The Birth of Jesus Christ

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The Birth of Jesus Christ

Luke 2:1-20

A. The birth of the Lord Jesus Christ was the fulfillment of the
prophecy in the Old Testament
1. The prophecy of the birthplace of Christ (Micah 5:2)
2. God’s promised a Savior immediately after the fall of man in
the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3: 15)
3. Prophecy concerning the Savior’s virgin birth (Isaiah 7:14)

B. The Significance of the Birthplace

1. Fulfillment of the Prophecy Micah 5:2 "Bethlehem" is from
the (Hebrew; beit-lechem), which literally means "house of
bread." The Messiah is the "bread of life" (John 6:35).
2. Tower of Flock (Migdal Edar)

New Testament clearly the city of Jesus’ birth was Bethlehem as

Micah 5:2 prophesied and as the Gospels of Matthew, Luke and
John confirm. (Matt. 2:1; Luke 2:4, 15; John 7:42)
Old Testament 1 Samuel 17:15, confirms Bethlehem as the City
of David, “But David went and returned from Saul to feed his
father's sheep at Bethlehem.”
But where in Bethlehem was Jesus born? The fact is that the New
Testament does not mention the exact place in Bethlehem of
where Jesus was born.
Although the New Testament does not tell us where in Bethlehem
Jesus was born, the Old Testament does. Micah 4:8 states, "And
thou, O tower of the flock, the strong hold of the daughter of Zion,
unto thee shall it come, even the first dominion; the kingdom shall
come to the daughter of Jerusalem." Thus the Old Testament
clearly states that the Messiah would be born at the "tower of the
flock" (Hebrew: Migdal Edar).
The phrase "tower of the flock" is the Hebrew phrase "Migdal
Edar" [mig-dawl ay-der] and means a "watch tower of the flock".
In ancient times this was a military tower erected to view into the
valley on the edge of Bethlehem to protect the city. Several of
these military towers are recorded in the Old Testament (See
Judges 8:71, 9:46, 9:51; 2 Kings 9:17, 18:8; Nehemiah 3:1)
The tower at Bethlehem is first mentioned in Genesis 35:21, "And
Israel journeyed, and spread his tent beyond the tower of Edar"
("tower of Edar" - Migdal Edar). After Jacob left Bethel he came to
Edar (the tower) and there Rachel began hard labor and as she
delivered Benjamin she died and was buried there in Ephratah
which is Bethlehem" (Gen. 35:19). After burying Rachel, Jacob
moved his flocks beyond the tower of Edar. This would pinpoint
the location as being near to what is present day Bethlehem.
Clearly, this establishes that Migdal Edar, "the tower of the flock"
was in Bethlehem in Bible times.
In addition, Migdal Edar is also mentioned by the Jewish Targums
and is translated "The Anointed One of the flock of Israel". 5
Thus, Targum Yonatan, cited by Rabbi Munk, paraphrases
Genesis 35:23 and Micah 4:8, "He spread his tent beyond Migdal
Edar, the place where King Messiah will reveal Himself at the end
of days." What are we to make of all of this information from the
writings of the rabbis?
First, we know that Migdal Edar was the watchtower that guarded
the Temple flocks that were being raised to serve as sacrificial
animals in the Temple. These were not just any flock and herd.
The shepherds who kept them were men who were
specifically trained for this royal task. They were educated in
what an animal, that was to be sacrificed, had to be and it
was their job to make sure that none of the animals were
hurt, damaged, or blemished."6 These lambs were apparently
wrapped in "swaddling clothes" to protect them from injury and
also were used to wrap the Lord Jesus.

Who were the shepherds who first received the news of the
birth of the Messiah?

Luke 2:8-18 records that there were shepherds in the fields

keeping watch over their sheep by night. Who then were these
shepherds? Without question these were shepherds who resided
near Bethlehem They were none other but the shepherds from
"Migdal Edar" who were well aware that the Targum hinted and
many of the rabbis taught that Messiah might well be announced
from "Migdal Edar" at Bethlehem.

The angels only told the shepherds that they would find the Babe
wrapped in "swaddling cloths and lying in a manger." There was
no need for the angels to give these shepherds directions to the
birth place because they already knew. These were the men who
raised sacrificial lambs that were sacrificed in the Temple. When
the angelic announcement came, they knew exactly where to go,
as Luke 2 indicates, for the sign of a manger could only mean
their manger at the tower of the flock!

You cannot explain the meaning or direction of the sign they were
given or their response unless you have the right manger and the
right shepherds!

John the Baptist in John 1:29 proclaimed of Jesus, "Behold the

Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world." Jesus is
presented in the Bible as being "in type" as a sacrificial lamb.
It was not by chance but by choice that Christ identified His death
with the time of the observance of the Passover.
Peter spoke of our redemption as wrought by the "precious blood
of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot"( 1 Pet.
1:19); and Paul told us that "Christ our Passover is sacrificed for
us" ( 1 Cor. 5:7). Even the first fulfilled type by which Christ is to
be revealed in Heaven is as the Lamb (Rev. 5:6-13)

C. The Significance of the Genealogy of Christ (Gal. 3: 16)

1. Joseph (Matthew 1)
2. Mary (Luke 2:23-38)

D. The Significance of the Virgin Birth of Christ.

1. His unique conception
- Luke 1:35
- Matthew 1:16
- Psalm 2: 7
2. His unusual relation – “born of Mary, a virgin.”
- God became flesh (John 1:14; Galatians 4:4)
- God remained perfect (Romans 5: 12; 1 Corinthians 15: 45-

3. His Undeniable position – He is both the Son of God and

God the Son (Isaiah 9:6)
- It means that Jesus Christ is God revealed to us (John 1: 18,
14: 7-11)
- It means that Jesus Christ provided an example by which we
can live our lives (1 Peter 2:21)
- It means that Jesus Christ was an effective sacrifice for our
sin (Hebrews 10: 1-10)
- It means that Jesus Christ has destroyed the works of the
devil (1 John 3: 8)
- It means that Jesus Christ is a sympathetic High Priest
(Hebrews 4: 14-16)
- It means that Jesus Christ is a qualified Judge (John 5: 22,

The Lord Jesus Christ is 100% God and 100% man. The virgin
birth of Christ means the Incarnation. The Incarnation, God
becoming flesh, is the lasting state for our Lord.
Why is the virgin birth important?
1 John 5: 20
And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an
understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in
him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true
God, and eternal life.
We should realize that we have a PERFECT Savior. (continue….)
Insert John 3: 16; For God so loved the world….
Luke 19: 10: For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that
which was lost.

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