Introduction To Cognitive Psychology - Unit 14 - Week 11 - Reasoning

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4/10/24, 7:22 AM Introduction To Cognitive Psychology - - Unit 14 - Week 11: Reasoning

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Assignment 11
Your last recorded submission was on 2024-03-30, 11:19 IST Due date: 2024-04-10, 23:59 IST.
All questions are compulsory.
Course outline
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About NPTEL () 1) Deductive reasoning involves which of the following? 1 point

How does an NPTEL going from general to specific statements

online course work? () conclusions that add new information to what is given
going from specific to general statements
Week 0: Prerequisite () going from specific to specific statements

Week 01: History and

2) The tendency to seek out information that supports our current beliefs is called: 1 point
Research Methods of
Cognitive Psychology () a believability effect
a content effect
Week 02: Object
Perception and a confirmation bias
Recognition () syllogistic reasoning

Week 03: Attentional 3) ______ is a process by which a conclusion follows necessarily from a series of premises. 1 point
Processes and Cognition
() Conditional reasoning
Syllogistic reasoning
Week 04: Memory Heuristic reasoning
Introduction ()
Causal reasoning

Week 05: Long Term

4) ______ processes are largely automatic, rapid, and unconscious as ______ processes are controlled, slow, and conscious. 1 point
Memory ()
System 1; system 2
Week 06: Memory of
System 2; system 1
General Knowledge ()
Analytic; heuristic
Week 07: Concept Rational; intuitive
Formation ()
5) ______ reasoning concerns making and evaluating arguments from general information to specific information, while ______ reasoning concerns 1 point
Week 08: Visual and making and evaluating arguments from specific information to general information.
Spatial Memory ()
Inductive; deductive
Week 09: Human Conditional; deductive
Language Skills ()
Conditional; inductive
Deductive; inductive
Week 10: Thought
Process and Problem
Solving () 6) Forrest Gump’s famous quote, “Life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you’re going to get,” is an example of ______. 1 point

surface approaches
Week 11: Reasoning ()
category induction
Lec 1 : Reasoning - 01 (unit? causal reasoning
analogical reasoning
Lec 2 : Reasoning - 02 (unit?
unit=73&lesson=75) 7) In completing Wason’s four-card task, participants usually: 1 point

Text Notes (unit?

turn over the two cards that are necessary and sufficient to test the rule
turn over all four cards, when only two would have been sufficient
Week 11: Feedback form
turn over all four cards, when only one would have been sufficient
show understanding of modus ponens but neglect modus tollens
Quiz: Assignment 11
8) Which of the following is a difference between everyday reasoning and formal reasoning? 1 point
Week 12: Decision Making
In everyday reasoning, all premises are usually supplied
In everyday reasoning, there is typically one correct answer

Live Sessions () In everyday reasoning, problems are solved as a means of achieving other goals
In formal reasoning, problems are not self-contained

9) People overestimate the frequency of words beginning with the letter L, as compared to words that have L as the third letter, because of the 1 point
heuristic of:

anchor and adjust

10) When people interpret premises, 1 point

they often make unwarranted assumptions

they often fail to consider all possible interpretations of a premise
they perform very well if given enough practice
they often make unwarranted assumptions and fail to consider all possible interpretations of a premise

You may submit any number of times before the due date. The final submission will be considered for grading.
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