CSP 20091a05c3

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A Community Service Project report submitted in partial

fulfilment of requirement for the award of the degree of


Under the guidance of
Dr. R. Kaviarasan M. Tech., Ph. D
Associate Professor of CSE Department

ESTD -1995

Accredited by NAAC of UGC, New Delhi with ‘A+’ Grade

Approved by AICTE, Affiliated to J.N.T University Anantapur,
Accredited by NAAC of UGC, New Delhi with ‘A+’ Grade
Approved by AICTE, Affiliated to J.N.T University Anantapur,

E S T D - 1995


This is to certify that M.RUKSANA BEGUM(20091A05C3), of B. Tech CSE third year has
carried out the community project work on “ Importance of protected Drinking Water ”
under the esteemed guidance of Dr . R. Kaviarasan Associate Professor of CSE
Department, for the partial fulfilment of the award of degree of B. Tech in CSE in
R.G.M.C.E.T, Nandyal as a bonafide record of work done by them during the year 2022-2023.

Head of Department Project In-charge

Dr. K. Subba Reddy M. Tech., Ph. D., Dr. R. Kaviarasan M. Tech., Ph. D.,
Professor& HOD Associate Professor ,
Department of C.S.E Department of C.S.E

Place: Nandyal
Date: Examiner:
Program Book
Community Service Project

Name of the Student: M. RUKSANA BEGUM

Name of the College: Rajeev Gandhi Memorial College Of Engineering And


Registration Number: 20091A05C3

Period of CSP: From: 20-08-2022 To: 8-10-2022

Name & Address of the Community/Habitation: Municipal office,

Student’s Declaration

I M. Ruksana Begum ,a student of B.Tech Program, Reg. No. 20091A05C3 of the

Department of CSE , RGM College of Engineering and Technology do hereby declare that I
have completed the mandatory community service from 20/08/2022 to 01/10/2022 in
Udumalpuram under the Faculty Guideship of Dr. R. Kaviarasan, Department of CSE in
RGMCET College.

M. Ruksana Begum


Faculty Guide
Dr. R. Kaviarasan M.Tech., Ph.D
Associate Professor
Department of C.S.E

Head of the Department

Dr. K. Subba Reddy M.Tech.,Ph.D
Professor& HOD
Department of C.S.E

Dr. T. Jaya Chandra Prasad.,M.Tech., Ph.D

I manifest our heartier thankfulness pertaining to your contentment over our project
guide Dr. R. Kaviarasan garu, Associate Professor of Computer Science Engineering
Department, with whose adroit concomitance the excellence has been exemplified in bringing
out this project to work with artistry.

I express our gratitude to Dr. K. Subba Reddy garu, Head of the Department of
Computer Science Engineering, all teaching and non-teaching staff of the Computer Science
Engineering Department of Rajeev Gandhi Memorial College of Engineering and Technology
for providing continuous encouragement and cooperation at various steps of our project.

Involuntarily, I am perspicuous to divulge our sincere gratefulness to our Principal,

Dr. T. Jaya Chandra Prasad garu, who has been observed posing valiance in abundance
towards our individuality to acknowledge our project work tangentially.

At the outset I thank our honourable Chairman Dr. M. Santhi Ramudu garu, for providing us
with exceptional faculty and moral support throughout the course.

Whatever one does, whatever one achieves, the first credit goes to the Parents be it not for their
love and affection, nothing would have been responsible. I see in every good that happens to
us their love and blessings.











The quality of a public water supply, although quite acceptable when it leaves the
treatment plant, may deteriorate before it reaches the user. This may occur as a result of either
chemical or biological transformations (or) by loss of integrity of the system. Serious sources
of Potential Contamination arise of when. System as a result of cross- non portable water enter
the connections, back flow back siphonage or during repairs. Although it is not the purpose of
this report to review the optimum engineering design, construction & operation of distribution
Systems, it is important to recognize that adverse health affects may from adequate attention
to any of those areas.

Chapter II, II, IV of this report contain reviews of the factors & Conditions associated with
retention of water quality the distribution systems, it is responsible important to recognize that
advert health effects may result from inadequate attention to any of these areas. and
Committees recommendations for control procedures and the research. In Volume 1 of
Drinking water & Health, the Safe Drinking water commit -tee examined the health effect
associated with micro biological, radioactive, particulate, inorganic & organic chemical
contaminants found in drinking water In Volume 3, it considered another salted group of
Chemical contaminant. Chapter II & VII of this volume contain evaluations of the health effects
of additional Organic and morganic Contaminants Natural Contaminant like Copper (or) lead
and Arsenic Born element are dissolved in state as of chlorine particles.


 Introduction of water sources, & different water availability.

 Supply & securing of clean & sufficient drinking water for Nandyal Population.
 Provision and securing of clean & sufficient drinking water for the nandyal Population
access to Sanitation..
 Improvement of Infrastructure for storage, transport & agriculture marketing.
 Improvement of physical health (Supported by clean drinking water access to sanitation
& improved to nourishing)
 Improvement of effective management of the financial resources an available for
environmental Co-operation & nandyal urban area.
 Socio-Ecological Survey awareness & water & problem identification.
 Programming Overview.
 Conclusion & recommendation.

Water touches every aspect of development and it is linked to nearly with every sustainable
Development Goal (IDC). It Drives economic growth, supports, healthy ecosystems, & in
essential & fundamental for life itself. Approximately 2 billion people around the world do not
have Safely managed drinking water services, 3.6 billion People do not have safety managed
situations and 2.3 billion basic hand washing facilities. Gaps in access of water supply and
Sanitation, growing populations, water-intensive patterns of growth. increasing rainfall
variability & pollution are combining in many places to make over one of the greatest milks to
economic progress, poverty eradication and sustainable development

Drinking water is apart of 2.5% of all over percent two thirds of that is frozen in the caps
and glaciers. Underground supply for many people. that reservoirs are an important source of
water Humans use wells to top renewable and non-renewable aquifers which quench their thirst
and water crops.

Rivers & lakes contain only a small amount of earth's water - but their surface waters are
needed crucial like some aquifers, they are constantly replenished when water moves from the
atmosphere to earth and again through the water cycle. But surface water sources are subjected
to various variable perception patterns that make them notoriously unreliable protecting and
managing the freshwater sources, above & below ground are essential tasks. Here the Nandyal
Urban water supply manages the purified water to all the people.
Activities in Community:

The project of about water facilities & drinking water availability. The team members
are done activities water supply & water management. The mineral water, ground water,on the
bore water, surface water sources of drinking purpose for people. We have approached a
mineral water plant near by and we learnt about the process of normal bore water to mineral
water. In the process they are adding chemicals and having huge machineries for purification.
Nearly in Nandyal there are so many mineral water plants. In huge amount they are consuming
the mineral water and we also approached Government purification water plant. By this activity
done we came to know that Infrastructure is main to make this process.

The Nandyal government plant we approach is near Sugalimetta. It is a new plant and run for
just two years. This water plant providing drinking water for 42 villages and this government
providing water is healthy and no chemicals added to it. By this the natural minerals are not
eliminated and good for health. But for removal of waste or dust they are using a Chemical
called "Alum” this will helps as forming a coagulation with dust particles and settled down in
the process.


Day – 1 Objective: Learned about the few
1. Introduction of water objectives. which
sources & different water plays important role in
availability. drinking H2O
2. Supply & securing of availability.
clean & Sufficient drinking
3.Provision & securing of
access to sanitization.
Day – 2 Water Health: Learned about
Contaminated & Pure contamination due to
sanitation are linked to water & health & their
diseases such as cholera, diseases.
diarrhoea, dysentery,
hepatitis-A , typhoid,
Polio. This is particularly
the case in health care.
Day – 3 Management of water: Learned about
The urban & local bodies management & its
are responsible for maintenance of
operation & maintenance drinking water.
activities of water. As for
the govt order [GON UDD
204 UMS 95 20/10/22].
Day – 4 Water resources: Learned about NOL
In NDL more than 90% of water resources and
habitations especially urban depends on
union depend upon irrigation water.
irrigation water so H2O
categorised into 3 types.
1. In adequate of drinking
2. Scarcity of drinking
Depletion of drinking
Day – 5 Utilization of water: Learned about
In NDL 0.26% & 1% fresh drinking water usage.
water Ground H2O 1.5 How fresh & ground
billion cubic meters. water are used in other
Around the 1.5 billion field.
cubic meters fresh water
due to precipitation 0.2%
ground H2O used in
Day – 6 Urban water supply: Learned about urban
Urban H₂0 apply water supply in NDL.
programmes in NDL
divided into several distinct
1.Mineral drinking water.
2. Ground floor water.
3.surface water.

(From Dt: 20/08/2022 to Dt: 01/10/2022)

Objective of the Activity Done:

By this project we come to know about sustainable water management for improving life

Detailed Report:

Study, Survey & Description of Site :-

This Research was conducted in municipality of Nandyal and neighbour villages an utilized
different water sources such as mineral water and normal water this and is characterized by
rapid demographic & un plant organization. Many neighbour villages of nandyal municipality
an subjected to frequent, land slights, hygiene & sanitization conditions poor. Uncontrolled
land fields an spread. The Industrial activity in this area, but the population practices intensive,
urban agriculture & animal husbandry. Well, ground floor, lakes, canals and constitute
primary. Source of water for domestic purposes. The shady of management of water from well,
springs prevalence of water borne diseases have been studied in Nandyal since (2020-2021) as
described by Kapemao all (2019). 200 to 400 house holds were Selected to obtain information
concerning the water supply bon by were from well.

The selection of survey participants was performed according. to age & gender of users (mainly
children to is year old, the survey study conducted in two age groups 50 to 60%. 5 year old,
40% of 16 to 31 year. E 20% of 50 to 60 years old. Among 50% of Female & 30% male. For
prevalence water of borne diseases are cholera, typhoid, fluorosis, gastro-intestine transfer,
Diarrhoea, some of the diseases etc. In Nandyal municipality the survey Information out in the
form of quality to appearance of Medical Institutes. This survey is conducted in Nandyal &
near by rural areas and gathered the information of water supply.

Details of the Socio-Economic Survey of the Village/Habitation.

 What is the name of the person & age?

 Age 30-50 : 65%
 Age 50-70 : 35%
 Do your village get regular water supply?
 Yes- 28%
 No- 72%
 Which source of water supply does your household use?
 Borewells/hand pump – 40%
 Public tap – 30%
 Community well – 15%
 Household water (piped) – 15%
 How far(in kilo meters) is the borewell or hand pump that you use?
 3km,5km
 What Frequency of water supply?
 More than once a day – 10%
 once a week -40%
 once in 2 days- 32%
 Other- 18%
 Is this frequency sufficient for your needs?
 Yes – 32%
 No- 68%
 How does the water smell?
 No smell – 55%
 Foul smell – 45%
 How does the water taste?
 Salty-45%
 Tasteless-55%
 What does the water look like?
 Clear – 45%
 Cloudy or Dirty – 55%

 Do you pay for water?

 Yes- 40%
 No-60%
 Have you made a complaint related your drinking water service in the past one year?
 Yes – 60%
 No – 40%
 What is the extent of your satisfaction?
 Complete- 35%
 Partial- 65%
 What was the result of the complaint?
 Prompt action taken – 15%
 Delayed action taken- 45%
 No action taken- 30%
 Do you use same water for domestic usage and drinking?
 Yes – 72%
 No – 28%
 Is there any mineral water plant in your village?
 Yes – 70%
 No – 30%
 Do you add any chemicals in water for purification?
 Yes – 54%
 No – 46%

I have surveyed around 95 members in the village Udamulpuram. They had given the answers
as above.
 Describe the problems you have identified in the community

Problems identified:

While our team had been working on csp by doing surveys. we observed many
Problems in Certain areas related to water. We mainly observed major water Problems were
being faced by the people who belongs to rural areas. In rural area most of the People use the
same water for both drinking and for usage. We also got some major complaints about the
impurity drinking water that is being supplied to the rural area . And I also observed another
Problem of water supply to rural areas.

The people in those areas are mostly depend on the water which to being supplied
through tanks via taps. Daily water supply Is not produced in rural areas and the people should
wait even for the of usage of water for basic purposes, this is one of the major problem I
observed in rural area. And I also observed that in some areas, in drinking water supply, the
fluorine content is more than needed actually. other problem is even leakage of water through
Pipes, there most of the water will be wasted

So govt is responsible to take actions immediately after getting a complaint from

people of certain areas. Instead govt is most responsible to check every issue of different areas
frequently and should be responsible in Providing different schemes and to make the people
available at everything related to it.

In this our team identified problems in the communities.

Short-term and long term action plan for possible solutions for the problems identified
and that could be recommended to the concerned authorities for implementation.
Solutions for "problems"

It is very clear to everyone that Water is very necessary for life existence on the earth.
Our each and every activity for the life survival is related to the need of water. We are
Surrounded by huge water bodies on the earth, even after we are facing water scarcity problem
in many regions. q India, Because around 97 1 of the total water on the earth is salt water
present in oceans which is totally unfit for the human consumption. fresh water is available on
the earth only 3% of the total water.

We must understand the importance of clean water on the earth and try our best to not
involve in the water Wastage instead involve in Saving it. We should save our clean water from
Contaminating and getting polluted for the waste material industries, Sewages. toxic chemicals
and other waste. The main season of water Scarcity and clean water contamination is the ever
increasing population. and rapid industrialization and urbanisation. Due to the Clean water
scarcity, people cannot fulfil their basic needs in the near future.
Description of the Community awareness programme/s conducted w.r.t the problems and
their outcomes.

Contaminated water & pure Sanitation an linked to disease. Naturally chemicals also
Influence Arsenic, leads particle. The Urban & local bodies are responsible for operation &
maintainance. activities of water supply & sanitization Schemes created by Nuws & DB. As
per govt order [CON UDD 204 Ums or 20/10/2022]. Nandyal has 0.26% of state population
and 1% of fresh water resources. Estimates of 1.5 billion cubic meters of theirs 0.0015% not
available. That of 0.02% ground water remaining 0.44% used for Industrial & Agriculture
purposes based on environmental pressure water sources are categorized into three types. The
Nuws & DB has the facility to testing for water quality at 4 places.
This research was conducted in urban municipality of nandyal neighbour villages are
utilised different water sources Such as mineral water & normal water this area is characterised
by rapid demographic & unplanted organization. Many neighbour villages of nandyal
municipality are subjected to frequent, land, slight, hygiene sanitization conditions are poor.
The study of management of water from well, Spring, prevalence of water borne
diseases have been studied in Nandyal since (2020-2022) as described by kapemao act (2019).
Survey was performed according to their ages & gender of users (mainly children 10-15 years
old, the survey study conducted two age groups 50 to 60% of 15 year old, 40% of 16 to 15 year
& 20% of 50 to 60 years The mineral water drinking people an facing some health related
problems joint pain, Muscle pains and Normal water drinking are healthy. The Nandyal
government water plant is providing drinking water for 42 Villages.
Report of the mini-project work done in the related subject w.r.t the habitation/village.

A mini-project work in the related subject w.r.t the habitation/village. (For ex., a student
of Botany may do a project on Organic Farming or Horticulture or usage of biofertilizers or
biopesticides or effect of the inorganic pesticides, etc. A student of Zoology may do a project
on Aquaculture practices or animal husbandry or poultry or health and hygiene or Blood group
analysis or survey on the Hypertension or survey on the prevalence of diabetes, etc.
The Report shall be limited to 6 pages.
Water is essential for sustenance and multiplication of living organisms. Whether it is
an unicellular amoeba or complex human body system water is an absolute necessity for
keeping the system functioning. Humans need clean tasty and safe drinking water free from
any microorganism when he or she is thirsty and is ready to pay substantially if need be. This
is available in Pouch, Bottles and cans as per requirement of the customers.
The quality of a public water supply, although quite acceptable when it leaves the
treatment plant, may deteriorate before it reaches the user. This may occur as a result of either
chemical or biological transformations (or) by loss of integrity of the system. Serious sources
of Potential Contamination arise of when. System as a result of cross- non portable water enter
the connections, back flow back siphonage or during repairs. Although it is not the purpose of
this report to review the optimum engineering design, construction & operation of distribution
Systems, it is important to recognize that adverse health affects may from adequate attention
to any of those areas.
Distribution of Water:-
Distribution systems move water from a source or a water treatment plant to the people who
consume it. Water Distribution requires infrastructure. This infrastructure could range from
complex pipe system to the simplest of water containers. All the infrastructures from the
simplest to the most complex, have associated costs. Moreover, water in any distribution
system may become Contaminated if sources are not properly protected and monitored,
treatment plant are not properly operated, or infrastructure is not are maintained. Although they
share the same basic function, distribution system under vary greatly from where to culture,
from one economic stratum to the next & from great cities to humble villages.
The facilities, equipment, materials necessary for the operation of a water supply or sanitation
Infrastructure includes storage systems such as dams and reservoirs as well as
distribution and treatment system.
Good sanitation and hygiene can help to stop the spread of these organisms.
For the most effective treatment. Combination of technologies are used to ensure that the water
if fully decontaminated.

The above figures show the water infrastructure in Kurnool and that is transported as a small
canal to the village Udumalpuram.
Health Effect of Drinking Contaminated Water:-
How contaminated water effects your health depends on the type of Contaminants. Does
boiling contaminated water make it safe for drink? It depends on the Contamination com
contaminant. Boiling water can kill germs, but things like lead, nitrates & Pesticides aren't
affected. And since boiling reduces the volume of water, it increases the concentration of those
o Cryptosporidium: is a pathogen that sometimes gets into water supply, it can cause a
gastrointestinal disease that could be fatal.
o Nitrates can Contaminate water & pose an immediate threat to infants. In the
intestines, nitrates are converted to nitrites, which prevent blood from transporting
oxygen. An Enzyme present in the system of older children restores the blood's ability
to Carry Oxygen.
o Lead can cause both physical & mental developmental problems in infants & children.
Adults who have been drinking lead-tainted water for a number of year can experience
kidney problems and high blood pressure.
By drinking Contaminated water diseases caused are cholera, typhoid, Diarrhea, hepatitis - A
Few Ways to Save Water :-
Next to air, Water is the most important element for the preservation of life. Water
Conservation can go a long way to help alleviate these impending Shortages.
 Check your toilet leaks
 stop using your toilets as waste basket
 Install Water Saving shower heads & flow restrictors
 Turn off the Water While brushing teeth.
 Turn off Water While Shaving.
 Check faucets & pipes for leaks.
 Use your automatic dish washer for full loads only
 Don't let faucet run While you clean vegetables.
 Water your lawn only when it is needed.
 Don't water the gutter-
 Put a layer of mufch around trees & plants.
 Don't run the hose While washing your car.
 Take a Shorter shower bath.
 Don't throw out the old water if it is clean.
Water Conservation has become essential in all the regions even Where Water seems
abundant. That's because our water resources are finite and they are getting smaller every year.
Skills for water management:-
 Management (water works plant manager, frequently academically educated or with
small networks, qualified as water Technician .
 Analysis & operation Supervision (Examination of water quality & Sludge)
 Process Control (control room)
 Operation & maintainance of facilities (machines, plant & filter technology).
 Disinfection
 Management of protective zones.
 Data management & documentation
 Safety management
 Quality management
By this Community programme we have developed as our professional and life. The
communication skills by conducting surveys to the people. Understanding & problem solving
skills by making organised plan to the solution. Management skills for managing the sources
(or) time in life. learnt about the conditions (or) problems of environment & people.

Water technician explaining about Clarified water tank after purifying.

The purification of water.

Treated water tank Collection tank during the

after purifying of impure water. process of purying water.

Institutional Causes Socio- Economical Causes Climatic- physical changes

Sustainable Water Management for Life Quality Improve

Data base development

Climatic Variabilities
Water Quantity & Quality modelling
Management of Water Scarcity at catchment level Long-term Scenario
Hierarchial Drought Analysis
Water Demands and Water balance
Non-Conventional Measures to combat Drought


 People cannot create water.

 But, by managing sources & distribution systems, they can maximize the amount of
availability of water & make the most out of every drop.
 Drinking Water have major effect on people health. Thus good quality of drinking water
need to be taken by people.
 But most of the rural areas are not able to get proper drinking water .The government
is responsible for making proper actions to provide drinking water.
 There is more than one billion people in the world who have no access to safe drinking
water and more than two billion people worldwide who don't have proper sanitation
systems. Water purification is one of the solutions for water pollution. Millions of
people worldwide could be saved if people used chlorination, filtration, and solar
disinfection to treat water at their homes.
Student Self-Evaluation for the Community Service Project
Student Name:

Registration No:

Period of CSP: From: To:

Date of Evaluation:

Name of the Person in-charge:

Address with mobile number:

Please rate your performance in the following areas:

Rating Scale: 1 is lowest and 5 is highest rank
Oral communication 1 2 3 4 5

Written communication 1 2 3 4 5

Proactiveness 1 2 3 4 5

Interaction ability with community 1 2 3 4 5

Positive Attitude 1 2 3 4 5

Self-confidence 1 2 3 4 5

Ability to learn 1 2 3 4 5

Work Plan and organization 1 2 3 4 5

Professionalism 1 2 3 4 5

Creativity 1 2 3 4 5

Quality of work done 1 2 3 4 5

Time Management 1 2 3 4 5

Understanding the Community 1 2 3 4 5

Achievement of Desired Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5


Date: Signature of the Student

Evaluation by the Person in-charge in the Community/Habitation
Student Name:

Registration No:

Period of CSP: From: To:

Date of Evaluation:

Name of the Person in-charge:

Address with mobile number:

Please rate the student’s performance in the following areas:

Please note that your evaluation shall be done independent of the Student’s

Rating Scale: 1 is lowest and 5 is highest rank

Oral communication 1 2 3 4 5

Written communication 1 2 3 4 5

Proactiveness 1 2 3 4 5

Interaction ability with community 1 2 3 4 5

Positive Attitude 1 2 3 4 5

Self-confidence 1 2 3 4 5

Ability to learn 1 2 3 4 5

Work Plan and organization 1 2 3 4 5

Professionalism 1 2 3 4 5

Creativity 1 2 3 4 5

Quality of work done 1 2 3 4 5

Time Management 1 2 3 4 5

Understanding the Community 1 2 3 4 5

Achievement of Desired Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5


Date: Signature of the Supervisor

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