Proposal Under - Graduation

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AL-BALQA’ APPLIED UNIVERSITY ‫جامعة البلقاء التطبيقية‬

‫كلية الهندسة التكنولوجية‬

Under-Graduation Project Proposal

Project Supervisor : Dr. Mohammad Sleman Khrisat

Department of : Mechatronics Engineering
Semester/Academic Year: Second semester/2024
Student Names :
1. Rama Obeidat 3. Sara Shatnawi

2. Aseel Ibrahim 4. Sally Maraita

Project Title: Autonomous Hand-Following Car: Arduino and Ultrasonic

Sensors Powered

Specific Objective: Developing a self-driving car capable of tracking and

monitoring hand movements independently using Arduino sensors. In addition,
ultrasonic sensors are used to detect objects in front of the vehicle. Which
enables it to measure the distance accurately to maintain a safe distance

General Approach:
Circuit design:
In this step, we will plan and design the electronic circuit that includes all the
necessary components. This is intended to ensure compatibility of components
and to design an efficient and functional circuit before implementing it in

Car body construction:

This step involves building the actual structure of the car's body using suitable
materials such as cardboard or acrylic. Materials must be cut and assembled to
create a strong, stable structure capable of safely holding electronic components.

Assembly of components on the chassis:

In this step, we will install all the electronic components on the chassis, such as
motors, motor controllers, ultrasonic sensors, etc. This is intended to provide safe
and reliable fixation of components.

For wires:
AL-BALQA’ APPLIED UNIVERSITY ‫جامعة البلقاء التطبيقية‬
‫كلية الهندسة التكنولوجية‬

In this step, we will connect all the components together using electrical wires
and cables according to the circuit design we defined in the first step. This is
intended to establish proper and reliable communications between components.

In this step, we will program the Arduino or microcontroller to control the
behavior of the car. This involves writing code so that the car can autonomously
detect and track hand movements.

Design/Analysis Tools and Methods:

 Arduino Microcontroller
 Motor Shield (or L293D IC)
 Ultrasonic Sensors (HC-SR04)
 DC Motors (BO motors)
 Breadboard (optional, for prototyping)
 Wheels
 Castor Wheel
 Power Source (battery pack or power supply)
 Jumper Wires
 Basic Tools (for assembly) Chassis or Frame for the Car

By measuring the time it takes for the wave to return and considering the speed
of sound, the distance to the
object can be accurately calculated.
Using the average speed of sound in air (343 m/s), the distance to the object is
calculated using the formula:
Distance = Speed x Time
The time being measured here is the time taken for the ultrasonic waves to travel
to the object and return

AL-BALQA’ APPLIED UNIVERSITY ‫جامعة البلقاء التطبيقية‬
‫كلية الهندسة التكنولوجية‬

Expected Project Deliverables: It is expected that a diagram of the Arduino

connections will be delivered, and the project will be simulated on the Proteus or
Lab View program, and we will get the structure of a car that moves according to
hand movements that will be applied practically.

Needs for the project

Time Schedule
Project I:





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