Network Hw4 Chat

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“Network Applications and Design” Homework Assignment #4

“Simple Client- Server Chat App” (4+1+1 points)

Due date: May 15th (Wed) 2024, 11:59 PM.
- Submit softcopy on the server.

In this homework assignment, you’ll implement a simple client- server chatting application where everyone
(every client) connected to the server can chat with everyone else. For simplicity, there will be only one chat room.
You will use TCP socket and Go language for this assignment.

Here are the descriptions and requirements on what you’ll need to do.

You must implement two programs, ChatClient.go for the client, and ChatServer.go for the server. Your client-
server program pair provides ‘chatting’ functionality.

Server accepts connections from any number of clients. For now, you may assume that the number of connected
clients is always ≤ 8. All connected clients can chat with each other. If 9th client tries to connect, the server will send
a “chatting room full. cannot connect” message to the client and refuse the connection. The client should show this
message and quit gracefully.

The client can set its nickname(username) when it starts using a command line argument. This nickname is used
for chatting. For example, when I run my client program to connect to the server, I can set my nickname as
“ironman” and you can set yours as “hulk.” Then these will be shown for all chatting. You may assume max. length
of ≤ 32 characters for a nickname, English nickname, and no spaces or special characters (e.g. ‘\’) in the nickname.
However, if the server detects duplicate nickname, it should refuse the connection with a message “nickname
already used by another user. cannot connect”.

When a client connects to the server, the server will send back ‘welcome’ message to the client. The client should
print this message on the screen. Please also print the nickname, server IP address and port number together with
the welcome message. For example, “welcome <nickname> to CAU net-class chat room at <serverIP:serverPort>.
There are <N> users in the room”. At the same time, the server should also print out “<nickname> joined from
<clientIP:clientPort>. There are <N> users in the room”.

When a client connects to the server, it enters the chat room immediately. That is, everyone can chat with everyone
else as soon as they connect to the server. When you type a chat message and press Enter, that message should be
delivered to everyone (every client) connected, except yourself of course. Note that a chat message may contain

On the client, while running, if the user presses ‘Ctrl-C’, the client should send an exit message to the server
before quitting so that the server knows that you’re gone. Then the client should exit gracefully with a message
“gg~” printed on the screen. The server and ALL clients should also print out “<nickname> left the room. There are
<N> users now” message on the screen. Note that ‘N’ is the number of currently connected users.

Chat room commands: While chatting, the user can type a text message and press Enter to send that message.
The user can also send special commands to the server by typing the following strings as the message;

• \ls // show the <nickname, IP, port> list of all connected users
• \secret <nickname> <message> // secret(whisper) message ONLY TO <nickname>
• \except <nickname> <message> // send message to everyone EXCEPT <nickname>
• \ping // show RTT (round trip time) from the client to the server and back
• \quit // disconnect from server, and exit
“\ls” command should show the <nickname, IP, port> list of all connected users. “\secret <nickname>
<msg>” command sends the message ONLY TO <nickname> and no other user should see this message. Also, a
direction message should be distinguishable from normal chat messages (e.g. like ‘from xxx: <msg>’). “\except
<nickname> <msg>” command sends the message to everyone EXCEPT <nickname>; <nickname> should not
see this message. “\exit” command should do the same thing as when the user presses ‘Ctrl-C’. “\ping” should
show the round-trip time (RTT) from the client to the server and back. I’ll let you think about how to do this.

When sending a command to the server, the command part should not be sent in plain text from the client to the
server. That is, you should never send the ‘\xxxx’ part in ASCII string. This part should be encoded into 1 byte. I’ll
let you figure out and decide on how to do this.

If the user types an invalid command (a command that does not exist), for example “\showmethemoney”, the
client should print out a message “invalid command” and should not send this to the server.

When the server receives an invalid/unknown command, it should print out a message “invalid command: <what
client sent>” and do nothing more. (Ideally, this case should never happen if the client is doing its job. However in
practice, this case happens when the client and server versions do not match; e.g. you upgraded the client to a
newer version with more commands, but the server program has older version without those new commands.)

In addition to above, if anyone chats “I hate professor” (ignore case), the server must detect that, and disconnect
that client. When doing this, the server and ALL clients must print out a message regarding this event, and the
client must detect the fact that it is disconnected, print out a message regarding this event, and exit gracefully.

Example output from a client:

$ go run ChatClient.go ironman

[Welcome ironman to CAU net-class chat room at]

[There are 4 users in the room.]

hi what’s up?

hulk> don’t you think prof. Paek is handsome?

couldn’t agree more

wonderwoman> i also think he is cool.

superman> what? i hate professor. This homework is too difficult!

[superman is disconnected. There are 3 users in the chat room.]

\secret wonderwoman do you want to go out for a drink?

from: wonderwoman> no, I need to do my next homework -_-;;

I’m leaving. Bye guys~


A few important things to think about:

After reading above, one big question that should come to your mind is, which information/state to keep at the
server and which to keep at the client. Should you make the server have all the intelligence and keep the client
minimal/simple/dumb as possible? or should the client have sufficient information to reduce traffic between
server and client. If latter, what if there is mismatch between the information at the server and the client? In this
homework assignment, a lot of this is up to you; you have quite a bit of freedom to implement it in your own way.
However, please think about the advantages and disadvantages of each design choice carefully.
Here are additional important things that you should think about while doing this assignment;
• Should the client send nickname to the server only once when it connects? or every time for every message
(since you need it to show chatting screen anyway)? Should client keep its nickname at all?
• How should the server identify a client? using <ip, port> pair? or nickname? or some other unique identifier
(an integer)? You need to be careful about these identifiers since some clients may connect and disconnect at
any time (e.g. 1 connect, 2 connect, 3 connect, 1 disconnect, 4 connect, …), there may be same IP address or
same port number (although not both together at the same time), same nickname, etc.
• What data structure would you like to use for the list of clients? What information to put for each client? Would
your data structure be fast enough (for search/insert/delete) even if you have 20000 clients in the future?
• When sending commands from the client to the server (and vice versa also), you have two options: You can
o use a text string (e.g. “\version”, “\list”) to represent a command (but not for this homework), or
o encode that into binary information (you should do this for this homework).
o What are the advantages and disadvantages of these? (string vs. binary)

Most of these questions are open-ended; the decision is up to you. And since our software supports only small
number of clients and the amount of data generated by chatting is also small, performance will not be a problem
regardless of what choice you make. However, what if? what if you have 20000 clients? It would be interesting to
think about this… and may be keep in mind when you do the next homework assignment.

Additional note and requirement regarding command line argument:

Ideally, it would be nice if both your programs, ChatClient.go and ChatServer.go take IP address and port number
as command line arguments so that we can run them on any machine and any port without modifying the code.
However, if I do that, it would be very difficult to grade your submissions. For this reason only, (although it is not
nice), you should hardcode the ‘server port number’ in both programs with your personal designated port number.
Also, you should hardcode the server address ( in your client program. The only command line
argument is the ‘nickname’ for the client program. That is, the server should run using the command “$ go run
ChatServer.go”, and the client should run using the command “$ go run ChatClient.go <nickname>”.

Other additional requirements:

• Your program must run on our class Linux server at (both server and client on nsl2)
• Running your client on and your server on should work without ANY code
• Make sure that you use your own designated port number for the server socket.
• For the client socket, you should either not set the port number, or must use null (0) port number which
will let the OS assign a random port number to your socket.
• You should be able to restart any of your programs immediately after exiting/terminating
• You should close all sockets when exiting.
• Your code must include your name and student ID at the beginning of the code as a comment.
• Your code should be easily readable and include sufficient comments for easy understanding.
• Your code must be properly indented. Bad indentation/formatting will result in score deduction.
• Your code should not include any Korean characters, not even your names. Write your name in English.

What and how to submit

• You must submit softcopy of ChatClient.go and ChatServer.go programs.
• Here is the instruction on how to submit the softcopy files:
✓ Login to your server account at
✓ In your home directory, create a directory “submit_net/submit_<student ID>_hw4”
(ex> “/student/s20229999/submit_net/submit_20229999_hw4”)
(do “pwd” to check your directory)
✓ Put your “ChatClient.go” and “ChatServer.go” files in that directory. Do not put any code that does
not work! You will get negative points for that.
Grading criteria:
• You get 4 points
✓ if all your programs work correctly, AND if you meet all above requirements, AND
✓ if your code handles all the exceptional cases that might occur, AND
✓ if your code is concise, clear, well-formatted, and good looking.
• Otherwise, partial deduction may apply.
• You may get optional extra credit of up to 2 points if you do the optional extra credit task.
• No delayed submissions are accepted.
• Copying other student’s work will result in negative points.
• Code that does not compile or code that does not run will result in negative points.

[Optional-1] Extra credit task 1: (up to 1 point)

• Do the same thing as above also in C.
✓ That means, your C programs must provide same features as the Golang version.
✓ However, since there is no ‘Go routine’ in C, you must implement the “Non-blocking socket
method” using ‘select()’ function.
✓ Your file names should be same as Golang version except the file extension (.go → .c)
✓ You should provide a Makefile that can compiles both your server and client by just typing ‘make’.
• If you do this, not only your C client should work with C server, but your Golang programs should also work
with your C programs as well. That is, you should be able to mix and match C and Golang programs for
server and client, in any combination. Do not submit if it does not work. You will get negative points for
submitting something that does not work.
• Think about why I ask you to do this: network applications should work with each other independent of
language or operating system. Also, you should be able to do things in non-familiar languages.

[Optional-2] Extra credit task 2: (up to 1 point)

• Do the same thing as above also in Rust Language.
✓ That means, your Rust programs must provide same features as the Golang version.
✓ Your file names should be same as Golang version except the file extension (.go → .rs)
✓ You should provide a Makefile that can compiles both your server and client by just typing ‘make’.
▪ If you’re also doing the C version above, you can one makefile for both.
• If you do this, not only your Rust client should work with Rust server, but your Golang programs should
also work with your Rust programs as well. That is, you should be able to mix and match Rust and Golang
programs for server and client, in any combination. Do not submit if it does not work. You will get negative
points for submitting something that does not work.
• Think about why I ask you to do this: network applications should work with each other independent of
language or operating system. Also, you should be able to do things in non-familiar languages.

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