Lesson Plan in Homonyms

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A lesson Plan English

Grade 7
Prepared by: Sarah Jane Doling

I. Objectives: At the end of the 60-minute lesson, the grade 7 students must have:
a. identified the examples of homonyms, homographs and homophones;
b. interpreted the meaning of homonyms, homographs and homophones; and
c. created sentences using the examples of homonyms, homographs and homophones;

I. Subject Matter
Topic: Homonyms, Homographs and Homophones
Skills to be developed: critically distinguish the difference among homonyms, homographs and
Values Integration: distinguish the importance of homonyms, homographs and homophones
References: Essential English: Worktext in Literature and Language
Materials: Cartolina and strips of paper

II. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
a.1. Prayer
a.2. Setting of order in class
a.3. Checking of attendance
B. Pre Development Activities

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity Assessment

b.1. Review

“Okay class, I want you to ask questions with Simple Recall

your classmates about your lesson last meeting.”
Those students who will ask questions and
answer will receive corresponding points and it
will be added to your quiz later.”

b.2. Motivation

“Okay class, I will group you into 10, but before

that listen first to the instruction. I have here a
pair of pictures and what you are going to do is
that if I will raise the picture you will then raise
its corresponding name, if I count 1-3 then that’s “Guess me”
the time that you raise your answer. Is that “Yes ma’am”

“Okay so please count, starts at the right side of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

the front.”

“Group 1 please stand up” “The group 1 stand and so on”

“So let us start”

1. plain
2. Plane
3. sea
4. see
5. night
6. knight
7. pair
8. pear
9. fly
10. bee

b.3. Presentation of the Lesson

“Okay class, how did you come up those of “I come up those kind of answers
answers?” by looking at the picture because
we can immediately think of their
correct spelling.”

“Very good! So what did you noticed in “I noticed that it has the same
guessing the correct name? pronunciation but different in
“Exactly! So what do you think is our topic for “Our topic for today is all about
today?” homonym, homophone and

“Very well said,

“Our topic for today is all about Homonyms,

Homographs and Homophones”

b.4. Discussion/Lesson Proper

“So class, what do homophone, homonym and
homograph have in common?  Each begin with the root
• Homophone word homo.
• Homonym  Homo means same.
• Homograph  All of these words have to
do with sameness

“Very good! So now let’s define first of what is


 Words that sound the same and have the
same spellings but different in meanings.
Nym = name Question and
Pseudonym = fake name Answer
Homonyms = same name

Example of Homonyms
 Left- to leave
 Left- related to the side of the human
“So class, who can give a sentence out of the
word left.” Answer:
“I left my earrings on the left side
of my drawer.”
“Very good!
Now, who can give another examples of Example of Homonyms
homonym?” Anyone?  Pitcher- the player in
baseball who throws the
baseball from pitcher's
 Pitcher- a large jug

“Very good! Now give a sentence out of the Answer:

word pitcher.” “The baseball pitcher ask for a
pitcher of water.”

Very well said. Now here are the other

examples of the homonym.

 Crane- a bird
 Crane- a machine used at construction
 Play- the game
 Play- to play (verb)
 Park- action of moving vehicle to a
place usaully a car park
 Park- a public area close to nature

Now, let’s proceed to the homophone? So, who Answer:

knows what a homophone? Anyone? “For me homophone has the same
sound but different in spelling
and meaning.”
“Exactly! Let us discuss about

 Words that sound the same but have
different spellings.
 Phone = sound
 Telephone = across sound
 Homophone = same sound
o see- means to be able to look at
o sea- means types of water.

“Now, who can give a sentence out of the word Answer:

see and sea? Anyone?
“Zira see the beauty of the sea in
the morning.”

“Very good! So who can give another example Answer:

of homophone?”
 night- means in the
 knight- means a soldier

Exactly! So who can give a sentence out of the Answer:

word night and knight.
“The knight will guard at night in
the palace.”

Very good! So who can give another examples
of homophone?  pair-pear
 easy-essay

Very good! Now here are some of the examples:

 piece, peace
 hole, whole
 lean, lien
 eye, I
 flour, flower
 hear, here
 heal, heel

“So let us proceed to homographs, who knows
what a homograph mean? Anyone? “Homograph has the same
spelling but different in
pronunciation and meaning.”
“Very good! Let us know what a homograph

 Words that have the same spellings but
sound different.
 graph = writing
 biography = life writing
 homograph = same writing
o present- the people who are around
o present- presentation
“Now, who can give a sentence out of the word
present “All the students are present
“The boss will present the award
at 10:00.”
Very good! So who can give another example of
homograph? Anyone? Answer:

o tear- means tears in her

o tear- tearing something
“Very good! Now who can give a sentence out
of the word tear/tear? Anyone? Answer:
“Tina has a tears in her eyes.”

“My sister tear my paper.”

Very good! Now, who can give another Answer:

examples of homographs?
 sink-sink
 saw-saw

“Very good! Here are some of the examples of

 close-close
 object-object
 refuse-refuse
 record-record

C. Developmental Activity
c.1. Practice Drill

“Class, to test if you really understood the

lesson, I have here a guide questions in which
you will going to fill in the puzzle to its
corresponding answer. One at time should come
here in front and answer. Is that clear? “Yes ma’am”

Guide questions:
Down Across Answer key:
1. The doctor told 2. Michelangelo was 2. feet
President Bush commissioned to 3. ceiling
he would have paint the (ceiling, 4. alter
him back on sealing) of the 5. inn
his (feat, feet) in Sistine Chapel. 6. flee
no time. 3. The new pants I 7. tide
2. One (carat, bought were too 8. weak
caret, carrot) is long, so I took them 9. grown
equal to 200 to a tailor to (altar, 10. manor
milligrams. alter). 11. owe
3. Some birds 10. How much do you 12. sight
follow army (ant, still (oh, owe) on 13. discrete
aunt) swarms to your car loan? 14. presents
feed on escaping 11. (Cite, Sight, 15. preys
insects. Site) is one of the 16. sweet
4. The rustic five senses. 17. bare
country (in, 12. These small
inn) provided a companies now
perfect setting for have their
the wedding. own (discreet, Puzzled Game
5. His cruel remarks discrete) identities.
caused her 13. We hid in the
to (flea, bedroom to
flee) from the wrap (presence,
room in tears. presents) for
6. At low (tide, Jamil's birthday
tied) we could party.
see thousands of 14. The purple
seashells lying on martin (praise,
the beach. prays, preys) on
7. His argument wasps.
was too (weak, 15. The baby elephant,
week) to despite his size,
convince anyone. looked so (suite,
8. The roses sweet)!
had (groan, 16. According to
grown) up Mother Goose, Old
against the wall Mother Hubbard's
of the cottage. cupboard
9. The lands around was (bare, bear).
the (manner,
manor) have
been used for

“Very good!”

“So class, how did you come up that kind of

answer? What are your basis? Anyone?

(see attachment) “My basis in identifying the

correct answer was to look for the
C.2. Generalization clues of a word.”

“The teacher will let the students answer the

following questions”

“Okay class, I have here a cabbage which

contains questions for you to answer. Now this
what you are going to do, you will be passing
this around while the music is on. if I stop the
music and the person who holds the cabbage will
peel 1 leaf and answer the corresponding
question. Is that clear?.

1. What are your realization “Yes Ma’am”

upon knowing the
difference among Student 1.
homonyms, homophones “My realization of knowing the
and homographs?” difference among the three was
that not all words with the same
sound and the same spelling are Cabbage
the same in meaning.”

2. In what way can these be

helpful to you? Student 2.
“It can be helpful to me in a way
that I can easily know of what the
word means.
3. How can you relate our
topic in your daily living? Student 3.
I can relate this to my daily living
for me to interpret well things
because we have a different

Very good!

C.3. Enrichment

Class, kindly answer page 295 letter A 1-5 only

in a ½ sheet of paper. You will be given 5
minutes only. Answer key:
1. b,a
___1. The chicken are in a pen outside. 2. b,a
3. a,b
___ Sign this form with a black pen. 4. a,b
5. b,a
a. an enclosed area
b. a writing instrument with
___2. Let’s play tennis after school.
___ The author wrote a new play.
a. theater piece
b. participate in a resort
___3. I’m going to watch movies tonight.
___ I need to reset my watch.
a. look at
b. small clock worn on the
___4. I hope you are not lying to me.
___ My books are lying on the table
a. telling lie
b. being in a horizontal
___5. Which page is the homework on?
___ Page the doctor if you need help.
a. to call someone on an
b. One sheet of paper

IV Evaluation
“Class, for your final output I want you to
answer the following. Make a sentence of the “Yes Ma’am”
following words in homophone, homonym and
homographs. Put it in a ½ sheet of paper. You
will be given 15 minutes to answer the Expected answers:
following. Is that clear?

1. I left my notebook
in our home.
- On the left side of
4. left bedroom is my
left favorite area. “Make me”
5. pitcher 2. The baseball
pitcher pitcher throw the
6. see ball to his team.
sea - My mother asked
7. night me for a pitcher of
knight water.
8. pair 3. I can see the
pear beauty of the sun
9. refuse during sunrise.
refuse - The sea is as
10. easy beautiful as the
essay green mountain.
11. sink 4. The knight
sink awarded as the
12. record bravest of all.
record - During night time,
13. tear I always look at
tear the stars.
5. My aunt give me a
pair of shoes.
- Every time I eat
pear my stomach
is aching.
6. Sarah refuse to
keep quiet despite
several reminders.
- Can you please
help me throw
away the refuse.
7. She moved to
the sink and turned
on the water
- Tina is sinking in
the water while
8. My mother give
me an easy task to
do while she’s not
- Our teacher
conduct an essay
test about
9. Let me record
down what the
lecturer has just
- He broke his
personal record in
the baseball match
this season
10. He is just shedding
crocodile’s tears.
- Joshua tears the
paper into different

V. Assignment
The teacher will let the students study in advance for the nest topic.

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