Reading Writing Q3
Reading Writing Q3
Reading Writing Q3
Reading and -
Writing Other Types of Narrative
- Narrative Poetry
Patterns of Paragraph - Scripts and Screenplays
Development - Songs
- Myths and Fables
The narrative definition is really just - Novels
another word for story; it’s the way in
which a story is crafted through joining
together different events, experiences, or Structure or Narrative Essay
details to make a complete tale.
Introduction - Take it as a warm-up for
It’s important to remember when the audience and give them the main idea
considering the narrative meaning that, of what is that story about. Three-five
ultimately, your work can take on any sentences is the standard.
form that you like, be it a song or play, a
long-form essay, or even a game. If it tells Main Body - Collect every supportive
a story, it’s a narrative. argument for your story and logically
place them. Remember: every new idea is
The narrative form can be either spoken a new paragraph.
or written and fiction or nonfiction,
depending on what fits the story best. Conclusion - Even the open ending is a
conclusion of a sort. This is the part
Narration for example is the process by where you sum up and prove what you
which a story is audibly told and their claimed in the introduction. Three-five (3-
title–they are the guide through which the 5) well-arranged sentences is all you need
story is being revealed to us. to succeed.
Throughout history, narration has been an
important form of communication, along Patterns of Paragraph
with being vital in human development. Development
A narrative essay is a type of essay that
has a single motif, or a central point
around which the whole narrative Exemplification provides typical cases
revolves. or examples of something. It uses
specific, vivid examples for the purpose
It has three required elements:
of adding more information to explain,
- Character persuade, define or illustrate a general
- Theme idea. Likewise, it provides solid support
- Dialogues and strong evidence to prove the writer’s
man statement.
It has three major parts:
Exemplification is usually introduced Muslim women are active, assertive,
by the expressions like for example, for engaged in a society. In Qatar, women make
instance, such as, and take the case of. up the majority of graduate-school students.
The Iranian Parliament has more women
TYPES OF EXAMPLE members than the U.S. Senate. Throughout
the world, many Muslim women are educated
1. Examples that Illustrate- use concrete and professionally trained; they participate in
examples to illustrate an idea. public debates, are often catalysts for reform
2. Examples that Explain- gives an and champions for their own rights.
explanation to illustrate a concept CLASSIFICATION
3. Examples that tell a story- use a short We use categories or types in order to
story to illustrate a point. understand a larger concept. By breaking an
4. Examples that describe- use examples to idea down, into smaller parts, we are better
make help the reader visualize a scene or a able to explain the idea to others.
thing. Our choice of categories is driven by our
Example 1: purpose; for example, we may categorize cars
by prize, and mileage before purchasing a car.
Television presents a vivid world in front
of us. For example, TV can keep us informed The way we classify is called principle of
of what is happening throughout the world. classification; for instance, a teacher might
For another example, with a TV set at home, classify students by participation in class.
we can visit a great many tourist attractions in Once you choose a principle classification,
different countries. Besides, TV brings you need to consistently address that
various forms of entertainments to our homes principle in each category.
such as sports competitions, concerts. The Example:
pictures on the TV look so real that we feel as
if the events were taking place right before A First date can end up being categorized
our eyes. as successful, a clingy, a boastful or
Example 2:
Successful first dates include both parties
Studies have indicated a number of values expressing information about why they like,
to reading and reciting, as opposed to reading who they are, and so forth. Usually, these
alone. For one thing. When you read dates will end in tentative plans for a second
something with the knowledge that you might one. Clingy dates end up with one of the
soon recite what you have read, you are more parties practically begging for information
likely to be motivated to remember and less about the other. However, the non-clinger is
likely to become inattentive. For another, not interested. On boastful dates, one member
recitation provides immediate knowledge of of the duo talks about all of his/her skills,
results so that you can see how well you are talents and abilities. The listening end of the
doing and adjust and modify your responses pair is never asked about his or her life.
accordingly. Finally, recitation provides Awkward first date generally involves lots of
active practice in recalling the material you silence or one or both of the partners not
wish ultimately to retain. knowing how to act appropriately. While
Example 3: many dates occur every day, they can
generally fall into one of these categories.