Fan Et Al 2023 - Right Amygdala-Right Precuneus Connectivity Is Associated With Childhood Trauma in Major Depression Patiens and Healthy Control

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Right amygdala–right precuneus connectivity is

associated with childhood trauma in major depression

patients and healthy controls
Jie Fan,1,2,3 Feng Gao,1 Xiang Wang,1 Qian Liu,1 Jie Xia,1 Yan Han,1 Jinyao Yi,1 Changlian Tan,4 and Xiongzhao Zhu 1,2,3

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Medical Psychological Center, The Second Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha, Hunan 410011, China
Medical Psychological Institute of Central South University, Changsha, Hunan 410011, China
National Clinical Research Center for Mental Disorders, Changsha, Hunan 410011, China
Department of Radiology, The Second Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha, Hunan 410011, China
Correspondence should be addressed to Xiongzhao Zhu, Medical Psychological Center, The Second Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha, Hunan
410011, China. E-mail: [email protected].

The present study investigated the effect of childhood trauma (CT) on amygdala and hippocampus functional connectivity (FC) and the
association with clinical presentations of major depressive disorder (MDD). Participants included 73 MDD patients (42 with moderate-
to-severe CT and 31 with no or low CT) and 64 healthy controls (HC; 30 with moderate-to-severe CT and 34 with no or low CT). Seed-based
whole-brain resting-state FC analyses were performed with seeds located in amygdala and hippocampus. Individuals with moderate-
to-severe CT, irrespective of MDD diagnosis, had decreased right amygdala–right precuneus connectivity compared to those with no
or low CT. Right amygdala–right precuneus connectivity was significantly correlated with physical and social trait anhedonia in MDD.
Mediation effects of this FC on relationship between CT (specifically neglect but not abuse) and trait anhedonia in MDD were significant.
MDD patients demonstrated increased right amygdala–left middle frontal gyrus FC, decreased right amygdala–right medial superior
frontal gyrus (mSFG) FC and decreased right hippocampus–bilateral mSFG FC relative to HC. Findings highlight the effect of CT on right
amygdala–right precuneus FC irrespective of MDD diagnosis. FC of right amygdala–right precuneus may be involved in the mechanism
linking CT and depression through its association with trait anhedonia.

Key words: childhood trauma; trait anhedonia; depression; amygdala; hippocampus

Introduction both cortical and subcortical brain regions (Ochsner et al., 2012).
The amygdala connectivity has been proposed to be involved in
Major depressive disorder (MDD) is one of the most common
critical functions related to depression including modulation of
psychiatric conditions, of which the core symptoms were low
sensory information, generation of emotion experience and emo-
mood and anhedonia. Previous studies have well established that
childhood trauma (CT) is one of the strongest risk factors in tion regulation (Banks et al., 2007; Morawetz et al., 2020). It was not
the development of later-life MDD (Tunnard et al., 2014); how- only a central region in the limbic circuit responsible for negative
ever, the precise mechanism by which CT leads to MDD remains emotion processing (Morawetz et al., 2020) but also an impor-
unclear. CT putting individuals at risk for mental health prob- tant area in the reward system involved in the positive emotion
lems is probably due to its effect on the developing brain, as processing (Murray, 2007). Hippocampus plays an important role
during childhood, the brain is immature, and the brain struc- in the processing and regulation of threat and fear and repre-
ture and function might be modified by the traumatic events to sents a vital position in the stress-related pathology (Mahar et al.,
a relatively great extent (Glaser, 2014). Hence, the exploration 2014). Previous studies have revealed that CT might have effects
of the effect of CT on brain associated with depression might on structure and function of both amygdala and hippocampus
be a potential strategy to reveal the mechanisms linking CT (Dannlowski et al., 2012; Herringa et al., 2013; Hanson et al., 2015;
and MDD. Bounoua et al., 2020; Nogovitsyn et al., 2020). These findings indi-
Both amygdala and hippocampus are important areas that cate that the connectivity of amygdala and hippocampus might
have been centrally implicated in MDD (Cullen et al., 2014; Mahar play a quite important role in the neural mechanisms via which
et al., 2014). Amygdala has wide functional connectivity (FC) with CT leads to depression.

© The Author(s) 2023. Published by Oxford University Press.

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2 Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 2023, Vol. 00, No. 00

Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) with no or low CT group classification (see details in the ‘Clini-
is a popular and reliable tool for probing neural FC based on cal assessments’ section). All participants were adults (≥18 years
a certain brain region. Some studies have explored the effect old) and right-handed. A subset of this data set has been previ-
of CT on amygdala and hippocampus FC. For example, previ- ously published (Fan et al., 2020), in which we investigated the
ous studies have found that a high level of CT was associated effects of CT on anhedonia in depression via reward system. This
with a decreased FC between hippocampus and subgenual ante- data set mainly enlarged the sample size of MDD with no or low
rior cingulate cortex (sgACC) and between amygdala and ventral CT and HC with moderate-to-severe CT to increase the statistical
medial prefrontal cortex, sgACC, insula, and posterior cingulate power. The main results of the previous study were replicated with
and increased connectivity between amygdala and dorsal pre- this data set, which we have detailed in the Supplement (Analysis
frontal cortex, hippocampus, parahippocampal gyrus, inferior of striatum-based FC, Tables S1–S3, Figure S1). The study was
temporal gyrus, orbitofrontal cortex, cerebellum, and brainstem approved by the Ethics Committee of the Second Xiangya Hospi-
(Herringa et al., 2013; Birn et al., 2014; Dean et al., 2014; Cancel tal of Central South University, and all the participants provided
et al., 2017). These findings were revealed in samples with dif- written informed consent.
ferent mental illness diagnosis, such as samples with posttrau-

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matic stress disorder (Birn et al., 2014), or schizophrenia (Cancel Clinical assessments
et al., 2017), or methamphetamine dependence (Dean et al., 2014)
The CTQ (Bernstein et al., 1994) was used to assess the sub-
and in individuals who did not meet the mental illness criteria
jects’ maltreatment experiences during childhood. It comprised
yet (Herringa et al., 2013). CT’s effect on amygdala and hip-
five factors that also formed into two CT dimensions: neglect
pocampus FC in depression as well as its association with the
(emotional and physical neglect) vs. abuse (emotional, physical
manifestations of depression remains unclear. In addition, there
and sexual abuse). The following criteria, which have been illus-
is now considerable evidence that CT was not a unitary con-
trated in the CTQ manual (Bernstein and Fink, 1998), and used in
struct. Neglect and abuse, which were categorized as different
many previous studies (Tyrka et al., 2009; Dannlowski et al., 2012;
CT dimensions, may influence the neural development in dis-
Chaney et al., 2014), were used to classify participants into with
tinct ways (McLaughlin et al., 2014; McLaughlin and Sheridan,
moderate-to-severe CT group or with no or low CT group, wherein
2016). Whether the effects on amygdala and hippocampus FC dif-
moderate-to-severe CT was indicated by scores on at least one
fered between neglect and abuse CT dimensions calls for further
subscale above the following thresholds: emotional neglect ≥15,
physical neglect ≥10, emotional abuse ≥13, physical abuse ≥10,
To sum, the present study was designed to examine the
and sexual abuse ≥8.
impact of CT on FC of amygdala and hippocampus and
Participants also finished the Beck depression inventory (BDI)
to examine its association with the clinical presentations of
(Beck, 1965), the State Trait Anxiety Inventory, the 61-item revised
depression. Medication-free MDD patients and healthy controls
Physical Anhedonia Scale (PAS) and the Revised Social Anhedonia
(HC) with different levels of CT were included in the study.
Scale (RSAS) (Chapman, et al., 1976) to evaluate the depression,
Resting-state FC was assessed to evaluate the amygdala- and
anxiety and physical and social trait anhedonia, respectively. The
hippocampus-based FC. We first established the effects of CT
Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) (Cohen et al., 1983) was administered
on amygdala and hippocampus FC, and then, the mediation
to evaluate the perceived stress during the last month. PSS was
effect of these FCs on the relationship between CT and its
measured for the purpose of controlling for the potential con-
dimensions and the clinical presentations of depression was
founding effects caused by more recent stressors in the studies
of impacts of childhood stress, as many prior studies have done
(Dannlowski et al., 2012; Grosse et al., 2016). Verbal intelligence
Methods was evaluated with verbal intelligence subscales in the Wechsler
Participants Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence (Wechsler, 1981).
A total of 73 MDD patients (42 with moderate-to-severe and
31 with no or low CT) and 64 HC (30 with moderate-to-severe Imaging procedures
and 34 with no or low CT) participated in the present study. Image acquisition and preprocessing
MDD patients were recruited from the psychology clinic at the Subjects were imaged with a 3 T Siemens Skyra magnetic res-
Second Xiangya Hospital, Changsha, China. They were all expe- onance scanner at the Second Xiangya Hospital. Resting-state
riencing a first episode of depression and had never received data were acquired using an echoplanar imaging sequence with
psychotropic medication. Exclusion criteria included a history 2500 ms repetition time (TR), 25 ms echo time (TE), 39 axial
of major medical or neurological problems and any axis I psy- slices, 3.5 mm slice thickness, no gap, 3.8 × 3.8 × 3.5 mm voxel size,
chiatric disorder comorbidity. Two experienced psychiatrists con- 200 volumes, 90∘ flip angle, 240 mm field of view and 64 × 64
firmed the diagnosis of MDD and comorbidity for each patient data matrix. In addition, the three-dimensional T1-weighted,
according to the Structural Clinical Interview for the DSM-IV magnetization-prepared rapid gradient echo sagittal images were
Axis I (SCID-I). acquired with 1900 ms TR, 2.01 ms TE, 176 slices, 1.00 mm slice
Subjects in HC group were students or staff recruited from col- thickness, 1.0 × 1.0 × 1.0 mm voxel size, 9∘ flip angle, 900 ms inver-
leges and communities in Changsha. They were also screened for sion time, 256 mm field of view and 256 × 256 matrix.
psychiatric disorders by two experienced psychiatrists using the Image preprocessing was performed on Data Processing Assis-
SCID-I. Exclusion criteria were history or family history of any tant for Resting-State fMRI (DPARSF V2.3) (http://www.restfmri.
psychiatric illnesses, any psychotropic medication and any major net/forum/dparsf). After removing the first 10 volumes, the fol-
medical or neurological problems. lowing procedures were completed: slice time correction, realign-
The Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ) (Bernstein et al., ment of head motion, spatial normalization, spatial smooth-
1994) was used to perform the with moderate-to-severe CT vs. ing (full width at half maximum = 8 mm), linear detrending,
J. Fan et al. 3

regressing out of nuisance covariates (six head motion param- controlled as covariates when investigating the effect of diagno-
eters, white matter signal, cerebrospinal fluid signal and global sis. The recent stress level as indicated by PSS scores was addi-
signal) and temporal band-pass filtering (0.01–0.08 Hz). We also tionally controlled when investigating the effects involving CT.
calculated the frame-wise displacement (FD) and scrubbed any Significance threshold for imaging analysis was set at cluster-
frame with FD >0.5 mm (Power et al., 2012). level family-wise error (FWE)–corrected P < 0.05, starting from
an uncorrected voxel-level P-value of 0.001. After establishing
Seed definition and FC analysis CT’s effects on clinical variables and FC, correlation analyses and
mediation analysis were carried out to examine the relationships
After preprocessing, the seed-based whole-brain FC was calcu-
among CT as well as dimensions of neglect and abuse, abnormal
lated. Seeds were located in the bilateral amygdala and bilat-
FCs and depression, anhedonia and anxiety levels in MDD and HC
eral hippocampus. These seeds were defined as spheres with
a 4 mm radius centered on the following coordinates (Montreal
Neurological Institute): left amygdala (−23, −6, −20), right amyg-
dala (21, −6, −20), left hippocampus (−31, −25, −11) and right Results
Demographic and clinical variables

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hippocampus (29, −25, −11) (Lancaster et al., 2000; Birn et al., 2014).
The four groups did not differ in gender distribution and verbal
Statistical analysis intelligence. However, the age of MDD with moderate-to-severe
Two sample t-tests, one-way analysis of variances and χ2 tests CT group was greater than that of both HC groups. The two patient
were adopted to evaluate the demographic and clinical differ- groups and the two HC groups did not differ in age to each other.
ences among the four groups: MDD with moderate-to-severe CT, Both patient groups scored higher on PAS, State Anxiety Inven-
MDD patients with no or low CT, HC with moderate-to-severe CT tory (SAI), Trait Anxiety Inventory (TAI), and PSS compared to
and HC with no or low CT. HC groups, while there were no differences between two patient
The 2 (diagnosis: MDD, HC) × 2 (CT: moderate-to-severe, no or groups and two HC groups. MDD with moderate-to-severe CT
low) analysis of covariances were performed on FC images gener- scored higher on BDI than MDD with no or low CT. For both patient
ated by each amygdala and hippocampus seed using SPM12. Age, groups and HC groups, individuals with moderate-to-severe CT
gender, verbal intelligence and head parameter (mean FD) were scored higher on RSAS compared to individuals with no or low

Table 1. Demographic and clinical characteristics of MDD with moderate-to-severe CT, MDD with no or low CT, HC with moderate-to-
severe CT and HC with no or low CT groups

MDD with moderate- MDD with no or HC with moderate-to- HC with no or low
Characteristics to-severe CT (N = 42) low CT (N = 31) severe CT (N = 30) CT (N = 34) F/t/𝜒2 P

Age (years) 23.83 (5.91) 22.97 (5.85) 20.47 (2.71) 20.82 (2.73) 4.32 0.006
Gender (female, %) 23 (54.76) 23 (74.19) 16 (53.33) 17 (50.0) 4.66 0.198
Verbal intelligence 47.52 (7.48) 45.48 (8.22) 49.13 (7.55) 47.68 (7.55) 1.23 0.300
Duration (weeks) 23.31 (5.88) 22.13 (5.93) – – 0.83 0.407
Age onset 22.24 (5.83) 21.20 (5.92) – – 0.74 0.462
CTQ total 54.79 (11.08) 35.94 (4.57) 47.27 (10.15) 32.76 (4.42) 54.75 <0.001
Physical neglect 11.79 (3.05) 7.48 (1.46) 11.43 (3.28) 6.76 (1.40) 37.95 <0.001
Physical abuse 8.07 (3.22) 5.32 (0.83) 6.73 (2.84) 5.42 (0.97) 11.57 <0.001
Emotional neglect 18.12 (3.96) 9.94 (3.03) 14.00 (4.48) 8.91 (2.70) 50.08 <0.001
Emotional abuse 10.93 (4.48) 7.45 (2.28) 8.73 (3.20) 6.58 (1.58) 13.14 <0.001
Sexual abuse 5.88 (1.66) 5.74 (1.23) 6.37 (1.96) 5.18 (0.39) 3.63 0.015
Neglect 29.90 (5.42) 17.42 (3.58) 25.43 (5.89) 15.56 (3.59) 73.36 <0.001
Abuse 24.88 (7.72) 18.52 (2.66) 21.83 (6.37) 17.21 (1.98) 14.92 <0.001
BDI 30.79 (9.63) 25.26 (9.46) 7.70 (4.88) 5.29 (4.50) 97.02 <0.001
RSAS 22.43 (7.19) 18.35 (7.00) 13.33 (4. 17) 8.91 (4.42) 35.78 <0.001
PAS 31.62 (11.44) 26.13 (12.27) 18.30 (6.35) 13.91 (7.12) 24.02 <0.001
SAI 60.05 (12.59) 54.94 (9.92) 39.67 (8.13) 35.68 (8.75) 47.29 <0.001
TAI 63.26 (8.85) 58.68 (7.15) 43.87 (7.09) 39.53 (9.43) 67.80 <0.001
PSS 27.50 (6.52) 25.29 (6.63) 16.00 (5.36) 13.26 (4.94) 48.39 <0.001
FD 0.07 (0.03) 0.07 (0.04) 0.08 (0.02) 0.08 (0.03) 0.43 0.735
Frames censored (%) 0.04 (0.07) 0.01 (0.01) 0.02 (0.04) 0.02 (0.04) 2.68 0.050

Means with s.d. in parentheses.

Significant post hoc tests (P < 0.05, Bonferroni corrected): age: MDD with moderate-to-severe CT > HC with moderate-to-severe CT = HC with no or low CT; CTQ
total: MDD with moderate-to-severe CT > HC with moderate-to-severe CT > MDD with no or low CT = HC with no or low CT; physical neglect: MDD with
moderate-to-severe CT = HC with moderate-to-severe CT > MDD with no or low CT = HC with no or low CT; physical abuse: MDD with moderate-to-severe
CT > MDD with no or low CT = HC with no or low CT; emotional neglect: MDD with moderate-to-severe CT > HC with moderate-to-severe CT > MDD with no or low
CT = HC with no or low CT; emotional abuse: MDD with moderate-to-severe CT > HC with moderate-to-severe CT = MDD with no or low CT = HC with no or low
CT; sexual abuse: HC with moderate-to-severe CT > HC with no or low CT; neglect: MDD with moderate-to-severe CT > HC with moderate-to-severe CT > MDD with
no or low CT = HC with no or low CT; abuse: MDD with moderate-to-severe CT > MDD with no or low CT = HC with no or low CT; abuse: MDD with
moderate-to-severe CT = HC with moderate-to-severe CT > HC with no or low CT; BDI: MDD with moderate-to-severe CT > MDD with no or low CT > HC with
moderate-to-severe CT = HC with no or low CT; RSAS: MDD with moderate-to-severe CT > MDD with no or low CT > HC with moderate-to-severe CT > HC with no
or low CT; PAS, SAI, TAI, PSS: MDD with moderate-to-severe CT = MDD with no or low CT > HC with moderate-to-severe CT = HC with no or low CT.
MDD, major depressive disorder; CT, childhood trauma; HC, healthy controls; CTQ, Childhood Trauma Questionnaire; BDI, Beck Depression Inventory; RSAS, the
Revised Social Anhedonia Scale; PAS, Physical Anhedonia Scale; SAI, State Anxiety Inventory; TAI, Trait Anxiety Inventory; PSS, Perceived Stress Scale; FD,
frame-wise displacement.
4 Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 2023, Vol. 00, No. 00

CT. Two patient groups had similar age onset and illness duration. right hippocampus–generated FCs. MDD patients had increased
There were no significant differences in head motion parame- right amygdala–left middle frontal gyrus (MFG) FC, decreased
ters as indicated by mean FD and percentage of censored frames right amygdala–right medial superior frontal gyrus (mSFG) FC
among the four groups (Table 1). and decreased right hippocampus–bilateral mSFG FC than HC
(P < 0.05 FWEcorr-cluster) (Table 2, Figure 1B–D). No significant
Effects of CT on FC with seeds in amygdala and diagnosis × CT interactions for all four seeds were found.
Significant main effects of CT were detected on right amygdala– Correlation and mediation analyses
generated FCs. Participants with moderate-to-severe CT showed Results showed that right amygdala–right precuneus FC was
decreased right amygdala–right precuneus FC than those with no significantly correlated with trait social anhedonia (r = −0.42,
or low CT (P < 0.05 FWEcorr-cluster) (Table 2, Figure 1A). Significant P < 0.001) and trait physical anhedonia (r = −0.36, P = 0.002)
main effects of diagnosis were revealed on right amygdala– and (Figure 1E), while it was not correlated with depression (r = −0.10,

Table 2. Diagnosis and CT effects on functional connectivity with seed located in the amygdala and hippocampus

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Seeds Brain regions Voxel Peak coordinates (x/y/z; MNI) Peak t values (FWEcorr-cluster)

Effect of CT: with moderate-to-severe CT < with no or low CT

Right amygdala Right precuneus 42 15 −57 42 4.92 0.012
Effect of diagnosis: MDD > HC
Right amygdala Left middle frontal gyrus 38 −30 51 12 5.45 0.020
(BA 10, 46)
Effect of diagnosis: MDD < HC
Right amygdala Right medial superior frontal 87 6 54 39 4.56 <0.001
gyrus (BA 9, 10)
Right hippocampus Bilateral medial superior frontal 61 −9 60 30 4.31 <0.001
gyrus (BA 9, 10)
BDI controlled additionally
Effect of CT: with moderate-to-severe CT < with no or low CT
Right amygdala Right precuneus 39 15 −57 42 5.06 0.017

BA, Broadmann area; x, y, z, coordinates of peak locations in the Montreal Neurological Institute space (MNI). P < 0.05, cluster-level FWE corrected with voxel-level
starting from P < 0.001 uncorrected.

Fig. 1. Effect of CT and diagnosis on amygdala and hippocampus FC and the association with trait anhedonia. Image analysis revealed that
participants with moderate-to-severe CT, irrespective of MDD diagnosis, had decreased FC between right amygdala seed and right precuneus
compared to those with no or low CT (A). MDD patients generally had increased FC between right amygdala seed and left MFG (B) and decreased FC
between right amygdala seed and right mSFG (C) and between right hippocampus and bilateral mSFG relative to HC (D). The right amygdala–right
precuneus connectivity was significantly correlated with physical and social trait anhedonia in MDD (E). Significance threshold for image analyses was
set at P < 0.05, FWE cluster-level corrected, starting from voxel-level P < 0.001 uncorrected.
J. Fan et al. 5

P = 0.399) and anxiety (SAI: r = −0.22, P = 0.060; TAI: r = −0.13, levels in MDD. The main findings were as follows: (i) individu-
P = 0.268) in MDD patients (Table S4). The mediation analy- als with moderate-to-severe CT, irrespective of MDD diagnosis,
sis revealed that the mediation effect of right amygdala–right had decreased right amygdala–right precuneus FC than those
precuneus FC on the relationship between CT and physical with no or low level of CT; (ii) decreased right amygdala–right
trait anhedonia [𝛽 = 0.08, bootstrapped 95% confidence inter- precuneus FC was significantly correlated with social and phys-
val (CI) = 0.0132–0.1780, P = 0.022] and between CT and social ical trait anhedonia in MDD, and the mediation effects of this
trait anhedonia (𝛽 = 0.09, bootstrapped 95% CI = 0.0110–0.1120, FC on relationship between CT, especially the neglect dimension
P = 0.017) in MDD was both significant. After controlling for while not the abuse, and trait anhedonia were significant; and (iii)
FC mediation effects, the direct effect of CT on physical trait MDD patients generally had increased right amygdala–left MFG
anhedonia (𝛽 = 0.03, bootstrapped 95% CI = −0.1827 to 0.2430, FC, decreased right amygdala–right mSFG FC and decreased right
P = 0.825) and on social trait anhedonia (𝛽 = 0.04, bootstrapped hippocampus–bilateral mSFG FC compared to HC. These findings
95% CI = −0.0436 to 0.2065, P = 0.225) was not significant (Table 3). highlight the effect of CT on right amygdala–right precuneus FC,
Correlation and mediation analyses further conducted to distin- suggesting that this FC and the associated trait anhedonia might
guish the different effects of neglect and abuse dimensions of CT be manifested as important mechanisms involved in depression

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on right amygdala–right precuneus FC and on anhedonia. Results following CT.
showed that correlations between neglect and anhedonia and FC In the present study, we firstly identified the effect of CT on
were stronger than those of abuse (Table S5), and the mediation FC between right amygdala and right precuneus. Individuals with
effects of right amygdala–right precuneus FC on the relationship high levels of CT showed lower levels of FC. This finding was
between neglect (but not abuse) and trait anhedonia were signifi- consistent with previous ones that revealed CT’s effect on pre-
cant (Table 3, Figure 2). No other significant correlations between cuneus during mentalizing task (Quide et al., 2017) and detected
the altered FCs and depression and anxiety levels were detected a correlation between CT and decreased amygdala–precuneus FC
in both MDD and HC (Ps > 0.05, Table S4). during an emotional valence task (Cancel et al., 2017). Alterations
in amygdala and precuneus connectivity were also proposed in
the mechanism of depression by other studies (Luking et al., 2011;
Cullen et al., 2014). These findings may support our results, sug-
The present study examined the effects of CT on FC of amyg- gesting the critical role of CT targeting amygdala–precuneus FC,
dala and the association with anhedonia, anxiety and depression accounting for later-life depression.

Table 3. Mediation effects of right amygdala–right precuneus FC on the relationship between CT as well as its dimensions (neglect vs.
abuse) and anhedonia in MDD patients

95% CI 95% CI
Effect 𝛽 Boot LLCI Boot ULCI P Effect 𝛽 Boot LLCI Boot ULCI P

CTQ total→ FC → social anhedonia CTQ total → FC → physical anhedonia

Indirect effect 0.09 0.0110 0.1120 0.017 Indirect effect 0.08 0.0132 0.1780 0.022
Direct effect 0.04 −0.0436 0.2065 0.225 Direct effect 0.03 −0.1827 0.2430 0.825
Total effect 0.13 0.0018 0.2639 0.047 Total effect 0.11 −0.1122 0.3261 0.334
Neglect → FC →social anhedonia Neglect → FC → physical anhedonia
Indirect effect 0.10 0.0231 0.2024 0.021 Indirect effect 0.09 0.0273 0.3080 0.017
Direct effect 0.19 −0.0309 0.3842 0.126 Direct effect 0.11 −0.1904 0.5182 0.430
Total effect 0.29 0.0572 0.4848 0.019 Total effect 0.20 −0.0557 0.6610 0.153
Abuse → FC → social anhedonia Abuse → FC → physical anhedonia
Indirect effect 0.05 −0.0216 0.1767 0.191 Indirect effect 0.05 −0.0296 0.2848 0.191
Direct effect 0.06 −0.1708 0.2964 0.616 Direct effect −0.06 −0.4903 0.2962 0.627
Total effect 0.11 −0.1312 0.3735 0.354 Total effect −0.01 −0.4276 0.4041 0.962

Significant indirect effects are highlighted in bold. confidence interval (CI); lower limit of confidence interval (LLCI); upper limit of confidence interval (ULCI).

Fig. 2. Mediation effects of right amygdala and right precuneus connectivity on relationship between neglect and physical and social trait
anhedonia. (A) Mediation effect of the right amygdala and right precuneus FC on the relationship between neglect and physical trait anhedonia was
significant (𝛽 = 0.09, bootstrapped 95% CI = 0.0273–0.3080). (B) Mediation effect of the right amygdala and right precuneus FC on the relationship
between neglect and social trait anhedonia was significant (𝛽 = 0.10, bootstrapped 95% CI = 0.0231–0.2024). After controlling for indirect effects, the
direct effect of CT on trait anhedonia was not significant. Mediation analyses were generated by using the bootstrap method from 5000 bootstrapped
samples. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001.
6 Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 2023, Vol. 00, No. 00

Precuneus was a heterogeneous brain region, of which the dif- previous studies (van Harmelen et al., 2010; Chaney et al., 2014;
ferent subregions may have different connectivity patterns and be Opel et al., 2014; Lu et al., 2019; Meinert et al., 2019), indicating
involved in distinct cognitive functions such as visuospatial pro- that the neural alterations following CT may be a vulnerabil-
cessing (Nicole et al., 2005), mental imagery (Cavanna and Trimble, ity to future psychiatric conditions, and some brain alterations
2006), retrieval of episodic information (Dorfel ̈ et al., 2009), reflec- previously attributed to MDD diagnosis might rather be character-
tive self-related processing (Lou et al., 2004) and awareness and ized as a function of childhood maltreatment. We failed to detect
conscious information processing (Vogt and Laureys, 2005). The the significant correlation between this FC and trait anhedonia
precuneus identified in the present study was located in the in HC. The result of HC generally having lower trait anhedonia
dorsal-posterior subregion. It was proposed that this subregion as compared with MDD might help explain this phenomenon.
was more likely to be involved in the visuospatial information Further longitudinal studies are needed to examine the specific
processing and motor imagery (Zhang and Li, 2012). FC between relationship between brain and behavioral alterations in HC with
amygdala and this precuneus subregion has been revealed in moderate-to-severe CT.
previous task fMRI studies and suggested to be involved in emo- Besides the effects of CT, our analysis also revealed that MDD
tion regulation through directing attention toward or away from patients generally had increased right amygdala–left MFG (dor-

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emotional stimulus (Ferri et al., 2016). Attention control was an solateral prefrontal cortex) FC, decreased right amygdala–right
important emotion regulation strategy, which can influence indi- mSFG [dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (dmPFC)] FC and deceased
viduals’ emotion experience (Morawetz et al., 2017). In the present right hippocampus–bilateral dmPFC relative to HC. The role of
study, we revealed that this FC was correlated with trait anhe- amygdala–frontal and hippocampus–frontal connectivity in emo-
donia in MDD and found that the mediatory effect of this FC on tion processing and their critical role in MDD have been well
the relationship between CT and trait anhedonia was significant. established in previous studies (Banks et al., 2007; Herringa et al.,
Precuneus-related FC and morphometry of precuneus associated 2013; Dorfel et al., 2014; Liu et al., 2017), which were in line with
with positive emotion have also been reported by previous stud- our findings.
ies (Luo et al., 2017; Liu et al., 2021). Our findings further help link Several limitations should be noted when interpreting the
the amygdala–precuneus connectivity alterations accompanied results of this study. First, the CTQ is retrospective. Second,
with CT to the behavioral targets in MDD, raising the possibil- this is a cross-sectional study, and the FC, trait anhedonia and
ity that the alterations in amygdala–precuneus FC in individuals depression were assessed at the same time point. Although the
who experienced CT were associated with their decreased ability mediation model (CT–FC–trait anhedonia) was significant, fur-
to experience pleasure probably through the failures in emo- ther longitudinal investigations should be designed to confirm
tion regulation via attention deployment, which may be involved the model. Third, the MDD and HC were not well matched on
in the mechanism of depression following CT. Anhedonia was age. To further clarify the possible effects of age on our finding,
defined as the decreased enjoyment and interest during daily life. we removed six older patients in MDD groups to create a sub-
It was found to be related to deficits not only in brain reward set of subjects who were matched on age and reanalyzed the
system underlying hedonic experience (Wang et al., 2014; Bolton imaging data. The results were similar to the original ones (see
et al., 2018) but also in brain regions subserving the emotional details in Supplementary materials, Analysis of the effect of age,
processing and social cognition processes (Germine et al., 2011; Tables S6 and S7, and Figure S2). Also, our supplementary analy-
Wang et al., 2014; Gunther et al., 2017). Our previous study has sis revealed that the altered FCs were not significantly correlated
demonstrated that CT has effects on state anhedonia in MDD with age in both MDD and HC (Table S8). These results indicate
and has effects on physical anhedonia in HC via core reward that our main results were not likely driven by age differences.
circuit (Fan et al., 2020), which may complement the present find- Fourth, the present study design can be categorized as univari-
ings, highlighting the effect of CT on anhedonia, and suggesting ate brain-wide association studies (BWAS). Our sample size might
the mediation of not only dysfunction in reward system but also not be big enough to capture the robust BWAS effects (Marek et al.,
deficits in brain regions underlying emotional cognition aspects 2022). Also, only the univariate single seed definition scheme was
involved in links between CT and anhedonia. used for the resting-state FC analysis. These limitations may influ-
Moreover, our results revealed that, when the distinct CT types ence the robustness and generalizability of the present results
were taken into consideration, the neglect showed a stronger (Bryce et al., 2021). Further studies with longitudinal design and
magnitude of association with amygdala–precuneus FC and anhe- large sample size combining with some multivariate methods are
donia as compared with abuse, and amygdala–precuneus FC called for to confirm the present findings.
mediated the relationship between neglect but not abuse and
anhedonia. These findings further suggest that these effects were
more likely to be driven by neglect. Neglect and abuse were
proposed to influence distinct neural circuits (McLaughlin and In conclusion, this study showed that individuals of high levels
Sheridan, 2016). Several previous studies have demonstrated that of CT had decreased right amygdala–right precuneus FC. This FC
individuals exposed to neglect were at greater risks for anhedo- was associated with trait anhedonia in MDD, and the relationship
nia via deficits in reward-learning processing (Mehta et al., 2010; among CT, right amygdala–right precuneus FC and trait anhedo-
Goff et al., 2013; McLaughlin and Sheridan, 2016; Wismer Fries nia was more likely to be driven by CT dimension of neglect. These
and Pollak, 2017; Sheridan et al., 2018). Our findings were in line results may strengthen our insight into mechanisms linking CT to
with the previous ones but also indicate that the broader range of MDD. In addition, it may thereby highlight the potential targets
involved neural mechanism should be considered when exploring for early detection and therapeutic intervention in individuals
the effect of neglect on anhedonia. with CT.
In the present study, we revealed a similar right amygdala–
right precuneus FC alteration in HC with moderate-to-severe CT.
Supplementary data
Main effects of CT while not CT and diagnosis interactions were
not novel findings. This result pattern was consistent with many Supplementary data are available at SCAN online.
J. Fan et al. 7

Data availability depressive disorder and healthy participants. Journal of Psychiatry

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