1.1. History of Math Logic

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Mathematical logic was the name given by Giuseppe Peano to what is also known as
symbolic logic. In its classical version, the basic aspects resemble the logic of Aristotle, but
written using symbolic notation rather than natural language. Attempts to treat the operations of
formal logic in a symbolic or algebraic way were made by some of the more philosophical
mathematicians, such as Leibniz and Lambert; but their labors remained little known and

It was George Boole and then Augustus De Morgan, in the middle of the nineteenth century,
who presented a systematic mathematical way of regarding logic. The traditional, Aristotelian
doctrine of logic was reformed and completed; and out of it developed an instrument for
investigating the fundamental concepts of mathematics.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: After the completion of this unit, the students are expected to:

1. Write down the history of the development of mathematical logic.

2. Define and discuss simple and compound propositions.
3. Identify whether a statement is a proposition or not.
4. Translate propositional statements to propositional forms and vice versa.
5. Discuss the truth values of the different logical operators.
6. Construct the truth table of a particular propositional form.
7. Differentiate between converse, inverse and contrapositive of a given biconditional
8. Identify whether a given proposition is a tautology, contradiction or a contingency.
9. Identify propositions that are logically equivalent.
10. Define and construct a substitution instance for a given proposition.


SEMA 30053 (SET THEORY AND LOGIC) | Prepared by: Prof RJM Atienza & Prof RCT Alignay 1

Logic is a branch of science that studies correct forms of reasoning. It plays a fundamental
role in such disciplines as philosophy, mathematics, and computer science. Like philosophy and
mathematics, logic has ancient roots. The earliest treatises on the nature of correct reasoning
were written over 2000 years ago. Some of the most prominent philosophers of ancient Greece
wrote of the nature of deduction more than 2300 years ago, and thinkers in ancient China wrote
of logical paradoxes around the same time. However, though its roots may be in the distant
past, logic continues to be a vibrant field of study to this day.

Modern logic originated in the work of the great Greek philosopher Aristotle (384–322 BCE),
the most famous student of Plato (c.427–c.347 BCE) and one of the most influential thinkers of
all time. Further advances were made by the Greek Stoic philosopher Chrysippus of
Soli (c.278–c.206 BCE), who developed the basics of what we now call propositional logic.

For many centuries the study of logic was mostly concentrated on different interpretations of
the works of Aristotle, and to a much lesser degree of those of Chrysippus, whose work was
largely forgotten. However, all the argument forms were written in words, and lacked formal
machinery that would create a logical calculus of deduction with which it would be easy to work.

The great German philosopher and mathematician Gottfried Leibniz (1646–1716) was
among the first to realize the need to formalize logical argument forms. It was Leibniz’s dream to
create a universal formal language of science that would reduce all philosophical disputes to a
matter of mere calculation by recasting the reasoning in such disputes in this language.

The first real steps in this direction were taken in the middle of the nineteenth century by the
English mathematician George Boole (1815–1864). In 1854 Boole published An Investigation of
the Laws of Thought, in which he developed an algebraic system for discussing logic. Boole’s
work ushered in a revolution in logic, which was advanced further by Augustus De
Morgan (1806–1871), Charles Sanders Peirce (1839–1914), Ernst Schröder (1841–1902),
and Giuseppe Peano (1858–1932).

The next key step in this revolution in logic was made by the great German mathematician
and philosopher Gottlob Frege (1848–1925). Frege created a powerful and profoundly original
symbolic system of logic, as well as suggested that the whole of mathematics could be
developed on the basis of formal logic, which resulted in the well-known school of logicism.
By the early twentieth century, the stage was set for Bertrand Russell (1872–1970) and Alfred
North Whitehead (1861–1947) to give a modern account of logic and the foundations of
mathematics in their influential treatise Principia Mathematica. Published in three volumes
between 1910 and 1913, Principia was a culmination of work that had been done on logic and
the foundations of mathematics in the preceding century, and had a tremendous influence on
further development of the subject in the twentieth century.

SEMA 30053 (SET THEORY AND LOGIC) | Prepared by: Prof RJM Atienza & Prof RCT Alignay 2

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