Fasting and Autophagy

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RESEARCH: Fasting’s role in initiating Autophagy

Fasting’s role in initiating Autophagy

Deborah Kennedy, ND PhD

themselves to create energy and essential

Fasting is a practice that involves refraining
from consuming food and sometimes
beverages for a specific duration. There are
different types of fasts, each with its distinct Here are some key reasons why autophagy
approach and purpose. Some of the more matters:
common types include:
1. Cell Health: Autophagy acts as a
1. Water Fasting: This involves cellular cleaner, removing damaged or
consuming only water for a specified dysfunctional parts from within cells.
period, usually lasting one to three days. This helps prevent the build-up of
2. Intermittent Fasting: Intermittent harmful stuff that can damage cells or
fasting restricts food intake to a specific cause them to die.
daily time window, typically involving 16- 2. Getting Energy from Recycling: When
20 hours of fasting and 4-8 hours of food is scarce, autophagy helps cells
eating. recycle their own components to
3. Alternate Day Fasting: In this generate energy. It's like turning old stuff
approach, fasting occurs every other into new energy.
day, with some variations allowing 3. Development and Growth: Autophagy
limited calorie intake on fasting days. plays a role in how cells change and
4. Religious Fasting: Fasting is observed grow, particularly during development. It
as a spiritual discipline in some helps get rid of unnecessary or
religions, such as during Ramadan. unwanted parts of cells as they develop.
5. Partial Fasting: Certain foods are 4. Disease Prevention: When autophagy
restricted during partial fasting. doesn't work correctly, it can contribute
to various diseases, such as cancer,
brain diseases, and problems with how
What is Autophagy? our body handles energy. Scientists are
Autophagy is a natural cellular process that exploring ways to control autophagy to
allows cells to clean up and recycle things treat these illnesses.
inside themselves that are damaged or no
longer useful. This includes breaking down In summary, autophagy is a vital process that
cellular components like proteins and keeps our cells in good shape, helps them
organelles. Autophagy is essential for keeping adapt during times of food shortage, supports
cells, tissues, and organs working correctly. development, and may hold the key to treating
certain diseases.
When we go without eating for a while, like
during fasting, our body's nutrient and energy Fasting can provide many benefits and it is
levels drop. Cells must find other ways to get important to check with your healthcare
the energy they need to function. One way they practitioner prior to initiating any new health
do this is by triggering autophagy, which lets care regime or practice.
them break down and recycle parts of • © 2023 Metabolic Terrain Institute of Health • [email protected]

RESEARCH: Fasting’s role in initiating Autophagy

Practitioners trained by the Metabolic Terrain

Institute of Health take a scientific approach to
working with patients who wish to implement
fasting as a treatment option. It is essential to
consult with a MATC Certified™ Practitioner to
properly test, assess and address each patient
before and during implementing therapeutic
fasting interventions, or at the very least
consult with a practitioner or health care
provider familiar with your specific state of
metabolic health. It is crucial to work with a
certified practitioner and follow a proper fasting
protocol, especially when implementing fasting
alongside other treatments.

Antunes, F. et al. Autophagy and intermittent
fasting: the connection for cancer therapy?
Clinics 73, e814s (2018). • © 2023 Metabolic Terrain Institute of Health • [email protected]


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