Entrepreneur DVD ACT (Student)

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Company/ Project name

Paperless check, Traffic Density Detection and Automated theft detection of Vehicles
Make your journey safe and Hassle free!!!


a. The Grab (short description of the investment opportunity you are presenting in the form
of vision and/or mission statement):

Dreaming about a Hassle-free and safe journey? Make it a Reality

Vehicle registration papers get directly checked by the smart poles on passing by
Notification for the expiry dates of other relevant papers
Traffic Density detection
Automated theft detection of your Vehicle
Everything above and more with no complex technology and expensive devices

b. Do you have a working prototype? (Y/N) Y

c. Events you are participating in (choose only one )

Pitch Premier

d. Problem/ Opportunity (Describe your target buyer’s need or desire. Avoid technical
terms and only focus on explaining the opportunity. Also include the profile of target

Identity of a vehicle, Safety of a vehicle, impact of vehicle on the surroundings

surprisingly depend upon the papers of the Vehicle. But papers are checked manually making it
impossible to check them everywhere at every trip leaving loop holes in the security
Traffic density detection methodology still needs some enhancement. Automated theft detection
is either unreliable or too expensive

e. Solution/ Product (Describe how you want to address the need or opportunity.
Concentrate on essential value proposition and customer benefits):

The product promises the following Value proposition

Hassle-free journey
Safety of the Vehicle and Consumer
Security of our Nation
Pollution free Atmosphere
Vehicle theft depletion (yes !! no one will dare vehicle theft)
All this with simple innovation and affordable technology

f. Team structure (describe about the work division among the team members)


Hardware IoT
(Akansha) (Sneha)
a. Industry which your business idea caters to:

Electronics & Hardware 1
Telecom 3
Healthcare NA
Media & entertainment NA
Manufacturing NA
Clean technology/ alternative fuel NA

Agriculture NA
Retail NA
Food & Beverages NA
Financial Service NA
Applications & services 2
Internet of Things 1
Bio-business NA
Others(Please specify): NA
a. Market analysis: (a description of the market you are operating/ planning to
operate in, highlighting the gaps and opportunities, the customer needs you are
satisfying, the market leaders, the size & scalability, trends, competition etc.
Word limit: Up to150 words)

Road-Transport system - Vehicles are going to increase on the Roads many folds.
So, congested traffics, Air pollution, Vehicle theft is going to increase as well. Unless
there is no Discipline in carrying papers or valid driving license, accidents are bound
to happen at a larger rate.
Opportunities- IoT is growing and the infrastructure can be made ready to grab the
IoT wave in its favor. Implementation of IoT can make carrying the papers and
checking them hassle free. Vehicle theft can almost be eradicated. Well Disciplined
system will bring the air pollution, accident rates to minimal. IoT will collect the Big
Data that can be used for predictive and prescriptive analysis that can help to solve
many traffic related problems and at the same time can generate revenue through
this data
Size and scalability – the market size is as big as our Transport system. This project
can be implemented with some smart poles and some vehicles. Then the short
comings can be worked upon. Finally, it would require a year to implement it fully.
As the Government can give directives to the automobile industry to inbuilt the
system in their vehicles
b. Product analysis

Hardware Details –
The project has two modules A) vehicle Module B) Toll plaza Module
Vehicle Module –
i) It consists of a Wi-Fi enabled chip (esp8266) which makes the module
IoT enabled
ii) So, the Vehicle documents can be dematerialized and stored on the
iii) The documents can be accessed as and when required
iv) P.U.C and Insurance renewal dates can be notified to owner as well as
the Concerned Depts
v) It has RFID tag with a uniqued Id and can be scanned by the reader on
various check posts.

Check Post Module –

i) It consists of a Wi-Fi enabled chip (esp8266) which makes the module IoT
ii) It has RFID card reader which can easily read RFID tag on the vehicle and
get its unique Id
iii) It can communicate with server to check the values from reader and take
appropriate action
iv) It handles all the three cases efficiently
a) The non -registered vehicles are detected
b) The registered but Stolen vehicles are detected
c) The vehicles which have not updated their papers are detected
v) It also consists of TWI LCD which displays messages as per situation
vi) The Toll plaza has a webcam which clicks the pics at decided intervals and
the visual record is then stored in the Dropbox.
vii) The web cam uses Arduino YUN as the microcontroller
viii) YUN has Linux processor and can do the heavy lifting work such as clicking
the images and sending it to the server
Software Details – The project consists of A) Website B) Android App
i) The website is build using the latest ASP.Net Core framework in Visual Studio
ii) The website is not a demo website but Live on the Azure Portal
iii) Microsoft azure gives the website – stability, security and scalability
iv) On the client side it uses Bootstrap, JavaScript etc
v) The website interacts with the IoT devices and the Android app using API
vi) Special feature - one can register complain about the Vehicle theft and from
the next moment all the check posts become alert and help to grab the stolen
vii) The website stores all the information using SQL databases on the server

Android App
i) The app is build using the Android Studio3 IDE
ii) The app uses all the Http Networking Basics
iii) It interacts with the website and iot devices using API endpoints
iv) A person can register a theft complain in few clicks
v) Notifications about the expiry dates of various vehicle documents

Microsoft Azure
i) Microsoft Azure is an open, flexible, enterprise-grade cloud computing
ii) So, our website is hosted live on the azure portal
iii) The website database is also hosted live on the azure portal
i) Temboo services have choreos which connect two or more services
ii) It serves as an interface between the check post module and the server.
iii) Our check post module has a webcam that clicks the images and sends to
the DropBox using Temboo Choreos
iv) Check post module also receives information from the vehicle and sends it
to the Googlespreadsheet
i) IFTTT has applets which connect two or more services
ii) It serves as an interface between Vehicle module and the server
iii) When the documents are about to expire , IFTTT server is noted
iv) Server then sends mails to the concerned departments and the owner.

Besides the above services, DropBox, Gmail , Google Calendar, Google spreadsheet,
social media like twitter are some of the services used to store the mail, Schedules as
well as to store the images, documents etc.
c. Sales & Distribution of the Product/Service (Distribution plan. Word limit: Up to 150
We will use Digital Marketing to create awareness and build a brand around it.
The product will be tested installing few smart poles and some frequently passing
vehicles. Once 1000 vehicles are tested for a period of 3 months, we will offer the
services to the other vehicles and other places and cities. The model for testing
and implementation will be replicated there afterwards



a. Current state of development
1. Is a prototype ready or has a pilot been done?
Ans: Y
2. In case of a product/process, has a patent been applied for
3. If patent has been granted, give patent details
4. Has the company been already registered?
5. If yes, provide company name
b. Next steps that you have in mind to take this business/idea forward (talk of what stage
your product/service is currently in and what stage you need to grow the business further
word limit: up to 150 words):
Firstly, the product is to be tested vigorously and checked for various parameters. So,
we would require a proper software lab with internet connection to finalize upon the
Software logic in the product. Then we would require marketing staff to crack a deal
on customized hardware that would go in to build the product. We would also require
a technician that would keep a check if at all any problem occur during real
environment testing. Our existing team would require expertise help in IoT domain to
encounter different issues that might come up. When there is Huge data it takes the
form of a dataset and then ML, AI knock the door. In simple words, There is lot of
opportunities to use the data to predict useful information. So, We are already in to
basic ML and AI. But we would require expertise domain. So, the expertise training
has a share in investment cost.
c. Details of investment already made in your idea (for those who are running a business
please share the total investments till date. Those who have just started should give broad
details of any investment made- either by themselves, by their families or any venture
capitalists. If no investment has been made, please mention ‘none’. Word limit: up to 100

d. Details of the revenue (for an existing business, summarize the past years
revenues and profits and project the same for next three years (if applicable)
in a tabular format. If it is in the planning stage, mention the projected
revenues. Word limit: up to 150 words):

Minimum Calculation for a Startup Business

The IoT device for the vehicle can be sold for Rs 3000 with a profit of at least Rs 2000.

The smart pole module can be sold for Rs 45000 with a minimum profit of Rs 25000

In One year 10000 vehicle devices sold will give us a profit of Rs 20000000

In one year 400 smart pole devices will fetch us a profit of Rs 10000000

Rs 3 Crores in the very first year

Actual FY 23-24 revenues (for an existing business):

Projected FY 24-25 revenues:

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