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Which argument should be used for an accurate measurement of low DC voltage?

DC potentiometer
A Voltage Follower:

has all of these ✔

relation between temperature and resistance of a conductor is

When the reference junction is the same temperature as the measurement junction in a
thermocouple circuit, the output voltage (measured by the sensing instrument) is
In the om_amp circuit bellow what condition must be net for the gain of the circuit to be given by
Vo = ( v2 – v1) Rr/R1
For a non inverting op amp what would be the output amplitude and the circuit gain of the input
amplitude is 2v, the input resistor is 10k and the feedback resistor is 100k

The resistance R is one arm of an initially balanced Wheatstone bridge circuit is altered by a
small amount R it is found that the output of balance difference Vo is

In the op amp circuit below Rf = R5 = 10K ohm, R1 = R2 = 20K ohm, v1 = -6mv and v2 = +9mv,
what is the output voltage Vo ?

A type K thermocouple is made of the following metals:

Chromel and Alumel
The most rugged temperature sensing element listed here is a/an:
When we build a thermal measurement system, the temperature sensing element must have
the characters that provides:
Large change in resistance
Relation between temperature and resistance of a conductor is (multiple answers):

RTDs are typically connected with other fixed resistors:

in a bridge configuration
The Integration-Method-based A/D Converter is used:
a) Digital meter b) All of the mentioned

c) Panel meter d) Monitoring system

The value of the voltage V2 in the circuit below is approximately equal:

3 * 1/3

Which bridge is utilized in signal conditioning circuit for balancing purposes?

Wheatstone Bridge
Optical sensors used for the displacement measurement works on the principle that

Intensity of light decreases with distance

For a 12 bit A/D converter that has a maximum output voltage of +12V, the equivalent digital
number for the analog signal of +6V is __________.
1000 0000 0000 (Handwritten note: 1 and 11 zeros)

If the value of the resistor for Bit 1 in a 5-bit D/A converter is 5kΩ, the resistor value of the fifth
Bit is

Resistance thermometer provides the change in electrical resistance
Four capacitors of capacitance 9 μF, 18 μF, 9 μF, and 18 μF in series will make a total
capacitance of:
3 μF

Two capacitors of capacitance 9μF and 18μF in series will have a total capacitance of:
6 μF
Calculate the value of the current flowing in the resistor for Bit 2, if its value is 1.
0.1 mA.

A Wheatstone Bridge circuit is initially balanced with R1 = R2 = R3 = R4 = 1000 ohm, when R1

is altered to 1010 ohm, the out of balance potential difference when R1 is 1005 ohm is:
25 mV

In the op-amp circuit below Rf = 20k ohm, R1 = 10K ohm, V1 = -200mV and V2 = +-5V what is
the output voltage?

Given Rf=200k, R1=10k, vin=-250m.

We know that v0= vin (-Rf /R1),

= 4 volt
Q: A linear pressure sensor has a measurement range of 1200 mbar to 1600 mbar. The output
range is 2 V to 8.0 V. The sensor is connected to a 12-bit A/D convertor via a signal conditioning
circuit as shown in the figure below.
a) Determine the step size of the ADC.

b) Indicate the pressure resolution of the measurement system?

c) Which sensitivity has the sensor?

d) What is the analog input of the ADC at 1300 mbar?


Q: For the Op-amp circuit below, find the gain G

Q: What is the value of x when the Wheatstone's circuit is balanced?

11. [Transfer Function of 3 Feedback System, 10 Points] Obtain the transfer function

Y(s)/U(s) of the feedback system shown below.

2. [Inverse Laplace Transform, 15 Points] Obtain the inverse Laplace transform of
𝐹 (𝑠 ) =

a)draw free body diagram

b)find m1x1,m2xm2
c)laplace m1x1,m2x2
d)X1(S)/U(s) and X2(S)/U(S)

a) Find the inner feedback

b) Find C(S)/R(S)
c) S = 0.7 , Wn = 4 find K1
d) Find K2

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