Lecture One

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BME 3101:Microprocessors

Eugene Bizimana
Department of Biomedical Sciences and Engineering
Mbarara University of Science and Technology
Introduction to Multiprocessor Systems
• A multiprocessor is a computer system having two
or more processors each sharing main memory
and peripherals, in order to simultaneously
process programs.

• It is the use of 2 or more CPU’s with a single

computer system.
Advantages of Multiprocessors
• They are used to create more powerful computers
with faster speeds than uniprocessor systems.

• If a single processor fails, the remaining

processors should be able to provide continued
Computer Architecture
• This refers to the attributes that have a direct
impact on the logical execution of a

• It includes:
Instruction set
 Data types
Number of bits used to represent data types
Techniques for memory addressing
Computer Organisation
• It refers to the operational units of the computer
and their interconnections that realize the
architectural specifications.

• Organisational attributes include:

 Control signals
 Interfaces between computer
 Memory
 I/O Peripherals
Introduction to Microprocessors
• Microprocessor is a controlling unit of a micro-
computer, fabricated on a small chip capable of
performing ALU (Arithmetic Logical Unit)
operations and communicating with the other
devices connected to it.
Parts of a Microprocessor
• A microprocessor consists of:
i. Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)
ii. Control Unit
iii. Registers
Arithmetic and Logic Unit
• ALU performs arithmetical and logical operations
on the data received from the memory or an
input device.

• Arithmetic operations such as addition,

subtraction, multiplication and division.

• Logic operations include AND, OR, NOT and XOR

Control Unit
• Generates timing and control signals required for
execution of instructions or fetching and execution
of instructions.

• Provides status, control and timing signals

necessary for co-ordination of other parts of the
CPU such as memory and I/O devices

• The control unit controls the flow of data and

instructions within the computer.
• They are high speed memory in the
microprocessor used for temporary storage of
• Examples include:
 Program Counter (PC)
 Instruction Register (IR)
 Memory Address Register (MAR)
 Memory Data Register
Connections between Microprocessor and
Main Memory
Program Counter
• It monitors the sequence of instruction
executed by the CPU.
• It keeps track of which instructions are being
executed and what the next instruction will
Instruction Register
• The Instruction Register is used to hold the
instruction currently being executed.

• The contents of the instruction register are

available to the control unit.
Definition of Terms
i. Instruction Set: It is the set of instructions that
the microprocessor can understand.

ii. Bandwidth: It is the number of bits processed

in a single instruction.

iii. Clock Speed(Clock Rate): It determines the

number of operations per second the processor
can perform. It is expressed in megahertz (MHz)
or gigahertz (GHz).
iv. Word Length: It depends upon the width of
internal data bus, registers, ALU, etc. An 8-bit
microprocessor can process 8-bit data at a time.
The word length ranges from 4 bits to 64 bits
depending upon the type of the microcomputer.
Working Principle of a Microprocessor
• The microprocessor follows a sequence:
• Fetch,
• Decode,
• and then Execute.
Working Principle of a Microprocessor Continued

• The instructions are stored in the memory in a

sequential order.
• The microprocessor fetches those instructions
from the memory, then decodes it and executes
those instructions till STOP instruction is reached.
• Later, it sends the result in binary to the output
• Between these processes, the register stores the
temporarily data and ALU performs the
computing functions.
Classification of Microprocessors
• A microprocessor may be classified into:
i. Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC)
ii. Complex Instruction Set Computer (CISC)
iii. Special Processors
Reduced Instruction Set Computer(RISC)
• The RISC processor is designed to reduce the
execution time by simplifying the instruction set
of the computer.
• Using RISC processors, each instruction requires
only one clock cycle to execute results in uniform
execution time.
• This reduces the efficiency as there are more lines
of code, hence more RAM is needed to store the
Complex Instruction Set Computer (CISC)
• CISC is designed to build complex instructions
directly into the hardware.
• Examples – Intel 80486, IBM 370/186, VAX 11780
Main features of CISC
• Reduction in the number of instructions per
• Reduction in the work done by the compiler in
translating a high-level language into assembly
language/machine code.
‒ length of the code is relatively short
‒ very little RAM required to store the instructions.
Special Processors
•They are processors designed for specific purposes.

•Examples include:
‒ Coprocessors
‒ Input/output processors
‒ Digital/Signal processors
• A coprocessor is a specially designed
microprocessor, which can handle its particular
function many times faster than the ordinary
• Examples: Math Coprocessor.
8085 Microprocessor
8085 Microprocessor: Introduction to 8085
• An 8085 microprocessor is an 8-bit
microprocessor designed by Intel in 1977 using
NMOS technology.

• An N-channel metal-oxide semiconductor (NMOS)

is a microelectronic circuit used for logic and
memory chips and in complementary metal-oxide
semiconductor (CMOS) design.
8085 Microprocessor: Introduction to 8085
• NMOS transistors are faster than the P-channel
metal-oxide semiconductor (PMOS) counterpart,
and more of them can be put on a single chip.

• It is used in washing machines, microwave ovens,

mobile phones, etc.
Basic Configurations of 8085 Microprocessor
• 8-bit data bus
• 16-bit address bus, which can address upto 64KB
• A 16-bit program counter
• A 16-bit stack pointer
• Six 8-bit registers arranged in pairs: BC, DE, HL
• Requires +5V supply to operate at 3.2 MHZ single
phase clock
Functional Units of an 8085 Microprocessor
• The functional units of an 8085 microprocessor

 Accumulator

 Arithmetic and Logic Unit

 General Purpose Register

 Program Counter
Reading assignment

• Read and make notes on The functional units

of an 8085 microprocessor
Bus architectures
• Computers comprises of many internal components
and in order for these components to communicate
with each other, a ‘bus’ is used for that purpose.

• A bus is a common pathway through which

information flows from one component to another.

• This pathway is used for communication purpose and

can be established between two or more computer

• We are going to review different computer bus

architectures that are used in computers
Types of Computer Buses
Functions of Buses in Computers
• 1. Data sharing - All types of buses found on a
computer must be able to transfer data between the
computer peripherals connected to it.
• The data is transferred in in either serial or parallel,
which allows the exchange of 1, 2, 4 or even 8 bytes
of data at a time.

• Buses are classified depending on how many bits they

can move at the same time, which means that we
have 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit or even 64-bit buses..
Functions of Buses in Computers
• 2. Addressing - A bus has address lines, which match those
of the processor.

• This allows data to be sent to or from specific memory


• 3. Power - A bus supplies power to various peripherals

that are connected to it.

• 4. Timing - The bus provides a system clock signal to

synchronize the peripherals attached to it with the rest of
the system.
Expansion Bus Types
• The expansion bus facilitates the easy connection of
additional components and devices on a computer for
example the addition of a TV card or sound card. They
• ISA - Industry Standard Architecture
• EISA - Extended Industry Standard Architecture
• MCA - Micro Channel Architecture
• VESA - Video Electronics Standards Association
• PCI - Peripheral Component Interconnect
• PCMCIA - Personal Computer Memory Card Industry
Association (Also called PC bus)
• AGP - Accelerated Graphics Port
• SCSI - Small Computer Systems Interface.
Reading assignment
• Read and make notes on the different
Expansion Bus Types

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