves by peddling expediency and a weak ‘stomach
within the civil service and the po- litical conversation in the country, lies and false hope to the masses. infrastructure’ has led many elect-
litical establishment on both sides with massive ratings every week. I am reminded about the perenni- ed leaders into money settlements
of the parliamentary divide. On any As fate would have it, Sifuna’s reg- al debate over which freedom icon, through which they auction their
given day, when I need help with ular sparring partner on the show, Martin Luther King Jnr and Malcolm mandate to the highest bidder.
matters that require high-level in- Kakamega Senator Boni Khalwale X was more effective in the move- Effectively, as firebrands become
tervention, I easily find someone in was away bereaved, so Daadab MP ment. King’s moderate, non-violent fewer and fewer, the wiggle room for
my phonebook to call, who can help. Farah Maalim and Tana River Senator methods versus Malcolm’s radical impunity and misrule has become
Danson Mungatana were unlucky and abrasive style. Sifuna’s style is bigger and bigger. Courage is rare to
IF SECOND LIBERATION WARRIORS recipients of doses of acid from Si- probably a touch of both, but what come by. The Nairobi Senator finds
HAD APPROACHED MOI AND HIS funa’s vitriolic tongue.
The debate brought to the fore part
most people may see as being rude
to authority and to self-styled elders
himself in a lonely fight, but one in
which he has no luxury of retreat or
GOVERNMENT POLITELY, BOTH of the problem of governance in the is, in fact, impatience with systems surrender. Principles in politics and
country; elected leaders who see no that don’t work and state incom- leadership are now alien. Which ex-
MULTI-PARTY DEMOCRACY AND evil and hear no evil. Throughout petence. plains why I am paying penalties to
FREE SPEECH WOULD STILL BE A the show, Maalim and Mungatana
were more concerned with “show-
Indeed, during the 30th death an-
niversary prayers for freedom icon,
contributions I have already sent to
NHIF, which got lost somewhere, but
FARAWAY DREAM TODAY ing respect to the President”, than Jaramogi Oginga Odinga, presiding no one will speak up for my people!
Friday-Sunday | February 9-11, 2024 THE-STAR.CO.KE 11


Nexus of political power, nepotism

and wealth in opposition politics
t would be sheer gullibility
if Kalonzo Musyoka, Eugene
Wamalwa, and other Azimio
politicians were caught off guard
by Raila or Orange Democratic
Movement’s current ‘recruitment
drive’ across the country. Raila was
@TheStarKenya obviously going to react to Kalonzo’s
Political push for the opposition presidential
commentator ticket in 2027 and downsize him.
Prior to the commencement of
this new campaign, Kalonzo and
his Wiper brigade had sought that
Azimo embrace his presidential
candidature for 2027, even
entertaining hopes of initiating his
presidential campaigns early as they
introduced the ‘Mapema ndio best’
mantra. Kalonzo and Eugene seem
to have opted to come together and
proceed on a direction-challenged
political excursion.
On the other hand, Raila and
his Orange Democratic Movement
Party are going across the country
on the ‘recruitment drive’ which is
seen by many as another platform
to revive his undying presidential
candidature. Clearly, Raila will not
relent and will give it a shot again
in 2027. This must make the likes
of Martha Karua, Jeremiah Kioni
and other weaker politicians really
agitated as Kalonzo and Eugene.
These feelings may not be vividly adeptly manoeuvred the structures transparency and accountability will inherit them. Deep down they
expressed to the public, but their of political parties to amass wealth, within many African political parties Former have no interest to hand over their
existence is a no-brainer. Karua, often at the expense of their exacerbates the issue of wealth governors political muscle and control to
Eugene, and others are political constituents’ well-being and the accumulation. You will notice Mwangi Wa other politicians who appear close
minions compared to the ‘eternal’ broader interests of the nation. how quickly people with varying Iria (Murang’a) to them, because the parties are
Raila. At the heart of this phenomenon opinion are branded betrayers and and Wycliffe money-minting vehicles. Lower
Besides the agitation for power, lies the intertwining of political rogues. Limited oversight and weak Oparanya rank politicians in the parties will
there is reason opposition politicians power and economic gain. African regulatory frameworks provide (Kakamega), Narc be uncomfortable with the agenda,
will embark on drives to build a political parties, rather than fertile ground for illicit financial Kenya leader but they must remain quiet for fear
following across the country. In serving as platforms for genuine activities to flourish unchecked Martha Karua, of being exorcised. The best way the
Kenya, leaders of political parties representation and the advancement within the parties. Without ODM leader Raila party leaders sustain their agenda is
cement the support of their own of democratic ideals, have frequently injecting money into party activities, Odinga, Eugene to ensure the matters never come
ethnic communities first. Some been co-opted into instruments politicians become insignificant to Wamalwa and up for discussion on any party
parties, like Wiper, have never grown for personal enrichment. This the patron. This is why some Kenyan Jeremiah Kioni platform.
any stronger outside of the regions exploitation of political machinery governors or former governors are during a press Nepotism undermines the
of their kingpins. ODM and the for personal gain manifests in powerful in opposition parties conference at meritocratic principles upon which
UDA are the only parties today with various forms, from corruption because they inject the money they Capitol Hill Square effective governance should be
strong nationwide support, with that and embezzlement to nepotism and siphon from Wananchi into party in Nairobi county built. When political appointments
of the former dwindling and the cronyism. This is a reality in Kenya’s activities. They financially facilitate /EMMANUEL and opportunities are granted
ruling party’s wide-ranging gains opposition politics. the patrons that method for political WANSON based on familial ties rather than
in 2022 defying political predictions. Moreover, political parties serve survival. This is believed to be why a qualifications and competence, it
One major reason some opposition as conduits for patronage networks, former governor in western Kenya is results in the elevation of individuals
politicians cannot agree to reconcile wherein politicians reward loyalty very close to a party leader currently. who may lack the skills and expertise
their agendas and to come together is and support with lucrative positions, This pervasive culture of political required to fulfill their roles
the diametrically opposed interests contracts, and favours. This system self-enrichment is the reason why effectively. This compromises the
and fear of political death by some. of political patronage perpetuates some prominent opposition honchos quality of leadership and diminishes
It is impossible also, for Raila and a cycle of dependency and will not drop their perennial bids for the capacity of institutions to deliver
Kalonzo to ditch or merge their subservience, wherein individuals presidency. If they do, their business meaningful outcomes for citizens.
own parties because the Orange are incentivised to align themselves enterprise will die. Strengthening Yet the opposition honchos will go
Democratic Movement is more than with parties in pursuit of personal democratic institutions, enhancing out branding themselves as social
twice as large as Wiper and Kalonzo gain, rather than working towards transparency and accountability democrats and presenting their
and his cronies would have a weak the collective good of the country. mechanisms, and promoting civic parties as democratic. Kenyans
say in such an arrangement. In that This is part of the reason we have engagement are essential steps know better.
scenario, any consensus-building an opposition opposing every towards combating corruption, Unless the opposition runs
for a single candidate would lead to government policy for the sake of but this remains a pipe dream in their own political houses with
a bulldozing by the ODM brigade opposing, because there is no heart Kenyan political parties. Instead, democratic ideals, equality and
and Kalonzo would then begin to for the people. the opposition will continue to ethics, public trust will remain
wallow in the miasma of political Furthermore, the lack of level accusations about corruption elusive. This is not something they
insignificance. against the government, but ignore can develop overnight.
Furthermore, political parties
are wealth generators. In the UNLESS THE OPPOSITION RUNS corruption within its own ranks.
The key opposition figures
To build more inclusive,
transparent, and accountable
intricate web of African politics, THEIR OWN POLITICAL HOUSES in Kenya have their kin in the political systems, it is imperative to
the utilisation of political parties East African Parliament and challenge and dismantle nepotistic
as vehicles for personal wealth WITH DEMOCRATIC IDEALS, they have ambition and plans practices, and instead prioritise
accumulation has become an all-
too-familiar narrative. Across the
EQUALITY AND ETHICS, PUBLIC of mainstreaming them in their
political party and involve them
meritocracy, fairness, and the
common good in political decision-
African continent, politicians have TRUST WILL REMAIN ELUSIVE in party goings-on so that they making.
12 THE-STAR.CO.KE Friday-Sunday | February 9-11, 2024


Lawyer Njoki
Mboce during
Plans to hire Chebukati as
the protest by
LSK against
threats to the
judge is height of impunity
rule of law SAM OMWENGA

veryone who has headed whatever outfit that
was in place to run elections going back to the
Electoral Commission of Kenya days has been
nothing but a briefcase carrier for the person
he declared as the winner of the presidential election.
The current reincarnation of ECK is the Independent
Electoral and Boundaries Commission, which was cre-
ated in the 2010 constitutional reforms. The expectation
was that the new electoral agency would rid the country
of electoral crimes and deliver open, fair and transparent
Note: I have not said to rid the country of rigging,
which is an impossibility. There are no perfect elections,
and sometimes there is only a thin line of separation be-

LSK at a crossroads as polls tween what can be deemed as rigging and sheer shrewd
politics by those who know and are able to maximide ev-
ery opportunity at their disposal to bury their opponent.

for new president beckons

The latter is what President William Ruto did in hoist-
ing himself to the presidency.
This can be distinguished from what happened in
2007, 2013 and 2017 in ways that make it a separate

matter and in a class of its own.
t the height of the struggle
for multiparty democracy
MBOCE’S necessity of the times has blunted
the edge around the emergence of
In 2007 we had in your face, thuggish rigging that
nearly plunged the country into a civil war.
and freedom of speech in BRILLIANT CV firebrand leadership. In 2013, neither presidential candidate won the req-
the 1980s and 1990s, times But at the very least, it is not too uisite 50 per cent plus one—at least that’s what most of
were when Kenyans turned to the SPEAKS FOR much to ask, that the next president us believe. However, the Opposition, led by its flagbearer
news to find out what the LSK boss
had said about the prevailing situ-
HER AND HER be someone who has national issues
at the fingertips, who does not fear
Raila Odinga, conducted such a lacklustre campaign
compared to what was expected, and more so compared
ation in the country. ABILITY TO to speak truth to power and holds to 2007 such that the powers that be decided to do away
President Daniel arap Moi had
created a state of fear, in which voic- FACE ISSUES enough credibility to secure the so-
ciety from encroachment by regime
with round two and had President Uhuru Kenyatta de-
clared as winner. In other words, the 2013 election’s
es of conscience were few and far HEAD ON PUTS apologists. IEBC chairman—a man whose ticket to fame had much
apart. Because the LSK was also the After careful consideration, I am to do with which community he hailed from more than
organisation to which many human HER AHEAD IN persuaded that the person who anything else did not disappoint.
rights defenders also belonged, they
effectively partnered with outspo-
THE CONTEST stands high and above all else in the
contest to succeed lawyer Eric Theuri
The man delivered a flawed election outcome whose
toxic stench was only neutralised by the Supreme Court’s
ken clergy like Bishops Alexander as the next LSK president is none fumigation, which allowed the country to barely breathe.
Muge, Manases Kuria, David Gitari other than Harriet Njoki Mboce, Those of us who pushed for the man, coming from a
and John Henry Okulu. an advocate of the High Court who formerly marginalised community to be appointed as
Predictably, Moi and the Kanu re- practices law in her firm, Njoki IEBC chairman, thought he would prove to the nation
gime always sought to influence the Mboce and Company Advocates. and country that it is possible to have a corruption-free
leadership of the organisation, as it The University of Nairobi course IEBC, or at least one that delivers credible elections.
had become a thorn in the flesh of instructor is articulate, confident, And with that, the man would have been lifted high as
the regime. Moi already had prob- mentally agile and comes packed a hero, no different from any of the founding fathers.
lems with many intellectuals in ac- with huge doses of courage. Mboce He miserably failed in that regard and proved he was
ademia, and to a large extent, the
LSK, being an organisation for legal
is the founder of the Nairobi-based
think tank, Utafiti Hub and a found-
THE PLAN IS just as corrupt or at least he was able, willing and ready
to do the bidding of those who wanted him to ignore
minds and top intellectuals, always er member of the Maritime Centre/ TO POSITION the constitution and violate his office. He did not dis-
bothered him by the widespread in-
dependence of mind and thought
Fish FORCE Academy East Africa.
In 2021, she received the Head
HIM WELL appoint them.
You would think I am talking about Wafula Chebu-
within it. Dictatorships, especially of of State commendation award for ENOUGH TO BE kati, the immediate former chairman of the electoral
the incompetent variety, never fancy her distinguished service to the na- commission.
such organisations. tion. She has served as a technical ELEVATED TO The characterisation fits but Chebukati only continued
Over the years, the allure of the
LSK as a melting pot of public inter-
expert on several critical domestic
and international committees, in-
THE SUPREME where the man left off.
When four IEBC commissioners resigned at the tense
est discourse and fighters for great- cluding the technical committee that COURT AS moments when Raila and team were engaged in an ex-
er democratic space has somewhat
declined. Which is interesting, given
organised global Sustainable Blue
Economy Conference in November
CHIEF ercise in futility at the Supreme Court in 2022, that was
all the evidence one needed to know Chebukati was
that in overall terms, there is still 2018, as well as a technical expert in JUSTICE presiding over a joint far removed from the rule of law
much to be done to safeguard consti- the Building Bridges Initiative. The and democratic ideals.
tutional gains and the independence former visiting fellow at the Uni- The difference between 2022 and all other awful elec-
of institutions of the state. versity of Cape Town, Centre for toral misconduct and criminality is the Azimio leader
Perhaps in some way, Mwai Kibaki Comparative Law, offers pro bono mostly suffered from self-inflicted wounds and was
having replaced Moi as president, trial advocacy in Kenya, Uganda and majorly let down by many around him while Ruto and
created a largely performing nation, Botswana. company were strategically and stealthily matching on-
in which freedoms were guaranteed It is not just Mboce’s brilliant CV ward to State House.
and the need for the LSK to be the that speaks for her, but her ability Never mind what Ruto has done, or more accurately,
sounding board for liberation fell to face issues head on also puts her what he has failed to do since getting there.
sharply. In many ways however, ahead in the leadership contest, at It is now being reported that there is some plan to
the President William Ruto regime a time when the Judiciary’s own appoint Chebukati as a Court of Appeal judge and po-
closely mirrors the Moi one, which independence is in sharp focus and sition him well enough to be elevated to the Supreme
suggests that the fight to protect young lawyers’ welfare is a sticking Court as Chief Justice.
freedom and liberty will almost point. Doing so would be the height of impunity unlike any-
certainly look like what happened Being the 51st LSK boss, if elected, thing we have ever seen, and even though the source
under Moi. she would launch the next golden of this information is none other than Raila, who is
Instinctively, I have been looking jubilee of society leaders, with confi- not known to carelessly say things of this magnitude,
for the firebrand within the cast of dence and assertiveness. Her rallying one can only assume this was some trial balloon to see
those running for president of LSK call is “Bold, Firm, Action”, and it people’s reaction.
More news on in the elections slated for the end of isn’t difficult to see why. She is bold That reaction must be a resounding no and proceed
our website. this month. Understandably, a critic in approach to issues, firm in her only at the risk of hammering yet another nail on the
Scan this quick must be fair not to expect a Pheroze principles and action-oriented. The presently loose one-term casket.
response code Nowrojee, a Lee Muthoga, a GBM LSK is ripe for this combination, and Some things are just not worth even trying.
using your Kariuki or a Gibson Kamau Kuria I do hope the lawyers will acknowl-
smartphone. in 2024, having accepted that the edge this when they go to the ballot. Legal analyst and political commentator
Friday-Sunday | February 9-11, 2024 THE-STAR.CO.KE 13


Ouko murder probe: How fraudsters

fooled Gor Sungu select committee
hen, in August of 1990, ever. They were fraudsters and one
Scotland Yard’s Detec- of them even had the rap sheet to
tive Superintendent prove it.
John Troon, published
his ‘Final Report’ on the investiga- SINATRA AND SCANDAL
tion into the murder of Minister of All the while the ‘BAK Group’ had
CAMERON GRANT Foreign Affairs, Dr Robert Ouko, he been tendering for the molasses
had no firm suspects. Instead, his plant rehabilitation contract, Airaghi
@TheStarKenya report could only call for ‘further was on bail from an Italian court. In
investigations’. 1987, mere months before Kenya’s
The conclusions to Troon’s final Cabinet ratified the ‘BAK Group’/
report included six recommenda- molasses plant project deal, he had
tions on how this further investiga- been convicted for extortion by a
tion might be conducted. The first court in Milan. At his conviction, the
of these recommendations called judge said of Airaghi that he had “the
for “full and impartial investigation attributes of an international fortune
into the allegations made by the BAK hunter.”
directors against some senior gov- Briner-Mattern had been a witness
ernment personnel”. in Airaghi’s case but the judge said
of her time on the stand that it was
THE ‘KISUMU MOLASSES CORRUP- best to draw a “compassionate veil”
TION REPORT’ THEORY over her testimony. With almost the-
This allegation neatly outlines atrical irony, considering how much
what came to be known as the authority her testimony would be
‘Kisumu molasses corruption report given in the Ouko murder inves-
theory’. This theory postulated that tigation that came five years later,
Robert Ouko was killed because he the judge even commented on her might be coerced into releasing it. Dr Robert Ouko companies uncovers a great many
was preparing a report on corrup- “unreliability” as a witness. In fact, this stratagem from the during a Kanu irregularities.
tion in the upper reaches of Kenya’s Though it managed to escape Airaghi/Briner-Mattern playbook meeting in 1990 Various ‘BAK’ entities were found
government. More specifically, this Troon’s team at the time of the Ouko sees a re-emergence after Troon’s /STAR FILE to have used four different names
was in regard to a contracts-for-‘kick murder investigation, stories of this Ouko murder investigation. With and two addresses in the three years
backs’ graft scandal hidden within scandalous nature were already in- their compensation claims still un- that followed Ouko’s death. At the
the tender process for the proposed timately enmeshed with the names met, Briner-Mattern, now speaking time of the minister’s murder not
rehabilitation of the Kisumu molas- Airaghi and Briner-Mattern. They to the 2005 Parliamentary Select one of the BAK companies had ever
ses production plant. had been ever since Airaghi allowed Committee on the Ouko murder, been formally registered and there
Despite the allegation, Troon himself to be interviewed by Italian intimated that she was ready to share was no evidence that any one of
never found any record of such a magazine Europeao while he was the whole truth, including what she them ever actually traded.
report. None of the people he inter- again on trial for fraud. knew about President Daniel arap In fact, the fifth iteration of a ‘BAK
viewed as part of the investigation In that interview, he said this Moi’s proclivity for Ugandan pros- Group’ company, ‘BAK Group Mari-
ever even admitted to having seen of himself: “I dedicate my efforts titutes. anne Briner and Partner’, was only
it. In fact, only one person, ‘BAK to whatever activity can make me “What convinced Moi most to stop registered with Switzerland’s Reg-
director’ Marianne Briner-Mattern, money” (‘The Voice of a Godfather’, Dr Ouko”, she said, suggesting in this ister of Company’s on the February
ever mentions its existence. Despite in Europeao, December 5, 1987 ). He context that then President was Ou- 13, 1990, the very day that Ouko was
this, Troon considered the Kisumu then went on to describe his role in ko’s killer, “was the information that murdered.
molasses corruption report worthy facilitating the illegal purchase of Dr Ouko had inquired about Moi’s It is unclear how these facts, as
of greater scrutiny. weapons for Pretoria’s police force; private life and here mainly about well as the fact of these various ‘BAK’
When Troon mentions the BAK South Africa was, at the time, subject the Ugandan girls.” entities facing liquidation proceed-
directors, it is Briner-Mattern and to an international arms embargo. In that same committee inter- ings in every country they operated,
Domenico Airaghi that he is talking After that, unpressured, he volun- view, Briner-Mattern also alleged eluded the Scotland Yard investiga-
of. As the self-proclaimed directors teered information on his role in an that she’d been in a “relationship” tors. What is clear is what the ‘BAK
of the BAK Group, it was Airaghi alleged money laundering scheme with Moi since 1980/81. She also directors’ sought to get out of their
and Briner-Mattern’s company that enacted on behalf of non-other than claimed that she’d ended her once part in the investigation. After Ou-
had initially won the tender for the one of the most popular singers and great friend Raila Odinga’s 2002 ko’s murder and the registration of
Kisumu molasses plant revamp in entertainers of the 20th century, presidential bid “with just one phone ‘BAK Group’, Briner-Mattern’s claim
1987. They had lost the contract – the Frank Sinatra, as well as the Italian call” (Briner-Mattern witness testi- for compensation for losses suppos-
Minister of Industry at the time, Dal- Hollywood film star (Three coins mony, PSC Inquiry 2003-5 ). It is ob- edly incurred in relation to the Mo-
mas Otieno, had ended the contract in the fountain and The Italian Job) vious now, looking back and with all lasses Project increased overnight
with ‘BAK Group’ after it was found Rossano Brazzi. the evidence in front of us, that this from $150,000 to $5.975 million.
that they hadn’t done the promised Airaghi went to make unbeliev- convicted blackmailer and his ac-
feasibility study, nor sourced any able allegations that he had han- complice were willing to create any THE TALL TALES TOLD AND HOW
funds for the proposed construc- dled billions of dollars of Sinatra’s story, no matter how salacious, in THEY UNRAVELLED
tion – many months before Ouko money through Brazzi, buying arms, order to extort money out of others. The behaviour of this now-notori-
was murdered. money-laundering and “who knows ous pair would eventually catch up
Troon considered the testimony what else”. ‘BAK GROUP’: THE “REPUTABLE with them, even if only insofar as it
of Briner-Mattern and Airaghi with By now ‘irony’ starts to feel as if it COMPANY” has now undermined the “truthful
a high degree of confidence, believ- isn’t the right word for the parallels Despite their principle role in and honest” label Troon once gave
ing them to be running “a reputable the past has with the Ouko murder Troon’s investigation, neither of the them.
company” and assessing them to be investigation. With money on the pair were resident in Kenya when It was perhaps best put by one of
“truthful and honest” individuals. table, the Europeao article proves Ouko was killed. Airaghi had been the men unwillingly embroiled in
Despite their failure to meet the that Airaghi was entirely capable of expelled from the country for his this story of slander and salacious
terms of their contract, Briner-Mat- spreading scandalous stories in order role in the Kisumu molasses con- tales. After Briner-Mattern’s PSC
tern and Airaghi successfully pre- to leverage pressure on whomever tract tussle in 1989. Officially, he interview, in which she claimed to
sented themselves to Troon as rep- was charged with interference in have scuttled Raila’s presidential bid,
resentatives of a cheated foreign
company. Their accusations of a
BRINER-MATTERN AND AIRAGHI, government matters. So, in 1991, he
and Briner-Mattern were resident in
the great man was interviewed for
his thoughts on the claims.
More news on corruption report and their claims, SO-CALLED ‘BAK DIRECTORS’, Marbella, Spain. Asked about the friendship Bri-
our website.
Scan this quick
levelled on the Kenyan government,
for compensation no doubt backed
WERE NOT CHEATED INNOCENTS It was from Europe that the so-
called “reputable company” ‘BAK
ner-Mattern had suggested at, as well
as other claims she had made in rela-
response code up this impression. IN KISUMU MOLASSES TENDER, Group’, was making its claims on tion to him, Raila had this to say: “If
using your The so-called ‘BAK Directors’ the Kenyan government. Howev- that is what she is saying, then her
smartphone. were not cheated innocents, how- WHEN THEY TESTIFIED er, investigation into this group of entire story may be fake.”
14 THE-STAR.CO.KE Friday-Sunday | February 9-11, 2024


Embakasi blast exposes


Accept school fees

digitally and in cash
graft in our institutions
he government has frequently
complained that the Judiciary is
obstructive and holding up its reform
On Tuesday the High Court suspended
implementation of the Education ministry
directive that all school fees should be
paid through the e-Citizen portal. This has
definite advantages - it prevents fraud by MICHAEL MUGWANG’A
tracking all payments and is convenient for
digital-savvy parents. Political
But the High Court heard an application
that there has been inadequate public
consultation; there was no tender for the
paybill number 222222; not all parents
have internet; and some parents pay fees
in kind, for instance with chickens or maize
Yet there are well more than 32 million
registered smartphones in Kenya and over
77 million mobile money accounts for a A victim of the gas explosion in Embakasi, Nairobi county, on February 2 / EZEKIEL AMING’A
population of 50 million of whom around

n Thursday, February 1, just been licensed for more than a year! attention: a cycle of corruption and
30 million are adults (over 18 years). when many Nairobians The National Environment Man- exploitation thriving amidst disas-
Virtually the whole population is capable of were celebrating the end agement Authority which smells ters and daily struggles. From illegal
paying through e-Citizen. of a very long January, a loud music and arrests thousands gas stations operating unchecked
tragedy occurred. A fire broke out in of owners of licensed entertainment to Government officials demand-
The court could have allowed Kenyans Nairobi’s Embakasi estate and by the joints every night did not hear any ing protection fees, the very fabric of
to continue paying fees in cash or through time its flames were extinguished, sound from the factory for that long! governance is tainted by a reaction-
seven people were dead. The fire Our ever hawk-eyed police offi- ary nature that impedes progress
e-Citizen, whichever they prefer, until broke out when a lorry carrying gas cers who collect hundreds of shil- and perpetuates injustice.
the case is resolved in court. Suspending cylinders exploded at Mradi Area at lings from each of the thousands of At the forefront of this dire sit-
around 11.30pm. The lorry was leav- licensed alcohol outlets in the city uation are the illegal gas stations
payment of fees through e-Citizen was ing a Liquified Petroleum Gas filling every day just missed out on an scattered across the country. These
too punitive. Allowing the old and new factory in the same area. unlicensed gas refilling plant right ticking time bombs pose a grave
The country was later to be told outside the Embakasi police division threat to public safety, yet they
systems to operate in parallel would have the factory was illegal. It had not headquarters! continue to operate with impunity.
been a reasonable compromise. been licensed to operate for a year. Our tax collector, Kenya Rev- The Government’s lax enforcement
Just hours after the tragedy that enue Authority, did not notice a and complicity in turning a blind
also left about 300 people injured multi-million shilling gas investor eye allow these establishments to
in hospitals, the blame and denial was not paying any taxes for a year, thrive endangers the lives of count-


The first to deny responsibility was
the Energy and Petroleum Regula-
even the newly employed thousands
of tax marshals were ‘blind’ to the
untaxed money-minting.
less citizens.
The recent tragedies, such as the
devastating gas explosions that
The real man smiles in trouble, gathers strength tory Authority, the agency Kenyans We are a country of jokers and claimed innocent lives, serve as
from distress, and grows brave by reflection.” trust with regulating where and these jokes will be our undoing. The painful reminders of the urgent
when such a facility is set but one corruption in our official govern- need for action.
THOMAS PAINE many know for raising prices of fuel ment system is what will kill us as Moreover, the pervasive culture of
The English-American activist was born on February every mid-month. a nation. It is official corruption that corruption extends its tendrils into
9, 1737 On February 2, the authority said killed the seven innocent compatri- every sector of society. From small
it had received three applications ots that perished in the February, 1 business owners to multinational
to build a liquefied petroleum gas fire. It is corruption that has the 300 corporations, the burden of bribery
/THESTARKENYA storage at the site but declined all on other victims looking at hospitals’ and extortion weighs heavy on the
grounds that they did not meet stip- ceilings all day for the past one week, shoulders of hardworking Kenyans.
@THESTARKENYA ulated safety distances in the area. in pain unimaginable. Bar owners, despite having all the
The authority claimed the main And our reactionary government necessary permits and licences,
reason was failure of the designs to is not helping! are forced to pay daily protection
WWW.THE-STAR.CO.KE meet the safety distances as stipu- At the heart of the country lies a fees to unscrupulous police, coun-
lated. It said the applicant was re- stark reality that demands urgent ty and other authorities under the
Lion Place, Waiyaki Way, Westlands
quested to submit a Qualitative Risk threat of harassment or closure. This
PO Box 74497-00200 , Nairobi, Kenya Assessment clearly indicating the exploitation not only drains their
+254 20 424 4000 | [email protected] radiation blast profiles in the unfor- TRANSPARENCY AND resources but also erodes trust in

COO Associate Editor, Daily Political Editor

tunate case of an explosion but the
same was not provided.
ACCOUNTABILITY SHOULD Government’s ability to uphold the
rule of law.
Agnes Kalekye Joseph Olweny Felix Olick But the factory was still set up and BE THE CORNERSTONES OF The repercussions of this system-
operated. ic corruption ripple far and wide,
Head of Content
Paul Ilado
News Editor
Jillo Kadida
Photo Editor
Jack Owuor The Nairobi county government OUR GOVERNANCE SYSTEM, exacerbating the socio-economic
Weekend Editor
Francis Openda
Digital Editor
Francis Mureithi
Sports Editor
Chris Mbaisi
More news on
our website.
whose officers are known to hunt
and chase mama mboga in every
WITH MECHANISMS IN PLACE disparities that plague our nation.
It is imperative that we break
Scan this quick nook and cranny for failing to bribe TO ENSURE THAT PUBLIC free from this vicious cycle of cor-
response code
using your
them could not tell whether a big gas
refilling factory a couple of metres
SERVANTS SERVE THE ruption and exploitation. The time
for half-hearted reforms and empty
The Star is a publication of the Star publications smartphone. from their Embakasi offices had not INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE promises is long past.
Friday-Sunday | February 9-11, 2024 THE-STAR.CO.KE 15


Iran President
Ebrahim Raisi
during a press
conference in
Tehran, Iran, on
August 29 last

Science and technology takes

centre stage as Irans turns 45
KHAMIS ran will celebrate the 45th specialised and able forces, thus, articles that are published by valid to the earth’s orbit. It is also the
anniversary of the 1979 Islamic the Islamic Republic has embarked scientific centres. According to the only country in West Asia which
Revolution on February 11, 2024. on expansion and deepening of ISI report, the number of scientific has the capability of manufacturing
Political The revolution overthrew education in every level since its articles after the revolution had satellites.
the 2,500 years of monarchies establishment. increased more than 69 times in The first Iranian satellite was
and Pahlavi regime in Iran and The first step was taken by Imam 2016. Another outcome of giving named Omid (hope), which was
established the first Islamic Republic Khomeini when he ordered the priority to science and research is launched in 2009 with the help of
under the leadership of an Islamic formation of “Literacy Movement” in the successes of Iranian teenagers in satellite-carrier Safir (emissary).
jurisprudence, a unique event in the the first year of founding the Islamic various scientific Olympiads. Thus, Iran officially joined the club
history of the global world. Republic. As a result, the literacy rate Iranian students have participated of nations possessing the technology
The impact of the revolution increased from 47 to more than 90 in different fields such as of making and launching satellite.
and the Islamic Republic has not per cent. mathematics, physics, chemistry, Two years later, the satellite named
been limited to Iran. Iextends to Iran’s successes in the field of computer, biology, astronomy Rasad (monitor) was put in the orbit
the entire Islamic world and to education have made the Unesco and so on. Since 1987 when the with more facilities for imaging
all of contemporary global affairs, to praise its efforts. Meanwhile, Islamic Republic attended scientific and, in 2012, Navid (promise) was
including in the fields of science and progress in higher education has Olympiads, the representatives of launched. The last Iranian satellite,
technology. been more spectacular as the number Iran have garnered nearly 700 the sub-orbital launch of the Qaem
The fields are the most important of universities have increased more medals and have been among 10 top 100 satellite carrier, was successfully
factors for the progress of a country. than 11 times compared with the nations in difficult scientific exams. conducted in October 2022.
After the victory of the revolution, Pahlavi regime. Today, Iran enjoys a prominent This successful orbital launch
Iran made strenuous efforts to Currently, there are more than scientific position in the region marks a significant step forward in
compensate the backwardness 2,570 universities in Iran, with and the world and, in some of the Iran’s space programme and further
of the regime of Shah and set the three million and 800,000 students sophisticated technologies which strengthens its position as a regional
ground for scientific progress. Today, studying in those institutions, while are in the monopoly of the western space power.
her achievements in science and before the Islamic Revolution, there governments; Iran is a pioneer. The Islamic Republic has made
technology are noteworthy. Iran is were just 170,000 students in the The importance of presence in great progress in the field of
one of the top global leaders science universities. the space is felt so much so that the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.
and technology. The eye-catching increase of nations without space technology The western powers, especially
Although unilateral coercive Iranians with higher education has and satellites are called blind. the US, have made many efforts to
measures, illegitimate unlawful enabled the country to enjoy ample Satellites are very effective in the demonise Iran’s totally peaceful
sanctions and an eight-year war specialised and skilled workforce to fields like telecommunications, nuclear achievements in a bid to
imposed by then Iraq President accelerate development in various research, studying underground prevent her path of progress. This
Saddam Hussein with the support fields. resources, meteorology and comes while country has done
of the US and western superpowers Scientific growth in Iran has been mapping, and some countries even all its activities under the full
slowed down the speed of scientific so high that the country is ranked use them for spying and military supervision and verification regime
and technological progress in Iran, 15th in the world. The speed of purposes. of the International Atomic Energy
the war itself was a bounty as Imam scientific growth has been 11 times Iran, u nderstand i ng the Agency and in full compliance with
Khomeini called it. more than the average global rate. importance of satellites, has attained the rights and obligations under the
It forced Iranian youths to rely The Islamic Educational, Scientific colossal breakthroughs in this Nuclear Threat Initiative.
on the indigenous capacities and and Cultural Organization, affiliated domain despite many sanctions, Forty-five years later, having
capabilities to make the country to the Organization of Islamic pressures and obstacles which have thwarted all ruthless efforts
independent, hence, numerous Cooperation, announced that the been illegally put on the way of Iran’s expended by its enemies and co-
scientific and technological Islamic Republic ranks first in the progress. conspirators to overthrow the
breakthroughs were put on display terms of sciences, research and The Islamic Republic is the 11th government and replace it, the
one after the other. inventions among Islamic nations. country that has achieved the Islamic Republic still exists as
Scientific and technological One of the criteria for assessment technology of launching satellite and a proud, sovereign nation that
progress is not possible without of a country’s scientific level is the eighth that has launched a satellite continues to shine in the global front.
16 THE-STAR.CO.KE Friday-Sunday | February 9-11, 2024




Unlock sustainable
potential of African
Africa, a continent teeming with
untapped potential, stands on the
precipice of a sustainable invest-
ment revolution. Its vast landscapes,
rich resources and with over 60 per
cent youthful, burgeoning population
have caught the attention of global
investors seeking opportunities
that marry profit with positive
environmental and social impact.
In this dynamic arena, sustainable
investments emerge as a compelling
avenue. Some of the opportunities
Second Lady Pastor Dorcas Rigathi and Mt Kenya South Bishop Canon Charles Muturi during Kabete medical camp against alcohol and drugs addiction at the available include:-
Kibichiku Secondary School grounds on Tuesday /OSDP Renewable energy: With abundant
sunlight and wind, Africa presents an
ideal landscape for renewable ener-

LETTERS OF THE WEEK what they said ... gy projects such as the Lake Turkana
Wind Power project, which was
funded to the tune of $1.095 billion

Stop slamming doors on burning tobacco. Consequently, the

WHO has endorsed smoke-less nic-
(Sh313 billion) and produces 310MW.
Solar farms and wind turbines

life-saving technologies
otine replacement therapies, such as dotting the Sahara Desert are a tes-
patches or gums, for decades to help tament to the continent’s potential
individuals manage their addiction as a clean energy powerhouse.

with reduced exposure to the harm- Looming Azimio demos Africa’s renewable energy sector
ublic health policymakers US FDA’s recent endorsement of ful toxins in tobacco smoke. has emerged as a focal point for
from across the globe are all THR categories for public health Now the WHO appears to have “It is the IMF and World sustainable investments, offering
meeting in Panama this protection. Moreover, the WHO turned its opposition away from a promising pathway to economic
week to brainstorm how overlooks evidence demonstrating tobacco smoke and onto smok-
Bank now ruling this development and environmental
best to reduce the 8.5 mil- that, in countries experiencing a ers themselves, denying them country. They are responsibility.
lion annual deaths due to decline in smoking rates, the use of the chance to transition to a safer imposing their policies, Africa boasts an abundance of re-
smoking-related disease. THR products like vapes and nicotine product. something the grand newable energy resources, including
Delegates attending this World pouches is increasing and displacing Propaganda demonising re- ample sunlight, strong winds and
Health Organization tobacco summit cigarettes. duced-risk products is rife. But coalition rejected. Real geothermal potential, especially in
would do well to spend time carefully The WHO’s inclination towards nicotine does not cause cancer state capture is now. They northern Africa.
digesting a concise, but excoriating bans and other restrictions on THR and Public Health England, among have invited foreigners These resources create a condu-
analysis of their efforts so far. products contradicts the FCTC’s others, has stated that vapes are at cive environment for the establish-
Ahead of the 10th Conference endorsement of THR, actively op- least 95 per cent less harmful than to come and help them ment of solar, wind and geothermal
of the Parties to the Framework posing lifesaving technologies. This smoking. and that is why no sector power projects.
Convention on Tobacco Control, a approach leaves millions of smokers Last month, a report by the is working. Soon, we are Over 70 per cent of Africa’s
group of international experts has without viable alternatives. distinguished Cochrane network population lacks access to reliable
assessed the progress made by The COP10 Scorecard also records confirmed that alternative nicotine
going to be in ICU, that is electricity. Renewable energy
parties in meeting their agreed obli- a disconcerting growth in misinfor- products are the most effective tool why we can’t wait. That is investments can bridge this energy
gations to end smoking as quickly as mation about THR, nicotine-based for helping smokers to quit. why we are saying Baba... gap, enhancing the quality of life
possible. products and the alleged dangers of After studying over 27,000 smok- for millions while fuelling economic
ers, they found that the use of vapes
save this country.”
The experts’ report, the COP10 vapes. growth and transformation. Tran-
Scorecard, scrutinises the WHO’s As an example, it cites a recent leads to better chances of quitting sitioning to clean energy sources
own documents and statistics to survey indicating that about 70 per than patches, gums, lozenges or aligns with global efforts to combat
reveal that member states are failing cent of physicians believe, incorrect- other traditional NRTs. PETER MUNYA climate change. Investors in African
dismally to reduce the 1.2 billion ly, that nicotine causes lung cancer. This is the research and evidence Former Agriculture CS renewable energy projects can con-
tobacco users in the world. The issue of disinformation is par- our policymakers should be consid- tribute to reducing carbon emissions
The report attributes much of that ticularly relevant to Kenya right now, ering, along with the COP10 Score- on a substantial scale.
failure to the WHO’s evident opposi- as our legislators consider amend- card. If they truly want to prevent Agricultural Innovation: Agricul-
tion to technological innovation that ments to the tobacco control bill. the 8,000 smoking deaths in Kenya ture remains the backbone of many
could curb the deadly toll of tobacco. As the COP10 Scorecard stresses, every year, they must not slam the African economies, with over 60 per
The FCTC explicitly includes one of the biggest impediments door on safer alternatives. cent of the population depending on
tobacco harm reduction (THR) in its to successful tobacco control is a Reduced-risk products are saving On divorce and depression agriculture.
definition of tobacco control, empha- refusal to draw a distinction between lives around the world. We must Sustainable practices and techno-
sising the importance of research. tobacco and alternative nicotine reject the dogma and disinformation “All this turbulence and logical advancements hold the key to
However, the WHO’s own prog- products, which carry a far lower risk that denies this. court cases threw me into increased yields, food security, and
ress report takes a negative stance to health. economic growth.
depression from which I
on THR products - such as vapes THR is founded on the undisputed JOSEPH MAGERO Africa’s agricultural sector is
and nicotine pouches - and ignores fact that the vast majority of the Chairman, Campaign for Safer just recovered recently. My on the brink of transformation
significant milestones, such as the harm from smoking is caused by Alternatives liquidity has really gone down through sustainable investments in
and looking at everything innovation, and improved production
Let’s make farming profitable again If farmers could access quality now, it is like my close family
members have ganged up to
With the projection of 2.5 billion
and affordable supplies, their profit population by 2050, ensuring food
Farmers have been making losses of ing produce and selling. What were would increase and they will have finish me.” security is paramount. Investments
late due to depreciating Kenya shil- once considered readily available the zest for more production. in agricultural innovation can lead to
ling. The hard economic times have and affordable vegetables are now increased crop yields, improved pest
put farmers in a tough spot—from out of the reach of many, eating into LYNNE OLISA SURESH KANTARA management and enhanced food
buying farm supplies to transport- farmers’ profits Via email Billionaire production.

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