0610 BIOLOGY: MARK SCHEME For The October/November 2014 Series

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Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

MARK SCHEME for the October/November 2014 series

0610/32 Paper 3 (Extended Theory), maximum raw mark 80

This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of
the examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not
indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking began,
which would have considered the acceptability of alternative answers.

Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the Principal Examiner
Report for Teachers.

Cambridge will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.

Cambridge is publishing the mark schemes for the October/November 2014 series for
most Cambridge IGCSE®, Cambridge International A and AS Level components and some
Cambridge O Level components.

® IGCSE is the registered trademark of Cambridge International Examinations.

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Abbreviations used in the Mark Scheme

• ; separates marking points

• / separates alternatives within a marking point
• R reject
• I ignore (mark as if this material was not present)
• A accept (a less than ideal answer which should be marked correct)
• AW alternative wording
• underline words underlined must be present
• max indicates the maximum number of marks that can be awarded
• mark independently the second mark may be given even if the first mark is wrong
• A, S, P, L Axes, Size, Plots and Line for graphs
• O, S, D, L Outline, Size, Detail and Label for drawings
• (n)ecf (no) error carried forward
• () the word / phrase in brackets is not required, but sets the context
• ora or reverse argument.
• AVP any valid point

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Question Answer Marks Additional Guidance

1 (a) A – (waxy) cuticle; I outer layer / AW

B – palisade mesophyll / palisade layer / palisade cell; R mesophyll / palisade unqualified
C – (lower) epidermis / epidermal layer;
D – stoma / stomata / guard cell(s);
E – air / gas, space; R (spongy) mesophyll

letter from
Fig. 1.2

controls movement of substances into and out

of the cell

creates a pressure to maintain the shape of

the cell

produces sugars using light as a source of


withstands the internal pressure of the cell J

controls all the activities of the cell F 5

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Question Answer Marks Guidance for Examiners

(c) (i) volume of, oxygen / gas, increases (with time);

levels off / reaches a plateau / AW; I ‘reaction stops’
increases rapidly at start and then slows down;
use of data; e.g. levels off at 6.2 cm3 of oxygen at 90
max 3 data quotes must have units

(ii) substrate / hydrogen peroxide / reactant / AW, fits into enzyme; A answers in the context of catalase
active site; I ‘speeds up the reaction’
shape is, complementary / AW; R if shape is the same
any reference to lock and key;
product(s) / oxygen and water, formed and leaves the enzyme; A product and enzyme separate
AVP; e.g. enzyme can work again / enzyme not
max 3 used up / enzyme is not changed during
reaction / lowers activation energy

[Total: 16]

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Question Answer Marks Additional Guidance

2 (a) removal from the, body / organism / cell;

poisons / toxins / harmful substances; A ‘substances that cause harm’ / ‘harmful’
waste product(s), of metabolism / respiration / deamination / chemical A named example e.g. CO2, urea, salt,
reactions; named ions, amino acids
substances in excess (of requirements) / AW; toxic waste products of metabolism /
max 3 AW = 2 marks

(b) (i) protein; 1

(ii) glucose; 1

(iii) urea and salts; 1 A sodium / ions

(c) any three from:

urethra; max 3

(d) homeostasis; 1

[Total: 10]

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Question Answer Marks Additional Guidance

3 (a) 1 secrete / make / use, enzymes;

2 breakdown insoluble substances to soluble substances;
3 (named) protease; A pepsin
4 breaks down protein to amino acids;
5 amylase / carbohydrase;
6 breaks down starch to, glucose / maltose / sugar;
7 lipase;
8 breaks down fat to fatty acids and glycerol;

9 (named) products respired; e.g. glucose / sugars / fatty acids / amino

10 using oxygen; acids
11 carbon dioxide released; MP9, MP10 and MP11 can be taken from a
word equation
12 ammonia produced; MP9 can be awarded for C6H12O6 in a
13 AVP; ref to nitrification chemical equation
MP10 and MP11 can be taken from a
max 5 correctly balanced chemical equation

(b) (chlorine) kills bacteria / acts as a disinfectant; R ‘remove bacteria’ A microorganisms

(some) bacteria may, cause disease / be pathogenic; I harmful unqualified

so water is not harmful to the environment / does not kill (named) I makes the water safe unqualified
kills, pathogenic / disease-causing, bacteria
max 2 =2

[Total: 7]

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Question Answer Marks Additional Guidance

4 (a) 1 thick, wall; max 3 for structures (MP1, 3, 5, 7 and 9)

2 withstands (blood) pressure; function marks (MP2, 4, 6, 8, 10) must
relate to a structure
3 muscular tissue;
4 vasoconstriction / vasodilation; A tunica media and tunica externa for wall

5 elastic (tissue); I reference to lining / endothelium

6 recoils to maintain (blood) pressure / smoothes out blood flow;

7 small lumen;
8 maintains (blood) pressure; R increase

9 fibrous tissue;
10 maintains shape / prevents bursting;
max 4

(b) (i) 13 kPa; 1

(ii) 1 blood pressure decreases as cross-sectional area increases

(to capillaries);
2 continues to decrease / remains constant, as cross-sectional
area decreases (in the veins);
3 speed of blood decreases as cross-sectional area increases
(in the capillaries);
4 increases as cross-sectional area decreases in, veins / vena
max 3

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Question Answer Marks Additional Guidance

(c) (oxygen) diffuses (from blood to tissue fluid);

across the, wall / membranes (of the capillary);
down a concentration gradient / from high concentration to low
pressure forces out, water / (named) solutes;
(pressure) filtration; max 3

(d) muscle(s) in arteriole contract; I capillaries, vasoconstrict / constrict

arterioles constrict / vasoconstriction occurs; A ‘stops blood flow to skin’
less blood flows to, skin / capillaries; R movement of arterioles / capillaries away
decrease in loss of heat (from the blood) by, radiation / conduction / from the surface of skin / AW
convection; A prevent heat loss by,
radiation / conduction / convection
AVP; e.g. ref to shunt vessel(s) / blood taking a
deeper route
max 3

[Total: 14]

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Question Answer Marks Additional Guidance

5 (a) (i) X – protein (coat / AW) / capsid / capsomere(s);

Y – genetic material / nucleic acid / RNA; A DNA / gene(s)
2 R nuclear material / chromosome

(ii) cell wall;

cell membrane;
cytoplasm; R cellulose cell wall
loop of DNA;
(slime) capsule; I size / complexity / shape
flagellum / flagella;
AVP; max 3 e.g. pili

(b) (i) number of people living with HIV:

numbers living with HIV increased (from 1990), levelled off /
increased slightly, from 2000 / 2001 / 2002;
any one correct data quote from vertical axis for numbers living date quotes must have correct year, but A ‘starts’
with HIV; for 1990 and ‘ends’ for 2009 / 2010

number of people newly infected with HIV: A any correct manipulation of the data, e.g.
numbers newly infected increased (and levelled off between 1994 increased by / percentage increase, etc.
and 1998) and decreased since, 1997 / 1998;
any one correct data quote from vertical axis for numbers newly A ± ½ a square for data quotes
infected with HIV; 4

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Question Answer Marks Additional Guidance

(ii) people living with HIV are living longer;

success of (named) treatment for HIV / AIDS; e.g. drugs / antivirals / AZT / nursing care
success in reducing transmission;
reference to, education / information / funding, about HIV / AIDS; A ref. to barrier contraception / condom / femidom
max 2

(iii) from mother to fetus / across the placenta; R saliva

from mother to baby at birth; R other sharps, e.g. razors unless qualified by
in breast milk; blood contact
unprotected / unsafe sex; R using contaminated / dirty / used, needles
sharing, needles / syringes; unqualified A intravenous drug use / AW
in blood products / blood for transfusion / transplants / blood to R donating blood
blood contact; R blood unqualified
AVP; A ‘blood exchange’
max 3 I body fluids unqualified

(iv) weakens the immune system / reduces capacity of body to respond R ‘no immune system’ / ‘destroys immune system’
to disease / AW; A ‘fight’ disease

lymphocytes are, damaged / destroyed / killed / not functional;

(B / T) lymphocytes / white blood cells, stop making antibodies;
antibodies stop, pathogens spreading (in the body)
any two roles of antibodies or lymphocytes or phagocytes which antibodies cause pathogens to, clump / agglutinate
will not happen or not happen very well;; antibodies kill bacteria
antibodies make it easier for phagocytes to ingest
antibodies, neutralise toxin(s) / make toxins
phagocytes, ingest / AW, pathogens
max 3 lymphocytes kill infected cells

[Total: 17]

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Question Answer Marks Additional Guidance

6 (a) (i) 1 concentration of PCBs increases up the food chain / ora;

2 concentration is much higher in larger organisms / ora;
3 big(gest) increase between herring and porpoise;
4 (only) herring / porpoise / animals at top of food chain, have a MP4 must be a qualitative statement, not just
range of concentrations; statement of figures
5 use of figures (arbitrary units) to make a comparison MP5 – must be a comparison not just figures
between two, trophic levels / organisms; unqualified, e.g. use of ‘but’, ‘and’, ‘only’, etc.
max 3 and accept ×1.8 / 2, ×4, ×30, ×384, ×1900

(ii) animals at higher trophic levels live longer;

eat many of the animals below them in the food chain;
PCBs cannot be, excreted / eliminated / removed / broken down;
so build up in the body (tissues);
bioaccumulation / biomagnification;
max 3

(b) (i) mutation / change in DNA; A ref to genetic variation R AHR / protein, mutates
any mutagen; e.g. radiation
gene(s) code for, AHR / protein;
any sensible suggestions about change to protein molecule; e.g. different amino acid sequence
fish susceptible to PCB poisoning died;
fish with changed protein survived and reproduced;
passing on mutant allele;
reference to (natural) selection;
max 5

(ii) fish with mutant allele not at an advantage / no selection for PCB A ‘the altered AHR protein is of less / no use’
PCB resistant fish may not compete well with others / ora;
so less successful at breeding / ora;
leave fewer offspring / ora;
idea that mutant allele is diluted as fish interbreed; max 2

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Question Answer Marks Additional Guidance

(c) 1 persistent / does not breakdown / accumulates; MP1 A ‘can’t get rid of them’ / takes a long time to
2 fill up / takes up space in, landfill sites / rubbish dumps;
3 suffocate / choke, animals; MP3 and MP4 do not allow kill unqualified
4 kills animals that get trapped in it;
5 release, toxins / poisons; MP5 maybe in context of leaching out, burning or

I references to recycling
I pollution unqualified

6 AVP; • (fill with water to become) breeding grounds

for mosquitoes
• blocks light for, photosynthesis
• negative effect on tourism / visual pollutant
• blocks drains
• blocks flow of water in, rivers / streams
• reduces soil, drainage / aeration
max 3 • interferes with water treatment
allows spread of alien species in the oceans

[Total: 16]

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