FirstLight28Nov23 Research

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FIRST LIGHT 28 November 2023



How have companies fared in Q2FY24? Indicator 22-Nov 23-Nov Chg (%)
US 10Y
4.39 4.40 1bps
AXIS BANK | TARGET: Rs 1,155 | +15% | BUY yield (%)
India 10Y
7.25 7.26 1bps
Analyst meet takeaways: Balancing growth and returns yield (%)
USD/INR 83.32 83.34 0.0
82.0 81.4 (0.7)
Capacity additions on track
Dow 35,088 35,273 0.5

Hang Seng 17,735 17,911 1.0

Sensex 66,023 66,018 0.0

India FII Chg
21-Nov 22-Nov
(US$ mn) ($ mn)

India Inc.’s performance based on a sample of 3,265 companies spread out across FII-E (18.3) (163.8) (145.5)
35 sectors in Q2-FY24 has been ambivalent. The quarter was marked by Source: Bank of Baroda Economics Research

increased profitability, even as sales growth remained muted. At a disaggregated

level, while banks and service related sectors benefited from higher credit offtake
and pent-up demand respectively, signs of stress were visible in certain pockets.
Consumer oriented industries such as FMCG etc. noted muted growth as rural
demand continues to lag. This will be a key factor to monitor going forward.

Click here for the full report.

▪ Focused on balancing growth ambitions and risk-adjusted returns; loan book
guided to log an 18% CAGR over FY23-FY25

▪ NIM expected to normalise as deposit rate repricing ends, though sticky

operational cost could slightly dampen PPOP margin

▪ Management confident of healthy asset quality and of maintaining ROA/ ROE

at 2.1%/18% over the medium term

Click here for the full report.

BOBCAPS Research
[email protected]

BOB Capital Markets Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Bank of Baroda

Important disclosures and analyst certifications are provided at the end of the report.


▪ India’s power generation capacity grew 4% YoY in October to ~425GW, with
solar energy topping the additions at 10.4GW

▪ New transmission line and substation infrastructure beat targets for the month
but continued to undershoot YTD goals

▪ We retain NTPC and PWGR as top picks while maintaining HOLD on TPW
due to expensive valuations

Click here for the full report.

EQUITY RESEARCH 28 November 2023



How have companies fared in Q2FY24?

India Inc.’s performance based on a sample of 3,265 companies spread out across Aditi Gupta
35 sectors in Q2-FY24 has been ambivalent. The quarter was marked by increased
profitability, even as sales growth remained muted. At a disaggregated level, while
banks and service related sectors benefited from higher credit offtake and pent-up
demand respectively, signs of stress were visible in certain pockets. Consumer
oriented industries such as FMCG etc. noted muted growth as rural demand
continues to lag. This will be a key factor to monitor going forward.

Corporate performance of India Inc. in Q2-FY24 has been marked by higher

profitability even though revenue growth has moderated to a large degree. Lower
commodity prices have resulted in lowering input costs and improved profitability. On
the other hand, sales growth has remained muted for the second consecutive quarter.
While base effect can explain some part of this moderation, delay in festive season
and patchy monsoon have also weighed on revenue growth as demand was affected.

For a sample of 3,265 companies, sales growth in the last quarter rose at a meek pace
of 2.8%, compared with a 24.3% growth in Q2-FY23. Expenditure growth has declined
sharply by 4.2%, after increasing by 28.5% in Q2-FY23. This was led largely by a
decline in costs of raw materials. As a result, profitability parameters have shown a
sharp improvement. Operating profits, profit before tax and net profits have all
registered double digit growth in Q2-FY24. Profits after tax, which had declined by 2%
in Q2-FY23, rose at an impressive pace of ~30% in Q2-FY24.

Table 1: Overview of performance of 3,265 companies

In Rs. Crores % YoY
Q2-FY23 Q2-FY24 Q2-FY23 Q2-FY24
Net Sales 27,96,778 28,76,102 24.3 2.8
Expenditure 23,82,711 22,83,803 28.5 (4.2)
Operating profit 5,57,470 7,26,169 1.8 30.3
PBT 2,95,348 3,93,054 1.2 33.1
PAT 2,24,215 2,91,321 (2.0) 29.9
Source: AceEquity, Bank of Baroda Research

The overall performance has been skewed to an extent due to the inclusion of BFSI
sector which includes banks, finance and insurance companies. To get a clear
picture, we exclude the BFSI sector (Table 2), and the sample reduces to 2,749
companies. While the overall picture remains the same of higher profits and lower
sales, the magnitude is different. Excluding the BFSI sector, net sales have declined
by 0.5%, which is in contrast to a small but positive growth in the overall sample.
However, profit growth is even higher led by a relatively higher decline in expenses.


TP: Rs 1,155 |  15%
AXIS BANK | Banking | 24 November 2023

Analyst meet takeaways: Balancing growth and returns

▪ Focused on balancing growth ambitions and risk-adjusted returns; loan Ajit Agrawal
[email protected]
book guided to log an 18% CAGR over FY23-FY25

▪ NIM expected to normalise as deposit rate repricing ends, though sticky

operational cost could slightly dampen PPOP margin

▪ Management confident of healthy asset quality and of maintaining ROA/

ROE at 2.1%/18% over the medium term

Analyst day takeaways: At its analyst meet yesterday, AXSB’s management Key changes
highlighted that: (a) the bank is well placed to sustain growth backed by a focus on Target Rating
business granularity, (b) investments in technology and partners will continue, enabling  
market share gains across verticals, (c) a thrust on high-yielding retail assets and
lendable deposits would help optimise margins, (d) a focus on risk-adjusted returns Ticker/Price AXSB IN/Rs 1,009
would keep the asset base healthy while buffer provisioning will serve as a safeguard Market cap US$ 37.8bn
against sudden asset quality shocks or ECL (expected credit loss) requirements, (e) no Free float 92%
immediate fundraising plans are on the anvil, and (f) ROA/ROE should hold at 1.8%/18%. 3M ADV US$ 100.0mn
52wk high/low Rs 1,048/Rs 814
ALM a key monitorable: Though AXSB has demonstrated efficient asset-liability Promoter/FPI/DII 8%/53%/29%
Source: NSE | Price as of 24 Nov 2023
management, the bank must sustain its focus on granular, lendable deposits to fund its
aggressive target of 400-600bps higher loan growth than the industry. We expect Key financials
continued investments in branches, technology and partners, which could aid market Y/E 31 Mar FY23A FY24E FY25E
share gains but also keep costs elevated (cost-to-asset ratio estimated at 2.1% for FY24E). Net interest income 429,457 484,073 565,544
NII growth (%) 29.6 12.7 16.8
NIM likely to hold at current level: We expect NIM to remain at 3.75% levels Adj. net profit (Rs mn) 95,797 249,024 295,072
(calc.) in the medium term as a growing retail book along with a focus on granularity EPS (Rs) 31.2 80.9 95.9
in business and, more specifically, lendable deposits is likely to keep a lid on cost of Consensus EPS (Rs) 31.2 77.9 89.1
funds. The Citibank retail business integration is in progress, wherein AXSB is P/E (x) 32.4 12.5 10.5

looking to the acquired wealth management business to garner fee income and P/BV (x) 2.5 2.1 1.7
ROA (%) 0.8 1.8 1.8
identify cross-selling opportunities.
ROE (%) 8.0 18.1 17.9
Source: Company, Bloomberg, BOBCAPS Research
Cautious on unsecured loans: Management plans to continue with buffer
provisioning (1.3% of loans at present) as a measure of safety against any change Stock performance
in credit cycle or ECL implications, indicating its cautious approach towards AXSB NSE Nifty (Relative)
unsecured retail lending and NBFC financing. 1,050
Maintain BUY: AXSB provides a strong investment case given significant 850
improvement across verticals and return ratios over the past 2-3 years. We expect
the bank’s thrust on growth to help it sustain profitability and hence maintain our






BUY rating with an unchanged TP of Rs 1,155, valuing the stock at 1.9x FY25E ABV
(Gordon Growth Model) and including Rs 114/sh as the value of subsidiaries.
Source: NSE


POWER | Monthly Tracker | 24 November 2023

Capacity additions on track

▪ India’s power generation capacity grew 4% YoY in October to ~425GW, Vinod Chari | Swati Jhunjhunwala
Arshia Khosla
with solar energy topping the additions at 10.4GW [email protected]

▪ New transmission line and substation infrastructure beat targets for the
month but continued to undershoot YTD goals

▪ We retain NTPC and PWGR as top picks while maintaining HOLD on

TPW due to expensive valuations

Improving demand-supply balance: After a supply shortage in 2022, India’s power Recommendation snapshot
Ticker Price Target Rating
demand-supply dynamics have been better balanced this year. Power demand
NTPC IN 254 290 BUY
during September and October stood at 141.8BU and 140.7BU respectively, and
PWGR IN 210 250 BUY
demand not met was limited to ~500MU for both months. Peak demand in October
TPW IN 816 800 HOLD
surged 19% YoY to 222GW (-8.6% MoM). Price & Target in Rupees | Price as of 24 Nov 2023

Solar power on the rise: India’s installed power generation capacity stood at
425.5GW in October, rising 4.1% YoY, with solar energy forming the bulk of the
additions at 10.4GW for a total of 72GW. Energy generated in the country stood at
131BU in September, rising 8.8% YoY (-5.1% MoM), of which thermal generation
accounted for 83% share. Thermal plants clocked 69% PLF in September as
compared to 60% in the same month last year, and NTPC continued to outperform
the national average, closing Q2FY23 at 75% thermal PLF.

Transmission infrastructure picking up: In all, 1,820ckm of transmission lines

were laid in October, overtaking the government’s target of 962ckm. This makes for
7,026ckm additions during FY24 YTD (Apr-Oct’23) as against a target of 11,420ckm.
Substation additions saw a similar trend, surpassing the government’s target for
October but undershooting it YTD. On the tariff-based competitive bidding (TBCB)
front, Adani Transmission has commissioned its Warora Kurnool project and Sterlite
Power has acquired the Beawar transmission project in Rajasthan.

Short-term market gaining depth: The short-term power market recorded volumes
of 25.9BU in September, constituting ~20% of electricity generated during the month
(vs. just ~10% for all of FY18). The average market clearing price (MCP) stood at
Rs 5.87/kWh at IEX – the dominant power exchange – an increase of 2.4% YoY.

Top picks: We continue to prefer NTPC (BUY, TP Rs 290) and PWGR (BUY, TP
Rs 250) as plays on thermal capex and India’s green energy corridor respectively
Despite strong fundamentals, TPW remains a HOLD (TP Rs 800) as the stock has
run up ~60% since April.




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Recommendation scale: Recommendations and Absolute returns (%) over 12 months

BUY – Expected return >+15%
HOLD – Expected return from -6% to +15%
SELL – Expected return <-6%
Note: Recommendation structure changed with effect from 21 June 2021
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EQUITY RESEARCH 28 November 2023


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EQUITY RESEARCH 28 November 2023

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