Session 2 Reading - Metabolism and Eating Disorders

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& Eating Disorders

 Dieting: Dieting, fasting and food restriction
What is Metabolism?
Metabolism is a process where the food we eat trigger your body to conserve energy for
is converted into a specific type of fuel for the another time. It is a survival mechanism of
cells in our bodies to use. When food is your body, and is sometimes called the
processed the end result is the creation of ‘famine response’ (see our handout on
building blocks called Starvation Syndrome). Your body is very
fatty acids, amino acids effective in recognising an energy shortage
and glucose. These and will reduce your metabolic rate to save
building blocks are used energy.
to provide energy (or  Weight loss: Any weight loss, especially
fuel) for each cell to do when it is rapid, reduces metabolic rate.
its job as part of your  Regularity of eating: Eating regularly
essential bodily increases your metabolic rate whereas
functions. having long periods without food will
decrease it. This is due to the thermic effect
Your body requires of food. It is helpful to eat at regular
energy for four main functions: intervals; roughly every 3-4 hours (see our
1. For your organs (such as lungs, heart, brain) handout Regular Eating for Recovery)
to function. This component of metabolism is  Genes: Genes influence your resting
also known as basal metabolic rate. In fact, your metabolic rate, however they are not
brain alone uses about one third of your daily something that can be altered.
supply of building blocks, especially glucose.  Sex: Generally males have more muscle
2. For growth and repair of body tissues, tissue than women, meaning they usually
including fighting infection and when the body is have a higher metabolic rate and require
under stress. more energy.
3. For energy used when you move your  Movement: This includes all structured and
muscles, such as during physical activity. planned activities as well as things you might
4. To digest and break down food into its not think about in day-to-day activity, such
building blocks, also called the thermic effect of as cleaning or gardening.
food.  Life stage: Metabolic rate is higher during
significant periods of growth and
What Affects Metabolic Rate? development such as puberty and pregnancy.
There are several factors that increase or  Infection and illness: When you are
decrease your metabolic rate, which is the unwell, your body has a higher metabolic
amount of energy your body uses each day: rate and energy needs in order to fight the
 Body size and the amount of muscle infection or illness.
mass: A larger body will require more
energy, and muscle in particular requires a
lot of energy to be maintained. A reduction
in body or muscle mass will result in a
reduced metabolic rate.

C entre for
Developed in conjunction with Kate Fleming, Susan Hart & Caitlin McMaster, Accredited Practicing Dieticians
This document is for information purposes only. Please refer to the full disclaimer and copyright statement available at CI linical
regarding the information from this website before making use of such information. Last updated 25/01/18.

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